Trump accused Democrats of orchestrating a government shutdown to detract from the anniversary of his inauguration
— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 20, 2018
Am I a terrible person if my first thought is “At least the porn star gets tested for STDs on a regular basis… “ ?
Well, you can see why Trump was so sad about missing it.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) January 21, 2018
Mar-a-Lago guests paying $100k or more per couple to attend Trump’s inauguration anniversary political fundraising fala—which Eric & Don Jr attended in President Trump’s stead due to the shutdown—are apparent “traumatized” by scooping caviar with plastic spoons.
— Anna Massoglia (@annalecta) January 21, 2018
Trump Cult lady here stupidly paid $100,000 for an evening of rubbing up against trash at Skeez-a-Lago, and yet she's devastated to discover tacky plastic spatulas in the caviar spittoons at the filthy-ass brothel of a shithole grifter.
— ?Ryan Adams (@filmystic) January 21, 2018
Meanwhile, in South Carolina…
I smell like an ash tray. Also, I feel like one. Also, director's cut of the story involved a journalist who got kicked out because she was secretly filming Stormy with her phone, and another journalist who put his face in Stormy's cleavage.
— Dan Zak (@MrDanZak) January 21, 2018
GREENVILLE, S.C. — Year 2 of the Trump presidency began here overnight much like Year 1 had ended: with his alleged ex-mistress smashing people’s faces into her bare chest at a strip club between an airport and a cemetery.
Adult film star Stormy Daniels, who once claimed to have slept with Donald Trump not long after he married Melania, performed at 11 p.m. Saturday — the anniversary of his inauguration — and 1 a.m. Sunday here on the outskirts of town…
A normal Saturday at the Trophy Club brings in 100 to 150 people — and for a while on Saturday it seemed at least double that. “Making America Horny Again,” said a big sign outside, a play on Trump’s campaign slogan. Inside there was patriotic bunting on the brass railings. Red, white and blue balloons floated above each sticky table…
Reporters from several major news outlets staked out the strip club for hours and hours this weekend, just in case a porn star said or did something newsworthy. As if she might vault onstage, rip off her corset and — instead of clutching a pole with her pelvis — launch a news conference.
“It’s demeaning,” said Suzanne Coe, who nevertheless brought a copy of Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” for Daniels to sign as a trivia prize for her bar downtown. “And it’s demeaning we have a first lady who posed naked. I don’t think you can humiliate America anymore.”…
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is 38. Yes, she is a porn star; she is also a mother, writer, director and advocate. In 2005, she lobbied the California legislature on behalf of the porn industry. In 2008, she talked about online safety for children at the National Press Club in Washington. In 2009, she was drafted to run for Senate in her native Louisiana against David Vitter, the conservative disgraced by his entanglement in a prostitution ring.
“Politics can’t be any dirtier of a job than the one I’m already in,” she told CNN then. Little did she know. Two years later she would detail her tryst with Trump to In Touch Weekly, which did not run it until a year into his presidency…
Quality of euphemisms has really deteriorated since Trump took office. Before, when a politician cheated on his wife he was "hiking the Appalachian trail." Now he's "fucking a porn star."
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) January 21, 2018
Jerzy Russian
Christ, what assholes!
I think it’s interesting that nobody in Trump’s orbit seems to have even tried to deny it. LAWL.
Trash. These people are fucking trash.
There’s always a goofy Irish dog.
Major Major Major Major
@Suzanne: even the WSJ broke the story of how she got paid.
The assholes in the photo obviously have enough money to dress well, and that’s what they chose? Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
You can take the con-man out of Queens,
but you can’t take the Queens out of the con-man.
Many, many people are saying it’s the most luxurious, classiest plastic evah. Believe me!
@eclare: I know, right? My god, how tacky. They may have money but they have no taste. You’d think the women and men would be in evening dress for that money, that the women wouldn’t look like retired hookers and the men wouldn’t look so much like wannabe mobsters.
Ok, not all of the women look like retired hookers. A couple look like teachers, a couple look worse.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
This reminds me how Drumpf wears fake jewelry and brags about owning fake art treasures.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I have for years had one high-class piece of knowledge about The Finer Things, and it is about bone or mother-of-pearl spoons for caviar.
I had caviar once, at the ritziest wedding I’ll ever attend.
This incident is hilarious and somehow reflects on both Trump and the complainant very badly.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Chuck Todd isn’t a journalist.
Doug R
You can’t cheat an honest man. Sheep for the con man.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Charlie Sheen is the classy one in a room with Trump.
Say it aloud. Bask in what that means.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Drumpf is a dumb person’s idea of a rich person.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
In all likelihood, whoever sold the painting to Trump probably convinced him it was an original. Given his general lack of actual skill in negotiation or dealmaking, he just assumed he’d know if someone was trying to take him and didn’t bother with an appraisal by an expert.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
I know I’m a broken record on this, but this is how narcissists always end up getting what they want: they lie so persistently and so shamelessly that other people give up trying to correct them, because it’s like talking to a door.
I doubt it. I’d bet that he bought it as a reproduction and then convinced himself that it was real. At this point, he probably doesn’t even have any consciousness that it’s fake, because what’s inside his head is reality, so if he thinks it’s genuine, it is, until the day he decides it’s not, at which point he will insist that he never claimed it was genuine and you’re the one who’s crazy if you say he did.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Thanks Obummer
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@John: Doubtful. A Renoir can go for 78 million. Even if you’re only paying 10% of that, no way a dead beat like Drumpf pays that. Moreover insurance companies require appraisals before covering large ticket intangible items.
Jay S
At 100k a couple that’s a half million dollar line up there. They look like they might steal real serving utensils.
Because I’m a masochist I checked the Stormy Daniels story on—-one wee story 10 days ago with the Trump spokesperson’s denial of the tryst and nothing since then. Nothing about the payment details in the WSJ, nary a peep re: the Forbes magazine frottage.
Furthermore, there’s not a single hit for “Stormy Daniels” on, home of eight straight years of Gay Muslim Obama.
Should I dedicate my life to filling the comment sections of right-wing sites with actual facts? Someone’s gotta clue in Cletus Nation and the Fox News crew is clearly too busy covering the ongoing misdeeds of the Clinton administration.
Betty Cracker
Are those photos purportedly taken at the Corruption Cotillion for real? Come on, man. That can’t be real.
@Betty Cracker: I’m sure that the plastic spoon part is real and I’m wondering about the quality of the “caviar”*.
*I’m thinking it was probably picked up at “Bob’s Bait Shop” a bit down the coast.
The Ancient Randonneur
@Betty Cracker: Look at the dress on the woman on the far left in that photo. Then look at where the Current Occupant’s tiny digit is pointing. No way that picture is real.
Plastic spoons? Bozhe moi!
The horror, the horror….
Are they sure it wasn’t Dixie Caviar?
And then there’s the bogus jewelry.
The Ancient Randonneur
@?BillinGlendaleCA: No way Putin sends the good stuff to a guy who eats his steak well done and with ketchup.
Betty Cracker
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The plastic spoons I believe. (At least they knew better than to use metal spoons.) But the group photo — nah. Someone ‘shopped in people from a retirement party at the Pembroke Pines Hooter’s.
@Jay S: they honestly look like FLA retirees who just spent a chunk of retirement savings to brush up next to the man himself. Just another con like Trump Steaks, etc.
@Betty Cracker
Did read (in passing) somewhere that the salad course was strawberries, raspberries, goat cheese and blueberries atop –
wait for it
wait for it
– iceberg lettuce.
@Betty Cracker: My eyes are just blurry enough to think you wrote
To which I thought, Boy, that’s one successful entrepreneur to sew up a whole town like that.
From November last:
If you’d have given this bunch real spoons they’d have disappeared them in their pockets or handbags and taken them home. Trump knows his customers.
BTW: How much did Trump charge the RNC for holding the event at Mar-a-Lago?
Magda in Black
Was this a costume party?
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I always thought that was in many ways the quintessential Trump anecdote: He basically assumed he was right, demanded to be treated like the boss who you have to agree with, wore the interviewer down until they couldn’t respond anymore, and in Trump’s mind that counts as winning the argument.
My first thought is, “At least it’s an actual job, one that available evidence would indicate she shows up and does well, which is more than we can say for him.” Same goes for Melania’s modeling career, for that matter.
Magda in Black
Its ” teaching pigs to sing” : wastes your time and annoys the pig.
See also: pearls before swine.
Ive tried. Its pointless.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I was at the Art Institute in Chicago a couple months ago and specifically went to look at Renoir’s Two Sisters painting because I was with my sister, and had just learned that it had been her favorite for years. I wonder why Trump has a fake one of that painting specifically. The elder sister is really not foxy. And he has no other way of gauging value in things other than comic book boobs and hair.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
@Magda in Black:
They will either scream “fake news”, “Communist CNN”, or resort to their old standby of calling anyone who disagrees with them a moron or worse.
Which is ironic considering fake news is exactly what they believe.
The problem with Trumpistas isn’t what they know, it’s what they know that just ain’t so.
Magda in Black
@Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman):
…and I’ve neither the time nor the patience to give the history lesson required for them to even begin understand…..IF they cared.
And I’m off to work in an office full….of “them”
randy khan
The tweet about how the shutdown was intended to distract from the first anniversary of his inauguration is so perfectly Trump – naturally, it’s all about him.
Mrs J and I went to a charity event at Mar-a-Lago back in the late 90’s, we were stunned at the painting of trump in tennis clothes, from the neck down he’s built like the winner of a body building contest. I can remember driving by Mar-a-Lago and noticed the beach house (it’s across Ocean Blvd from the club) had broken roof tiles and poorly patched stucco. It’s a pretty good bet that Marjorie Merriweather Post. never served caviar with plastic spoons.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
Is that picture of the guests real? At first glance, I thought it was a costume party.
Reading through her followup comments on that Instagram post, I think she was trolling.
@Magda in Black: I tried for a long while and finally gave up. It’s exhausting to constantly be around people that stupid. They revel in their ignorance and wear it as a badge of honor. Nothing you say is going to change their mind. You can have the evidence in hand, right in font of their eyes, and they’ll still deny it all.
I’ll continue to repeat this until it’s no longer valid (yes, I’ll never stop repeating it):
I’m horrible because I looked at that picture and thought, you pay how much for dinner, but you dress like you bought your clothes at K-Mart?
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): The more I look at it…it couldn’t possibly be a costume party making fun of the Stormy Daniels bit, could it? It just seems like all the women have these crazy bleached blonde wigs, and the one on the far right looks to be wearing a fake policeman’s outfit.
I grew up in an old trailer in Mississippi and I still find all of this disturbing.
Ignorance is strength in Trump land.
What is this latest hoo-rah about missing Strzok text messages?
I don’t get people. Of course these are the real people. Of course they dress like that. They LIKE donald trump. let that sink in, here I’ll repeat it. They LIKE donald trump. Their taste, like their heads are up their asses. Of course they used plastic forks, because not one of the guests would think anything of it. drumpf is, if you stretch it, tacky at best. drumpf is a poor white man’s idea of class. He is also well off white trash’s idea of class. Realize that they have no more class than he does. Of course they are going to dress like the occupants of a horror movie hotel, in a shit hole town, that is next to a coal mine, that’s who they are.
Uncle Cosmo
Why is it false? It’s certainly true in the voting booth, as we saw to our sorrow.
I get so sick of this sort of complaint. What the “intelligent”sia don’t get is that, since roughly the time of the Michelson-Morley experiment, what we’ve been able to determine about the detectable universe has become increasingly at odds with what John Q. Public perceives with his own senses, & what mechanisms we’ve been able to derive from our observations have been increasingly at odds with what JQP would have thought. (Quantum electrodynamics being the prize example – a mathematical construct that reproduces reality down to ‘leventy-seven decimal places but makes no [common] sense, as every physicist from Bohr on has freely admitted. Its logic is arcane but its impact on everyday life, from MRI scans to atom bombs, is profound – & is inaccessible to the average human’s brain.)
Some of the problem is the way those with expertise talk to those without it. Most of us have had teachers (authority figures in our lives who aren’t parents) whose attitude boiled down to Learn this, you’ll be tested on it, & don’t waste my time with stupid questions! & the implication was I know stuff that you don’t & that makes me better than you! Conversely, many of us have had teachers whose message was, I understand stuff you don’t yet, but I’m going to help you understand it, & I’ll bet you’ll find out understanding is a pretty neat thing! They strive to lift their students up to their level instead of shoving them down to remain forever inferior.
When the undereducated (note: not “stupid”) listen to “experts” (in climate change, nuclear weapons, automation, etc.) what they often hear is someone talking down to them. And yet there is a fragment of that group, so well represented in the WWC, that responds to knowledge – when presented respectfully, modestly, and cleverly.
For example: A solid case can be made that “global warming” can have paradoxical effects, e.g., an increase in the number &/or strength of storms. Can we make that case to someone who dropped out of high school? I think so. I think we can use everyday experience (like water boiling in a kettle) to explain it & turn it into a “no shit!” moment.
It’s not going to be all that easy – hell, try talking about non-linear systems to someone who looks at the Mandelbrot set & sees a weird-looking beetle with bumps (& how many non-mathematicians have any clue as to what the Mandelbrot set really is & what it signifies?). But IMHO as many as 10% of the seemingly-incorrigible Trumpistas could be moved by this sort of outreach. We can & should turn firmly away from the WBC – the White Bigot Class – without turning our backs on that, what 3% of the electorate. That 3% added to the people already with us – getting them registered & to the polls – could make for one real rip-roaring wave.
karen marie
@Mnemosyne: Ted Cruz has decided this is a great tack.
So, on the left, in the background, there is a woman and a guy in a hat leaning over maybe a chafing dish fill of wieners or something. What kind of classy joint is this where men wear hats indoors?