I honestly don’t know how people go through this with their children.
The rollercoaster of emotions is just so fatiguing, and you still have to keep steeling yourself for bad news even when you allow yourself to be slightly optimistic. Mothers are the toughest people on the planet.
Gin & Tonic
Um, fathers can undergo rollercoasters of emotion as well. Just sayin’.
Corner Stone
No argument there. But, ummm…
I feel the same about parents.
Animals make us better people and become part of our family.
Big part of why I never had kids.
Godalmighty, male readers of balloon-juice, can you let the women enjoy a compliment for just five minutes before you start but-what-about-us-too? ( ;) but also :/ )
The previous post made my day, though. I’m sorry for the rollercoaster, John, but so glad Lily is feeling better. Continuing to send good thoughts and continuing hoping.
Great news for a Friday evening. Yay!
Mary G
I can’t see where someone has posted the front page of the DNC complaint here – it’s in this tweet as a picture:
Besides all the Russians and Wikileaks, it also names as defendants the Trump campaign, Donald Jr., Manafort, Roger Stone (love to be a fly on the wall at that deposition), Jared Kushner (ditto), Papadopolous, Gates, and John Does 1-10. Lawyer welfare!
Faithful Lurker
@Nicole: Amen
zhena gogolia
@Faithful Lurker:
All respect to Nicole, but as a woman (without children) I don’t get this complaint! Why should love and caring be the exclusive realm of the mother? Isn’t it more feminist to expect it of fathers as well?
Right. Paraphrasing Tom Waits, come on down from your cross.
@zhena gogolia: Men don’t actually birth the babies, you know..
@Mary G:
Trump’s lawyers are shit awful, so if the campaign means him, there’s going to be hilarious chaos.
Is there anything Cole can’t fuck up?
@Mary G:
There was a lot of giggling going on at my desk, hearing about all these lawsuits. Sounds like fun!
Corner Stone
@Nicole: #NotAllMaleBJReaders
I’m not looking for a participation trophy.
I vividly recall how hard it was to watch our oldest daughter backing out of our driveway on her way to college, knowing she would never really be back home permanently again except for visits. Ditto our younger daughter when she cast off for college 5 years later. And this is when your kids are relative success stories who went on to successful respective professional careers, The much worse situation is with parents who have a kid with problems (drugs, alcohol, bad judgment, car wrecks, expensive encounters with the law, etc) and they’re torn how to help – keep supporting them, or use the tough-love approach on the theory that they’ll never get better until hitting bottom finally adjusts the kid’s attitude.
Even when you have two kids who are doing great, they can drive you batty worrying about them.
zhena gogolia
I know, but John’s remark was not about giving birth but about worrying about the child’s welfare.
North Korea claims its going to stop nuclear missile testing and close the testing site.
Breaking on Wapo.
Now what is the catch here?
/Aside from the obvious lying?
So happy about the upswing!
CDC declares Arizona an E Coli origin, all lettuce grown from the state should be regarded as unsafe.
Teddys Person
I’m gonna let Jed Bartlet second that emotion.
@Mary G:
@Mary G: Eric gets passed over again.
Chris T.
Silly but real question about the John Does 1-10: how do they decide how many people to list? What happens if they find that there are 11+ others involved?
No way ??
@TenguPhule: If you were North Korea, or its patron China, wouldn’t you want Trump to win reelection?
Damned at Random
Today was a good day for Lily and she is making new friends at the hospital. Hope tomorrow is a great day and she returns to Chez Cole soon.
@TenguPhule: they already have their nuke effectively buried under Seoul and are just now waiting for the US to leave?
I dread the 2 am call from the PoPo. At least you dog won’t grow up to be an axe murder. Or Ben Shapiro.
Damned at Random
@TenguPhule: You can think of it as fecal bacteria or you can think of it as “probiotic” – if you are selling raw water
Enhanced Voting Techniques
=@schrodingers_cat: Having had to listen in the wee hours of the morning to my friends worry about things like “My pregnant daughter just lost her foot in a car crash and I don’t know what to do” I am pretty sure the fathers go threw the same things as the mothers. Likely even worse because of the “dad supposed to fix it” rule.
Corner Stone
On the internet no one knows you are a dog. Who is also an axe murderer.
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: Of course we don’t. But, with gogol’s wife, I read Cole’s comment as excluding the emotional investment of fathers. Yes, many are perhaps distant and uninvolved, but many also suffer alongside mothers through all of the issues from scraped knees to complex hospitalizations. But it seems I contributed to some ill feeling here, which was not my intent, and for which I apologize.
Thank you for your service
That kind of analysis is a bit beyond my pay grade. But I’ll take a stab at it anyway.
I don’t think the advantages for them outweigh the risks.
Gin & Tonic
@TenguPhule: So now that I’ve thrown out all the lettuce in the fridge, I need to know – can I just substitute bacon instead?
@Corner Stone:
I thought we were sea monsters.
Except for those of us who are robots.
That are also dogs.
@Gin & Tonic:
Of course. Bacon makes almost anything better.
They know the US is now useless, and negotiations are between them, China, and South Korea. Trump ain’t going to do jack whatever happens. Nobody is going to object to their horrible internal politics. Nobody is going to object to the nukes they already have, or police them if they want to continue things in secret. The war itself is of no use to them, with Kim Jong Il dead.
Well friends of mine buried their 42 yr old daughter a little over a year ago, she ODed the day after getting out of jail. She had 2 kids that are 11 and 13 that they are now raising. He’s about 70 and had just had open heart surgery. He now has to keep working and help his wife raise their 2 grandkids, they are the guardians. Sometimes it never ends.
Would like to see worry about Mitch Doe and Paul Doe.
“I have accidentally launched the Nuclear Football because I mixed it up with my chew toy.”
zhena gogolia
That was my thought but you expressed it more eloquently.
I suspect the site was already unsalvagable from the last test and resulting cave in. It costs them nothing.
And I fully expect Trump to be the one who breaks down negotiations and leaves Kim Jong the moral victor at the end of it.
John, You love Lily and she loves you. You’re a lucky guy.
zhena gogolia
But Blumenthal! Blumenthal! He said he served in Vietnam (leaving out the word “era” that he’d used 1000 times before).
Mike J
@Mary G:
Anyone with PACER want to look up all the new requests and see who they’re for?
I don’t know if I mentioned it when I posted one of the Milky Way pics I took this morning, but as I was packing up my gear a fire truck and ambulance showed up with all their lights on(good thing I’d finished shooting). Fireman got out and asked if I’d called 911, I said no and he asked if anyone had been parked there and sleeping in their car. Told him that there had been a couple of cars but they left about a hour earlier. He got back in the truck and headed further down the coast.
I really like shooting the Milky Way by the ocean even with the problem of light pollution from LA to the east, I’m going to try to make it up to the mountains tomorrow morning.
Teddys Person
@Mary G: From Raw Story
@TenguPhule: Romaine lettuce only.
Edit Never mind since you clarified.
Yup. Got nothing. Fingers crossed. Big hugs.
I’m thinking about having a vegetarian meal tonight.
Flour comes from grain. Chocolate comes from cacao trees. Sugar come so from cane, or beets.
I’m having
browniessalad.Mary G
@?BillinGlendaleCA: And Ivanka – people like Chris Chinchilla would have a fit if she were included, but I think she’s guilty as hell. She’s been photographed partying with Russians, her jewelry business is being investigated, and she was involved in the shady Trump Soho thing that Rudy G allegedly had quashed.
@Chris T.: IANAL, but I imagine they could file a separate suit against number 11 and above, and then move to have the cases consolidated.
@SiubhanDuinne: Salad, riiight.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: see, there is a benefit of being too stupid.
@Mary G: I was thinking about the Golden Child too, but maybe she just had less of a role in the campaign.
@Gin & Tonic:
It would be a heroic sacrifice. For science. Let us know how it turns out.
Betty Cracker
Been snoozing the afternoon away because I’ve been sick and visited the site with a heavy heart expecting bad news about Lily. I’m thrilled to pieces she’s improving. Hope the good news continues!
@sukabi: I often use that to my advantage.
Yes John made a comment at the end of the post, Mothers are the toughest people on the planet. but the first sentence was people, not just mothers. And he was right in both sentences.
@Baud: Nice one!
Let me explain: Dads are here foremost to be wrong about things. This is our top contribution to keeping the family unit intact. There is other stuff of course, but never forget #1.
Thank you.
Washington Post
I didn’t know that Sessions had a spine.. hmmm
This is my impression as well. Not to denigrate fathers! But in my experience, it’s the mothers who are the archetypes.
@Mary G:
I would love to know why the odious KellyAnne Conway is never mentioned. Are her hands really that clean? Seems unlikely to me. But I admit I might want her to be implicated just because I personally find her so distasteful.
That’s the second recall for romaine this year.
@Mary G:
I believe they can amend the complaint. Especially to add more people. My IANAL comment is that they don’t say something like John Doe 1-100 because they can add and because then it looks like a fishing expedition.
Rooting for Lily – I’ve had pets rally amazingly a few times and go on for months/years.
Assumes facts not in evidence? I’ll believe in the New Toughguy J.B. Sessions when I see him do something tough. In the meantime it’s back to ridding the nation of the killer weed and bothering foreigners.
@JPL: I don’t think iceberg lettuce should be considered a food in the first place, so really it was a public service.
For once can’t they recall kale? I’m objectively pro-romaine.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: yeah, I believe it’s how a lot of males (husbands) get out of housework they don’t want to do…füçk the chore up so bad, with a bunch of “I don’t know how to do this as good as you” thrown in, it gets pulled from the list. ?
Could be lying. Probably lying. But what if future negotiations include international verification?
Has N Korea pulled this before in the same way?
Go back in time far enough and the ancestors of the ingredients converge.
@debbie: It does seem like it is more susceptible than other lettuces, but I’m no sure why. As a lover of lettuce wraps, it does sadden me.
Did she have any actual governing duties?
Or is she drumpf’s glorified baby sitter?
Closest I can recall was the Clinton agreement. Of course, we had to pay them to do it.
I don’t see Donald Trump offering to pay NK anything. Or expect NK to trust him to actually deliver.
Hmm, breaking story at BBC.
Are Cheryl or Adam in the house?
If you are a dad this means you are completely wrong about this.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Those are killer photographs. Great job.
I’ve always had a fondness for the Holy Romaine Empire.
I know. I was thinking about getting some romaine when I food shopped a couple of hours ago. One less food-borne illness for me!
@Betty Cracker: I was worried I was going to get out of PT and blubber my ass off in the car. I’ll take this result every day and twice on Sunday.
@trollhattan: It’s a gesture of goodwill and as far as nuclear test go, have they rebuilt their testing facility?
Sounds more like he’s calling Trump’s bluff.
I’m so grateful to hear Lily is doing well right now. I have no idea what to say about the roller coaster except to take things one day at a time and know you are surrounded with love and support both in person and elsewhere.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: Thanks, the long exposure that the sky tracker gizmo* allows really makes for better(and cleaner) photos.
*Thanks kid.
Joy in FL
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Those photos are beautiful and awe-inspiring.
@TenguPhule: Some of us are munchkins.
That means that another party is willing and able to pay off NK. My guess is China. I’m sure there’s no possible way for that to go wrong for US interests in Asia.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Which one did you get I have always wanted one of those.
I hope you realize you are maligning the pièce de résistance salade on the Mar-a-Lago menu.
To the tumbrels with you!
@Joy in FL: Thanks, the mountains will have less light pollution and I think will produce a better picture, but no ocean. I only have a few days left to shoot this month before the moon becomes a problem(bright moon in the sky, dim Milky Way).
@lollipopguild: That does not preclude any of the prior categories.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: I got this one.
But why?
Right now China just bitchslapped Trump on Tariffs. Real tariffs, not fake ones like Donald’s.
I’m pretty sure they’ve determined that trying to play chess with Donald Trump is like playing chess with a pigeon.
Leon Bridges has a new single out. Beyond. Just listening now.
1) Fallout
2) China has a pretty good trade relationship with the Republic of Korea(South Korea).
I too am thrilled to hear the good news about Lily, and hoping for the best.
As a mother and dog lover, I do have a little quibble with the post, as follows. Yes, as a mother I worry endlessly about my now grown up kids….even though they are (thank God and knock wood) both doing fine. Whether fathers experience that too, I don’t know because I’m not one, but I’m willing to grant that they do.
But that general mother/father worry is a whole different ballpark from what is endured by parents who have a seriously ill or seriously troubled child. I assume that is the rollercoaster John is speaking of.
Also, while I’m pretty sure my love for my dogs is up there with the lovingest of dog people, it is not comparable to my love for my children.
Just my $.02.
CDC warns public to throw out romaine lettuce after E. coli outbreak
Finally on a non-paywall
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
If Sarah Huckasanders isn’t included, I will be SAD!
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
NYT still bad:
@TenguPhule: I just had
fishromaine lettuce for dinner.Ruckus
You are right. See this comment. @Ruckus:
Gav has been feeling a little bit better. Still waiting for the results of his biopsy.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I was just reading a friend’s tweet about Ben and Jerry’s Fish Food Ice Cream. She didn’t like it. Which… surely you’d expect that?
Why does China want to be the dominant power in Asia?
Dude, I can’t do that much work for you. Take a basic political science class or three and the answer will reveal itself.
@delk: Yeah! More good doggie news.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
Still bad, always bad, what’s the diff with the FTFNYT?
I don’t think we should expect any media source to change unless there is a wholesale change in ownership/leadership. They don’t keep producing a product that they know to be crap, they like and approve what comes out in their names, crap or not.
Really just look at a map of the world showing population and population density. Any one asking that question after that is an idiot.
? Martin
You get used to some of it. Other parts your brain just completely rewires itself. My daughter attempted suicide earlier this year. Whatever happened in January I have no recollection other than stuff around her. I went to work most days, but I’ll be damned if I got anything done or not. Who knows. Anyway, she’s fine, doing better every week. You take life as it comes.
Mary G
@? Martin:That must have been terrifying. I’m glad she is improving so well.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Fish Food ice cream would not be good. However, Ben and Jerry’s makes Phish Food ice cream, named after the band Phish. It is “Chocolate Ice Cream with Gooey Marshmallow Swirls, Caramel Swirls & Fudge Fish”.
@? Martin: Yikes! Glad to hear she’s doing better.
That’s so sad. This is the world I inhabit at work. Sometimes I have to just sit in my car and cry.
@Mnemosyne: China imports most of the stuff that North Korea would need, mostly food, for its own population. Part of the reason we got NK to accept the first deal was we had the food and the fuel to offer.
How is China going to match that kind of payoff? Especially since they’ve been burning through their reserves on domestic spending. I can understand China making quiet threats to NK to tow the line, but NK has brushed them off before too.
Japan would beg to differ.
The ice cream sounds much better than the band.
Shantanu Saha
I’ve been spending evenings this week scoring NY state tests, so I’ve been getting home at night long after my son has gone to bed. Last night my wife told me he started sleepwalking. I figure he’s had more than a bit of anxiety without me (I usually read to him right before sleep each night). Hopefully we can get back to sort of normal on Saturday. I have another week of this before I’m done.
@Gin & Tonic:
Always and for anything
Except bacon
@Nicole: or the ” thats why i dont have kids” musings. We know, we know.
joel hanes
As a lover of lettuce wraps, it does sadden me.
Whole-head butter lettuce is right there on the produce counter.
That too, you just double the amount.
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: Phish, the band, is sort of an acquired taste. Always reminds me of a t-shirt I saw a long time ago that said: “Jerry’s dead. Phish sucks. Get a job.”
@Gin & Tonic:
My thoughts exactly.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@Origuy: Oh! That makes more sense though it still sounds disgusting. Marshmallow is really not edible.
RR Mikey
Been there, lost him. I’ll never forgive myself
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Cue the flamethrowers sparking into ignition.
We will, hopefully, not outlive our children. That’s how you do it.
Ohio Mom
Every now and then Cole relates a story from his extended wayward youth, and I always think, “His poor mother, to have had to live through that! Oh yes, his dad too.” Can’t help that I identify with other moms.
As the mom of s kid on the autism spectrum, the worry is just a constant background hum. Even as relatively high-functioning as he is, he’ll always need someone looking after him. I’m counting on Medicaid to be there to pay for the eventual supervised living situation but many days that seems like a very iffy bet.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Phish food, and it’s quite delicious!
Edit: Origuy: faster reader or faster typist? Probably both ☺
@? Martin:
I’m so sorry. Went through a bad spell of depression with one of my kids a year ago. It’s hell. Sending support to all of you.
@RR Mikey:
? I’m so sorry.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@TenguPhule: Folks can use them to toast their marshmallows and make them marginally less disgusting.
It was a terrible thing to see my grandmother just kind of deflate after my mother died (too young, at age 58). Grandmother lived another 11-12 years, but while her mind remained sharp to the end and her body was as robust as one might expect at that age, there was something missing — her spirit, I guess.
@? Martin:
So sorry you and your daughter had to go through that terrible, worrying time. I’m glad things have improved.
Yes. Indeed, they are.
In response, I’ll offer Cordelia Vorkosigan’s observation from Barrayar: “It’s a … transcendental act. Making life…. ‘By this act, I bring one death into the world.’ One birth, one death, and all the pain and acts of will between…. Our children change us … whether they live or not. ”
All we can do is keep them alive and teach them how to cope with reality. Beyond that, it’s their job; I can’t travel their path for them.
What the heck do you do for work? And thank you for doing it.
They have 2 other kids who both seem to be pretty well adjusted when I talked to them at the service. They even recognized me, which always amazes me when I haven’t seen someone for a long time. I knew her when she was 12, and the other kids who are slightly older when I worked with the parents at events. They seemed like a normalish family. I hadn’t spoken to them in a few years, we just didn’t cross paths any longer and then I saw them at a banquet one year. They looked good, sounded good but the news about their daughter stunned me.
@JR: That’s not something you can count on. Life can punch you in the gut, unexpectedly. Not much you can do about it but just keep on keeping on.
@cmorenc: heh, yep. Kind of hurts, even though that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
Nice profound words. I wish more parents got that last part, I think it’s got to be the hardest part and the most rewarding when one day you find out they are actually responsible adults with lives of their own.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@Gin & Tonic: Caution: Driver experiencing hot Shakedown.
Ohio Mom
@RR Mikey: Oh dear. I’m sorry. Even if you can’t forgive yourself, I hope you still have moments of peace. One thing parenthood has taught me is how powerless we are over just about everything. The things we can effect tend to be trivial.
@Gin & Tonic:
Sort of an acquired taste? That word is doing a lot of work in this instance.
@RR Mikey:
How awful. I’m so terribly sorry. But please try to forgive yourself.
Ah, sweet pup! I hope Gav continues to improve. Waiting and worrying is the worst.
Social work and family law. One case today was dad in jail for the foreseeable future, Mom’s whereabouts unknown (she’s been using heavily and homeless for awhile now). Grandma is raising the little girl but had a really dire cancer diagnosis this week. We’re hoping we can convince an uncle to step in. He’s not the warmest person but he and his wife are pretty stable. This little girl has been doing so well after a lot of trauma so it’s heartbreaking to think she has to go through this now.
@Ruckus: It’s been the hardest thing for me, not doing some of the stupid helicopter parenting shit that my mom did. And then being completely oblivious to the bullying I went through from 5th-9th grade.
But I’m convinced that even with the weird-ass shit that has happened, WarriorGirl is in far better shape at 10.5 than I was. And now that she’s figured out that her lead teacher is a fuckwit (well, decent instructor, otherwise wrong about every damn thing on earth), things have evened out. I can have her back, but she’s got to deal with the idiocy herself. Just like out here in the real world.
Well, I held back from donating yesterday since I assumed you magnificent jackals would blow up the BJ paypal account. Which of course you did. Now that I’ve read Cole’s update below, it’s the Second Wave’s turn. So if you didn’t donate yesterday and you can, think about it now.
And those of you on a limited income who donated yesterday (you know who you are) who might be thinking about adding more (yes, I know you guys) JUST BACK OFF FOR A MINUTE. Give other folks a chance to step up.
@Ohio Mom:
One of the thing that defines pomposity for me is that some people seem to think that they can affect life and what happens.
We are along for the ride. We don’t know how long that ride will be no matter what we do. I know a woman who is in her late 70s and she smokes a fair bit and has for decades. Owned her own mfg business for decades and she sort of slowed down at 75. Still comes in several days a week though. I had a cousin who made 6 months. I knew a man who lived to 104 and he was a wild man in his youth. You never know what tomorrow will bring, good or bad or what your trip will look like.
And yet humans try to make it far worse for others, do they think that will change how their lives come out for the better? What is the point of being an asshole to others, surly there must be one, even if it’s just in their minds.
@Ruckus: Everything you write makes so much sense. When I read it, I think that I wish I could sit down and talk to this person. Don’t quit.
Gin & Tonic
@Ruckus: Since I started the thread by offending people, I didn’t want to continue doing so, just in case there are any actual Phish phans in the audience.
I’ll second my own words, thank you for doing this.
I was a mental health counselor for a community center a bazillion yeas ago and most days were OK. But every once in a while someone would make you wonder if the world was just one big acid trip. I’m still not sure that anyone knows why some people just don’t fit in but they don’t. Sometimes it’s upbringing or rather lack of it, sometimes it’s circuitry that just isn’t to design.
I was lucky, mom had no idea how to raise a boy. Girls she could screw up, and did, but boys she just didn’t know how. Not that she didn’t give it a shot but luckily she didn’t manage. Well not too badly anyway. And yes I think it’s difficult to not repeat the methods that one’s parents used, what else do you know? It takes a lot of work to raise kids, work and worry. And you have if not a life of your own at least you are alive during those years and balancing that out has got to be fun. The best part is that kids are resilient for the most part and if you do OK and give them the idea that they are people, not possessions to be gloated over, they can grow and end up being real humans.
Ohio Mom
@Ruckus: Yeah, “circuitry that just isn’t to design.” When I consider the rumpus that is early fetal development, it is amazing that any of us are put together anywhere near to design.
@Gin & Tonic:
I see waht you did there.
@Ohio Mom:
And it’s not just physical development. And there really isn’t a line along which we grow either. There are diseases which we can catch that change how we learn, and respond. There are accidents that cripple us, or not. Lack of money or opportunity can make a life shit. Maturity is a funny thing, some people understand it, and own it while in single digits, others will never have any of it, no matter their bank account/property/”success.”
Cole, we go through this shit every time they have anything above a stubbed toe…parenting is the world’s #1 reason for aging, or something like that.
Bill Arnold
Don’t know if it’s been linked, but this is amazing. (WaPo, via palmerreport):
Trump lied to me about his wealth to get onto the Forbes 400. Here are the tapes. (By Jonathan Greenberg April 20 at 5:30 AM)
and etc. D.J. Trump will be going nuts over this story.
Ohio Mom
@Bill Arnold: I haven’t followed the link yet but once again we have to ask, Why didn’t this story ever break before, like a year and a half or two years ago? Like BEFORE the election?
Bill Arnold
@Ohio Mom:
There are short recordings in the article. Anyway, the reporter admits that he did not know he had been conned until approximately now:
Not sure when he (the reporter) first realized it but it is quite likely it was after the 2016 election. Look, maybe, just maybe, parts of the US press are waking up a bit from their long slumber. Becoming more practiced at seeing through transparent lies. The Trump administration is giving them a lot of remedial practice.
@TenguPhule: Vlad said make nice.
@delk: Gav has a very David Byrne vibe there. Styish dog.
Hope he is on the mend too. Only the best for Gav and for Lily.