Entering Easter Sunday services, Trump reiterates immigration tweets: says Mexico “has got to help us at the border” and Democrats “blew it” on DACA (also wishes the press a happy Easter and comments on how nice the weather is) pic.twitter.com/cLh2dpiMOm
— Justin Sink (@justinsink) April 1, 2018
I'm not sure about this Easter homily. pic.twitter.com/hreVigixh6
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 1, 2018
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” #HappyEaster pic.twitter.com/ImbQ3CdwQg
— Paul MacDonald (@pkmacdonald) April 1, 2018
Nothing brings home the family spirit of Easter like a picture of a serial adulterer and the woman who’d happily slip some polonium into his tea. pic.twitter.com/lcbebMtjm5
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) April 1, 2018
What the hell I love 2018. pic.twitter.com/R4r1vOI2XD
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) April 1, 2018
On the other hand, this is what Christian Easter is supposed to convey…
The perfect story to read this Easter Sunday: After 30 years in the US, she was about to be deported. Then, a tiny Colorado church offered her sanctuary. via @mccrummenwapo https://t.co/JEL53BvMKQ
— Greg Jaffe (@GregJaffe) April 1, 2018
Every day is Fools Day now.
Well a certain pregnant semi-final cat is having a great day, she just doesn’t know it yet. Yes, I got her! And I say semi-feral, because she let me push her into a carrier; I now think she’s someone’s abandoned pet.
Humane trap still up, hoping I catch the young cat I just spotted last night.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
He couldn’t have just layed off the attacks for one day. He probably didn’t for Easter or Christmas last year either, so whatever.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
Efrain Ríos Montt is dead.
@satby: Good news indeed.
Major Major Major Major
I usually forget not to believe anything on the internet today, but this year I remembered! I’ll probably stick to drawing and reading one of those books you folks recommended.
I unwisely trust y’all not to deceive me too much.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): what a nightmare human being.
Corner Stone
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): I wish I had known that was to the NYT.
With that said, this is all I need to know about him:
“President Ronald Reagan was General Ríos Montt’s most prominent admirer. After meeting him in 1982, Mr. Reagan said the general was “getting a bum rap on human rights.”
ETA, one can only hope we reach this state of grace one day as a democracy:
“By then, advances toward civilian democracy in Guatemala had made it feasible to indict him. An exhaustive “truth commission” investigation provided much evidence. More came from the excavation of mass graves.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Major Major Major Major: there have been 4/1 hoaxes that have stuck me as clever, though I can’t remember any right now. But these days reality is too distorted for anything to keep up.
Or what @Baud: said
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
Cooking made simple
Jamie Oliver
@Baud: Malevolent Fools. Stupid and mean and proud of it.
I had two different types of cake, two different types of pies at the brunch this morning! Can one have too much dessert?
zhena gogolia
I like the auto-correct “semi-final cat” for “semi-feral cat.”
Major Major Major Major
@jeffreyw: I have no idea what this is but I retweeted it
@JPL: I feel a little bad for her, she’s never going to trust me again, and that took a while to accomplish. But it’s for the greater good of all of them.
@Major Major Major Major:
The Oregon Zoo has a joke that may amuse you: Premium Plus Otters! Now with 60 percent more otter!
@zhena gogolia: ahhhrgh! Missed that.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: ha!
@satby: Great work! You should keep us updated with kitten pics!
Has there been a war on Easter yet?
@satby: Yay for you. Three of our four cats were semi-feral. Couldn’t get those three to go outside if their lives depended on it. Open the door and shriek and they head for the basement, not outside. They have lived rough and they have no intention of doing it again.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@satby: she’ll trust you. She’s probably hungry. It’s the need to eat for six or seven that gets them to put up with being locked up by people.
@satby: You still did a great job, and for that you should be proud.
@Mnemosyne: That was definitely cute.
@Lapassionara: That was this morning when they let Trump have his phone.
He was probably angry because his handlers said he had to go to church instead of the golf course.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I like Think Geek’s hoax products, because they don’t always stay hoaxes. If they get a good enough response, they will try to actually create and sell the product, which is why you can buy a “Star Wars” Tauntaun sleeping bag from them.
Corner Stone
All ideas are good ideas!
She will eventually forgive you once she realizes it means plenty of food and a safe place for her kittens. She won’t forget, but she’ll forgive.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: there are no bad ideas, only bad people having ideas
Corner Stone
@Mnemosyne: Kind of creepy but I don’t really sea any otter way of managing it.
There are a lot of contenders for who looks like the biggest fool for having supported Trump, but right now my contender is any Midwestern farmer who thought they would not be caught in the crossfire of Trump’s irrational hatred of Mexico and Mexicans.
@schrodingers_cat: Do you know aything about Nepali food? We have a huge new Nepali community in my fair city, with some highly regarded restaurants. I want the spouse and me to break out of our midwestern bubble and supporting local immigrant entrepreneurs seems a good way to start.
@schrodingers_cat: I will! We’re going to be adopting them out when they’re old enough.
There’s an empty maternity cage waiting for her. One cat that South Bend animal control called us about to get her and her newborns out of the shelter lost her whole litter, so she’s going to be spayed and after she recovers is going for adoption. But we have a momma and three more newborns in residence.
Got the call, so mom-to-be and I are heading out! I’ll take pictures.
Major Major Major Major
@Barbara: not that woman whose husband got deported (she thought trump would only deport the bad ones)?
Yeah, the first shots were fired by Cadbury who decided they wanted to sell the sickeningly sweet creme eggs year around so they no longer are called “Easter” eggs
We have had two Nepali restaurants in the Twin CIties forever & they are both enjoyable although there is a relatively new one (only like 10 years) that we really like. If you are familiar with Indian food you will not be confused by the menu
GOOD NEWS! Her babies will be born in a safe environment & stand a much better chance of a happy, healthy life. Good luck on getting #2.
@Lapassionara: Happy Hollidays!
(There ya go…War on Easter!)
You can thank me later.
@zhena gogolia:
I was really surprised when cat made it past the quarter-finals.
I really WANT that facehugger snorkel!
I am sure there are a couple of things in that set that would sell pretty well although the screaming alarm clock probably isn’t one of them.
Corner Stone
On this Easter Sunday may I just reiterate – high-waisted jeans are of the Devil and should be driven out of society at all costs!
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
??? “And he never will be missed, I’m sure he’ll not be missed!” ???
She was in my bracket.
One thread down.
@Corner Stone:
Agreed. They are awful.
Cattle were grazed in that meadow when we moved here 20+ years ago. Not great for lake clarity.
Take that, Christians for Don’s Cossacks.
She doesn’t understand but you did a beautiful thing for her and her kittens.
@satby: You’re admirable and good. May she eat well and rest tonight.
@satby: Well, it was a happy Easter for her even if she didn’t know it.
@Major Major Major Major:
Just as with The Onion, and Andy Borowitz, and so on, the actual news of the day has gone far, far beyond satire and jest. They’ve managed to kill off actual foolishness and even the kinds of elaborate pranks of yesteryear. I don’t even have to remind myself these days to question the source or plausibility; the various platforms are ham-handed in their signaling and have all the delicacy and subtlety of a Peterbilt 379 in their delivery.
NPR’s Morning Edition today tried to make us believe that the much-beloved “Puzzler” feature was being cancelled as of today, and I just thought “That is so fucking lame.” It was really kind of embarrassing.
These do not sound like Trump tweets. They sound like a faithful aide who believes in the cause doing his best to deliver the tweets lawyers told him are acceptable today.
Or has he had a public freak-out about Stormy Daniels yet?
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
From your link
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@SiubhanDuinne: They fooled my MIL with that lame stunt…
@satby: Yay!
Major Major Major Major
Right? But hey, that’s good for us.
Not the first time I’ve made this observation, but Reagan can go fuck himself.
Pete Downunder
April Fool : A March fool with another month added to his folly. Ambrose Bierce
Yea for satby. And I hope the momcat decides to become someone’s pet again.
OT, kind of, I am fascinated (and horrified) by that story about the 2 moms and the 6 kids; car went off a cliff in Mendocino.
I am wondering where the 3 other kids are (pulled out to sea, or maybe dropped off with friends before the crash?) I am wondering if anyone will ever know what really happened, and how the police, etc. are reconstructing their path, from Washington state to CA.
And I am concerned about the combination of homeschooling and evading child protective services.
@SiubhanDuinne: Happy Holidays!
@SiubhanDuinne: Well, that’s a relief.
@SiubhanDuinne: Better than that, he’s still dead.
I’ve been laid low by a cold but that means all day playing and napping with our two 6mo kittens, now headed into their early adolescence. Two weeks ago one was dropping her favorite mouse toy in the water dishes almost every day, so we don’t let her take it to bed with her so she doesn’t mess up their overnight water supply. Now we hide it in various places so she has the fun of finding it before giving it another dunking. Cat logic….
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
Certainly the epitome of the South American dictator.
But damn, a complex character. From the obituary.
What’s also nice is that because it’s the first day of the month it’s also Rabbit Day!
(I am within spittin’ distance of my 76th birthday, and have greeted just about every First of the Month for the past 60+ year with the incantation “Rabbit rabbit rabbit.” I think I’ve missed maybe three times in all those years.)
@Frankensteinbeck: Navarro then. And it’s Stephen Miller’s time to shine like a fucking infertile star.
randy khan
That is excellent. And you know, the recipes are so simple you probably could do two and make a meal.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
Okay wait, you’re trying to April Fool me, with this, right?
How very meta of you.
Major Major Major Major
@Brachiator: You know who else had hopes and dreams invested in him by downtrodden citizens?
@SiubhanDuinne: Year of the Horse?
Did your mother or grandmother, etc say rabbit rabbit rabbit on the 1st?
mai naem mobile
Remembering when Michelle Obama was not supposed to wear sleeveless outfits because it was not tasteful as a FLOTUS. I know, I know it’s not anywhere the worst hypocrisy of the RW and MSM but argh.
@Schlemazel: I could go for the Klingon refrigerator magnets.
@Aleta: Like a Hurricane♫ Neil Young & Crazy Horse from Year of the Horse!
On the third night of Pesach, my true love gave to me…
Do you preface the incantation with “Lepus pray?”
@Sab: Not really, but my guess would be that it is fairly similar to a lot of north Indian food.
Corner Stone
@mai naem mobile: I personally want nothing to do with her, but IMO Melania has been looking smoking hot lately. Either audition tapes for a new catch once she sheds Trump, or just as punishment for what he will never touch again. Who’s to say?
I am Year of the Horse, as it happens (1942). But beginning every month with “horse horse horse” seems like begging the universe for a perpetual scratchy throat. Or perhaps a little colt
John Revolta
@SiubhanDuinne: I never knew anybody else who’d heard of the “rabbit x3” thing. I believe I heard about it from a morning radio guy in Chicago 50 years ago………….?
Patricia Kayden
The richest Americans have gotten a $33,000 tax break because of the Republican tax cut bill. How’s that working out for the precious White Working Class of which the media is so enamored?
@zhena gogolia: I thought “semi-final cat” was a reference to Villanova.
@SiubhanDuinne: ha (You are quick AND fast though!)
J R in WV
OK, the best April Fool story I ever heard was NPR reporting from Wisconsin, where Fon’du Laq was about to run out of cheesy fondue!!! There was on the spot reporting from every Fondue lake in the Cheese State, and it was a looming tradegy !~!!! Think olf running out of lakes of melted cheese!! The horror!
I was pretty sure from the very beginning that it was BS, but it took a while for me to realize it was official BS on April 1st. I’m not good at knowing what date it is unless I’m looking at my working computer screen, with date in the upper right corner.
No. Not any part of our family tradition, and I’m not even sure I ever mentioned it to other family members. I learned it from a friend in high school when I was either a freshman or sophomore, so 14-15 years old. Have no idea why I’ve kept it up all this time; at this point it’s more reflex than superstition.
Corner Stone
@Patricia Kayden: Have not read the article but the $33K figure sounds ridiculously low for the “richest” Americans.
Matt McIrvin
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: The April Fool assholery I normally see around seems much more muted this year, probably because of the coincidence with Easter.
@Elizabelle: Same here, just read that the speedometer was pinned at 90 mph, whatever that means. And yay for Satby!
Not really. I’ve come within a hare’s-breadth once or twice.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: any of the gossip sites keeping an eye on that Tiffany’s security guard? The jewelry store, not the daughter.
It would be hilarious is that guy’s name started trending. Of course, it might also start Armageddon.
@J R in WV
Had to have been inspired by the BBC’s video report on the spaghetti harvest.
@Major Major Major Major:
@SiubhanDuinne: If it’s working, keep it hop.
Mike J
Please don’t try April fooling us, we’re not the nitwits the Republicans are.
@John Revolta:
I had already left Chicago (1962) but my sense is that the mid-60s were kind of the heyday for Rabbit x3!
I have a FB (and before) friend of at least 20 years whose first post of each month is a concise “rabbit rabbit rabbit.” She’s an ordained Methodist minister. A few years ago she forgot; I reminded her and she was horrified at her forgetfulness.
Matt McIrvin
@SiubhanDuinne: A while back there was an article going around about the tradition of joke articles appearing in April issues (and, sometimes, in the UK, Christmas issues) of some scientific journals. The article was arguing that these practical jokes are dangerous and should be stopped–because the articles often get cited seriously without regard for the publication date, and from then on the information is effectively scrubbed of any clue that it’s a seasonal joke unless someone actually follows the chain of references. There have been many cases of these jokes effectively getting laundered as fact.
It does sound as if the ones in the Christmas BMJ mentioned there actually have to pass peer review as legit articles–they can’t just be made up, at least in principle. But other journals don’t play that way.
Citizen Alan
So? Had the Allies not made stamping it out an early priority, Hitler would probably have that sort of adoration from the average German instead of the fringe nutcase. Easily one of the most embarrassing things about being an American is realizing that historically we have never cared about democracy at all for any other Nation except for when the risk of dictatorship threatened us financially.
Another Scott
@JPL: Photo of Donnie and his family at their table at Xanadu.
WTF? Stanchions and red velvet ropes around the table? Really? Who does that?!?
“Yes, you paid me $200,000 for the privilege of being in the same room with me, but don’t even think about crossing the ropes…”
Why not have their dinner in a private dining room?!?!
Even better, why not have their dinner in the White House or Camp David?
(“Don’t read the captions on the other pictures.”)
@Patricia Kayden:
A lot of people will be happy with a small tax cut. And they will falsely presume that the tax cuts the wealthy get are proportionately equal.
But the fact is that this GOP tax bill was rigged to make as much of the tax code as possible favorable to the rich by reducing, limiting or eliminating breaks for the poor and middle class and maximizing breaks for the wealthy.
Tax preparers are also seeing the degree to which some blue state clients are getting the shaft, especially in California and other states.
And yet, the Republicans are happy with this and want to make the changes to individuals permanent.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Another Scott: as I recall the king’s table at Versailles was arranged so that selected courtiers could watch Louis XIV eat. I wonder if Mike Pence will be assigned as Napkin Bearer to Barron
J R in WV
Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me of that. I heard it, most likely on NPR. Very funny !!
@Another Scott: That was some vile RWNJ’s Twitter feed. David Hogg seems to have really gotten under the skin of the poor baby.
Corner Stone
Danielle Pletka. For fuck’s sake.
@Another Scott:
Gotta pay more 200 Grand to sit on the otherside of the ropes.
Wouldn’t be as good a show that way, would it?
They’re dumps.
Corner Stone
@Another Scott: Wonder why Barron is not beside his mom?
Well, so it is sleeting in the greater Saint Louis area. In fact, the sleet looks like tiny hailstones. So, that is a April Fool’s joke on us.
Corner Stone
@Lapassionara: We’re going to have lows in the low 50’s this week in the Greater Houston Metro Area. That is almost unheard of for the first week in April for the last decade or so.
@Another Scott:
No effin’ way. How better to rub the noses of the common rich than sitting amongst them, but special and separate? Donny two-scoops at his zenith.
ETA or what Bill said.
Dan B
Nepalese food is similar to North Indian. What we’ve had has been less spicey/hot but that may be catering to white folks taste buds, something our local Sichuan rest’s don’t. Good food, usually very healthy but depends upon the oil for the fried breads.
@Citizen Alan:
Hmm. Hitler was very popular when he was winning. The devastation and retribution he brought on to Germany probably accounts for a great deal of the way he is viewed, along with deliberate efforts of later German governments to suppress his cult.
Americans have often never much cared about democracy at home, except for white people.
But I take your point. I would add that often it was not a matter of a real threat. The US opposed other governments, whether dictatorship or leftist democracy, that cut into corporate profits.
And as always, here is where the words of General Smedley Butler absolutely nail it.
Corner Stone
@Another Scott:
How would he be able to crowd source his next Cabinet pick if he isn’t talking to the average multi-millionaire in Palm Beach society?
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
A little gift. A bunch of Obama memes.
Tried out a recipe for rye bread in the super duper bread machine which includes allspice.
Interesting. Not in a bad way but there is a definite moment of disconnect between what the eye sees and the tongue tastes.
@Matt McIrvin:
The UK Express planted a plausible April Fool’s gag.
This popped up in my news feed as a legitimate story since Hardy’s name regularly pops up in casting rumors.
A link here.
We had our tax appointment on Friday. We got a refund this year, but we will have to pay next year because of the changes. ?
They’re double screwed. No labor plus tariffs.
I keep watching and laughing at this short video from an animated TV show from Japan. I cannot resist a good dancing shark.
I fell for NPR’s puzzle joke. Frankly, with all the “youngening” of the staff, it made perfect sense.
@debbie: But they get a tax cut, and tax cuts make everything better. They even cure the clap.
Tax preparers I work with have been seeing this in a lot of returns for California residents.
A lot of Trump supporters are happy to see California punished for being a blue state, but this obviously hurts a lot of Republicans living here as well.
I’m sure that will work out well for them, since California is pretty much driving the national economic growth.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Makes me angry.
Maybe the disparate tax treatment will be yet another thing smart voters consider during the midterms.
Am watching the Beverly Hills Dog Show on USA Network. Some good looking sleekster pups. Last group, and we’ll get best of show soon.
Last: the Trumps behind a velvet rope at their Mar a Lago table (link above). It’s like a museum exhibit: This is what you get with DUMB.
That famous BBC story is apparently from 01 April 1957.
I’m just going to leave this little exchange here (from Miss Pym Disposes, by Josephine Tey, published 1946. I repeat, nineteen
forty-fucking six. That would
be eleven years prior to the BBC’s amusing romp):
Mike J
@Brachiator: Lewis Hamilton announced he was skipping the race in Bahrain.
Spoiler free Ready Player One Review
Since I am not even remotely religious, I went to my church over the weekend. I went to the movies to see Steven Spielberg’s “Ready Player One.” A fun movie about a dystopian US, circa 2045, it focuses on a group of young people who get caught up in a VR video game created by a Jobs like genius who had a deep fetish for 80s American pop culture.
A lot of the video game action is exciting, and I confess that I got sucked into anticipating all the 80s pop culture references. But the strange thing was that even though the production and direction is probably better than most other filmmakers, it lacks the wonder and sheer inventiveness of Spielberg’s own best work. The young leads are bland, and the part of the story set in the real world is perfunctory and not nearly as satisfying as it should be. However, a major sequence which is also a nod to Stanley Kubrick, is outstanding.
Spielberg clearly loves working with Mark Rylance, who has a key role here, but is, for me, slightly miscast.
But like I say, I got caught up in much of the movie, even though it’s long, 2 hours and 20 minutes. I’m curious to see whether teens not steeped in 80s pop culture will enjoy it.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Nothing is permanent. It will be repealed.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Rich Californians and California companies got a big tax cut though. Aren’t they they ones who matter for economic growth?
But we need a majority.
@Matt McIrvin:
Academic snowflakes. Fuckem if they can’t take a joke.
@SiubhanDuinne: Thank you. I laughed out loud, for sure. Needed a laugh, so thank you.
But remember that these Trump supporter dopes believe that the GOP is going to make the Rust Belt shine again with manufacturing and coal jobs.
But the only thing that will happen is that the deficit will skyrocket and the Republicans will insist that the only solution is to cut Social Security.
What a racket.
Patricia Kayden
So much for our free press. Trump now has a whole network of stations promoting his agenda at the local level throughout the U.S.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
I don’t know. I think there should be something in the article itself that makes it explicitly clear that it’s a joke article. I don’t think that’s too unreasonable.
I must be a great deal more cynical and suspicious than I imagined. To me it was painfully obvious. No offense intended.
@Baud: Quit a lot of the economic growth here is from small and medium sized businesses and their upper middle class owners. Sure you have Silicone Valley and Hollywood, but there’s a lot of support businesses there as well. Also many of the wealthy here aren’t IGMFY types.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Patricia Kayden:
Sinclair needs to be destroyed.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: I fell for it, in part because of the longevity of the segment, in part because nothing is obvious to me before 9 a.m., especially on Sunday.
and props for Xanadu
And tax cuts, remember they cure acne.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Vote dem.. That’s the only way that the FCC will be changed.
Miss Pym is right near the top of my all-time favorites booklist. Over many years I’ve read it dozens of times. Read the whole thing on air years ago when I worked for an NPR affiliate in Michigan. It’s a great book.
@BillinGlendaleCA: My comment was in jest. They hate California because California is both good and successful. I hope you have zero GOP congresscritters next year.
@Patricia Kayden: Almost as good and TrumpTV, wonder if Trump gets a cut?
@Corner Stone:
Their dealing with averages, which can distort how well some of the richest will make out, and how much a lot of middle class will be screwed.
When I looked something up on Google Maps today, Waldo from Where’s Waldo peeked out from the side of the screen. Went downtown to see Annihilation, which I’ve been meaning to see, but it was sold out. Grabbed coffee at a nearby cafe. Downtown Boston was very Asian and Muslim today.
As always on April 1, I checked the ThinkGeek site. I think the Klingon Alphabet fridge magnets should become real.
It actually wasn’t. April Fool’s!
@Baud: I thought you were from California too.
@Baud: We’ll still have a few from the far northern part of the state and maybe some from the Central Valley.
@schrodingers_cat: I suppose that’s where most of us bots originate.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Dump them all.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
How many people watch the local news anyway? The little I’ve seen of mine is that it usually sucks. They mostly report on deadly car accidents, murders, fires, and whatnot. Definitely not hard hitting, in-depth journalism. National news is always from the parent.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Sinclair is just getting started. And they want to be bigger than Fox News. From a recent story.
They are willingly following Trump’s lead.
Link to current story
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: I always try to watch the 11pm news, but I’m old.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
They must be freaking out about the mid-terms and 2020. The window is closing for them.
Central Planning
@SiubhanDuinne: we only do it with two rabbits where I’m from.
This ain’t no April Fool’s joke. From the BBC
The trade wars begun, they have.
Let’s see if Trump chokes on these words.
Alright…let’s get into this Jesus Christ Superstar with John Legend…as Jesus Christ…So what’s the official hashtag? #JesusChristSuperstarLive
@Patricia Kayden:
Believe me, I’m no fan of Sinclair, but I think the real purpose is to grab market share from Fox. Let them, and then let Fox slug back. I’m hoping they destroy each other.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Yep. Sinclair is the official conservative propaganda channel for television and many newspapers. Sinclair and Clear Channel also control a lot of radio stations, and the greater Los Angeles area, for example, is maybe the largest English language radio drive time market. And this is more important for news than cable or national news.
Some news stations are fighting back. More will need to do so.
@satby: Good on you, and congratulations! A friend and I do a trap-neuter-release-pamper program here on our tiny Bahamian island, and last month we got our 72nd cat fixed. We feed them every day, and most of them are very socialized. I’ve adopted three, and none of that trio are enthused about being outside–been there, done that. Best wishes.
Mary G
@Brachiator: They even dictated what colors the anchors were allowed to wear while reading the propaganda – no blue, red, or purple. Only gold, grey, black, brown. I think the rich people in America are trying to take over the media.
Radio and local TV are super declining mediums. Back in the ’80s, a company like Sinclair would never have dared do stuff like this, because they’d lose much of their audience and advertisers would go insane. Now, nobody but old people, especially old white people (I am one) listen to terrestrial radio or watch local TV. Advertisers don’t care about them, except maybe car dealers and furniture stores. Sinclair would’ve been an existential threat to America 30 years ago. Too late for them now. Of course the next Democratic administration should pull all their station licenses. There are grounds.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): My best friend was born in Guatemala and told me about a distant cousin who was married to a man that I’m convinced was Rios Mott, after reading his Wikipedia page. He is exactly what she described, Evangelical, gained power as the result of a coup, and she was horrified that he was at that time running for President again. It has to be him.
She didn’t go into details about what he was doing to the indigenous population, the genocide, but she said he was murderous, a monster.
@satby: Woot! Well done, friend.
As I noted previously, radio is still huge in morning and afternoon drive time markets, and not just with older demographics. And conservative owners love drive time.
Also, Sinclair has control over a patent that brings over-the-air tv broadcast to the next generation of TV’s, and possibly to smartphones and tablets.
Patricia Kayden
@Brachiator: I’m surprised the Koch Brothers and other billionaires are okay with Trump’s stupid, ill-conceived tariffs.
@Patricia Kayden: they we’re all given a heads up and shorted tarrifed products. Profit!
@lamh36: I’m struggling with it. Might be my attention span tonight. Trying to at least make it to Alice Cooper’s appearance.
@Quinerly: I’ve never seen it before…so I have nothing to compare it to. I’m actually surprised I’ve stuck with it so long…but that’s likely cause I’m loving John Legend and the other singers so far…they did great on that part.
oh..Sara Bareilles just sang “I Don’t Know How To Love Him” and that was FABULOUS!!!!
I listen to music on my phone, got 192gb of storage.
@lamh36: Surprised how much I remember of these songs.
My parents took us to see it at Ford’s Theatre, when it was newish.
Don’t know the performers, other than John Legend, but it’s a good staging. Wish it was commercial free. Fuckin’ NBC.
Jesus wants Big Pharma ads.
zhena gogolia
We got home in time for “Blood Money” and it was fabulous. But they’re putting commercials between every number, I guess.
Re JCS (Jesus Christ Superstar, not John Cole Sated): the songs hold up well.
@lamh36: I’m just having a problem sticking with it…commercials are a problem. I’m also very tired.
Matt McIrvin
@Elizabelle: It’s a bit unusual in that usually in “JCS” Judas is an edgier, more emotionally intense part than Jesus, and the cast here really seems to be playing it the other way around.
The Eagle has landed
ETA. JCS sounds interesting. I’m on the West Coast, so may watch it. I’ll also record it for later, just in case I get tired.
@Central Planning:
Seems to be subject to all kinds of regional/ethnic variations. One rabbit, or two, or three; some people specify “White Rabbit(s) ” and others just mutter “Rabbit Day” and go back to sleep. You have to say it out loud, though. If you just think it in your head, it doesn’t count ?
@Matt McIrvin: Mr. Cooper just stole the show.
@Barbara: and the China tariffs, my BIL is in the commodities business and he had helped a group of Nebraska corn growers put together a co-op to sell corn to a Mexican firm. The Mexican firm cancelled a 10 million dollar contract with the small co-op. He says next up for an ass whipping are the soy bean growers.
Matt McIrvin
@Quinerly: Well, we had to leave off watching for various reasons, but it’s on the TiVo so we have that to look forward to.
Just One More Canuck
@schrodingers_cat: Baud is everywhere
@debbie: I never listen to NPR on April 1. I fell for one of their gags about 15 years ago and I have been pissed off ever since. I also remeber being pissed off during pledge week.
Scamp Dog
@eclare: Haven’t read the article, but my best guess is that the car’s speedometer maxes out at 90 mph (some have an actual peg that keeps the needle from going too far). Often (usually?) in a wreck, the broken glass/other damage keeps the speedometer needle stuck where it was at the moment of the crash.