Hello all, quick calendar update.
I have deposited everyone’s paypal and checks and my flight to Aruba leaves tomorrow, so SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH. I sent a cashier’s check to the printer, everyone’s name is now in an excel file ready to be printed onto the labels I picked up today, and I spoke to the printer and they will be shipped tomorrow, so it looks like Monday-Tuesday I will be sending everything out.
So far we have sold 151 out of the 200 calendars that have been printed, and I would like to sell forty more, leaving a buffer of nine calendars in case something gets lost/destroyed in the mail. So, if you would like to purchase a calendar, send $25 bucks to the paypal link to the right, or email [email protected] and I will send you the address to mail checks.
I have two people who have paid me but have not provided me with a mailing address. ONE OF THEM IS TOM LEVENSON. YOU MAY HAVE HEARD OF HIM.
The other person’s first initial is M. and the last name starts with Pass. If that is you, email your address to me.
This is a pain in the arse and I want to have this done by Thanksgiving next year so they ship for Christmas.
Thank you so much! I’m beyond excited!
Gin & Tonic
I think Tom is at 77 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA.
Jerzy Russian
Can’t you just use the address that you send his royalty checks to?
Cole, thanks for the laugh!
Since the calendar has already been paid for, oh yeah, I’m sure that’s me. I am willing to supply my address so you can send the calendar to me. :-)
Eric NNY
Thanks for all your effort on this JC. You’re da bomb.
i want two calendars. e mail iffy will try to send actual email next week.
Yeah ?
Ah hahahahahahah!
Stop yer killin’ me
Tom Levenson
Nope. Just…unfamiliar.
Can’t quite place him.
Address is in your email. Also too: you try remembering your own damn middle name in the blast radius fo the realization that the syllabi for count-em two new courses are not due in the eternal sunshine of a never-to-be-encountered future, but Monday. Morning.
Also, tutu: thanks for the herculean herding kittens effort here. Genuine above and beyond territory.
@efgoldman: I take that as you volunteering to take on the calendar project for the coming year. That’s so nice of you! Not to mention that you must be feeling better if you are offering to step up on such a big thing. :-)
@Tom Levenson: My sympathies. Thank goodness my less herculean task on Monday is to don a parka and climb to the attic to retrieve the suggestion clipboards for the school bookfair in April. Yes, that school. Yes, that attic.
Seriously, consider not futzing around with printing and mailing and going with a password entry .pdf file next year.
Who’re you kidding: charging front pagers for the calendar. We all know it’s gratis; in the paragraph right after no brown m&m’s.
Miss Bianca
David Bowie as Andy Warhol in “Basquiat”. Not that the rest of the movie is bad, it’s just that he walks away with it whenever he’s on-screen.
Jim Bales
@Tom Levenson:
Sigh. I’d better get to work on mine …
You know Tom’s a spook, right?
@Gin & Tonic: But which building?
@different-church-lady: @Gin & Tonic: One of college friends was away on an internship and had forgotten my address.
She addressed the letter to:
My Name
California Street / cocker spaniel out front
Urbana, IL 61801
Our mailman delivered it right to my door. I’m sure Cole could do something similar with Tom. :-)
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I hate the calendar. This calendar sucks. You got it printed at the wrong place, and it’s the wrong weight paper. Also, too, the formatting sucks. I think you should listen to my suggestions next year.
@WaterGirl: Not in Greater Boston, he couldn’t.
Hell, we had an invoice misaddressed to our school that finally the accountant e-mailed me a PDF. One letter off, and no similarly named street in the city, but it never showed up.
I suspect the population density and dreadful working conditions have made our postal workers surly.
Patricia Kayden
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): ??? Are you trying to provoke John?
@FlyingToaster: I was just kidding when I said I was sure that would work with Tom, but I thought the story was fun so I shared it.
As far as surly goes, I would say that living through the last 15 months has made most of us surly. Me included.
Do you know how many buildings MIT has?
@different-church-lady: Okay, I didn’t use the snark tag, but I thought I had been here long enough that you guys would know I’m not an idiot. Oh, well.
@WaterGirl: MIT has building numbers in the tens of thousands! MIT has buildings with exponential numbers! Modern science has not yet calculated the vast number of MIT buildings in the cosmos.
Tom Levenson
@different-church-lady: except for the Green Bulding. Which is grey.
Tom Levenson
@different-church-lady: Actually, Tom Levenson, MIT, Cambridge would probably get to me in the end.
Bo Alawine
Oh, crap!
Sorry, John. My wife gave me the check to mail you and I forgot about it!
I’ve been doing remodeling work over at my son’s house every day after my day job … and I’m dead on my feet when I get home in the evenings.
Mea culpa
Will mail it this weekend.
@Tom Levenson: This very minute, 15 new buildings are appearing on the MIT campus. 15 buildings, every minute, every day, all year long.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Also too, where the fuck is my calendar?
@Patricia Kayden:
Absolutely. That’s when he’s at his best.
Apologies to Cole. My check went out in the mail on Wednesday. Coming from Chicago so hopefully it arrives on Friday or Saturday.
@different-church-lady: It’s called the Infinite Corridor for a reason.
Jay S
@Tom Levenson:
Sympathy for the color blind?
@FlyingToaster: Eventually the buildings of MIT will obtain so much mass that Cambridge will collapse into a small sun, in order to encourage life to begin in Beimont.
@WaterGirl: I once saw an envelope that was addressed to:
Dr. Smith
Big white building in the middle of nowhere
(ZIP code)
and it was successfully delivered to the Admisitration building at the Fermi National Laboratory, which is indeed a big white building in the middle of Nowhere, Illinois (okay, Batavia, same difference).
@dmsilev: Big white building in the middle of nowhere, that’s funny!
Waldo Tobler at UCSB successfully had mail delivered to him with Lat/Long coordinates.
Another Scott
@scav: Supposedly a letter was delivered to the Playboy building in Chicago that just had the Playboy logo on it.
Bruce K
Have fun in Aruba!
Where would you like your internets delivered, milady?
[For those unfamiliar, the next suburb NW of Cambridge, and N of Watertown, is Belmont, home to RMoney and seriously devoid of anything resembling excitement.]
You might want to consider putting Sticky or something in the title. I came to the site a couple times last night, saw this was still up, and just assumed nothing new had been posted. It was only after I saw it was still there this morning that I realized it had been stickied.
Then again, maybe I was just being especially dumb.
I think my check cleared.
@Another Scott: They have since changed the address of the building–it used to be 666 N. LSDrive, and is now 680 N. (and has a bunch of Northwestern docs in it). I also used to live near the old Playboy mansion on State St., but could never remember exactly which building it was.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
I did the paypal– is there anything else I need to do to get my calendar?
@FlyingToaster: All I really want is props for my obscure Aurthur C. Clark reference.
I rented an apartment in Belmont for a year. I don’t think I laid eyes on my neighbors even once. It was a tree-lined street that never seemed to have any birds. I got the impression the entire populace had their souls cryogenically frozen until their kids were done going to “good schools”. I removed myself to the mean, gritty streets of Watertown as quickly as my lease expired.
@dmsilev: You will never catch me LOL’ing, but if you did it would be right now.
Suffragette City
@Ivan Ivanovich Renko:
I did too and ended up having to email Cole my mailing address.
Snarki, child of Loki
“Carter Page, who has been on the FBI’s radar since actual Russian intelligence officers trying to recruit him determined he was an idiot in 2013” but it’s a scandal because the FISA warrant in 2013 was motivated by the Steele dossier in 2017.
F’in CALENDARS, how do they work?1??
Posted to this comment thread, for extra calendar goodness.
@dmsilev: I, on the other hand, will happily ROTFLMAO.
I lived for 15 years in 02144, and I had $1200 in parking fines to show for it.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Gin & Tonic: I heard he’s at 1060 W Addison, Chicago.