The search begins…
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) April 21, 2018
#casting #centralparkfive #actors
— CentralPark5Casting (@CP5CASTING) April 20, 2018
A film about the Central Park Five, directed by @ava. I wonder who will play the New York City real estate tycoon who published that newspaper ad in 1989 condemning those five innocent black and brown boys and calling for the return of the death penalty.
— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) April 21, 2018
Ava Duvernay is responsible for Selma, so she’s clearly up to the topic, and she’s gonna get a lot of attention as she works on her new film. And every snippet of news about it is going to drive Lord Smallgloves even further out of his tiny mind.
Speaking of wilding, Robert Schooley has some quotes from The Madness of King George III…
I am the King. I tell, I am not TOLD. I am the VERB, sir, not the OBJECT.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 21, 2018
Peace of mind! I have no peace of mind. I've had no peace of mind since we lost America.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 21, 2018
I've always been myself, even when I was ill. Only now I seem myself. And that's the important thing. I have remembered how to seem.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 21, 2018
I hope the young men aren’t arrested on their way to the audition.
Corner Stone
I think you mean, “drive Shitlord Smallgloves”. All 239lbs of him.
Corner Stone
That “arms crossed, petulant baby” look is a real winner for an American Pres…nope, can’t finish it.
@Corner Stone: I’m sure drumpf’s full page newspaper ads appear in the script.
I know that A Wrinkle in Time didn’t get the same amount of attention as Black Panther, but I liked it for what it was — a really classic kids’ movie, not something that was gussied up for nostalgic adults. And most kids seemed to take it that way.
There was a little too much Oprah, but Reese Witherspoon was great. “My gift to you is … your faults.”
Corner Stone
On a lighter note, does anyone do small wood carvings? Like with 2 X 2 X 5 basswood and a carving knife and/or gouges?
Could he have been the “competent trump” of the future we’ve worried about?
Frances Perkins
I collected a book from the Library today. It is called “Hitler in Los Angeles, How Jews Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and America” and is written by University of California history professor, Steven J. Ross. Professor Ross starts his Prologue with this quote:
I gotta be honest. Since the election I have not been able to stand hearing Trump’s voice or watching him on the T.V.
And now just today, after seeing that photo of Trump leaning on his golf club, I now cannot stand the sight of that fucking asshole period.
Corner Stone
@Frances Perkins:
Fascinating. Could not agree more.
@Corner Stone: I disagree. I find his quote shallow and derivative.
New documentary: Hitler’s Hollywood
Corner Stone
@jharp: How about random clips of Trump saying 60 times how he would never leave the WH to play golf and who the hell would ever want to leave? Because he’d be too busy working for you…the common man. No time for vacations!
@jharp: Me either.
Ben Cisco
@germy: Riiiiiight. Pull the other one, it’s got a bell tied to it.
(Narrator: No, not really)
Watching the Lost in Space reboot. Somebody should tell these screenwriters that they can do realism without turning every single character into a lava-spewing asshole.
M. Bouffant
@Frances Perkins: Must be a good one. I checked the L.A. Library & there are a lot of copies (local action, I guess) but they’re almost all checked out or on hold.
Frances Perkins
Continuation from 9 above “We will undermine the morale of the people of America…Once there is confusion and after we have succeeded in undermining the faith of the American people in their own government , a new group will take over; this will be the German-American group, and we will help them assume power. Adolf Hitler 1933”.
@Corner Stone: @Baud: I was about to go with “succinct”.
Amir Khalid
Help! Something has disabled Adblock Plus on my browser! Every tab is full of ads! What do I do?
I thought DuVernay’s next project was the DC New Gods adaptation.
I didn’t see A Wrinkle in Time, but heard that it was like you said, a perfectly fine movie aimed at children.
Corner Stone
@Baud: The only thing I can derive from your statement is that you have forgotten the lesson of 4/20. And possibly 9/11.
@Corner Stone: I remember the Alamo, however.
M. Bouffant
Seems familiar, somehow …
M. Bouffant
@Amir Khalid: Is the stop sign green? That means you have to turn it on again. Mine’s working fine, so I doubt it’s the site.
@M. Bouffant:
There have been several books lately about Hollywood and the Nazis. Be sure to check Self-Styled Siren’s blog for reviews — there was one that made a big splash a few years ago that claimed that Jewish moguls were all working with Hitler, but it turned out that the writer didn’t actually know anything about Hollywood and made some really embarrassing errors. Thomas Doherty’s Hollywood and Hitler is much more accurate, if less sensationalized.
This is so strange on so many levels. Apparently, Trump doesn’t know any prominent black people who could be advocates for Jack Johnson. And I doubt that Trump has even the smallest clue about the racism that was heaped on to Johnson for just being a black champion.
Wasn’t Don King an early Trump supporter? Maybe he has some connection to the boxing world?
Amir Khalid
@M. Bouffant:
The stop sign is red, but nothing was blocked and I could not get to the options menu to block anything. I have downloaded Adblock again and now everything is fine..
M. Bouffant
@Mnemosyne: I know some Hollywood moguls weren’t too happy about films that might cut them off from the (pre-war) German market, but working w/ Hitler? Sheesh.
Same as in 2018.
M. Bouffant
@Amir Khalid: Whew.
I completely forget that filthy advertising is everywhere w/o AdBlock. Dunno what I’d do if it stopped.
@Amir Khalid:
Was going to say that you may need to upgrade AdBlock. I find that it works really well on Safari.
I’ve always thought of the Central Park Five as the Trump Reveal. Who’s behind the curtain? See for yourself.
I totally forgot about Don King, who is still a friend of Trump’s, and apparently defended him with respect to the Stormy Daniels affair, just a few weeks ago.
@M. Bouffant:
No kidding. If it wasn’t for all the ads that are everywhere this world might not be all that bad a place. OK we have to get rid of the assholes. Then it would be a better place………
@Corner Stone:
A long, long time ago. I used an X-Acto knive with a curved blade and kept sharpenening it until I could shave the hair on my arm. Graduated to making ship models and carving the hulls, about 2 inches long. Which I proceeded to put into bottles. After awhile I started whittling the corks, too.
Gelfling 545
@Corner Stone: my nephew used to do a look like that. It was kind of cute. He was 3.
Sounds very painful. Also apposite.
@M. Bouffant:
People keep forgetting that early on, there was a lot of sentiment to downplay any danger that Hitler might represent, and to keep the US out of European political affairs because it supposedly had nothing to do with us. So, business as usual was okay.
Also, I think there may have been a sense that Hollywood moguls had to prove that they were American by ignoring the antisemitism on the rise in Europe.
@jharp: You and me both. I usually change the channel. I did not watch TV news for over a year since the 2016 election.
Amir Khalid
If I had any say in this I would, for once, support a Trump pardon based on what Wikipedia has to say about Johnson’s Mann Act conviction. But the “Galveston Giant”, as he was nicknamed, died in 1946 so a pardon could only be symbolic. I suspect this was leaked as a distraction and/or to shore up Trump’s credibility as a non-racist.
Gin & Tonic
@Brachiator: Obligatory. May contain material of interest to Amir Khalid, too.
Central Park Five film. Kinda karmic how trump’s past is catching up with him.
This will probably be a hell of a film. It’s only fair if part of it rubs Trump’s nose in his despicable past statements. But it will also point a finger at a lot of other white people who were eager to rush to judgement in condemning the innocent men falsely accused.
Mike in NC
We’re watching “The Post”, about how a paranoid criminal landed in the White House and decided the country didn’t need to have Freedom of the Press. Thank God that was so long ago, right?
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
I’m listening to it right now. And yes, there is certainly something in it of interest to me.
James Powell
@Gin & Tonic:
Also Obligatory for entertainment purposes.
@Amir Khalid:
@Amir Khalid:
My Adblock Plus automatically updated itself yesterday. I’d never had that happen before.
Mr Stagger Lee
@Mnemosyne: The was a short scene in the movie Inglorious Basterds, talked about the Nazis and cinema, I wonder if that factoid about Goebbels produced films was true. German Cinema pre Nazi era was considered good, with directors like F.W. Murnau, Fritz Lang and Robert Wiene.
Johnson should have been pardoned while he was alive. I can’t imagine what Stallone’s angle is. If it was actually genuine, why didn’t he ask years ago?
@Gin & Tonic:
Great album, Miles Davis, Tribute to Jack Johnson.
I don’t know if the question was ever resolved that the great guitar work here was John McLaughlin or Sonny Sharrock.
A bit of a nod to Jimi Hendrix, perhaps, at 18:44.
Killer drum work also.
@Baud: You were at the Alamo? What was John Wayne really like?
Amir Khalid
Same thing happened for me. I’d never seen an Adblock update notice before, either.
Maybe he just got around to seeing the Ken Burns documentary on Johnson?
Nazi’s in LA? There’s Murphy’s Ranch.
Eric S.
This is my default position.
@Frances Perkins: Well, that’s pretty idiotic. Anybody who knows anything about America in the Great Depression and knows anything about Huey Long and Father Coughlin an the Communists and American Legion and the DuPont brothers and America First and the Deutsch-Amerikaner Bund would realize that it’s pointless to “cause division” in America or try to “undermine confidence in the government.” That’s one of the reasons I think claims of “Russian interference” in the election are overblown.
I guess the Trump ass needs to make an appearance in the film, but just enough to make the point.
A lot of more interesting and sympathetic characters in the story than The Trump Hisself.
I have to wonder whether Trump’s contempt for science began with the complete and for all practical purposes certain exoneration of the Central Park Five.
The case presented an irreconcilable chasm for Trump between reality and his own racism and bigotry. And Trump’s racism and bigotry won.
Maybe that drove him over the edge into being a straight up ignorant out-of-it weak minded old white bigot chump and fool. But, that would be another movie.
Amazing stuff. How did Huell Howser miss this.
I disagree with the author of the blog post about one thing. The graffiti is pretty cool.
Another story about the compound here.
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: May be complicated by the fact that Stallone was born after Johnson died.
A Ghost to Most
@Corner Stone: Yes. Although my preferred wood is walnut. Is there a question?
Why is it so hard for me to buy luggage?!!!!!
I’m in the market for new luggage for my many travels (lol…not really many…). I have my trusty carryon, but I’d like a larger suitcase, and I want to trade in my old two wheelcarryon for a spinner wheel set.
Macy’s had a 48 hour sale that ends in like 5 hours. So this afternoon after work, I went to Macy’s to try to find me a nice set, I was there for at least 2 darn hours looking at the same damn sets…and STILL came away with NOTHING!!
I don’t know why this is so hard!
Adam L Silverman
@Brachiator: This is in between Wrinkle and the 4th World.
Also, By the Source!!!!
Let us begin at the beginning…
Jay S
@Amir Khalid: Yes, if Trump pardons Johnson, it will be to try and use it as a giant gotcha moment. It’s perfectly safe to pardon a dead black man, and he would get a bunch of press, much of it good.
My 7-year-old, as I’ve said here, LOVED A Wrinkle in Time.
Also, Thirteenth is freaking amazing.
I love the idea of an open casting call for Central Park 5. If they are able to cast unknowns, it’ll make it easier to really lose oneself in the movie.
Fun fact about The Madness of King George III – when it was made into a film (from the original play), they renamed it The Madness of King George, out of concern that American audiences would assume they had missed The Madness of King George 1 and 2. It’s a good flick.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@lamh36: We buy cheap luggage in the most obnoxious color possible so it will be more visible on the carousel.
@Jay S: “Jack Johnson is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.”
Patricia Kayden
@Amir Khalid: Trump has no credibility as a non-racist to shore up. None.
I Tonya is very good!
Amir Khalid
I wouldn’t say that the Third Reich caused these divisions in America. But I would say that it took advantage of them wherever it could — because there was a faction it agreed with, and because it encouraged isolationists and discouraged America from joining WWII on the Allied side. And it worked, too, until the Germans* bombed Pearl Habor. So one shouldn’t dismiss out of hand either the motives behind Russian interference in 21st century American politics or its effectiveness.
*Okay, the Japanese.
@Brachiator: and @Amir Khalid:
I think Trump has found he enjoys the risk-free minor power trip of issuing symbolic pardons. Pardon people loyal to him? Hell, no! But a white supremacist, a dead man, and some guy he thinks maybe worked for Reagan or something? Hand him a pen and a pre-typed document!
Yeah, that Comey is a bigot has been creeping into view. No surprise he gives no shits about injustice to blacks.
Jay S
@Patricia Kayden: Nonsense, this pardon would prove he is not a racist, you are the racist!! /sarcasm
Amir Khalid
@Patricia Kayden:
You know that, and I know that. But there are people who absolutely will not know that, no matter how many times they are told or how much proof they are shown: “La la la la, I can’t hear you …”
Corner Stone
@frosty: and @A Ghost to Most
Basically just looking for any personal opinion about tools that may be the most useful. I know opinions are everywhere on this, but beyond a straight knife (like a morakniv 120) and maybe a specific angle of v tool, curious about what somebody else may like. Hobbyists making small characters and animals, not for pro work just amusement.
@Gin & Tonic: Apparently they overlapped by two months.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Oh Jesus Christ
It’s unkind to body snark but Trump’s belt appears to be making a beeline for his nipples—godspeed, you sassy striver!
BTW, the dangled Jack Johnson pardon is clearly a scam to prove republicans don’t hate brown people—can we please not get suckered again? The only black folks the RWNJs are comfortable with are dead, preferably for decades.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
Isn’t that from S:TAS?
Jay S
@Amir Khalid: I suspect there are more “that’s not racism it’s realism” types than “I can’t hear you” types.
Corner Stone
@germy: That Comey is given a platform to speak in public is increasingly absurd.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Apparently, G-Man Comey grew up on the films of the 1930s-the mid-20th century that cast the square-jawed FBI agents as the incorruptible do-gooders who always get the bad guy. That and Perry Mason.
Corner Stone
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: I actually went back and read that comment. I blame you for this.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Yeah, that was incoherent.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Corner Stone:
You have to at least admire their persistence. Or is it stupidity? I know Porcupine has gotten chewed out before around here for that. They never learn and I don’t think Porcupine has any desire to learn.
You might take a look at the luggage recommendations at the Wirecutter.
@lamh36: ugh…finally settled on a new set of luggage. I got the sale at Macy’s right under the wire. A friend of mine has the same set and she likes them so I got the same brand just a different color. Blue is my fav color, but they didn’t have blue in this brand, so I settled for red.
Good thing is I can pick it up tomorrow from Macys…and it is one of the ones I saw when I went in the store
@Amir Khalid:
Buy stuff. Duh.
Yep, that’s from the Thomas Doherty book I recommended above. There’s a different book that came out around the same time that made much more extensive — and bogus — claims of actual collaboration.
@Amir Khalid:
AdBlock did an automatic update in Chrome on my computer yesterday—which I didn’t expect and wasn’t crazy about, since I thought I had automatic updates turned off. I haven’t noticed any changes since then, but is it possible that something similar happened on your device? Maybe just check to make sure that Adblock is configured the way you want. Do an update first, of course.
I’m not sure that’s a fair characterization of what he said. The context is, he’s in a long, private conversation with Obama. Comey has just delivered what he thinks is an important message about a glaring new pattern of young black men dying in some (but not all) cities. The pattern appeared post-Ferguson, and it sounds like he was trying to say in his speech that police are moving away from protecting the communities they’re supposed to be serving as a response to their perception that they (the cops) are getting trashed as racists.
Obama asks for this meeting. They’re speaking frankly. Obama says that Comey has to be able to hear how Comey’s use of certain terms (weed and seed is the example) sound to black communities. Weed and seed means, basically, root out the “bad” black people and allow the “good” ones to flourish. Obama gets Comey to imagine hearing that language in the context of being part of a black community. White people are going to decide that some of my friends and family are weeds that need to go?
And Comey responds by using the “mass incarceration” language as his own example for Obama — tells him that cops hear that phrase as an attack, as if they’re nothing but gestapo rounding up innocents by the train car load.
I’m saying, Comey has a number of very gaping holes in his understanding of himself and how his decisions were grounded, imo. And he’s a white dude, so there’s an unavoidable measure of bigotry that just comes with that status, which he may or may not acknowledge.
But I don’t think this is an example of how he fails to understand the flaming bias that has put so many black people into the system. They were talking about language failures. They were trying to teach each other how certain phrases make things worse.
Gin & Tonic
@JR: Johnson died June 10, 1946. Stallone was born July 6.
Corner Stone
Looks like someone needs to Adult Block out HGTV from Cole’s cable lineup. At least until Lily comes home, if not perm.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
But they are.
Anne Laurie
(Barring outside pressure, I doubt this’ll go any farther than Trump swinging his big… thumbs on twitter.)
@lamh36: Because you’re looking for the perfect bag. I did the same thing. Instead I bought a set of one mid-size carryon with wheels, one over the shoulder laptop-type bag, and one checkin bag. Mix and match according to need.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
It really is. And its the same line they hock every time they comment.
A Ghost to Most
@Corner Stone: I mostly use a utility knife, and assorted x-acto blades. I have a set of small chisels as well, but they are crap.
Japanese hand saws are the nuts for fine cuts, and cheap to boot.
Corner Stone
@hitchhiker: I have read your comment at least three times. It may be just me but it does not put Comey in any better light.
@Corner Stone: #AllSlogansMatter
West of the Rockies
There was only one true rapist in the case, yes (Matias Reyes, who confessed and had matching DNA)?
Did the victim eventually physically recover?
Such an ugly episode for about 100 reasons.
Violence, corruption, racism…
That would be Ernst, Haley, Cotton, Bush P Jr Jr or whatever his name is, maybe even Don Jr. No wait, scratch Don Jr.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Anne Laurie:
That reminds me of Rocky 4. My Honors World History (& AP Gov) teacher in high school apparently liked that movie, robot and all, yet hated Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Go figure.
If you have a twitter account, do yourselves a favor and check out the #LivingWhileBlack hashtag…It will open your eyes and you may hear some incidences you’d never believe, but that actually does happen.
Some of them are so astounding that you’d think it’s made up, but many cases are so similar, you will realize they are not made up
@Corner Stone:
I was reacting to the evidence that Comey’s a bigot — if you read the story as he tells it, I don’t think that’s a fair conclusion, based on that story.
I mean, the thing happened at all because he was making an effort to react to statistical evidence that something had changed for the very much worse for young black men in specific US cities, post Ferguson.
@Anne Laurie: Didn’t Twitler attack Haberman earlier today in a tweet? Oh, the humanity!
Also, too, Lyrid meteor shower tonight
Anne Laurie
What the Germans perceived about America in the 1930s, or the Russians in the 2010s, is not necessarily how we see ourselves.
There was quite a lot of discussion in American media, during the 1940s, about how the ‘superficial differences’ between American interest groups were exaggerated in the minds of the Germans — and Japanese — and even our erstwhile allies in Russia / Britian / France. Confronted by a genuine outside threat, “we” pulled together much more effectively than most outsiders (and quite a few Americans; you’re one of a long line) ever expected.
Corner Stone
But isn’t that kind of Anand’s point? That the fact he could object to a term like “mass incarceration” post Ferguson details the level of cluelessness (at best) or outright neglect/disregard at minimum?
He’s still being defensive, not really looking for pathways forward. Because, my goodness, if in 2012 and onward if you’re not sure what needed to be done then? I mean, when?
@Anne Laurie: ” there’s a value right now in reminding some folks he has this power ”
Madison and Hamilton both said corrupt pardons were grounds for impeachment and getting a skunk president’s ass kicked out of office.
So, Trump will do what Trump will do. Just another thing to throw on the bill of impeachment (which will only happen if the GOP thinks it is the only way to save itself, and primary elections are far far out in the future).
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
This is a terrible movie.
Only saw the first Rocky movie. I’ve seen bits and pieces of the sequels, but not much more than that.
I’m so old I remember when AL posts regurgitated only one original source at a time, so at least you knew what they were about without having to scroll through 85 tweets. Ah, good times….
Anne Laurie
I’m sure he would tell you that he “doesn’t see color” (or gender) in other people. It just so happens that, in his world, habitual offenders tend to be darker than a paper bag, and useless hysterical pushy strivers tend to be female. What’s a white man to do?!?
Gin & Tonic
@Corner Stone: These are nice to have.
Corner Stone
@lamh36: Schools and Daycares are bad examples.
What do you have to do to get below 37% approval if you are a Republican?
Read more here:
Anne Laurie
@Gin & Tonic:
Oh, dear Murphy the Trickster God. Not gonna google, but given Mama Stallone’s public philosophical statements back in the 1980s, there’s a reasonable chance Sly thinks he’s the reincarnation of The Greatest, Most Misunderstood Boxer of the pre-Ali era.
Mike in NC
@Brachiator: All of the Rocky movies were crap. Stallone was a has-been 20 years ago.
West of the Rockies
Low-grade, everyday diminishment, embellished with days of flat-out, sometimes deadly racism and diminishment. That is the lot of so, so many POC.
As a cis white male, I perceive ever more clearly that whiteness (as a color) is American society’s default and that everyday entitlement exists. It is a subject of conversation more and more that I pursue with fellow whites.
Meh. You’d just pick something else to bitch about.
Anne Laurie
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: I have to confess — I’ve never seen any of the Rocky movies, although the first one was so ubiquitous in its day (even without social media!) that I know most of the tropes & catch-phrases. Got dragged to the first three Indiana Jones movies, but IMO they descended from passable to obnoxious to areyoukidding me; even if the contemporary reviews hadn’t been absolutely terrible, I doubt I’ve have watched Crystal Skull!
Chyron HR
This is clearly the Democrats’s fault for not leaving Nancy Pelosi on an ice floe.
West of the Rockies
It seems that 27-33% of people cannot, will not admit they are wrong,
no matter what.
@Corner Stone:
No, that’s exactly why it seems unfair to me. Comey wasn’t objecting to the term himself. He was explaining to Obama how it was perceived by the police, not how he, Comey, understood it.
@Corner Stone: bad examples?
Amir Khalid
@Mike in NC:
The first one was actually okay.
Sm*t Cl*de
Wait, did I miss Central Park and Central Park II and III and IV?
Marcelo Teson
@Frances Perkins: Steve Ross is a really fun guy, I took a class of his at USC when I was there. I enjoyed it very much and his book “Workers on the Edge” had a real impact on my worldview. #liberalindoctrination on an actual college campus!
Corner Stone
@lamh36: Just in that schools, etc, have very specific demands made on them. Not excusing any bad/racist behavior but my ex can’t pick up our son early from school without me signing a form. And he’s old enough to say that’s his mom and he’s safe to go with her. Every person in the admin office knows me by sight, and they know my son, but I still have to show ID to check him out.
Not saying that’s right, just saying it’s not always something evil.
Corner Stone
Hopefully that gets nasty AF.
@A Ghost to Most: @Corner Stone: From your comments, I’d have to characterize my stuff as whittling, not carving. By the time I figured out that a v-shaped carving blade would be better for carving out raised letters for the ship name in the base, I’d moved on to other things. Mostly work, since I’d finally gotten a job.
Uncle Ebeneezer
If you love Ava Duverney you REALLY need to check out Queen Sugar. It’s one of the most visually stunning tv shows I have ever seen. Doesn’t hurt that most of the cast is absolutely gorgeous. But everything about it is pretty awesome. Great plot, twists, acting, score, and a wonderful look at the dynamics and complexity of a Southern, Black family.
@Corner Stone:
I carve stone fetishes, mosty in soapstone and alabaster which are soft enough that the yield nicely to blades and files. I am not sure if wood would respond similarly but I find that small files allow me a lot more control and precision. I bought a set of 8 different shaped files at the local hardware store that work nicely. I use a Dremel and/or carving knives for the gross work but once the outline is complete it is almost all file work.
Steve in the ATL
@M. Bouffant:
Even worse, Prescott Bush financed Hitler while we were at war with him
M. Bouffant
@Steve in the ATL: Hey, rich people donate to both sides, so they have a winner no matter how the election (or war, whatever) turns out.
KS in MA
@lamh36: Thank you. White people need to hear this.
Citizen Alan
@Mike in NC:
The first one in my opinion was undeniably good. Unfortunately, after that, still undecided that it was better to be rich than respected, so he decided to be as derivative as possible instead of, you know, acting.
Of course he’s connected to the boxing world – it’s corrupt AF and has a major hub in NYC. It’s exactly his wavelength of ridiculous showmanship combined with brutal violence.
Thank you for saving me the trouble of typing the above. I turn off the radio or TV the second I hear his whiny ass voice, and quickly pass by his oafish image.
Please vote this miserable excuse for a human being out of office.