From commentor and party-planner Dog Mom:
I am looking forward to the meet ups and will call the pubs with a rough count and appropriate warning.
Rochester – Wednesday, March 28 at 5:30 at Tap and Mallet (South Wedge)
I am planning on attending both this and next week’s meet-up in Buffalo, and will bring the
greenturquoise balloon (that’s what the store had).From the prior posts, I will look out for:
Athenaze and spouse
Nancy and spouse?
Old Dan and Little Anne
Zamphuor and SO (hoping to make it)
Kevin (are you still in the area?)
DougJ (not confirmed)
As always, lurkers, friends, and drop-ins welcome. Leave a comment below, or send me a message at annelaurie (dot) bj (at) gmail (dot) com, and I’ll forward it.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.)
I want another get together in Alexandria or Washington. I need to get out and see people.
My wife should be meeting me there unless she’s still feeling under the weather.
> DougJ (not confirmed)
Dog Mom
@Tarragon: Somebody threw his name around as being an actual Rochesterian, but I don’t think I saw an actual rsvp.
Central Planning
Good news, everyone! I can make it. See you there!
Dog Mom
On my way! eta 5:35pm