Colin Kaepernick was honored today with Amnesty International’s 2018 Ambassador of Conscience Award, which is given annually to someone who embodies the spirit of activism and courage.
— Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter) April 21, 2018
From GQ:
Since being named GQ‘s Citizen of the Year, Colin Kaepernick has received Sports Illustrated‘s Muhammed Ali Legacy Award and the Eason More Courageous Advocate Award from the ACLU. Now, Amnesty International has awarded Kaepernick with highest distinction the organization has, the Ambassador of Conscience Award…
Kaepernick accepted the award—which has gone previously to Belafonte, artist and activist Ai Weiwei, Malala Yousafzai, and Nelson Mandela—on Saturday, where he delivered remarks condemning the brutality committed against minorities by the U.S. criminal justice system…
Meanwhile, Kaepernick has completed his promised $1 million in donations despite being blackballed by the NFL.
He confronted injustice. He inspired others. He took a knee, refusing to ignore or accept racial discrimination. Meet our new Ambassador of #Conscience, Colin Kaepernick (@Kaepernick7) →
— AmnestyInternational (@amnesty) April 23, 2018
Fair Economist
Bravo to both Kaepernick and Amnesty!
Roughly half of American whites flip their shit if you tell them that black lives matter. The idea that black lives might matter makes them angry. That is not low level racism. That is major hate.
Mike in NC
Good news.
I just started reading “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump” where it is revealed that in 2013, Trump accepted a lacquer box from Vladimir Putin, which contained a sealed envelope. No doubt it read, “I have big plans for you, Donald Frederickovich!”
Fair Economist
@Frankensteinbeck: Right! All BLM is asking is that black people not be mowed down in the street just for being black – not equal treatment, not full rights, just not being shot. Even many antebellum slaveowners could support *that*. But for most Republicans, it’s a bridge too far.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
Congrats to Colin and Amnesty!
Bravo to Kaep and I hope this doesn’t encourage him to keep spouting foolishness about not voting. Yeah, praise him all you want, but fuck him for that.
Viva BrisVegas
This year is 50 years since the black glove salutes of Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Olympic Games.
Both were abused and their families received death threats for years afterwards.
Plus ça Change, Plus C’est La Même Chose.
Hey y’all it seems that the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that a 6 time GOP Rep cannot be on the ballot because he didn’t have the prerequisite signatures. The guy went in and got out of stater people to sign and it all got thrown out. So now, that seat is open and will probably flip. Check it out here.
Also, can we agree that ads that show up on this site not have audio turned on? I almost feel like I need to start every browser tab I have with mute on. It’s really rude to do that. I could be listening to music or doing some other thing and it’s just nonsense that I have to mess with all this. I don’t mind the ads, but I do mind when they become intrusive and does not allow me to enjoy the site.
(I’ll even take him as a Seahack. Someone gotta have Russell’s back!)
@ruemara: Yeah we gonna have to talk to him about that. Not voting in this environment is giving up your voice when all voices against Dolt45 and injustice need to be heard.
@cain: I don’t like audio, but especially at work. My solution has been to plug in a extra pair of ear buds. Then everything sounds go to them and if I don’t put them on I am not bothered, nor do I have to worry about something inappropriate at work. When I actually do want to hear, I put them on, on purpose. Quicker than fiddling with sound adjustments for me.
Excellent. Mr. Kaepernick, you are right! We support you!
I can’t help but think of Curt Flood who gave away his career to do the right thing. Everyone who came after him benefitted from his sacrifice but I doubt any of them gave him a dime and damn few remember his sacrifice. I hope Mr. Kaepernick saved some of his money. I am not sure he knew what the results would be when he started but he is not backing down and that is real courage.
Good for Kap. I didn’t realize the ownership groups in the NFL were such good ole boys. Colin deserves to be on a roster somewhere. I’m glad it isn’t the Niners any longer.
Ben Cisco
Congratulations Kaep. And good on the organizations that have chosen to recognize him for his efforts.
@ruemara: Agree with your take about his (non) voting stance; one would hope the events of the last 15 months made an impression on him.
Well well well….looks like Claire McCaskill might not be in as much trouble as people think.
@Yutsano: He’s too influential to take such a foolish position. Too many in 2016 took this position. This is nuts.
Don’t know if Steeplejack is out there but I just finished watching “Tampopo”. What an odd little film. I have a ting for ramen so the root story was interesting but all the odd vignettes stuck into the film and the weird direction the whole thing took was . . . odd, I don’t any other way to explain it. Enjoyable but I would not recommend it without warning people. Whatever you are expecting, this is not it.
@ruemara: I agree.
Congratulations to Colin Kaepernick, but I agree. On the subject of voting, I want to people to listen to the Parkland kids, not Kaep.
In unrelated news, a little surprised nobody has mentioned this, but George H. W. Bush is in intensive care at a Houston hospital with a blood infection.
The more discouraged a person is, the more important it is that they vote.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@cain: I wound up reinstalling AdBlocker just for the loud ad currently running on this site.
Colin Kaepernick is a member of the Hillary for prison club.
Colin Kaepernick didn’t bother to vote.
I like that he riles the RWNJs and rubes but he’s not an ally.
Heh, such a BJ position. GTFO yourself:
Along with phone cameras, BLM and Kaepernick’s protest have done far more to highlight injustice towards people of color than anything politicians have delivered for years, and it’s hardly surprising that Kaepernick sees working outside of the system as a viable way forward.
And the Republicans being a party of vile racists doesn’t automatically make the Democratic Party the solution. The Democratic Party needs to wake the fuck up. Blue collar whites have already deserted them, and if they are not careful they will start losing the black vote as well.
So he endorses a Civil War? Because those are your only two choices.
Ballots or Bullets.
My suggestion is to get firefox tabs extensions, it’ll let you mute tabs. No need for all that extra cabling. You can find out here
@hervevillechaizelounge: having difficulty getting past that too.
Everyone is welcome to leave. We don’t hold anyone prisoner.
Actually yes, yes it does.
Baud, there’s this thing called plausible deniability……
@Schlemazel: I found it delightful. Of course, that was about 30 years ago, when I was in grad school and watching films in the back of Bear’s Place.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I use “noscript”, it will control all the javascript stuff. I usually use it on Linux because it causes performance problems and kills my battery life.
You show a lot of hutzpah, speaking for blue collar workers and black voters, when I would be willing to bet you are neither.
Thanks, folks. This is not going to be better until we start getting better.
@Mandalay: Fuck you, you annoying asshat.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@cain: Thanks. I’ll check it out. I don’t like using adblocker because I want BJ to get the funding.
Another Scott
@Yutsano: Unpossible!!11
Major Major Major Major
@Schlemazel: I love that movie.
Andy Borowitz is offering some interesting merchandise.
Its Japan. Just smile and nod.
LOL, glad you sort of (?) liked it. It is an odd little movie, but that is its charm. Hard to explain in a one-line thumbnail, so I apologize if I misled you somehow.
What would you “warn” people about?
This reminds me of the good old days when BLM was emerging, and folks here cheered them on. And then they gave Bernie a hard time and the crowd here erupted with tears of joy. And then they went after Clinton, and oh my how the tone here changed.
BLM are not playing by the rules set up by those in charge. Kaepernick is not playing by the rules set up by those in charge. They have seen how things work out when you play by the rules set up by those in charge for centuries.
And now some here are clutching their pearls now because Kaepernick won’t urge everyone to play by your rules. Good luck with that, but I suspect that Kaepernick doesn’t give a fuck.
Mary G
Somebody’s in for a YUGE tax audit this year:
Too bad they have ganged up to shun Kaep. I’m sure it’s costing them money, not to mention an excellent quarterback.
And how is this working out in terms of legislation and government?
Wake up sir, the Democratic Party is the only institution in America standing between us and fascism.
Major Major Major Major
So is trolling fun for a certain kind of person, or… I just don’t get it.
Bobby Thomson
@Yutsano: typical Politico nonsense. Missouri GOP are fighting amongst themselves but the AG is on the right side. If anything, it will help him.
@Major Major Major Major:
Because you are a decent person.
Sadism doesn’t come naturally to you.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I expect the congratulations press release from the NFL office. any minute now…..
Any minute….
Bueller? Bueller?
No sentient being expects/expect action from the RWNJs. So, what, they’re protesting ronng?
The kids from Parkland aren’t playing by the rules. Setting up sanctuary cities isn’t playing by the rules. BLM isn’t playing by the rules. Gays didn’t wait for politicians to get their act together. Kaepernick isn’t playing by the rules. No “bullets” are involved.
“Ballots or Bullets” is just pablum. There are plenty of other paths to social change that don’t involve people tut-tutting and wagging their fingers, and telling people they have to vote. It’s just so ingrained that you are incapable of seeing things any other way.
Which is why they’re registering voters and encouraging voting?
Because they’re not yet old enough to vote themselves.
Adblock is your friend.
Of those three, gays are confirmed to have voted.
No Drought No More
Politico: “Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill is up for reelection. And like clockwork, the Republican Party of Missouri is in complete turmoil again….McCaskill won a second term term in 2012 when GOP Rep. Todd Akin’s campaign imploded in the wake of his comments about “legitimate rape.” Now, Republicans worry GOP Gov. Eric Greitens’ mounting scandals will inundate McCaskill’s likely Republican opponent, state Attorney General Josh Hawley, and bestow another term on one of the most endangered incumbent senators in the country”.
That’s what people use to say about about Barbara Boxer in California, too. That she was lucky in the caliber of her republican opponents. That is, until it slowly dawned on everyone that California’s republican party had lost its political mojo, and with it, entire generations of its rank and file. I know Missouri isn’t California, but they are Americans, and the GOP won’t be able to continue to fool them all the time. Hell, and as was borne out in 2016, they already despise conventional republican presidential candidates, which is why republicans nominated Trump in true first place (and yes, that does make sense if you give it a chance). And as the scales continue to drop from their eyes, as happened with republican voters in California, the tide will turn. Believe me, it’s not as if democrats in the Golden State are are any more clever than other democrats nationally. Quite simply, its voters finally had their fill of what the republican party has become, and acted accordingly.
In case there is a stupid person reading the blog right now, no one is saying that voting is sole path to positive change.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: I was just coming here to post this:
zhena gogolia
“In case”?
@No Drought No More:
That still doesn’t explain what’s the matter with Kansas.
Yassuh, Marse Mandalay. Whatever you says, suh.
Your head is occasionally up your ass. This is one of those times.
@TenguPhule: Mandalay and Kapernaeck refuse to see the obvious: change happens oftentimes when we change the asses in the seats. That’s what voting does. A favorite example is Virginia, where they are about to expand Medicaid. Because Virginians voted in a lot of Democrats, even some Republicans feel free to expand Medicaid. Talk about real benefits of voting. Someone will be able to get treatment on a regular basis because of that vote.
Legal weed, end of low-level arrests for it, pardons for federal lowlevel drug people…none of these would have been possible by simply “changing the atmosphere” and hoping officials would someday listen.
My vote for Obama ended a lot of health care gaps for me by providing services with no copay and lowered premiums overall. Obama’s housing program saved my house during a very difficult year. Would McCain/Palin have even tried to bandage the financial suffering of so many? They would have just blamed them for their plight, the same way they do now.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: I imagine Mandalay was thinking of the Stonewall-thru-ACT-UP years.
And actually before that, pre Mattachine, they were doing more standard organizing attempts.
@zhena gogolia: I meant, other than me.
@Mandalay: People who are satisfied with using symbolic gestures should expect to be satisfied with nothing other than moral victories. I hope Kaepernick gets the chance to play again but I also think he put himself in a position where he doesn’t know how to back down without losing his moral victory.
Roger Moore
@Bobby Thomson:
I wouldn’t count on it helping him. He may be on the morally right side, but that doesn’t cut it with a large swath of the contemporary Republican party.
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: It’s the “don’t quote me” that makes it so delicious.
Are you in the sea monster faction or the robots who happen to be dogs faction?
Adam L Silverman
@Baud: Can we get a show of hands for and against that statement?
I wonder what Kap’s tell is. Other defenses all seemed to know. I’ve been a Niners fan since I moved out here and I like Kaepernick, but he has a tell I can’t see. That last year defenses knew exactly where to go when he passed. Made his value as a QB less valuable you see.
@Adam L Silverman:
Uh, Yes? No, Maybe?
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: Apparently Vogel has trouble following instructions.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
Newsweek reports that Michael Avenatti released a dropbox file of material about Hannity. It’s transcripts and tweets with highlights marked but it invites the reader to draw their own conclusions. Avenatti and Daniels are awesome. What they do looks really simple. Anyone could have collected the docs Avenatti just released. But apparently most people would rather consult a source or ask Gingrich what he thinks or something
@Bobby Thomson: McCaskill wouldn’t be so “lucky” if Missouri republicans weren’t so stupid. Politico failed to explain the obvious problem.
Oh I enjoyed it but I am not sure anyone else would! I was telling folks about it at work today but I warned them that it is not a normal comedy. Wes Anderson makes weird comedies that not everyone likes (heck some of them I don’t like) but even the ones I don’t like are interesting. Its not anything like a bad movie but I could see people not liking it.
I am glad you told us about it.
@Major Major Major Major:
pie them & never have to wonder every again
MoCA Ace
@Fair Economist:
Most Republicans: Give them an inch and they will take a mile!
Edit – and congratulations to Kapernick… well deserved
Roger Moore
Basically, the Republicans’ message of hating Those People stopped working so well in California because too many of the voters were Those People. As long as the population of Kansas is close to 80% non-Hispanic white, they are unlikely to wise up the same way California did.
Asking people to settle for symbolic victories, to me, is a sign of privilege, white or otherwise. Losing has real consequences for people who have little to lose.
J R in WV
Then, if all the defenses know, any team that picks up Kaep will know that tell, and be able to coach him out of it. All defenses, right?
Speaking of symbolic gestures, Drum isn’t impressed with Bernie’s job plan.
BTW, congrats to those of you who said Rand Paul would cave. Which was probably all of you.
@Baud: Our very own OzarkHillbilly said this morning that, that the infrastructure part of that plan would face strong resistance from the building trades because it would put pressure on their wages(which are over $15/hr).
@Baud: Fuck Manchin.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Booker proposed something on a small scale, and there was no way Wilmer was going to be outlefted.
Blacklisting Kaepernick is one among many good reasons to have nothing whatsoever to do with anything providing aid and comfort (especially revenue) to the NFL.
@Baud: He could just shout louder.
Chyron HR
Has Bernie finally trained himself to go a whole day without literally saying that white lives are what REALLY matter?
And Fuck Chris Coons for letting Pompeo advance. That cowardly shit.
More to that story.
Mary G
Senator Chris Coons of Delaware changed his vote on the Pompeo nomination to “present” because a Republican senator was at a funeral. That way Pompeo got out of committee. Coons says they would just have reconvened around midnight and the result was the same, so he did this out of courtesy. When the fuck have Republicans ever worried about or practiced the slightest bit of courtesy? I say make them work for every bit of territory.
ETA: had his state wrong and changed it.
ETA 2: TenguPhule and Baud got in ahead of me.
@Mary G: It was courtesy to the Dems in the committee too.
@Baud: Republicans have shown no courtesy to the Democrats. Fuck em.
And Amy Chozik (sp?) is on Hayes. Click.
Mary G
@Baud: Jesus, they get how many weeks of vacation a year? It’s a long shot, but Isakson is 73. If he dropped dead or was in a car crash on the way back, Coons’ vote counts. I think coming back for another vote is the least he could do.
I know Democrats are the nice party, but sometimes it’s just too nice. When your opponents are playing hardball and you’re playing T-ball, the score’s gonna be lopsided.
@Baud: me at least. Which is why I wasn’t hating on Manchin
@Major Major Major Major:
It’s really bizarre.
@Mary G:
I like your optimism. I concede.
Major Major Major Major
@Immanentize: I said he’d cave this morning in the carpool you all weren’t in.
Do you live in Tulsi Gabbard’s district?
So Dems should just concede the seat, maybe for decades to a murdering RWNJ mining executive?. You’re OK with that, from your Island paradise? I don’t know state politics in WV all that well, but clearly you know nothing.
@Major Major Major Major: when?
@Major Major Major Major: Sorry I missed you — I would have hopped into the car.
But, have you stayed in a Holiday Inn Express?
Major Major Major Major
@Immanentize: …this morning.
@Immanentize: I haven’t had a chance to ask you lately: How’s the Immp?
I’m out of New Yorker clicks but this is a good synopsis:
Just because we have to accept him in the big tent doesn’t mean I have to like it.
ETA: And his candidacy was not going to be endangered by voting against a nominee with stolen valor.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Mary G:
This makes me wonder. Why do elected dems continue to do shit like this?
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Baud: I believe the proper usage is “Turns Channel”
Given political realities in his state, there’s really no reason to slag him. Not that it matters what any of us thinks.
Ronny Jackson Vote for VA postponed.
/Via Wapo
@TenguPhule: Do you live in Tulsi Gabbard’s district?
@Immanentize: No, she’s 2nd district. I’m in 1st.
@efgoldman: Struggling a bit, but working really hard in school. We are heading to Detroit for the robot World Championships which, unlike baseball actually includes teams from around the world. He is exhausted a lot. Too much school work? Depression? Being a now-17 yr old boy? Who can say.
@TenguPhule: I think that is good for you! But bad for your islandy neighbors. She is mad.
Yes, it’s almost like something happened between now and then, perhaps around November of 2016. I wonder what it could have been. ?
@Baud: what a friggin drama queen
@Major Major Major Major:
Some people love to feel like they’re the victim, and others are willing to indulge them. It’s a form of BDSM, really.
Not untypical. Apparently neither you nor he let things slide, which you could have.
@Immanentize: She is popular on the neighbor Islands, alas. Not so much on Oahu. I think she’s getting Russian money because her Syria stance is just bizarre otherwise.
@Mnemosyne: I really don’t remember BLM going after Clinton or the mood here changing among the commentariat? But, that was like a million years ago….
@TenguPhule: She and Kucinich seem similarly financed. I bet she can see Russia from her porch.
@efgoldman: There were moments I sure wanted to just let it slide….
@TenguPhule: excessive drinking on the job, hostile work environment, improperly dispensing meds.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
TenguPhule doesn’t live in Damascus.
Drinking on the job. I don’t see Trump approving of that. Isn’t he a teetotaller; abhorred older brother’s alcoholism?
ETA: I mean, like Trump gives a goddamn about the VA other than possibly privatizing it.
@TenguPhule: two sources:
@Elizabelle: see Twitter feed I linked to #123. Good for a few much needed laughs.
They really didn’t. One of her rallies was interrupted so she had a private meeting with the local BLM chapter. Apparently both sides found it a little frustrating because she expected them to have a list of goals and they expected her to Fix Everything.
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
No unless he’s a russian money launder.
What the phuck is wrong with these spineless Dems???
@Immanentize: very, very wrong. And, no she didn’t have an in-depth plan at the meeting. But afterwards, she put one together.
Meanwhile, Wilmer got mad because he said black lives matter, already, what else do you want?!
J R in WV
I once needed a tee-shirt badly, was near a Walmart (I know, it was a special emergency) and bought a Green Bay tee because the NFL tees were the best built shirts they had, and Green Bay is owned by a community rather than by a rich fuck. So that’s the only income the NFL ever got from me – their share of a $15 teeshirt.
@kindness: Maybe he was intentionally undermined by “teammates” who disagree with his political stances. Irresponsible not to speculate.
J R in WV
I agree with regarding the NFL as a profit-center to be despicable, not only for the way they’ve treated Kaep, but for their denial of CTE from game concussions. I’ve had some concussions in my life, and they really do affect you a lot, and I’ve begun to believe it comes back around much later on.
Sometimes I have trouble typing, and I’m a retired coder, I made a living by typing fast. I wonder if I will be able to play the piano at 92 as my grandma could. Hell, if I’ll know what a piano is!
No Drought No More
Back when I used to care about the NFL, I thought the 49ers had discovered their next franchise QB during a MNF game in which Kaep started the second half and shredded the Bears for his first career win. That didn’t pan out, of course, although he did take them to a Super Bowl the next year, one the Niners very nearly won. And yet he exceeded my expectations in a way no other professional athlete ever has, or likely ever will again. I’m pleased, too, he stirred the pot wearing a uniform that celebrated San Francisco, and not Santa Clara. That would have been a shame..
Dan B
Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll says there’s probably a place for Kapernick on the team. It’s likely a trial balloon to see if the growls from the alt right drown out the ‘socialist’ Seattle fans.