Everyone who has paypaled me is now on my master list as paid with their address (thank you for emailing them when paypal would not give me the info), and now I am just waiting on the checks coming in the mail and the calendars coming from the supplier.
If you have not paypal’d me the money and are going to, the directions are in this post. It looks like you fuckers have opted against the hot tub. Dicks.
If you need to mail a check, mail me at [email protected]
zhena gogolia
I mailed my check today.
Hey, I kicked and xtra fin for the hell of it.
Fuck you, Cole. You get a hot tub when I get one. ?
Mary G
I looked at that 49″ curved monitor you wanted on Amazon a while back and users only gave it 3.5 stars out of 5. So I didn’t buy it for you.
@geg6: I have a hot tub. I sent an extra $25 in the post today specifically targeted at the hot tub. Ok, it was to cover the one I offered to buy for Miss Bianca, since I misunderstood a lack of office wall space as being unable to afford adorable pets on view, and which Cole forgot we had discussed in the emails. But hey, it’s all good. I told him he could find the tub or send it to MARC. It’s his call.
John, I’ve got a hot tub I’ll *give* you. Just schlepp it up from Sarasota and it’s yours…
The mere thought of the forthcoming myriad of hot tub accident tales is enough to either make one dash screaming from the room or pony up the shekels. No middle ground.
@DCrefugee: Does it work? I have a truck and could use a trip to Florida. Hell, I might get to meet the mighty Cracker in the process.
Mailed my check today. Thanks again.
John Cole
@DCrefugee: What shape is it in?
@John Cole: just checking in from Bangkok, saw this post and this answer, and wanted to say I love you John. Ya big mensch.
I will be sending you a PayPal when I get back to secure wi-fi in the States.