Badger fell out of bed in slow motion:
He’s such a lazy little shit, and I love that about him! I Googled “Boston terriers lazy,” and there was an article about the top 10 dogs for lazy people, which included Boston terriers as well as bull mastiffs. So it’s not a size thing.
Open thread!
There’s always time for a nap.
Wish I looked that cute and that relaxed when I sleep.
ETA French Bulldogs are also not physically challenging. When our Buster was tiny, he was irresistible when asleep and I always had to fight myself to keep from disturbing him.
Then you’d really love me.
zhena gogolia
Cute overload!
LOL great pics, Betty. Naps are great. I tend to dream way more vividly when I nap.
ETA: I wonder what Badger was dreaming about.
John Cole
Gelfling 545
It’s something I like about pugs too. They’re perfectly happy to sit on the couch with you while you read and don’t see much point in chasing a frisbee. (If you wanted it, what did you throw it over there for?)
I have been considering getting a companion for Flora. Your little angel is making me think more seriously about it.
I’m finding that bernedoodles stack up reasonably well in the laziness derby. Bernadette just turned one, and I’m sensing a little slowdown. Not that she doesn’t crave vigorous play, but she’s satisfied more quickly than she used to be. And so am I.
He is so dang cute!
Fortunately, Mirthrandir is still a kitten at four years old… he is a Giant Mutant Kitten and they are slow to mature.
He’s a cutie.
Love the top two photos especially! What a love-able goofball! So sweet.
Huh. From the earlier photos I thought Badger was another boxer!
Mary G
Adorbs. That last position doesn’t look very comfortable, though. Did he wake himself up?
Joy in FL
He is so cute. <3
The Pale Scot
I was at the cable co. office dropping off a router, and a young guy walks with a mastiff that had I what would say a larger than usual head. The pup had a PTSD service vest on. I thought how does he get on a plane?
They were there because the pup had chewed up the TV repute control. the guy said he’s never alone and took it out on the controller, I said he was just trying to turn the TV on ’cause he was bored.
A neighbor of mine had a mastiff, the local kids were like paparazzi.
Squee! My aunt and uncle had a Boston Terrier named Jojo many years ago. When he barked, his two front feet came up off the ground. Hilarious!
This was back when TV sets were consoles that sat on the floor. (Yes, I’m old). But Jojo loved to watch TV and would stand in front of it, following every moment. We used to get up and stand in front of him to block his view, and he would patiently walk around to get to a spot he could see it again. If we pestered him long enough, he would lie down right in front of the screen and give us dirty looks.
Enjoy your new baby!
Off-doggie, but the thread downstairs is probably dead:
Those pictures…
Hollering ????
So cute!
Totally adorable. I miss having dogs (but compensate with three cats in the house who are all tremendously social).
Makes me wonder where he’s headed!
Few things more tempting than an inverted sleeping puppy. So many opportunities for hijinks.
He’s so cute I just want to pet that belly! Or those toes. Humans don’t deserve pets. But for some reason, they love us back.
Good morning, Badger. Good morning, buds.
Happy Cinco de Mayo and Derby Day. What a combination.
@donnah: Jojo was watching some quality television.
@ruemara: This is true.
@Elizabelle: Hello, you.
I somehow keep thinking the Pokey Little Puppy . . .
Sigh. My dog’s frantic pursuit of a ball today ended up with a cracked iPhone screen for her owner. Boo. Though I’m trying to tell myself all the cool kids have cracked screens.
On the bright side, Kentucky Derby Day! Taking stromboli over to my aunt’s and uncle’s this afternoon so we can all watch together. My granddad’s birthday was the 2nd of May, and as the Derby is always the first Saturday in May, it’s tied up in good family memories as we were usually all together to watch it. Whoever picked the winner was rewarded with a scratch-off lottery ticket from my granddad. Somehow, no one ended up a gambling addict.
This year, my 7-year-old likes Good Magic.
@Elizabelle: Who do you like in the race?
The Pokey Little Puppy is right! That’s darned adorable.
Animal fans of all types: if you’re also a fan of scientific research I have an opportunity for you to throw some $$$ at a Dog DNA project, looking at the location of gene change that distinguish dogs (who love people) from wild wolves. The researcher is fundraising on the website, which is a crowd-sourcing platform for science. Go take a look HERE and drop a five or more to make this research happen!
I don’t think Tasha is a Boston but either way she is awesome!
cynthia ackerman
The dog in my life now is 0.5 Boston terrier, 0.25 Corgi, 0.25 Australian Shepherd. Markings of the terrier, a bit taller and skinnier, with a long snout and gorgeous hound ears.
She’s as sweet as pie, never has a bad day, and brings joy to all.
I used to take my dog to the dog park on Comm Ave in Boston, there was an older woman with a big fat Chow, the dog was so lazy, he’d stand beside her, motionless while 15-20 crazy dogs swirled around, barking, chasing balls, play fighting and on occasion humping each other. The Chow never moved, neither did she. They’d just stand there for a half hour and them slowly walk home. Interestingly her hair color matched the Cow’s coat. It was the damnedest thing, the dog never barked, she never talked All the other dog people would go out for drinks together, shoot the shit with each other, celebrate our dog’s birthdays..
Apparently Chows are number one on the lazy dog list.
It’s time to get up and make about 3 dozen deviled eggs for the Derby Party and scare up my hat. Thursday, as usual, we made the simple syrup and mint bourbon extract. One week ago I was dressing for dads funeral. Time relentlessly rolls on and I’m grateful to have a pup to pet and loved ones to love.
@laura: My condolences.
He obviously feels right at home.
@laura: Not drinking a julep this afternoon (at least, I don’t think so …) but will tip a toast to your dad (and you) as cocktail hour arrives.
ETA: Hmmm. Maybe I should head out to a local bar and sip and watch ….
No Drought No More
“Minimizing stomach-turning, out-in-the-open corruption has come to define this White House. It is the utter absence of shame that is so striking”. Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post
Rubin is apparently unaware that GW Bush and Dick Cheney ( remain unrepentant for having plotted a ground war in the mideast.
@Nicole: Have not been following the Derby at all. Kind of weaned off after the late, great Barbaro.
Do you have a favorite? WaPost has an article up; four of the colts are descended from Scat Daddy.
The Kentucky Derby field is dominated by a horse that died in 2015
@Baud: Hello you too.
Gonna head out to a library sale. Catch you all closer to Derby post time.
Villago Delenda Est
@No Drought No More: We put Germans and Japanese to death for that sort of thing 70 years ago.
What a cute puppy!
Happy Derby Day!
Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
And Happy 200th Birthday to Karl Marx!
Forgot link:
@No Drought No More: Rubin is talking about classic “From the Treasury to my checking account” corruption. I agree that she’s been quiet lately about Bush/Cheney policies. I’m not going to try to decide right now which is/was worse.
That’s pretty much how I got out of bed this morning. Had the alarm set for 7:15, think I rolled out and got feet on the floor at 8:05.
Well done, Baxter.
Could you just email about four of those deviled eggs this way, please? We’re having margaritas with hamburgers for a Cinco de Mayo hoorah and they would be a perfect amuse bouche.
Will raise a glass to you and your dad.
Happy Derby Day
The trifecta for the win.
@HinTN: 4 would just make you want 8.
TaMara (HFG)
LOL. I keep coming back to this and kind of wishing it was in a flip book. Puppies – so hard not to sleep when they sleep, they just have that magic.
Yeah, you right
TaMara (HFG)
@raven: Ok, still laughing.
@Elizabelle: I’m a sucker for a sucker’s bet, so I think I’m hoping Mendelssohn finally ends the curse of the Dubai Derby winner stinking up the track (hi, Thunder Snow!). He’s one of the Scat Daddy’s. I didn’t love Scat Daddy as a racehorse (he was very good, just not one I particularly followed), but holy cow, did he make an imprint as a sire. That’s how it goes sometimes. Most racehorses are failures at stud, and often one that didn’t win any of the big classics ends up the big horse. Tapit is another big sire, who also didn’t do much in the Derby (he ran the year Smarty Jones did. Smarty Jones was a terrific racehorse, and a bust at stud).
I followed the nine months’ they spent trying to save Barbaro after the Preakness (Barbaro’s Derby was one of the best I ever saw). Interesting tidbit- they actually healed his broken leg, but laminitis developed in the good legs and that condition, unfortunately, is still a bit of a mystery in equine health- some horses recover, but a lot don’t. It’s what killed Sunday Silence, Secretariat, a whole bunch of good ones.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@WereBear: Sincere condolences on your loss.
@raven: Do you think Tasha is a cocker? All I can make out are the long black ears.
@raven: Hilarious!
@laura: I’m so sorry to hear that. Take good care of yourself…
J R in WV
Well, SO FAR Bush/Cheney killed way more people than Trump et al. That could change dramatically in an instant, but so far…
And I think, given the existence of C-130s filled with pallets of shrink-wrapped Benjamins ($100 bills by the millions) they were way more successful at stealing money than Trump, who is a small time grifter compared to Cheney.
Although the defense contracts were probably more profitable than the cash shipments, as cash only comes in $100 bills and a contract is sky’s the limit money. And Top Secret, too.
Such a sweet puppy. I miss having lazy dogs.
@laura: I’m so sorry about your dad, laura. The year my dad was dying I was beyond grateful to be playing on a volleyball team with friends. Whether we were practicing or having a game, that was a little bit of time when the world felt normal, and I wasn’t in my head. I’m glad you have that, too. Peace.
@laura: I’m so sorry. It’s just past 2 years since my dad passed and that first year sucks majorly. Sending you many good wishes and hear’s hoping, if you place a wager, he whispers to the Derby Gods for you.
Also, deviled eggs are delicious. Took me until my early 40s to make this discovery, but it was made.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@laura: Sincere condolences on your loss.
@MomSense: Your pup will definitely never be called lazy! I know how much you love her! But I’m not sure there’s enough cheese in the world to make her lazy.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Can one of the FPs delete my comment? Replied to the wrong person.
@No Drought No More: yeah.
And likewise, Giuliani is openly unrepentant for inciting thousands of white NYC cops to participate in a violent and racist riot, in order to get himself elected mayor. He encouraged police to yell racist attacks against Mayor Dinkins (much like the open attacks against President Obama) and against black councilwomen. Police destroyed property and were violent toward citizens who were in their way.
But today the WaPo put up a Max Boot opinion that talks about G’s achievements in law and order. His policy for his entire two terms was to use law-breaking police to terrorize minorities and deprive citizens of their rights.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Laura will know it was intended for her. Not to worry,we’ve all done that at some point.
Hmm… placed a $2 wager on a horse named Siem Reap in the 5th at Churchill (my stepmom is Cambodian). Did not win. May still be running the race, for all I know. This does not bode well for my Derby picks.
Badger is making me seriously want a Boston terrier.
Ha! She’s finally sleeping but only after walking five miles and running in the woods off leash for about 30 minutes. She also stole my good bra out of the laundry so I had to cave and give her sharp cheddar (her favorite).
I’m so sorry about your dad.
So sorry to read of your loss. For me, it’s been 44 years (coincidentally, his age when he died), and I still miss the old coot.