The only statistic that matters to Trump: March for Our Lives had more people than his inauguration.
Oh, I forgot my friends Holly (of the aneurysm) and Brooke led a trip of religious studies students to DC this weekend. The trip was planned prior to the Parkland shooting and they were going to the African American museum and the Holocaust museum, but when the march date was set, they shuffled their plans and they all went to the march. In addition, not only did their religious studies students go, but an entire busload of kids went because they wanted to be part of the march. Pictured below are Holly, Brooke, Cherisna (who is our town minister for the Disciples of Christ church), and apparently a nun whom I have never met:
And here is another with a bunch of the kids:
Libby Spencer
And that was just in DC. If you add up all the marches, millions of people around the world stood up for gun safety and demanded legislators reflect the will of the electorate instead of their deep pocket donors.
The speakers were more articulate than Trump too.
Yesbut will his wee fragile ego let him acknowledge that?
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
That’s partly why he made sure he wasn’t in DC today. Like a coward.
Fake news (smirk)
An 11 year old girl gave a better and more coherent speech than Trumpov ever did.
My wife and I were watching this and we made the same observation. Much laughter was had at the shitgibbon’s expence.
In LA, Ruckus and I were standing in the section behind the truck/stage in this overhead video. Since we were on a side street, we didn’t quite realize how many people were there until the actual march started.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
or ever will
If non-gun owners are counted as 3/5 of a person, it was still a bigger crowd.
Wonder whether he will send out a nasty tweet about the March, or simply ignore it.
Between the Stormy Daniels interview on 60 Minutes and the overwhelming numbers that came out for March for Our Lives, I can only hope he’s having a terrible weekend! And I saw somewhere that Melania, once again, declined to ride to Andrews with him yesterday.
At the march today today, a 10 year old was carrying a sign that read,
I’m glad we didn’t take the suggestion that we didn’t drop guns as an issue in order to try to win over Trump voters.
Emma’s incredible 6m20s of silence was more articulate than anything he’s ever uttered.
@schrodingers_cat: A lot of kids had that sign.
@SiubhanDuinne: supposedly he’s debating whether or not to dispute the ladies via Twitter…?????
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: I caught some of the Anderson Cooper video, and apparently there was some kind of photo op with the Playboy model and Melania, in their apartment or somewhere? Some shit that definitely wasn’t in the contract.
Yesterday on MSNBC, Kristin Welker and another reporter agreed that the fact that trump has told two (according to current reporting) of his mistresses that they remind him of his daughter was a sign of how much he loves IVanka. And they weren’t being slyly ironic about it either.
LOL! Good luck with that!
Also, I swiped that video from this USA Today story with photos and video from around the world. In London, they did a “die-in” in front of the US Embassy. ?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
zhena gogolia
These kids have faced more bullets than cadet bonespurs.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I assume lard-ass golfed today. Probably be a series of rage-Tweets from the toidy tomorrow predawn.
@Baud: Truly a sad state of affairs, when young children have to worry about being shot in school. Its like they are living in a war zone.
Does anyone know, was there a march in WPB/Mar-a-Lago area? If there was, obviously security would have kept them at a distance, but it’s pretty to think that a good crowd might have turned out in his neighborhood.
The protest also completely eclipsed all the tea party ones
@schrodingers_cat: The NRA ask that you call them Freedom Zones.
Mike in NC
@SiubhanDuinne: Oh he will be in a foul mood come Monday and will need to have something or someone to lash out at, being a petulant 71 year old man-child. We could almost feel sorry for Possum Queen trying to take questions from the WH press. Might have to set the DVR for that performance.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Conor Lamb is not particularly pro-gun-control, is he? There’s been some local discretion.
Traditionally gun control has been one of the first things Democrats drop in order to appeal to Republican constituencies, and it’s often worked, but it means it’s hard to maintain solidarity on this issue. I wonder if that’s fading.
Miss Bianca
Cool photos, cool story, JC!
@Mike in NC:
In my wildest imagination I can’t envision a circumstance under which I would feel remotely sorry for Jethrene Jethrene the Possum Queen. Not. One.
Fair Economist
@Mnemosyne: 5th between Hill and Broadway?
Yes there was. Someone below linked to a story that Dolt 45’s motorcade made an unannounced detour in order to avoid being in close proximity of them.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: somebody posted they had to reroute his motorcade on the way to the golf course because of a protest
@Matt McIrvin:
The argument wasn’t that we run pro-gun people in pro-gun areas. It was that the entire party nationally stop talking about guns so that pro-gun voters will regard the Dems as a safe space.
Dan B
There was a protest in WPB. Drump’s motorcade was detoured on the way from the golf course.
I wasn’t able to attend a march today due to a project I had agreed to volunteer for back in January that just happened to be today. I did have a few minutes between the morning shift and afternoon shift and managed to see a bit of the news coverage of the marches. Left me in tears. These kids are amazing.
@SiubhanDuinne: There was a protest and evidently Trump’s motorcade took the long way to the golf course to avoid being close to it. Heh heh.
Chet Murthy
@Matt McIrvin: I believe Arrow once pointed out that in a democratic polity with many competing special interests, what matters is who controls the agenda. In short, who’s Speaker of the House. As long as Conor supports a Dem for Speaker, I’m good (and I gave him $$, knowing about his less-than-ideal positions).
LOL. Beautiful!
Fair Economist
@Matt McIrvin: At present even somebody strongly opposed to gun control in general can support the measures we are currently pushing like an assault rifle ban, background checks with teeth, and 21+ requirements. We won’t split with “sane” gun supporters unless we start trying to ban handguns.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Love it!
There is never a right time to do the wrong thing. Dems would have been much better off in 04 had they opposed Boy Blunder on Iraq but they chose political expediency instead.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Yeah no. That reminds me of the proposal after 2004 that the Democrats had to go hard anti-abortion nationally to get the “values voters”. (I still see people arguing this. They seem to be implicitly assuming that telling women who care about their rights to go to hell won’t blow a huge hole in the Democrats’ base.)
@Dan B:
He must be beside himself.
Yes, Mara-la-go-fuck-yourself was the site of a demonstration. Dump ran away until they left according to reports
@Schlemazel: Sure. But that is a little different. That ultimately came down to one vote. The gun fight is a more regular fight.
Matt McIrvin
@Fair Economist: I think Lamb is opposed to an assault-rifle ban.
Heh heh indeed. I hope he’s just totally chewed up inside. Fucker.
@Matt McIrvin: People also make the same argument about “identity politics,” whatever that is.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
And she doesn’t seem the least bit creeped out about it, does she?
Half a million people brought to six minutes of silent thoughtfulness by an 18 year old woman with tears streaming down her face remembering her murdered friends is not an image I will forget soon. She could have moved Hades to tears.
Brave, brave Sir Bonespurs.
Chet Murthy
@Fair Economist:
Softly softly, we’ll get there. And in that country, Conor Lamb might be a Republican (with his current positions, no less). Wouldn’t that be amazing?
John Cole @ top:
I love that a self-identified theologian says “Thoughts and prayers are not enough.”
You have great friends, John.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
SHS is The Possum Queen? I don’t get it; might someone explain?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ha! stoled!
@debbie: I can say, without a trace of sympathy or compassion, the Three Large Adult Children are severely damaged. I’m enough of a bleeding heart to hope Tiffany and Barron have benefited from his indifference
Uncle Cosmo
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Redacted for accuracy. In the immortal words of Tina Turner, What’s “love” got to do, got to do with it?
There is never a right time to do the wrong thing
Raoul Paste
David Hogg: “Today is the first day of Spring. And tomorrow is the first day of democracy”
Worthy of JFK. This kid is good.
Fair Economist
Nonetheless several mainstream articles devoted substantial parts of their coverage to talking about counterprotests even though the were outnumbered at least a hundred to one. Bothsides!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Not my original but feel free!
Now THIS is worth stealing!
I rode on the train today with infants that were more articulate than drumpf.
Gin & Tonic
@Uncle Cosmo: There you go.
I have two adult daughters. I love them unreservedly, as I have since they were born. But that’s *love*, not lust. I just can’t even imagine the thought process that would lead me to boink some hooker and tell her she reminded me of my daughter. Or to put my hands on my daughters the way that asshole puts his hands on Ivanka.
Tenar Arha
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Everyone says Ewww
@Gin & Tonic:
I have but one, but couldn’t agree more.
When she was very young, I innocently patted her on the ass. Gave that up when she was maybe eight or nine.
@Fair Economist:
I think so? I am notoriously bad at directions.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: For all his security and generals, and all the NRA’s guns and money, and all the gated property and the no fault laws, they still live in fear, of democracy.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think he’ll see this one, if not, the NYT, or the WaPo, or Morning Broseph… somebody will put the thought in that big echoing cavernous melon
@Fair Economist: No counter protests in my neck of the woods. Its good to be blue.
Amir Khalid
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Now that you mention it, I wonder how Trump will justify calling March for Our Lives “Sad!”.
zhena gogolia
Big march in Hartford today, but also they filled the Guilford green!
My favorite things about the rally (not being closer enough to actually hear the speeches) were the emphasis from top to bottom on voting, and the diversity. There were way more PoC, and also more headscarves than I’ve seen at past protests, likely because the Parkland students explicitly included in their advocacy those who experience regular gun violence, not just mass killings. Black Lives Matter was supported without reservation. And so forth.
J R in WV
Cole, you have some amazing friends, not least on this wonderful web site!
MoCA Ace
@Mike in NC:
I couldn’t
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@MoCA Ace: Agreed.
Among other things, she’s constantly sullen.
I applaud all of you who attended a march, as well as those who could not but were there in spirit. I couldn’t even watch it today because we had agreed to meet my niece and her husband in Tacoma at the house they’re about to close escrow on, and then we were stuck for hours on the freeway because someone drove a vehicle into the Jersey rail, actually dislodged the rail, climbed the Jersey rail and wrapped the truck (?) around a light pole. I hope the airbags saved whoever was in that mess. The northbound I-5 was closed even though the wreck was on the Southbound side, because so much of the wreckage and damage was on both sides.
I am so glad so many marched, and even outside the US. The photos are wonderful.
J. Rubin writes of the march today in an article titled “They came, they marched, they inspired”, and concludes with this:
Gotta say, I find her a good ally for the Trump wars. I only hope we have the luxury in the future to bitch about her writing about something of far less consequence.
I do hope for a time when I’m not yelling at the radio as much as I am these days.
@Chet Murthy: This is the goal. I disagree with Lamb on some imprortant issues but a nation with a Republican party, or whatever the hell had replaced it, that Lamb could be reasonably be a part of would be a nation in a far better place. Until that comes to pass I’m fine with him representing the district that he does.
@Fair Economist:
On 5th, just to the west of Broadway, maybe 20 feet. In the video that Memns posted, at the end of it you can see a sign on the building to the right, says Jewelry. That’s looking north on Broadway at 5th. We were in shot just before that as it rotated right.
Joyce Harmon
Someone on Twitter posted a picture, said “A six year old gave me this ” – picture was of a small lollipop, label on the stick said “This was my prize for staying silent during the active shooter drill “. Geeeeez, people….
@Baud: That’s a low bar.
Even more vociferous yelling when the radio is switched on?
Fair Economist
@Ruckus: I was just east of Hill. So close and yet so far.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
“Sullen” is the perfect word for her.
I’ll see your half mil and raise you at least another half mil…DC was just PACKED today. It’s a shame the TV coverage didn’t show how incredibly full the side streets were, too.
The children are inspiring.
My favorite sign:
” You ever think that these kids ARE the answer to your thoughts and prayers?”
@Joyce Harmon:
That is heartbreaking. When I was in grade school, my biggest angsty moments were generally to do with the fact that I was always the last one chosen to be on a sports team in gym. Cannot even imagine the emotional baggage these kids are hauling around.
Omnes Omnibus
FWIW blog friend Valdivia did her first protest march since she destroyed her ankle last February.* Her ankle was sore and swollen at the end of the day, but she was there in DC. She said that the most common chant was “Vote then out!”
*sukabi and/or WaterGirl: If you need broken ankle recovery advice, I can probably hook you up with a newly minted expert.
Probably out there in wingnut land but haven’t seen any mention in the reality-based arena of politicians mouthing the perennial “now is not the time to talk about this.”
Ben Cisco
Had to work today and missed all the coverage. What an amazing, astounding, soul-uplifting display.
We’re going to beat these bastards.
And they KNOW it.
Viva BrisVegas
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
It’s a Beverley Hillbillies reference.
“Here’s your choice for Possum Queen Granny, Granny! She don’t ride no limousine. Granny all the way! Vote her in to stay, come election day. The finest Queen you’ve ever seen, Granny all the way!”
@rikyrah: My favorite…’cause it’s already making the news in some spots…with my son carrying the sign(!)*
*sign courtesy of Samantha Bee’s team! They were handing those and plenty of others out early today.
My 16-year-old daughter made several, my favorite of which was, “School should be about LEARNING, not Lockdowns!”
When was head counselor at a summer camp I instituted a hard and fast rule that whoever was picked last when choosing up teams got to do the picking the next time.
@Omnes Omnibus: yikes…a year out and she’s still having swelling…my physical therapist said that could go on for quite a while, but wouldn’t give me a time frame….
:::Raises hand:::
I was a permanent right fielder.
Unless there was an odd number of kids. Then I immediately volunteered to umpire.
Omnes Omnibus
That is the damned August birthday. Nearly a year younger and less developed than the September and October assholes.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m glad she’s mending. Valdivia* is much missed in these parts.
*No, autocorrect, it’s Valdivia, not Vladivostok. FFS.
Omnes Omnibus
@sukabi: Her injury was one that had doctors saying, “Dude, holy shit! Come here and check out this X-ray.” Apparently, she scrambled it.
@Fair Economist:
Several hundred bodies of distance. Or 150 feet.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Partly that, I’m sure. Partly that I’m a natural klutz. Partly that I was nearly blind without my glasses, but with them on spent all my time flinching for fear of a wayward softball or other missile hitting me and knocking the specs right off my face.
I hear ya. Am another one who spent an inordinate amount of time counting blades of grass in right field.
Didn’t get to march; today my family celebrated our Dad/Gpa’s 99 years on earth and hoped wherever he is now, he’s driving and can hear his granddaughter singing. And, most importantly, help making DJT’s life as miserable as possible. ??
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: I will pass on your good wishes.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nah. June birthday. Just a klutz.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thanks to my mismatched eyes and the barely-existent depth perception they give me, my aim is godawful bad. That made me terrible at most sports, and I wasn’t enthused about them anyway, so that’s fine. It did lead to one hilarious (It makes me laugh, anyway) anecdote. Just once, our high school gym teacher told us to play ‘no fouls’ basketball. That is, basketball where there were no foul rules. Everyone else just played regular basketball, but crowded together closer. I walked into the crowd, over and over, pulled the ball out of the hands of whoever on the opposing team had it, and gave it to someone on my team who could shoot. This in turn led to the opposing team diverting most of their people to try and form a blockade between me and their shooter.
The moral of this story is that ‘no fouls’ basketball is a godawful stupid idea and the game needs those rules desperately.
Not a bad idea. Not sure if it’s the same with guys, but with girls — at least in my day — there was a correlation with general popularity. Team-picking in gym class was always agonizing and humiliating.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Got it. Me, when I got to college and played rugby (a new sport for most of us) and in the army (where I turned out to be easily in the top 20% in every physical thing they measured), it turned out that I was okay. OTOH, I also grew nearly 2″ when I was 19.
@Omnes Omnibus:
A friend and I had the same orthopod and the doc told me that friends broken foot looked like a 3D jigsaw puzzle and that the hardest part of the operation was finding the places where all the fragments went. Six months later he was walking without any implements to help. What some docs can do today is amazing.
@Omnes Omnibus: mine was a ‘clean’ break of all three of the ankle bones…fit back together fine, just needed screws and a plate to secure the pieces.
Thoughtful David
Before you get all misty-eyed over Rubin, keep in mind that she was advocating for John Bolton for president in 2011.
Yes, it’s good that she’s anti-Trump and saying some things that are right, now, but never trust her.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: June still puts you at a disadvantage, but klutzes are klutzes
Cosi fan tutte.
Another Scott
@Ruckus: Our recently (November) adopted dog (Ellie) had her right rear femur shattered sometime in her youth. We don’t know how she managed to survive the accident as well as she did. We have X-rays of her hips and rear legs – the right is about 4 times the diameter of the unbroken left one, with all kinds of sharp pointy things sticking out of it. It looks scary! We all assume it somehow healed up on its own without any medical attention. :-( But it doesn’t seem to bother her much and you wouldn’t know she has an issue with it unless you look closely – she stands more tippy-toed on it, and that foot points out more than the others. And when she sits, she sticks that leg out quite a bit. But she runs and jumps as if it’s fine.
Bodies are amazing things.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: That sounds like what happened to Valdivia. What is hilarious (in its way) is that while waiting for the ambulance to show up, she texted me “I just broke my ankle.” She also canceled a couple of appointments while waiting for the ambulance. Because, who doesn’t?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Big deal — they passed that mark at around 6 AM.
I’m thinking there were 50 times as many people today as were at his coronation
Turning in. If insomnia comes visiting, as it is wont to do, I may see some of you on one of the night threads in a few hours.
Nethead Jay
@Omnes Omnibus: What happened with Valdivia’s ankle? Guess I totally missed that.
My excuse for getting picked last was that I was rather big by fourth grade but then just stopped growing until I was a sophomore in HS. Grew 6 inches after that, including 1 1/2 after I was 21.
Aw rutti?
@Omnes Omnibus
Valdivia is missed around these parts. Ditto for PurpleGirl (should anyone be in contact with her).
Mr Stagger Lee
The losers were out today, Including one who said he would attack any teen wgo attacked him. Must of sucked knowing that knowing your attempts to intimidate the protesters fell flat, to the NRA and your minions your attempts garnered a Sad Trombone!
Big deal, I’m still growing.
Unfortunately, the growth is all orthogonal to the desired direction/axis
Omnes Omnibus
@Nethead Jay: Broke it very badly last February. Surgery, scooter, etc. She was able to be a part of the march in DC for about two hours before it started to ache. Full recovery and ability to wear heels is expected.
Chet Murthy
@Another Scott:
As someone brilliant once said: “the original self-replicating 3-D printer”
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: I will add your good wishes. I feel like she (like Amir) gets “beloved commenter” status while some of the rest of us deservedly get “incessant commenter” status.
Omnes Omnibus
@satby:Why am I not shocked?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Well my friend is a journalist doing a story in the CA desert. We lived in OH. He had to make his way out of the desert to the car, he wisely left his boot on, and an acquaintance took him to the closest hospital, which was a small county thing, not really any specialists there. They wanted to operate but he wisely said no and made them put on a cast so he could fly back home to this doc. I have no idea how he managed with a foot that broken up. The doc was even amazed, said some pieces were turned 180 deg, on the wrong side, etc.
@Omnes Omnibus: pass on my greetings and good wishes to Valdivia too, please!
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: My Boxer dogs and parrot are more articulate than Trump. That is not a difficult feat.
@Omnes Omnibus
While briefly on the subject of MIA, soonergrunt.
Yes and that can be stopped and reversed.
@Omnes Omnibus: well, you’ve probably seen the morning road pictures… Though I was once such a skinny thing bigger kids would shut me in cabinets because I fit. Skinny, red-head, glasses, and braces aa a kid. It’s a miracle I even socialize at all ?
Patricia Kayden
@sukabi: I’m kind of surprised that Trump is taking the stance that he didn’t have affairs with these women. His hardcore supporters don’t care that he’s an immoral bigot. He should just say, “Yeah, I slept with all of them but so what?”
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: You win. But really do think that politely rearranging appointments while waiting for an ambulance is pretty bad ass
@NotMax: sooner is on Twitter as much as Cole is.
Omnes Omnibus
@satby: I don’t follow that blog feature.
Nethead Jay
@Omnes Omnibus: Yikes, that sounds awful. But glad that full recovery is expected. Give her my best.
@Patricia Kayden: the piles that your dog leaves are more articulate than trump.
@Omnes Omnibus: you missed my elephant pictures? I haz a sad…
It’s cool, you’re more of a night person, obviously. I’m… not.
Patricia Kayden
@West of the Rockies (been a while): He should stay golfing. Less of a danger to the world.
Patricia Kayden
@sukabi: Truth.
Ohio Mom
@NotMax: I was just wondering what happened to Purple Girl the other day — I was sorta going through my closet, looking at this purple shirt I should probably give away because I never wear it, and I thought, Purple Girl! What happened to her?
I was inspired to check, and there is a lefty Pure Girl on Twitter, maybe that’s her? Sooner Grunt is definitely on Twitter.
@Patricia Kayden: surprises me too, which leaves me to believe that it’s not the ‘affairs’ as such, but might be the ‘kink’ he’s trying to hide.
@Omnes Omnibus: I was the fastest trooper in the “Low Crawl” in Basic, Sgt Lewis said “Holy Fuck”
Patricia Kayden
@Thoughtful David: Rubin wanted Bolton to be our President?!!! Speechless.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ohio Mom:I can’t help with PG, but SG is alive and well on twitter.
@Patricia Kayden
Caddy (stage whisper): “Um, sir? That’s not really the use the ball polisher is intended for.”
@Omnes Omnibus: and you’re right, that is badass. Plus demonstrates a composure under stress a majority of people could never manage.
@NotMax: now be fair…that’s Pences’ job.
Patricia Kayden
@sukabi: Pee parties? Small hands play? Dress up like Ivanka fetish? Kiss the possum on my head foreplay?
I don’t think we want to know.
Amir Khalid
A lop bob a loobop, a lop bam boom!
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
I wuvs ya too.
@Patricia Kayden: I don’t want to know either. But he’s trying to keep something other than being a slut quiet.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: You know that you were added as chaff, right?
Ok, time to hit the hay. Everyone enjoy your night and the great success that these marches were. Every glimmer of hope is welcome these days.
@sukabi: My guess would be the “A” word; at least paid for, and perhaps at his demand. Even he must know most of his followers would turn on him in a minute.
Maybe, it’s his fondness for being bound, gagged, and whipped.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
S’okay. I still wuvs ya.
Gelfling 545
@Patricia Kayden: She hasn’t been too complimentary towards him lately. “In Bolton, the president has someone who may well encourage his most outlandish ideas.”
Y’know, kind of surprised no one has linked it (AFAIK) yet.
Tom Paxton, Johnny Got a Gun.
Mike J
Just back from Mom’s. Not wearing her O2 because she wants to cut back to not needing it. I applaud the sentiment but am concerned about the implementation. Grr.
@hilts: think he makes his girls dress up like a younger Ivanka… “Daddy, you’ve been such a bad, bad man…”
Amir Khalid
Why? By now it’s hard to imagine my opinion of Trump dropping any lower — no matter how icky his proclivities were.
Trying. Was easier when I was young. Now that I’m an old fart …
I wonder if Barron marched in NYC?
@Immanentize: he and his mom went to Mar a lago, they are staying there for a bit. Drumpf is returning to WH tomorrow by himself to watch 60 minutes alone. The tweeting will be off the hook.
Just stop right there. Please.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: July bday but I could hit the 3s through junior high. No chance after that. They asked me to be on the tennis team but I knew there was a huge difference between the best player from the hood school and median player from the median school.
@Omnes Omnibus:
When I worked at UCLA, one of the other assistants told me that she was sitting in her office wondering where her boss was, because she was late to the office and had an important meeting. Finally, her boss called from her cell phone to say she was going to miss the meeting because she had been hit by a car while crossing the street to the office and was waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
The assistant said, “Oh my god!” and rushed to the office window. Sure enough, there was her boss laying in the street with her cell phone out and a cop car parked nearby, everybody waiting for the ambulance.
(The boss broke her ankle, which is the other reason I thought of the story.)
@Amir Khalid: why don’t I want to know? Don’t care about his kinks. Want him in an orange jumpsuit. Sex won’t do that, unless it’s human trafficking or provable rape.
@danielx: which is exactly why I stopped where I did.?
Comrade Colette Collaboratrice
Wow, good for him, and my sincere condolences to you. I’m sure you’ll miss him; may his memory be for a blessing. I’m pretty sure that the voices of angels are actually those of grandchildren.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
huh, trump and I agree on something: Jared is flippable
No one said it would be easy, just that it’s possible. I know of a man who lost 90 lbs in one year and only had another 60 to get to a good weight for his height/build. But that’s an unrealistic level for most people.
Slow progress, time and healthy eating works, eventually.
Good luck.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
drumpf running for father of the year?
He is a sweetie isn’t he?
Thinkin’ no but … mosta me sympathizes with innocents. Ain’t Barron’s fault he was born to a world-historical narcissist and a main-chance-makin’ mother who ain’t got the guts to leave (spite of the fact that she’d, of necessity — for Trump’s dignity not hers — be just fine and wouldn’t never want for a meal, irrespective of whether she ever wanted to work again). Trump is an awful man, Melania a person who attached herself to Trump knowing this. It’s purty hard to have much sympathy for her.
But Barron’s just a kid born into this shitshow.
The kid’s caught inna whipsaw of Trump’s crippling pathological need to keep up alpha-man appearances and Melania’s depraved need to be who you ain’t while aspiring to be who mighta been if only you’da not, you know, chosen to marry an acrid tangelo fart.
Puttit in the life ain’t fair column. The kid’s fucked from jumps. Ain’t his fault. Lotta casualties in this here Trumpian donnybrook, so don’ wanna go overboard ’bout Barron, (and if form holds, he’ll prolly just become an unapologetic reich-wing dickhead … but … that choice is open tho’ not well-groomed in the opp direx). Peoples surprise you sometimes (tho’ mostly not).
But, as a silly aside, just wanna acknowledge that the kid din’t have alla the advantages me n a buncha others did growing up. His father, after all, was Donald Trump. A guy who fantasizes about fucking his daughter. Repeatedly.
No, don’t think Shakespeare coulda thunka this tangled web. Mebbe if you grafted Kurt Vonnegut n Eugene Ionesco onto his absurdist sensibility.
Fuck, oh dear. Sometimes I just wanna hold onto the table to keep myself upright.
If Melania had anything resembling sense in her noggin she would take the Marla Maples route, take her share of the prenup money, grab Barron and go back to Slovenia where she could live like a princess. I’m sure there’s some kind of clause in there about not causing him embarrassment or some stupid NDA but I could see her not caring. She should take whatever is left of her dignity and go.
And Barron is already damaged. You can see it from how he acts in social situations. He’s also a 12 year old kid so…
Are you verschnickered? :P
Ha! If only.
Nope, just tryn’ta maintain me equipoise in these unsettling times. Made a goal (exhausting as fuck, will admit!) of never getting used to what’s goin’ down. Have, so far, preserved my simmering (a-times boiling) outrage.
Agreed re: point ’bout Melania. Will cheer (for Barron, and perhaps even for her; depends how she handles extraction) if Melania scoops up her kid n sez fuck y’all n skedaddles.
(But tx., truly, for the new word. Even fun to say, like all fanciful expressive words oughtta be. Hadda day a drudgery buyin’ all kinda hardware for a 4-ton fishbox but you made my night with the kindness of a new word. Tx.)
Enhanced Voting Techniques
My dad was commenting how much this reminds him of the protests over Vietnam, just the stakes are much, much stupider (we’re arguing about school shootings, seriously?) This is a parallel with an older generation on the wrong side of history and past their retirement age hanging on to power for power’s sake.
@Joyce Harmon: Yikes. That’s sickening
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Isn’t most of his time spent improperly filling out forms, then slightly correcting them? Whoever turns in a fully correct form before the game is over loses.
Also, snarling.
All of these march signs & posts are making me teary! Please let them be the change they wish to see, even if the arc bends slowly (faster would be better of course). A friend posted on FB (deleting soon — one more email address to collect) a sign that said ‘when I said I’d rather die than go to math class that was hyperbole assholes.’ That may be my all-time favourite. Though I do love the ‘pray with my feet’ sign here — I’m not religious, but I can get behind people who walk the talk when it comes to religion (all 3% of them).
And just in case any RWNJ anywhere says a kid doesn’t know what hyperbole is/means, Little C had an issue with her 5th grade (so, 10 years old) teacher over its use — Little C used the term, the teacher said ‘that’s not a word’ Little C said ‘yes it is’ the teacher said ‘oh really, look it up in the dictionary then (in front of the whole class)’ and so the rest of the school year was the teacher vs. Little C engaged in a battle of wills (that Little C won — living well is the best revenge).
I saw one of those signs about 18th century laws and 21st century guns – don’t know if it was the same one or not! This was on Penn somewhere between 6th and 7th.
I’m totally exhausted today. Man, that was a lot of people yesterday!
Their bodyguards and silver canes are no match for the Parkland kids.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
The old saying goes, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” Wonder where ‘SIL who could flip on you’ stacks up on that scale.
Late to the party (again!), but two comments to respond to what others have said upthread: (1) The March yesterday gives me hopes we can finally pass some sensible, common sense gun control legislation! Maybe not with the current raft of conservative loonies in Congress who think the 2nd Amendment permits no restrictions on an individual’s right to own or carry a firearm (it does!). Even Fat Tony Scalia acknowledged that, in his horrible, horrible opinion in DC vs. Heller. (2) Regarding Trump and his perverted attitude towards his daughter, Ivanka, when a man becomes a father and is blessed with a daughter, that should be when he learns to admire women for being the soft, loving, tender, thoughtful and beautiful creatures that they are and not just a sex object that dangles from our penis. At least that’s what I learned. Donald the Dipshit apparently never did learn that.
@lowtechcyclist: I was at Penn and 7th and saw the same set of signs. My daughter was interviewed by the Daily Beast based on her Betsy DeVos sign. I was supervising a group of three high school students. One, who is a hemophilliac, went to the march knowing that he was risking serious injury – but his Mom said that nothing was going to keep him home.