NY-11 (Staten Island) is starting to look like a great pick-up opportunity for Democrats
Congressman Dan Donovan has been accused of using his official position to get his baby mama’s son out of a heroin arrest on Staten Island.
The accusation could be bullshit because Donovan is being primaried by Michael Grimm, who represented the district for a while before getting sent to the clink. Grimm is quite a piece of work, and he’s backed by Bannon. But, honestly, even if it is bullshit, fuck Donovan and fuck all the Republicans in the House.
Give to the Balloon Juice fund that is split equally among all eventual Democratic nominees in House districts currently held by Republicans, because there’s going to be a lot more of this kind of stuff between now and November and who knows where it will happen.
Uncle Cosmo
So who’s running for the Democratic nomination there? Crowded field? Any favorites? Youth wants to know (& old age is a mite curious too).
Sunshine Stuporman!
Is that the same district with the R congressman who threatened a reporter with throwing him off a balcony?
The Moar You Know
I know I am old, but damn if I can figure out if this word salad means the person arrested for heroin is the Congressman’s kid or not.
Corner Stone
I can’t take the Google Finance new interface any longer. Anyone use a free site to just keep track of a few stocks/markets/news – that they would recommend?
Citizen Alan
@The Moar You Know:
Presumably, this means the Congressman’s wife’s son by another father. Or else the Congressman is not married to a woman who had a child by him and another child (the heroin user) by a different man. Then again, Fox referred to Michelle as Obama’s baby mama, so who knows.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.)
Shit, where do they find these people? I know Democrats aren’t perfect, and any organization as big as a national American political party is going to have some people worm their way in who would be better left out, but holy Christ, Republicans… It seems like they go out of their way to find the worst people on Earth.
@Corner Stone: yahoo finance?
@trollhattan: That would be the primary challenger, Mr. Grimm.
@The Moar You Know:
I would bet not his kid but maybe. The son of his honey’ though for sure. I hope both that it is true and that it was another goper that outed him. They can eat each other while I cheer for injuries
Citizen Alan
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.):
Seems? At this point, they could rebrand themselves as “the Kakistocrats.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@The Moar You Know: Donavan has a small child with the mother of the alleged heroin dealer, who I believe is 19. Donovan and his GF have been together since 2011.
Corner Stone
@sukabi: Too cluttered and they have an auto-load video up top. Which I despise intensely.
Mother’s maiden name Reaper?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.): if evil has a gravitational pull, that would explain the makeup of the gop….
@TenguPhule: Heh, that’s your department.
@Corner Stone:
How is that any different from this blog these days?
@Citizen Alan: My understanding: Donovan and his girlfriend have a child together. She also has an adult child with her ex-husband. It’s the older child who had the heroin bust.
And yeah that headline doesn’t help at all.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.)
@Citizen Alan:
Yeah, I remember when they called Michelle Obama that. Also that she was a man. I swear, American conservatives are beyond help. I can’t understand what’s wrong with them. It’s like they’ve committed themselves to thoroughly shedding any shred of decency or humanity.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.):
I don’t understand why the crowd at the whorehouse is so unsavory.
@Corner Stone: Morningstar.
@Schlemazel: Take that back. They have better standards then Republicans. And more class.
The Moar You Know
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thank you. Don’t know why the Post couldn’t have just gone with that.
This is just an amazing list summarizing the trump world’s cupidity
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.):
You seem to have found the answers already.
As far as I’m concerned, I want us to run candidates in every race just so the RNC blows every dime they have on lower races. And hype up as many of the supposed safe races so they panic and toss more money in safe areas.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
large movements of amazon stock, say in the last week, should be a matter of public record, no?
@The Moar You Know:
Because it’s the Post, and they like to get cute.
If he was married to the baby mama, then the kid arrested would be his stepson, if that helps.
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: “Blue Horseshoe Loves Anacott Steel”
Central Planning
@Doug! – The other company we were trying to think of at the meetup was Veramark. I think I remembered it as I was driving home (of course)
Yep. Contest everything. Every race.
Ridnik Chrome
OT: For all you SF-Fantasy fans (especially the ones living in Brooklyn), it’s just been announced that Neil Gaiman and his wife, Amanda Palmer, will be the King and Queen of this year’s Coney Island Mermaid Parade.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I sense an annulment issue lurking in the background to this arrangement.
@Mnemosyne: For example that state house seat in Maine where a GOOPer was running uncontested until he tweeted dome crap at the Parkland kids and a woman though “I’m not going to let this asshole represent me, I’ll run myself.” GOOPer IIRC quit the race soon afterwards.
@Calouste: To be fair, part of the reason why he quit is because another GOPer jumped in to primary him. And as far as I know that individual hasn’t withdrawn from the race. So it’s still contested, just not by the fartknocker who mouthed off.
@Calouste: That amused me. I swear, most of these assholes who get to run unopposed can’t win an actual election contest.
Since Etsy is not running for reelection, I hope the dems have someone lined up. We don’t need to lose seats.
@JPL: That one looks pretty bad.
Mike J
@Corner Stone: Your ad blocker can get rid of videos too. I didn’t see any when I checked it out.
Apparently you’re not alone in hating the new layout. I’m sure the response will be, “people always complain when things change and in a week or two it will seem normal.”
Fuck Scott Pruitt with a fucking rusty chainsaw.
They’re planning to rollback vehicle carbon emission standards at the EPA.
Corner Stone
@Mike J: I sent a fire filled, and detailed, feedback note to Google after they kept switching back and forth for two weeks. I am sure they will give it all due consideration, as needed.
It’s objectively worse than the old interface. It is simply bad. A downgrade.
Jay C
Not only that: I read that the EPA is going to sue (somebody, somewhere?) to negate California’s more-stringent emission regulation.
Add “twice” to your first sentence…..
Hi ho, hi ho
It’s off to court we go
@efgoldman: Yeah, I think they’re going to end up in litigation with the State of California. It will not go well for them, we’re rather fond of being able to breath out here.
Pretty soon I’m afraid the only people with full employment are gonna be the lawyers.
Corner Stone
@Jay C: And, unsurprisingly, it’s just stupid. Auto makers are already well beyond those goals and are not going backwards. Who is going to take advantage of it?
@Corner Stone:
@Corner Stone: Coal fired cars, there’s your investment tip for the day.
Corner Stone
@BillinGlendaleCA: Smithers!!! Contact my broker of stock certificates post haste!
@Jay C:
California has successfully fought off several attempts to eliminate our primacy for setting unique emission and mileage standards but each try carries its own risk, especially with this Supreme Court.
@trollhattan: “He has his order. Let Dolt45 enforce it!”
Seriously, California is still the largest car market in the US. And I get the feeling even a court order won’t undo the standards that easily.
@Uncle Cosmo: My tweep Omar Vaid. Show him some love.
@Yutsano: Gas prices have been creeping up here, so $4 gas may be here soon.
@BillinGlendaleCA: $3.19 here in NorCal and that’s at the cheap stations. We’ll be at $4 soon. The unrest Dolf has sown will be good for petro
Automakers are always looking a decade ahead. How much will they react to a one-term crazy man’s change, and what would be the risks doing that?
“Light trucks”–pickups, SUVs, vans–are the biggest money makers and the hardest to get in compliance with mileage standards. I suspect passenger car plans wouldn’t shift but they’ll happily keep making the same trucks they are today.
Of course, gas is always going to be three bucks, so….
Corner Stone
Breaking News: John Podhoretz remains a truly awful human being.
Thoughtful David
@Corner Stone:
Yeah, I don’t get that automakers will benefit. Are they going to engineer dirtier gas guzzlers just for the US market? Everywhere else already has higher standards than we do, so to sell your cars in China you have to engineer them for that.
True, they will get a fleet advantage, but I think everyone here who wants a gas guzzler already has it.
Edited for clarity
@ruemara: I think I paid $3.25 at Costco about a week ago.
@Corner Stone: I’ll…alert…the…media.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@BillinGlendaleCA: how just about every other one of John Gielgud’s lines from that movie haven’t become memes, I don’t know. Especially, for the last year and a half “How revolting!”
Corner Stone
@BillinGlendaleCA: I just think it would be amusing if there existed a “lefty” equivalent of J-Pod or Danielle Pletka and that person be given as much equal time on Fox News shows.
California still get’s to keep it’s Standards.
randy khan
If the Dems can win NY-11, it’s going to be a very good election.
@Corner Stone:
What did he do now??
Hey Doug!,
So there’s a structural issue with the Nominee Fund gizmo now that some states have had their primary or determined the Dem candidate. Namely, the nominee fund goes away.
So, for example, my friend Kevin Gaither who is running in IL-15 no longer gets a tiny cut of the action if a BJer gives equally. As the nominee, he may have accesses to some greater resources, but he’s a classic not-DCCC guy: Clearly a GOP leaning dist with a GOP incumbent.
I get that we wanted to use nominee funds since we don’t have the local knowledge to pick the ‘best’ candidate in each of 230 some-odd races. But we should probably trust the local endorsed/selected candidate and keep giving to them, yes?
Not sure what the solution is, but wondering how we keep supporting all the contested races as was the intent of the fund when created. Thanks!
@Corner Stone:
@Uncle Cosmo:
I think we have a late primary so not clear yet.
Ah, I was wondering about that. Let me think of a solution!
@Central Planning:
Because the guy’s name is Donovan. I thought this was kind of clever.
@BillinGlendaleCA: And I thought my $2.57/gallon was bad. Ugh.
Corner Stone
@rikyrah: He was on MTP Daily and just shilling for Sinclair Broadcast Group and lying about what the wording in the announcement said.
He’s just fucking awful. He has the worst takes possible without frothing at the mouth while he says them.
forget it Jake it’s Staten Island
Podhoretz is awful. I started reading about the new season at the Staatsoper unter den Linden and enjoyed reading this.
Heh heh heh.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.): Republicans are the worst people on earth. to be a Republican means you are a defective human
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et Al.): and that’s why we need to obliterate them
@TenguPhule says:
So when will the agency’s name be officially changed to “Environmental Destruction Agency”?
WHO wants dirty air AND shitty mileage?
Then Trump will finally share something in common with Bush Jr.
I remember how that inbred fucker brought us $4 a gallon gas in Hawaii.
zhena gogolia
Jennifer, Juniper, / God I hate that song
@zhena gogolia:
Yeah, much of Donovan’s stuff has not aged very well. Although I was in the car the other day and heard “Mellow Yellow” and found myself thinking that I liked that. Anyway, my favorite Donovan song now, which I don’t think I realized when it came out, is “Wear Your Love Like Heaven.” Very Donovan-esque, but it holds up.
Hope this removes any residual “Jennifer Juniper” earworm.
zhena gogolia
I only like the Santy Anna one.
zhena gogolia
Actually, yeah, that one’s not bad.
zhena gogolia
Are you not a JCS guy? That’s my big obsession since last night.
@zhena gogolia:
@zhena gogolia:
Saw the original back in the day, missed the one last night. Haven’t gotten up to speed on it yet. Also have to admit that I’m not a super big “musicals” fan.
zhena gogolia
“Remember the Alamo.”