It's ALWAYS infrastructure week. Whenever they try to build something, it collapses by Sunday.
— Robert Hill (@Vonotar) March 26, 2018
The Trump you see is a construct. A facade. It’s a fabrication to try to put forth an image others will hold in high esteem.
Trump is a bottomless pit hidden only by posturing and bravado.
He can be shamed. It’s his worst nightmare.
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) March 26, 2018
And speaking of squealing snowflakes…
We don't actually care about your fucking feelings. We're just going to vote you assholes out.
— laura olin (@lauraolin) March 24, 2018
Good Morning,Everyone ???
@rikyrah: Blech.
@rikyrah: Good morning ?!
@OzarkHillbilly: ?
So the Stormy thing was a nothingburger? I fell asleep by 9 trying to read the beginning of the thread about it.
Busy day yesterday at the Notre Dame vegan fest (yeah, I know) that my rescue group had a table at. We raised almost $500, are able to pay last months vet bills for all the spay/neuters we had done. And I met friend of the blog Hillary Rettig. Nice day.
Matt Yglesias has a piece at Vox that points out that, whatever the reasons for Trump going to such lengths to hide the sex stuff, the fact that he is driven to do so is a clear national security risk.
I’m guessing that the most difficult moment for Trumpo in the Stormy Daniels interview was when Anderson Cooper asked her point blank if she found Donald Trump physically attractive and she replied without hesitation, “Absolutely not”. Boom! Big blow to the ego for The Donald! Ouch!
FWIW Stormy is a trending topic on Twitter UK and the BBC is covering it.
Widely scattered showers. Apparently nobody cares because no matter how low trump goes they know there is always worse.
I thought the “pee pee” tape was supposed to have been shot in Russia
Since this is an open thread, I just want to say I have had the pleasure of attending the last two women’s basketball games at Assembly Hall in Bloomington, Indiana.
The women are playing in the NIT tournament, and in the two games I attended, beat Purdue women by 20 points last Thursday, and Sunday afternoon beat U C Davis by 17 or so, Chuck Crabb, who announces men and women’s basketball and has for decades, and is an icon in Hoosier sports, announced at the end of the game that attendance was a record 6,001 in the audience. It was an odd figure, so I emailed him and asked if I had heard correctly, and he answered that that figure was correct. For a women’s basketball game, that is an astounding attendance. The Purdue game last Thursday had apparently set a new record with 5,564 in attendance.
Frankly, I think the men’s team should be attending these games to learn how to play as a team. The two stars of the women’s team work together, and an assist is as important as a goal, because it is clear they have grasped the concept that the point of the game is to score points, not hot dog and show off. Unfortunately, too often, that has been the case with the men’s team the past few years. One player in particular pissed his fellow teammates off so badly for his hot dogging that it was clear for a while they simply would not pass him the ball.
Anyway, hats off to a wonderful women’s basketball program here at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, and to the coach for the past four years, Terri Moren. I hope the women can win the NIT this year and get to hang a new banner on the wall of Assembly Hall.
For the next round, the venue will probably shift, although from discussion with those around and an associate athletics director I talked to after the game, in the NIT what may play a role is what program is willing to cough up the most money to host the event. Maybe Indiana can cough up some dough. I would like to see this women’s team play again.
@Montanareddog: The weak economic sanctions against Russia weren’t effective enough to stop that particular export. Another thing to blame Obama for.
I am a huge fan of womens hockey & understand your frustration and your view of what the women’s game is. Even while winning four national championships in 5 years and going on a 62-0-0 tear they could not fill their 3600 seat arena – in “The State of Hockey”.
Because they do not permit the women to play the BS physical game the men play the women have to be better hockey players. They have to play more as a team and they can’t cover their mistakes with hooking, holding & the general mayhem that men do. The men could learn a lot by watching them play.
Joyce H
Yeah, I think the Daniels interview is bound to be a big ego-crunch for The Donald. It’s not just that she wasn’t attracted to him, she wasn’t impressed by him! The McDougal interview was much more flattering, because she was positioning herself much more in the Playboy model of womanhood: the wholesome girl next door who will maybe take off her clothes for the camera, and yeah, she’ll sleep with you, but not because she’s slutty, but because she’s in LOVE with you, you big ol’ impressive mans, you.
Daniels was not impressed! He goes on and on about himself and she asks, “Does that usually work for you?” And the interview makes pretty clear that she wasn’t just doing a tough cookie act for him, she was genuinely unimpressed.
BTW, the pundits keep wondering how Melania is going to take all this. I’m more curious about Ivanka’s reaction. Surely it skeeves her out to keep hearing that her dad tells playmates and porn stars, while he’s in the act of trying to have sex with them, that they remind him of her!
Putin’s homage to trump? Orange snow transforms eastern Europe into ‘Mars’ .
Chyron HR
Yes, and?
@Joyce H:
Well, if she tells us that her self-given nickname is “Candy,” then I think that’s an answer.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@Chyron HR:
You libtards should be more tolerant of the feelings of Professional Snowflakes.
@Chyron HR:
Think cigarettes. They went from utterly acceptable — even fashionable! To “gross!” Pretty fast. I hope that can happen with guns.
Good morning to all.
Yeah, the Stormy Daniels story on its own seems like so little, I’m a bit surprised with how concerned the Trump team was about it. I feel like there’s something we’re missing.
ETA : The original sex, that is.
@Joyce H:
I doubt it. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if she had named her B O B “Daddy”.
If the National Enquirer were not owned by a Trump friend, they would be running Ivanka love child stories (Is the Donald the Daddy?) every week.
@Baud: Cause it’s the tip of the iceberg(as pictured in today’s OTR).
@Immanentize: looking forward to the day when the restaurant hostess asks if you prefer “shooting or non-shooting”
@Chyron HR:
It is sort of like a penis. I have one, I don’t mind that you have one I just don’t think you should wave it around in public like that. Most penis owners are responsible penis owners but we need laws to protect us from the irresponsible ones.
Bob in Portland?Brick Oven Bill?JR
@HeartlandLiberal: At the end of the day, “top tier” college sports are about exploiting amateur athletes for profit. The best men’s players should be just keeping their bodies healthy and developing skills while forced to serve out their term of indenture.
I don’t know if he originated the term, but Atrios (and others, I imagine) refers to them as “External Death Peni$es.” Can’t say I disagree with that assessment.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
To high information voters, the Stormy details are old news. But to low and mid information voters, they’re hearing for the first time all the weirdo parts about being spanked (not that there’s anything wrong with that), the separate bedrooms, and sexually comparing paramours to his daughter.
More good news
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
The great deal maker got took to the cleaners by a girl and the son of a working class stiff.
Threatening the kid was news to me. That makes it more than a nothingburger.
@Baud: Some people are capable of recognizing the fact that they can’t win unless the game is rigged in their favor.
The women’s Final Four is being played in Columbus, OH for the first time ever. I hope they draw large crowds. Women’s sports don’t get a fraction of the respect and support they deserve.
drip . . . drip . . . drip
the wave is coming
Is it me or have the ads gotten worse recently. The site melted my phone on the way into work today, I had to pop out the battery and everything!
That will easily be dismissed as there is no proof. Sadly, the people with their fingers in their ears only believe what they hear on Fox
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: HAHAHAHA! And this golden moment was only a year ago!
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Ann’s sadness fills me with glee!
This. And it’s why I hope it’s true that Stormy has pictures.
Cheryl Rofer
The morning’s tweets have started. The first is noncommittal.
The numbers, of course, are pretty much in a straight line from when Obama kept us all from disaster in 2009.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: McConnell doesn’t face voters for a while. Ryan will win his primary and those two will be back on board his train.
@debbie: I read they threatened the kid’s mother: “Nice kid. Too bad if something happened to his mother.” It might be news, but are you surprised?
Doubt that we’ll see Trump doing “Executive Time”. He came back alone from Merde-a-Lardo but then again I imagine he’s been in the spousal shithouse for months now. Anyway, he is totally mum about Stormy so I’m thinking he’s going to lay low for today. WHO AM I KIDDING? Hahaha, he’ll be back on any minute now.
@Cheryl Rofer: Ssshhhhh….
My attentiveness isn’t always the best, but I thought I heard “her,” not “her mother.” I thought Stormy framed her actions as a response to her kid being threatened.
Chyron HR
@Cheryl Rofer:
“Companies strong! Stock market up! You get an extra $0.51 in your paycheck!”
Heh, this. After the march on Saturday, MrsFromOhio and I discussed at length how to take back the megaphone from the gunhumpers. And the NRA tweet shows they still absolutely do not understand what is happening.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@debbie: I thought it was “her mother.” In either case, it sounded scary.
The two nice things about the new kids movement is that they emphasize voting and are willing to take on Republicans instead of hiding behind “both sides.”
Just heard the quote and you’re right. Sorry.
@debbie: To be honest I am paying very little attention to it, there may have been more. What I quoted was in a headline, I don’t even want to read the articles much less watch the interview.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Baud: Against all sanity and democracy, the PA gerrymandered legislature is still making noises about impeaching the PA Supreme Court judges who made that ruling. Does that reverse the decision? I can’t see why it should but why else would they be floating that option?
I strongly disagree with the Hoarse Whisperer’s tweets. Trump is not avoiding shame, which implies at least some recognition that you did something wrong. He is avoiding things that might hurt his brand, or be an embarrassment to normal people, which is what he has to pretend to be while he’s in the public eye. Note that the NDA didn’t come into being until he was running for office. If he had real “shame”, he would have been concerned about his wife finding out about the tryst and done the NDA much sooner. No one who had even the slightest grasp of the concept of “shame” would have invited Bill Clinton’s accusers to a debate, while having such a sordid past himself.
I also think the reason for the NDA is that Daniels has voicemails or something (not sure how prevalent texts were at that time).
On Today this morning, I learned that there are at least three adult film halls of fame because Stormy has been inducted into them.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: No. The decision would still stand.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
No, it won’t change the ruling but they might dredge up some excuse to bring a new suit heard by a different judge. Most likely it is just a warning to others that might cross the mob, “We will make you pay if you do not submit to our demands”
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: No it doesn’t reverse the decision, but I read that after the Republican Chief Justice stated that impeachment was a ridiculous idea, Republican leadership in the House and Senate are walking back the impeachment talk.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
I would think not, but it would allow them to jam through another appeal, this time getting the
cheatingoutcome they want.The default position for Rethugs is: If you can’t win legitimately, then cheating is OK.
@Baud: Sure, you only learned of that now.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
And I don’t care anything about how weird T’s sexual tastes are. Let Stormy sell that stuff for millions. I want to know if the person in the White House is being blackmailed and is committing federal crimes with hush money.
I know he’s a criminal. We all know that. There is no bottom here to how bad he is and how his entire “business” career is a crime career. I want the full list of crimes publicized, but more than that I want him OUT. I WANT HIM TO HAVE SOME FUCKING CONSEQUENCES FOR BLATANT CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. IS THAT REALLY SO FUCKING MUCH TO ASK?
Sorry. Guess the well of patience is running a little dry there. Better now. Drip drip, tick tock and all that.
Avenatti just dared Trump to call Stormy a liar.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: They don’t generally come right out and say “the solution is to vote for Democrats over Republicans, straight ticket”–they use the usual “this shouldn’t be a partisan position” rhetoric. But when specific Republicans piss them off (and Marco Rubio seems to have a special status here) they’ll go at them.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Would Shitgibbon’s contrib be in rubles?
Now on Today “embattled billionaire Mark Zuckerberg….”
@Matt McIrvin: Right. I don’t mind nonpartisan movements that apply a consistent standard.
He tried to blame Poco for not telling him earlier.
@SFAW: Nixon was going to win in 1972 but he had to cheat anyway. The default position for the GOP is cheat first, cheat better, always be cheating. The GOP started changing into a criminal organization under Nixon and it has reached it’s current peak under trump.
@Baud: I’m not too positive Ryan is going to win his election in November.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
While you’re at it, can you please expand the “project scope” to include Dense, ZEGS, and Turtle? And Kobach and von Spakovsky as a chaser?
@satby: That would be sweetness.
We hope. As in: whenever someone says “It can’t get any worse,” it invariably does.
Indeed. What would be extra fun would be — assuming a Dem majority after the mid-terms — if Pelosi let Randy Bryce be “Speaker for a Day” or some such.
Gin & Tonic
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Can you hear this? It’s the sound of the world’s tiniest violin.
Did Pirro happen to mention whether she still has a New York driver’s license? Unless a miracle happened, I believe it should have been revoked after that November speeding violation.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Pay backs.
The interview with Stormy Daniels was not a “nothing burger.”
Learning that the current Leader of the Free World gooned-up to threaten an infant in order to silence news of a tryst with a porn star is far from a “nothing burger.”
randy khan
I have good news for you: The Hoosiers are hosting the next round.
So, it seems as if McDougal & Stormy’s lawyer was in cahoots with Cohen. I have long thought that when all of this shakes out that Cohen will be disbarred.
@SFAW: Isn’t there a competitive primary on the Dem side? I don’t know how serious the other person is.
randy khan
@Chyron HR:
That was my reaction, too. The NRA has spent many years trying to make it socially acceptable to own terrible weapons and carry them openly, so maybe it’s time for the pendulum to swing back a bit.
@rikyrah: Stormy’s previous lawyer?
@Immanentize: The comparison i’ve been pushing has been to how MADD has stigmatized impaired driving, an activity that previously was seen as merely a product of cool party culture. Those women didn’t want drinking outlawed, but they demanded — and achieved — stricter and more stringently applied DWI laws that have reduced alcohol-related by nearly two-thirds since they began their efforts.
As I recall, the liquor industry, rather than defend the indefensible, embraced the notion of responsible alcohol consumption, but the NRA seems determined to take the opposite approach, with its call for arming classroom teachers an example of forcing people who prefer not to do so to carry firearms. For decades, politicians have declined to take on the NRA because of the fear of its campaign-financing prowess and its most vocal members' habit of single-issue voting. The children of this country are now forcing officeholders to choose between them and the ammosexuals, an effort that could destroy the NRA as a pressure group because its single-issue devotees haven't voted for Democrats in a long, long time. And there are a lot more kids in this country than there are gun-humping perverts.
It was Ms. Clifford, not her child, that was threatened. And, it would not surprise me if the threats were solely Cohen’s “idea.”
I think Shitgibbon thought he was getting Roy “May he Rot in Hell” Cohn Jr. when he hired him. As vile as Cohn was, he was also fairly smart, something which Cohen is NOT.
In the meantime, you’ll have to make do with Elon Musk’s father. From People:
These are strange people. And Trump is probably just as twisted as any of them.
@Joyce H:
Now we’re talking about someone who has no shame.
Yep. The one that got her the settlement before the election
I know of Randy Bryce, don’t know if there are others. But Bryce has been doing his best to take it to ZEGS for more than six months. There was a Dem-funded poll late last year showing Bryce six points behind (with minimal/modest name recognition, it seems), but it’s not clear that poll was valid.
@Baud: @SFAW: there’s two challengers in the Democratic primary for Ryan’s seat. Either is acceptable though I like Ironstache, but after one wins the primary the other has to go all in on support. Ryan’s seat is winnable.
She was approached when she was with her kid. That is inherently a threat to the kid. (In court? Maybe not.. But to gangsters and their potential victims, the threat is crystal clear.)
@Brachiator: trump is the standard by which all twisted people are judged.
Both aghast and dejected over this.
First the child’s well-being was threatened.
Second, the idea that Cohen is an independent actor is laughable. He is Spanky’s boy.
@SFAW: The other Democratic challenger is a teacher, Cathy Myers. She’s way behind Bryce in fundraising.
Apparently, she does good work.
@satby: That is super cool–glad you made a bunch of $$! Where’s HR been?
@Citizen_X: @oldgold: When my sons were in danger I went out of my way to become the target, to get the threats, to hopefully have them come after me because if they are coming after me, my sons were safe, at least as long as they were unsuccessful in following through. Which TBH, those clowns couldn’t have planned dinner for 4 at McDonalds, but if all the anger was directed at me, the homicidal outburst was more likely to be too.
They were only threatening her child with orphanhood.
Duke of Clay
@Chyron HR: Hear! Hear! I’ve been saying for years that, since we can’t get the most basic gun control laws passed, we should shift to making gun ownership unacceptable. I think we are indeed seeing the beginning of just that.
@satby: What happened to his “decision to retire?”
@manyakitty: her front page posts were often met with a lot of hostility, both the vegan ones and the Wilmer ones. I’m not vegan and I hate Wilmer, but some commenters, I thought, went over the line into bullying. Anyway, she quit posting and said she seldom reads the blog now. She’s a very nice person, I had never met her IRL but we exchanged emails.
@satby: Oh, that’s too bad. Glad to hear she’s nice in person, though.
@manyakitty: did he decide that? Right now ballotopedia has him listed as filing for relection, but the deadline is coming up and the primary is in August. He has 2 other Republicans running against him in the primary so far.
@Baud: Have you learned all of her three husband’s were fellow porn stars? Wonder if Trump wondered how he measured up to THAT? These are the questions we should be asking. ?
It is really hard to imagine that the nation is in knots about that stupid effing wall, hat tip Vicente Fox, because Trump’s goon, henchman, lackey, Sam Nunberg thought it was a great rally talking point to rile up his knuckle dragging, racist fans.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: If low and mid-information rightwing voters, do they consider all that information cool-rad stuff (including the fundies by the way) or are they turned off? I honestly really don’t know at this point as the GOP voting bloc has become such an utter cesspool.
@satby: Too bad. It happens though. I left Kos in 2010 and never looked back.
@Quinerly: I did not know that.
@GregB: It’s quite easy for me to imagine.
@manyakitty: it is too bad, and it’s happened to other front pagers,for various reasons.
Whatever. The threat made was toward her, not her kid. If you want to do the semantic thing about how it’s indirectly a threat to her kid (because the kid’s mother would be gone), be my guest. But the direct (albeit couched in theatrical phrasing) threat was made against her.
@Baud: Wiki has taught me so much this week. She’s a Libertarian too!
As I said to Citizen_X, if you feel the need to play semantic games, knock yourself out. Doesn’t change that she was the “recipient” of the direct threat.
They’d been watching too many movies.
President Dennison has moved to get Stormy off the front page by moving to expel 60 Russian diplomats.
@Quinerly: I’d imagine the porn industry is one of their major constituencies.
@GregB: Won’t work, but still a good thing.
Or Monty Python. (“Nice base you got here, Colonel. Shame if anything happened to it. Like if one of the soldiers accidentally burned.”)
Cheryl Rofer
I did not think he was capable of a subtweet!
@Baud: McConnell has spent all but the last few years in the Senate in opposition. He’s too dim to have a legislative strategy. He only knows how to sabotage and destroy, which is why he has been largely ineffective this session. Even the Merrick Garland maneuver relied on a transparently illegal and desperate gamble. Ryan will, of course, win his primary but very likely will be defeated in the midterms. Janesville is not happy these days.
What was the illegal act?
@Chyron HR: Making the socially acceptable unacceptable is the basis for just about reform movement I can think of. It’s how Big Tobacco went down, to name one.
That would make me so happy. The only thing that would make me happier would be if he became a homeless alcoholic, shambling from one liquor store parking lot to another, with his urine soaked pants chafing his inner thighs. Sadly, he’ll get a sweet gig at some right wing think tank and we’ll be forced to hear all about his wonky policies until he finally dies at the ripe old age of 96.
Cheryl Rofer
And the newsday starts! Several European countries are also expelling Russian “diplomats” in solidarity with Britain.
No Trump tweets yet.
Cheryl Rofer
Cheryl Rofer
Ben Cisco
@Cheryl Rofer:
Imma call BS on him being the culprit – no way in hell he either knows what voluminous means or is capable of spelling it.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I wonder which halls these “diplomats” swept.
‘of course you are’ – The Kurgan
@Ben Cisco: If he did he would have used that word long ago. “My hands are quite voluminous.”
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
They can make noises all they want. Ryan Costello was one of the architects of that stunt and the majority leader has told them to go pound sand, it isn’t happening. And the majority leader is a Republican. So Ryan Costello is taking his marbles and going home. Which is where he was headed anyway due to the changes in his district in the new map.
@satby: He talked about it several months ago, but nothing recently. Guess he doesn’t want to walk away from all those bribes after all.
@Cheryl Rofer: what is it that is supposed to be ‘voluminous?’ Is this a fake tweet (or subtweet)? Is he talking about his hair? His penis? I can’t think of many instances he’d have to use that word (if he knew it) appropriately, in a tweet or otherwise.
@manyakitty: My recollection is slightly different, she used to make unsubstantiated claims in her posts about nutrition and call them scientific and disappear when challenged. During the primaries, she was on the BS bus making unsubstantiated claims about rigging by the DNC against the saint of Vt, and repeat the disappearing act when challenged.
@schrodingers_cat: Oh. Well then. It’s not good to wither under criticism around here.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
Gosh, he could have vetoed the bill. Someone should ask Jeanine why he didn’t just veto the bill?
“The Trump you see is a construct. A facade. It’s a fabrication to try to put forth an image others will hold in high esteem.”
A Potrumpkin visage?
Yeah, a poor fit. Didn’t post so much as rant with an almost rabid zealotry.
@HeartlandLiberal: As a long-time Purdue women’s basketball fan, I’m really happy to see the excitement around WBB in Bloomington. Hope they win the WNIT
@schrodingers_cat: well my recollection was that you were one of the most hostile people to her. I can see a spirited debate about Wilmer, but your personal animus to vegans was obvious. And, you know, you could have just skipped those instead of conflating it with ultra-extremists in India.
@NotMax: I agree her naivete was probably not a great fit. Now how do we explain the hounding that ABL got, or why Zandar and Elon aren’t here any longer? But, I don’t think anyone misses Freddy.
@satby: I countered her claims of “science” which she could not prove. I did not make any personal attacks against her nor conflated her with Hindu extremists of the Sangh variety. As you seem to be implying here.
ETA: I have nothing against vegans or vegetarians in general, but have problems making baseless claims and pretending that they are science. Or it somehow makes them better people.
Gelfling 545
@Baud: On the whole, I prefer billionaires to be embattled.
@satby: Elon as I recall introduced us to his podcasts. it would be a sentence or 2 and a link. I may be mixing him up with someone else? However if my recollection is right, I hate podcasts and prefer written posts on news and opinion. Not everyone agrees or has to, I just skipped him, but I noticed he got very few comments. I think he just didn’t get much interest here and probably wandered off. Zandar was the sports guy, soccer?I know some were interested, but not the whole blog, we are politics and pets. Anyway I don’t remember him getting attacked, just low response, however I really didn’t have enough interest to read him so maybe it’s my bias.
ABL was hounded and I didn’t get it. I didn’t really “like” her either. Some sort of style difference, I agreed with almost all her positions but didn’t enjoy her style so obviously I could read other posts but honestly she got attacked so much it was shocking and I didn’t know how to stop it. She left, I didn’t blame her. There are other posters I prefer or not, it’s good there are quite a few. the healthcare posts get few comments because we don’t know enough to chatter but they do get read alot so maybe the comments aren’t always the best measure. Freddy attacked us and was too full of himself. I do miss Sooner. this blog has lasted years and people have lives so there should be some turnover, no big deal.
@gvg: I recall that Zandar had a very nasty stalker here. Don’t remember the nym. It was almost to level of hatred levelled at ABL.
J R in WV
I miss Sooner too. I wish we could know how things turned out for his cast of characters. I know he’s a twitter person, but I can’t get into that mode of experience at all.
@gvg: the soccer guy is Randhino, and he usually shows up for World Cup and other big matches.
@randy khan: Yes, I just heard this afternoon, I plan to be there.