A puppy is almost as exhausting as a baby, and not just for the humans! Here’s the new addition lounging:
Here he is with his favorite toy:
“LOL! I’m a panda!”
Badger and Daisy are getting to know each other carefully. He retreated behind our legs for the first few encounters.
She’s so HUGE compared to him. He’s approximately the size of her head.
Then he screwed up his courage and did the play-bow thing, but she gave him a look that said, “Seriously, kid?”
They’re doing synchronized sleeping exercises now. I think they’ll be great friends by Wednesday. Thursday at the latest!
Open thread!
Soooo cute ??
Fun and Crazy times are in your future.
Aardvark Cheeselog
Is boxer pup?
He’s so cute! He looks kinda of scared. Poor puppy, everything is so new and different. He’ll be fine in a few days. How old is he and what kind of dog? He’s so adorable. You’re going to have such fun with him.
That is one cute pup!
Adam K
Looking forward to pix of both dogs together. So cute!
Pawsome little pup.
Unexpectedly makes me think of Chaplin.
So cute! How is he at night?
What a doll!
It’s good to have two humans in the house when you have a new pup! Then you can enjoy the crazy and not be so exhausted.
zhena gogolia
I alerted a friend to come here for puppy side-eye. So cute!
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
My recollection is you have to watch the puppy every second for the first few days. It is exhausting.
So adorable!
Are both front paws white or just his right paw? Just need an accurate image of his cuteness.
Betty Cracker
The pup is a 9-week-old Boston terrier. So far, he’s batting 1.000 with potty training — I take him out every few hours around the clock. That’s how I’ve always trained dogs — lots of outdoor time and effusive praise when they do their business outside. I suck at training dogs to do anything else, but I can housetrain them.
zhena gogolia
Both. Duh.
He’s just going to get cuter and cuter isn’t he. All hope of quitting the internet abandoned once again.
Betty Cracker
@bystander: Both front paws are white. His back feet are black, but there’s a tiny bit of white at the tip of the toes. So cute!
Who’s an adorable boy!
A little gentleman. :) That is the breed nickname.
Cutie pie!
Good Lord he is adorable.
I’m trying to get a good photo of our cat Annie with her lion cut, but she’s still sulking about it. She definitely feels much better without all of that matted fur and has been wandering around the apartment much more, but she has made it clear that we can’t expect her to be happy about it. G was worried that the extreme cut would reveal that she was totally emaciated and sickly, but she’s a normal weight for her petite size, so he’s very relieved.
I made an impulse buy of a small cloth-covered dog crate so our big kitty Keaton can have his own den to hang out in, which is something he likes. So far, it’s a hit.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
Puppeh!! Also, squeeeee.
OMG, that cuteness is off the charts. What a doll baby!
Puppies are tons of work but worth it all in the end. Plus puppy bellies are the best thing ever.
Mary G
He seems a bit shy and tentative still, but that will pass. He is adorable beyond belief. How big is he supposed to get?
O. Felix Culpa
My rescue Maltese went on a pooping strike when we fostered a new puppy for about a week. Mr. Pippin turned his face to the wall and refused to look at us or the vile intruder. His output was tremendous once the puppy left for her forever home.
Badger is inexpressibly cute. Reminds me of my dear departed Frenchie.
Major Major Major Major
Great captions, lol.
@Betty Cracker: As I said in the thread last evening, I grew up with Bostons. You’re going to have your hands full with that one, they’re scary smart dogs.
omfg betty so cute
Major Major Major Major
Can’t wait!
What a cutie pie! Hello, Tiny Pupper!
Anne Laurie
Obviously, Badger is a great photo model — looking forward to seeing him with Daisy!
(Who’ll be lucky if he doesn’t try humping her head, in a few weeks… Young male dogs can be ridiculously overambitious, as I’m sure you know.)
He’s sooo cute. I just want to squeeze him.
@Major Major Major Major:
I may try to get a shot of her when they get their wet food treat tonight.
If it weren’t because our senior citizen schnoodle would sulk for months, I’d go out and get one of those.
What a cutie pie!
Aardvark Cheeselog
@Betty Cracker:
Thought he looked small for a boxer. “Always be in position to prevent mistakes” is also my approach to housetraining.
@Betty Cracker: Oh, oh, I guessed right! After all the debate last night about Boston vs Boxer, I was having doubts. Our son’s BT, Hammond, is my second favorite dog.
Gin & Tonic
I just dog-sat my daughter and SIL’s new, not quite 4 month old more-or-less Labradoodle. No puppies for me any more, thanks. This was way too much dog for one person.
Inner spoon, outer spoon, it’s all good.
That little pup is suavecito..
@zhena gogolia: Somebody here tried to kiss the paddypaws.
Good luck with the boston terrier, Betty. My former neighbor had three of them and they were fun to watch over the fence. They spent one entire afternoon pulling what appeared to be a very nice king-sized bed comforter out a doggie door.
Miss Bianca
Oh, Betty, I feel your pain, lol! Tho’ so far, our little rescue pup has been so good, it’s almost scary. And Luna seems to be very tolerant of him, thank God.
Little Badger is adorable! Wondered if he was a Boston Terrier!
zhena gogolia
Shelley Hunt
Please get lots of pics when they start playing, it’s going to be adorable!
I got a little terrier/ chi mix for my 10 year old boxer after her buddy Mooky died. It took about a week for her to accept him about 2 weeks to figure out how to play with such a little guy. They are besties now. Gabby is a surprisingly healthy 14 now. Curly was just diagnosed with SARDS – he went totally blind in about 5 days, but you’d hardly know it.
Badger is just beyond beyond adorable! Those great big eyes — and such a beautiful shiny coat. Kissy kiss kiss and other such moments of … squee! Too too cute.
Betty, he’s, yeah, the word is adorable. And a very lucky puppeh to have landed in your family. Glad to hear that Daisy’s being open-minded, and wishing all of y’all the best for manymany happy years ahead. (Bloody hell I sound soppy; it’s meant.)
@Miss Bianca: I can’t wait to see pix of the pup. And hey, sneak in one of Luna and and maybe one of Stella if you’re up for that. Was she/is Luna a Husky? I know you’ve mentioned having one or more before. Just asking because I had 2 grandpuppies who were Huskies. I loved those dogs, but I used to puppy-sit, and omg, were they high maintenance day-to-day.
Congratulations Betty, he’s adorable. He looks like my son’s dog Bagel, they both the same white streak down the middle of their faces. The puppy cuteness overload is welcome news.