I know some of you get sick of poll porn but….
Former Gov. Phil Bredesen has a 10-point lead over U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn in the race to succeed U.S. Sen. Bob Corker, according to a new poll from Middle Tennessee State University.
That’s why we have to compete everywhere.
Give to the Balloon Juice fund that is split equally among all eventual Democratic nominees in House districts currently held by Republicans.
I’ve got all kinds of kooky donation ideas we can start in on once we hit our goal.
You know…
Baby pictures are always welcome ;)
I hadn’t even realized Blackburn won that primary. Are the Democrats running someone viable in Blackburn’s district? I know it is one of the safer R districts in the South.
I don’t trust poll porn but I believe we will remove the Nazis,easy or hard.
It’s annoying…they are on my phone in a way where it’s a slight pain to get them on my computer for upload.
Not sure about that
Our primary is in August but Marcia’s opposition is all second tier local Rs, so it’s a pretty well forgone conclusion that she will face off with Bredesen.
@Ailuridae: Yes, the very wealthy WHITE enclave south of Nashvegas. Fairly reliably R.
Hahahaha. I despise Blackburn so this is the awesome.
@HinTN: We actually have a shot at dumping Desjarlais in the 4th, however. The D is a solid candidate and even Trumpistas recognize that the good doctor is worthless. One can hope.
@kindness: Yeah you right.
Mary G
@rikyrah: Yes. Or ? plus ?.
Villago Delenda Est
OT, but Kevin Williamson’s new gig is a non-gig. Paste-eater Goldberg realized that Williamson is a misogynist fuckstain, and has fired his new hire.
@DougJ: Dang, DougJ, all this talk got me to go do the ActBlue thingy. However, it also provoked me to make the donation to my local TN-04 gal but man, I had to scroll forever to find that race. How do they organize that list?
@Villago Delenda Est:
Is our editors learning?
I’m still scarred by the 2016 phenomenon of older previously successful red or purple state Democrats coming out of retirement to run, starting out with commanding leads, and ultimately losing by surprisingly wide margins. I realize 2018 should be a very different environment but I’m going to assume a state like Tennessee will revert to its now solid red ways between now and November, and hope to be pleasantly surprised.
That said. Bredesen might be the only D who has a good chance, so I am glad he’s giving it a go.
May the GOP be crushed and driven before us and may we hear the lamentations of Marica Blackburn.
@Villago Delenda Est:
How many Scaramuccis? Or is it Friedman units?
@Mary G: @rikyrah: Third vote for photos!
@Turgidson: Phil was well respected as governor and is a good candidate. That said, I agree that need a new generation to deepen the bench.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
(very twitter-Nixon voice:) Imagine Blackburn being first tier. Imagine that.
It’s funny, because it’s fuckign horrifying.
@Ailuridae: She has not, but she is expected to. The primary is in August.
ETA> And yet again I should have read to the end before commenting.
@HinTN: Woo-hoo! Had not heard that!
@Turgidson: Who are you thinking of? I remember Feingold…
Oh jeez I just checked and I had COMPLETELY forgotten Evan Bayh.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@HinTN: I remember a pretty liberal college friend of mine from Nashville telling me in the nineties telling me that Lamar Alexander was a different kind of Republican. Her parents (one or both on the Vanderbilt faculty as I recall) had voted for him for governor. Which I mention not only cause that turned out to be very very wrong, but Lamar! seems to have kind of faded into the wallpaper. Can’t even be asked to do a half-assed phony preening schtick like “Liddle Bob Corker”
ETA: @FlipYrWhig: Strickland in Ohio, too, I think.
Mike in DC
AZ–1, possibly 2
MS–1 of 2
TX–1, possibly
So, in a best case scenario, we hold all D seats and pick up 4 to 6 R seats. Which would be catastrophic for the GOP.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh, yeah. I don’t quite get why he fell apart so very badly. The scintillating charisma of Rob Portman?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Villago Delenda Est: all well and good that he’s gone, but I’m so sickened that his racist masturbation fantasy, in which he described a 9 YO African-American child as “simian” and a “3/5 Snoop Dog” wasn’t enough to tank that hire. The fact that it was The Atlantic just makes it that much more disgusting. He swears the fraction was chosen at random.
@Doug!: I just email my phone pictures to myself and download them on my laptop or tablet. Easier than trying to find the right size USB cord.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Lamar actually was a pretty good governor, it was only when he got greedy (the UT nastiness) and needy (the presidential pretensions) that his ugliness really showed out.
Me too
Take me to another place
Take me to another land
Make me forget all that hurts me
Help me understand your plan…for a Democratic Congress
@Chet: As soon as I saw the thread title, I thought “that’s an earworm I don’t mind having.”
Down and out, losing ground
randy khan
Early days, one poll, etc., but that.would.be.awesome.
Andy Zell
I’m happy to report that here in South Dakota there are Democratic candidates running for almost every seat. I don’t know how many the Ds will win, but I’m hopeful we’ll pick up a few. We have so few as it is.