Have at it as the polls close in the special election for Pennsylvania-18.
Open thread
by David Anderson| 342 Comments
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Have at it as the polls close in the special election for Pennsylvania-18.
Open thread
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Something that actually matters!
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Here we go.
Fingers crossed, although I suspect my distant relatives in that areas are not …..blue.
I really shouldn’t be this keyed up about this race, but I am. The devil made me do it. Rather Trump made me do it. Um, that’s the same thing, isn’t it.
Crossing my fingers for Connor Lamb, and PA.
Corner Stone
Looks like premature posting execution. Don’t worry. It happens to a lot of Front Pagers. Or so I hear.
NYT Hypnotic Election Needle. Page says they expect first results around 8:20 Eastern.
Snarki, child of Loki
Shitty cold snowy weather today.
Those with WHITE HOT RAGE won’t notice.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Corner Stone
@Trentrunner: #AllPostsMatter !
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: So, taking that at face value (I know, I know), four percent of the voters approved of Trump but voted for Lamb. That’s a very confused bunch of people.
It’ll be close in a +20 Trump district where the GOP far outspent us. Winning it outright would be icing on the cake.
@dmsilev: Just seeing those words in blue (your link) gives me flashbacks to election night Nov 2016. I will never be able to look at one of those again.
@dmsilev: Vote splitters are funny people.
@Baud: It’s an age of political incoherency.
Just a few hours ago I started to wonder about possible interference in voting in this special election. However it comes out, I hope the exit polls are close to the results.
I can’t quit the New York Times needle. It’s what told me Hillary would lose and I kept posting here that there was trouble long before most of the rest of the Juicers succumbed to reality.
Corner Stone
Oooo, I am *loving* that tie Chris Hayes is wearing tonight.
@Corner Stone: serious or sarcasm?
@guachi: No one wants to miss a chance to panic and despair, right? :/
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I guess Putin didn’t want to invest in this particular race.
Corner Stone
@WaterGirl: I would have further comments but MSNBC’s god damned bullshit bottom line chyron is keeping me from seeing it any longer.
Ignatius Donnelly
@dmsilev: That’s basically the “Tsar is good but his counsellors are evil” faction. They’re aware that the GOP is screwing them, but they don’t blame Trump. A key target group for Lamb, believe it or not.
@guachi: You can’t quit their needle, and I shudder at the thought of ever looking at one of those again. Interesting that we have such different responses to the same thing.
It takes all kinds, as my dad used to say.
Corner Stone
I am not sure why MSNBC is displaying CURRENT HOUSE CONTROL numbers when this is one race that won’t tip the balance either way.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I hope Lamb wins and shows up at a victory rally in a Sheperd Fairey inspired Nancy Pelosi tee-shirt
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: did they finally take off the autojitter?
@Corner Stone: House, Senate. Really, what are they thinking. Is this practice run for November?
He is much too dumb to be the devil. Not even an apprentice fallen angel
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Funny thought, but I’m also glad you aren’t his campaign manager!
Did you guys see Snooze Hour? Apparently, Pompeo is going to make the State Dept great again, because he has the President’s ear.
Sloane Ranger
David so excited it looks like he hit the post button twice.
Cheering for some Lamb with mint sauce from across the pond.
Uncle Ebeneezer
David Anderson
@Major Major Major Major: you can click a button for the flutter
Turnout in Mt. Lebanon was reportedly high. Affluent, educated, populous part of the district. My relatives there are Lamb supporters. Fingers are crossed for a win.
scott (the other one)
@Sloane Ranger: I like that he bigfooted his own post.
Major Major Major Major
@scott (the other one): with his own post!
Matt McIrvin
As someone on LGM pointed out, whether Lamb actually wins is not that consequential: the district is going to be eliminated anyway, and the fact that it’s even close in this district is great news for November. But a win would be good.
@Major Major Major Major: I’m serious. Just the thought of looking at the needle gives me the willies. I have no idea whether they have done that or not.
They are bastards for building in the jitteringt in the first place!
scott (the other one)
@Major Major Major Major: We have reached Peak Bigfoot? (Undoubtedly good news for John McCain.)
@Matt McIrvin: In my view, it has significant impact on the narrative: “Dems can win anywhere” vs. “Oh, look how close the horserace is” is big as far as psychological edge goes.
@David Anderson: Does the button say “masochists, click here”?
scott (the other one)
@Matt McIrvin: A win would be good, as (among other things) it would likely cause even more incumbent GOPers to retire, making their races even more competitive.
@Major Major Major Major:
with his own post!with the same post!guachi
The Needle is nice because it automatically does the math on the “but the results of the urban areas haven’t come in yet!!!!” mantra you always hear.
@Matt McIrvin: Though I get that the district is redrawn, so this is only until November, I don’t see how it’s not better for him to win tonight than to lose. Winning > Losing. Plus the humiliation of the R candidate is important.
Major Major Major Major
@Matt McIrvin: @scott (the other one): @WaterGirl: yup, psychology and narrative are hugely important in elections.
@different-church-lady: Given that Doug Jones won a considerably more consequential race just 4 months ago, the narrative doesn’t last long.
@JR: Agreed. The pessimists will be back soon enough.
@JR: I don’t think anyone has forgotten about Doug Jones; I hear it referenced often.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Russians need to work on their conversational english
@Major Major Major Major: I admit my own psychology could use some good news….
@JR: Hypothetical: is Lamb on the edge of victory tonight if Moore had squeaked out a win?
mike in dc
@JR: Isn’t this the last congressional special election before November, though? Unless Thad Cochran’s replacement is up before then.
Major Major Major Major
Well, as usual I have therapy during the election returns, you kids keep it real!
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch Who is this Jeff Gordons? He writes like he’s Tonto on The Lone Ranger or Hop Sing on Bonanza.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Google translate could probably do a better job than that.
@Major Major Major Major: we’ll miss you.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: don’t lie.
@Major Major Major Major: I meant that! You goof.
500 plus votes counted, Lamb up 52.5 to 47. We can all go to bed now. It’s in the bag.
@Major Major Major Major: How con-veeeeeeeen-ient.
OT. Beware!
@japa21: It’s two days after Daylight Savings Time — I won’t be able to sleep for a week.
@Baud: rat fuckers, all of them.
@mike in dc: No, there’s the one in Arizona for Trent Franks’ old seat and I think there’s one in Ohio, too.
@schrodingers_cat: Yes, I had to turn it off. WTF??
I hate watch the US politics crap on the Snooze Hour, but some of the other reporting is interesting news that I don’t see elsewhere, so I can’t quite quit it.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@WaterGirl: He’s trying to pretend to be a NASCAR fan. Jeff Gordon is a noted NASCAR driver.
@WaterGirl: Yeah, and Timothy Adams is too.
Corner Stone
I am not going to link to it, It’s in NYT. But this is one example of a brazillion why I never want to hear another word from any of the Obama admin ever again.
Samantha Power: How Mike Pompeo Could Save the State Department
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Major Major Major Major: During an election is probably a good time for therapy.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
TCM is running a Stormy Daniels classic, “War and Piece”.
Rick Perry to the VA, that’s just what the fuck we need.
@Baud: i thought lamb far outspent saccone
zhena gogolia
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
“this very illegal” sounds like Cecily Strong doing Melania
@Corner Stone: Is it praise of Pompeo or advice to Pompeo?
He’ll run in the new 17th (my district) against the odious Keith Rothfus. A loss for a Rothfus is a most delicious thought.
Seen on Twitter.. Cute.
White House Job Interview
“So where do you see yourself in five minutes?”
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@raven: I feel like I should know this but I don’t. If someone is confirmed to one position, and they’re moved to a new one, I assume they have to be confirmed again. Is that right? Trump can’t just assume a confirmation is good everywhere forever, can he?
1% in. Lamb leading by 52%. If this holds, Lamb wins by 5200%!
@Corner Stone: say whaaaat?!?
Man, that’s stupid
@fuckwit: I’ve heard the opposite, by a lot.
BC in Illinois
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
“E-MEHR-gency! e-MEHR-gency! Everyone to get from street!”
@Corner Stone: brazillion
readership capture!
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): I certainly could have used it, starting Nov 8 of 2016.
@Davebo: Heh.
scott (the other one)
This guy’s twitter feed is interesting, assuming it’s true.
I feel like I’m having a flashback…to November 2016. Trying to remain calm and optimistic. Surely our fellow citizens won’t screw us over again…..
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): New Senate confirmation each time. Otherwise Garland (already a confirmed circuit judge) would be on the High Court.
@BC in Illinois: Ah, Whittaker. Walt…
Gin & Tonic
@raven: Doesn’t the dude already have a job?
@raven: There are 3 things he’d like to fix in the VA, but he can’t recall the third one.
edit: not to make light of that, he would surely be a disaster. Talk about disrespecting the troops.
He used to be paid by the GOP
@raven: But the glasses make him smart!
@SgrAstar: This race and the 2016 election aren’t comparable.
mike in dc
@JMG: Yeah, I researched my own query and saw that. Those are long shots, to say the least. Incumbents got 68% and 66% in 2016, respectively. Worth a shot, of course.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@BC in Illinois: I remember that movie!
Ignatius Donnelly
@Baud: You’re both right: Lamb out-raised Saccone 5-1, but outside spending for Saccone was way ahead of Lamb.
@rikyrah: For all we know, he still is.
@fuckwit: I don’t know the final spending totals, but I know that Rs put in millions at the end.
Seems plausible to me.
@Ignatius Donnelly: Thanks for clarifying.
Lamb up by 20% with 3% in. But I suspect there are a lot of strong GOP precincts not reporting yet.
@geg6: Plus, a proven winner carries a lot of weight. I think this win could make a huge difference. If I weren’t so lazy, I could list 10 different ways right off the top of my head.
zhena gogolia
@Ignatius Donnelly:
Hey, I was about to say that!
@WaterGirl: Something north of $10 million by the time the dust settles. Which is a hell of a lot for any House race, never mind one which the GOP was supposed to win easily.
Corner Stone
@Baud: Fantasy.
“If Mike Pompeo, the director of the C.I.A., wins confirmation as Rex Tillerson’s replacement as secretary of state, fixing this would become his responsibility. He can’t change the president, but he can make it his mission to revitalize America’s diplomatic corps and get back to trying to solve problems in the real world.”
@dmsilev: I’m now past hoping for a win to hoping for a major beat-down.
Maybe they’re too ashamed to say anything.
@WaterGirl: He was in the fucking air force.
And the letter carrier’s nose.
If we lose, eh. It would be a nice pickup. This is not even close to a critical race. If anything, losing would probably piss off the activists who have been driving our wave more.
@Corner Stone:
Meh. People like to give Dems “advice” all the time, and it’s annoying as hell. Unless there’s something else, this seems like turnabout is fair play to me.
@japa21: Like St. Petersburg.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I know it’s meaningless this early, but Lamb just jumped to a 61-39 lead with 5% reporting. Whoa!
@japa21: Map shows most of the precincts to report so far are in the Pittsburgh burbs. The Pennsyltuckians have yet to make their mark.
please be a +5 Democratic blowout please be a +5 Democratic blowout please be a +5 Democratic blowout please be a +5 Democratic blowout please be a +5 Democratic blowout please be a +5 Democratic blowout please be a +5 Democratic blowout please be a +5 Democratic blowout okay?
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): They do have to be confirmed again, but it’s usually a given that if they made it through for one, they will breeze through all subsequent confirmations.
Look at Leon Panetta, he served in several positions. I am really, hoping though, that there are some key NO votes as a way to send a little feedback to the president. Hoping there are at least 2 Rs who actually give a shit about this country.
Gin & Tonic
@japa21: They’re waiting to see how many votes they have to report.
Corner Stone
@Baud: Give me a break.
If Kornacki’s got khakis on, you know it’s election night.
@different-church-lady: I like that. Basic point is, the lead is going to shrink a lot and we shouldn’t start getting all nervous when it does.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@B.B.A.: how was the roads up in the hills and hollers today?
Ignatius Donnelly
@WaterGirl: I’ve seen analysts on Twitter reporting a swing of 20 to 2y percentage points in the precincts counted so far.
@Corner Stone: I’m not reading the whole piece. I really don’t care.
@rikyrah: Probably until about 45 minutes ago.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@B.B.A.: Very early yet, but encouraging. NYT’s analysis of what their needle is showing:
Yeah, pretty sure that’s all Allegheny County, the more affluent and educated suburb. But even still, that’s a damn big spread for the area.
@Yarrow: If he wore 3 pairs of glasses at the same time, maybe he could remember all 3 points to his plan.
It’ll be interesting not just to see the lead the R gets from the R areas but turnout, too. I suspect we’ll see some quick changes if turnout is different than expected.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@WaterGirl: That’s more or less what I thought. Thanks.
Apparently people are still in line to vote.
@japa21: Oh no! It just went from 60-40 to 58-42!! I’m getting really worried now…
@Corner Stone: She must be talking about a different Pompeo.
I’m not sure how that is significant.
There’s not a single R that would be put up for that position that actually gives a shit about making/keeping the VA a good place, run by the government, not privatized. Plus, the guy is not competent.
Gin & Tonic
@chris: Always sounds like a 70’s porn star to me: Harry Reems, Ron Jeremy and Mike Pompeo.
@WaterGirl: It is to me.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
He can, and will, assume whatever the fuck his mini-brain conjures up, but he’d be wrong.
Each nominee for each office requires senate confirmation. Usually someone in an existing, already confirmed cabinet job slides thru with a couple of pro forma hearings and a vote. We have left usually far, far behind.
@Gin & Tonic: I wish I could laugh at that.
FTFNYT has it back to even. Not a single precinct in Westmoreland County has reported yet. That seems suspicious to me.
Mary G
Never heard of this guy before, but he says he’s a GOP consultant and I’m hoping he’s right:
@Gin & Tonic: What about Dirk Diggler and David Dickinson?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I guess working class whites are demobilizing now that War on Christmas as been won.
@Corner Stone: hot take: by not being Mike Pompeo.
Gin & Tonic
Midnight GMT has come and gone, and Russia has not responded to Theresa May. Now what?
@Gin & Tonic: I don’t dare google that but he has been a Koch Bros. testicle cozy (thanks, Driftglass) for the last twenty years.
Corner Stone
@Baud: It doesn’t get any better and it does not survive “Meh”.
Gin & Tonic
@patroclus: Perhaps I don’t know the genre as well as you.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
CNN’s front page shows results as they come in, though without analysis of whether those results beat, meet, or lag expectations. At the moment, they show 16% in, Lamb leading 58-40
Mike J
@Mary G: It ain’t over til it’s over.
FTFNYT does have one good thing, precinct maps. Watch the ones in the top right. Lamb needs to run up the score there. 20 points is a good start, but it’s going to tighten.
Matt McIrvin
@dmsilev: Not any more–their model has swung toward a Saccone win, but with a tiny margin and a big spread.
Come on fellow native-staters, make the Bloody Buckets proud!
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Win or lose tonight, the fact that turnout for Dems is out pacing GOP by 20.5% is big for the fall.
Another Scott
@Corner Stone: Haven’t read the story, but Pompeo going from a money-is-no-object-black-budget agency to a let’s-cut-the-budget-by-30-percent agency is going to be eye-opening for him. No matter how good a “manager” he is.
Dunno what Power’s thinking, and I don’t really want to spend time on it. Of course a good manager “can” do lots of things, but Trump didn’t pick him to fix Tillerson’s gutting of state. He picked him to continue gutting State and be a yes man.
@raven: sorry to be dense. Maybe I misunderstood your original comment.
Was that serious or sarcastic? Do you think his being in the air force was a good thing?
Um, you want a +5 blowout??
@WaterGirl: He’ll forget a pair….
@Gin & Tonic: they responded. They killed another guy.
@Gin & Tonic: Diggler was Mark Wahlberg’s character in Boogie Nights and Dickinson was Trump’s name with Stormy Daniels.
mike in dc
Coming this November:
@Gin & Tonic: Did you see the two articles related to this on Lawfare today? I thought they were both terrific, and I learned a lot.
Let me know if you want links.
@Matt McIrvin: How can their model predict turn out?
Now he’s shooting his rifle off at the sky.
Lamb has such a huge mountain to climb that he can make up 18 points on Trump’s margin and still lose. So all these reports of good news for Lamb might not be enough when he needs GREAT news.
For those who aren’t looking, the NYT forecast has been between +0.5 for Lamb and +2.1 for Saccone (where it is now).
@satby: OT – saw your comment in TaMara’s thread and have seen some of your other comments re: your coughing or breathing issues, or whatever they’ve turned into. Several years ago I had a cold that settled in my lungs and I just couldn’t seem to get better. The doctor finally gave me an inhaler and I used it for a short period of time. That allowed my lungs to heal or work better and I finally was able to recover. Just wanted to mention it in case it wasn’t something you’d considered yet and might want to look into. Hope you feel better.
Uh oh. Down to 54-46 – 26% in.
@Gin & Tonic: The Foreign Office will send a sternly worded letter advising the Russians that their behavior is “just not cricket.”
Swinging heavily towards Saccone. I may disregard my own advice and start sweating this. Remember exit polls had Lamb up 5. If Saccone wins by 2-3 that is worrisome. Yes exit polls are not perfect, but a 6-7 point differential is unusual.
@Gin & Tonic:
oh they responded, by assassinating another Russian.
@mike in dc: I was hoping that was going to me my favorite: JUMP! You Fuckers!
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: I did not.
I really hope it doesn’t go to a recount and they end up having to flip a coin.
@BC in Illinois:
More like the sailor whose best effort was “E-german-cy”
@Yarrow: aww, thanks! I have an inhaler and an Rx for Advair, but the steroid actually made me worse for a bit because it reduced my immune response. I’m much better, but just like you and Tamara, I feel fine and get on with normal activity and then feel wiped out the next day. I figure I just have to wait it out and do what I can.
The percentage is narrowing but the margin (roughly 6000) is widening. 54-46 (31% in).
mike in dc
Maddow’s gonna need a 4th column soon.
Lamb holding 8 point lead with 31% in.
36% in but Westmoreland still hasn’t had a single precinct report. To repeat myself, that seems suspicious.
Caught a minute of Republican whisperer Dana Bash on CNN. She caught herself before saying “Democrat seat”, but she was reporting on what her GOP contacts were telling her. Like, they should buckle down and run good campaigns.
O-tay, Dana.
Now the Times has Lamb projected to win, though not by much. I am getting dizzy.
Needle gonna make me crazy but it just swang two points back towards the blue all at once.
(Is swang a word?)
scott (the other one)
@Yarrow: Chiming in to say that for years my wife would develop a cough in the spring that would last for two months. Every single doctor would tell her to try OTC cough syrups, none of which ever did a thing. Finally one prescribed an inhaler and BING! she was improved in 24 hours and the cough was maybe 10% of what it had been for the rest of the spring.
@Gin & Tonic: In case you are interested. (or anyone else) Really worth the read, for me anyway.
Prime Minister May’s Use of Force Claim: Clarifying the Law that Governs the U.K.’s Options
U.K. Prime Minister’s Speech on the Russian Poisoning of Sergei Skripal: Decoding the Signals
JFC that FTFNYT needle thingy is frustrating. It just went from Saccone at 60 percent chance to Tossup as I watched.
Anyone have any tranqs they can send me through the Intertubez?
ETA: Hey DCL: I think it’s actually “swanged,” because it’s past something-or-other.
ETA2: And with the “jitter” on, it’s REALLY crazy-making.
@SFAW: Agree
@SFAW: You can close the NYT webpage. Their needle 8s garbage.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
God I almost wish results were embargoed till 75 or 80% came in
ETA: Nate Cohn is analyzing the vote in Saccade’s state lege district by education levels. Next up: Angels dancing on the head of a pin
Gin & Tonic
@different-church-lady: You’re among friends, so yes.
@satby: Hey there! Hope you feel better. Developed a cough/fatigue myself a few weeks ago, better but it hasn’t fully gone away.
One of the townships in Greene County is named Aleppo. Somebody should call Gary Johnson.
@different-church-lady: I googled swing swang swung:
“swang. (archaic and dialectal) Simple past tense of swing. Now largely replaced by swung.”
edit: worth noting that autocorrect was fine with swing and swung, but kept trying to change swang.
margin up to 7000 54-45 (36%).
mike in dc
@WaterGirl: “countermeasures” should be the term on everyone’s lips when a new Democratic president is sworn in. I expect her first national security team meeting to look like FDR’s White House on December 8th, 1941.
@SFAW: Just hearing you guys describe the needle swings is making me nervous. Election night scarred me for life, I think.
That’s from Led Zeppelin II, right?
Good on MSNBC for putting on a regular Maddow program rather than going wall-to-wall election phumfering.
scott (the other one)
@mike in dc: Yeah, there should be a Manhattan Project-like plan ready to hit the ground running on day one with a massive infrastructure overhaul the likes of which the country hasn’t seen since the 50s.
And then the Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings start up.
What is up with Green Hills, Washington County? Why is that tiny district a thing that exists? Why are there only four voters there? Did all the people who were not die-hard Trumpsters move away?
Fair Economist
@Baud: The NYT needle is pretty good and IME is the best predictor of an election as the votes are coming in, but in an election with as much of a swing as this one no adjustment mechanism is trustworthy.
It don’t mean a thang if it ain’t got swang. 54-46 margin still at 8000 (42%).
Ouch! Margin down to 5000 52-47. (50%)
@Starfish: It’s a country club
no, really
@different-church-lady: the sound you hear is that flying way over my head.
Another Scott
49.1% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 52,392 54.0%
Rick Saccone (R) 44,071 45.4%
57.7% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 59,600 52.3%
Rick Saccone (R) 53,752 47.1%
@eclare: yeah, I’ve heard about it from too many areas of the country. I think it’s a virus of some kind. So did the doctor I went to.
Also, I would like to have a word with these Collier District 5 people in Alleghany County. Look at all those arrows on that one map. All the counties are more blue except that Collier District 5. Who saw Trump and said “Yes, more of that please?” Do we have a map for which region is doing the most opioids?
scott (the other one)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I saw this tweet this morning, and it’s me a lot of mornings of 2018
and along those lines, can anyone tell me what the thing about Tillerson and salad is? Or point me in the right direction?
@Fair Economist: It’s fucking goofy.
@satby: Sorry the inhaler didn’t work. Maybe a different one would help. I finally just stopped doing all but necessary tasks and rested a lot. I gradually got better. Took time and I’m still not 100% but I’m mostly functional now. I think I just was so weak that it’s taking time to climb back up to feeling well. Take good care of yourself.
joel hanes
Who saw Trump and said “Yes, more of that please?”
Low-info racists, regligious bigots, gun-humpers, misogynists, and tax haters.
@scott (the other one): ratfuckers.
@Yarrow: thanks, you too!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Google Rex salad Trump and China. Don’t have my mouse handy to link.
@satby: I’m going on a month. Congestion, fatigue. No fever. Doc is treating me for pneumonia. But it just won’t die.
Now can we kick them out of the UN?
El Caganer
@Another Scott: I think he picked him specifically to start a war with Iran.
@Yarrow: I tried everything but time was the only thing that worked and it took a month.
@raven: isn’t that interesting. Hope there’s election monitors all over the place there.
@MFA: Mine lasted all of January.
@scott (the other one):
Westmoreland just needs more time to figure out how many more “voters” they need, to give Saccone the win.
ETA: I see G&T beat me to the punch. Again.
@japa21: They must wait until the Democratic Party-heavy districts report so that the Republicans will know how to calculate the number of votes they report.
@B.B.A.: At least they had a good reason.
@B.B.A.: That’s fascinating. Rich people are crazy.
I’ve had pneumonia twice. It took more like two months to recover each time.
That explains why there are no marks on that county even though they are showing votes. So apparently the county is giving results but just a running tally and not breaking it down by precinct.
@WaterGirl: For you
Another Scott
60.5% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 63,595 52.7%
Rick Saccone (R) 56,427 46.7%
62.4% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 66,428 52.8%
Rick Saccone (R) 58,545 46.6%
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@eclare: thanks– got it.
Margin 7168. 53-46 (61%).
@JMG: SNPJ is another country club that formed its own borough to get a liquor license. Centralia, population 7, is a coal mining town that was mostly evacuated after the mine caught fire.
@scott (the other one):
printing out what @scott (the other one) said above:
(An explanation they wrote in advance is at @scott t.o.o’s link. Doesn’t copy here.)

@Another Scott:
Unless they tell the clients what the pollsters think they want to hear – always a possibility in RWNJ fantasyland – the internal polling in dozens, maybe hundreds of districts has to be absolutely terrifying for them. This is looking like a mirror image of 2010.
All you fraidy cats and chicken littles take a pill and a nap.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Rex – eat the salad
@chris: Hahaha……that’s priceless.
@MFA: yep, exactly what I had, but I knew it wasn’t pneumonia because I’ve had that multiple times. Still was put on prophylactic antibiotics but they really didn’t help me get better, I just didn’t develop pneumonia. And none of us are sick enough to be hospitalized for it to be better identified.
Here’s hoping we all shake it off soon!
Looking good for Lamb [crosses fingers, holds breath].
@chris: Gives new meaning to that song!
Major Major Major Major
@chris: wtf
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@hellslittlestangel: spit through your fingers, turn clockwise in a circle three times, and throw salt over your left shoulder. Quick!
mike in dc
@chris: Well, with about 80k votes outstanding(spitballing here), Saccone needs to win those around 44k-36k or thereabouts.
Matt McIrvin
@SFAW: They’re reporting totals, just not breaking it down by precinct.
Looks very close, in any event. The precincts that haven’t reported yet are mostly red ones, so it’s going to get narrow.
WRT people suffering lingering illnesses and fatigue: a Facebook friend suggested that some of it might be tied to Trump fear and fatigue, and I think there might be something to that.
I guess the control group would be the troglodytes who are fine with Trump and all the disruption and malfeasance; have no idea how they’re doing healthwise.
And Nate just turned it off about 20 seconds ago.
Matt McIrvin
@Elizabelle: Those people are terrified of the entire rest of society and the world, so it probably evens out.
Another Scott
71.0% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 75,152 51.5%
Rick Saccone (R) 69,964 47.9%
72.0% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 76,181 51.5%
Rick Saccone (R) 70,781 47.9%
51-48 (70%) 5008 margin. Getting dicey!
Mary G
@Mary G:
@satby: That describes what I had for two months. Steroids and antibiotics, I didn’t, then I did, then I didn’t have pneumonia. I went to the doctor every other week during that time and the best thing they did was as prescribe a cough syrup that would help me sleep and was non-codeine.
Gin & Tonic
@SFAW: You snooze, you lose.
@opiejeanne: I turned down the codeine at first but then gave in. I had this weird whistle when I breathed at night. . . I though there was a cell phone under the bed.
@Mary G
Haven’t trusted anything named Westmoreland since Viet Nam.
Andrea Mitchell reports that Trump was forced to call Tillerson to fire him.
Dave Wasserman in an earlier tweet said the results needed to be
Allegheny 58%
Westmoreland 43%
Washington 47%
Greene 41%
for Lamb to win.
He’s currently at
Allegheny 58.04%
Westmoreland 43.09%
Washington 49.76%
Greene 41.70%
so barely above estimates.
@Matt McIrvin: I, of course, hope they all have one foot in the grave and will shuffle off this mortal coil, soonest. So we can have nice things.
Another Scott
74.2% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 78,686 51.7%
Rick Saccone (R) 72,654 47.7%
Big jump:
86.7% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 91,687 50.4%
Rick Saccone (R) 89,194 49.0%
50-48 3500 margin 76%. I’m getting nervous!
@BC in Illinois: “otherwise there is World War III, and everybody is blaming YOU!”
Haven’t seen that movie in, what? 50 years? And its still quotable
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Typical WSJ, left off “and get your shine box.”
Margin now down to about 2000 votes, with 86.7% reporting in.
87% in 1,4% lead for Lamb. Nail biter time.
@raven: They did prescribe the codeine version and after the second dose I remembered why I shouldn’t take it. I threw up for nearly 24 hours. That’s when they switched me to something that doesn’t do that to me.
It’s a nail biter! I know some would say even being close is a win, but it’s not a win.
With 87% reporting it’s 50-49 Lamb leading. Lamb has been surprisingly competitive in Washington County. This may end up close to a tie or Lamb may hold on barely.
@jefft452: Paul Ford and Jonathon Winters killed it!
Interesting that we have heard nothing about how either camp is feeling right now.
Man, I wish Baud had gone to the District to campaign for Lamb!!
@opiejeanne: Ugh
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: Forced how? Does she say? Wonder if Tillerson said he wasn’t leaving based on a tweet!
@WaterGirl: That’s what she suggested.
@Baud: You stop that! :-)
@raven: They did. But Alan Arkin and Brian Keith and Carl Reiner and … hell, it was a great cast.
@patroclus: I had my phone on silent. Missed his call.
Boy, Ron Wyden has gotten old. Doesn’t look well, appears gaunt.
@trollhattan: I thought they were both lucky the meal was identifiable.
Another Scott
87.7% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 93,388 50.5%
Rick Saccone (R) 90,566 48.9%
90.7% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 97,208 50.2%
Rick Saccone (R) 95,232 49.2%
@Baud: Not a fan of Tillerson, but good for him on that one.
Prediction: Lamb loses by 123 votes. Runs again. Wins by 5.7% in the rematch in November.
@frosty: And the little blondie!
@guachi: There won’t be a rematch. They’ll be in different districts.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Do you really think I’ll believe that tRump gave the slightest thought to whether anyone else would be offended by anything?
What’s the recount threshold? Anyone know?
Mary G
Lamb winning would stiil be better.
Fair Economist
Getting cautiously optimistic. The outstanding votes lean R but not overwhelmingly so.
And as I post a huge bloc comes in from Westmoreland. The remaining votes might even lean D at this point but holy cow this is close.
91% in. This is going to be about .5% either way. Expect a recount.
Margin at 1549, 91% in.
Ouch. Margin at 703. 94% in.
@Mary G: Agree with the tweet and your comment.
Margin at 703 votes (49.9-49.5), with 94% reporting.
There’s gonna be a recount.
Oh Cripes, cue the recount…
@Baud: Does Pennsylvania law require candidates to live in the district they represent?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Skepticat: he owes money to banks Xi controls, or hopes to
@JaneSays: Damn.
@raven: Yep, she was definitely striking.
Down to a 72 vote margin with 95% reporting.
101,907 (Lamb) to 100,979 (Saccone).
@guachi: I don’t know.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Win or Lose
Another Scott
94.9% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 101,907 49.9%
Rick Saccone (R) 100,979 49.5%
Just checked The Atlantic, and it reports a Libertarian candidate with 1500 or so votes. Really?
How close is this election? Close enough that the votes for the Libertarian candidate could have been decisive.
Nevermind, misread the last count. It’s currently a 928 vote margin for Lamb.
Which will still almost certainly trigger a recount.
Mary G
Fair Economist
@guachi: No state can require a House member to reside in the district, only the state, per the Constitution.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: No, we can’t. We can’t even kick them off of the Security Council.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
We all should have gone to therapy with MajorX4.
@Mary G: I’ll take all 114, ma’am.
@JaneSays: I gotta bad feeling.
@Lapassionara: I swear. I am going to just punch Libertarians in the nuts on principle. There is one dude on Twitter right now saying that United was right in today’s “flight attendant gets a puppy killed” episode.
Lamb seems to be squeaking back up as the finish line approaches.
New thread.
So Drew Miller, the Libertarian may be the deciding factor for the good guys
C’mon invisible hand!!
Another Scott
95.4% reporting
Candidate Votes PCT
Conor Lamb (D) 102,839 50.0%
Rick Saccone (R) 101,707 49.4%
(-0.6%, -1132 votes)
Margin is now 1132 for Lamb.
Doesn’t look like Conor’s going to prevail but, if he does, it would be by almost literally a handful of votes. In any event, it would be a real Pyrrhic victory for the GOP if Saccone wins.
Nobody goes there, it’s too crowded.
Lamb’s margin is edging back up… +1,100 with a handful.
@Starfish: Do it!
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Maybe we could get a group rate?
@mainmata: A win is a win.
mike in dc
@Omnes Omnibus: The idea of forming a new organization has occasionally been bandied about. It would consist only of the most “democratic” nations of the world. I’d use the criteria of the Democracy Index, where the US is (just barely) a “flawed democracy”, downgraded from “functional democracy”. Hybrid states might have provisional membership, provided they work steadily on internal reforms. Authoritarian states would be excluded.
patrick II
I am trying to figure out what is the advantage to Republicans of holding back counts and not reporting by precinct in Westmoreland.
@Omnes Omnibus: Actually it could be done. We’d just have to convince Russia to vote for it’s own removal!
Chapter XVIII, article 108
Getting the same queasy feeling I had on 11/8/16.
@Omnes Omnibus:
We can’t even send them to their room for a timeout?
Omnes Omnibus
@Davebo: Like I said….
@debbie: No.
Omnes Omnibus
@hellslittlestangel: Then you are way too emotionally invested in this special election. Do you live in the district?
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t need you to tell me how to feel. Thanks, but no thanks.
@hellslittlestangel: The fact that this is even close and forced the GOP to pour millions into what should have been a no-brainer safe district is a win. Imagine some Republican coming within .5 percent of ousting a Dem in Berkeley, CA. That’s how nuts Lamb’s candidacy was. And he still might actually win!
@El Caganer: If he had nominated Tom Cotton, the bombers would be all but airborne 2 minutes after his confirmation vote. But yeah, Pompeo is going to be bad. How bad, I’m not sure, as long as Mattis is still at Defense, but who knows how long that’s going to last…
Omnes Omnibus
@hellslittlestangel: Not telling you how to feel. Just offering my opinion. Feel free to ignore it.
Eric S.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): I was in therapy 630 to 830 CAT. Trying to get caught up on this thread.