I guess those stories about the neverending competition between the two great California cities must be true, because there was a message in my mailbox this morning from Major Major Major Major:
Could we possibly get a last-minute thread for an SF meetup tomorrow (sunday) at, say, 3:30, at the Thirsty Bear?
Can hash out particular details and presence/absence of green balloons in the comments.
Steve in the ATL
I’ll be there, but I have no access to balloons of any color
@Steve in the ATL: Can you wear a green shirt?
Sister Golden Bear
More like a unrequited hate affair SF has with LA…
Thanks for the boost, Anne. Hope the locals can make it.
Major Major Major Major
It’s really more of a competition between a great California city and a sprawling disaster…
Major Major Major Major
Anyway, the start time is flexible, and I don’t know where to buy balloons either, maybe we can get something in mylar.
@Major Major Major Major: Made me laugh.
Steve in the ATL
@schrodingers_cat: good plan!
@Major Major Major Major: @Sister Golden Bear: why does the LA thread have more posts than this one?!
Major Major Major Major
@Steve in the ATL: well, most of them are about San Francisco.
@Steve in the ATL: Because AL really loves you and other LA peeps.
We should meet at the west end of Grand Central on Hill at whatever time Iamh 36 wants to.
Oh is this the SF post?
Fair Economist
@Ruckus: lol. I was about to warn the SF contingent that if they don’t stop posting on our thread, “this means war“.
Sister Golden Bear
@Major Major Major Major: Mr. S …oh wait, that might not be appropriate. (NSFW warning for those about to Google Mr. S)
Maybe print a copy of the Tunch “FEED” poster instead?
@Sister Golden Bear: Should really have a “DRINK” version for meetups in bars, no?
Major Major Major Major
@Sister Golden Bear: let’s just all wear green!
Can we have a Niceville, FL meetup Tuesday evening?
ETA: I can wear green…
Dog Dawg Damn
Love the thirsty bear but it so loud. Has that open cafeteria vibe that all the younguns love.
Alain the site fixer
@HinTN: I used to have a roommate from Niceville, and it sounded quaint, but that was early 1990s. Didn’t get the idea that there was much there, though.
Mary G
@Major Major Major Major: Yes, in my experience SF hates LA and LA is well, SF is a nice place for a weekend, but I wouldn’t want to live there.
I’m still on the damn crutches, though mostly for balance at this point. Does anyone know what the parking situation is like?
The other advantage if I drive is that I’m willing to take lamh back to her hotel since the Red Line is a little dicey once the after work crowds die down.
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G: to be fair I don’t want to live here either.
@Major Major Major Major:
One of these years, I would like my annual visit to happen without either torrential rains or being on crutches. Maybe 2018 will be the year.
Mary G
@Major Major Major Major: Are you still going to move to New York?
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G: yep, gonna start looking for work in July.
@Mary G:
I checked and it looks like the market has its own dedicated parking garage. I know it may be quite a trek for you in your current state of health, though. ?
Another Scott
In other news, check out Wonkette.
– NATOist at Wonkette
The story above is just as funny / baffling / strange.
So, 3:30 at the Thirsty Bear? I’m in.
Is the rule that we need green something? Or just the people who get there first and get a table? :)
@Another Scott: It’s clear that “traditional girls” don’t know much about the internet and how regular people, even she-devil feminists, can look up information. Seriously, do these people not know what Google is?
something fabulous
Here I am, in a thread while it is actually happening! Unprecedented! :) As posted below, just to rile up the SF thread with LA info some more, I will also be in! Later would be better for me, as I am doing my shift at the rescue as usual but can sneak away early. 5 is fine but later would be even better, if we are voting on that part. Happy to be able to meet up with you Urban Sprawl Jackals.
“Green” as in the color or as in recycled?
Wish I could join, but, work and Church obligations, maybe next time.
@Ninedragonspot: Green as in the color of green balloons. If you are not familiar with green balloons, check the BJ lexicon.
I think I’m free to make it to a SF meetup Sunday afternoon. I could pick up some green decoration from Diddams.
Shouldn’t Thirsty Bear be another team of Russian hackers, like Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear?
@Sister Golden Bear: Thank you. We liked living in the SF area but were startled by all the congratulatory “aren’t you glad you escaped?” comments from the East Bay people we met.
Yes, and no.
@Major Major Major Major:Have you been to the East Bay?
@Mary G: If I could live in Pacific Heights in style, I wouldn’t turn down a place in SF. We loved visiting SF from the competing Sprawl that is the East Bay.
@Major Major Major Major: Aw, man!
I wish I could be at either meet-up but I’m stuck in Rainy Seattle. It’s so windy today I’m surprised we still have power.
@Alain the site fixer: Whoops, just checking back to see if I could get a rise out of anyone. It is a sleepy little town with enough waterfront to have several marinas. It happens to have the motel I’ll be in for my visit to Eglin AFB, which is the reason for the economic prosperity of the region. Otherwise it would be more like Appalachicola, which is truly off the beaten path but one of my favorite places.
Roger Moore
Have we agreed to a time for the LA meetup tomorrow?
Scamp Dog
@Major Major Major Major: party stores are the place to go. The one I went to before the Denver meetup had every color you could want—I went in expecting to buy a bag of mixed colors that had one or two green ones, but got a bag of just green ones, in a shade that I liked.
Steve in the ATL
Nyet, comrade. Is legitimate American business. Serves apple pie with vodka.
Sister Golden Bear
@opiejeanne: Hrrrm, the East Bay south of Oakland is the Bay Area’s equivalent of the Valley (sans pr0n and awesome old school Mexican restaurants) so I’m not sure I’d celebrate “escaping” to there….
Despite being a forth-generation San Franciscan by birth, I’m mostly amused by the LA-hatred. Then again, I grew up behind the Orange Curtain, and then spent a good chunk of my adult life living in the Satan of the South, and when I did move back it was the Peninsula (i.e. the ‘burbs), and I’m techie scum,* so I suspect my SF card was revoked long ago.
*When locals are ranting about techie scum (mostly justifiably so), I do occasionally enjoy mentioning that I’m both techie scum and a 4th-gen San Franciscan just to watch the mental gears grinding as they process the cognitive dissonance.
something fabulous
@Roger Moore: Not that I know of, not yet.
bemused senior
Wish I could attend, but tomorrow is the annual performance featuring music by African American composers benefitting East Side Prep in East Palo Alto.
Rand Careaga
My wife’s nephew tends bar at the Thirsty Bear. I’ll try to make it.
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
I have an event in San Rafael at 2 and another in a different part of SF at 6:30, so it’s unlikely that I’ll make it – but I’ll try. The candle has two ends, right?