I may have to vote today, so Maile’s outfit is prepped. I made sure she has a jacket so she doesn’t violate the Senate floor dress code (which requires blazers). I’m not sure what the policy is on duckling onesies, but I think we’re ready pic.twitter.com/SsNHEuSVnY
— Tammy Duckworth (@SenDuckworth) April 19, 2018
I heartily approve. Senator Duckworth is an inspiration every day.
Open thread.
Adam L Silverman
Well they let Farenhold were a duckling onesie, but that was on the House of Representatives side.
Ducklings are perfect for a baby Duckworth.
I hope Senator Duckworth brought some extra pacifiers. I can think of several of her colleagues who would benefit.
I’m sure everyone saw this on Twitter yesterday, but it’s worth posting here — weaponized babies, oh my!.
Mary G
Love her. She’s a genuine bad ass.
Talk about alarming headlines**, I was thinking “what, now Colorado has had a spring tornado?!” Was worried about your ducks.
** Adam’s latenight blogpost title about the shooting war starting, although he did not make clear he was speaking of the American Revolution. To wit:
A few readers woke up in shock, seeing that.
I lost it the first time she used “Cadet Bone Spurs.” Bringing the A-game, you go, senator!
@Adam L Silverman: Maybe it’s me but I see some subtle Farenthold shade there. Of course anyone named Duckworth would have jammies like that but it could also be a twofer.
And, of course this —
You have a sense of humor about your amputations, and have been known to wear a shirt that says, “Lucky for me, he’s an ass man.”
Yep. [laughs]
Which I’m obsessed with.
You can Google it! You can get it online. It’s available online.
Duckworth’s communications director interjects: “Please don’t.”
Oh, I think she should! I’m proud of that shirt! You had the same reaction as my husband. You know, he’s thrown it away at least once, and I’ve pulled it back out of the garbage can and worn it. [laughs]
Corner Stone
This is distinctly unfair. Men can not bring a baby onto the Senate floor, why should she? Just imagine. A man caring for a helpless infant. The outrage! The ridicule he’d face! The attack ads write themselves.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
“My Humps” is the Citizen Kane of terribad music, and is the gold standard by which we should measure horrible pop singles
Adam L Silverman
@Yutsano: I’m waiting for the who wore it better tweets!
@Corner Stone: I know you’re snarking, but the bill was inclusive.
I fully expect that some old, used up hack will grab a baby and drag it to the floor for disruption purposes when they’re faced with legislation they don’t approve of, ie actually weaponizing babies.?
This is crazy, totally crazy —
TaMara (HFG)
@Elizabelle: Now I don’t remember if I posted about it, but 85 mph gusts on Tuesday and I had to put the ducks in their hutch, middle of the day, to protect them from falling tree limbs and flying furniture. I was an awful several hours. Almost lost my fence to a tree (just missed and landed in neighbors yard)
Corner Stone
What the F is wrong with the damned FBI? Jeebus.
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
@LAO: Waitwhat?
@Adam L Silverman: I mean that’s no contest, but it would be funny.
Corner Stone
I wonder if we’re ever going to reach the point where we don’t have to appoint R’s to every “tough” position in government?
zhena gogolia
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
I agree!
Corner Stone
@Yutsano: Yep. Get ready for orange twitler bombarding this about McCabe in 3…2…
@LAO: there is a contingent of representatives that has demanded the DOJ prosecute drumpf’s ‘enemies’ …one of which is McCabe…Comey, Clinton, Lynch, Yeats and a couple others are on their list of ‘targets’…
@Yutsano: If I understand this correctly, in order to “find” that McCabe lied, the IG would have to “find” that Comey was truthful. This is all very very strange.
@sukabi: I understand that but — if McCabe is lying than Comey’s telling the truth. See, Post article.
Jay S
@LAO: I am not sure why it is crazy, given the IG report allegations. Wouldn’t it be inconsistent to make those findings and not do the referral? The findings may well have been bogus, but not following up would make it less credible.
Amir Khalid
@LAO: What law does the IG think McCabe broke?
They’re gonna twist themselves into angry, incoherent knots to protect the GOP from consequences. If they retain enough power post Nov, there will be kangaroo courts.
Jay S
@sukabi: From post article:
This implies that the referral occurred before current public demand for attacking Trump’s enemies.
Corner Stone
Well, to be fair, I have never been for poetry all that much either.
Tickled to see that one of the comments was from Soonergrunt.
That made me smile!
@Amir Khalid: ???, that’s up to the US Attorney for DC to determine, should he seek to pursue criminal charges.
@SiubhanDuinne: I know (I follow him on twitter cause I miss him here).
I quite forgot who McCabe is or why I should care. Looked him up and remembered, “Oh yeah, the guy who looks like Danvers from “Homicide.”
Over here on Stage #3, can I get a “Dems in disarray!!!” headline please? [blame the ALL CAPS on politico]
All I can say is Sen. Duckworth better not forget the American flag diaper pin.
Heh. I’d be in for Pampers with Donny’s face printed on them. Wouldn’t scare the kid, since they’d face backward.
@Elizabelle: I also received an email from a friend saying that he heard that DC is on edge about something that is going to happen this weekend. It could be nothing more than Trump spreading rumors to rile people up. That would be normal for him.
That IG should be disbarred. Totally corrupt.
@LAO: Christ on a Cracker! I cannot even how bad this is getting. I wonder if the IG has ever before referred an FBI agent for prosecution outside of letting mobsters kill enemies. Oh yeah, the IG didn’t refer then….
@Immanentize: Can you imagine what that trial (if charges are brought) would look like? Star witness James Comey! This administration lacks any sort of strategic thinking. Mind boggling.
Baby in the Senate!
@LAO: That’s fucked up. Makes me think the IG has an ax to grind.
@TaMara (HFG): Holy shit. We had 75 mile winds here 5 years ago, just a few day after the big tree had fallen on my house, and I was terrified with those high winds. Not surprising since it was a straight line wind that had taken down my tree. Sorry you and the chickens had to go through that.
Maile is going to grow up with a great role model!
And I’m proud to call her my senator / cool mom.
@ruemara: I wish I thought you were exaggerating.
@LAO: I await the trial. McCabe will definitely get his pension — that is what they are fighting about. Firing the guy the day before he retired is such a jerk move, that the public was solidly against it. Therefore, the Trumpians double down. Yes, the IG has independence, but he is still in the DOJ and works for Sessions. Everyone touched by this administration is turned into a steamy pile of post-thai pepper doodoo.
@LAO: PS I was just trying to help out on a pending cert petition that raised a really interesting Rule 16 question in the 9th circuit. Does the first or second make defendanrts turn over planned impeachment material BEFORE the government witness takes the stand?
@Immanentize: This is true.
That’s pretty much what happens in my office if someone comes by with a baby. ??
Gin & Tonic
How do you pronounce “Maile”?
@Gin & Tonic: Like it’s spelled….
@Mnemosyne: I think it’s universal!
@Gin & Tonic:
If they pronounce it the same way as my first college roommate of the same name, “Miley.”
@Immanentize: The Second Circuit does not require it but I note that 95% of the time the impeachment material comes from the governments disclosures.
Gin & Tonic
@Immanentize: The English, she is an odd language.
The comments on that tweet were making me laugh, and not in a kind way. Because OMG WHY ISN’T THAT BABY IN DAYCARE WHERE SHE BELONGS?!?!
@LAO: In the case, the material did come from the Government’s vast discovery, but once it was turned over, the Gov’t both decided not to call a bunch of witnesses AND narrowed the scope of one of the key witnesses to prevent questions on one aspect of the case (it was a big securities, willfulness case). The ninth has created a fiction that cross examination is part of the defense “case in chief.” Ferfuckssake. I am hot about it, but couldn’t get the amicus in support of grant completed soon enough to file (hard deadline in Rule 37 even though the government got an extension to file their reply)
@Gin & Tonic: But a beautiful lady nonetheless….
@Gin & Tonic:
Even odder when you transliterate from Hawaiian. ?
Interesting thread:
@Gin & Tonic: PS I handed this out, its a good primer on the Iran nuclear deal.
But you probably saw that before?
The guy really is Peak “Liberal” Dudebro. Bored now.
That is outrageous. I am, however, afraid of the Supreme Court — I really don’t want this to become the rule I have to live with. Now, I’m hot about it too!
@Immanentize: I continue to believe that IG Horowitz is willfully blind to the political nature of his charge. Republicans asked the DoJ to have the IG investigate the FBI’s handling of all matters related to Clinton not because they cared about HRC’s treatment but because they wanted to impugn the integrity of the FBI. Horowitz has more than complied. His willingness to excerpt the section of the report on McCabe from the larger, still unfinished report is a cherry atop the cake ordered by Congressional Republicans. Horowitz’s deafness to the political climate is like a German bureaucrat after 1933 saying, “I was just following orders.”
@LAO: I’m sticking with the issue. I already did a fifty state study to prove the 9th is sorta violating accepted due process on the issue.
@tobie: I don’t know — it’s kinda like Comey. There are procedures. He shouldn’t have released any aspect of an unfinished report. And the referral is just so odd, doncha think? Like someone asked above, referral for what? The IG only said that McCabe was not completely “forthcoming.” No crime there.
@Immanentize: Good to hear.
BTW, did the defendants seek En Banc Review? I know that the 2d Circuit rarely grants it but I thought that the 9th did. This sounds like a truly terrible decision.
How exactly, did we wind up with a president this stupid. (The men referred to are Rosenstein and Mueller):
Wow did everyone just disappear?
EDIT: never mind. Was quite the posting lull however.
@LAO: It’s based on a long standing 9th circuit holding — but this is a case where there was both preservation and the defendants could point to harm. The case is Ellison et al. v. US — Sup, Ct. 17-1134.
Seems the media fluffing for Nikki Haley for…whatever, president? Great! has begun.
See? Tough, Independent. Stands up to bullies. Telegenic (sorta). Pardon me while I look for the Maalox.
Off looking at babby on CSPAN.
@trollhattan: The villagers want the first woman president to be a republican.
@trollhattan: Her record was horrible in South Carolina. But if you stand next to Trump and don’t poop your pants or set your shirt on fire, you look pretty damn Presidential. Months ago I said that Haley might well be the first woman president. But she will get ruined by Trump yet. And talk of her being Presidential is just the thing to make Trump ruin her on purpose.
Not one ‘Mighty Duckworth’ quip.
Shame on you people.//
@trollhattan: I made the mistake of reading the Castellanos column over there. I would laugh about how he wants the worst parts of Dolt45 to get integrated into a “respectable” fashion. It made me stabby.
We must close the nuclear baby gap!
What makes you think they’ll even bother with show trials by then?
Corner Stone
@tobie: IG Horowitz is just like any other Republican.
Not people in MA
The first thing she voted on was to approve a climate denier to head NASA. TY. NOT.