Tom already discussed this, but Nunberg was apparently not satisfied with his two CNN interviews or he scored another 8-ball because he was just on MSNBC with Ari Melber. He still batshit crazy and defiant, although occasionally mewling that it is not fair.
Y’all don’t quote me on this, but I don’t think this movie is going to end well for Nunberg. I don’t see him sanding a boat on a Mexican beach with Morgan Freeman right before the credits roll.
On the other hand, he may be immortalized in both law schools and the urban dictionary with the phrase “to pull a Nunberg.”
He’s still on MSNBC. He just said he’s not going to jail.
This is completely normal.
@Yarrow: I needed a good laugh. Thank you.
@Yarrow: It’s gonna be a wee bit difficult for him to avoid that after today’s shenanigans. Unless he’s going for insanity.
Looks like they’re going to do the whole hour straight through with no commercial breaks. This is crazy.
Corner Stone
Quoting myself:
@LAO: He also said he thinks his lawyer may have dropped him and his dad thinks it’s a bad idea that he’s doing this. He’s out of his mind. All the other people are explaining how it all works. He seems not to understand it. It’s amazing. Watch it if you can.
He’s still protecting Roger Stone. What in the world does Roger Stone have on him?
Again, “They’re not going to send me to jail.” Oh, he just said if Mueller sends him to jail he’ll laugh about it and make a bigger spectacle than this.
Corner Stone
Nunberg started laughing when Barbara McQuade said, comply, go to a judge to narrow request or go to jail.
TaMara (HFG)
@jacy: This is real Must See TV. It’s crazy.
Corner Stone
And that will provoke a concert of the tiniest violin players in all the land playing a tune, just for him.
Ohhhh! He just said it isn’t fair that he has to testify!
Corner Stone
I personally love that Nunberg is wearing a flag pin lapel.
The only way he doesn’t go to jail is if he complies with the subpoena. Is he now admitting that his earlier defiant bullshit was bullshit, or does he completely misunderstand the process?
Corner Stone
I think Nunberg was high as a kite earlier and it is now wearing off. He will fall into a fetal position and start crying before this hour ends.
Corner Stone
This is like if you’ve ever watched a couple of cops talk down a person who is out of their mind. They’re all using their calm voices and explaining things to him very patiently. He’s just nuts.
Fair Economist
If 80 hours sorting emails is too much work, I’m sure Mueller will be happy to provide him a quiet undisturbed place to do it for, oh, 2 years or so.
we have to remember, we’re following this because we’re all political junkies, a good many of our fellow citizens are out there working multiple jobs all so they can enjoy the next Dancing With the Stars and the Walking Dead uninterrupted. They have no fucking idea on what is going on and what this all means. While we’re here flummoxed about the audacity (and stupidity) of these treasonous folks and the willingness of an entire political party to turn our country into their own fiefdom, there’s a whole boatload of folks that either 1) do not want to know and 2) are happy with what’s transpired…
while we’re finding out that our worst fears are being confirmed, we still have to wait and see if the rule of law still has any meaning in these here United States and if these people will pay the price for violating its laws.
At this point I think this is just a half-assed attempt at some kind of diminished capacity defense. He’ll be in some inpatient mental health facility by tomorrow.
Chyron HR
Donald Trump picks the best people. The best people. The Best people.
Roger may have LIED about it.
Maybe he’s working up to pleading insanity?
Fair Economist
@Corner Stone:
In all seriousness, overconfidence + excessive talking + belligerency + lack of contact with reality = a lot like stimulant abuse.
Is Roger Stone still banned from Twitter?
@Corner Stone: I am stuck here at my son’s soccer practice and cannot wait to watch the rerun or read the transcript
Mike in NC
Nunberg is soft and pasty-faced. He wouldn’t do well behind bars.
Roger Moore
He knows who he needs to talk to if he wants to stay out of the big house.
Corner Stone
Why you harsh my mellow?
@Baud: He is supposedly a member of the NY bar. He must know that he can just send his hard drive over to the SCO.
This was nuts.
@debbie: To What? Failure to respond to a subpoena?
Corner Stone
@Jeffro: I’m not sure you can actually sit through it, honestly. Do you have alcohol or other medicinals in the house? You will need them.
patrick II
If Nunberg is forced to give Mueller all of Stone’s emails they would show every rtfck Nunberg and Stone have done for the last three years. Russia would be the worst, but I would bet far from the only illegal activity by Roger Stone. It might open the door to the whole republican rtfcking culture.
Another Scott
Heck of a Monday.
So, can we assume that this Nunberg fellow is the “witness” that got the subpoena that we were discussing yesterday? Or could there be someone else out there???
In the dictionary entry for “people are policy”, there’s going to be a mug shot of this guy.
@Corner Stone: sorry CS, yes, Sam is bugfuck nuts and is it awesome for him to reveal what a bunch of evil bastards are running the country…. yes, yes it is…
still, just re-watched All The President’s Men again last night and that quote that mentions how nearly half of the country didn’t know what Watergate was or what it meant still rings true somehow…
Nunberg’s friends think he has been drinking (again) and wanted him to go to his parents house instead of drunk dialing CNN and MSNBC:
@patrick II: But he also said that he thinks Mueller already has Roger Stone’s emails. It’s bizarre.
Now someone on the panel said law professors were suggesting it could be a PR stunt and that he’s intending to comply with the subpoena.
So he’s basically this character from Monsters University.
@LAO: So is it possible that he checks into a hospital tomorrow to avoid the Grand Jury?
I wonder if Bobby will have the FBI arrest him on air…
If I understand Adam correctly, Mueller almost certainly already does have Roger Stone’s emails. He does not have them in a context that can be presented as evidence in court.
I would buy that he was drunk. I’ve known some very cogent drunks. They just get chatty and start repeating things emphatically, but they don’t sound debilitated. That’s what he sounded like to me.
Mary G
Well, if Twitler thinks the courts have been mean to him so far, just wait until the judge drops the hammer on this moron. Let’s see how long it takes him to come up with the goods.
It takes a lot of nerve for a man with more than one chin to call someone else — Sarah Huckabee Sanders in this case — a “fat slob.”
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: @LAO: @Yutsano: I would not be surprised if when he gets home tonight Bob Mueller isn’t sitting on his sofa drinking a cup of tea, while FBI agents are tossing his place and carting out computers, tablets, and boxes of papers.
@JPL: rehab seems more likely.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Its where they hide the eavesdropping devices. Its really a microphone! And a mini camera!//
Bobby Thomson
@Fair Economist: self selection of emails is not best practices anyway. He should have a lawyer and/or vendor doing this. Spoliation in these circumstances is a guaranteed indictment.
I once spent 55 minutes as a mental health counselor trying to do just that, talk calmly to a guy while the entire time thinking “does the door behind me open in or out and can I get there before him?” You want to be calm, so as not to make it worse but everything in your mind says end this now and get the fuck out. Talking drunks into doing/not doing something is easy compared to actual crazy people.
He probably does have them in a context that can be presented in Court. Meuller’s running 2 investigations, a Criminal one, and a Counter Intelligence one.
@Adam L Silverman: tomorrow at 6 am, technically he hasn’t failed to comply with the subpoena, yet..
PS. Shake shack just began delivering. I’m currently enjoying a black and white shake. I figured I deserved it.
zhena gogolia
I have been working all day and unable to even start to follow this story. Mebbe I’ll just turn on Point Break tonight on the Sundance channel and pretend it isn’t happening.
BIG DISTRACTION from Jane Mayer’s piece.
@LAO: Maybe that was his intent. A planned meltdown, but you would probably not know about things like that.
Corner Stone
@JPL: I hope he does not try to drive himself there. Going out to start his car ala the movie C@sino style.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Fair Economist:
Also possible warning signs of a psychotic break.
Adam L Silverman
@patrick II: Remember, Stone is responsible for bringing down Spitzer. I’m sure he gloats about that all the time.
Corner Stone
@zhena gogolia: Pretend what isn’t happening? I.AM.AN.F.B.I.AGENT!
@Adam L Silverman: Ari Melber said when they came back from commercial beak that after the segment, but still on the record, Nunberg asked him, “What do you think I should do?”
The guy is out of his mind. If Mueller is sitting on his sofa drinking tea while FBI agents are carting out his communications in boxes, I wouldn’t be surprised if he runs around the neighborhood with his underwear on his head squawking like a chicken and screaming, “It’s not fair! It’s not fair!”
@JPL: Absolutely not, never!
@Quinerly: Yes it is. CBS led with the meltdown. I do think that Nunberg is concerned about something, though.
Corner Stone
@Quinerly: Anyone who read Mayer’s piece isn’t distracted. Those 3% are staying strong on the scent.
Future “conservative panelist” on Meet the Press.
Amir Khalid
I find myself thinking of those old gangster movies where Jimmy Cagney realises the cops have him cornered and delivers an epic meltdown.
? Martin
@Corner Stone: It’s astonishing that Keanu ever got a speaking role after that line.
Corner Stone
If I’m Katy Tur I may be pretty pissed right now.
Adam L Silverman
Please seek immediate medical attention and intervention!//
patrick II
@Adam L Silverman:
Also Stone supposedly worked with Tweeden to bring down Franken. That is more recent and might be more than gloating.
@Adam L Silverman: Floor wax? Dessert toping? ¿Porque no los dos?
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
Of course not. Trump will pardon him.
he’s coming up on CNN, this gonna be good……..
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: Given that Mueller now has to be concerned with destruction of evidence, could he seek a subpoena to do the entry and search immediately? Even if he can’t arrest him till tomorrow?
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: No pardon for civil contempt.
Nunberg to be live with ERin Burnett NOW.
holy shit he is drunk
Corner Stone
@psycholinguist: Drugs are wearing off. He’s getting tired and sloppy. More unhinged, if that’s possible.
Sloane Ranger
@Yarrow: What does he gain from pulling a stunt like that? As far as I can see he’s pissing off everybody. The White House can’t be happy with some of his remarks and Mueller can’t be happy with this public display even if he complies at the end of the day.
I don’t see a strategy here.
Cheryl Rofer
I can’t quit him!
Adam L Silverman
A warning would be nice next time! Mmmkay?
Corner Stone
Good God.
That was some stunning tv. Ari Melber tried to do an intervention, along with (I think) a couple former federal prosecutors, and all the explanations they had, no matter how slowly and calmly presented, did not seem to convince Nunberg to save his own skin or stop complaining about how inconvenient this all is for him. It’s all so unfair! Damn, that was so nuts. I’m pretty gobsmacked.
Erin Burnett is no Ari Melber. She’s going to go confrontational. I don’t know that that’s a wise idea…..
@MomSense: Me either.
Amir Khalid
Off topic:
Can the Trump Org use the Presidential seal for business promotions?
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
Inb4 Nunberg tries to assassinate Mueller in the most inept and asinine way possible and gets himself killed.
Kenzidor thinks this is a performance. I think he’s just nuts. Both could be true. It could be to make anything coming from his mouth be nearly inadmissible due to seeming insanity.
@Amir Khalid: No, it’s illegal. No one will stop him.
@Amir Khalid: I don’t think so.
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
I was being facetious.
Corner Stone
I Hope CNN has a bucket and a mop nearby because he is full on jello meltdown mode. Jeebus Cracker, Betty’s less well known gator hunting cousin.
@jacy: omg.. He seems to be slowing down though.
Is this what Watergate would have been like if Haldeman put on a nervous breakdown on national TV and started blabbing incoherently?
@Yarrow: Have you seen this from PopeHat?
” This is completely normal. ”
At least the Baudists don’t pretend about it.
wtf is it with Roger Stone?
@Adam L Silverman: That was your warning! Now when it happens you’ll be prepared. //
Adam L Silverman
I’ll just leave this here:
I think he wants to be raided by Mueller so he can say he tried to protect Stone et al.
Adam L Silverman
@patrick II: Without a doubt. None of these geniuses can keep their mouths shut.
The movie is going to be called “Roger and Me (in prison)”
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
That guy was an asshole and an idiot. Totally pissed away all the good will the SU got fighting the Nazis.
He says he got the subpoena on Friday and production was due today. Does that seem right?
@Amir Khalid: Answer: No, but enforcement is dependent on the Executive Branch, so nothing’s likely to happen. At least, not until the next Administration.
It’s beginning to sound like he didn’t finish his homework, and now is making excuses why.
Sounds like they are concerned about destruction of evidence.
He said, “Who am I? Am I some crook?”
@MomSense: Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s happening right now.
The Pale ScotC
Charlie Sheen, “I’m gonna get some blow and really cut loose”
Nunsberg, “hold my beer”
patrick II
Or perhaps, to pull a Mueller (in a good way).
@Lyrebird: Yeah. Hilarious. He’s like a cautionary example. Don’t Do This!
Payback was working for Ted Cruz
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
As long as the movies keep making money, he’ll keep landing roles.
“ maybe I’ll give them my email password. “
Corner Stone
@Yarrow: No, he’s some schnook. He isn’t fooling anyone. Mueller now has to put up or shut up. So I guess we’ll see.
Haven’t done a drive by of any of Nunberg’s antics on TV, but it sounds from everything related here that he’s rapidly losing it. Would not shock me at all to learn he tried to off himself tonight after this whirlwind media circus.
Corner Stone
Damn. That’s almost as bad as getting your Cromwells crossed.
? Martin
@Amir Khalid: No. Legally, the seal implies an endorsement by the federal government. You cannot manufacture something with the seal without express permission.
I got to see some of this in action when we had President Obama for an event. We could not use the seal for anything, and while we could use his likeness on some things, we couldn’t use his title as it would have been considered an endorsement of the federal government.
It’s utterly illegal.
Adam L Silverman
@jacy: Have we seen a TV host murdered live on air committed with whatever is at hand before? Because this guy is half a dozen burgers, 3 hot dogs, a bucket of fried chicken, 2 lbs of potato salad, 4 bags of chips, one disgusting jell-o salad someone brought (and you know who you are), a pecan pie, a dozen cookies, a tray of brownies, 4 gallons of sweet tea, and some ants short of a picnic! Who knows what happens if he completely snaps.
Corner Stone
Man he is tugging hard off whatever is in that black coffee mug. There can not be anything left in it by now.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: No, it is illegal under Federal law. The company they commissioned to make the tee markers can find itself in significant criminal jeopardy and whoever placed the order and came up with the idea at the Trump Organization is in serious trouble as well.
Christ. Looks like I picked the wrong week to
quit sniffing glueattend a conference away from most news feeds.Corner Stone
By shooting himself in the back of the head four times while dropping a toaster into his bathtub?
Okay, he’s just babbling now. He’s going off on as many tangents as Trump. He’s in some kind of chemically altered state, and he’s wearing down.
He’s totally hedging now. “I’ll give them my email password.” “I’m not going to answer questions in front of a grand jury if they do not explain why I have to go in there.”
Dobbs, Hannity and Pirro are going to very embarrassed when it comes out.
@Adam L Silverman: The news didn’t even have time to cover that though.
@Adam L Silverman:
I hope there’s somebody standing just off camera with a dart gun or a net or something. Several somebodies.
Corner Stone
@jacy: “I might have committed some light treason.”
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: It was the mustache. The mustache was possessed. Apparently he was very soft spoken, gentle, empathetic, and forgiving until he grew the mustache. Then he decided instead of becoming a social worker he wanted to be the authoritarian ruler of 1/3 of Europe and all of Central and North Asia.
The Associated Press
Verified account @AP
EPA Chief Pruitt’s aide given permission to work for private clients on the side – but their identities will be kept secret.
My parents taught me a handful of valuable lessons while growing up.
The one they hammered repeatedly into my teenage skull was this:
If the cops pull me over for ANYTHING, just KEEP MY DAMN MOUTH SHUT.
If Nunberg thinks he can bluff Mueller into letting him walk, he’s definitely high on something.
Happy infrastructure week again!
What? These crooks are barely pretending now. They might as well hang a sign in front of the White House, saying
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: I’m aware.
@Cheryl Rofer: Thank you, Cheryl.
We need to be reminded from time to time that people are suffering under this maladministration.
@psycholinguist: Infrastructure week always wears me down. It never seems to end.
Corner Stone
I think someone should have thrown the white towel in the ring on this long ago. CNN should close out this interview.
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?:
Even if Trump ends up pardoning anybody, I doubt it’s the guy who’s been publicly insulting him. Trump is way too petty.
The Pale ScotC
@Amir Khalid:
‘Made it ma! Top of the World!
Don’t have the patience to fix this
I’m waiting for Nunberg to call Fox
@rikyrah: Given permission by who, Pruitt himself?
Adam L Silverman
@jacy: Taser!
@Corner Stone:
Tiny violins playing the most luxurious ever version of “The Rains of Castamere.”
@Adam L Silverman: Stalin was Georgian. It should have been free kharsho.
@Adam L Silverman:
I’d pay to see that!
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: There will be a an ethics counsel that should have had the final say.
Roger and I.. blah blah blah
Betty Cracker
Nunberg is on CNN now. What a fucking idiot.
No wonder he’s been such a secrecy buff since heading EPA. The guards, the soundproof booth, the secure telephones…the only reason he’s not the most over-the-top cartoonish administration member is because of who he’s working with as he dishes off huge swaths of our land to the highest bidder.
Roger Moore
In exchange for a cut, I’m sure.
Griz @grizatlcp
Paul Ryan has awakened from his tax cut induced stupor to find that Trump is threatening to impact the bottom line of his owners, the Kochs, and now he’s scrambling to stop Trump’s tariffs. …
3:01 PM – Mar 5, 2018
Adam L Silverman
We have further developments in the Russian escort story:
@The Pale ScotC: I thought of that, Numberg did have a crazed ‘top of the world’ vibe in the clips I saw.
Cagney ‘Copper!’
I have a feeling that I’m going to regret having spent the last 6 hours listening to Sam Nunberg — like going on a psychic bender and waking up with a horrifying hangover.
ABC News
JUST IN: Sen. Thad Cochran to retire from the Senate on April 1, 2018, due to health challenges: “My hope is by making this announcement now, a smooth transition can be ensured.”
3:43 PM – Mar 5, 2018
@rikyrah: I heard that crumbum hack on the radio this morning, and noted how interesting it was that he finally found his spine just right now. I wondered why.
@Adam L Silverman: That’s a great image. I’ve been hopeful for some time that the way Mueller’s been playing this whole investigation – a shadowy figure who’s never seen in public, watertight and shipshape, without tipping any future moves – has the people who are the subjects of his scrutiny thinking of him as being the antipode of Kayser Soze. Nunberg’s off the rails behavior is like the old guy on the boat screaming his name in the movie, like he knows Mueller’s on his way to that very living room cup of tea.
@Gravenstone: Actually, yeah. This is a reasonable interpretation of “I’m not going to jail.”
Better hope Mueller gets his warrants for a smash’n grab of Nunberg’s evidence ASAP, because I get the feeling he’s about to compound today’s bad decisions with several other ones.
TMZ Sports
Verified account @TMZ_Sports
ESPN’s Chris Berman Left ‘Racially Disparaging’ Voicemail for Jemele Hill, Lawsuit Claims
Adam L Silverman
@Origuy: I didn’t make the sign, I just posted the tweet.
Gin & Tonic
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: He was a callous mass murderer both before and after WWII. Read some history.
patrick II
Nunberg is projecting . He has been immersed in a culture that practices ruthless hierarchical power and those beneath them are crushed and beneath contempt. Now the tables are turned and he expects to be treated the same way. He is panicked.
@rikyrah: Goddamit, I will never be get used to citing Bill Kristol positively.
Sam Baker
Verified account @sam_baker
The Belarusian “sex coach” offering dirt on the president from a jail cell in Thailand ended up not even being the craziest thing that happened today.
12:53 PM – 5 Mar 2018
Anyone following Greenwald today? He’s sunk to a new low.
Adam L Silverman
Burnett just accused him of being drunk. Claims she smells alcohol on his breath. He claims he’s not had a drink. That he’s not on anything other than prescribed meds.
@rikyrah: Yay! More seats for the Republicans to defend. They’ll probably keep this one: Mississippi had a pretty strong Democratic legacy, but state-wide they’ve been pure Republican for awhile.
We probably won’t get an Alabama level of screwup out of the Republicans on this one, so it’d be an uphill battle.
@Adam L Silverman: This will end well.
@Rp: A new low? That takes some serious effort. The only thing I saw was him tweeting about how Mueller’s investigation might uncover government-wide corruption and so forth, with a heavy implication that Dems are just as bad as Republicans.
She smells alcohol on his breath. He says no. She asks if he has had anything else and he said just his meds. Wow.
In other words, it’s Monday?
No Drought No More
Washington Post: “..Trump has been asking people close to him whether they think Kushner or his company has done anything wrong, according to a senior administration official..”.
Trump stiffs yet another private contractor prior to his portending Perjury Trap* of a interview with Mueller Inc:
“Jared who? My son-in-law? I thought his name was Gerard… [pause]… Gave him a few jobs to do around here, but it didn’t work out.. [long, long pause].. What was the question again?”.
* (“if you can’t afford to tell the truth, that’s exactly what it is”).
How quickly can Roy Moore move to Mississippi and establish residency? I have a plan.
Boom — She just accused him of being drunk. Said she can smell alcohol on his breath.
She seems tired of this…..
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I hire the best people. Believe me! Believe me!
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
@Gin & Tonic:
I’m aware.
O/T but had to share.
Some clever internet stoners have made it possible to include Jeff Sessions with your marijuana sessions.
General Jeff’s “Old Rebel” Session Papers are now available for sale online. The packet features Jeff’s mug with a doobie hanging from his mouth, and “Don’t Beauregard that joint my friend!” written beneath.
@Adam L Silverman: Right now Paddy Chayefsky is somewhere in the afterlife, thinking, “Told ya!”
Ok, I’ll admit I liked that impeachment ad.
Perhaps he actually believes in a Christian God & is now fearful of having to meet Him?
Holy shnikeys! Erin Burnett just told Nunberg that she had smelled alcohol on his breath. He said, “I’ve not had a drink.”
This really is like the cable pundit show version of the O.J. Bronco chase. Someone on MSNBC said that earlier; can’t remember who.
They are going to rename the White House to the Grift Shop. Just to end any confusion.
Fair Economist
@Adam L Silverman:
He must have an interesting doctor. Maybe the same one who gave Trump a medical checkup?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop cooking crystal meth.
Gin & Tonic
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: If you were aware, you wouldn’t refer to him as “an idiot.”
Viva BrisVegas
@Adam L Silverman:
Wouldn’t that require someone willing to enforce Federal law?
After all, the Trump family motto is:
Nulla vincula si non fuerit prosecutus.
Is it over? Is he going to Fox? The Snooze Hour?
IANAL, but I think getting himself six feet under would also make it hard to enforce compliance.
Costa has lost some weight.
I have started reading him right after I read Sully. They deserve to be in the same folder
I think the last time was ~2006 because JC linked something. I regretted it immediately & have not done it since.
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
They have to rename from the “Black House” after Barack Hussein Osama’s tyrannical reign.
Roger Moore
What has he done now?
@Adam L Silverman:
Wonder what street corner he found this doctor on.
No Drought No More
Unlike JFK impersonator Vaughn Meader, at least Alec Baldwin will still have a career after Americans take out the trash:
“According to several sources, standup comedian Lenny Bruce went on with his November 22 nightclub show as scheduled. Just hours after Kennedy’s death, Bruce walked onstage, stood silently for several moments, then said sadly, “Boy, is Vaughn Meader fucked.”
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
@Gin & Tonic:
Well, he was, in addition to being a mass murdering dictator.
Chris T.
Perhaps he has Auto-Brewery Syndrome.
(but other explanations are much more likely)
I’m going to be late getting home. Gotta pick up popcorn for this. Can’t wait for Rachel at 6pm she must be so jealous of Ari today. hahaha
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Who called her that?
@Fair Economist: ‘prescribed meds’ can mean a lot these days, at least in some states.
@MomSense: Maybe people should keep a look out for Nunberg in case he starts knocking on random front doors looking for sympathetic people to listen to his tale. Get your phone cam ready. Except check whether he’s looped before you open the door.
Should have changed our national anthem decades ago to “Don’t know nothin’ ’bout history….”
Okay, I haven’t seen any of his performance, I’ve just been reading about it, but my take is:
a) like all Trump people, he’s extremely stupid
b) his idol Roger Stone has managed to duck consequences all these years, so he’s convinced there must be some magic way out for him too.
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?:
On the other hand he did have a marvelous singing voice
h/t Jack Nicholson’s Joker
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: This is all being orchestrated by Roger to cover his own tuchas and to advance his own interests.
Next CNN panel topic “Is Sam Nunberg Okay?” Not kidding.
Adam L Silverman
@Rp: What did he do now?
@Roger Moore: he’s arguing that the us media deliberately supresssd reporting on bin laden’s grievances post 9/11. (A) 99% sure that’s a lie, (B) f*ck you for suggesting that 9/11 was justified.
Cheryl Rofer
The mood meter is nearly at ‘poisonings could break out next.’
@Cheryl Rofer: I hope the cops are waiting outside to pull him over as soon as he gets into his car.
@Rp: Sad, because while 9/11 wasn’t justified in any sense of the word, it definitely had causes. Understanding what we did to provoke this kind of response helps us anticipate it in the future, and “they hate our freedoms” is such a stupid answer it doesn’t help anybody.
By which I mean that the media really wasn’t interested in why 9/11 happened, and it IS something we should have spent more time on. But it’s also not a lesson we need to hear from Sam Fucking Nunberg.
Hayes will cover the sex coach!
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: You multiply the number of 12-16 year old white girls per 100,000 of the Mississippi population by the Moore coefficient, then divide by 42. Place the result under the radical, take the square root, and you have your answer.
Roger Moore
Why don’t we turn to the wit and wisdom of Tommy Lasorda:
@Viva BrisVegas:
Wait, that doesn’t mean,
My hair is a dead orange ferret?
Cheryl Rofer
@MisterForkbeard: I was thinking that his lawyer would want to get some blood tests for a defense of incompetence. (Or whatever, IANAL)
@Amir Khalid:
Legally no, but it’s so far down the list……
Adam L Silverman
The Arc of Justice and all that…
@Cheryl Rofer: Nunberg might be telling the truth. What as in the cup? Maybe he was sipping during the interview?
No Drought No More
I’m listening to Nunberg for the first time, right now on MSNBC. I understand now why his mentor Roger Stone stopped taking his calls. I consider it a fair assumption, anyway.
Adam L Silverman
@Fair Economist: Dr. Feelgood!
@MisterForkbeard: I understood that it’s Greenwald who’s been talking about Bin Laden.
@ruemara: Kenzidor is right that these guys and their associated movement is a significant threat, pretty undeniable at this point, but significantly overestimates them as well. These aren’t quality people at pretty much anything. They are terrible and given the opportunity will do terrible things but they are also that most American of things the clueless, weak, and soft blowhard. They don’t have staying power.
@jl: It was a Starbucks Blonde Latte with a hint of polonium.
@Origuy: Ah. Well, not something we need to hear from Glenn Fucking Greenwald either, though it does show that he’s got affinity for the groups that attack the United States. It’s all just coincidence, though! Promise!
El Caganer
@Gravenstone: I figure he’ll do it on air a la Budd Dwyer
Gin & Tonic
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: He was ruthless and effective. Where you get “idiot” from that I will never know. But life is too short to spend it teaching you about Soviet history.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: I’m hoping he goes back to MSNBC for Maddow. There would be blood.
If loopy yapper’s family was worried about him before today, they must be reeling right now.
This guy’s self-destructing!
Viva BrisVegas
@Brachiator: More like “There’s no jail if they won’t prosecute”.
Another former Russian spy in the UK has been poisoned. Putin plays for keeps.
Does Trump have a food taster or have they all succumbed to arteriosclerosis?
@Cheryl Rofer: It suddenly occurs to me that the scent of alcohol *could be* symptomatic of diabetic ketoacidosis. Probably not the case, but a plausible explanation.
Jesus! And what’s the top story on Fox News right now while all this is happening? Probably something about how Hollywood hates Trump and all Christians.
@Roger Moore:
Lasorda should have been pissed enough to spew all over himself. Any pitching staff that let fucking Dave Kingman beat them….
McCain should do the right thing and retire. He’s not coming back.
@debbie: Maybe even Trump-destructing.
Assuming you can take any of this on faith. Hopefully Sam has contemporaneous accounts of all this, and that’s why he’s freaking out so publicly.
@Brachiator: Actually, they ARE talking about it. Sort of: “Trump ex-campaign aide Nunberg defiantly vows to refuse Mueller’s subpoena”
The headlines underneath it are “Sources: Strzok knew of possible breach into Clinton’s server but didn’t follow up” and “Mitchell Gard: Trump, tell terror-aiding Qatar it can kiss our air base goodbye”, with numerous other references to various democrats doing awful things.
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
Asking your interview subject on the air if they’ve been drinking is a hell of a serious matter. Burnett must be dead certain that Nunberg is drunk.
Cheryl Rofer
@Gravenstone: Yeah. I haven’t ever seen the guy before, but it looks to me like this clip does not show a well man.
Trump could flip out on multiple cable channels like Nunberg, his deplorable base would say it was fake and GOP would pretend they saw nothin’.
That is perfect!
@Cheryl Rofer: For extra fun, imagine Gilbert Gottfried recreating that verbatim.
Release me from this madness, but not before convictions of at least 70 of them, w/ removal of all implied right to book deals.
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Obligatory (also, not our Dave Anderson – I checked):
@Cheryl Rofer: He admits he’s on anti-depressants. Those can have harsh reactions to alcohol. Had a girlfriend in college once who basically went nuts for about 4 hours because she had half a beer while taking some drugs to help with depression.
If Erin smells alcohol on him AND he’s on anti-depressants, that can go a long way towards explaining his current behavior.
@Brachiator: They’d better get back onto the war on Christmas pronto.
Adam L Silverman
You can never be too careful.
@Adam L Silverman:
Lawrence O’Donnell is offering fake legal services if he appears on his show.
No question there needed to be more discussion about bin ladens motives, but the claim that no one knew about his grievances because the media suppressed it is absurd imo.
zhena gogolia
Another Scott
@psycholinguist: Bravo!
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
@Gin & Tonic:
He was an idiot for not more effectively taking advantage of his defeating the Nazis and all the goodwill that came with that. He instead acted like an aggressive ass and made the West (more) suspicious of the SU, and led to the Cold War.
@Rp: Agreed.
zhena gogolia
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?:
These were not his objectives.
I’m assuming that this is all a prelude to saying that mean ol’ Obama shouldn’t have assassinated poor, misunderstood Bin Laden.
I take Buproprion in the mornings and often have insomnia and have tried various medications. Last year I had a beer an hour or two before taking a sleeping pill — in the middle of the night I called up The Boyfriend and argued with him for a couple of hours and bought some shoes on the internet and I have no memory of it at all — nothing. Never took that medication again…..
@Rp: I think it’s just flat wrong to say that there was no discussion of bin Laden’s gropes, or motives, or whatever you want to call them. I might not have agreed with the perspective of the corporate news pundits and news readers pretending to be journalists, but they were absolutely discussed.
Corner Stone
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: You are edging into Sam Nunberg levels of WTF right now.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: Yes, but. The longer he refuses to do so, with the Cochran resignation as of 1 APR, McConnell has a 50-50 Senate. That means on any issue, including nominations, the Democrats only have to get one GOP senator to break ranks.
Adam L Silverman
@Rp: He posted a manifesto! Everyone knew what his motives were. That the Bush 43 Administration played them down is another story.
@Adam L Silverman: Do we know how senators get replaced in Cochran’s state? Or am I gonna have to goole?
Gin & Tonic
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: Like I said above, I will not be the one to teach you Soviet history.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cheryl Rofer: Scotch is a prescription anti-depressant now?
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
@Gin & Tonic:
Like zhena gogolia said, they weren’t his objectives. I get that. He was never going to turn into George Washington or anything. Russia was certainly prime ground liberal ideas anyway.
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
@Corner Stone:
That’s real credible coming from you.
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: @Corner Stone: What CS said.
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus: Why?
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: Non-partisan special election held at the same time as the general election in November to serve out the remainder of Cochrane’s term till 2020. So the seat will stay empty from 1 April through next January when the next Congress is seated.
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?:
Was not prime ground for liberal ideas.
@Adam L Silverman: The google just told me that in Mississippi:
Or am I misreading some of the fine print?
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: 1. What you are trying to say is crazy. 2. You keep saying it.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: You’ve got it. What I said in comment 265.
? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
What exactly am I saying is crazy and why? I’m legit confused.
@Adam L Silverman: Still confused. What you said in 265 is:
But this page
says the governor gets to make an interim appointment.
Stalin was an evil monster on par with hitler.
Jay C
@Adam L Silverman: @WaterGirl:
Mississippi law provides than in the case of a Senate vacancy with more than a year remaining in the term, the Governor MAY (though not apparently required to) appoint a successor, whose tenure must be confirmed either:
1. By Special Election within 90 days of appointment, or
2. By confirmation at the next General Election (this year)
either way, the winner of either election serves out the remainder of Cochran’s term (til 2020).
Anyway, MS will probably have TWO Senatorial elections this November: Roger Wicker’s term is up as well.
Corner Stone
@? ?? Goku (aka Baka Amerikahito) ? ?: I am not even sure what this means right now. Do you want me to fax you my credenzas?
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: This is the operative part of what you looked up:
It is an election year. So no interim appointment. Just a special, non-partisan, second senatorial election in November.
On the Mississippi senator – Mike Espy is running as the Democrat – he was Clinton’s sec. of agg, and a really sharp guy (and AA, that would be something). He was in the house back when we used to elect democrats on occasion. I bet we’re about to see an interim Haley Barbour – yuck.
There is a Roy Moore type nut that may get the nomination named McDaniel who is one odious MF. He ran against Cochran last go-round and went after Thad’s wife (who’s in a nursing home). If he gets it, and Trump gets brought up on charges about that time, who knows. Espy is a pretty well loved figure from the good ole days.
C’mon and get me, ya lousy coppers! You’ll never take me alive!
Miss Bianca
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: I’ve just started a re-watch of “Deadwood”. I’ve just finished the part where Swearingen gets rid of the stupid rich-boy prospector wanna-be who’s been thrteaing him with the Pinkertons by telling his henchman, sotto voce, “Make it look like an accident.”
@Amir Khalid: “TOP OF THE WORLD, MA!!”
@Adam L Silverman: Okay, I didn’t read my own quote carefully! Apologies. I’m gonna blame it on the stress of the aftermath of Henry’s surgery.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: “I’m just high on life! And America!”
@Rp: No Stalin was smart. He was a vicious bastard, but a smart, vicious bastard.
James E. Powell
We got one in Alabama, is it possible we could do it in Mississippi?
James E. Powell
Oh my God! People are arguing about whether Stalin was smart! WTF?!?
How did that get onto the Top 100 things to argue about on the internet, first week of March 2018?