Beeb trolls Trump so hard!
just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
— BBC Three (@bbcthree) May 19, 2018
I’m off to the fabric store for material to cover the cushions on our outdoor barstools. Y’all play nice!
Open thread!
by Betty Cracker| 216 Comments
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Beeb trolls Trump so hard!
just saying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
— BBC Three (@bbcthree) May 19, 2018
I’m off to the fabric store for material to cover the cushions on our outdoor barstools. Y’all play nice!
Open thread!
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Good morning jackals on this rainy day here near the swamp land.
He He He.
The wedding had such style, grace, and modernity.
Contrast with what Trump has delivered. Advice by Hannity, counsel by Rudy. Idiocracy stuck in the 1980s and 90s.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
I’m listening to Rachel Maddow from last night. Holy cow. I lived through Nixon and I still didn’t remember that he created a list of people he wanted audited and handed it to the IRS. As a corrupt president, he’s hard to beat. So, will Trump say “Hold my beer”?
Last week we watched our local sinclair news station (don’t judge, their weatherman is more accurate than the other channels) and they did a brief segment on the wedding. And then, as they usually do, had time to kill before the next commercial break and so did their usual awkward banter.
(All local news shows insist the anchors engage in banter between segments. It’s supposed to make us love them.)
The lady anchor asked her co-host if he’d be watching the wedding. He made a face and said he had no interest. He asked her the same question, and she also made a face and said she had no intention of watching. “ugh”
I found it odd, that this conservative news outlet wouldn’t care about an American woman marrying into royalty.
My wife spoke up and hit the nail on the head. “It’s because she’s Black.”
My coffee is now somehow made immeasutably better.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
When I watched that, I thought, oh damn, now trump will try to use the IRS like Nixon if he hasn’t already tried it.
You do realize our troll will now declare war on the Brits. Since we don’t need Congress to do that anymore.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
I think we’ll find out Trump ordered Hillary arrested, and it never got farther than the room as someone explained to him the legal system doesn’t work like that.
EDIT – Upon cogitation, and thinking about previous news stories, I know we’ll eventually find out about a lot of ‘Would someone rid me of this meddlesome priest?’ moments, as Trump complained about how X enemy should be arrested/killed/whatever, because he’s too fucking cowardly to actually try to order something. He just hoped someone else would take the responsibility. And of course they wouldn’t.
I’m sorry the Obamas weren’t invited, even though I know why.
Checked my magic 8 ball: All signs point to YES!
The comments in that tweet up top have many yuuuge crowd shots that would shame you know who’s Inauguration crowd.
The more that comes out about the investigation the more I wonder how in hell Comey failed to act.
At a minimum he knew:
1. What this new I informant told them
2. The Steele documents
3. That Page was a Russian agent
4. That Papadopoulos was an agent
5. That Flynn had a Russian spy girlfriend
6. That Manafort was running the campaign
7. That Trump was openly calling on the Russians to hack Clinton
Unbelievable failure on Comey’s part.
OMG, is Trump now gonna take to Twitter and remind people that there were millions of onlookers lining the streets of New York at his last wedding?
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@bemused: It sounds like he’s already trying to get the IRS to go after Bezos and Amazon. The USPS too. One of the charges against Nixon was abuse of power, based on stuff like this.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): At the end, Trumpov will be calling for the arrest and imprisonment of Dems, FBI, Mueller, leakers, etc. We’ll be lucky if he doesn’t call for his fundie and gun-nut supporters to show up at House/Senate offices…
TS (the original)
@Sanjeevs: But her emails.
I wonder what UK will do if the Queen passes during Trump’s term. Maybe require attendees to walk a long procession with no hoverround?
Pigeons and squirrels.
Also because diversity! Can’t have that.
I’ve never watched much of the royal weddings until this one. Thought they were too stodgy and rigid. My spouse even enjoyed watching. We talked about how this royal wedding was different and how refreshing they could have the pomp and the progress, reflecting the changing of the times.
When we read or hear inspiring stories of inclusion and diversity, it gives us a lift, makes us feel hopeful about the future. Meanwhile the trump/gop agendas just make us feel awful. It’s the opposite for wingnut haters. Seriously, just suggesting caring about other people and believing diversity is good for everyone enrages them.
Latest Vanity Fair had a very interesting piece on the future Marquess of Bath and his wife, Emma Thynn, daughter of a London socialite mother and wealthy Nigerian father. Viscount Ceawlin said he had absolutely believed that in the UK we lived in a post-racial society that in hindsight was incredibly naive. His own parents didn’t attend their wedding. He had disinvited his mother when she commented more than once that his marriage would “affect 400 years of bloodline” even though his mother was once an actress appearing in erotic films and his father has had over 70 mistresses he calls “wifelets”.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
If this isn’t true already, I think you’re right. And in his case, it’s not just rhetoric.
@Baud: Yet another reason to hope that Queen Elizabeth outlasts Trump.
I don’t know that we can take another year of this ugliness in this country.
Good to see former PM John Major at the wedding. Always thought he was a class act.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): Was reading up on Henry VIII last night (Wiki), and the wives’ families. Would have been a curse to have been born into a noble family in those times. Power, of course, but also the Reformation to endanger lives.
Anyway, I think Trump wants to be Henry VIII. Although Henry was better educated (for his times), and showed valor in youth.
He wants to be an absolute monarch. He’d be down with beheading, in his morass of a heart.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Yes, he doesn’t see any reason why he shouldn’t be a banana republic dictator. No doubt, he’s also very jealous of Bezo’s immense wealth.
I thought Meghan looked incredible, and I think she princesses better than Kate Middleton. She seems more genuine and effortlessly glamorous. So glad to see the royal family fuckin’ chill a bit.
Hasn’t he already? He doesn’t have the power to do it. As much as he wishes he were a third world dictator, he isn’t. The DoJ prosecutors are going to tell him ‘No, there’s no case’ and fume though he may, it will be in impotence.
Related, they’re also utter cowards who swing their guns around specifically because they know they can scare others without facing any pushback themselves. They’re fantasy revolutionaries. We’re already getting all the violence Trump is capable of spawning.
Next week would be an excellent time for Mueller to play a major card.
Quality players, in every endeavor, never forget the importance timing and/or time.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
It was a point of pride among journalists to be on the “enemies list” and considered a mild insult if you weren’t.
It came out in either the house or senate hearings; and while Cong Father Drinan (yes, a Jesuit priest ran for and got elected to congress) wanted it (and other matters) in the bill of impeachment, but the house decided to construct it narrowly and specifically.
ETA: The IRS never followed thru. Agency heads actually did their jobs properly in those days.
Comey isn’t supposed to act, not in the kind of public way we want. That’s why his acting against Hillary Clinton is the real failure. He stepped out of his job role to attack the person who he knew was innocent, while hiding behind his duty to say nothing about the person he knew was guilty.
@germy: For the win
I went to a place in the high desert called ‘Red Rock’ this morning and took some pics; here’s one.
Yep. That and the fact that the couple made it pretty clear that no-one within a mile of Trump was getting an invitation.
Well, we do know that DJT “knows things” about Senator John Tester. He said so.
Bill Arnold
And, lest it be left unsaid, cockroaches.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
@efgoldman: I remembered that there was an enemies list, but I didn’t recall Nixon used it as a target list for the IRS.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
He might have wanted to, but he didn’t. See my ETA
Omnes Omnibus
@oldgold: He will act when he is ready. He is not working to some political timetable nor should he be.
How long will this set of mascots last until divorce?
Matt McIrvin
@Frankensteinbeck: He has ICE completely in his pocket and they’re a straight fascist goon squad with few restrictions, but ICE can only really go to town on non-citizens (though sometimes they arrest and detain somebody who they just think is a non-citizen). I’ve been wondering whether there’s some way he can leverage them into a secret police force that can just whale on everybody. It’s hard to actually rescind somebody’s citizenship, especially if they’re native-born.
She looked relatively spry this morning. I think we’ll be spared that horror.
Her effortlessness was because she was oozing happiness. Pomp wasn’t going to get the better of her!
Matt McIrvin
@Frankensteinbeck: …I also think we’re only maxed out for the current social/political situation. Trump seems to be doing his best to encourage chaos in the Middle East, and surely our counter-terrorist operations don’t have competent leadership; suppose we get another 9/11 or something of that magnitude? Imagine Trump with George W. Bush in late 2001 levels of carte blanche. We could see mass arrests of Democrats.
And there we have it. 3 simple sentences that lay it out so clearly.
This should be on Comey’s tombstone. If not literally, then figuratively.
Bill Arnold
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady):
Given the political capital that DJTrump has expended to not let the US public see his tax returns, he’s probably a bit vulnerable in this area. If somebody at the IRS leaked that there were orders for investigations of political opponents, he’d take some damage, IMO. And the Republicans treat the IRS very badly.
@bemused: Interestingly this morning during the Wedding commentary one of the presenters who is herself bi-racial said that the UK is now the most bi-racial nation in the world. I don’t know how accurate it is, but I grew up with a bi-racial sister so I know of what she speaks. It is was an interesting tid-bit because it is reflecting what I see on TV here all day. There are half a dozen commercials daily showing bi-racial families with their bi-racial children. I still stand by my premise that the thing that pushed the wingnuts and racists in the US over the edge was a) electing a black president and b) their favourite TV channel HGTV featuring bi-racial and LGBT couples all over the place, you only had to watch a couple of episodes of Househunters to know this to be true.
@Matt McIrvin:
Not going to happen. Our politics have become too polarized. If another 911 happens, Trump will get the blame rather than cooperation from half the country. This has already been demonstrated in several terrorist actions that once upon a time would have moved the public towards Republicans.
J R in WV
Isn’t that exactly what @Sanjeevs was trying to say in the OP you comment about??
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@Jeffro: @Frankensteinbeck: @Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): which begs the question…whose job is it to arrest the FBI? Not sure he’s thought that one out yet. They’re the federal agency that does the arresting.
After five days Melania got released from the hospital today. Of course Trump can now lie about being invited to the wedding. Sure we wanted to go-bigly! But Melania did not get out of the hospital in time. Sad.
Causal effect is about 50-50.
Agree. And Trump has too many assets in big cities. He’s not going to put those at risk by moving against us in that way.
I have thought similar & am forever grateful that Dump has surrounded himself with weak little cowards. Nixon had G. Gordon Liddy who really was going to see that Nixon’s ‘enemies’ were executed. Hair furor has nobody like that (so far anyway) or there would already be casualties. Thank Pasta for small favors.
J R in WV
Beautiful as usual !! I love the way the headlights (I assume) illuminate a slice of the hills in the foreground.
Seems to be artifact vertical lines in the foreground landscape? what could have caused that? maybe just how my laptop is rendering it…
Its also a sort of reverse snobbism I notice among my conservative associates….implying they’re sensible realistic down to earth people who dont care about the fluffery of royal weddings, it “isnt important.”
I find it a fun and welcome relief from the everyday horror of trumpism. I’m a history geek, so I’m well aware this “royal blood” stuff is nonsense. i just enjoy the ” show.”
ETA…..and the hats.
You can’t imagine how much that picture makes me hate you. Jealousy is an ugly disease :)
I love the BBC when it’s this. Makes so much American media look silly and vapid.
@EBT: No idea, no-one has any idea, Megan is divorced so what are the odds huh? I just think it is stunning that a Royal falling in love with a divorced American caused a bit of a stir some years ago, but today everyone was just cool with it. Years ago it would have been unthinkable that a Royal would marry someone who is bi-racial but today, meh. We all move forward eventually. Some take longer than others.
glory b
@debbie: Huh. As I was reading your comment, joy Reid’s Brit commentor said the Obamas were there in spirit.
They also agreed that for them, the wedding and Brexit were like the Obama election followed by Trump, but in reverse.
At least they are going in the right direction.
Trump won’t say “hold my beer” because he doesn’t drink. “Hold my meth” though…
@?BillinGlendaleCA: What the bright spot in the center? A planet I assume.
Too beautiful.
J R in WV
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?:
Well, actually, there are several federal LEOs that arrest people, the FBI is just the biggest and more famous one. US Marshals often arrest dangerous fugitives – mass murders escaped from prison for example. Many are wounded or killed in action.
SS arrests people who threaten or attack officials and criminals manufacturing their own money. Forest Rangers arrest armed poachers, etc, etc.
Venus? seems to be in the right place if it is evening
It is a gorgeous picture & I am thinking of stealing it for my laptop wallpaper
@Litlebritdifrnt: I know. I see interracial and same-sex couples on The Wheel Of Fortune, of all places, and wingnut pat sajak can’t say a fucking thing about it. He can’t even raise an eyebrow while he reads from his card to ask if they have kids.
By the way, Wheel of Fortune, he keeps calling it “America’s Game.”
True. You’re always one spin away from bankruptcy. But no matter how many times the host does a final spin, he never hits Bankrupt.
glory b
@bemused: There was another bi racial queen (well, consort, I think that is the correct title).
NPR said that King George III’s wife Sophie Charlotte, was half German and half Portuguese, but her Portuguese side included African blood. They said her portraits show less than fair skin and lots of frizzy, dark hair
I didn’t watch the wedding but I’ll watch a documentary about our version of judicial royalty tonight. “RGB”
It opened locally yesterday afternoon.
glory b
@J R in WV: Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
By the way, Wheel of Fortune, he keeps calling it “America’s Game.”
True. You’re always one spin away from bankruptcy. But no matter how many times the host does a final spin, he never hits Bankrupt.
That is a great comparison! Thanks for the chuckle . . . followed by a very deep sigh
@Schlemazel: Venus would be my first guess.
I'll be Frank
Let’s not forget that the rwnj’s know that the dem’s under O weaponized the IRS against the tea party by denying them their right to form 501c3’s
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Fantastic photos!! We used to stop there when I was a kid. My mom would make us get out of the car and run after it. (We also climbed around a lot.)
I’m certain if the bride had blue eyes and blonde hair and tweeted support of #45, my local sinclair tv anchors would have been thrilled to pieces and dabbing the tears from their eyes while promising to watch every minute of the ceremony.
Jerzy Russian
@Schlemazel: It is probably Jupiter. Venus would only be up in the early evening, and I assume Bill shoots much later than twilight.
Undoubtedly….under orders from management…its Sinclair.
Who knows what the anchors really think, or if they even do think ?
@Bill Arnold: You forgot those nice, yuuuge NYC rats, the best rats.
Mrs S is a trained artist & when we got married my gift to her was a top of the line 35mm camera. As we could afford it she bought several lenses and she was taking some incredible photos. She did some of her own developing too. We had some blown up & framed around the house & as gifts. Then she just stopped and I have never understood why. I have been suggesting we buy a good quality digital so she can start again but she is unenthusiastic in part because of the expense of replacing all those lenses.
Seeing Bill’s work make me want to give it a try myself. I lack the artistic sense so my expectations are low.
glory b
@Suzanne: Even though Harry is, as the Brit commenters said, “clearly besotted” with Meghan, marrying her was a smart move.
She had a double major of theater and international relations in college, they were clearly inclusive of black and brown Britain, and are more “with it” and modern than the rest of the family.
She knows how to be public, how to pose for a camera, is involved in charitable work and handle international functions.
Also, her wedding cake came from a bakery popular in a “hipster (Katy Tur’s words, she lived in London for a while) market area..
@Jerzy Russian:
Ah, that makes sense, thanks
Bill Arnold
@Jerzy Russian:
Yeah. If anyone hasn’t seen Jupiter+moons with their own eyes, a modest pair of binoculars (best 40+ millimeters objective though) will let you see the moons (rest one edge of binocs against something like a post for stability, or at least bend thumbs 90 degrees and rest them against cheekbones) and any spotting scope is vastly better than what Galileo had; at least a few equatorial bands will be visible usually. And next night, the moons will be in a different configuration.
Jerzy Russian
@Schlemazel: Actually, it is probably Mars. Mars, Saturn, and the Milky way are visible to the south just before Sunrise from Southern California. If you zoom in on Bill’s photo, you can see Saturn along the Milky way. See
Villago Delenda Est
@Litlebritdifrnt: Given that race is a social construct, and not a biological imperative, this is important to note.
Bill Arnold
Let’s hope for a leak of such a memo.
Jerzy Russian
@Bill Arnold: Yup. I remember Astronomy magazine from back in my youth had detailed charts of the positions of the Galilean satellites so one could track the eclipses.
@Schlemazel: depending on what 35mm you originally bought, some lenses would fit DSLR cameras.
Catherine D.
@Bill Arnold:
Don’t forget the rats! I’m sure Pizza Rat was there
ETA Jager got there first
Bill Arnold
@Jerzy Russian:
Looks like you’re correct about mars. I haven’t been looked at the morning stars/planets in months. Still, people should have a look at Jupiter. And Saturn if they have even a small scope.
Hell, these dopes are going for the bad part of the 1880s and 1890s!
Villago Delenda Est
@?BillinGlendaleCA: OK, obviously you’ve captured the Milky Way in Sagittarius, which is the center of the galaxy. Jupiter is in Scorpio, to the celestial west of Sagittarius, and would be by far the brightest object in the sky. I think the bright thing to the left is Mars. Too early for Venus, which would be brighter than Jupiter.
James Powell
In his heart he knows he saved the nation from Hillary Clinton and her evil plans to make life a little easier for some people.
Jerzy Russian
@Villago Delenda Est: Yes, that is Mars. Saturn is also visible, right along the Milky Way.
I assume at some point Venus appears near the galactic plane. I wonder how often that happens when it is also at its furthest elongation (maximum separation from the Sun) so that it is high up in a relatively dark sky.
@James Powell:
I hope they hide all copies of “Team of Rivals” from future Democratic presidents.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): pretty sure he already has. As corrupt as Nixon was, he at least had a sense of “country”, Drumpf has NONE of that, he’s all about himself.
He’s publicly gone after Amazon and Bezos, and asked the Postmaster General to double their postage rates, we don’t know who he’s privately asked government officials to screw over, it will probably be a long list.
That’s not counting everybody that’s getting screwed due to his “erase Obama” crusade or his füçk everybody that ain’t filthy rich tax giveaway
I haven’t seen RGB yet, but am happy to see that it has opened wider and is showing in about 375 theaters, and is doing good box office.
Matt McIrvin
@Villago Delenda Est: I was having a hard time figuring it out until I read that the picture was taken in the morning. Venus is an evening star right now.
That is Mars. The second-brightest “star” in the picture is Saturn, which is in front of the Milky Way right above the “teapot” asterism (a little hard to make out because the long exposure fills the sky with so many stars). The bright one off at the right edge is the red supergiant star Antares, and the tail of Scorpius is curling around below it.
@germy: nut ward or domestic abuse?
James Powell
I tend to agree. I recall back when I had a facebook account that 90% of the people I went to high school with went completely insane over a cereal commercial.
@germy: rats and roaches.
Bill Arnold
@Catherine D.:
Readers recommend: songs about rodents
James Powell
What should be on Comey’s tombstone is the residue of several hundred thousand urinations.
I agree with you about Obama. Never watched HGTV, but I think your take on this is very interesting.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
His corruption and abuse of power are becoming almost cartoonish, “almost” because they’re real. It’s shocking and not at all surprising, utterly predictable in fact, as is the passivity of his fellow Republicans. I wonder if any of the Sunday morning Republicans will even be asked about their utter indifference to this latest instance
@Brachiator: true.
Doug R
Seeing as Amazon didn’t pull a profit for so many years-but it’s still kind of the opposite-selling people what they actually want at reasonable prices delivered quickly vs fake gold plated crap at premium prices.
@Peale: A Victorian divorce.
On paper still married, but separate bedrooms, separate dining, separate lives. And no questions asked.
@Litlebritdifrnt: LOL; not even close – when their queen or king is bi-racial, they can begin to talk to countries other then the US. P Lease, most biracial – that is funny; the British won’t tolerate a Scotsman to run their country much less someone biracial (as in Prime Minister.)
Some digital camera bodies can mount and use the “old” lenses.
@jonas: That reminds me, Louise Linton grew up in Scotland and desperately is always trying to get a foot up in high society circles, isn’t she? I have to think she trawled anywhere and everywhere she could to get an invitation to the wedding to increase her profile. And her proximity to Trump, apart from her personality, probably made her even more politically radioactive in the UK, especially as far as the wedding was concerned. It’s too bad the Obamas couldn’t have gone.
@Brachiator: As it happens, I was invited to a beach weekend with my Republican neighbors last week and the channel they had on was HGTV. So my unscientific poll tells me that Trumpers watch FOX and HGTV, and now ABC for the Roseanne show. They were all super enthusiastic about it.
I will bet you good money that all the Sinclair anchors have been instructed to dismiss the wedding.
Conservatives in America have always loved British royals. It used to be the thing for American plutocrats to marry off their daughters to impoverished dukes. Very much like the American wife of the Earl on Downton Abbey.
Doug R
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Noice!
Steve in the ATL
@Bill Arnold: Boston’s own Scruffy the Cat, who should have made it bigger, with “You Dirty Rat”
@glory b: Her ancestry included for certain North African Moorish. The Portuguese royal family intermarried several times, IIRC.
Matt McIrvin
@Jerzy Russian: Well, the plane of the Milky Way intersects the plane of the solar system in two places–Bill photographed one of them in Sagittarius, and the other one is on the other side of the sky, in Gemini/Taurus. According to the planetarium software I’ve got, Venus is actually there right now. I don’t think it’s at maximum elongation at the moment but I’ve been seeing it pretty bright in the evening.
PM Gordon Brown was born in Scotland. And, you know, King James I and his descendents.
J R in WV
Thinking that your bride could make a careful choice of digital cameras that would use the lenses she already has, actually. Ask the B&H people about which body would fit the specific lenses she has. Maybe not, things have improved and changed, even glass, but with modern zoom lenses she wouldn’t need as many.
I use a Panasonic Superzoom camera (FX1000) with exactly no extra lenses of any kind, because the Leica lens it is built with does nearly everything. 24-400 mm focal length, shoots in the dark. On the other hand, my wife, who taught me most of what I started with about photography, quit also. why??? dunno!
I hope you’re right…
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
That’s it. I don’t get it though. She can easily pass for white, to me at least. At most she looks a little Mediterranean
@Schlemazel: Mr. Got Milk
Bill Arnold
@Steve in the ATL:
Another, not on most rat-music lists, and definitely not for tender ears: Rats Rule
@Litlebritdifrnt: HGTV had multi-racial and lgbtq couples for years! Even in the late 90s. If that was what pushed people over the edge (along with Obama) it took them a very long time to finally notice!
@germy: Merv Griffin created Wheel of Fortune, and he was openly gay to his friends and employees.
James Powell
Isn’t that how the No True Scotsman thing started? jk
Matt McIrvin
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Ye olde one-drop rule at work.
I looked at the Twitter picture that rikyrah linked to in the last thread and, boy, are there a lot of haters responding to that one talking about how hideous she looks, often in barely-veiled racial terms.
One thing the Brits do far better than us is military dress uniforms. We just don’t have anything that comes close to the Household cavalry — Life Guards (red tunics and white plumes) and the Blues and Royals (Harry’s regiment, blue coats and red plumes).
@Ruviana: I can tell you that I noticed.
Once Obama was elected President, it didn’t take long for me to see non-white people in advertising. We had always had the Canadian channels on our cable, and they long had a wide variety of people on display.
All of a sudden, the US looked diverse. Of course it was noticeable. Because it really wasn’t, before.
True, especially the so-called mirrorless interchangeable lens models since their shorter flange distances accommodate the necessary lens adapter. Not all lenses warrant conversion to digital but some do, and it gives new life to lenses that had achieved paperweight status.
@WereBear: I was meaning HGTV specifically. I’ve noticed the wider appearance of multi-racial and hgbtq couples in commercials as well.
Amir Khalid
There are still other nations more racially diverse than Britain, even in the white-majority world. But I wouldn’t dispute that diversity is now a far greater part of the mainstream of British life than a generation ago, when Harry and Meghan were little.
@glory b: more on the cake:
@Amir Khalid:
To the despair of Andrew Sullivan, who wrote an essay about it recently that I won’t link to.
Villago Delenda Est
@Brachiator: The Stuarts got the heave-ho not because they were Scots, but because they tended to lean Catholic, and imagined they were Bourbons.
mad citizen
Yes, intersting theory on HGTV shows, etc. I noticed the diversity but never thought about how it was going over in Red ‘merica. My brother is one of those types, it’s around 1955 where he lives in Indiana. I try to minimize political discussions after we a long, heated one in the middle of W’s term with my wife and me on one side talking about the lies to war, and my brother, sister-in-law, and even their two boys to an extent on the W side. Ahh, nostalgia!
@Cermet: Do you have any idea what you are talking about?
Citizen Alan
Having Idras Elba in the audience was enough by itself to make this true.
@Brachiator: I’ve mentioned my RWNJ dad and brother endlessly here…it’ll be interesting to check in with my religious, right-leaning mom later today and see if she watched the wedding. She LOVES the royals, or at least she sure has in the past
Citizen Alan
Neither of whom were particularly popular, and one of whom lost his job to the guy who f***** a pig. Allegedly.
@Brachiator: not just Brown- there’s been many Scottish
PMs of Britain, going back at least to the earl of Bute. And the Stuarts were Scottish.
Citizen Alan
@Amir Khalid:
I grew up watching Doctor Who, and I can probably count on one hand the number of black background characters I recall. And the one or two that had significant roles were racist caricatures. And on the modern show? Except for Amy and Rory who had been joined at the hip since first grade, every single single companion on New Who has been in a long term interracial relationship.
lurker dean
@J R in WV: to add to this, there are adapters to use pretty much any old style lens with new cameras, albeit with manual focusing rather than autofocus, if the original lenses were even autofocus, which many were not in the old days (of course it depends on how long ago). if you’re lucky, the old lenses may even work with newer digital versions of the same brand camera.
i used to be heavily into photography, and have really slowed down on it. for me, it’s primarily about not having enough time. it’s probably also just wanting to do other things, i tend to get bored of things after a few years, despite a lot of initial enthusiasm. that said, i still probably take a lot more photos than most people, just not every day any more, and not as seriously.
@Frankensteinbeck: have to assume that the reason he did this was because he wanted Trump to win the election. May his life be a long and tedious and covered with shame.
Mary G
@germy: I used to love his writing; now I can’t even get through a column. I gave up on that one when he started comparing Twitler to Richard the III.
I loved that they included the head bishop of the Episcopalian church, who quoted MLK, and the gospel choir singing “Stand By Me.” They were sending a message that she’s not some meek little commoner who will give up being herself just because she married a prince. I’m sure Prince Phillip was silently having a cow, but fuck that.
@Bill Arnold:
Cockroaches have more class than drumpf. They might have gathered to see the disgrace of drumpf and laugh at him. But they are not lower on the food chain than drumpf.
grandpa john
@bemused: One thing that stood out to me was the way that the racial factor was not glossed over and hidden but instead was emphasized . Her background and heritage was covered as well as his
Cake from Claire Ptak at Violet, featured on Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street (full episode).
Robert Sneddon
@Mary G: Couple of things — it’s “Philip”, not “Phillip”. And he’s commonly referred to in Britain as “Phil the Greek”, he’s not exactly a British blueblood himself.
Sure he’s a reactionary old fart but it’s not a result of British inbreeding in the upper classes.
@grandpa john:
In one of the other threads, someone had a tweet from a Brit who was surprised and pleased that the wedding was “two upheld fingers” to all of the people who’ve been assholes about Markle’s race.
(As I’m sure you know, when Brits flip someone off, they do it with the index and middle fingers, not just the middle finger. ? )
@J R in WV:
When “everything” moved digital, I lost interest. Mucking about with film types, film speeds, then actually crafting the image in the darkroom was fun.
Doing it all on a PC, was not, as I was on PC’s all day at work already.
Same sort of reason I never got into gaming after “Dark Castle”.
@Citizen Alan: That’s as much the credit of the British acting scene as the casting directors of Dr Who. You didn’t see many good roles for minorities because the number of minority actors was much smaller.
@Villago Delenda Est: You’re right, except there was no “tended,” about it, James II had been openly Catholic for about 10 years. It was kinda tolerated until his 2nd, Catholic wife had a son, then the gov’t strongly encouraged his Protestant son-in-law to invade. And then for good measure, passed the Act of Succession in 1701 to make sure no Catholics could sit on the throne.
Fortunately, Parliament realized how intolerant they were, and revoked that law in… 2013.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
Can you buy adapters to mount the lenses on your chosen DSLR body?
I remember back in the day there were adapters to mount non-autofocus lenses on autofocus bodies.
Or was it the other way around?
Either way, the glass was by far the most expensive part of my old 35mm Konica and Minolta kits.
Meghan’s second gown is also elegant and now the real party begins, I guess.
@Mary G: I am thinking this might be Prince Philip’s last outing. He did not look well. All those Rolls Royces and Daimlers gonna be put to another use before too long.
And was it Mnemosyne (?) who mentioned Harry actually takes after Philip quite a bit? Now that he is older, you can indeed see it.
Anyway, wonderful day, loved the African American touches — so authentic — and a wonderful young couple. Who, the BBC informs, have a lot of travel ahead of them. It seems they hope very much for a baby on board when they do.
Here is a short video of Harry and Meghan on the way to the second reception..
@J R in WV:
Why’d she quit?
Ever think of boredom? Film photography can get old after a while. It’s a lot of work for a few really, really nice shots and really for most people there isn’t a lot of reward for the effort. And no matter what you do, after some time the photos just lose some of the edge they had when fresh. Go back and look at shots from 20 yrs ago. They just don’t seem fresh any longer. Digital changes that but if the magic is gone, it’s unlikely to be reignited
I had to do regular and micro photography for my job at one point and it just got to be time consuming. It was at a time when digital was still becoming the thing so we still used film. Take shots, change lighting, take shots, change perspective, take shots….. We didn’t have a lab so had to send off the film to a pro lab and wait. And hope. Good shots might have color rendition off, good color rendition might not be a great shot……. We did get digital and that made things a lot better, easier, faster, but that old taste was still in your mouth, a lot of work/time/effort for really not a lot of results. And before you say it was me (which it most likely was!) I was trained by some professional photogs and they basically told me what I’ve just said.
It’s been downhill since they stopped manufacturing the Speed Graphic.
Fuck, I thought I was old. Are you starting to fossilize yet?
ETA I am.
It’s a healthcare joke. My doc understands.
G used to be really into photography. Then he started to feel like he was missing out on enjoying events and experiences because he was spending his time at them looking for a good shot, so he cut way back on it.
Fleeting Expletive
Well, I didn’t get to return to it yesterday, but indeed there was an incident involving a box o’ grenades that was lost off the back of a truck at an Air Force base in ND. Minot AFB. And they’re in charge of ICBMs and bombers. CNN had it. I wasn’t crazy after all. It seemed like kind of a big deal to me at the time, but it kind of disappeared into the big maelstrom. Vertigo and hallucinations? I do hope the missing grenades have been found.
@Libraryguy: Last night I realized that the BBC America wasn’t coming in our cable box, along with other channels we pay for. Fortunately, MSNBC was still available so I set up to record that coverage. It exceeded expectations with their hours of broadcast anchored by Joy Reid.
@Mnemosyne: That is one of the problems with photography; we can’t control a lot of it, and have to substitute alertness :)
Thanks to those who suggested that some 35 lenses will attach to digital bodies. I already went that route and unfortunately the type she has do not fit any currently available cameras. I also checked for adapters but the reviews I read were not stellar.
Whoever said it hit the nail – the lenses are way more in total than the body.
Alert Omnes! Jaguar E-Type alert!
@Fleeting Expletive:
I understand today that same base is looking for a machine gun they misplaced. Sleep well America!
@Fleeting Expletive:
Rachel Maddow did a fairly long segment on it the other night.
@Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady): How did you live through Nixon and not remember his enemies list?
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: I have already seen it.
I watched some YouTube recaps of the royal wedding. Looks like it was a big success, and I found parts of it surprisingly affecting. Well done, Brits!
Low point was hearing Gayle King use “strategery” unironically when presumably she meant “strategy” (about people finding prime viewing spots on the streets). I heard some journalist (!) do the same thing on one of the MSNBC shows the other day. This must be nipped in the bud.
Actually trying to forget?
It’s been 44 yrs, time to accumulate a lot of other stuff to block it out?
Nice that even with countless cameras clicking away, no one shouted out questions.
@Frankensteinbeck: Yes, this gets to the nature of Comey’s malfeasance precisely:
@Ruckus: Plenty of atrocities between then and now to fill up the ole noggin.
It appears that I’m turning into a royal twitter stalker… help
A still picture of the second dress
That’s an advantage for a professional, but to have to keep that alertness at a family party means you end up missing a chance to interact with your family. ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Approve or disapprove of converting it to electric?
Something prevented me from thinking about all the atrocities. I have no idea what it could be.
Sanity and trying to hold on to some?
Full up of atrocities, overflowing in fact?
@HumboldtBlue: Can’t believe they didn’t title it “The Notorious RBG”. Talk about a missed opportunity!
@Schlemazel: You may not have to replace the lenses, you might just be able to use an adapter or work it in manual. It just depends on the mount & camera type. I got a lovely 1970’s 35 mm F mount for my Nikon D7100. I have to use it in manual mode, but it produces some wonderful portraits. I redid my entire lab’s personnel photos with it. It just has such great warmth.
@oaguabonita: probably run into some rights issues with the estate of Biggie Smalls if they tried to do that
Well the wedding was lovely, they look really happy together and I loved all the American and African American pieces woven throughout. Just saw them leave in a beautiful 1968 Jaguar – wow. The whole thing was a nice distraction.
In the early 2000s, there used to be a psychologist who would look at the body language of celebrity couples and interpret it. Given the way the way Harry is looking up at the photographers, I interpret that as, Anyone who’s planning to talk shit about my wife is going to have to answer to me! So adorable. ?
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: If it is a 1968, it is a Series 1 1/2 or Series 2. I am okay with the conversion. In addition, over time, it is the only way these types of cars can be preserved and used.
ETA: The conversion was done by Jaguar itself.
@germy: Melania finally got her tubes tied? Astonishing she held off this long, all things considered. Wonder what the complication was (unless it was “need excuse for not being invited to royal wedding”, as some wag already suggested)?
@Omnes Omnibus:
The only thing I know about cars is if they’re pretty on the outside or not. That’s a seriously pretty car.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
No Collusion… No Collusion… Your the COLLUSION!
it’s almost like there’s a pattern to corrupt foreign oligarchs seeking out Junior
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: Enzo Ferrari himself said that the E-type was the most beautiful car ever made.
Shouldn’t Trump have tweeted his congrats to the happy couple by now? //
@debbie: hahahaha He’s fuming over the new article at the NYTimes. Also, the person who does congrat tweets is probably in hiding.
Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election
@JPL: Love it. So elegant. Thanks!
The Pale Scot
@Jacel: BBC America sucks, STTNG all day long. For years you could use a VPN to get BBC iPlayer, which offers replays of most of their current TV shows and a large library of BBC Radio programs, radio soap operas are still a thing over there.
But now you have to log in with your BBC license (UK has a TV tax which one pays every year, that’s how the Beeb avoids commercials). And I have not found a way to get one over here. I have cousins in Edinburgh, I could probably use one of theirs, but I don’t want to get them in trouble. I would happily pay the 500 pounds or so just to have access to their documentaries.
The Pale Scot
@Omnes Omnibus: The conversion ensures that the Jag is capable of making the trip :)
I once saw a photography exhibit by raptor conservationist Kate Davis, whose “artist’s statement” centered on “always have your camera with you”.
Omnes Omnibus
@The Pale Scot: Very good point. Although if Lucas is involved in any way….
Amir Khalid
He certainly should have. But then again, that would be the gracious thing to do, and Trump doesn’t do gracious.
@Amir Khalid:
drumpf is the anti-gracious. Among other always negative things.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I thought the prince grew up and stopped making things out of bubble gum and pick up sticks. Or did he sulk away, hopefully never to be heard of again?
@The Pale Scot:
Maybe check out BritBox, the streaming service from BBC and ITV. It’s $6.99 a month. If you have Amazon Prime, it’s also available through there (at the same price, I think).
ETA: Just checked the website. There is a seven-day free trial, so you could sign up for that and see if they have enough stuff that you’d want to pay for.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: A gentleman doesn’t motor about after dark. A defense of the Prince.
ETA: Jesus, we are still talking about royalty. WTF?
@Omnes Omnibus: Years ago a friend had a Rover TC2000, a fast and beautiful car when it worked. Which was most of the time until he’d take it on the highway and it would die in or near some tiny Saskatchewan hamlet. The Prince of Darkness was often the cause closely followed by the twin carbs. On the back bumper was a small sticker that read: The parts falling off this car are of the finest British workmanship. But it was a lovely car.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Enzio was wrong, the C Type Jaguar is the prettiest car in the world.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That article was worth it just for the jokes (which, mercifully, came toward the top).
@Baud: It’s Mars.
@Omnes Omnibus:
That was typical dry British humor. Princes usually do no work, The Prince of Darkness could make it impossible to have any accomplished. Actually not only could but way too often did at the most inopportune times. Of course the then accepted British acceptance of finishing was “That’s good enough.” Far more often than shear chance that was incorrect. For example, the Reliant Robin.
I make fun of 50-60s British vehicles but really most everyone’s cars then were crap on wobbly wheels. And just so you know I worked quite a bit on a 1954 AC sports car back in the late 60s. Rebuilding the motor, changing the trans, rewiring the entire car, etc. It would have to have come up a long ways to just be crap.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: I was playing off the apparent topic of the day. And the fact that I made a Lucas joke should suggest that I am somewhat aware of the history. Was the car an Ace?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Two can play at that game.
No it was a prior model, I was told it was a 54 but it looked like this
That one is in much better kit. (More British for you)
No, that was me. (Well, of course, it’s quite possible that Mnem also mentioned it.) Today I noticed that Harry seems to have inherited the same balding pattern that the Windsor-Mountbatten men all have, so there’s yet another argument that Prince Charles is, in fact, his father.
Matt McIrvin
@Ruviana: I was just poking around looking at roller-coaster point-of-view videos, and was watching one of Disney World’s Space Mountain with the lights on… and at least two commenters were complaining that the experience of the ride was completely ruined by adding Spanish to the safety announcements. No Spanish in the future! Any suggestion that the world might be for anyone other than themselves offends some people.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: The fact that Harry was born before Diana’s affair with James Hewitt is a pretty strong argument as well.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Details, details….
The Pale Scot
@Steeplejack: Thank you very much, I will
l@Omnes Omnibus: I rebuilt 2 TR-6s, I am well acquainted with the prince of darkness
Late to the thread, but I think this kind of thing is underestimated. The GOP has won government but has totally and completely lost culture.
The aspirational life, the people who are seen as beautiful and cool and the kind of people you want to be or to be seen with…..are multiracial, mostly liberal, mostly not visibly religious, educated, urban, and embody a specific kind of style. They are absolutely not Trumpy but also not associated with red America in any way. And that fucking STINGS.
@The Pale Scot:
Glad you got back and saw the BritBox thing. I did a little poking around on the website, and, unlike a lot of streaming services, they seem to do a good job of showing you what’s available before you sign up. Here’s the “Documentary/Lifestyle” stuff. (Select “Browse” from the top menu bar to look at other categories.)
I have been thinking about subscribing, and your rant earlier today jogged my memory.
The Pale Scot
@Steeplejack: i’ll probably give it a try
Surprisingly, the final year they were made was 1973.
Britain has actually not done that badly.
A Scotsman, Henry Campbell Bannerman became Prime Minister in 1906.
A Welshman, David Lloyd George, was PM from 1916-1922.
Benjamin Disraeli in the 19th century was born Jewish though his father had the entire family convert to Anglicanism.
Bonar Law, Prime Minister in IIRC the 1920s was not born in Britain but in Canada.
And though I loathe Margaret Thatcher like the poison she was, Britain still elected a woman as Prime Minister in the 1970s, when we still haven’t managed a woman President.