At the Korean Bamboo.
As of pre-dawn, commentors Yutsano, Mike J, Bumpers, CaseyL and HEWolf plan to be there… also no doubt one or two I’ve missed.
Lurkers, friends, significant or not-so-significant others always welcome.
And if you’re at the party — remember to take a photo or three, to share with those of us who aren’t so fortunate!
Mike J
Me old bamboo
Sorry to disappoint everyone, it’s not happening for me today. Prior engagements and Final Four viewing.
I’ll be there, with Dave and maybe youngest child. .
@Mike J: I forgot the rule to NEVER READ THE COMMENTS!
Mike J
@opiejeanne: Is she the cheese scraper?
@Mike J: Cheese scraper you say? Intrigue intensifies…
Also: will call when they open to see about getting a group of 12 in one spot.
@Mike J: That’s the middle child; she came with us to one meet-up, the one in Northgate. She won’t arrive back in our fair state until Wednesday. I suppose she and her betrothed are moving in with us while they look for a place to live. They stored everything when their lease was up and went on a long look around. The cheese scraping has been closed down since then but reopens next Sunday.
We have a standing invitation from Dave’s cousin to stay at her condo at Lake of the Ozarks, which might make it very convenient to do a bunch of research for the book I’m writing. I think we should clear out, drive to Missouri and leave the cats with the kids.
@Yutsano: Raclette at the farmers markets and various other venues.
Since I live in Tacoma and don’t have a car, the meet up is just too far away. Hope every one has a good time!
Restaurant has been contacted. No reservations so we MIGHT not be sitting all together, but we’ll figure all that out.
@Yutsano: Youngest child is not coming. Boo.
@Yutsano: Well, crap. We might not be able to make it tonight either. Things Have Come Up wrt tomorrow’s Easter lunch, as in we are not ready and are in a bit of a panic.
So far we have myself, MikeJ, and Bumper. Did everyone else get lost?