"Awful nice state ya got here. Be a shame if, y'know, somethin' bad happened to it." https://t.co/Kr8hhjCAQl
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) February 22, 2018
The president says he is “thinking about” removing ICE from California so crime spikes to unprecedented levels and then California would have to beg him to bring ICE back. pic.twitter.com/7ENYBauNYl
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) February 22, 2018
Trump says he's thinking about doing tons of things he's not actually thinking about doing. But this is a good example of how he thinks.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) February 22, 2018
Excellent link:
Mr. Trump, Please Do NOT Pull ICE Out of California https://t.co/buQmnMpcZd
— automated libby bot. i am not here (@libbycwatson) February 22, 2018
… Mr. President, our plea to you is simple: Do NOT do this. We absolutely do not want you to pull ICE out of California, where the agency recently arrested more than 100 immigrants. It would totally embarrass us, and make you more popular and beloved among the millions of Real Americans who hate us and love you, if you did this. We love ICE and think it is good, even though we pretend to hate it (fake news).
I think I’ve talked to, if not 100% of the members of the liberal media, at least 97% of them by now, and we’re all in agreement: This would suck really hard… We would be forced to take to Twitter and plead with you, your supporters and your allies in the media, probably by posting thoroughly embarrassing crying selfies of ourselves—bring back ICE, Mr. Strong President, we’d plead…
Just the Facts
I suppose this is grimly funny or something, but what a depraved, horrible man we now have as our president.
As a native Californian, who’s lived in this state all my life except for 3 years in grad school, DO IT DONNIE! Bet you don’t have the balls to do it Trump.
ETA: Hey Donnie, that golf course in PV that you have, would make a nice state park. Do it Donnie, you spineless cretin.
@Just the Facts: I hope you’re not just coming to that conclusion. He’s been pretty much the same this year as last. He was always going to be a horrible, embarrassing, dangerous president. That’s what he is.
Oh no. Who will protect Scott Baio?
“If you don’t straighten up right now, young man you’re not getting broccoli on your pizza tonight. Do you hear me?”
Daniel Dale via Anne Laurie @ Top:
Reminds me of the time when conservatives swore that ending pervasive stop & frisk would increase crime in NY. We ended it anyway. Crime went down:
So go ahead, Traitor Donald, pull ICE out of CA. Pull ICE out NY too – we’ll thank you when the crime rate goes down even further, you treasonous jackass.
I’d gladly bake some cookies for the ICE going-away party.
Empty “I’m gonna take my ball and go home” blather.
BTW, anyone who thinks the idea that crime would go down in the absence of immigration enforcement is ridiculous, should keep in mind that undocumented immigrants are far more likely to report crimes and criminals when they don’t have to worry that law enforcement will arrest them instead of the criminals.
Well, spent the better part of the day breathing in residual paint fumes.
Not as much fun as advertised.
I hear that can kill brain cells. Do you suddenly feel like maybe conservatives aren’t so bad?
Chet Murthy
@JGabriel: To further buttress your point, I believe it is on the record that whereas Obama’s ICE targeted violent criminal undocumented aliens, Biggus Dickus’ ICE has eschewed those to target law-abiding undocumented aliens.. B/c the latter don’t shoot back, natch.
@JGabriel: The biggest thing that surprises me about this comment is that a right-winger actually admitted he was wrong about something.
The Dangerman
You should move on to Tide Pods then.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Trump needs to be called out continuously on his lies. The wall, tax returns, on and on. Use his own words against him and let him hug himself, a child who’s lying to you.
M. Bouffant
I wish they had fired back. Literally.
Anyway, some response from actual public servants:
I don’t know whether it was incompetence or malicious sabotage, but in SF Bay Area, some criminal undocumenteds had to be released by local authorities last year when ICE failed to show up to take them into custody.
So, maybe if Trump decides to withdraw his ‘help’, might be good. I wonder how far he would have to go before CA had good grounds for secession, or our Congresscritters could add that BS onto articles for impeachment?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: If you want Donnie’s golf course for a new park, you have to flatter him. Don’t be rude. And, after we leave, we probably want good relations with the US, at least after it gets decent leadership. California citizens should be ambassadors of good will to all nations, no matter how broken down and messed up.
Edit: what would Father Jerry say about your foul mouth?
Honestly, that was the most surprising thing to me too. I literally pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming or otherwise imagining it.
Maybe Trump could like “withdraw” himself, from the Presidency, you know, so we could be so sorry and beg him to come back. HAHAHAHAHA *snort*
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Drumpf is so afraid of immigrants who can’t speak english that he keeps marrying them.
@jl: Bullshit, just evict his dumb ass.
ETA: I do have a nice photo of his golf course.
Bulk mailing of dead canaries?
@(((CassandraLeo))): Biggus Dickus wanks vewy highly in Washington
Hey! Don’t call Twump Biggus Dickus I have a good fwiend in Wome called Biggus Dickus…
Everyone would be happy if ice was gone of course but spitefully treating a state like that, depriving them of any resource or protection strikes me as unconstitutional and should be removed from office. Interesting delimma.
You do understand that the orange fart cloud no more understands sarcasm than he can read past page one of his daily security briefs? Asking him to keep the ICE thugs in CA means he will do that! You need to dare him to pull the agents to prove he isn’t a coward but will follow through – that will get the orange fart cloud to remove those thugs.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I’m going to have to call bullshit on your first question with your assumption that tRump can read. :)
Yes, please do remove your ICE from the state. Then all the awful brown people will cross into California unimpeded and instead of a 1500 mile border wall, your remaining confederate states will have to build a 2300 mile border wall. But I’m sure you can get Mexico to pay it!
Fake news!
Miss Bianca
Oh, noes, not the BRIAR PATCH, Br’er Trump! Anything but that!
Pretty much nails my exact reaction, here in CA.
Maybe he’ll go the whole John Cole route. One can but hope.
@M. Bouffant:
Me too!
This is going on my list of Handy Retorts to Idiot Assertions. Thanks!