I love this:
I am the very model of a New York Times contrarian,
My intellect is polished but my soul’s authoritarian,
From Allen down to Exxon, bullies’ water I am carrying,
Except for Donald Trump’s, because I find him a vulgarian.
I’m very well acquainted, too, with arguments political,
I love to mount defenses for the vile and hypocritical,
I filigree each sentence till its meaning I am burying,
My job is to distract you from the rising smell of carrion.
Bravo Matthew Dessem! Read the whole thing.
Both rare and well done.
At Slate? No Slate contrarians noticed?
Of all the fucking things I needed stuck in my head…
Citizen Alan
Eh, could be worse. Last week, I had “Defying Gravity” in a continuous loop in my head for 3 straight days.
@Citizen Alan: Fuck you – dammit
Jim, Foolish Literalist
that is great
also, I”m not a huge fan of Kathy Griffin, but I doubt she’d make this shit up
@Citizen Alan: I have a small counterpoint that tends to help.
And there is no curing an Idina Menzel earworm. It just has to run its course.
@Citizen Alan
Perry Como tried to set up residence in the ear yesterday. Out of the blue.
” At Slate? No Slate contrarians noticed? ”
Maybe this is the first of a series.
I suggest Tit-Willow for Brooks.
Muppet Show – Rowlf and Sam the Eagle – Tit Willow
Mike J
@NotMax: Out of the blue? The bluest skies you’ve ever seen are in Seattle.
Corner Stone
Someone needs to spike that motherfucker Bret Stephens.
@jl: Oh, you’re back. Did you figure out where that “mansion”(actually it’s called a cottage) is?
Here’s the answer.
(Spoiler: The Walrus was Paul.)
Almost guaranteed to send any earworm screaming into the void.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Please do excuse me sir, are you referring to the Queen Anne Cottage at the Los Angeles State and County Arboretum in Arcadia?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The most generous interpretation is that Allen was messing with her but in the most arrogant, unfunny way possible. A creep no matter what.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Major Major Major Major
Oh that’s fun, thanks.
@jl: That would be correct, sir.
ETA: Interesting factoid, it does not have a kitchen. Guess that’s why it’s a cottage.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Yep. Mr. Allen has had plenty of airtime… not gonna play that video even to listen to him second hand.
Rand Careaga
Dessem, not Dessum. Show sum respect.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Man, I was going to move in. Everything is so fake in Los Angeles, isn’t it?
That’s just brilliant.
@Yutsano: I think it’s a worthy one! Can’t wait to spring it on Mr S, who just wimped out and went to bed. It’ll make him jealous too, because he’s done a few very good parodies of songs or poems. But mostly he’ll really like it too.
@jl: It was built by ‘Lucky’ Baldwin for his much younger(IIRC) wife. They had a kitchen in a nearby adobe.
ETA: I’m guessing cooking skills were not the main reason he married her.
On earwigs: I’ve had Life on Mars stuck in my head thanks to the FH roadster launch.
How about this earworm?
@NotMax: the cure: into the black.
Milo Bloom disagrees.
Bobby Thomson
When Slate is calling you out for your arbitrarily contrarian takes . . . .
Bobby Thomson
@lowtechcyclist: When he wrote I am the Walrus, Lennon didn’t understand the symbolism of the Walrus and the Carpenter. I think he figured it out before Glass Onion.
Why, yes, I am fun at parties. Why do you ask?
Brilliant. Mr aimai has done several versions of this and its very difficult—the rhyming part is not as difficult ss getting the meter right. Hats off!
What’s interesting about the griffin clip apart from the Cosby comment? She seemed to be trying really hard to make something out of a fairly inane conversation.
Is Moses lying?
Aardvark Cheeselog
That is ram-packed with awesome.
I thought the iron was particularly delicious coming in Slate, the Mecca of Contrarian Tropes to Liberal ideas for the last 20 years. (See Saletan, William)
Rich, coming from Slate, though.