My job is such that sometimes I can be cleaning one damn thing or another from the moment I awake until I collapse into bed. Today is one of those days.
I watched half of that Joe Cocker doc on Netflix last night. It was pretty good! The post title is supposed to invoke the cri de coeur that follows this line. Some further research has lead me to this album which I’ve never heard before and am now sampling as I scrub this house clean. So far so good! Classic Rock Values!
Speaking of cleaning, we can clean up congress this fall with a little elbow grease, some love, and whole heap o’ money. And so I present fund the that’s split between all eventual Democratic nominees in House districts currently held by Republicans.
ETA: Down in the comments Thoughtful David having the thoughts:
I have some suggestions for what you can also do, besides giving money, to help Democrats get elected: get involved with your local Democratic Committee. If you live in a county with, say, <100,000 people, the local Dem Committee is probably desperate and begging for your help.
I’m not talking about just things like making phone calls or writing postcards. If you have accounting skills, they probably need a treasurer or assistant treasurer. If you’re good at organizing events, they’ll need help with that too. Manage email lists. Do data entry. If you’re a good communicator, help with the communication strategy. Write copy. Be the web/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram master. Manage the online events calendar.
No, the pay isn’t great (=$0). But this is the kind of thing that’s needed, and sometimes needed desperately.
You can volunteer to help with this kind of stuff for candidates, too. Town, county, state, or federal.
And the best part: they’re all decent people. No deplorables.
Trump resents lack of gratitude from Keystone XL executive
03/30/18 03:10 PM
By Steve Benen
Donald Trump devoted a chunk of his infrastructure speech in Ohio yesterday to celebrating his decision to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Given the project’s track record, that may not have been wise, but the president isn’t exactly detail-oriented.
There was one part of Trump’s remarks, however, that stood out for me. From the transcript:
For now, let’s put aside the debate over Keystone on the merits. I think approving the project was a mistake, but we can renew that discussion at another time. What amazed me about the president’s comments was the insight into what he considers important.
Exerting practically no effort, Trump approved Keystone on his fourth day in office, Jan. 24, 2017. More than 13 months later, he’s not only bragging about the misguided policy; he’s also whining about not having received a personal thank-you call from the relevant oil executives.
“We’ll remember,” Trump said.
James E. Powell
Loved Spooky Tooth back in the day. My friends & I used to jam on Evil Woman, complete with falsetto. They did a credible cover of I am the Walrus.
@rikyrah: More from Trump’s speech in Ohio:
Sarah Palin seems like Einstein next to Trump.
@Mandalay: Trump’s right about one thing, he has no idea what a Community College is.
John Revolta
We need a “Great Rock’n’Roll Screams” post. This Cocker one is definitely up there. I remember one off the Doors’ “Absolutely Live” album that’ll curl yer goddamn toes.
@John Revolta:
Let’s not and say we did.
[But Janis was the greatest screamer ever]
Gin & Tonic
@BillinGlendaleCA: I marvel at how a sentient being can go through an entire adult life cycle and learn nothing whatsoever.
Jewish Steel
@John Revolta: Great idea! Roger Daltrey gets a medal for most iconic scream.
Mike in NC
He thinks and operates exactly like an old-school mafia boss or a modern Russian oligarch. Oh wait, they’re one and the same.
@Gin & Tonic:
Because his adult life never happened. I keep saying: his development stopped at age four.
Cocker had a great part in “Across the Universe” singing Come Together, alternating from wino to pimp to hippie.
Jewish Steel
It’s funny. I always saw Rod Stewart as a male Janis Joplin. But he’s not a screamer.
He’s a phucking moron.
Crock of shit. If someone thanked Trump, he’d complain it wasn’t effusive enough.
And yet another one is gone!…:
@Mike in NC:
There’s your first mistake
@Jewish Steel:
They both sounded like they gargled Drano.
Gin & Tonic
@Mandalay: Everybody loves the free market.
George Spiggott
Well, so much for big blow-back and swift retribution against Roseanne Hitler:
@George Spiggott:
They’ll still drop her in a nanosecond if ratings tank.
John Revolta
@Jewish Steel: Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!
I thought of that one right away.
Lennon had quite a few (e.g. “Revolution”)
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@efgoldman: I don’t think the first episode’s ratings tell us a lot. People watched to see what an reboot of a show they once liked. The next couple of episodes will show us the real audience.
Thoughtful David
I have some suggestions for what you can also do, besides giving money, to help Democrats get elected: get involved with your local Democratic Committee. If you live in a county with, say, <100,000 people, the local Dem Committee is probably desperate and begging for your help.
I'm not talking about just things like making phone calls or writing postcards. If you have accounting skills, they probably need a treasurer or assistant treasurer. If you're good at organizing events, they'll need help with that too. Manage email lists. Do data entry. If you're a good communicator, help with the communication strategy. Write copy. Be the web/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram master. Manage the online events calendar.
No, the pay isn't great (=$0). But this is the kind of thing that's needed, and sometimes needed desperately.
You can volunteer to help with this kind of stuff for candidates, too. Town, county, state, or federal.
And the best part: they're all decent people. No deplorables.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
If they want to reboot really funny 70s sitcoms, they should do Barney Miller, Night Court, and WKRP
@Mandalay: Liberty Mutual chief executive David Long wrote in a message to employees that Ingraham’s comments were “inconsistent with our values as a company, especially when it comes to treating others with dignity and respect.”
Can I just say: WTF? How come I never had an edit function? How come I used to have a pie filter and don’t?
It’s personal
@Mandalay: Will “Brad”s girlfriend break into her happy dance?
@Mandalay: I guarantee you that nearly every person working at one of these companies has had the experience of comforting a disappointed high school senior who didn’t get into the college of their choice. They correctly interpret Ingraham’s statements as sociopathic. Ingraham doesn’t seem to get it, which just further validates their instincts as true.
This was Mad Dog and the Englishmen fronted by Leon Russel instead of Cocker. They played Huff Gym at the U of I and were on a little riser, no stage. I was able to lean on the piano and shoot the shit with Leon between songs. This is a great version on Honky Tonk Woman, especially the Brown Sugar and Kathy McDonald backup vocals. I do wonder how the hearing is on that baby.
@efgoldman: And Franks Place
No RWNJ “opinion leader” gets it. We started talking about “epistemic closure” 12-14 years ago.
It’s a wonderful record if my dimmest of memories serves me well – listening to it in an apartment over looking the Wisconsin River in Wisconsin Rapids, WI!
@efgoldman: Or Frank’s Place. Loved that show. Never see it in reruns because AIR they had trouble with music rights.
Raven, I knew I liked you.
Why are people reporting on Trump’s Syria withdrawal comments like what he says means anything?
@efgoldman: For what it’s worth, WKRP will be rerun on MeTV starting next week, and no doubt with all the original music replaced.
“Do you hear dogs on that record?”
“I do.”
Jewish Steel
@Thoughtful David: I <3 this comment so much I FP'd it.
Because he’s “president*”. when he opens his weasel face yap it’s supposed to mean something. Journos still haven’t adjusted. Doubt some of them ever will.
So my ridiculous “tax cut” finally appeared in reduced withholding in my April pay statement. I promptly donated the entire amount to the Democrats, splitting it between the Democratic Nominee Fund (above), which got the majority and the DNC. Then I called Paul Ryan’s office and left him a message thanking him for the ridiculous tax cut, and informing him I was donating every penny to the cause of removing him and his party colleagues from their jobs and replacing them with people prepared to perform their constitutional responsibilities. I’d encourage any Juicers in a position to do so to do the same!
James E. Powell
@Jewish Steel:
Ian Gillian for a few songs, but Child in Time is probably my favorite. Layne Staley also too.
@Barbara: I think you’re right. At first I thought that it was just a crude and bullying jibe from Ingraham but I since have seen plenty of comments along the lines of yours, and I now understand why Hogg’s pushback has so much strength;.
It’s ironic that Ingraham would have been on much safer ground if she had just made an absurd ad hominem attack instead, calling him a commie, or a brownshirt or a paid stooge for Soros.
James E. Powell
I’d like to include Taxi and Wings. In fact, include any show that Noam Pitlik ever directed.
But serious question, can remakes of these shows possibly not suck?
@Mandalay: And yet another company decides not to have this shit hanging over their heads over the weekend….
James E. Powell
I would tell you, but then they’d take mine away, too.
Thoughtful David
@Jewish Steel:
I know a lot of folks are reluctant to get involved with campaigns, because they think it only means making calls to answering machines and knocking doors. But it’s way more than that, and especially in places besides big cities, they need you
@John Revolta: @John Revolta: so is it only a contest about White rock singers? If not, I suggest Screamin’ Jay Hawkins. I mean, it’s in his friggin stage name.
@James E. Powell:
Probably not. They were very much of their place and time.
Headline at TPM, presented without comment:
Steeplejack (phone)
@Jewish Steel:
Grammar police report this is trending, perhaps because of speech to text.
@Barbara: this was my immediate reaction the day she said it. Before the boycott stuff. How can anyone pick on a highschool kid’s disappointment when they get rejected by a college. There is nothing there to say if you are a human except “good job for trying, I’m so sorry they rejected you, you’ll do great wherever you go.”. It’s like Ingraham never was given the noble feeling of commiseration at birth.
@dmsilev: Pruitt napping is better than him actually doing anything.
@James E. Powell: The new version of One Day at a Time seems to be getting a lot of good critical feedback. Hm. There might be a reason for it…
Thoughtful David
There’s more you can do by getting involved. Here in Virginia (I think this is similar in other states), each county and city has a 3-person electoral board. The board is an official thing, established by state law to oversee and be responsible for elections. It has real power. The board can prevent varous kinds of ratfuckery, like closing polling places in brown parts of town and lots of other stuff.
By law, because our governor is a Democrat, two of the three members are supposed to be Dems, and one deplorable. And it’s a paid position. No, you won’t be getting rich off it, but it beats minimum wage.
However, in some of Virginia’s smaller counties, they can’t get two Dems to fill the positions, so a deplorable is appointed. This is wrong! Get involved to stop that kind of crap. Did I mention it’s paid?
Steeplejack (phone)
Ingraham is still pissed that nobody commiserated with her about having to go to a lesser Ivy (Dartmouth).
Jewish Steel
@Thoughtful David: It drives me nuts when elected officials and their creatures encourage everyone to run for office. Really, it’s a pretty small subset of people who actually want to serve in that capacity. There are so many other ways to contribute and I fear non type A personalities will think there’s no way in for them.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
There was a beach ball on the side of the road this evening as I drove back from the bank. So I stopped and grabbed it off the shoulder and brought it home. ’Cause when life gives you free beach balls, you take ’em.
Jewish Steel
@Steeplejack (phone): Dammit! Don’t tell my wife. I usually have her edit my posts. Not this time.
@Steeplejack (phone): At one point(I don’t know if it’s still the case) UCLA had the highest rejection rate in the country. Part of the reason is that locals applied as a safety school if they didn’t get in to an Ivy.
ETA: OTOH, they admitted the likes of me, but that was in the days of stone tablets.
@Jewish Steel: That’ll learn ya.
John Revolta
@Immanentize: I met Screamin’ Jay in a club one time. He was very gracious. I submit however that he was actually more of a hollerer than a screamer.
Now, the Wicked Pickett, on the other hand………………!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That’s been tried, except these kids give as they get. Ingraham is just to used to bullying totebaggers more concerned about tone and feelings than getting their point across. .
@Thoughtful David:
Thank you for all these suggestions, and thank you to Jewish Steel for adding them to the post.
I’ve been having a wonderful time doing this. It required some persistence at the beginning to convince the folks in the office that a data-entry volunteer would be useful – but a few emails later, I had a project that is fun for me and very helpful to them.
Tailor according to your own favorite things to do, and voila! You are suddenly MVP with your local non-deplorables. :)
@efgoldman: WKRP would have Ryan Seacrest on in the morning and the rest of the day would be voice tracked from Cleveland, Johnny and the rest of the staff got shit canned when Clear Channel bought the station and brought it into the Cincinnati “Cluster”
zhena gogolia
Get Ianucci on the case.
Per Daniel Dale at the Toronto Star, who did a minute-by-minute transcript/commentary of Trump’s remarks so the rest of us don’t have to watch (via Digby):
Trump lies with every breath he takes. He lies because he has always lied about everything. He lies because he has no idea of how not to lie. He is the dictionary definition of a lying liar who lies.
But we’ve known that from the start.
Frank’s Place was a gem. CBS didn’t know what to do with it
Good point! I was conflating it with things as they were – the station where I worked gad all the same characters in (sur)real life.
Patricia Kayden
@Mike in NC:
Because that’s who he is. A big bully man baby, who can’t stand to be criticized and isn’t interested in learning anything new. And now he’s arguably the most powerful man in the world. Sigh.
I have a question. I read Charles Pierce (via Esquire) through the course of the day. I enjoy him. I have found lately I can see his pieces on FB but they don’t get posted to the Esquire site right away. Like right now if I pull up the Esquire bookmarked page I still see yesterday’s last post. But if I pull him up in FB I see two posts he’s already put through.
Is that happening to anyone else? And I wonder why this occurs.
Joe Miller
I regularly post this on Daily Kos. It’s a BIG collection of links for those who want to register voters, donate money, volunteer in campaigns, fight voter suppression , and learn what it takes to obtain voter I.D. :
Thoughtful David
@Jewish Steel:
That’s not what I was trying to do, get people to run for office. Electoral board is an appointed position in Virginia.
In big counties like Fairfax, getting on the electoral board might be competitive, but my point was that in small counties, it’s often not, to the point they can’t even find two Dems who will serve. So if you’re in a small county and don’t want to knock doors, it’s another–and important–way to serve the cause.
Patricia Kayden
Rightwingers are in full blown attack the student survivors mode. Now they’re comparing David Hogg to Nazis. This is disgusting.
Thoughtful David
Yes, and so do I.
@efgoldman: Each was so dependent on cast chemistry, I think they’d really be hard pressed to redo any of those.
OT, but I was so hoping Mmem would be right and that the disgusting Rosanne Barr show would be immediately cut an she would be immediately fired. Now I see that they have already renewed the show.
And as long as I’m whining, no Mueller related news today, either. But there was sun today, so that’s good, even if it is long gone.
Omnes Omnibus
@Haroldo: You’re from Rapids?
@Patricia Kayden:
Fine. The kids will remember who is their friend, and who is their enemy. This is who Republicans are, and why voting Democrat is so important.
@James E. Powell: Thank you. Was going to suggest Child in Time as well.
@SiubhanDuinne: Probably forgot he even met the guy, let alone got thanks from him.
A guy wrote a book about that.
@efgoldman: I could tell you stories for days and days. I consulted for a group owner who fired one of his GMs while the GM was in the hospital recovering from a heart attack.
@Joe Miller:
Quick question. I used to see a regular piece on gun fails but have not been seeing them recently. Is that still being done? If it is, how can I find it?
@kindness: It’s FB’s way of telling you FB is bad for you.
Chyron HR
Oh, definitely, I mean, unless some guy from Vermont tells them that the “Democratic establishment” is actually responsible for all of society’s ills and they credulously believe it, just like the last batch of kids who were going to demographically save the country but decided to destroy it instead.
@Mike in NC:
You nailed it.
It is a prized possession on my bookshelf.
@Omnes Omnibus: From Green Bay and Madison, but at one time I knew a number of people from WisRap, as it was known (at least by me and my mates). Yerself?
uh, he/she is saying that access is BETTER on FB.
These must be glory days for you.
@John Revolta: The Wicked One, indeed! I believe he and Mr. Brown got into it over who was the better screamer.
@Chyron HR:
Fuck him, all the Wilmerbots. purity ponies, and the leftier than thous.
When I was recovering from my quadruple bypass, and was obviously plowing through my sick leave, my boss invited me to his house for a “working lunch.” There was some big project coming up that he wanted me to manage, and as I was going stir-crazy and could do a lot of it from home, I leapt at the chance. When I returned to the office a few weeks later and submitted my time sheets and leave requests and all, I’ve never seen such a bureaucratic managerial fustercluck in my life. Took months to sort it out to everyone’s satisfaction.
Omnes Omnibus
@Haroldo: Wausau.
@SiubhanDuinne: my copy is signed and I have a (very very poor phone) pic to prove it.
@John Revolta:
OK, I am intrigued by your yell versus holler idea. Also, there is probably a category which we should call “shout.”
BTW. I am so jealous you chatted with Screamin’ Jay. Frenzy was sort of an anthem for me and some public defender friends in the 80’s. It really makes me tear up with happiness to know he was a nice guy…. My friend and colleague will def want to know this.
John Revolta
@Immanentize: It was about 1984-5? in NYC when I met him. He was playing in a club/rib joint on 3rd Ave.
I tried to get him to do “Little Demon” but he demurred…………….”That’s got all them 32nd notes!”
@SiubhanDuinne: My dad had a massive heart attack at 39, it was 1959, the advice for heart patients at the time, “probably should quit smoking (the doc is smoking while he suggests it) and go home and stay in bed for a year”. My dad quit smoking, stayed in bed for about 3 weeks, while he was in bed, he and mom made my baby sister. About 20 days into the program, he got up and went back to work. He lasted 20 more years, much to his doc’s amazement. Now that I’m old, I’m the only one in the family who remembers my dad as a young healthy guy. I’ll tell my siblings, “the old man taught me to water ski” they look at me like I’m crazy.
@Jay: The comments are almost as good as the story.
Jewish Steel
@Thoughtful David: Yeah, I understood that.
@James E. Powell: Ian Gillan in Superstar. “My Temple should be a house of prayer….*but you have made iiiiiiiiiiiiiit*…a den of thieves…get out, get out” I’m not a fan of musicals but I have this one just about memorized. Love it.
@Chyron HR:
He tried. They told him to fuck off and stop trying to steal their moment. Thank goodness for that. His blatant attempt at ratfucking there infuriated me.
@eemom: I admit my freude is quite schaden, yes.
John Fremont
@Immanentize: I’m throwing in Wilson Pickett then.
Joe Miller
@Schlemazel: I still see them from time to time.
Jim Parish
There was a “The New WKRP” show – not a remake, but a sequel. Unfortunately, the best characters – Jennifer, Johnny, Venus – only appeared in guest shots. Mr. Carlson, Herb, and Les were the central characters. (TBH, I never much cared for Herb, and the other two were best in small doses, Thanksgiving notwithstanding.)
@Jim Parish:
Where about is it? I doubt it can be as good as the original but it might be worth a view just to see
@Schlemazel: I just have to put this here. The Cadillac of Worms…
Jim Parish
@Schlemazel: Apparently some of the episodes are available on YouTube – no idea of the copy quality, though. Google gives this list:
President Trump thinks Puerto Ricans are Mexicans, and wants them to die. Most of his administration are equally racist. I’m sure the FEMA workers on the ground are generally compassionate people, but there’s only so much they can do when they’ve been told ‘no exceptions’ by bosses who don’t want them to do their jobs.
@Jim Parish:
You weren’t supposed to care for Herb. He was the archetypal asshole radio time salesman. Very close to IRL.
@Jim Parish:
Jim Parish
@efgoldman: True, but I didn’t even find him entertaining.
zhena gogolia
@James E. Powell:
I was going to say Ian Gillan! I don’t see how John Legend is going to top him.
zhena gogolia
@James E. Powell:
Wow, only on BJ can you see a comment about Noam Pitlik. I love Noam Pitlik.
zhena gogolia
@zhena gogolia:
I made that comment a while ago, having read “Pruitt” as “Putin.”
Death Panel Truck
The only characters left alive in a Barney Miller reboot are Barney and Wojo. As for WKRP, they tried that already, in 1991. It sucked. Today? Without Gordon Jump as the Big Guy, who would care? I wouldn’t.