“That is not the graphic we are looking for … hold off … take that down please!” https://t.co/Qccy98Ngh8
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) April 9, 2018
As the Potemkin facades erode in the unceasing drizzle…
Speaking with pollster Frank Luntz about Donald Trump’s Twitter habits, with Luntz calling the president’s use of “fake news” detrimental to his cause, Kurtz brought up a recent poll from Monmouth University on the trustworthiness of news outlets compared to the trustworthiness of Donald Trump.
That is when things took a hilarious turn.
“Speaking of fake news, there is a new poll out from Monmouth University. ‘Do the media report fake news regularly or occasionally?’ 77 percent say yes,” Kurtz exclaimed before noticing the graphic instead showed “Who do you trust more?” with CNN at 48 percent, MSNBC at 45 percent and Fox News bring up the rear at 30 percent.
“That is not the graphic we are looking for. Hold off,” the Fox News host protested before pleading, “Take that down, please.”…
The context, from the five-minute Fox clip at the link, was Luntz & Kurtz commiserating over how Trump is “unintentionally” damaging the Republican Party (and, cough *Fox News* cough), with his undisciplined torrent of FAKE NEWS!!!! tweets. Because Frank and Howie had no idea Trump was a snake when they hugged him to their bosoms, poor innocent fellas that they be…
You might want to reconsider this post.
AP apologized today for misrepresenting what happened. The graphic was just shown too soon and it was, in fact, put up in a later segment. So it was just a control room gaffe, not some scrambling to cover up Fox New’s lack of credibility.
Everything is wrong with Fox News, but not this one apparently.
Open Thread, so a quick update on my crazy Nephew – currently receiving treatment.
1) No official diagnosis (and I’m not sure I’d hear about it even if we had one: HIPAA and privacy laws), but they’ve determined early on that at part of the problem was a psychotic break. They’re still working on what else there is and what triggered it.
2) He called his grandparents on Sunday and told them he was coming home that evening. Grandparents called the hospital to verify, which says he’s in for a minimum of 20 days (so about two more weeks). No word on what else is going on with him yet, but we’ve got two weeks to try and find a place for him somewhere. It’ll be easier if we can get an official diagnosis.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I blogged about how, in writing fiction, it’s not enough to stop doing things wrong. You have to do a ton of things right.
The first of Fox’s “Eat Shit, Kulaks” series.
@MisterForkbeard: Are you working with a social worker at the facility? If you contact them and phrase your questions in terms of “We want to be able to make the right kind of arrangements when he is released”, you will probably get some useful information carefully phrased in a way to be HIPAA compliant.
@Washburn: I’m not, but I think my sister-in-law and her mother are. I’ll let them know, thanks for the advice.
Sending support and lots of hugs to you and your family. I hope he is getting the help he needs.
Lies, damn lies and statistics. It’s hard for Kurtz, Luntz, and their rotten ilk to keep it all straight.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I’ll check it out. The book agent who liked my story is retiring and has recommended a few people to me. Ugh. I didn’t have any expectations when I started this process but it sucked me in and now I’m disappointed.
Anne Laurie
@Washburn: Watch the clip.
Saying Kurtz “panicked“, it might be argued, is overblown. But both participants are visibly uncomfortable, trying to spin bad numbers for Team Red as a public misinterpretation of Trump’s massive throbbing #WINNING which is maybe just a teensy bit overenthusiastic.
And they’re careful to start by reminding their viewers that “emotions were extremely negative about the nation’s future for almost ten years” until — miraculously — “not just Trump’s inauguration, but his election”, when things suddenly improved. Which, of course, I would notice, being as I’m a Democrat who didn’t understand how having a Black guy in the White House was just depressing for so many good Americans.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@MomSense: Not to be hyperbolic, but publishing is a hell hole.
It enrages me when they do this. For every economic measure I’ve seen, the data during the Trump administration has been a continuation of the trend under Obama. So, yes, the numbers are better, but no, it’s not because a recovery was needed (unless we go back to W.) Lying fuckers. And you know that they’ll keep lying, even when their numbers get worse, until they are below Obama’s, at which point they’ll simply not talk about the numbers any more.
@RSA: Not that I disagree, but that’s what our side deserves after spending so much effort trying to convince people that Obama wasn’t doing a good enough job on the economy.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
You are right and Nate is right. Not doing stupid things is a big part of success. But if that was all there is to it a lot of people could be successful at a lot of tasks. But there is far more than that to most any task more complex than eating. There’s a ton of stuff that has to be done right. And that takes a lot more learning.
Old saying the first 80% is easy, the next 10% is difficult and the last 2% is impossible.
Isn’t it supposed to make people uncomfortable?
Those black victims certainly were.
White racists need some uncomfortable.
Chyron HR
Translation: “Stop slandering Our Revolution’s ally in the war against Democrats!”
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Peak White Privilege
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Ruckus: Exactly. At first, I could feel myself learning and getting better by what felt like leaps and bounds. But now I find I’m learning only little bits at a time.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Chyron HR:
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Try being a high precision machinist. Almost everything falls into that last 2%. And it’s impossible to get it all right. All you can hope for is
mostenough of the time.WaterGirl
@lamh36: I am gobsmacked.
That there are white people who would be uncomfortable being found out to be racists or that the percentage isn’t larger?
@lamh36: “Why is there no memorial for white people who were lynched?”
@Ruckus: of course…anyone with a soul should be uncomfortable…but the age group who still watches 60 min may have just seen a family member, or even could be one of the children that some people brought along to see the lynchings….
The hardest thing for some people to do it admit that their loving grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt…etc…would do something so disgusting…
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Ruckus: I used to do ethnographic research on engineers, meaning I went into engineering worksites and observed and talked to people. One of the things that delighted me most was how subtle and complicated most people’s work was compared to what outsiders thought. The techs who ran tests on engines etc were fascinating.
@WaterGirl: how have you been doing? One more week of the scooter, right? And Henry is doing ok too?
Alain the site fixer
You know, I think I’ll investigate some formal sarcasm tag for the site.
¿Or will I? /s
Anne Laurie
@Baud: “Why is there no memorial for the white people who were uncomfortable about the lynchings, but no so much they felt they could afford to say anything at the time?”
@Anne Laurie:
This is what pisses me off about Bernie and other alleged Socialists, who bitch and moan about Obama’s poor performance as far as state offices lost to Republicans. They say boneheaded shiite about it without taking into account the baked-in racism of “Real America”. As a White person, I’ve witnessed it up close and personal, and it is real. So don’t tell me that having a black family in the White House had nothing to do with the loss of seats across the country. Also too, f*ck Frank Luntz! (Also too!)
I would hate to be a Spoonerism-prone receptionist answering the phone at “Kurtz, Luntz.”
Alain the site fixer
@SiubhanDuinne: thanks for a much-needed giggle.
Anne Laurie
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Washburn only shows up — but he usually shows up very promptly! — to nitpick, when it looks like the Democrats are winning an argument.
I don’t know whether he’s an unusually subtle Bernie Sanders supporter, or an actual Republican, but when he whines about one of my posts, I know we’ve hit a sore spot for the rightwingers.
I’ve met some of those older white assholes. I don’t find it all that hard to admit that some of them were and are complete fucking assholes, who would do far more disgusting things. Mom and Dad must have been better parents than I thought.
Okay, I am literally going to the kitchen to microwave some popcorn (Orville Redenbacher Tender White). Tweety is sputtering. Can’t wait for Rachel to weigh in.
Matt McIrvin
@JWR: There are the ones who acknowledge it but prescribe capitulation, because the stakes are too high to not throw black people under the bus.
(Speaking of science fiction, this makes me think of Derrick Bell’s “Space Traders”.)
@Anne Laurie:
If you think you are advancing the goals of the democratic party by peddling hyperbolic, disproven stories you are mistaken.
Look the whole premise of this post was “Oh my god, guy at Fox news PANICS when graphic is shown that is embarrassing for Fox and DEMANDS that it be taken down. They can’t handle the TRUTH!!!” That is the lede the AP went with earlier today – presumably when you first crafted this post – and they have since apologized. They ran the graphic in the following segment, when it was supposed to be shown.
There are, ahem, more than a few things wrong with FOX and so there’s no need to make up crap trying to make them look worse than they are.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I still like my dad’s take on it. “Last week I couldn’t spell eng-ine-er, now I are one.” We used to see some real screw ups, when engineers would design something that every piece had to work right or the tool couldn’t even function. You could tell the difference between the people that had only gotten the first 80% of the job and the one’s that had gotten somewhere near that 98%. I think it’s easier today because of design programs that do everything in 3D. And we still see stuff that boggles the mind, just not as often.
@Steeplejack: I’m waiting for Rachel too…don’t watch much politics lately (I’ve been able to keep my pressure down that way), but when breaking news happens, I do try to catch Maddow or Lawrence O at least.
As for Hayes, I’ll just be happy as long as he doesn’t have Bernie Sanders opinion on the news (seems like he has Bernie on all da fuq’n time)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Washburn is Arglebargle RBG what was Gun Nut Steve who ran a job creating business on his discover card until it was wiped out by Obamacare, right?
@Ruckus: I’m surprised those white people don’t like seeing a monument to lynching. If you’re that racist, why would it make you uncomfortable?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Seems like it’s a weekly thing, or close to it
Corner Stone
@Alain the site fixer:
Why? I almost never see any signs of a commentor being less than straightforward in their posts.
I don’t think I can stay awake for Maddow. Sad!
Too much staying up late and getting up early. I’m pooped.
joel hanes
You cavil over the occasional small errors committed by a liberal blogger, but are silent about the continual enormities being committed by the conservative noise machine and by Rs in DC and in almost every state.
I’ll draw my own conclusions about your goals.
ETA : shorter: concern troll is concerned
It was a rerun of a very good report. They should be more than uncomfortable.
@satby: My short, whiny answer is that the cast is making me crazy. Wednesday is my 4-week appointment with the orthopedist and another x-ray.
Henry has his 6-week post surgery appointment tomorrow. This will be my 5th outing in a month – doctor, doctor, doctor, easter brunch, doctor. A friend has to drive me, of course, but I will use my scooter once we get there. That friend has taken Henry to 10 (so far) of his 12 water treadmill therapy appointments, but I really want to be there for this one because the vet takes an x-ray and evaluates how Henry is recovering. (Sounds a lot like my appointment the next day!)
As an aside, I will take the opportunity to put in a plug for pet insurance. I submitted Mr. Bear’s invoices for his chronic inflammation / UTI issues on Thursday and they cut a check today for $916. I submitted Henry’s $3,500 of expenses on the same day, Not sure whether they will cover the water treadmill therapy or not, but my sweet Henry is only 3 and I want to give him the best shot possible at a really good recovery. I should find out this week how much they will cover, but I’m pretty certain they will cover at least 2,500, and likely more.
Corner Stone
via Sarah Kendzior’s twit feed.
John Revolta
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): how subtle and complicated most people’s work was compared to what outsiders thought
Like, I dunno……………….runnin the gubmint f’rinstance!
Anne Laurie
Wrong again. I put the post together just after I ran across the tweet & watched the whole clip at the link — which includes the bit where they use the who-do-you-trust graphic ‘as they intended’, to lament that Trump’s ‘indisciplined’ twitter habits make people trust him less than they do evil, lying MSM outlets.
RawStory’s header was hyperbolic, but the clip remains damning for the two staunch GOP defenders. What’s important is not whether they ‘panicked’, but that they’re reduced to reassuring each other on-air that ALL IS WELL, NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@WaterGirl: Wow. Between you and Henry that’s a lot of doctor appointments. Your friend is fabulous.
@SiubhanDuinne: I was late to the thread for the discussion of malapropisms yesterday, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, as well as the link that was posted to something funny on topic.
It made me think of the assistant manager where I tended bar right out of grad school the year my mom was dying – I didn’t want to start a big career job while all that was going on. Bill always got idioms wrong – my favorite was “Necessity is my mother’s invention.” He had no clue at all that he always got them wrong. Not the same as what you were discussing, of course, but close enough that it reminded me of him.
Because they know it’s wrong and still are racists. They know that the people they hate because of their skin color are no worse than them and quite probably better.
I have a friend, he is a liberal, no doubt about that, but he grew up around racists and some of his, well now ex, friends are racists. We ran into a couple of them this weekend at a banquet, every one is nice and no one discussed politics, at least not openly, but we knew. I just said hello, shook hands and walked away because that’s the only way to not start a, well, ruckus. But if you talk to them they get very defensive and pissed off very quickly.
They know who and what they are. They know it’s not all that accepted, at least where we live, in CA. They are defensive because they are assholes, and they know that others know they are assholes. They want to be assholes with no one calling them on it.
@Corner Stone: Do we think that is for real? That would make me happy.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@John Revolta: No kidding! The example I always think of is teaching.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): My doctors appointments have all been ankle related. But yeah, Henry and I are a real pair.
Sometimes Henry will cry or whine in his crate, and I tell him “I know, Henry, I feel exactly the same way”. We’re definitely in this together!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Boggs as in Cokie Boggs Roberts’ brother, the uber-lobbyist? I think he used to be partner of Hale-Boggs, and Hale is in the name of another firm that’s being mentioned a lot with all this?
Fair Economist
@Alain the site fixer:
Why not write something to automatically flag sarcastic comments with the sarcasm font. That should be easy.
oh, /s
Public library did a black history display umm 20 years ago which was public photos of local lynchings I guess mostly early 1900’s… Model T’s and horses. Some buildings recognizable. Not much fanfare just a prominent display. People were posing. No masks. Ladies and kids but also obvious prominent men “respectable” ones. It did make me uncomfortable of course but I also appreciated the info. Pictures were much clearer,than words. I appreciated no company while I took in those embarrassing truths. Kind of needed privacy to view them. I am a better person for the chance of going to the library that week.
People can be such cowards.
Can anyone confirm that the judge who signed off in the Cohen search was a Trump appointee?
@GregB: that’s whay I heard said on MSNBC/CNN…I’m betting Maddow will have that information as a part of her breakdown…she’s pretty good at that
Ohio Mom
@MisterForkbeard: When your family member(s) is talking to the social worker, have them ask about the process in their state for getting medical and financial powers of attorney for your nephew. The person with powers of attorney will be able to talk to the doctors and find out details like the diagnosis and prognosis, and also make sure Nephew’s bills are paid while he is laid up.
And now a bit of nagging: everyone, especially single people, should have someone in their life who has powers of attorney. Just in case a bus hits you and you end up in the hospital, unconscious.
Gin & Tonic
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That’s also the firm Michael Cohen had an office at. They say they are cooperating, and sounded to this non-lawyer like they were busy washing their hands of him. Maybe that’s the FBI raid in question, and not anything to do with CA?
Gin & Tonic
@GregB: The US Attorney for SDNY who approved this action *was* a Trump appointee. Warrants are usually signed by a magistrate judge, who is not a Presidential appointee.
Corollary from my experience as a project manager. It takes 50% of the budget to get to 90% complete, 50% for 99%, 50% (whoops!) for 99.9% …..
I feel like it’s Friday with this avalanche of Russia investigation news. God knows what the rest of the week will bring. Need to replenish my popcorn stash in case the news continues like this.
@lamh36: Sounds like the sort of reporting you see in monster movies. “Nobody is sure _where_ Godzilla will strike next! Chance of radioactive
Computer Question:
I have a 2008 MacBook Pro (before they went unibody). I don’t use it much anymore, but I have been doing my taxes with it and when it was my laptop, when I went to grad school from 2010-2012. All lot of my assignments are on it, and I still go back to use them sometimes.
I don’t need much in a new laptop other than running MS Office and getting on the web.
My concern is, if I get a windows laptop or Chrome Book, will my Mac files be able to convert to a Windows OS?
The files I need are Office 2008 Word, Excel and PowerPoint files and H&R Block tax software.
The collective wisdom of the commentariat is welcome
Gin & Tonic
@lamh36: Sucks to be Manafort these days.
Corner Stone
@frosty: Budget Wars, begun they have.
Got more popcorn at Costco(and picked up Souza’s Obama book, there’s some dust in this room).
Corner Stone
@WaterGirl: I think the raid happened. Just not sure if it is tied in to anything other than Cohen. The fact that SPB may also do work for CA and Gazprom (which is documented) may be a separate issue.
Fair Economist
@gene108: MS office files will convert. H&R Block files I’m guessing would require a 2008 H&R Block program, which would be hard but not impossible to get.
@gene108: Shouldn’t be a problem with Office files on Windows. Newer versions of Office may need to do a conversion, but should be able to read them in the native format.
@gene108: Word etc. are at least theoretically cross-platform, but pay close attention for formatting glitches (different fonts, things like that). No idea about the tax software; you’d have to check with H&R Block about that.
Alright…now for some non-politics, movie news.
For all youse folks who still haven’t seen Black Panther…news out in the past hour or two…
2h2 hours ago
Bring Wakanda Home Digitally on 5/8 and Blu-ray on 5/15! #BlackPanther #WakandaForever
I still say see it on the big screen (unless you’ve got a home theatre system)…but if you still haven’t seen it…you can get the DVD…although, I predict that the DVD/Blu-ray sales will be huge and I’m thinking sold out or on back-order on Amazon at least.
Oh and even having seen the movie, I watched the clip at the link at least 2x already…LOL
Steeplejack (phone)
Yeah, Hayes has too much Bernie, and about once a month he has on some random Republican asshole who completely rolls him while he’s trying to have a thoughtful, reasoned discussion.
Fair Economist
@Corner Stone:
In many of these cases Mueller has the information showing Russian interference and corruption, but it’s from intelligence agencies, so he can’t use it in court. What he needs is an excuse to get the evidence via an aboveboard legal process so he can then present it in court. Raiding suspect entities for entirely unrelated but perfectly justifiable purposes fits that need perfectly.
NYT just now: Mueller Investigating Ukrainian’s $150,000 Payment for a Trump Appearance:
@Anne Laurie: Maybe we could have a moment of silence for their fee fees, which appear to have been trampled by history.
@dmsilev: In ordinary times such blatant and massive violations of campaign finance laws would be enough to lead to a resignation.
We do not live in normal times.
@Steeplejack (phone): Hayes was one of the first that I dropped from my watching lineup, his weekday show really wasn’t that good though I really liked his weekend show. I think he really needs more time to prepare his show and let the news settle a bit.
@BillinGlendaleCA: That was my favorite xmas present. My son stood in line at a Barnes and Noble when he received notification that they had a new shipment.
@Corner Stone: Wait, what?
@JPL: I just saw a guy looking though a copy as I was walking across the store to look at something else. Once I saw what it was, I put a copy in my cart. The lady putting my stuff back into my cart after checkout said “Oh, I miss that guy.”.
Down deep, they’re all middle school and high school bullies.
We want the pigfuckers to deny it.
@BillinGlendaleCA: As do we all.
@BillinGlendaleCA: He sold us out, you know.
The next of kin might have a claim for damages from all those white estates in the area.
Chyron HR
“This was preferable to electing a Democrat.” – Nina Turner, probably
@Baud: They all do, Baud. You will as well.
A Quiet Place and Ready Player One. Which one are you planning to watch? DIscuss.
Gelfling 545
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): An old friend wh left the publishing business to be a teacher called in Dickensian.
@BillinGlendaleCA: On Day 1…
@tobie: Chris Hayes just called the Cohen raid the “story of the week.” It’s only Monday.
We live in interesting times.
Really miss those boring times.
But Baud will sell us out to the cats, not the Russians. Which is perfectly understandable.
And at least the cats are American.
Steeplejack (phone)
Agreed. Hayes does better in that more relaxed, leisurely format that his weekend show had.
ETA: I do a lot of catching up on the DVR buffer when Hayes’s show is on.
Roger Moore
My impression is that one of the biggest things that’s happened in manufacturing over the past 30-40 years, bigger even than offshoring, is that there’s now a whole class of engineers who work only on the manufacturing process rather than the function of the product. There’s obviously always been some of that, but it’s really its own separate discipline now. It’s a major contributor to the ability to make products as cheaply as they can be made these days.
An unfortunate side effect is that products that are easy to assemble are often hard to repair. When everything was held together with a bunch of screws, it was easy to take things apart by removing the screws. When they’re held together with clips and adhesive, it’s much harder to take them apart without breaking them, and if you can’t take it apart without breaking it, you can’t fix it. It’s a huge reason for the contemporary approach of throwing stuff away and getting a new one instead of fixing the broken one. The replacement is cheaper and the repair is more expensive.
@TenguPhule: I don’t do horror films of ANY KIND…I don’t have the temperament…as for Ready Player One…IDK…I may wait for DVD for that one…the clip didn’t interest me and at this point a movie has to really grab me from the trailer before I shell out my $15 (I like the reserved seating theatre…cost more than regular)
The next movie I will see is gonna be Avengers: Infinity Wars…after that…it’s gonna be all hands on deck for my Australia trip…so movies likely won’t happen until I return.
The UK branch of Squire Patton Boggs is advising Cambridge Analytica in its problems with the UK government.
Gelfling 545
@lamh36: It damn well ought to. If they want to be comfortable they shouldn’t condone despicable things.
@chris: I think he’s wrong, because I fear that I’ll wake in the morning with Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller and the SDNY Attorney General fired. Oh, there will also be bombs being dropped all over Syria.
Am I being to optimistic
The Dangerman
Pfffffft. We are about to see the Mother of all Wag The Dogs (Trump just needs to give the Russians and Syrians 24 to 48 hours to empty the hangers).
ETA: Or what was said upstairs.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to make Fox look worse than they are. Their lies and b.s. are so deeply ingrained only your ridiculous comments can suggest there is a worse.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If he can
@TenguPhule: Interesting times? We live in fuckin’ batshit times.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Gelfling 545: Writers need a tough hide because every single one I know, including those who are wildly successful, sometimes takes a beating. You have to figure out what makes you happy and get some friendly support from other writers. It takes a while to work out how to live with it.
Fair Economist
I thought we were worrying that the cats were aliens?
So much happening over the past few days & of course the media is now concentrating on Cohen. Can nobody work on 2 things at once in the media. So hope Rachel has more than one subject to discuss. Pruitt should be thanking his lucky stars that this happened.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@lamh36: That’s chilling
@lamh36: Bill Maher will be really upset.
Alright Maddow…break it down…you are one of the best at it, and even though I prefer Joy Ann Reid…I always come to Maddow show for da break down
Roger Moore
None of those should be a problem. Microsoft is pretty good about being able to read old file versions. There may be some minor formatting problems with Word and PowerPoint, but you’d probably get those if you got a new Mac, too; there are always formatting issues when you move to a new version. The tax software should be fine, too.
Corner Stone
@lamh36: I prefer Joy Reid 10/10.
Corner Stone
My grandmother was an incredibly stiff, dignified, and very formal woman, and anyone who knew her would have laid odds that she had never even heard a vulgar word, let alone that she would ever allow a vulgarism to cross her lips.
Nevertheless, as president of our family-owned bookstore, she was occasionally required to address employees by name.
We had one employee for a while whose name was Mrs. Muckenfuss.
I needn’t describe what a deep, slow, and deliberate breath my grandmother always took before speaking to, or introducing, this woman.
P.S. She — my grandmother — loosened up quite a bit in her 90s, to the point that I once took her to a Freddy Fuddpucker’s and she thought it was funny.
zhena gogolia
All lynchings matter.
Then he deserves whatever happens
@lamh36: That reporter would have to be 80+ years old to remember anything from that era.
@Washburn: wtf?
Corner Stone
@JR: They don’t actually have to have personally heard the viewpoint to speak to this history.
Fair Economist
@MisterForkbeard: Hope things improve with your nephew. Glad he is getting treatment.
zhena gogolia
How old is that reporter?????
Fair Economist
@bk: House troll; usually trolls to defend FTNYT but today has downgraded to defending Fox News.
@lamh36: As of this morning Allman had already lost three advertisers. Obviously his day got worse. That’s a good thing.
Chet Murthy
OT, so maybe some nice time? I know there are still many, many places where these two young men would be in danger. But at least, there are places where they aren’t.
ETA: A lot of it is hard to watch. But by the end, well, my eyes were a little moist. In a good way.
Fair Economist
Epistemic closure has become a bear trap.
Steeplejack (phone)
@JR, @zhena gogolia:
I took the off-the-cuff comment in the colloquial sense of “heard about,” as in heard it discussed or read about it, not that the reporter literally was around in the Nazi era.
@TenguPhule: I got the impression that Baud would sell us out to the dogs. I’m firmly on team dog myself.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I wonder if the Murdochs greenly this
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack (phone):
I’m thinking it’s John Cleese living in the boarding house as Mr. Hilter.
Mike in NC
@efgoldman: Trump needs to absorb a bunch of gamma rays.
zhena gogolia
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
This is exactly how Putin apologists sound when they talk about Russia invading Ukraine.
There’s a Jedi mind trick joke in there somewhere.
Fair Economist
@Mike in NC:
Trump needs gamma knife treatment for a brain tumor? That explains a lot!
@Mike in NC: I was thinking norovirus,
Jim, Foolish Literalist
what is it about a demented old racist obsessed with media attention that would draw trump’s interest?
Gelfling 545
@Fair Economist: Aren’t the tax files PDF? Those are easy. I’ve gone back & forth between Mac & PC platforms with occasional Chromebook forrays with excel & doc files – including hundreds of pages of heavily formatted & footnoted text with graphs for years with scarcely a hiccup. I’ve kept them all in Google Drive. No issues on any device.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Nice pic. I’m glad somebody has some ducks left to give.
@chris: Thanks, I went on a bird shoot yesterday morning.
This sounds awesome if I imagine carefully manicured fingers casually twisting the end of a handlebar mustache, a half-empty martini glass on the table as a piano plays softly in the background, a glowering look meant to be fearsome, but in reality, hilarious. Laughter ensues, and we all go play darts because its our turn.
Kayla Rudbek
@Matt McIrvin: is that a short story? I can’t find it on iBooks or Amazon
@zhena gogolia
Or when the lead character in Man Seeking Woman, after being dumped by his girlfriend, meets her new beau.
@Fair Economist:
America was built on alien immigration.
Chet Murthy
@Roger Moore: Nobody addressed the Chromebook question.
(1) Chromebooks don’t run any local apps (well, certainly nothing compatible with MS Office, I bet). And for sure, not that H&R Block tax s/w (I’m assuming it’s also local, not some web-based thing). So the versions of the Office apps you’ll get, are Google’s versions. Which are almost certainly very, very different from MSFT’s versions.
(2) you can check whether those docs will work: either (a) install Chrome on your Mac and open those docs in Google Docs, or (b) run Chrome on some other computer and do the same.
(3) But a priori, while I’d expect MSFT to work hard at maintaining compatibility with 2008 Office (after all, they have paying customers who demand it), I would NOT expect ChromeOS/Google to have such punctilious regard for compatibility.
That said, damn Chromebooks are fast and cheap.
ETA: Also, for that H&R Block tax s/w, It’s running on a Mac. That’s not gonna run on Windows, though maybe H&R Block makes a version that’s compatible, on Windows? Worth checking out in detail.
You might find that converting things to PDF and just saving ’em that way, as a backstop, is the easiest choice.
Middle school maybe, few of them, at least in my HS could/would stand up to the jocks. And in my middle school one of the coaches was the bully. He literally would put his hand on your throat and pick you up by the neck so he didn’t have to bend down. This isn’t second hand, he did it to the kid in line next to me. I was trying to figure out if he did this to me, should I kick him in the balls or tell my mom and get to watch her do it, because I’m pretty sure she would have.
But we certainly don’t.
Does Micheal Cohen have a wife and kids or any family to care about if he goes to jail for Chump?
Corner Stone
No fan of Comey. But I truly hope Rosenstein is feeling great about reaping the whirlwind for assisting Trump in firing Comey by writing that “too rough on HRC” memo.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Is it too much to ask for President Baud to sell us out to the highest bidder rather than settling for the cats or the dogs regardless of their offer? I’ve just gotten used to all this winning, you see….
Iron Giant vs Mechagodzilla.
It’s gonna blow!
/every disaster movie at some point in time
First rule of Baud, Baud lies.
Corner Stone
Can’t spell “nuclear” without “unclear”.
@lamh36: Maybe it’ll force him to have spend some quality time with the new Secretary of the VA…
That’s given, he’s an attorney.
Corner Stone
If he does, I hope they are impoverished and relocate to a van with no engine or transmission under a bridge somewhere downstream from Hobo Village.
@lamh36: seems to me that last word should be nuclear, not unclear.
And who would be surprised if Trump does a tomohawk missle launch and they accidentally hit the DoJ and FBI instead of some airbase in Syria?
oooh…so right before the raid made the news, Stormy Daniels protected her twitter account!!!
@Corner Stone: “In a van down by the River”.
Like I always say, assholes demand to be praised for being assholes. In this case, when they know everyone around will shame them, they really seethe about it. Big part of the Trump phenomenon.
What are we on, Day 300 of people predicting this? I’ve lost track.
@lamh36: Stoller’s been known to go off the deep end at times, but I think he’s definitely on to something regarding Facebook wanting to steer the conversation away from the fact that they have defacto monopoly (or monopoly-like dominance and power) and towards privacy which they can squirm around regulators anyway.
@Marcopolo: Never happen, that would trash PA Ave. He couldn’t have his military parade.
@Roger Moore:
I don’t work on that part of the supply chain. Our customers are aerospace, medical and some commercial. We make the tooling that the companies use to mfg their products. So what we get has to be workable, precise and usable.
But look at the products that you describe, say a smartphone. People want a lot and don’t want it to be heavy or bulky and they want it to work. You have to then have highly trained service staff if they are going to work on the product. That costs money and it’s cheaper to just replace the unit. And that’s MBA thinking, lower costs till you make money hand over fist and never worry about longevity, that’s next quarter’s problem. But also the products actually work, at least most of the time, so repairs are required less. Take cars. Modern cars work well, last a long time and are harder to work on because you can’t just guess, but then you don’t need to, you plug it in and look at the computer. (Which all came about because of 2 reasons, safety and environmental laws and manufacturing changed)
Really it’s called progress. This is what happens. Look where you work, how does that business compare to what it was 50 yrs ago?
If anyone is cognizant of the merits of protection, it’s a porn luminary….
Corner Stone
“Well, it took him long enough! Told all y’all!”
/guy who thinks everything is normal about all this shit
@Steeplejack (phone):
There was a period from 1947 to 1958 in Germany called the “Missing Years”, when German history as taught in School’s, ended with Weimar and restarted after WWII.
Starting in 1959, Germany adopted a policy of heavily teaching the Nazi Period. So I would guess the German Reporter was of a age when Nazi history was heavily taught as an object lesson.
@NotMax: They’re pretty well all opposed to condoms.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Hee hee
Lead with your head, Donnie.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I dunno, the military parade could just be a pretext for cleaning up any “messes” the missles miss.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
this trump twitter meme never gets old to me, somebody should make them into a coffee table book, Shouty Trump
@TenguPhule: Woo hoo! BOTH. Next question!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Queeg is the cube root of Trump.
Corner Stone
@lamh36: A man Trump had previously referred to as a “Crazy Jew”, and has yet AFAIK to make any reference to a death in his building.
Aw, shitgibbon is having a bad day.
Did anyone ask Maggie who the other person Trump talked to was?
zhena gogolia
That sketch is eternal.
mad citizen
@TenguPhule: I love the “It’s gonna blow” line! Thanks for reminding us of it.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Thanks for normalizing motherfucking Nazis, MAGA Habs.
Steeplejack (phone)
@zhena gogolia:
It’s a fair cop.
I’m hoping the movie is still in theaters at the beginning of May, because G can’t see it until his internship is over since the combination of work, internship, and classwork is making him crazy.
Mueller, Sessions, Rosenstein and Wray fired by Friday. It’s a cinch, except for Trump’s fundamental cowardice. Makes it only a 90 percent bet. He’ll do it after Putin tells him he can’t bomb Syria. After that, no Republican officeholder should be allowed to be out in public without a crowd around them calling them out for their cowardice. Every sponsor of every right wing radio show (all those car dealers) gets a notice they get no business from at worst 20 percent of their customer base. As Sherman said of the Confederacy, break the shell, it’s all hollow inside.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Chet Murthy:
Some Chromebooks are compatible with Android apps, and you can download and use that version of Microsoft Office. Here’s a list from last month.
Chet Murthy
@Steeplejack (phone): I have a (new, spiffy) Chromebook Flip, that can run Android apps. I hadn’t realized that MSFT had released Office for Android, but hey, it makes sense 10 seconds after I read your words. I wonder how compatible it is …..
@JMG: My understanding is he’ll have to potentially go through quite a lot of people (not just Sessions and Rosenstein) before he can fire Mueller, unless he gets lucky and finds his own Robert Bork early in the process.
@Mnemosyne: i think it still will be it’s still consistently in the Top 5 since it’s debut
Corner Stone
I like this Avenatti kid. Seems like he’s going places.
zhena gogolia
@Corner Stone:
What did he do now?
@Corner Stone:
And no curtain rod to cook sparrows on, either.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@lamh36: I hope there are plenty of geeky extras on the DVD. This would be one that I would watch with audio commentary on.
Your link took me to a tweet about a Paul Manafort associate turning on him, which was very shadenfreud-ish but contained no Black Panther info, on DVD releases or anything else.
@lamh36: He’s got a wife, at least. Read something that she was at the hotel room when the FBI showed up to search it. They’re staying there while some work was being done on their house or something.
Bork is still borked.
Corner Stone
@zhena gogolia: He was on Larry O’s MSNBC show and dropped some Bank Fraud knowledge in relation to Cohen and the Stormy payment issue. He just handles himself and the PR arena very well. Seems up to the challenge.
Amir Khalid
@zhena gogolia:
But it may not be viewed in Malaysia. Pout.
@Anne Laurie: just keep hitting them harder… that’s all. Save America- Kill the Gop
Corner Stone
@Yarrow: She knows what a thug POS she is married to. This could not have been a surprise to a sentient human. Call me petty but I hope they take every last stitch and stick from these motherfuckers.
@Corner Stone: He’s got a big fan club.
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: Attorneys don’t lie. Canon of Ethics and all that. Attorneys do interpret and advocate. The situations can be confusing to the uninitiated.
zhena gogolia
@Amir Khalid:
Are you a JCS fan? I just watched the NBC Live performance for about the 10th time today, but my Russian friends can’t see even the YouTube clips.
@Amir Khalid: You can’t view the youtube link in Malaysia? You could always search NBC’s version, then again the result might be the same.
One thing is certain, Michael Cohen can erase both Attorney General and Supreme Court Justice from his bucket list.
Corner Stone
@danielx: They should learn to use long sticks to knock down roosting pigeons in tree limbs.
@Omnes Omnibus: Sure Omnes, I believe you.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
old post from a lawyer that I don’t think has gotten nearly enough attention, though I suspect Meuller has these dates and numbers
zhena gogolia
Before Nov. 7, 2016, I might have agreed with you. But all bets are off now.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Baud: “Why is there no memorial for white people who were lynched?”
There’s an amazing (in not a good way) piece of FBI propaganda, a 1959 movie called “The FBI Story”, hitting famous FBI successes from the 20s to the 40s. In the scenes where the KKK comes up, they manage not to say anything about racism, lynchings, or black people at all. Instead there’s some quick mumblings about “ancient rituals” while we see somebody desecrating a Jewish home or temple (it’s been a long time, I can’t recall the details). And that was about it for the KKK.
There was, IIRC, one lynching of a white person that happened, a Jewish guy wrongly accused (as if that ever mattered) of a murder. (This isn’t from the movie, in fact I don’t think lynching is mentioned at all in the movie).
Omnes Omnibus
@BillinGlendaleCA: I am sure that Steve in the Whereverthefuck will back me.
@Amir Khalid: Or Canada
OT: I’m scratching my head reading about Manafort’s whining about Mueller indicting him for crimes that aren’t directly related to Russia. He was literally empowered to prosecute anything he found while investigating the Russia allegations, and it’s not like if Detective X is investigating a murder and discovers evidence of fraud that that evidence can’t be used since that wasn’t the specific crime Detective X was looking for. It just seems both pathetic and absurd.
If that’s the best they have, then Manafort is going away for a long time.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: shoot how’d that happen…Lol
Dang…how did i miss that sheesh??
@Corner Stone: That’s not petty. They’re traitors and they deserve to lose everything.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You mean laymen? You know, what lawyers call the people they screw?
Edit: j/k. That was uncalled for. Some of my best friends are lawyers and a niece is graduating from law school soon.
Amir Khalid
It was a few days ago when I looked for video on that site that I couldn’t see on a link from here.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
The Production Code did not allow filmmakers to depict lynchings of Black people. They were censored out of Hollywood movies at the script stage and white victims would be substituted so movie exhibitors in the South would not refuse to show the film.
Gin & Tonic
Nothing could make me happier. I’ve had a rage-on for Paulie for years.
zhena gogolia
I guess that’s why it’s Ginger Rogers who’s threatened with it in Storm Warning (1951), with Ronnie Raygun.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic:
One hadn’t noticed.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Also, the real-life lynching you’re thinking of was Leo Frank.
There were occasional white people who got lynched, but they were usually Scary Foreigners (Jewish, Italian, etc) and it was much more rare. It’s something like 100 cases over the decades vs thousands of Black people lynched.
zhena gogolia
The FBI Story is actually a decent film, as most James Stewart movies are.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I can’t believe anyone would say that. Has he not seen the videos?
From earlier posts, I believe he is in another state and not geographically close to family.
What my brother did for me, when a I was getting out of in-patient was go through my insurance to find a psychiatrist and therapist, though I got committed pretty close to where I live.
Basically, whoever takes him in needs to check what providers are in the area and covered by insurance.
I would start working on this now, because it can take some time to line up an appointment.
Edit: If he is willing to cooperate with treatment you can ask him to get a copy of his diagnosis from the hospital or authorize someone to get that information. Hospitals ask if there are people the patient wants his info disclosed to. It is fairly straightforward
@lamh36: yes. She’s Ukrainian.
The Rethug’s basic MO is to throw shit against a wall, and see’s what sticks. They are used to litigating in the Court of Public Opinion, with a whole Propaganda Empire on their side.
They don’t do so well with real Laws, real Courts, real Judges.
Omnes Omnibus
Why would he watch them?
Corner Stone
I know many lawyers. None of them are my best friends.
ooh …toughest question of the night..
young Jeff Goldblum vs old Jeff Goldblum
Um…I can’t choose
Off to bed…good night BJ
His hands aren’t big enough to roll the ball bearings.
@joel hanes:
If you will read some of my comments in the two threads immediately preceding this one, you will see that you are incorrect.
Corner Stone
@lamh36: Old JG.
Scamp Dog
@WaterGirl: Hey, I named my new dog Bear, too! Although she’s Ms. Bear. Or will be eventually, right now she’s a very excitable puppy, 5 months old.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: He might be too tall for you at any age.
@zhena gogolia:
Yep, and Spencer Tracy in Fury.
Bad Day at Black Rock was super controversial since it involved the lynching of a Japanese-American man, but that wasn’t going to trigger the Southern exhibitors into refusing to show it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Washburn: Nah, people here know who you are. His sketch was dead on.
@Corner Stone:
Actually, one of my oldest and best friends is an intellectual property/patent attorney who I’ve known for forty-odd years; knows all the best lawyer jokes.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m 5’8”, he’s 6’4”. Perfect height at either age for me ??
John Revolta
@efgoldman: Get him some BB’s.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Okay then.
@Corner Stone:
I see what you did there.
Oh wow! That’s what I used to do, and a more satisfying career I could not imagine. So it’s always a treat when the trade shows its oily, greasy, EDM fluidy head. ;-)
Ready Player One cuz there is a Rush 2112 reference in it and as a crazy fan, I have to see it now.
J R in WV
@Alain the site fixer:
Won’t {code} work? as in
this is sarcasm about Trump being unable to detect sarcasm
and this isn’t sarcasm any more… Maybe all you need is to add a button beside link and quote?Origuy
In 1933, two white men accused of kidnapping and killing Brooke Hart, the 22 year old son of the owner of Hart’s Department Store, were take from the San Jose Jail and lynched. Details.
Omnes Omnibus
@J R in WV: And if one wants to leave ambiguity? What font for that?
See above — that’s the case that Fury was based on.
J R in WV
No dude, he’s right on dead accurate. You’re a obvious troll, probably in the pay of Russian interests, certainly a lover of Trumpism and his minions. That’s why I mostly see you comment about pie. I sometimes take a look to see what you’re really saying, because it is usually hilarious as well as totally inaccurate and just plain wrong.
But then I see how stupid your arguments are, fundamentally, and I stop interpreting your pie comments into the real time comments you have made, which are way stupid.
Sorry, but there it is – stupid.
@Mnemosyne: While Fury was based on the Brooke Hart case, according to Wikipedia, it was very loosely. The details of the case are very different from the synopsis of the movie.
Citizen Alan
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Depends on how you define “white,” I think. The single largest mass lynching in American history consisted of 11 Italian and Italian-American men lynched in the aftermath of the 1890 assassination of David Hennessy, the New Orleans Chief of Police. Before he died, he blamed “dagoes” which led to a massive public backlash against the city’s Italian immigrant population as the accused were painted by the media as Mafia assassins.
On top of that I used to own an actual EDM shop.
@Kayla Rudbek: @Corner Stone: Seems hard on the hypothetical children.