Come for RBG, stay for the awesome Tocqueville quote.
— Daniel W. Drezner (@dandrezner) April 11, 2018
… For Perez-Valdez, the day was already special enough: Eight years after marrying Natalie in the Dominican Republic, obtaining his green card and then learning English and studying well over a year for the citizenship test, he had become a new American. He would never have to worry again about one day being separated from his wife and baby for lack of papers.
“This was a big day for me and also for my family,” said Perez-Valdez, who became a chef at Eataly in New York City after starting on the prep team when he arrived in the country. “It was a long way for us.”
The day got even bigger when Perez-Valdez saw U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg take a seat on the stage, her tiny frame swallowed up by the wooden chair. Nobody, he said, including the new citizens seated around him, knew she was coming.
“My fellow Americans,” she began, “it is my great privilege to welcome you to citizenship in the democracy that is the USA.”
Administering the oath of citizenship to the 201 new Americans gathered at the New-York Historical Society Tuesday was Ginsburg’s idea….
On Tuesday, she told of her family’s humble beginnings, how her father “arrived in this land at the age of 13 with no fortune and speaking no English” — the part that Perez-Valdez said he related to most. Her mother was born shortly after Ginsburg’s grandparents came through Ellis Island by ship, she said. She was born in Brooklyn in 1933.
“My father and grandparents reached as you do for the American Dream,” she said. “As testament to our nation’s promise, the daughter and granddaughter of these immigrants sits on the highest court to the land, and will proudly administer the oath of citizenship to you.”…
Throughout her speech, 85-year-old Ginsburg emphasized the country’s constant state of change. Detailing the lowest points, from slavery and denying women the vote, she quoted Alexis de Tocqueville: “The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than other nations but rather in her ability to repair her faults.”…
Before administering the oath to the room full of immigrants from nearly every continent — from Albania, Guinea, Serbia, Venezuela — she encouraged the citizens to take advantage of their newly granted rights: namely, the right to vote.
Perez-Valdez said he already plans to register for the midterm elections this November…
Less elevating, but still entertaining:
NRCC Chair Steve Stivers says on @CNN that 2018 retirements might slightly favor Democrats, but that they are not a “big deal"
— MJ Lee (@mj_lee) April 11, 2018
Stivers also added that “except for the landing the flight of the Hindenburg was a roaring success”
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) April 11, 2018
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
Sounds like Stivers is a Trump University grad.
Good Morning,Everyone ???
In keeping with the Happy Thoughts designation, something to be grateful for.
That this proposed early fast food chain (the unlinked accompanying ad from 1950 states “looking for franchisees”) never took off.
Supposed to hit 82 today. I am so not ready for this. On the other hand there is a chance of snow Sat night/Sun morn. I am so ready for that to be over.
On the average, then, the weather is perfect.
Big winds a-comin’ this way, at least the rain has begun to let up.
@NotMax: dear dog, that looks like a place that would serve it’s first customers to It’s next customers.
Sounds much nicer than 31. I’m sick of coats.
I remember my naturalization ceremony very well, it happened exactly a year ago (on friday). It was a very emotional moment for me, even though I had been legally in America since 1999, and a permanent resident since 2009.
So, I can only imagine the rush of feelings and emotions for Mr. Perez-Valdez. To go through such hardships is so stressful. And I’m so very glad that we have someone like the great RBG, who recognizes this. I didn’t think I could admire her any more, but honestly, sitting here reading that article…
People like my father-in-law (70yrs, WM, Vietnam vet) ask me if I “feel some kinda way” about “illegals”, who don’t jump through the same hoops I did. No! I just feel incredibly sad for the undocumented who suffered such hardships to get here. Legalize them all, at once, and let them vote! Hell, my FIL’s grand father from Italy didn’t have a visa when he arrived.
As long as we have people like RBG and like those who come to comment, and write at BJ, to assert themselves and harness their talents to aid what’s right, we’ll be OK.
Oh, and another thing: everyone at my ceremony was FIRED UP about voting. The League of Women’s Voters was there, the officials were fired up, it was Fucking awesome. The deep state sees the atrocities, and abhors them.
Good morning!
@MomSense: Upper 50s, low 60s is perfect for me. 70s are OK, but once we hit the 80s…. Of course, by July 18 80s will be looking pretty good.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
I’s so proud….
Greitens really fucked up using the Misery GOP as a door mat on his way to the White House.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Work on your formatting bubba.
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch: Blockquote much? ;-)
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
So they did this just after Drumpf started running for the nomination. What a coincidence.
Patricia Kayden
@NotMax: A restaurant which eats you. What a novel idea.
Sm*t Cl*de
You don’t act that old.
@OzarkHillbilly: It gets even better:
With one very minor difference. Here, the GOP are sharpening their knives too.
Patricia Kayden
@EveryDayIHaveTheBlues: Love your comment. I naturalized in 2006 and have voted in every election since. I hope that new citizens like you fully exercise their right to decide who runs this country.
As to undocumented migrants, I have no ill will towards them. The U.S. is a country of immigrants with the exception of the First Nations. Trump and his ilk need to be reminded of this.
That is hilarious, in a creepy way. I can’t imagine many would survive as is if the idea had taken off but many people would speak fondly of them from childhood.
Same pattern here, warm yesterday & today and a rain/snow mix for the weekend UGH!
Patricia Kayden
@OzarkHillbilly: Grietens’ mistake is not attacking racial and religious minorities along with engaging in sexual assault. That’s what worked for the Orange Bigot in the White House.
@Sm*t Cl*de: You a funny guy.
Amir Khalid
Dare I ask what kind of food Hat-O-Mat was proposing to sell?
@OzarkHillbilly: we got 64° yesterday, supposed to get to 69° today and 71° tomorrow. Perfect weather for me, I got all the garden stuff delivered so far planted yesterday. Flush with success, I went in to pour myself a cider and enjoy sitting on my porch and nearly tripped over the box of new stuff that was delivered while I was inside. All of which will get planted just in time for the weather to go back down into the 30°s by Monday.
So frustrating.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@rikyrah: Good morning ?! Enjoy your day!
@EveryDayIHaveTheBlues: @Patricia Kayden: it’s better for this country to have citizens like you both. Glad you’re here.
@Patricia Kayden: Greitens mistake was treating the entire state GOP as his personal servants, while calling every single one of them criminals. He literally insulted all of them, thinking that if he won he didn’t need them. He had THE money connected political movers and shakers telling him he would be President one day but first he had to take on this one onerous job to establish his conservative bonafides.
Turns out those money connected political movers and shakers don’t move or shake much in the Show Me state, and now the state GOP are getting ready to show him the door.
@Amir Khalid: Braaiiins!
@OzarkHillbilly: I feel sad for his family.
Betty Cracker
Last night, in his post about Twitler’s huffing and puffing about the Syria situation, Adam said:
Looks like Twitler is opting for door number two:
God, what a constant embarrassment that rat’s asshole is.
Betty Cracker
@EveryDayIHaveTheBlues: What a great comment! Thank you for the reminder.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
I’m thinking about Scott Pruitt and the EPA challenge coin.
Patricia Kayden
@satby: Thanks!!
@Betty Cracker: Morning Joe is tearing Trump up this morning (after they tore up Paul Ryan). It’s a wonder to behold.
@OzarkHillbilly: greitens could/should do 20 in prison.
I haven’t followed it but when I saw that yesterday I was amazed he hasn’t resigned yet. I just assumed he was gone by now.
That’s the Trump Effect, I think. They’ll deny no matter what. They all see it’s worked for him.
@Amir Khalid
No idea whatsoever, but one might hazard a guess that whatever one ordered came with a side of fava beans.
@Betty Cracker: Nothing he says is credible, but I suppose it’s better than escalation.
Where did the “O-Mat” thing come from? Laundro-Mat. Hat-O-Mat. What does it mean?
@JPL: Only his kids. His wife is turning out to be quite the resentful but ambitious climber herself, willing to “forgive” her unfaithful husbands sins and attacking his enemies with great vehemence, because without his coattails she will be stuck in this horrid little wide spot in the road city for life.
@Patricia Kayden:
He also doesn’t have an opponent with an email server to distract people with.
I wish he wasn’t doing this. Things get worse every time this guy goes on television. All he had to do was his job. If he had just followed normal practice instead of doing all that grandstanding we wouldn’t be here, and now he’s talking again!
He’ll fuck it up. All of his “fixes” of his original errors just make things worse, but he won’t stop! He won’t stop talking!
Trump is CURRENTLY under investigation. How is it smart for Comey to go out and opine on that? Who does that help besides Comey?
Has anyone posted on Pompeo’s problems? I read on Monday where he had reached out to HRC and Kerry for advice on prep for his hearing:
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Unfortunately, the Trump Effect is a world-wide phenomenon, inspiring not only homegrown perverts and criminals but encouraging tin-horn despots around the world.
Strictly a stab in the dark guess, but maybe a truncation of automatic, suggesting fast and/or convenient. Possibly widespread after the success of the Horn & Hardart Automat eateries?
@Patriucia Kayden
“What happens under the hat stays under the hat.”
Meanwhile, Wendy Vitter may be confirmed for a federal judgeship:
Edited… Looks like the Mother Jones link won’t copy and paste on the smarty pants phone.
I have a question for Comey. Why did the FBI hide that Trump was under investigation but blab constantly about Clinton?
They did more than hide it. They planted a story in the NYTimes denying it a week before the election.
@Kay: Yeah it is the trump effect, but he’s too full of himself to realize that what works in DC won’t work in Jeff City. He needed the state GOP a lot more than they ever needed him and he just pissed all over them on his way to the governor’s mansion. He could crawl back to them begging forgiveness, and it might even work, but he can’t do that, so he doubles down and tells them all they need to bow down before his royal person.
Hubris, thy name is Greitens.
I assume it was slang for automatic, Like Horn and Hardart automats.
but food was not dispensed from machines I don’t think from the picture
Who does Comey give a crap about . . . other than Comey?
@Kay: I’m with you. Either beg HRC and America for forgiveness or STFU.
OK, here is the Wendy Vitter link. I also watched some clips from her hearing. Painful to watch. She wouldn’t say that Brown VS The Board of Education was decided correctly:
@Baud: A picture for you on this fine morning.
@Kay: And once you concluded that Hillary committed no crime, why did you believe it was your place to opine on her IT practices, especially knowing she was the Dem nominee for president?
@Betty Cracker:
What Trump is really doing is giving Putin and Assad time to move their expensive stuff out of harm’s way. Just like a year ago, only deserted runways and road should be afraid.
P.S. Stivers is a tool.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: High. Where is that taken from?
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Comey has that in common with Trump: It’s all about him, always, though Comey tends toward sanctimony rather than depravity, which is a lesser vice…
I’m of two minds on Comey’s upcoming media blitz. I also worry he’ll make it about himself and Trump, when actually the investigation is about Trump vs. American democracy.
On the other hand, it’s going to cause a giant media headache for the White House when they can ill afford it. Trump is a big fat liar, and everyone knows it. All but the hard core MAGAts will hear a contemporaneously verified account of Trump’s effort to obstruct justice.
Oh well. All we can do is sit back and enjoy the show.
@debbie: Agreed.
I was sick of him 5 minutes after that ridiculous press conference he gave – I’m sick of his fake moral anguish and how he makes this harder than it has to be. No one cares about his personal thoughts on these matters. He was just supposed to do the job- follow the same rules he would follow for anyone. It would have been impossible to attack him if he had done that, but he instead decided to go out and waffle and opine and insert himself into this. This is NOT ABOUT measuring his personal integrity. We don’t know him. We don’t have to know him. That’s why he’s supposed to follow process. If he does that he’s safe from accusations of bias – that’s why the rules exist.
Wouldn’t be the first time anyone tried to cash in on the success of another’s name.
Again, guessing from the picture – it might be one drove up and placed an order at the window shown, then drove around the corner to pick it up?
(Waiting for someone from Ohio to show up and proclaim, “I remember that place. They had the best onion rings!”)
I notice he copped Trump’s use of the phrase”witch hunt.” This will like be at the top of the GOP platform in 2020.
Damn, Kasie Hunt is reprising her “poor Paul Ryan, lonely hero of the House” routine from last night on Morning Joe. (I’m lagging behind on the DVR.) She sounds like the sophomore class president wailing about the unexpected resignation of that cool social studies teacher, completely oblivious to those rumors about the girls’ volleyball team he coached.
Mika is pushing back somewhat. Scarborough is chafing his nutsack straddling the fence: basically, “Paul Ryan is a great guy, but he sure looks like a rat abandoning ship.”
@Baud: 70th floor of the US Bank tower.
Uncle Cosmo
@Immanentize: I believe the “O” comes from “autOmatic” – as in the venerable Automat restaurants. But I could be wrong.
If I was ever so fortunate to be in the presence of RBG I would be overwhelmed.
The best thing you can say about Comey is that his actions don’t seem to have been done on Putin’s orders.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
How vile do you have to be to disagree with Brown?
Candor would crumble the carefully built (by the self-same media) facade celebrating how thoughtful, serious and wise Ryan is.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Wall Street building? Shame on you.
@Baud: I paid them, they didn’t pay me; so it’s OK.
Patricia Kayden
@Kay: I hope Stephonapoulos or Maddow asks him just that. That goes to the heart of why Secretary Clinton lost the election when polls were showing her winning before Comey’s late announcement that she was still under investigation.
Comey is not the hero that he thinks he is. He should have stood up to the rogue agents in the NY FBI office who were threatening to leak info about Clinton.
@Uncle Cosmo:
Abbreviating a word/phrase for the sake of a snappy, more easily remembered brand. Similarly, bag o’ chips.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: The clip is worth watching. Every Trump appointee has been asked. All have answered. She couldn’t. It’s not like it was an out of the blue trick question. Trump is doing so much harm to our judiciary. This won’t be corrected in my lifetime.
The OK teachers arrive in OK City.
The only things missing are the pitchforks and torches.
@Kay: I generally agree that Comey should STFU, but there is a pretty good chance that Trump will engage in more self-incrimination in response to whatever Comey says.
@MJS: I’m with you. Read yesterday that the WH has no plan on how to deal with Comey’s book release and media blitz. There will be tweets!
@Quinerly: So she alone is honest and you libs are attacking her? Figures.
Mother Jones story on Wendy Vitter.
@Steeplejack: I had to turn off the veneration of their mythic ZEGS. The repetition of the completely false image they promote for Ryan’s benefit while ignoring the gravity of his willingness to fail utterly to uphold his sworn Constitutitonal duty is maddening.
So a day ending in ‘y’?
@MJS: There’s also a chance that he attacks Hillary cuz of her emails. The interview was five hours, and 20/20 will air an hour.
That comment was a pleasure to read
OMG Leon Panetta just suggested that twitler read Barbara Tuchman’s The Guns of August. Why not suggest he cure cancer, too? How do these guys blabber the silliest, most improbable “is this the pivot?” b/s?
Axios reporting that Paul Ryan will be forced out by July.
@debbie: “We are not witches.” like that worked out so well for O’Donnell. Of course, by 2020 every one will know for a fact that they are witches.
Tomorrow’s tweets today:
“Full of baloney Comey deserves the “PEWLITZER” Prize. For a REAL BOOK read The Art of the Deal!”
Here’s another Wendy Vitter piece:
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: And how clueless to admit it in public?
@Amir Khalid: I’m thinking the kinds of food one would eat if one lost a bet. Humble pie. Crow most definitely. If there was anything palatable on that menu, I’ll eat my shorts.
@bystander: I laughed so loud that Poco was startled. Gave me the side eye. He was snoozing after his early morning cheese snack.
When Comey was faced with political pressure on Clinton the answer was “follow norms and process”
Insread he invented his own new rules and fucked it all up.
If only someone had the cojones to ask if she endorses the Southern Manifesto.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Costs her nothing to say “yes”.
If you need a peek at something beautiful:
@Quinerly: Apologies for the disturbance to Poco. That Leon sure knows how to spin a yarn.
Replacing the elephant mascot with a black cat.
“Vote for the familiar.”
Anne Laurie
Best of my knowledge, it started with Horn & Hardarts’ Automat — food served “automatically” out of vending-machine-style windows. The restaurant chain was so popular (even when I was growing up, in the 1960s) that the “-o-Mat” construction got repurposed to indicate futuristic all-American quickness / convenience / reliability.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: That’s the best part of it.
I wouldn’t be surprised. In fact, the only reason to keep him around is so that new guy doesn’t get tarred with the loser stink when they lose seats in the fall, and that’s not really a great reason. Might as well give McCarthy and Scalise some chainsaws, put them in a cage, and tell them whoever comes out alive is the next Speaker of the House. Either they do it now or they do it after the election, and it isn’t like the Republicans are going to be willing to listen to Ryan on anything at all for the next few months.
The only question is whether he resigns completely from Congress immediately after they yank his Speakership or if he sticks around to the end of his term. Could go either way – probably depends on what the terms of the sinecure he has lined up after he leaves office are.
Betty Cracker
@Quinerly: Is this Vitter the wife of Diaper Dave? If so, why does that family of depraved nincompoops think American taxpayers owe them a lifetime spot at the public trough? (Rhetorical!) Go away already!
@Patricia Kayden: yep. I’d ask him why he seems to find objectively nasty men much more appealing than powerful women. Why he overlooks their flaws. Has he always been a simpering wimp and wanted to fit in?
Can hear it now.
“It would look good if we brought in a woman Speaker. Just for show. Not like she’ll have the position long.”
“Y’know, the Speaker doesn’t have to be a member. What’s that Sarah gal from Alaska up to these days? People went wild over her.”
Let’s here it for Connecticut Man!!!
Who knew Floriduh! was infectious.
@Betty Cracker: That would be her. Thankfully, she didn’t wear that leopard look top that she wore at that presser a few years back. I normally don’t attack women’s clothes but I’m feeling a bit catty. Meoooowwwww!
@OzarkHillbilly: CT residents should demand to see his birth certificate. just sayin
Putting the nut in the Nutmeg State.
At work now but I think I will Google them and see what I can learn
That’s like ass wiping money to Taylor Swift.
Eh, pictures but no information. Sigh another of lifes mysteries. Well, I guess the grindstone awaits. Happy day everyone
Seldom shown, Undercurrent airs today at 4 p.m. Eastern time on TCM. A bit of an oddity in that Katherine Hepburn, Robert Taylor and Robert Mitchum are each cast against type; directed by Vincente Minelli.
zhena gogolia
I agree with most of what you say, but we wouldn’t even have Mueller if Comey hadn’t done SOMETHING.
zhena gogolia
It’s gotten so that TCM never shows ANYTHING new (by which I mean old) or interesting in prime time. And yes, I know that’s an antiquated concept, but it’s when I have time to watch TV.
And I don’t think the Australian woman is any improvement over Tiffany, in fact the contrary. The other night she said, “Ricardo Moltaban.”
@Betty Cracker:
Is Trump ever not needy?
That was gorgeous.
He is sincere about spending more time with his family because his current four day weekends every damn week just isn’t enough time.
It is to barf.
O. Felix Culpa
I was in her presence once and I was overwhelmed. She’s tiny but mighty. May she be blessed with health and long life, for all our sakes.
@zhena gogolia
Well, your prime and and Hawaii prime time do differ. :)
Agree that they have gotten into a rut of showing the same roster of films with greater frequency, sometimes several times in the same month in lieu of more obscure, offbeat or unsung offerings in the library. Although there do pop up things such as The Smallest Show on Earth (8 p.m. this Sunday), a mostly forgotten little British comedy with a cast which includes Margaret Rutherford and Peter Sellers.
Sm*t Cl*de
Then he will insist that the military organise a March of Folly through Washington that is bigger and grander than those of other nations.
Everything trump does is an assist to putin. I don’t know why people keep falling for it.
Uncle Cosmo
@debbie: My conjecture might be wrong but it’s less likely to be wrong than yours: “Hat” + “Automat” => “Hat-O-Mat”.
zhena gogolia
Yes, I have that on my schedule. But I think their print of Sunset Boulevard must have holes in it by now.
Uncle Cosmo
@NotMax: Disconnecticut.
@Baud: Another Vitter reference?
@zhena gogolia
Or Gaslight, which seems (it isn’t, but seems) to be on every other day.
@zhena gogolia: We now get Retro TV that shows movies usually shown on TCM but no wine blather. Yesterday they were showing TheMummy and Dracula, alternating with Author Author.
Also a trove of B (and C) pictures from the 30s and 40s on Amazon Prime, although they’re well hidden and it takes some effort to find them. As well they’re not exactly pristine prints.
it was r-a-p-e
@David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch:
why are they paying out money like this?
He has books to sell, Kay.
Uh huh
Uh huh
Morning to Poco and the tribe :)
The more we can stifle these sociopaths before they get bigger office, the better.
Good riddance, and I hope he winds up in an orange jumpsuit.
@bystander: “no wine blather.”
LOL. So true.
zhena gogolia
J R in WV
I don’t feel sad for his family, this is something he has willfully done to his family, his victim, and the whole state of Mizzou. I hope he winds up impeached out of office, and then prosecuted and convicted for sexual assault, and on a sexual offender list for the rest of his life. He’s dangerous to everyone, obviously has perverted power fantasies he can’t help acting upon, regardless of the danger to his long term goals.
The only good thing about his recent actions is that they make it vanishingly unlikely that he will ever be elected to anything again, ever. He’ll have to work to earn a living, the poor boy. I’m sure roofing would be a good choice for him, being in the kind of physical shape SEALS are in. If we can trust him to carry shingles and lay sheetmetal.
ETA: I feel sad for his victim, who had a harmless sexual fantast and wound up in the clutches of a psychopath, and has endured endless trauma as a result. Perhaps she can sue the bastard for her pain and suffering, and leave him penny-less AND politically unemployable!
J R in WV
“I notice he copped Trump’s use of the phrase”witch hunt.” This will like be at the top of the GOP platform in 2020.”
The Dems should all address that directly. We’re not interested in Witches, they’re harmless eccentrics, we’re interested in traitorous Russian moles trying to destroy our American way of life!!
@Patricia Kayden: Absolutely! I voted in the November local elections here in Cincinnati, and will vote in May in the primary, and again and again. I also call both Portman and Brown whenever something comes up. Brown at least has staffers answering the phone, but Portman does not. Fuck these people…
@Betty Cracker: Thank you all so very much!! Very kind of you to say that.
I came here from India (Hi, Schrodingers_Cat!) to go to grad school. But of course, being a grad student at that time of peace and prosperity, I didn’t care for much more than my work, beer, companionship and parties, not always in that order. So American politicking was not alien to me, but it wasn’t worth getting bothered about. Then one day in 2000, I came upon an election rally by George W. on TV. He said, and I’m not making this up, “My opponent says he invented the internet, well then, why are there three “W’s” in WWW??!!!”. My head fucking exploded when I realized this wasn’t meant in jest. And the crowd went wild!
That’s when I knew I couldn’t be a ReThug.
After that, of course, came the realization that conservatives were wrong about everything, etc. etc.
This thread is probably dead, but what the hell. Had to share my story.
zhena gogolia
Thanks for your comments! Please jump in more often.
@zhena gogolia: Thank you! I will certainly do so. Long time reader, starting just around the time John Cole went sane. Recent commenter…
@Sm*t Cl*de: I had to reread his post a time or two, because I never thought he was a swinging octogenarian.