Today in WTF:
The so-called leaks coming out of the White House are a massive over exaggeration put out by the Fake News Media in order to make us look as bad as possible. With that being said, leakers are traitors and cowards, and we will find out who they are!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 14, 2018
Also, Trump’s wife had surgery this morning and will be hospitalized for the rest of the week. About half an hour ago, Trump tweeted that he was headed over to visit her at Walter Reed.
Can you imagine the media meltdown if any other president had loafed around the White House live-tweeting Fox News all day while his wife went under the knife? Especially if said president was in the middle of a massive sex scandal?
I get that everyone pretty much assumes the Trumps hate each other’s guts and that we all knew he was a gross philanderer from way back. Still, it’s amazing how quickly the Beltway press acclimated themselves to these circumstances, and yet they struggle to adjust to the fact that the president is a mind-blowingly corrupt, incompetent liar.
They are still covering the JOB aspect of Trump’s presidency as if he were a normal president, but the personal life angle — they were able to skippidy-doo-dah right over that. Hmmm. Not sure if I should be grateful or annoyed. (About being spared media hand-wringing about the Trumps’ fucked up family dynamics, I mean.)
Doug R
I wish her Be Best!
christ, what an asshole.
Chyron HR
“The leaks don’t exist and when we find the leaker he will be executed.”
“Those who oppose the regime shall be first up against the walls!”
“And their little dogs too!” //
The Death of a Republic is long and painful.
@Chyron HR:
Maybe the leaker will turn out to be Trump himself. Who knows what goes on during those pillow talks with Sean Hannity?
@Chyron HR: I remember when we’d poke fun at China and NK about things like that. Seen from the other side its not so funny.
I dunno. It’s amazing how much the beltway media &, let’s be honest, all the media are just ok with this bizarre marriage, the philandering, the corruption, the inane & insane tweeting. But regularly, the Obamas were criticized for vacations in the foreign country of Hawaii and wearing summer weight suits, fist bumps…
Someone pointed out that reporters made money for being on tv punditing etc. You can’t force people to be ethical when corruption pays so well.
I really appreciate him defining “traitor” and “coward” for us – very helpful!
She’s going to be hospitalized for the rest of the week? That’s not minor surgery. Wonder what’s really going on there.
@Jeffro: wait… I don’t mean him defined in the words, I mean him, personally, defining what it means to be a traitor and a coward
TaMara (HFG)
I’ve been gone most of the day (though did catch the adorable Mr. B in the last thread). Just caught up with Harry Reid’s cancer. Sounds like he has the curable type of pancreatic cancer – we’ve had a run of both kinds in my family, so I cringe at the words. Pardon if it’s already been noted in previous thread.
I wonder if Melania told him to stay away, or if he’ll go over to the hospital and just hang out in a hallway instead of seeing her.
M. Bouffant
I want to know what’s (physically) wrong w/ her. Too much self-medication damage her kidneys?
@M. Bouffant: just as Betty noted in the original post, I want to know where the media meltdown is over the fact that these two don’t even sleep in the same room, travel separately to the same location, and now the president* feels the need to kick around all day tweeting then – oh yeah! – zip over to the hospital to see how she’s doing
@TaMara (HFG): I had not seen that. Thanks for posting. Best wishes to Sen. Reid for a full recovery. Pancreatic cancer is tough. I didn’t know there were various kinds.
After he tweeted this most of the responses on his twitter feed were “hey dumbass shouldn’t you be going to visit your wife in the hospital, you know that woman you are married to inbetween affairs with porn stars” . Sure enuf an hour later he tweets he is going to visit her. Maybe he does read the responses to his tweets. Or did someone on Fox News say that he should (more likely). However mores the point why wasn’t he at the hospital during the surgery? It’s not like he had anything better to do other than watch Fox News and I’m sure he could have done that in the waiting room.
@Yarrow: Maybe she bribed the doctor in order to stay. Who wants to heal at home, when you can hear the asshole yelling in the house.
Major Major Major Major
To be honest, I don’t really care about their relationship, except that the obvious PR attempts to show a loving marriage are just one more thing that he lies about. The leaking getting under his skin, that’s amusing. See, if he actually was the Genius Boss he likes to portray himself as, there’d be much much less leaking of embarrassing episodes. Know who didn’t have all that many embarrassing leaks from his administration? Obama.
Easier to hit on the nurses that way. Of course, it will be interesting to see what happens if he tries to grab one’s pu$$y. He might end up getting 25th’ed after all.
Of course, her aim would need to be pinpoint.
Trump is his own Bagdad Bob.
From my understanding, it wasn’t even surgery but more accurately a procedure — that is, an arterial catheter inserted in the groin that snaked up to the kidney and closed off the blood supply to the affected part (growth, tumor, whatever). No knives involved.
When I underwent quadruple cardiac bypass surgery in 2001, I was in the hospital for three days. THREE DAYS. So either Melania’s procedure was a great deal more serious than they’re acknowledging, or maybe the First Lady paid a lot of money up front for a legit excuse to be away from her husband for a week.
Kraux Pas
Well, things that would be awful for any other President barely rise above the tree line with this one.
Yeah, the people I know who had heart bypass surgery were usually sent home within a couple of days. My mom had to stay for about 5 days because she has COPD, which caused a few complications (but she’s fine now).
So what did Melania have that requires a weeklong stay? I can’t imagine that the White House is not equipped for patient care.
@JPL: Who would want to live with that asshole at all? She could recuperate with her parents or at a hotel.
Something doesn’t add up. People get kidney procedures and are out of the hospital the next day or maybe two days later. A week in the hospital is a long time and usually means a big deal kind of surgery. Even with five star treatment since she’s married to the president, they still wouldn’t want to keep her longer than necessary due to infection risk in hospitals.
TaMara (HFG)
@Yarrow: As far as I know (with our family experience anyway) there are two – one is almost always fast and fatal, one is treatable with a high probability of remission. My uncles had the fast and furious type, my aunt has the other. It responds to surgery/chemo.
@Kraux Pas: Trump could have been having sex on Air Force One with Hope Hicks or any other willing female and our press corpse would have ignored it. If Obama had even looked at another woman the wrong way it would have been Breaking News!
@TaMara (HFG):
There’s a curable pancreatic cancer? Thank goodness for that, and I wish him all the luck.
Ha! Not the first time you and I had the same thought at the same time! I’m just a slower typist.
The phrase “massive over exaggeration” suggests donnie has self-calibration problem. Ya think?
@TaMara (HFG): Thanks. I didn’t know that.
@Mnemosyne: I’m sure she doesn’t want to be near him, but even so, staying in the hospital isn’t recommended because of increased chance of infection. For her own health I’m sure the doctors will want her to go home as soon as medically advised.
@M. Bouffant:
I cut neither of them any slack, but it’s really none of our goddamned business unless it’s an injury that Weasel Face caused.
@Mnemosyne: My dad was in and out of the hospital in 5 days for a hip replacement operation. Basically, prep on day 1, operate day 2, recover for 3 days, and then discharged (to a short-term rehab place, where he stayed for 4 or 5 more days).
TS (the original)
The president* is so besotted by having the title he ALWAYS refers to his wife as First Lady, Melania. Utterly weird, like everything else he does and says. He just has to tell everyone Melania is the First Lady!!!
he decided poisoning her was cheaper and quicker then divorce?
/at this point nothing would surprise me anymore.
I’m willing to bet it’s for plastic surgery. Not Kidneys. Walter Reed is known for that and she looks like she has had quite a bit already. Also the recovery time out of the public eye seems kind of long. Just speculation but I have no reason to believe anything that comes directly from the liar in chief and his administration, ever.
Diagnosis by guess
Wild Cat
@Jeffro: The upper- and ruling classes don’t ever sleep in the same room.
The few at the top make the big bucks and state and local coverage sucks more and more as they fire every non-national journalist. Those that don’t get fired make 40k a year and have no job security and no chance at advancement. In ten years all we’ll have left are 3 “national” newspapers and cable tv opinion shows.
To read statehouse news in Ohio- actions on state law- one has to read something called the “statehouse reporter” which is one or two sentence blurbs on legislation. No one outside lawyers and lobbyists reads it, because 99% of people probably don’t even know it exists. They’ll be operating completely in the dark soon, state legislatures, but we’ll have plenty of “campaign memoir” books!
Trump is the best thing that ever happened to these people. They hit the fucking personal jackpot when they got him elected.
randy khan
The snarky part of me says that I didn’t know that Walter Reed did cosmetic surgery.
However, the non-snarky part of me says that, whatever it is, it’s not really my business and I hope the surgery was successful and she recovers completely. I think the non-snarky part of me wins this time.
TS (the original)
And that’s always possible in relation to kidneys.
Trump makes me do damage to my kidneys too.
@RemindsMeOfThatMovie: That’s my guess as well. Although five days or a week for recovery from plastic surgery seems short as well.
Ummm…. I just heard on the news that there is a fuss because the pastors Trump sent to the opening of the new US Jerusalem believes that all Jews will be damned by the Christian God to eternal damnation and they well go to Hell be for intoldrable torture for eternity.
I hope I am not an intolerant liberal who will drive Trumpsters further into intolerant fascist barbarism by noting that some might consider that somewhat odd and not quite in the proper spirit of things.
I guess since these pastors think every single human who does not believe exactly as they do to every jot and tittle will go to Hell too. So, in that sense, it is all OK, perhaps.
Netanyahu probably didn’t care though.
@SiubhanDuinne: it’s more than likely that Melania staying in the hospital for the next week is just cover for drumpf’s much more complicated surgery involving getting hannity’s lips removed from his ass.
Mike in NC
Trump will make sure the trip to Walter Reed will be worthwhile by groping a female nurse or doctor on the way out.
And why do they pay so much for this crap? Dennis Kucinich ranting on Fox is really worth 130k a year? That’s 3 or 4 statehouse reporters and we can probably give them health insurance and a 401k too. They can pay off their student loans.
Another sector follows the race to the bottom formula, where 150 people at the top suck up all the revenue and no one else gets a job or gets paid at all.
@randy khan: I have no particular interest in what the actual surgery is. I care about the lying and their explanation makes no sense. It creates more questions.
This White House lies all the time about everything. Big things, little things. Lies, lies, lies. Melania having the procedure they described doesn’t make sense for a week long hospital stay. Another lie. It is none of our business and they could have just said that. They didn’t. They lied. Again.
I wonder how Barron is going to do for the week. Grandparents from Slovenia caring for him?
Villago Delenda Est
The vermin of the Village, from Carter on, have been at least healthy 65% or so of the dysfunction in the polity.
Hence my nym.
Wipe them out. All of them.
I am neither diagnosing nor guessing. I am going by how physicians/surgeons on CNN and MSNBC described an “embolization procedure,” which is the terminology the WH used in their press release. In all honesty I don’t much care (and don’t wish her ill) but if it does turn out to be plastic surgery, or something much more serious than a “benign kidney procedure,” I plan to scream loudly about yet another blatant example of lying from this malAdministration. But I obviously don’t know any more than the rest of us do.
@Kay: If the free press is to benefit the country it should not be a for-profit entity. Since they’re greedy bastards and all about making money, everything is sensationalized and the big names get the big money.
In other news, everything is fine.
LOL!! ?
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I’ve said it before: There’s no bottom to this guy. The only thing left is for him to hand her divorce papers while she’s lying in the hospital bed.
Fixed for more accurater.
I was wondering about Barron too. Have never heard what kind of care arrangements are in place for him when both parents are absent.
@lollipopguild: It was! There was a whole “breaking” scandal of a photo at one angle that made it look like Obama was staring at some woman’s butt while abroad. Other angles showed he was looking at something else. Guess which one conservative media showed?
Why is that the dominant mode today? It’s across all sectors; I can’t imagine that it makes more money than any other way. Why did it take over? Is it ideological? I don’t understand.
@TS (the original): Long term problem caused by multiple STDs? trump is renown for going bareback right?
If they’re so concerned about a free press why don’t they ever advocate for local news reporters? They’re the unsung heroes of this profession, in my opinion. They’re getting fired all over the place. They make next to nothing. You’d have to be insane to pursue that as a career. No one worth anything will do it. Instead of hiring some washed up politician as a commenter and paying HIM why don’t they invite someone from an actual Ohio newspaper and pay HIM.
Ella in New Mexico
I just wanna hidden camera video of the 35 seconds he’ll spend at her bedside before the morphine makes her knock him upside the head with one of her “Get Well Soon” bouquet vases…
Seriously, who’s kidding themselves? He’ll probably just show up for a camera op, walk in and then go hide in one of the doctor’s lounges and steal stuff out of their lunch boxes in the fridge
@Wild Cat: Ouch, that’s gonna leave a mark…well done!
It is for them. Remember, the goal is Right wing domination.
what’s a few hundred million compared to that?
@lollipopguild: if Obama had spit on the sidewalk, it would have been breaking news.
How many trade wars do these people intend to fight at the same time?
Mike in NC
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): An homage to Newt Gingrich!
@Kay: But they AREN’T concerned about the free press. The heads of the giant media conglomerates just want to make money. News doesn’t make money. That’s why shows like The Today Show are the leaders in the “news” division.
We the people are the ones who need the free press. We need those local reporters to go to the city council and school board meetings and report back. We need the small town newspapers. We need that. The giant media conglomerates don’t need that. In fact it might even hurt their ability to make money when those local reporters reported on corruption. They will do what they can to eliminate that sort of local, independent media and turn everything into mind-numbing infotainment.
We the people need a strong free press. We do not have one.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Corrected for accuracy.
@Ella in New Mexico: He’s a big germaphobe, so…nickel bet some asshole in the both-sides media gives him praise for being…yup…BRAVE ENOUGH to go into a hospital, considering his ‘condition’.
Villago Delenda Est
@lollipopguild: Well, you know about the insatiable sexual appetites of blah men, especially when it comes to being around flowers of Southern womanhood.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Mike in NC: Indeed!
I don’t know but it seems obviously and blatantly unsustainable, doesn’t it? I met a quality engineer today and they actually pay her a decent wage. That’s hard job! I was thrilled- “oh, GOOD for YOU” – I was just hugely relieved that whoever runs that company restrained themselves from hoovering up every available dollar. We decided it was because it’s a “small” company so they’re not intrinsically greedy, short-sighted assholes.
Ella in New Mexico
Yeah, something’s fishy about her condition as “benign tumour”. At our hospital, a procedure like this MIGHT require an overnight’s stay, just to monitor for internal bleeding or hematoma at the site of the insertion of the catheter. There’s more happening here than what they’re saying.
@Ella in New Mexico: As I said above, I don’t care what the deal is or why she’s in the hospital, but she’s not there for what they’ve said she’s there for. It’s another lie.
Villago Delenda Est
@Citizen_X: Norms changed, during the Reagan years. It’s all take the money and run now. Before, people thought in terms of generations. Now they think about the next fiscal quarter and their bonuses.
Capitalism is destroying itself. Galbraith and Keynes saw this coming. So did Smith and Marx. It has to be restrained from its excesses to deliver on the positive things it can contribute.
Funny, I don’t remember Michael Wolff getting a job as a pundit thanks to his book that made the Trump White House look like a bunch of incompetent boobs. He got interviews for a couple of weeks and then the MSM dropped him like a hot potato.
I’m fully expecting CNN to not renew Jake Tapper’s contract, because he’s not sufficiently aboard the Trump Train.
Ella in New Mexico
@Jeffro: Yeah, you’re probably right. At least the docs won’t go hungry this shift–he’ll be too scared to steal other people’s food. Secret Service will just bring him take out from McDonalds while he sits in the limo in the underground garage.
Man, I definitely wish someone could get a hidden camera video of him shoving a Big Mac in his face with one hand, swigging a drink of Diet Coke in between each bite while the mayo accumulates on his chin and the droppings just fall in his lap…
@Mnemosyne: Nah, the networks like having one reporter that doesn’t quite follow the party line. Shep Smith is that guy at Fox.
It’s hard to believe Trump people would lie about something as serious as someone’s medical condition.
@Baud: Are you saying that with a straight face?
Gelfling 545
@Yarrow: When they yanked out my gallbladder i was in the car on my way home about an hour after I opened my eyes in recovery. Let’s get you out of here, they said. They somehow stuffed me into my clothes & my sister drove me home. I don’t recall much about getting here but home I went. Very unusual to keep someone that long for something that’s not pretty severe.
@Elizabelle: Do I ever?
I understand robots have no faces.
Fair Economist
That makes me think aneurysm. Which could also explain an extended hospital stay, for observation, because if one of those pops, you can drop dead on the spot.
I’d say a large part of the problem is that the left wing doesn’t have the sort of infrastructure dedicated to sliming the right wing. Remember the Clintons and “crack pipe Christmas trees”? The idea is so absurd on the face of it that it makes no sense, but it was gobbled up. Remember how Bill Clinton visiting a friend on the tarmac was a big deal, when, jeezum frickin’ criminy, how would it make sense to do something unbecoming so blatantly obviously? Did any of you see the ridiculous glee when Obama says “I think we can agree that a cop who arrests a cranky homeowner acted stupidly” because they were sure they could gin up outrage over how Obama hates law enforcement, because? (Yes, that’s punctuated correctly. A person who asks “because what?” shows a lack of understanding of the RW noise machine.)
Me? I want good governance. I’m concerned that Trump is viewed as a criminal slimeball only because the truth allows no other description, not because I want to win the news cycle.
Fuck. here we go again.
Ella in New Mexico
@efgoldman: @SiubhanDuinne:
Actually, you did not guess at all. You are 100% accurate. An embolization procedure such as this is done percutaneously, by going through a major arterial or venous site to access the blood supply leading to the tumor and cauterize it, thus killing the tissue.
@Fair Economist: Actually, even that diagnosis wouldn’t require a week long stay unless the patient suffered post-surgical complications. I’ve recovered many types of aneurysms in the ICU, and unless the patient had lots of other problems, you’re talking three days at most.
Hey folks, just some advance notice that I’m in the market for a Hugh Hewitt voodoo doll, or failing that, would really like to just stick pins into the real thing. WaPo saw fit to publish this pile of crap with all the hot, fresh, new “narrative” (i.e., complete bullshit) that the both-sides media is trying to cough up these days:
Here’s how to crack the electoral code.
Oh, fuck you, Hewitt…
So we have this nonsense about being “disrespected”, and now the new, additional, “fresh” narrative: all this here fightin’ is jes’ the extreme 10%, don’t you know?
Except that is COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT, because 80-85% of the Republican Party’s voters support the radical Cruelty First agenda of Trumpov-backed-by-the-Kochs.
No one on the left is even comparable in terms of the damage they would do or even like to do to Republican voters and/or the country at large. Majorities of us absolutely hate these people, because they are un-American and support pedophiles, looters, and traitors.
Fight this dumbass both-sides “it’s just the radical 10% on each side” wherever you see it. I don’t worry about Hewitt, but plenty of Beltway media types actually think he has something to say, and that there might be truth to that something. They couldn’t be more wrong.
@TaMara (HFG):
Yikes! I hope Harry still has his boxing skills, he’s in for a fight.
I get freaked out sometimes. Today is one of those times. My son is retrofitting a Chinese-owned magnesium recycling facility in rural Ohio. They take magnesium by products left over from manufacturing process and process it (somehow- don’t know- he lost me for that part) and ship it to China.
He’s doing the electrical work and it will be fully automated. They’re putting in very fancy motion sensor lighting because the robots don’t need lighting so it only triggers when a random human being wanders thru. We were just marveling over this- “they don’t need LIGHTS to work under!” Because of course they don’t. They’re machines. He was just like “it’ll be dark in there- this huge facility- open and running, but dark”.
Ella in New Mexico
Jesus H. Christ–was going to go in under Betty Cracker’s post below until I saw it’s at 415 comments. I’m stayin the heck outta there
Brendan in NC
@dmsilev: my mom’s back home after hip replacement surgery – was in for 2 days
Ok, back on topic…here’s Ms. Petri’s tweet-take on, well, the topic:
@Ella in New Mexico: It’s Israel is doing wrong vs Israel is being goaded into doing wrong because of Palestine doing wrong.
a-Could be uterine, ovaries, or both, or prolapse or hysterect., or extensive endo + fibroids
b-getting some plastic surgery done as long as she’s in there for something anyway–I’ve known women who do that. Stay away from WH staff until bruises gone.
c-hide bruises caused by Trump, get away from his rage (at Mueller) for awhile Hard to believe he doesn’t blame and scream at her since he does at everyone else. Probably shoves her around and grips her at the very least. You could see him do that with her hand during the campaign even.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Probably for the best. Tempers are running high in there.
I agree. She’s in for a tune-up.
It makes less money. But the few at the top get more.
Saw the sad news today about the death of Margot Kidder. The ONLY Lois Lane that I “stan” for.
No other Lois Lane can come close to Margot Kidder’s Lois! RIP Ms. Kidder!
Steve in the SFO
@Jeffro: I came out to California specifically to sneer at my lessers in flyover country!
@Ella in New Mexico:
thanks for the laugh
Ella in New Mexico
LOL if you only knew how often people in the medical field steal out of someone else’s lunches and never fucking cop to it–it’s an ongoing source of “WTF? Who steals from their fucking coworkers?” frustration where I work :-)
Mike in NC
@Jeffro: When Hugh Hewitt needs somebody eager to fellate Trump, he can do no better than Victor Davis Hanson, author of a book called “Mexifornia”. Just a wild guess that he hates Mexicans more than Trump does.
@Kay: Weird! I never pictured it like that, but makes sense. Surprised they don’t need cameras on to monitor some things, but maybe that’s all done with data readouts sent to a control room.
@lamh36: Sorry, Noel Neill was the best.
Maybe some new boobs?
Wonderful T storm passing through central VA right now. DC was due for a big one tonight too. They mentioned possible “derechos”, which can be serious.
Folks say that she is ‘having work done’
The very concept of pimps and whores has been so ripped apart by this maladministration that it will never again be able to be used by people legitimately in the sex business.
@Ella in New Mexico:
This doesn’t seem wise in a work area where everyone has access to some truly disgusting things of human origin.
Villago Delenda Est
@TenguPhule: It’s insane. But then again, any discussion of the Israeli/Palestinian/Middle East situation inflames opinions, even among those of a liberal bent. There’s so much wrong on all sides. And so much right.
OT, dog lovers might love this short monologue from Merrill Markoff.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mike in NC: The heads of Hewitt and Hanson would be infinitely more suitable on pikes than on their shoulders.
@Villago Delenda Est: I think it has to do with the sun and the heat. Too much of both drives people to madness.
@Villago Delenda Est: This theory needs to be tested.
@Mike in NC:
A fast food drive through clerk here in Kentucky noticed my California plates, and asked me and asked me if LA had a lot of crime. Seemed shocked when I said Lexington was worse. These idiots have no idea they live in the shithole.
Ella in New Mexico
@TenguPhule: they’re sneaky bastards about it–makes it hard to retaliate ;-)
True, minor surgery is either done on an outpatient basis or they get you out the next day.
OT: I saw this at the Getty Villa’s herb garden yesterday.
Yes. Yes it is.
Those at the top get paid the most because they are the most valuable. For proof just ask any number of wealthy people. And if they are the most valuable then what do you need anyone else for in the first place? Of course in the TV industry if you get rid of the writers then you have more money to pay the idiots who spew the approved bullshit. And you bring on asswipes from think tanks to tell them what to say. What do you mean those think tanks don’t do any thinking, it’s right there in the name.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Reminds me of that old joke:
“One of these tomatoes has AIDS on it.”
Next day.
Someone has replaced the original sign.
“Now there are two tomatoes with AIDS on them. Have a nice day!”
Villago Delenda Est
@Elizabelle: If the God of Abraham wanted to demonstrate that He actually exists, smiting Donald’s motorcade in the Tornado Watch Zone would have been a splendid target of opportunity.
But He missed it.
Flying Spaghetti Monster, you’re on deck. Meatball sized hail, please.
Mike J
there are two general types of pancreatic cancer. the “he we can deal with this” type and the “oh you are so fucked” type. I think it depends on the part of the pancreas.
I guess if she’s having a medication adjustment that needs monitoring, it could be 4 days. (Or more if she’s talking an arrhythmia or psych med that is incompatible with a new kidney med.) Lower one, increase another, watch levels, adjust, repeat til they like the result.
The last Big Scary News Alert I saw for my area was guys sneaking up to unlocked cars while the owner was pumping gas and stealing stuff out of them. Not threatening or strong-arming anyone, just sneak thieves who ran away if anyone spotted them.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mike J: Oh, something is not right here. Greiten’s shysters have something on Gardner.
Kraux Pas
Maybe a reduction for the boob she married?
In TV, you don’t get rid of the writers, you hire people as low-level “producers” who aren’t covered by the Writer’s Guild minimums.
All “unscripted” “reality” shows have writers — they’re just non-union so they can be paid less.
@Gelfling 545: I had a liver biopsy and a colonoscopy back to back one morning several years ago. I was discharged three hours after the second procedure.
I a full knee replacement in January. Surgery Wednesday afternoon, discharged Friday morning. Definitely something more than a simple procedure going on here.
@Villago Delenda Est:
The FSM specializes in offenders choking on the meatballs.
Ella in New Mexico
When I read about his diagnosis today I went back and looked at my references about types, treatments, survival rates, etc. I had no idea just how many cell types and locations in the pancreas there are.
There is a type that has a far greater 5 year survival rate–Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors. People with stage I pancreatic NETs surgically treatable have about a 61% rate of surviving 5 years after diagnosis.
Here’s a link to some excellent info re: pancreatic cancer in general:
and survival rates
For sure.
I thought we were talking news readers and those that write for them.
@Mike J: Good strategy. And so very fucked up.
Why resign if you’ve got sway over prosecutors, judges. Government by stockpiling compromising material.
Trump,is a germaphobe who is disgusted by elderly men falling down and bleeding according to himself in one story. I think he might just not want to see someone who has surgery. He is really weird you know.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Yup yup yup.
@Mike J: So here’s the thing–I live in a suburb of St. Louis, have seen Gardner try to prosecute a few other cases, and she is just not very good. In fact, last year her office botched the investigation and trial of a St. Louis police officer, Jason Stockley, who shot and killed a black man after a high speed chase. There was pretty clear dashboard camera footage that caught the entire incident but she and her team just didn’t do a good job with the prosecution. That led to a month of street protests, which I think were justified by the not guilty verdict but the case could have been handled better for a different outcome.
Anyways, I’ve been predicting an outcome like this for a while in this Greiten’s case–the main issue is Gardner only has a “he said, she said” case right now. The Circuit Attorney’s office was never able to find “the photo” that Greiten’s allegedly took with his phone. I suppose it would be possible to go forward with a trial on such skimpy evidence but the judge today ruled that due to poor handling of the case by Gardner’s office that the judge would allow Gardner to be called to the witness stand. That put Gardner in the legal crosshairs, so to speak, since it is possible there are aspects of her handling of the case she doesn’t want made public, so her office dropped the case.
To wind this up, there is a second case going forward against Greitens relating to his improper usage of his former charity’s email list for fundraising during his campaign for Governor. There is actual firm evidence, a paper trail/testimony from his former campaign manager/etc…, to substantiate that actually occurred so if Greitens is going to be convicted for something it will happen with this issue. The caveat, once again, is that Gardner doesn’t run a very good prosecutorial shop so don’t take that to the bank.
@Ella in New Mexico: thanks for this.
My colonoscopy, I was put to sleep and released about an hour after they finished. Had to have someone bring me.
My angiogram they didn’t put me to sleep as they said they would need permission to proceed if they needed to do a stent. Because of that and that they don’t want you to move for 6 hrs after the procedure and not to do anything strenuous after that for a couple of days they don’t let you drive yourself to or from. But I got discharged after the 6 hrs. I’ve been on the table for a biopsy for my cancer 3 times and each time I drove there and home after the procedure. (The angiogram was better than the biopsies, no question, and I was getting seriously poked and prodded each and every time. So on the table 5 times, sliced and diced each time and was never checked into the hospital. No body does that any more or any longer than absolutely necessary any more. Some of it may be the cost, some may be the number of beds, some is for sure that it’s easy to get infected in a hospital, all those sick people and everything.
Sounds Messikin, need to build that wall fast!
Sm*t Cl*de
“Distant past”? Oh fuck that shit. The Roman Republic is barely yesterday.
@Sm*t Cl*de: That was the part that wound you up? Really?
I got just two nights after my total hip replacement, 60 hours from check in to check out. So glad to get out of the hospital, weird patients wander the halls in the dead of night.
From Science
Villago Delenda Est
@marcopolo: So what Greiten’s lawyers have on Gardener is that she’s incompetent.
@marcopolo: Good to know. Any guess as to if he will try to stay on for a long time or is just waiting for something — a buyout, a candidate, whatever?
Amir Khalid
To Bush 43’s Republican party, this approach to foreign policy/diplomacy made Bolton unacceptable as Ambassador to the UN.
Way to hit the nail on the head… Neo liberalism … it’s turtles all the way down. and by turtles I mean transparent self-serving lies that shouldn’t fool a six-year-old.
@Villago Delenda Est: Dunno if this thread is dead but, for example, questions have been raised about how the grand jury process was run. I am pretty sure the circuit attorney doesn’t want to be deposed over that.
That seems like a long stay. I thought hospitals throw people out as fast as they can.
@Aleta: There are still several different threads regarding Greitens moving forward: 1) the improper/illegal use of his former charity’s email list for fundraising for his Gubinatorial (sp?) campaign which the circuit attorney is also prosecuting; 2) investigation of his adminitration’s use of a texting app called “confide” that deletes message automatically after their sending/receipt which would violate state records laws; and, 3) the state legislature is holding a special session starting in a week or two. I have no idea how any of those will play out. Whatever happens, Greitens ability to pursue his agenda, which is awful, has been totally neutralized by all these issues—that’s a positive.
It was. Some meeting in Italy and Obamas eyes strayed for a few seconds. there were steps involved. Possibly a funeral?
J R in WV
My shoulder replacements, pretty serious in my book, in on Tuesday morning, out Wednesday afternoon. One night. maybe 30 hours?
The nurse on overnight came by around 1 or 2 am, asked if I wanted the IV pain med… oh yeh! But my IV had “inflitrated” – wasn’t flowing correctly.
Duty nurse wasn’t prepared to do another IV, went for help, around 3 a younger nurse from ICU came up, took about 3 minutes to get me set up, was a vast improvement. They basically cut your arm off, glue some new parts in, then close it up.
If we were in a movie, this would be the part where Melania’s foreign contacts help her fake her death at the hospital while her husband is distracted by Fox News and his phone. Then she could kidnap Barron from whatever boarding school Ivanka will send him to and start their new life in, I don’t know, Alberta or something.
@Bonnie: I had my appendix out the day before Thanksgiving 2016. They discharged me the next morning at 10am. I think I was in the hospital a grand total of 26 hours, but it was done with a laparoscope so that would be much less invasive than the old-fashioned slice across the belly.
OTOH, in 1985 I was kept in the hospital for a week after a hysterectomy, because I hemorrhaged after I left the recovery area and had to have more surgery. Again, that was done with the less invasive method or I probably would have been there even longer. .