Another day, another big special election win for Dems — Dave wrote about this last night.
Let’s raise some more money for the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, which was involved in last night’s victory and is dedicated to taking back statehouses all over the country. (I just upped the goal for them to $5000.)
Eyes on the prize
West of the Rockies (been a while)
OT right off the bat, by how does Sarah SucksToBe Sanders live with herself? Does she (with a straight face) tell her kids about Baby Jeebus and the great man she works for?
What a horrible person.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
Apple / tree
I’ve become more and more convinced that the christofascists really, truly believe their bullshit.
It was a scam for votes in Sanctus Ronaldus’ day, but they repeated and heard it so often it became gospel.
Ann Marie
I learned today that a lawyer from my firm, Mary Gay Scanlon, filed to run as a Democrat for the seat Patrick Meehan is leaving. She said she is running because she wants to replace him with a progressive and because there are NO women in Pennsylvania’s entire Congressional delegation. She runs the pro bono work at our firm and would make a good Representative, and not just because being better than Meehan is such a low bar.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): It’s surprising what a person can accomplish when they have no conscience.
It’s her eyes for me that are the tell. They’re completely dead. Spicer always looked uncomfortable to be there, and Scaramucci looked like he believed his own words. Huckabee Sanders clearly doesn’t give a shit whether anything she says is true. So in that respect and so many others, a perfect fit for this administration.
Remember, her brother killed a dog. That whole family is just super fucked up. Christofascism is a hell of a drug.
@(((CassandraLeo))): yeah, I have come to believe that Huckabee Sr should be looked at more carefully. He seemed better than most of the other republicans back when he ran. More personable. Since then he defended incest and molesting son of someone he knew and his daughter has displayed an amazing ability to lie and display meanness every day. The son torturing a dog could be just a bad fluke, if it wasn’t for all the other things. He needs looking in to more.
@Gvg: @(((CassandraLeo))): Isn’t it amazing that professional god-botherers never seem to pay a price for their shenanigans? I remember when Huckabee Sr. defended Josh Duggar, who molested 5 girls, two of whom were his sisters. You would think that would kill his career and make him toxic for politicians, but he just keeps coming back. I know the story of sin-and-redemption is the exculpatory mechanism that every televangelical turns to when they get in trouble but that doesn’t explain Huckabee’s continued appeal. It’s that for most evangelicals it doesn’t matter if he exercises bad judgment. He’s one of their’s and they’ll stick with him no matter what because anything is better than a godless liberal.
@tobie: Sin and redemption is not meant to be a revolving door system. There are churches that seem to operate on this premise, sin all week and come in on Sunday for your ration of forgiveness. We called them “bubble gum” churches and Greg Laurie has a lot to answer for on this account, reducing God to a nice pocket-sized icon you can carry around with you but who never inconveniences you by having you address your actual sins.