An issue with RSS was found that affected Feedly users. I need to c0mtact their support but there is no way without being a Pro member. So, can a Pro member use the c0ntact form and let me know who you are? I’ll email you some text to submit.
Now, for other RSS reader/service users, please let me know what the name of it is so we can look to see if they’ve been being blocked for similar reasons.
Open Thread!
Roger Moore
I’m using Liferea under Linux. It manages its own feed and seems to have no trouble with Balloon Juice.
longtime lurker, feedly pro subscriber. Your wish is my command. contact me with the text.
When you say RSS, I think of the hateful fascist Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh, inspired by the fascists of the early 20th century, spreading their venom in India for almost 100 years.
I am on feedly – I have up until the D. Anderson post at 7:36 am. I think feedly only checks every hour or so?
Catherine D.
@Ed: Huh, I’m on Feedly (not Pro), and I haven’t seen a BJ update in days.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Feedly Pro here if multiple reports would help, Alain.
@Catherine D.: That’s the problem that Alain is trying to track down.
I’m on Feedly (free), have been for years. Haven’t been seeing any of the issues you’ve been referring to.
Cheryl Rofer
I’m on feedly and haven’t had any problems. Not feedly Pro, though, just a freeloader.
Longtime lurker. I use FeedWrangler and haven’t noticed any problems.
Are used fiddly and then My reader is leaf. Feedlly checks way more than once an hour.
Not on Pro, but it looks like you have plenty of pro users already.
Thanks for working on this!
RSS is working for me again! Apologies for all the auto correct errors on my comment at #10. I was posting from my phone.
Major Major Major Major
I want to know why c0ntact is spelled funny.
pacem appellant
Cool! I’m a feedly user. I’ll check later today. Peace.
Catherine D.
Data point – I deleted the feed, then added it back. Six days of posts appeared.
in Feedly now – (4:35pm CDT ) – I only get the JGCole post above this one, so nothing in 5 hours.
Deleted the fed with 61 posts per week, re-added feed with 1 post per month – and caught up.