the white house correspondents dinner is one of the worst things in washington, they should end it, and even though trump is a terrible dumb horrific big baby, he's right not to attend it.
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) April 28, 2018
We are counting on the next generation to lead us all—like @davidhogg111. Enjoyed talking with him tonight at #whcd.
— Norm Eisen (@NormEisen) April 29, 2018
One good thing about last night: Seems like Trump’s latest Fox & Friends call-in set such a high bar, only the most professionally committed media folk could force themselves to pay attention to last night’s ‘Revival Tour: All Your Greatest Hits Live’ rally in Michigan. Which will further aggravate Donny Dollhands, once he comes down off the post-gig high.
Meanwhile, at the NerdProm…
Deadline Hollywood:
…Wolf gave the room full of press a thrashing, as Stephen Colbert had done so many years ago in a WHCD Dinner appearance that TV news talking heads were still talking about tonight, in the walk-up to Wolf’s appearance, as if Colbert’s speech had been the one that could not be topped.
They were wrong.
“I know a lot of you want me to talk about Russia, Putin and collusion,” she said, but would decline because “I never wanted to know what any of you look like when you orgasm.”
“Except for you, Jake Tapper,” Wolf enthused. Tapper’s network, CNN, which loves to cut to its table at the clambake whenever their networks is referenced, held off for maybe the first time in WHCD history.
Wolf credited CNN with loving to “break news. You did it. You broke it. Good work. The most useful information on CNN is when Anthony Bourdain tells me where to eat noodles.”
“Fox News is here, so you know what that means, ladies: Cover your drinks,” Wolf warned.
“People want me to make fun of Sean Hannity. I cannot do that. This dinner is for journalists,” the comic said, getting some applause in the massive ballroom.
“We’ve got MSNBC here,” she said, noting its new slogan is This Is Who We Are.
“This is not a good slogan,” she advised, telling them it’s what their mom thinks that “new sad show on NBC is called.”…
You know, it's almost like there's a different standard for the white guy that "speaks his mind," and for women, who are immediately labeled "vulgar" and "insulting."
(Trust me, there is.)
— Julia Ioffe (@juliaioffe) April 29, 2018
Tonight’s #WHCD was a disgrace
— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) April 29, 2018
Thank you!
— Michelle Wolf (@michelleisawolf) April 29, 2018
Can you imagine what a terrible comedian you'd have to be to play the White House Correspondents Dinner during the Trump era and NOT upset conservatives?
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 29, 2018
“[Trump] has helped you sell your papers & your books & your TV. You helped create this monster & now you’re profiting off of him. And if you’re gonna profit off of Trump, you should at least give him some money because he doesn’t have any.” #WHCD
— Sarah Lerner (@SarahLerner) April 29, 2018
I sat there, not laughing and aghast at many of the jokes that took mean spirited personal shots, and knew the routine was a political gift to the Trump admin.
— Jon Ward (@jonward11) April 29, 2018
If some in the press were as hemmed up by this @WhiteHouse’s open embrace of white supremacy, misogyny, mass incarceration, environmental pollution, corporate corruption, and defecation on the First Amendment as they are about what a comedian said, we might be getting somewhere.
— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) April 29, 2018
I mean no offense to Michelle Wolf here, but her name recognition is likely minute even after yesterday. When I read about possible electoral effects of her speech on Twitter, I realize why people think there is too much horserace coverage & how much of a bubble Twitter truly is.
— (((Harry Enten))) (@ForecasterEnten) April 29, 2018
… Footage broadcast live on cable TV networks showed Sanders sitting at the head table on stage stone-faced, wincing and at times raising her eyebrows as Wolf compared her to a character on the dystopian “Handsmaid’s Tale” and to an “Uncle Tom” for white women.
“I actually really like Sarah. I think she’s very resourceful. But she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smokey eye,” Wolf joked about Sanders. “Like maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.”
It was a risque and uneven routine at first met with laughs but often greeted by awkward silence. Wolf laced into the president and repeatedly brought up his comments from the “Access Hollywood” tape. The performance evinced memories of when Stephen Colbert savagely satirized the Bush administration in 2006…
While Trump pilloried the “dishonest” media at his rally in Michigan, White House officials had mingled with the Washington press corps in marked contrast with last year’s event. White House aides said on the red carpet before the dinner they had attended with Trump’s blessing…
For the second year in a row, Trump avoided one of the annual highlights for a profession he has routinely called “the enemy of the American people.” Many of representatives of what he has termed the “fake news media” accepted awards for their stories detailing the chaos inside the president’s administration…
Suddenly the Media Village Idiots decide the President’s hated Press Secretary is a martyr…
“I love you as Aunt Lydia on the Handmaid’s Tale,” Michelle Wolf to Sarah Huckabee Sanders #WHCD
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) April 29, 2018
— Ron DOV (@rez512) April 29, 2018
That @PressSec sat and absorbed intense criticism of her physical appearance, her job performance, and so forth, instead of walking out, on national television, was impressive.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) April 29, 2018
They call you liars. They call Mexicans rapists. They call Muslims murderers. They support white supremacists. But someone calls them out on what they do, & suddenly they’re heroes for not walking out.
— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) April 29, 2018
Some in the White House press sure seems anxious to assure the White House they think holding them to account for lying to them is icky. Because, come on, it wasn’t the eyeliner joke that cut too deep.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 29, 2018
Since Mike Pence was busy eating dessert, CPAC head/Koch lobbyist/social strivers Matt & Mercedes Schlapp stepped up to perform the ceremonial Conservative Walk-Out. ‘Everybody knows’ that Mercy is gunning hard for Hope Hicks’ old job, so even the Villagers weren’t impressed, much less us Internet mockers…
My wife @mercedesschlapp and I walked out early from the wh correspondents dinner. Enough of elites mocking all of us
— Matt Schlapp (@mschlapp) April 29, 2018
Off to find your safe space?
— Ben (@BenHowe) April 29, 2018
I don’t understand how you can schmooze with The Elites for six straight hours and then say leaving 10 minutes early is a bold stand against them
— andrew kaczynski? (@KFILE) April 29, 2018
Students walk out of speech: mocks them as “children fleeing from political speech that they disagree with,” also talks about the importance of “learning to listen to a different POV.”
A comedian says a joke that gave him the sads: [marches out, tells the world, safe space, etc]
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) April 29, 2018
The poor beleaguered Koch Brothers Lobbyist and White House senior official who frequently pose for photo shoots as a DC power couple being picked on by elites
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) April 29, 2018
Perhaps instead of jokes, more serious rhetoric like CPAC speaker David Clarke saying "punch them (the media) in the nose & MAKE THEM TASTE THEIR OWN BLOOD." You know, civility.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 29, 2018
Remember during CPAC when @mschlapp defended the racial attack on Michael Steele by telling Steele he was being too sensitive. Yeah, that was literally just two months ago.
— Michael Huckins (@MichaelEHuck) April 29, 2018
Same stuffed shirts, different year…
Getting out of a comedy show you didn’t love in LA: Guys… think there’s anything open besides Mel’s Drive In?
Getting out of a comedy show you didn’t love in DC: The progress of my beloved profession has been set back by a generation. THE HORROR.
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) April 29, 2018
I’m old enough to remember when Colbert “bombed” at the #WhiteHouseCorrespondentsDinner.
— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) April 29, 2018
Well, if history is any guide, as punishment for so upsetting conservatives and reporters, in another decade Michelle Wolf will have the number one show on late night.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 29, 2018
Important context tonight following the #WHCD.
He's not a comedian.
— David Jolly (@DavidJollyFL) April 29, 2018
Mike J
I agree with Schooley here:
This applies equally to House Chaplain. If you aren’t offending Republicans, you’re Christianing wrong.
I will say the language was, for that venue, a bit salty; however, the current admin thinks nothing of using racist hatred against people of colour, so, rather fair.
I’m worn out by the dinner jokes kerfluffle. No mas! It’s been a bad day from noon on, my main internet went down. On the line with tech support while the chicken burned in the oven. Oh well, I’ll go mow some now that the yard is dry-ish. Won’t start. No Mow!
These people praised Trump for his authenticity.
Corner Stone
I am really fucking disappointed in Stephanie Ruhle:
I’m sorry, whatever happened to the Trumpster’s battle cry of “fuck your feelings”? Because seriously, fuck their little tiny baby delicate feelings.
Corner Stone
Both Katy Tur and Nicolle Wallace either said nothing or danced around it, which is also disappointing to some degree. I never expected any better from Andrea Mitchell.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I@Mike J:
Pretty much. It’s a handy rule for life: If you’re saying anything about self important, entitled, narcissistic assholes–that is to say, conservatives–and they don’t get upset, you’re doing something wrong.
As bad as the NYT can be, they got it right when they stopped attending this thing.
Good summary.
@jeffreyw: Maybe go lay down for awhile and then start the day all over again?
edit: or go read raven’s story from the garden chat and your day will start to look a lot better.
This sounds like a good thing.
Yep. They demanded this new world where we don’t have to consider other people’s feelings before we say mean things about them. Now they get to live in the world they created, and they don’t get to demand the “safe spaces” they insisted were unnecessary for everyone else but them.
@Baud: I thought she was supposed to be knitting.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I know this shouldn’t shock me, but somehow it never fails to. These people are so fucking touchy. About everything. Mexicans and Muslims? 17 year old kids who saw their friends die in a shooting? Those people need to toughen up and learn how to take the rough and tumble of being called rapists, killers, terrorists and fascists. But well heeled, influential people who run the country? Well, shit, we don’t want to needlessly upset those wilting flowers and make them sad now, do we?
In a way, I can kind of understand. When you’re in a marginalized group, you’re used to getting shat all over. I mean, hey, it’s no big deal, right? I bet they hardly even notice it. But the people who’ve pretty much had everything go right for them their whole lives? They aren’t used to being scorned or mocked. It’s tough for them. They feel it. They feel it deeply. It wounds them. Maybe they have a point. Maybe they’re right. maybe we should say only good things about them and save all our viciousness for the people at the bottom, who know how to let it roll off their backs.
Then again, let’s not. Punching up is so much more satisfying, and it lets me sleep better at night.
Oh, Lord, where to begin?
Oh, I watched Michelle Wolf kill it, absolutely kill it at the Correspondents Dinner. And she knew exactly how to stick it to Trump, by questioning his wealth. And you have all these sanctimonious twits claiming that they kept silent, but you can clearly hear them responding “how broke is he?” throughout the night in response to one of her bits.
And I love how aggrieved conservatives keep trying to use the same old shit in bashing her.
From her voice, attitude and delivery, Wolf sounded solidly working class to me. And her deft skewering of the politicians and the cowardly press contained a lot of good old American common sense and a refusal to accept Beltway bullshit.
I also reject any claims that Wolf was a bully to Sanders. It’s funny how some reporters accept that the press secretary bullies the press, but insist that they are just supposed to passively accept what is doled out to them. Fuck that.
And apart from the humor, I like that Wolf was able to get the NY Times’ Maggie Haberman to reveal the degree to which she is willing to grovel in order to keep her access to Trump and his top people.
I don’t give a shit that Haberman thought that Sanders was impressive. That ain’t her fucking job to defend White House staff.
Yes, this was certainly the hour of the Wolf. That’s who you need to call when you need someone to clean up some shit.
@Cermet: It was a little “salty” as you aptly put it, but still pretty tame by 2018 standards, especially considering what Preznit Spanky has been quoted as saying and has said on tape. I hope the people in the room are in the ER getting treated for the deep cut delivered in her last line:
“Flint still doesn’t have clean water.”
MAGA Habs can go fuck herself.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): This guy showed how it’s done right.
Roseanne now has the official monopoly on representing the working class.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: BTW, are you taking any photos of tonight’s Pink Moon?
@Brachiator: Didn’t know the moon would be pink tonight. If it’s interesting, I’ll shoot it.
@sdhays: Absolutely nothing she said was anywhere near as vulgar or bad as things that Ted Nugent, hero of the right, has said in public. Full disclosure: I did not see it and am only going by the things I have read about her performance. I don’t know if he went after Huckleberry’s appearance or not. If she did, yes that might be inappropriate.
As far as I can tell, though, the real injuries and hurt feelings were not about what she said about SHS or Trump or Ivanka, but what she said about the media. The media doesn’t want the public to know about those remarks so is focusing on everything else.
If Hillary does take up knitting, I pledge to buy her a full set of the aptly-named stiletto point knitting needles from Signature Needle Arts.
The haters will never know what hit them. ?
@sdhays: Absolutely nothing she said was anywhere near as vulgar or bad as things that Ted Nugent, hero of the right, has said in public. Full disclosure: I did not see it and am only going by the things I have read about her performance. I don’t know if he went after Huckleberry’s appearance or not. If she did, yes that might be inappropriate.
As far as I can tell, though, the real injuries and hurt feelings were not about what she said about SHS or Trump or Ivanka, but what she said about the media. The media doesn’t want the public to know about those remarks so is focusing on everything else.
@Mnemosyne: What you say here 100 times. This along with TPM story about RepThugs leaving Congress because they are worried that they might be killed. WHAT have you guys done and said that might cause people to want to take a shot at you? I am sure that they always felt that “2nd Amendment Solutions” were always allowed only for them and no one else.
I got it partly wrong. To clarify:
Sorry about that. I was just too giddy appreciating Michelle Wolf’s comedy.
Oh, great. Now he’s ruined.
Also- he has a real prom to go to. With his high school class.
The “fuck your feelings” party who blathers about free speech, political correctness, and delicate snowflakes is now Losing their minds about someone being mean to them.
Very, very small violins over here.
@japa21: Not sure why it showed up twice. If any FPer would like to delete one of them and this comment, feel free.
@Brachiator: Yeah, I googled it. I guess what’s interesting about the moon tonight is that it will rise with Venus and later in the evening will cross paths with Jupiter in Libra.
@Kay: Real nerds don’t go to proms.
zhena gogolia
Well put.
@jeffreyw: Groan! Didn’t see that coming. Sorry about your internet hassles – hope you’re a bit cheered by punishing us a bit. ;->
Oh, and the Ginger and Annie pix were adorable.
zhena gogolia
She did not go after SHS’s appearance.
“The boy cried wolf and the villagers came out to help him.” Aesop
Did they start the Sarah Huckabee Sanders roasting defense fund yet? How’s she holding up? Maybe they can name one of the scholarships after her. The kids can compete for it by lying on national television. Most shameless liar wins.
@zhena gogolia:
Thanks much.
El Caganer
@germy: Dennis Miller? Damn. I didn’t know he was still alive.
We recently learned that Sarah Sanders is continuing to work for a man who was screwing a sex actress and a Playboy model while his wife was home with their newborn.
And that he lied about it, and that his attorney paid big money to make sure both those women kept their traps shut while said Sarah Sanders worked to get that man elected.
I’m told that she identifies as a devout Christian, and that she believes nobody is perfect, and that it’s her duty as a Christian to refrain from judging others.
And there are highly paid media women today who think Sarah Sanders deserves an apology because someone called her a liar in public? She deserves an apology because someone pointed out in front of cameras that she’s playing the role of a cruel enforcer of the ugly patriarchy?
I want to see Wolf on every possible venue, bringing the necessary level of contempt for the whole damn collection of them. Apologize, my ass.
The Thin Black Duke
Fuck those zombie stenographers. The naked revulsion, horror and contempt that Wolf aimed at them is well-earned.
MAGA Habs and all the other press toadies love being lied to. There is no boot they won’t lick, no depth to which they will not descend to be in the good graces of Rs.
Omnes Omnibus
@Brachiator: Pink Moon.
@El Caganer: I really liked Christine’s reply to dennis miller.
patrick II
Tonight on CNN:
Did he visit John’s place for some of his wonderful cuisine?
Real proms don’t have adult guests. Why not call it a “ball”? That’s a good all-purpose word for weird adult events.
Just decide.That’s all I ask. Don’t call it a “roast”, either, because it clearly isn’t that. Decide what they are and what they’re all doing there. The comedian knew her job. What’s theirs?
@Kay: Their job is to make Republican lies palatable and hound Hillary till the end of time.
It annoys me that the press insists on calling this the ‘Nerd Prom’. Nerds, to me, are people with an interest or expertise in a technical subject. That sure as shit ain’t the Beltway media; they regard expertise as just another point of view at best and something to be scorned at worst.
They should hire Roseanne next year. That way Trump won’t be too chicken to show up. Half the country will be offended, especially after she expounds her theory that Obama and Clinton are running a child sex ring, but Trump will enjoy himself.
Villago Delenda Est
The vermin of the Village deserved every word Wolf threw at them, and more.
Wipe them out. All of them.
Chet Murthy
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Two years ago, and it seems like a completely other era. It makes me sad to watch it.
Have you all seen what the National Enquirer is saying about Cohen? “Trump Fixer’s Secrets and Lies!”
Thoughtful David
I saw about the Schlapps leaving early and complaining about “being mocked by the elites.” I really want someone to ask them, on camera, how did they get their tickets? Were they chosen at random from all Americans? Do they now just invite schmucks to the WH Correspondent’s Dinner? If so, how were they selected to get tickets?
There are only two options: 1) The Schlapps are too stupid to know what the word “elite” means, or 2) They think their followers are too stupid to know what “elite” means. I’m guessing it’s the latter. So, Trumpanzees–how do you like knowing that your elites think you’re stupid?
@Thoughtful David: I think they use the term “elites” to mean “People smarter than us.”
Patricia Kayden
Michael Huckins’ comment hit the sweet spot. Schlapp was the idiot who scolded Michael Steele for venting when a White racist at CPAC claimed that the only reason Steele had been chosen to lead the RNC was because he’s Black. Schlapp pretty much told Steele that he was being ungrateful for pushing back.
And here we are with Schlapp being such a snowflake that he and his wife had to walk out of a comedy routine. What chutzpah!!!
El Caganer
@germy: yeah. Right between the eyes.
I remember Colbert at the Correspondent’s Dinner.
It was a landmark truth to power moment. Bush, who was far more popular (even then!) than Trump would ever be, was sitting right there, and Colbert didn’t even hesitate to roast him, nor did he stop to lambaste his audience. The press gave the speech the blackout treatment for days. So people passed around the CSPAN broadcast on Youtube. Once the Times, Post, et al. finally acknowledged the events at the dinner, there was a deluge of whiny op-eds disclaiming how Colbert was “not funny”. If I recall correctly, Richard Cohen wrote a particularly salty one.
In any event, I don’t think we can ever enjoy that kind of moment again. Certainly not in the Trump administration. Trump would never risk subjecting himself to that kind of ridicule.
Mika Brzezinski had a meltdown on Twitter over an imagined attack on the appearance of Sarah Huckabee Sanders:
It didn’t happen. Brzezinski is a visiting fellow at Harvard and she doesn’t even understand what Michelle Wolf said.
@Brachiator: Based on that tweet, I guess we know who Haberman’s White House source has been since Hope Hicks left.
Thoughtful David
BTW, what happened to calling the trumpanzees “trumpanzees”? Lately all I’ve seen are “trumpers” or “trumpists” or “trumpites” or something innocuous like that. Was “trumpanzee” deemed to be too derogatory to actual Pan troglodytes?
Gee, for some reason it was ok when the ‘wife and mother’ had the surname ‘Clinton’.
@Omnes Omnibus: Very sweet and sad song.
zhena gogolia
This is infuriating! First of all, she said nothing derogatory about SHS’s looks. Second, that was 30 seconds of a 20-minute routine. Most of it was about Trump, and the most powerful part of it was the end, about the media.
How are the Schlapps not characters on “Wayne’s World?”
zhena gogolia
@Thoughtful David:
I still say it in everyday conversation.
I think most of you are familiar with this stage of a Republican Presidency. This is the part where we’re ordered to put all the bad blood behind us and rally round the leader. It’s right about the time Republicans lose one or both chambers- it’s…bipartisan time! Two days after the midterms they’ll be blaming the Democrats in Congress for the lack of civility. Shortly after that they’ll start lobbying for “entitlement reform” and moaning about how Democrats won’t fix the deficit.
I don’t get why it’s off limits to go after someone on their job performance at the WHCD. Haberman’s comment is astonishing for a journalist: “That @PressSec sat and absorbed intense criticism of her physical appearance, her job performance.” As for Wolf’s alleged criticism of Huckabee Sander’s appearance, I’m with @zhena gogolia. Other than the joke about her burned lies becoming eyeliner, I don’t see any comments about her looks.
@Kay: You see how the game is played.
They call it “nerd prom” because they claim they were all put-upon nerds in high school who never got to go to prom, so this is their make-up event. Yes, they are forcing us to watch as they act out their teenage resentments in public. This is who they are.
And I will say, I was SUPER nerdy in high school, and I went to both a junior and a senior prom. One was with a boyfriend (but we were so nerdy that we never got past making out a couple of times) and one was with a large group of mixed-gender friends, which meant that my Indian-American friend with super strict parents was allowed to go.
These people could have figured out a way to go to prom if they wanted to, but they only wanted to do it if it was “perfect,” and now they want to try and recreate what they failed to have in the first place.
Pence didn’t leave because Trump wasn’t there and finally, “Fuckin’-A, I get to be Mikie-Two-Scoops, damnit. Impeach that, bitchez! Oh, sorry, Mother.”
Chyron HR
@Patricia Kayden:
I still don’t get what’s meant to be objectionable about saying that. It’s patently true.
The wife and mother bit is ridiculous but they’re too fucking stupid to see it. Would they say that if Huckabee was a husband and father? Of course not. Because it doesn’t have anything to do with anything. They’re the worst thing that ever happened to feminism. I’m not surprised they didn’t get the joke. They need knock knock joke level comedy.
@Thoughtful David:
“Elites” means “uppity Black and brown people and the race traitors who agree with them.” That’s why Barack and Michelle Obama were denounced as “elites” in 2008 by Lady de Rothschild. ?
patrick II
Mika Brzezinski
I’m sorry, but Sarah Sanders isn’t immune to public criticism for her lies and support for Donald Trump because she is a wife and mother. Not to add, wouldn’t that make Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, and Hillary Clinton immune also? I’m thinking that won’t happen.
There weren’t any. Brzezinski is a sanctimonious fraud, and dumb as a box of rocks.
@Corner Stone: Ruhle’s strength is her empathy. Sometimes, as here, it is for people who don’t deserve it.
I’ll repeat that it’s too bad Bill Hicks died for our sins, because his approach to these morally bereft fucktards is what we desperately need. In his absence, Wolf did fine.
@Mandalay: @Mandalay: at is a low blow for going after someone who is a wife, a mother, and an adulterer.
Wolf compared Sanders to an evil character on The Handmaid’s Tale who is active in the oppression of other women. The MSM is pretending that Wolf was making the comparison based on looks because they don’t dare reveal that it was based on Sanders’ actions.
I’ve seen photos of the actress in question, who apparently is often mistaken for Margo Martindale. Neither woman is physically ugly, but they often play terrifying characters who do evil things, so people remember them as “ugly.”
They’re raising the stupid bar, too. Now a joke about Sarah Huckabee’s dishonesty is somehow also attacking her children, indeed, all of motherhood and…wifehood! They’re insane. They’re as nuts as Trump and just as humorless. They deserve him.
@Kay: As Wolf said, they made him.
Andrea Mitchell on Twitter
This is a person who is paid a lot to tell us what is going on in Washington, yet she lives on another planet.
They’re “offended”? Compared to what we have been hearing from Trump and his supporters every day for the past 2 years I think this gets a G rating. I don’t think I’d be offended if she pulled out a taser and tased them all. Nope, not offensive at all.
@zhena gogolia: As I said before, they want to deflect the criticism they received. They know that she told the truth about the media but they don’t want the public to realize it so they focus on those parts that, taken out of context or deliberately misinterpreted, sound really bad.
It was interesting that at least one member of the media focused on that specific line as being the most important one in the routine. That person: Joy Reid.
@Kay: Ay-men
@japa21: Ha!
I just took a look. I do think there’s a hint of pink to the moon tonight.
Mika failed to show the same tender concern for Joe Scarborough’s wife.
Villago Delenda Est
@JR: Cohen earned his name in indelible ink on the tumbrel manifest for that performance.
Corner Stone
@Shalimar: Her strength is because she doesn’t suffer bullshit from guests or talking heads, and knows what she’s talking about when she cuts someone in half. She has diminished that with her response to the WHCD and SHS nonsense.
Oh, they must know. They’re not that dumb. It’s a whole goddamned genre of jokes. Smoky eye, stiletto heel, it means “mean and powerful“.
@JR: Friend of a friend was at a taping of the Colbert Report the Thursday before the WHCD, and someone in the audience asked Colbert what he planned to do. Colbert responded, “I’m going to mock the president to his face.”
There’s a reason that Greenwald and his flying monkeys spent the last week trying to denounce Joy Reid as a rabid homophobe, and it ain’t because of their genuine moral outrage about the mean things she said about a still-closeted (and still Republican) Charlie Crist a decade ago.
Doug R
I’m still waiting for the episode where Roseanne realizes what trump has done and comes to her senses. Not watching til then.
Colbert will likely have more than a few choice words about this tomorrow night.
Of course they know. They’re hoping their viewers are too dumb to watch Wolf’s routine for themselves and see that line in context. Can’t let viewers find out that Mitchell and Haberman are liars, or they might start to question their authority.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I’ve been inclined to laugh at Wolf’s jokes and ignore the reaction as predictable. But the more I think of it, the more I think the real significance of her performance is not how the Trumpists react. It’s how the press is reacting and what that tells us about them. But I see you all got there ahead of me.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): I wonder of there will be a bit of a Barbara Streisand effect with the “controversy.”
@patrick II:
Rhymes with Billary Blinton.
The President of the United States, Sarah Sanders boss. He’s exempt from apologies, apparently, because he’s powerful.
They should be ashamed. It’s not so much that they’re bootlickers. It’s that there are about 700 of these examples and they are reporters. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel, glass houses, any cliche, really! Just pick one! :)
This is what Chris Cillizza wrote with regards to what Michelle Wolf said last night.
“Bullying is bullying. And I hate it-no matter who does it.”
Unless it’s Trump of course, then he’s fine with it. Someone on Twitter this am reminded everyone that he wrote a piece for CNN not too long ago(January) ranking all of Trump’s nicknames for his political enemies. You remember, names like Crooked Hillary and Pocahontas, fun names like that.
There’s no reason to think these people are terrible at there jobs, none at all.
@Kay: I’m surprised that they haven’t blamed Trump yet for setting such a poor example for the country.
Oh wait, no I’m not.
I am at a loss to understand why anybody cares about what is said at a Villager circle jerk.
Also catch Trevor Noah. Wolf wrote for his show.
@Mnemosyne: Thanks for explaining the reference to The Handmaid’s Tale. I’ve never watched the show, so the comparison went over my head.
@Mandalay: I’m starting to wonder if the press’ outrage over Wolf’s comments regarding SHS isn’t a classic example of projection. They secretly think SHS is ugly, so they’re claiming Wolf criticized her on those grounds. Sigh. We need a better media. Rome’s burning and all the media care about is protecting the White House Press Secretary, as if she were one of their own.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I wonder if the assertion that Wolf attacked Sanders’ appearance shows that the rest of them are all very conscious of it and think she’s not anchor lady pretty.
@Kay: Ooh…burn. I forgot that tweet. These people are total hypocrites.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Does Fox News still hypocritically deploy attractive, blonde female news anchors?
zhena gogolia
Yeah, there’s a little “soft bigotry of low expectations” in their response. Wolf captured that in her tweet to Haberman.
First rate butthurt from the third rate fourth estate full of fifth columnists.
Corner Stone
They may think that. I honestly find her quite odd looking on a superficial level, and pure evil on a bone deep one. But they don’t care what SHS looks like. They are fastening on to the easiest hinge to turn what happened last night into something it most definitely was not. It was a direct calling out of the lies being told every single day from the WH podium, not about SHS looks.
zhena gogolia
Patricia Kayden
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): SHS is not a pretty woman. Neither am I. I assume that by the time you’re an adult, you have met many women who just aren’t pretty and don’t hold it for or against them.
You have a point that the press accusing Wolff of mocking SHS’ looks may reflect more on its discomfort with how its members feel about her looks than anything Ms. Wolff actually said.
We knew this, though, didn’t we? All of the Trump investigation have come from Mueller. We were always wholly dependent on the legal system- scary as that is because the legal system has its own problems and inadequacies- it’s just one tool. It was never intended to replace everything and everyone, but somehow that has happened. Justice system- prosecutors and courts- and elections (and those are in some jepoardy). That;s what we got. Its not as much as we should have! But it’s something.
Patricia Kayden
@Brachiator: I had never heard of Ms. Wolf before. She’s a great comedian and I hope her career doesn’t suffer any backlash because of last night.
The RW operatives are talking about Wolf’s words but also blaming the WHC Association and its president Margaret Talev. They quickly put her on the defensive (it looks like.) In MI yesterday T was again encouraging people to hate the press and reporters who were there. Trying to further weaken trust in reporting or encourage people to ignore it or be confused. Overwhelmed by smoke.
Corner Stone
He also asked if there were any Hispanics in the crowd before he started ranting about The Wall. The crowd booed (the possibility of Hispanics being there) when he asked.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: SHS was called out and mocked by Ms. Wolff for her lying. I don’t see how Ruhle can express sympathy for someone who lies constantly. Is lying the new norm for journalists? Is it wrong to call out a liar now?
I thought Wolf’s routine was hilarious, and one of the funniest things about it was watching how uncomfortable she made the audience by mocking pretensions casually that they don’t want to have mocked. SHS is frankly a liar; her lies make the institution of WH correspondent ridiculous. Journalists don’t want to admit that they’re going through the motions pretending to be doing a job, so they grab a snootfull from their high-dudgeon box.
Steve in the SFO
@Mike J:
Well said.
Well said.
Well said.
Ok, I’ll stop now, but lots of good comments tonight!
Patricia Kayden
@Tazj: Yeah, Cillizza just praises Trump for his derisive nicknames. What hypocrisy! It’s unbelievable.
Corner Stone
@Patricia Kayden: Ruhle is following the lead of many mainstream media leaders, especially at NBC/MSNBC. She has bought the line that it was an attack on SHS personal appearance. Or that’s what she’s using to get along and go along.
Either way, it is very disturbing for someone I previously had a lot of grudging respect for.
zhena gogolia
Patton Oswalt’s tweet about Dennis Miller (and the replies) is pretty funny.
@Patricia Kayden: Au contraire, I think she knows exactly what she was doing. And more power for her doing it.
@Brachiator: ?
@tobie: Noteworthy that these critics aren’t complaining that Wolf made fun of Megyn Kelly’s looks. Or even acknowledging that Wolf mocked her own looks. But they’re deeply distressed by a joke about SHS’s lies as if it were an attack upon our freedom to use eye-shadow.
@Quinerly: Thanks!
@zhena gogolia:
True story: the last time I heard Dennis Miller on a non-right wing media outlet, he was doing car dealership commercials on the radio here in Los Angeles. And I haven’t even heard one of those in two or three years.
And I don’t mean that he was a deejay. He was just doing commercials.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: In The Flesh.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): TBH she looked good yesterday. Her lying has got worse but her outfits and makeup etc have gotten better. Not everyone needs to look like a Fox News bimbette. And Michelle Wolf never did criticize Sanders looks.
zhena gogolia
The idea that he’s going to study up and take three days to write some really mean jokes is just pathetic.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
The hilarious thing about this is that it’s not like SHS’ actual biological looks were being mocked (she wasn’t called fat or masculine for example). She literally implied she has shitty caked on makeup. That’s something SHS can control and is pretty weaksauce as insults go.
For a bit of relief, I saw this video from “Britain’s Got Talent” and I laughed and laughed. They do a great job of misdirecting audience expectations with the interview clips.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: All in all, I hate myself for clicking that link.
Corner Stone
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
No. She flat stated SHS burned the truth and facts to use their smoky ashes as eye liner(?). And that she did it perfectly.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: I wonder if Ruhle and company are buttering up SHS to keep on the right side of this admin and thus guarantee continued access to her lying press conferences.
Misinterpreting Ms. Wolf’s jokes as personal attacks on SHS’s appearance takes a level of stupidity that I hope isn’t widespread among the MSM.
TS (the original)
And here we have the WHPC – calling out their own – but refusing to call out trump and his minions. Given how they behaved in 2016, I should not be surprised. I keep hoping somewhere a sane one will appear. Silly me.
They depend on those lies to make them sound acceptable to who the hell knows. But they depend on them. They know she can’t be truthful, the entire house of cards would burst into flames if she was. And like drumpf, they have to be acceptable to the rabble. If the rabble rejected them, they wouldn’t have a job or get elected. That’s why False and Friends has been built upon lies and bullshit. It’s all they’ve got, lies and bullshit. It’s how our country has been pretty much stolen from the people and handed over to the ultra wealthy. Lies and Bullshit. That’s the first and only line in the conservative operations manual. Lies and Bullshit. Every thing they do and say is built upon that. Without lies and bullshit they are nothing.
@Patricia Kayden:
As Schroedinger’s Cat keeps quoting, “You can’t wake up someone who is only pretending to be asleep.”
@Corner Stone: For guys not in the know, smoky eye is an evening look for the eyes using dark (black) eyeliner and dark shadow to make your eyes look smoldering and sexy.
How to do a smoky eye from Bobbi Brown’s website
ETA: Since when did “smoky eye” become an insult?
Roger Moore
It’s never obvious to me how much of this is them genuinely thinking she’s been wronged and how much of it is them feeling as if they need to suck up to her in order to maintain their good standing with the White House. It really shows the rot at the core of the White House press corps and of access journalism more generally. They’ve gotten so wrapped up in getting and maintaining access that they’ve totally forgotten it’s supposed to be a means of getting the information they need to inform the public rather than an end itself.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Corner Stone:
You’re right. I must have misrememberd that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: The word flesh got you, didn’t it?
Corner Stone
@Patricia Kayden: A couple things, IMO. It is clear SHS is one of the prime sources for MAGA Habs. She may also filch to others in the media, who knows. NBC/MSNBC is not getting prime/immediate access to the WH leakers. They are always reporting what NYT or WaPo scoop. Or sometimes Politico or Axios. So if this is a play to sweeten their beat to get on SHS good side it is more than pretty pathetic.
Second, they don’t really believe Wolf went hard after SHS physical appearance. They just want to make sure no one spares a minute to talk about how all the media outlets get well from all the clicks they got covering all Trump’s crazy shit. Katy Tur has a Best Selling book off following the Trump campaign. I am sure there are more incentives in the NBC family. Mika is particularly pathetic. Her and Joe sucked Trump off for the first 2/3rds of the election season and then tried to crawfish back to a “respectable” position after it was too late. Trump has attacked them both many times since. It’s just a fucking farce. Anyone who thinks Mika wouldn’t run over nuns or kids in wheelchairs to go to the WH for a personal interview with Trump is fooling themselves. But here she is running her stupid meek ass mouth about SHS, “a wife, mother, blah blah” being viciously attacked. Where was Mika on HRC or even Chelsea Clinton being attacked?
Mika lets Joe S talk over her all the fucking time, I don’t need lectures about how women ought to be treated from the adulteress.
Corner Stone
@schrodingers_cat: Mmmmm…Eva Green….
@Corner Stone: Who is that?
It was a well-crafted joke, and one that a male comedian probably wouldn’t even think of. And Wolf carefully did not mock Sanders’ physical appearance. In fact, it acknowledges her power over the hapless White House press corps, who are actually the butt of the joke. Morons.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Isn’t Mika supposed to be the liberal on the show, too?
Corner Stone
@schrodingers_cat: The master of the smoky eye.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodingers_cat: Eva Green. One of the few times that CS is absolutely correct.
Corner Stone
@Brachiator: She never even mentioned Bubo!
@japa21: As you’ve probably gleaned by now, she did NOT insult SHS’s appearance AT ALL. They have insulted her appearance on SNL, and I didn’t find that particularly funny (but also not worthy of getting huffy about), but the insult was that her perfect smokey eyes were from the burnt ashes of her many lies and since it’s a fact that she tells many, many lies, that remark cut deep.
I think that if Wolf had actually ridiculed SHS’s appearance, the media wouldn’t have gotten so outraged over it. This is all deflection, and probably at least some projection, as others have said.
Patricia Kayden
@Corner Stone: Lol at your remark about Mika running over nuns and kids in wheelchairs to get to Trump. Sad commentary given that Trump has attacked Mika’s personal appearance.
zhena gogolia
@Corner Stone:
ya, she looks just like SHS
They might know, but there’s no ‘of course.’ A standard behavior of assholes with even small narcissistic tendencies is to hear something they don’t like, come up with a misinterpretation that presses some reliable social button of ‘bad’, and pretend they’re angry about that, instead. The thing is, they believe it. It’s way easier to convince yourself than other people. They WANT this thing they heard to be bad in some way they can attack the person who hurt them for, so it must be the socially unacceptable misinterpretation. This is absolutely standard for domestic abusers. The stupider or more narcissistic the asshole, the easier they can convince themselves of completely whackadoodle misinterpretations.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@patrick II: OMG we are watching this now (my wife’s family is from there) and ugh, this is like the video equivalent of every NYTimes “Talk 2 Trump Voters” articles. I really hope Cole, sees this terrible show. It’s nothing but Trump-voter apologetics, on meth.
@Uncle Ebeneezer: AB is past his expiration date.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Perhaps the fist time the words “professional comedian” and “Elite” have been combined in American history.
@Villago Delenda Est: “The horror! The horror! Exterminate all the brutes!”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Can someone help me here; how does a statement like “I will a few joke says Dennis Miller” make any sense? Did I just have a stoke? Dennis Miller being incapable of making a joke is a universal constant like the speed of light or toast always falling on the butter side.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Here is a serious none snarky question; are there non carpet chewing conservative comedians saying Wolfe went to far? All the quotes I see claiming this are the very people who are overly seriously about themselves and deserved to be mocked.
But her emails!!
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: It just means in a couple days he’ll vomit out some offensive, racist, misogynistic shit and go “Can’t you take a joke libtards.”
They have different motivations:
– Haberman’s role as court stenographer was in jeopardy, so she had to run to defend the Administration to garner some brownie points.
– Brzezinski is a self-appointed champion and defender of women, so she imagined an attack on Sarah Huckabee’s appearance to burnish her shitty credentials.
– Mitchell was just defending her tribe because it was threatened.
But it is amazing that both Haberman and Brzezinski genuinely believed that Wolf attacked the physical appearance of Sanders when that never happened. These are people who are paid to explain to the nation what is going on in DC, yet they are so fucking dumb that they can’t even understand a comedian’s joke.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: She is Joe’s sidekick.
Amir Khalid
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I think you just answered your own question.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: yeah. “On Wednesday”. When it will barely be topical. Much like the Dennis Miller humor for the past two decades.
Another Scott
I see Twitler commented about the WHCD about 3 minutes ago, trying to keep it in the news for Monday. The DC press will, no doubt, follow his lead.
191 days to go. Eyes on the prize…
Richard Painter running as a Dem for AL Franken’s old seat.
Can we PLEEEZE have a new thread. There is a manufactured controversy out of this event each year so that we’ll talk about it like it’s important every year.
Anything else? Anything? Can we talk about anything that the press hasn’t guided us to talk about because they think what they do in their spare time is important?
A few months ago he was a Republican. WTF?
A few weeks ago he was a Republican!
That’s the best we can do?
I think their horror is that Wolf told the truth about this monster. It’s only been a year and a half of T getting away with murder and Sanders and Conway with nonstop lies. But the mainstream press is carefully doing their balancing act to keep access, the conservatives are going with the program, and they’ve adjusted to the Tr’s law — no one calls this administration out that directly. So they call Wolf out of bounds. Out of bounds is where the truth is when you’re talking about T. I also think the free part of the press is fighting to stay alive, and many of them believe what they’re told, that they are forced to compromise.
Corner Stone
@zhena gogolia: I don’t know what this comment means.
@Mandalay: Don’t the Democrats have an incumbent anyway? I thought the Democratic Lt. Governor (who happened to be a lady) replaced Franken.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mandalay: Get a grip. He said he is running. Do you know who else is running? Do you know when the MN primary is?
In the governor’s race in Ohio the big battle is between the GOP primary candidates- DeWine and Taylor. DeWine is running near-constant attack ads against Taylor- I heard back to back radio attack ads last week and they are on tv constantly.
You’ve all heard of Kucinich. Did you know DeWine has an opponent on the far Right? Because everyone who watches tv or listens to the radio in Ohio does. It’s really pretty interesting because Taylor – the far Righty- is Kasich’s lt governor. Remember him? The guy who is already running for US President? Well, his lt gov is running AGAINST his record. In fact, Rand Paul endorsed the far Right Taylor. So it’s sort of a national story.
But, if you read the NYTimes you’ll believe that the big issue is “Left versus Left”- Cordray v Kucinich.
This is bullshit. It’s a narrative. It’s not news coverage. It isn’t what’s happening here. Their readers won’t know what happened. They’ll think something completely different happened.
Cheryl Rofer
This is not good. We have to lean harder on the press to do their job and support the ones who do.
Amir Khalid
I remember when the comedy act at the WHCD that everyone talked about afterwards was the President’s.
@Uncle Ebeneezer: Anthony Bourdain was a Bernista so it doesn’t surprise me that he’d use his time in WV to build up the narrative that the “establishment” turned its back on the WWC.
@Cheryl Rofer: On the other hand, it does surprise me that the President of the WHCA would be willing to humiliate herself like this in front of an authoritarian administration just to make sure that she doesn’t earn its wrath.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cheryl Rofer: Coward.
Corner Stone
@Cheryl Rofer: What a POS. Own it.
@Cheryl Rofer: This is apparently the first time a WHCD entertainer has ever made any kind of political commentary or been mean to the administration, because either everything she says applies to the every single WHCD I’ve ever seen or Hes referring to an entirely different set of awful dinners where the entertainers are polite, civil, and never point out that the churning hypocrisy of the media and government.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
No, she was referring to a long-ago makeup commercial: maybe it’s Maybelline. There was no disparagement of SHS’ appearance, period. If we needed any more evidence, MW has shown us all who the real snowflakes are.
Villago Delenda Est
@MisterForkbeard: She definitely missed the 2006 WHCA dinner.
But her emails!!
@Cheryl Rofer: Liberals leaning on the press appears to make them suck up to the Trumpites even harder.
Next year they’ll have to strive to hire a comedian who won’t offend anyone. Someone nice…in the mold of, say, Bill Cosby.
I have laughed more at other monologues in past Correspondents’ dinners, but I’ve never heard more truth spoken. It’s not so much that Wolfe isn’t funny, but rather that the truth today is so painful it’s gotten harder to laugh.
@Cheryl Rofer: The last graf of lies is why the media minions have an approval rating lower than that of the cong critters.
Maybe he can turn that frown upside down with a refreshing drink. Perhaps a bottle of Mad Bitch beer.
@SgrAstar: Oh my God it’s the stupid “Obama said lipstick on a pig and Sarah Palin said lipstick so he said she was a pig!” kerfuffle all over again.
@Kay: Have you read any of Mary Taylor’s Twitters? They are amazingly awful. Mike deWine is a raging liberal, plus he’s old. He once compromised on something, plus he’s old. Also he is old. Also see my gun.
I wish he would debate her. He’d eat her for lunch.
And I can’t stand him.
@FlipYrWhig: Someone posted here a picture of the “conservative victim card” recently. It’s so true. Republicans always present themselves as the aggrieved party, and now they know they can rely on the media for able assists.
Such a weird and unself-aware comment coming from Mika, given the recent course of her personal life.
I do not begrudge Mika divorcing and remarrying in order to find her version of happiness, but her casting judgment as if she were the modern incarnation of Juno is a bit much.
What I wonder is what the hell those pompous dipshits think they are going to hear after they invite a ‘hep’ and ‘edgy’ comedian to make provocative jokes? What asses those people are. They could invite Jimmy who’s-it every year. Not Kimmel, the other guy. Or Steve Harvey. Shit. They are deeply clueless and stupid, if very self important, people.
Edit: Jimmy Fallon. He could play one his celeb games. Har har
Edit2: They thought Wanda Sykes was going to polite, and then complained when she wasn’t. They’re just stupid and very rich assholes..
@Mnemosyne: “Elites” means “cool people”, the kind of people the Instagram influencers admire. Barack and Michelle Obama pissed off the deplorables because they proved that cool black people have more social capital than trashy white people.
The cultural cachet of the Obamas and other black celebrities is one of the things that stings these people the most.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
IMHO, the only joke that was out of line was the one about Pence and abortion.
The only reason I feel that way is because abortion is an issue that I am conflicted on, and not because I like Mike Pence.
The rest of it was spot on, and Maggie Haberhack can go screw herself.
The problem with those in the media siding with Sanders is that they have normalized her. SHE IS NOT NORMAL. I don’t care how nice she is when the camera is off. She lies every day at the podium. She has called other women liars and she actively supports and liar, misogynist, racist etc etc. She is admittedly a blunt instrument, but an instrument none the less in the destruction of our democracy. She does not deserve anyone’s sympathy.
@oclday: I think this from Occupy Democrats is maybe the best coda to those in the GOP with hurt feelings and to those in the media who want to berate Michelle Wolf:
Bookeater (formerly JosieJ)
@oclday: This. WTF was Sanders even invited?! That, to me, says more about the WHCA, and the state of the profession, than anything Wolf said.
@Brachiator: Funny that two people with the last name Wolf have deftly skewered the Trump Administration within the last year.