I served as a medic at Camp Anaconda, Iraq from 2006-07.
I saw the injuries that a M-4 rifle can do to the human body.
An AR-15 is the same as the M-4 that I carried into war.
I'm a veteran & I support a ban on military assault rifles.#VeteransForGunReform#MarchForOurLives pic.twitter.com/c4WeC95dY5
— Red T Raccoon (@RedTRaccoon) March 23, 2018
Be safe today. Look out for each other. Hug a kid. I don’t think any of us could have ever predicted what we are witnessing, on any level.
Jerzy Russian
Can I hug a cat instead? Don’t have any kids nearby at the moment.
Jerzy Russian
Also, too: what does “it” in the title refer to? It can’t be tides since those are understandable and predictable. Must be something else…
Amir Khalid
@Jerzy Russian:
It’s a quote from Bill O’Reilly, who is in fact unaware that tides are well-understood and predictable, or that high-tide times are published in newspapers every day.
Thanks Tamara.
@Amir Khalid: It’s not. It’s a quote from Twister.
That’s an excellent ad by the vets.
That’s a great ad! Solid, to the point and no waffling.
Terrific ad. Thanks for sharing it, TaMara.
Okay, 4:00-5:00 a.m. Eastern time is clearly the dead zone. I am about to go to bed, and immediately afterwards Anne Laurie will post an early morning thread and the insomnia/early risers crowd will show up.
All right! I’m passing the baton to Subaru Diane. Carry on, everyone.
Reposted from downstairs: Lemongrass, “Sunrise on Fujiyama.”
Just checked the weather forecast: 51° and sunny in D.C. today, no chance of rain. Should be perfect for the parade.
Yeah. Friday nights here used to be more spirited.
Little past 11 p.m. Hawaiian time.
God bless these young people and keep them safe.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
The redneck, bluedog loony ex-governot/senator Zigg Zag Zell Miller died and Georgia is in full throated memorializing about him. He created the “Hope Scholarship” here that is basically a “tax on the stupid” that provides educational subsidies for privileged kids. You should see the beemers and sun’s these fuckers drive here!
Don’t know much about him but the “too bad dueling with a sword is outlawed” tirade was more than enough to form an opinion.
You’ve set an impossible standard.
At least in DC, nutcase, small handed gun worshipers (i’m redundant) can’t come and intimidate the kids/people with open carry.
No, this is an impossible standard.
(Who knew there’s a British Liberace?)
Hell is a little more crowded this morning.
The march here will kickoff at 9:00, 30 degrees and cloudy but none of the rain-snow mix that had been forecast earlier in the week. We will be there in support. There was a joy I felt a hundred years ago protesting the war. Now I just feel old and tired and sick of having to fight for common sense and decency. When we went to bed last night Mrs S admitted she is worried about violence directed against the kids today. I stopped worrying about that the first time I got gassed and people panicked and trampled others. We’ll stick to the edges, partly because this is the kids march but also to try to keep an eye outward.
@NotMax: He was fucking weird, fought to get rid of the Confederate Flag symbol on the state flag, started this lottery and scholarship that most people love, supported Max Cleland and the Saxby Chambliss. When he was governor I was asked to give a a GED “success story” speech to a convention of state literacy teachers at the annual convention. I was nervous as shit, worked on it for weeks and went to great lengths to connect the scholarship to the GI Bill as far as providing educational opportunities. They asked for 15 minutes and right before the speech the state director came up to me and said “cut it to about 2 minutes, he’s in a hurry! Now I know that’s not reason to think he was a fucking asshole but I’m only human!
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Please ask first.
Amir Khalid
I always thought the British Liberace was Elton John.
@raven: Man, that sucks! I would be furious.
@WereBear: It was a long time ago. I’m more furious at how many people fawn over this scholarship.
They even built a big building and named it after him
“The Miller Learning Center, also popularly known as the Student Learning Center, is an innovative, technologically advanced learning environment. It features a unique combination of library and instructional space, modern classrooms, the best in campus computing, and comprehensive instructional support for faculty.”
@Amir Khalid
Elton John is the British Franz Liszt, with a soupçon more glitz.
Somewhere along the way he morphed into the old man screaming at clouds.
Or maybe his true nature came out.
@NotMax: He was a peace time Jar Head, dangerous fuckers.
The Remarkable, Maddening Career of Zell Miller
“For a while there, Miller was like fellow arch-Appalachian Andrew Johnson reincarnated, turning on former friends and embracing former enemies with equal passion. It seemed there was no GOP candidate he wasn’t willing to support, the nadir probably being his establishment of a group called Democrats for Santorum, just as the right-wing senator was going down the tubes in the 2006 elections in Pennsylvania.
But in the last few years, as his health declined and he became more distant from politics, the fiery mountaineer seemed to mellow. He mended fences with old Democratic friends and advisers James Carville and Paul Begala (whom he first introduced to Bill Clinton). And in his last major political endorsement, in 2014, he supported Democrat Michelle Nunn’s Senate campaign.”
@raven: He was a complicated person for sure. He worked for Lester Maddox, and as governor he appointed the first black to the supreme court. Maybe he wanted to appear balanced. lol
@JPL: Governors wives often have pet areas they give time to. Shirley MIller’s was adult literacy and I worked with here a bit in those days. She was a nice lady, pretty shy and you could see that public speaking was difficult for her. She did it anyway and helped moved our effort forward. I sometimes wonder if they really knew how skewed the Hope Scholarship was?
@JPL: When Jimmy Carter was governor he was pretty hard on anti-Vietnam folks.
-from WSJ
Bob Kraft owner of the patriots, and friend of the orange asshole, had the team plane fly the students from Parkland to DC.
It’s a neat story. http://abcnews.go.com/US/england-patriots-lend-team-plane-parkland-students-families/story?id=53966708
-from the Star Tribune
@Aleta: 47 years ago in April a group of us Vietnam Vets took off from Champaign Urbana to attend Operation Dewey Canton 3. We really didn’t know what to expect and, when we got there, there were a thousand other vets from all over the country there to protest the war. We weren’t kids (I was 21 by then) but it was an incredible event. I hope this is the same.
The march here in Dayton, Ohio starts at 11 am and it will be a chilly, but not snowy day. My husband, his sister, and I are going and I expect my oldest son will be there. I missed the Women’s March and would like to represent the young people who have the guts to make a stand.
Even though the lawmakers and representatives are home for the break, I hope they see people once again take center stage to speak out and speak up for ourselves. We’ve been protesting this terrible administration since it first started and we’ll continue to protest until we are heard.
By Nara Schoenberg at the Chicago Tribune
Peter H Desmond
Valentine gunshots
a student fleeing campus
holds a balloon heart
— Peter H. Desmond
zhena gogolia
It’s perfectly good reason. Total asshole move.
zhena gogolia
@Peter H Desmond:
I’ll be sending good wishes to all the marchers today. I’ll say again, why don’t we have one big powerful anti-NRA organization we can contribute to instead of 15 (good, but) puny ones? It’s exhausting. I wish they’d all merge into one.
@Raven: I recently watched a video made by D . Now. It interviewed Vietnam Vets who on return as soldiers to their US bases organized major protests and cranked out underground newspapers, distributing them on their base (in secret of course). I learned a lot I didn’t know. There were a LOT of those underground publications produced and distributed at bases in and outside the US. Over 300, I think it said.
I knew vets were active — protests, Congress, demonstrations–but I didn’t know the scale of their leadership. (Maybe because others took more credit and wrote/told tales that got the most publicity, and also because I was just ignorant and scattered in the way I learned.) Still learning.
These vets mentioned that it was the actions by vets (many still on base and some who organized and printed stories other vets wrote, through opening coffee shops in military towns) that had a major effect in stopping the war, which Ken Burns didn’t properly recognize.
(The D. Now video was related to a trip by some of these Vietnam vets to meet with villagers and a few survivors on the recent anniversary of My Lai.)
No one’s said ‘Yay’ to Alison Krauss, so I’ll do it. YAY.
And I’ll add– I’ve gotten tired of many of the Americana genre artists. Glad they’re there and I’ve got fond memories, but I’ve lost the desire to listen. Ms. Krauss, however, is the genuine article.
Look forward to seeing everyone at the march. Good luck to all. Nice to meet you last night mistermix.
Long article (by Vikki Ortiz Healy at the Chicago Tribune) about the organizing that’s been done by young people in Chicago for the rally, speakers and (they hope) march there today. At least 15,000 are expected to come. As well as demos by counter-protestors.
@Aleta: That’s what’s so frustrating that so many Nam vets are RWNJ’s.
Maybe while they’re out, the kids could get over themselves for a moment and give a shout out to the people of Puerto Rico. Or maybe for disarming the police that kill 1000+ a year. Or for our dying planet (you’d think that one would get their attention, being that the leaders live in a state soon to change it’s name from the ‘sunshine state’ to the ‘low tide state”). Or maybe they could have a word or two about the 239 lb orange tinted illiterate inarticulate nitwit who will soon have them practicing active missile shooter drills by hiding under their desks.
@raven: I would expand that to include so many of the non-vet boomer generation that marched in the streets in the 60’s for a better world. They have totally betrayed what they claimed they were marching for in the 60’s. As I watch the young people marching today I hope that 40 years from now they can maintain the idealism they they show today.
A 72 year old boomer ashamed of my generation.
I have hope for the future as I watch these bright articulate smart young people on AM Joy.
Then I see on twitter that the piece of protoplasm occupying the white house wants to limit the rights of trans-patriots from serving their country. He doesn’t even qualify as a POS.
Ohio Mom
It is snowing furiously and sticking,
as I had feared here in the Cincinnati northern suburbs. It will all melt tomorrow but that doesn’t help right now.
Well, if there is one place that has to have bad weather today, it should be The Queen City (I agree, it’s a ridiculous nickname).
I understand the match in Washington has good weather, and that is more important.
Dear moderator, what did I do wrong now? Maybe protest triage should be a thing. You have my email address, give civil discourse a try.
These kids are incredible! So articulate! So mature! So determined!
Listening to the speakers in DC and watching the marches in all the other cities. NRA – they are coming for you and all the Congresscritters you have purchased through the years.
FYI, on the off chance that you return: Anybody’s first comment on this blog is put into moderation until a front-pager vets it (mainly to block spam like “I make $1,600 a week sitting at home in my bathrobe!”). After that it is released, which yours has been, and all of your subsequent comments will go through fine. But props for assuming the worst. Your contribution to the civil discourse is off to a great start.
@Steeplejack: And somehow you managed to avoid calling me troll! Good for you! I’ve been visiting here to read pretty much once a day since 2007, so I suspect I’ll return to read the remaining useful front-pagers. On the rare occasion I comment, I often get moderated, as people around here seem only interested in agreement, and not real discourse. But thanks for your awesomely civil input!
Perhaps you get moderated because you change your nym. New nym, new vetting. A quick search on the Google shows one comment from “stonekitten” (singular) on March 9 of this year, nothing else.