Gen. Goldfein, Chief of Staff of the US Air Force, the most senior Jewish American officer in the US military last seen in overwatch for Santa last Christmas, is once again subtweeting the President.
This is Staff Sgt. Eric Piime. He's a boom operator with @121ARW & he's an inspiration. His story began in his native Ghana where he developed a fascination with aviation & an appreciation for the U.S. His is a story of hope, hard work, perseverance & patriotism. #Airpower
— Gen. Dave Goldfein (@GenDaveGoldfein) January 24, 2018
Give ‘er the gun indeed!
Open thread.
What is subtweeting?
My kid toured the AF Research Lab yesterday & came home with a lot of very fancy swag. She is, in part, the droid they are looking for, with high marks in math, physics, chemistry & foreign languages. However, she is a naturalized citizen of the US and retains her Cambodian citizenship as well. So the recruiter for the Academy went from having a VERY good day to…not sure what kind of day she had.
Kid liked the lab a lot, between the hanger-sized microwave chamber and the robots. Maybe Gen. Goldfein’s outreach is going the right way!
Mike J
@WaterGirl: Talking about somebody without using their name.
@WaterGirl: When you cast shade on some asshole without ever directly referring to him.
Hard work?
Something greater than oneself?
Man I hope Trumpov has to watch this on a loop for the entire length of his eventual sentence…
Adam L Silverman
So the President tweets about limiting immigration in a way that would all but zero out immigrants from countries in Africa based on the plans developed by his senior aides and Gen. Goldfein tweets out a story about Staff Sergeant Piime.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
Someone on here recommended the Slow Burn podcast (on Slate) about Watergate. Thanks to them. I just listened to the 7 available episodes. I lived through Watergate and I’d forgotten half of this stuff.
Adam L Silverman
@PhoenixRising: I highly recommend her pursuing it. The clearance itself will be worth my weight in gold in future prospects. And if she makes a career of it, she’ll have one of the few gold plated pensions after 20 years of service. And even better if she goes 25 to a full 30.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: hot take!
Adam L Silverman
Deranged person fight! Oh my!
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: There’s some truth to that, because teenage boys put politics aside and share her nude photos.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: nyt suck up never stops
@Adam L Silverman: Humor is always appreciated on a slow Friday evening.
Melania brings her unique background as a call girl, er, escort, er model to the WH.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: Walk away slowly, Adam.
@JPL: …and we have a WINNER!
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: @Gin & Tonic: I’m rooting for injuries. On both sides!
@WaterGirl: Here…let me…answer that for you. Throwing shade on twitter without naming the target or including that person’s twitter handle.
@Mike J: @FlyingToaster: Thank you. It was obviously in reference to his having come from a shithole country, but I hadn’t heard that phrase before.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
Who puts out this shit from that Twitter handle?
Adam L Silverman
Oy vey!
@Adam L Silverman: I think a military career would be a great fit for my kid’s strengths. I’m just not sure an immigrant can go all the places her US-born cousin can, and I don’t want to encourage her to pursue one of the only kinds of success she can’t have if she’s willing to work for it. For many reasons I’m hoping that the prejudice against foreign-born Americans that is currently in power will be put out at the curb shortly.
@Adam L Silverman: Got it! thanks
@Adam L Silverman: COS Kelly is on his way out.
Retro love song accompaniment for Hope Hicks (or Sarah what’s-her-face, or (eww!) Ivanka): The Gentleman Is a Dope.
@Adam L Silverman: What a fucking whiner he is. I would be humiliated to have my issues on display on twitter every single fucking day, and yet the president does it to himself.
Adam L Silverman
@PhoenixRising: Feel free to email me offline if you want to confab. I can connect you with a good friend from grad school whose last assignment before he retired was as a professor at the Air Force Academy. I also have another good friend and former colleague who is a retired USAF colonel who now teaches at a university as well.
Corner Stone
@PhoenixRising: I am guessing this is not the “As Fuck Research Lab”?
Twitter has ruined everything.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@WaterGirl: Well isn’t that modern “conservatism” in a nutshell – always whining.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: It’s weird because, can they all be wrong and crazy AF at the same time in this one thread?
“The Jester”. Give me a fucking break, dbag.
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Perhaps. I’m just now reading Costa’s article. I think I said I thought the over under would be about 6 months or so when he took the job.
@Corner Stone
Albert Finney Research Lab?
Corner Stone
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Kelly is going to sleeper hold Trump until he passes out. Then he’s coming off the top rope, ala Jimmy “Superfly Snooka”.
Heeeellllloooo military junta!!
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Always whining and nothing is EVER their fault.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Is that the one about “radical” Melania? I couldn’t read the whole thing it was so bad. Not, of course, as bad as the profile of Dana Loesch but still… Cancel the FNYT!
@Jeffro: Me also. The current president was raised on hatred of the others, and we are all suffering the consequences.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: It is an all you can eat buffet for every intelligence agency on the planet.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Don’t worry, Brave Retired Military Officer Kelly will land on his feet and run for office under the aegis of the GOP. He may yet return to the White House and Make America White Again like it was in his youth of the 1940s.
@Adam L Silverman: More and more, he’s converging on the portrayal of Kim Jung-Il in Team America: World Police.
Yes, Trump is becoming an _actual_ puppet.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Something along the lines of this:
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Won’t be a junta. Junta is derived from the Arabic jundiyah meaning military. Stephen Miller won’t allow the use of that type of term.
@Adam L Silverman: From the article:
That alone makes me think Kelly is toast, which doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I had an open mind about Kelly when he started, but he has shown his true colors and he can’t be gone soon enough for me. I thought he would help keep Trump in line, but I never expected that Kelly would push things in the direction that he has. Are you still thinking he’s an honorable man?
Corner Stone
@dmsilev: “Do you know how fucking busy I am?!”
@Adam L Silverman: I wonder whether some of those agencies feel miffed at how easy it is. “We can spend months or years developing sources deep inside the American Government and learn their secrets. Or we can follow the President on Twitter.”
Adam L Silverman
@Adam L Silverman: Oh yeah, you are absolutely right about that.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: McMaster is going to get on his hands and knees behind Miller. Then Kelly will push him backwards, playground style. While Miller is falling, Mattis will boot Miller’s head clean off his shoulders.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Somewhere Kruschev in the afterlife is shaking his head at what is going on amazed that this is all it took.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Okay, well that’s interesting.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
I’ll just sit here in the dark?
Oy, was I thirsty?
There must be some punchline that fits.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: “Ah, Hans Brix! So nice to see you!”
@Adam L Silverman: One bottle of hair dye and it’d be a perfect match.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
Они нас закопали.
Villago Delenda Est
@PhoenixRising: I’d trust your kid in a heartbeat ahead of native born Ivana spawn, who have demonstrated they have all the integrity of their vile sire.
@Adam L Silverman: World’s tiniest violin is now playing for the toddler.
Mike J
@PhoenixRising: von Steuben did pretty well in the US military.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Adam L Silverman: Has any one pointed out that there are Arabic numbers all over the place?
@Adam L Silverman: It’s pretty obvious that Trump doesn’t like the discipline being imposed on him by Kelly, it reminds him to much of his days in military school. He also(per Wolff) hates McMaster, finds him boring and reminds him of his college profs.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
Okay, in moderation so I’ll transliterate it: Oni nas zakopali.
Adam L Silverman
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Shhh! You want to start a riot or something?
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): OMG! You’re right, there’s one right above your nym.
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: Adam never answers that.
Adam L Silverman
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Read the article. Similar to the other pieces on the topic I’ve seen over the past couple of days. As we’ve mentioned here before: the President is basically an appetite with legs. And by and large he’s always been allowed to/been able to get away with doing whatever he wants with minimal negative repercussions. Anyone that seeks to constrain him is going to have a limited shelf life.
Adam L Silverman
@zhena gogolia: I freed it.
@Adam L Silverman: Miller shouldn’t be using the decimal system either, after all it was discovered/invented by Hindu mathematicians and introduced to Europe by Arabs.
ETA: IOL got there first.
I got a little verklempt watching Piime’s inspiring story.
@Gin & Tonic: Oh, I hadn’t seen anyone ask him that before. I wasn’t trying to make it a thing, I sincerely wonder what Adam is thinking about Kelly now. It may be that Adam doesn’t feel comfortable answering in this forum for career reasons.
Fair Economist
@Adam L Silverman:
They need to treat him like in that Dutch home for the demented that has the appearance of a village but is actually all institution.
Omnes Omnibus
@PhoenixRising: John Shalikashvili
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: @Gin & Tonic: Actually I’ll give the same answer I always give. I don’t know him. Never met him. My friends who have served with him or under his command think highly of him as a Marine and as a senior officer. None of them knew he had the views he has demonstrated over the past year. They all perceived him as largely moderate and apolitical. It is clear that he either hid some pretty biased and prejudiced attitudes throughout his career or has developed them late in life. I have no way of knowing which, though I suspect it really doesn’t matter which is an accurate assessment.
@schrodingers_cat: Or the alphabet, which may be a sinister plot by obscure mysterious rootless cosmopolitan Semitic peoples floating around the Mediterranean sea.
Runes not good enough for him?
@jl: I confess that I was kind of bored and turned it off. The “and don’t forget to hydrate” video set a pretty high bar for military videos for me.
@Adam L Silverman:
Normally I’d ask who is seeing and directing those staff members. But after Wolff’s book, I figure the staff are all just wandering around the West Wing without any instructions – and possibly without security clearances.
@jl: And don’t tell him that English is a part of the Indo-European language family.
@Adam L. Silverman
Raz is the loneliest number….
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you, Adam. It also seems that Kelly may hope to be in the WH in a more senior capacity in the future, which I now find pretty scary. Let’s hope the country loses its appetite for people with those views.
@dmsilev: @Adam L Silverman:
“You mean, I could have saved all that money on ICBMs, those stupid parades, and something like eight gazillion tanks that were NEVER going to fit through the Fulda Gap…and just paid three dozen hackers to sit in a warehouse and hack the Americans’ political parties? Expose one and blackmail the other? The whole shoe-banging thing, I didn’t have to embarrass myself like that?”
Yeah, pretty much…
@schrodingers_cat: I should always check wiki first. Wiki says Miller should use Elder Futhark, the earliest Germanic runic alphabet. Anfang and [edit: und] Fortschritt!
@WaterGirl: Parts of it were slow, but for some reason I found his story inspiring and that carried me along.
@Corner Stone: @Mike J: @Omnes Omnibus: All y’all are supportive & I appreciate you.
We discussed this in the context of today’s immigration news. The kid actually brought up Carl Shurz, whose co-conspirator in a Munich dungeon after the uprising of 1848 was…my mom’s great-grandfather, who baked tasty treats at his shop where the FBI is now headquartered ( 9th and D NW) so delicious that Abe Lincoln asked him to cater the dinner after his second inauguration. General Shurz led troops at Gettysburg and went on to be elected Senator. He spoke out against US imperialism in SE Asia. So, there you go! America is already great. And shall remain so.
@PhoenixRising: Interesting story. But your background is obviously suspicious. If ICE comes for you on general principles, I’ll hide you for a few days.
@Adam L Silverman: FWIW its worth there are some people who bring out the worst in you and the President is one of them. No one who comes into his orbit leaves unscathed.
Bless you. Hope you don’t have that flu that’s goin’ round.
Adam L Silverman
@jl: My brigade’s chaplain was originally from Ghana. Last I heard he’s one of the chaplains at Lewis-McChord. He’s a Ghanan tribal king. Really great guy and a really excellent chaplain:
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: I once watched part of a Seahawks game with then MG Shali, my division commander, in the kitchen, at the DivArty Commander’s Christmas party, until his wife drug him back into the living room.
He was a cannon-cocker, as you of course know.
what’s a “Jewish American”? isn’t that just a Jew? are there “christian americans”? he’s the highest ranking christian-american officer we have!
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: The US Army Europe headquarters/command building at Clay Kaserne is named for him.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: I don’t know about that. I hope it is not something we have to worry about. There is maybe one retired general officer/flag officer who would make a good president. Kelly is not him. And I don’t get the impression that General (ret) Dempsey would ever run.
@Adam L. Silverman
Adam L Silverman
@chopper: Among us members of the tribe there are basically two usages: Jewish-American and American Jew. I tend to go with the former.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Ghanan means of or pertaining to Ghana. Ghanaian means of or pertaining to members of the Ghanaian tribe. The former is what my friend, the tribal king uses. So that’s what I use.
@Adam L Silverman:
as a member of said tribe, what’s wrong with just “Jewish”? we don’t add a hyphenated “American” to christians, do we?
seriously, I rarely ever hear “Jewish-American” used by Jews. is this some sort of Florida thing?
Adam L Silverman
@chopper: Chopper doesn’t really sound all that Jewish. I’ll give you Methodist or Episcopalian, but that’s as far as I’m willing to go.//
I’m sorry if I missed it on another thread but has anyone read this Stonekettle article?
@Adam L. Silverman
People from Ghana are more commonly referred to as Ghanaians.
Adam L Silverman
Have been on this orb a long time and this is the first time I’ve ever encountered it outside of the long form of JAP.
@Adam L Silverman:
“herschel schmoigle goldfarb” doesn’t do as well as a nick on a blog.
Adam L Silverman
@chopper: Well played!
I’m just waiting to hear paul ryan referred to as “our most powerful catholic-american politician”
Can’t we just call a Papist a Papist?
@chris: It’s impossible to be dumber than Dana Loesch. And a raging sociopath to boot. The NRA’s pin-up girl.
@Duane: Yet the FNYT gave her a very nice massage.
Adam L Silverman
@Holaitsmonica: Chief Wright has written an excellent essay. My understanding, however, from the news reporting is the memo is cherry picked material from DOJ IG material that Nunes demanded under his oversight authority. It may be classified by DOJ/FBI, though my understanding is that it is Law Enforcement sensitive because it is part of the ongoing IG investigation into how Comey and the FBI handled the Clinton email investigation. The reporting also seems to indicate that it is also cherry picked from FISA warrant applications that the FBI used to get the warrant for, at least, Carter Page. And there’s bits and bobs cherry picked from the text message transcripts between Strzok and Page turned over by DOJ/FBI that are also part of the IG investigation.
Nunes is not very bright, as Wright points out. Neither is Gaetz, the Freedom Caucus nuts, or Gorka son of Hugo Drax. What most people have called for is for Nunes to release the IG material and the FISA warrant material. DOJ wants none of them out there. The former is technically protected under civil service law because the IG investigation isn’t complete and no one has been even formally accused of violating departmental ethics, let alone a crime. DOJ doesn’t want the FISA warrant application material released because that would tip of the methods and sources used to reach probable cause to ask for the warrant and have it awarded.
@Adam L Silverman: Whenever you feel like you are blathering on the internet, remember that if you are thoughtful and informative ( which you pretty much always are) you can change a life once a week or at least once a month or so.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Having Kelly, McMaster and Mattis around makes his bone spurs hurt.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: I know that.
@Adam L Silverman: That is cool.
@chopper: Well shorter and even medium-length nyms can be confusing. I am not sure we should explain to Viva BrisVegas (who lives in Brisbane as I have learned) how his nym comes across in a J A context..
Citizen Alan
In Krushev’s defense, the strategy for conquering America that Putin executed so successfully would never have been practical before Facebook.
Adam, have you been following the Chelsea Manning drama of her being caught fraternizng with the alt-right? Her closest running buddy appeared to be Cassandra Fairbanks, who has had a most interesting arc of associations beginning with working for Sputnik, then becoming a Bern-or-buster, and finally landing at Gateway Pundit amongst the Pizzagaters.
Since we seem to be living in the timeline where all conspiracy theories eventually become manifest and true, it is to wonder. I’m wondering about everything regarding Manning, actually, going all the way back. Do you have any thoughts about what’s going on with her?
this bothers me a bit….
@Adam L Silverman: Do people even follow or listen to convicted felon Dinesh D’Souza?
OK leave it to me, the thread killer strikes again. Dammit.
@Vhh: Unproven that Melania was an escort. Trump was Viagra-enchaned schtupping the admitted escort while Melania was home with his newborn spawn. So that’s more moral, right?
Oh and a joke: “What did Stormy Daniels say when breaking up with Trump?
“It is time to Make America Mast**BATE Again”
patrick II
I’m Irish American. The term as a prefix to American refers to heritage rather than to religion. And to the question which counts for jews in Israel, it has been an ongoing debate.
@Fair Economist: this reminds me of a Pink Floyd song:
Trump fits in perfectly.
@Adam L Silverman: I know this is a dead thread, but I wanted to respond to this:
[i]And if she makes a career of it, she’ll have one of the few gold plated pensions after 20 years of service.[/i]
I’ve brought this up multiple times here to no avail, but the US military changed their pension two years ago from the straight retirement pension [serve 20, get 50%] to a mix of 401k that the member has to manage and 40% pension. The numbers that RAND, and a few other conservative think tanks, used to sell this were highly, highly optimistic (i.e. pulled out of their ass/not plausible). Every single retiree group (VFW, AFL, Iraq and Afghanistan Vets to name a few) came out against this change as it was a reduction in benefits. On top of that, the amount of member/retiree services that bases now offer their community continues to decline as more and more conservatives (both in the government/DoD) try to make everything run like a business. So if it’s not profitable, it’s axed. I’m not part of that olds group that goes, “Hey, remember when we had X, Y, and Z? Yeah, good times.”
Lastly, I’m not sure which lab PhoenixRising and daughter visited, but here’s a full listing of all the AF research labs and what fields they pursue: Air Force Research Laboratory
I’ve both served with/lead/taught Airmen from all over the world, Places include: India, NIger, Zimbabwe, England, the Phillipines and a few others. They all raised their right hands, swore their oaths to the Constitution, and then went on to serve.
Recommended paths for your kid would be 1) USAF Academy. They have excellent science, math, and engineering programs; OR 2) find a great school with an ROTC detachment. She can dip her toes into the military world, see if she likes it, and then during her junior year of college decide if she’d like to take the plunge and do the 6 year commitment (standard AF officer contract length coming out of college). Like Adam said, the TS clearance she could walk out with is worth both of weights in gold, double on days ending in Y.
Example of a few top notch universities, with top notch ROTC detachments/students: MIT Air Force ROTC Detachment 365 named best in the nation
Kayla Rudbek
@Leto: One of my college classmates was AF ROTC, an AF rocket scientist and now is a rocket scientist at a national lab.