So the flooding has subsided slightly, all the roads are a disaster zone with the edges washed away and half the guard rails just hanging off cliffs, so OF COURSE the temperatures have dropped to 30 and it is snowing.
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Could be worse, we could have elected Clinton…… /////////////
Bigfeeted y’se’f AND borked your own blog
Good thing you don’t read the comments
Are the koi safe?
Stay safe, Cole.
Don’t drive unless necessary.
Magda in Black
Last weekend : blizzard
Last Thursday : 40 degrees
Today : snowing
Monday : thunderstorms, up to 4 ” of rain.
I blame chemtrails and Illuminati
I suppose I should thank you since you’re sending it straight to Boston in time for me to have to shovel 5 inches of snow at ~5am in order to get to Logan for an 8:30 flight. Or curse you. One or the other.
Fortunately, I live 2 blocks off of the snow route, and thence a mile to the Pike, so 4-wheel-drive in the Sienna loaded with us 3 and mine and WarriorGirl’s luggage should get us down the hill.
On the other end, I’ll be in sunny Flah-ri-dah. HerrDoktor will be here for the subsquent melt.
How are the koi?
No Drought No More
Cue the appendicitis attack… at 3 o’clock in the morning…
He has a koi safe? Padlock or combination?
And how has he kept Steve the Wondercat away from them?
@Magda in Black: Snowing in Chicago today?
(looks out window)
Oh, yeah, it is.
@efgoldman: He’s fish sitting.
Recently I found out that my ice creepers don’t always work, if the ice gets covered by a thin layer of fresh snow. (May be just for dry snow, not sure.)
If the points don’t grip the snow, but they also don’t reach far enough through the snow to grip the ice below, it gets ridiculously slippery when you don’t expect.
I think the points may wear down over time too. Got to get some new ones.
I see there now are special vibram soles for ice. Has anybody tried them?
M. Bouffant
Somebody up there doesn’t like you, J.C.
Global Warming is a crazy mistress. Here in Louisiana it’s 81 and overcast.
@efgoldman: They’re required by law in snowflake states. Turning this country into a big old baby.
@rikyrah: Well, how was it!?!
How long until you go see it again?
Magda in Black
NW Cook County….quite alotta white falling
Snowing here in Central PA now. Forecast high of 71 on Tuesday.
Been a mild Florida winter and it looks like it’s over here. Pollen season has arrived. Today we had adoption anniversary celebration for my nephew at the beach. Beautiful weather, shorts and she’ll hunting. Water was cold IMO but the kids still ran around knee deep. I hate snow and cold and listen to stories of blizzards with horror. I just can’t imagine.
We’ve been having the same here. It’s supposed to get to 70F by Tuesday. Crazy weather.
Just got back from Giant Eagle before the roads got too bad. Been a tough week, what with my John having surgery on his left shoulder. So I’m doing all the cooking, cleaning and dog walking. Hopefully, this is the end of surgeries for a while. In the ten years we’ve been together, he’s had carpal tunnel surgery on each wrist, a double knee replacement, surgery on his right shoulder and now this. I told him he’s close to being Steve Austin.
He made a roast beef the night before his surgery, so I’m using the rest of it up in a beef pot pie. We’ll have that and a salad and a tiramisu I got as a Valentine present for myself. I have a bottle of Pinot that I don’t have to share since he’s stoned enough on pain pills.
Magda in Black
Theres my neighbors little scottie dog with his red boots, out playing in the falling snow…?
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
It’s in the upper sixties and overcast here in Arizona today. But it was in the eighties not that long ago and the pollen producing plants are trying to murder me. I’ve had a headache for a solid 2 weeks.
When they take my koi from my cold, dead hands
Are koi good eatin’?
Do it taste like chicken?
@efgoldman: they are carp.
@WereBear: Crap? Explains a lot
@FlyingToaster: Take care tomorrow a.m. Extra time and all that.
that’s the way
you spell stir fry.
Do you grab the Pike at Newton Corner or Cambridge St in Allston? Pike itself should be down to wet pavement
John, and to think, you could be living in a warm climate like Puerto Rico where there are no problems …wait; they are still struggling how many months afterward? You are just worried about some roads that will not take months to repair. Meanwhile, you have clean water and electricity and schools working and know that things will quickly go back to normal. Sorry for the issues you are experiencing but get real. We have forgotten the still harsh conditions they are facing and will continue to face and the media could care less as do most amerikans and the big orange fart cloud.
Okay, I can’t help myself. To be sung to the tune of “The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring,” from The Mikado.
For those of you who don’t know the tune, here’s the original.
Evidently the Palin family has been taking cruises.
You have much too much time on yor hands. Maybe you could amuse yourself by planning a trip, say, to New England.
If only. Fortunately, her grift is nowhere near lucrative enough to take the family on a South Pacific cruise.
J R in WV
We’re still getting rain. It’s just a cold miserable dark gray sky rain. Did I mention cold?
We’re in pretty good shape up above a tiny ephemeral – or perhaps perennial – creek, which is all waterfalls right now. The three culverts under the road down at the turn-around are somewhat clogged with leaves etc, so there’s a small backwater there, which lets silt settle out. I’ll clean that up come spring with the farm tractor/backhoe.
The power went out the last big rain, when the soil gets waterlogged poles can fall over pretty easily. Maybe OK today after they fixed that last outage. So far, so good, weather wise. Neighbors on both sides of us are gone to town for a concert… they’ll be OK, they’re used to the local weather.
@efgoldman: Newton Corner; from here, river road (snow route, plowed) at 2 blocks downhill to Watertown Square; Galen Street (plowed & treated) to Newton Corner, circumnavigate the
SheratonCrowne Plaza and onto the Pike. In normal weather, 19 minutes from my driveway to Terminal C. In weather, we assume 30-45. We plan on leaving by 6:30, so up at 4:30 to shovel, wake WarriorGirl at 5:30 to get dressed & eat. The first two blocks we’ll probably drive in AWD, and if we’re lucky the town will have plowed a lane.We’ll be in the terminal by 7:10 no matter what. We’re already packed and checked in except for electronics (iPhone, iPod, iPad, iPad Mini, wireless Headphones) which go in my backpack in the am. Chargers already packed :). Both my parents worked for TWA so I was trained how to do this before I could read.
She over her code? Taking her fiddle? Yeah all of those roads should. have been long since cleared and treated. Buses have to get up Galen St
J R in WV
Speaking of weather, biggest white dog went out for an hour or more after short visit by neighbor, followed him home. Came in SOAKED to the bone wet, stinks really bad, sitting on a dog bed right beside me. EEEwwww smells bad. But still a sweet puppy. Can’t pet her tho, until she dries off.
@efgoldman: Not taking the fiddle (this is the last year we can go without); taking a recorder so she’ll practice it for regular school, and she’s taking the violin book4 music to follow as she listens.
We have two more trips before summer camp starts, and we walked through everything that would have to happen, and decided to wait until next year, when she’ll be on a full sized violin and we’ll start looking to purchase. At which point buying her an electric violin for travel is an option. Something that can be checked baggage without destruction is a really really desirable feature.
Next year, if we go to Florida (which is iffy because my mom, always addled, seems more so), the violin goes too.
@efgoldman: Oh, and she was back to school Thursday. At Friday’s assembly we ‘rents were all comparing symptoms and concluding that indeed, they’d all had the same fucking virus.
@FlyingToaster: I’ve had my Republic resonator guitar survive Southwest Airlines twice. Even though it’s baggage claim they apparently load them last and take them to the terminal by hand and not on the conveyor. Crossing fingers for the next time.
@J R in WV: The things we do for love!