Corrupt swamp monster Scott Pruitt wants you to pay for his jet-setting lifestyle, but he doesn’t want you to hear any criticism of the way he mismanages his agency for the benefit of his and Trump’s paymasters:
The Environmental Protection Agency is barring The Associated Press, CNN and the environmental-focused news organization E&E from a national summit on harmful water contaminants.
The EPA blocked the news organizations from attending Tuesday’s Washington meeting, convened by EPA chief Scott Pruitt.
EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox told the barred organizations they were not invited and there was no space for them, but gave no indication of why they specifically were barred.
Pruitt told about 200 people at the meeting that dealing with the contaminants is a “national priority.”
Guards barred an AP reporter from passing through a security checkpoint inside the building. When the reporter asked to speak to an EPA public-affairs person, the security guards grabbed the reporter by the shoulders and shoved her forcibly out of the EPA building.
The story isn’t even a headline at CNN. It should be. This is outrageous.
If only
StalinTrump knew.? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Fascists, that’s all they are.
On the bright side:
“Most importantly for the NRA, North used the faith that was entrusted in him to steal, thereby betraying even St. Ronnie Reagan himself.
The members of the NRA should know this history because while they may like it when North says we should have to go through five metal detectors to get into our children’s school, they won’t like it when North follows his nature and figures out a way to inadvertently expose their dirty laundry while scamming them out of their money.
And with more and more evidence suggesting that the NRA has already been up to their necks in criminal behavior involving using foreign money to the illegally fund domestic political campaigns, bringing in someone like North with his decades-old connections to one debacle after another?
It just seems like a truly bad idea.”
On the dark side:
Early in the EPA’s birth, the Agency sent out photographers to record the state of the US environment. That record is still available online, for now.
By FSM, if Dems can’t win in November, we are well and truly fvcked. The ads write themselves.
the Conster
Will white people figure this out? Because everyone else has.
Pruitt is a true mini-Donald.
I have to wonder if the plan within TrumpCo (as much as they can actually ‘plan’ ahead) is to piss off the libs to the point where some nut starts using ‘2nd Amendment solutions’ on this administration so as to justify the ensuing crackdown on ‘the left’. They really do want an all out civil war here in the US. They just want to water that tree of Liberty with liberals blood. Damn, that is kinda conspiracy thinking but I don’t think the idea is as crazy as I previously would have.
It’s going to be amusing — in an inevitably twisted sort of way — if the most reliable and effective stormtroopers of the Trumpist Repubananian State are those of the EPA.
As always you have a talent for understatement Betty.
I understand this is still considered crazy talk at BJ.
Mary G
I need to figure out what more I can be doing. This is crossing a big red line. I’d say that other news organizations should boycott the summit, but then all we’d get would be the right wing “presses'” propaganda.
@the Conster: It might make some of them feel badly, so they may put a lot of effort into not getting it.
@Mary G: Register voters, see if you can be poll watcher, send postcards to remind people to vote. Honestly, at this point, that’s the thing to do. Anything else needs to wait & see until after November… 6th, I believe?
Maybe I’d do better to just get my passport & go. I want to trust Americans – the good ones – to do the right thing, but they’re so largely disappointing these days.
OTOH, all that is right up North’s alley. Been there done that, already. I would even argue that doing it to kill Central Americans is worse than doing it just to corrupt US elections.
the Conster
We have a white male toxicity problem, and pointing it out to them is like trying to explain water to fish.
Journalists sit politely in the WH briefing room every day and listen to Huckabeast call them fools, liars, and threats to the country (while also telling them mostly baldfaced lies about everything Trump does) and don’t seem to get too worked up about it. Getting bounced out of an EPA conference by Pruitt’s goons? Well, I guess you just brush yourself off and go get some coffee. Whaddya gonna do? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Amir Khalid
I remember when you saw shit like this in Malaysia — the first time our new champion of liberty Dr Mahathir was PM. Ask some government bigshot an awkward question at a media briefing, and bigshot would yell at you or even threaten you with arrest. One fool of a Cabinet minister yelled at me because of a story in that wasn’t in the section of my paper that I wrote for, and didn’t even make him look bad.
I mentioned this before,but Karl Rove’s PAC OneAmerica is doing a scorched earth media campaign against Joe Donnelly in Indiana. I assume the same type of ads are running against other Democratic candidates in other red states. We’re in for a bare-knuckle brawl going into the midterms, take nothing for granted.
Ok, CNN’s at least running this on the top of the website now. Pruitt is such a scumbag.
I bet there are a lot of folks, who are happy the Fake News Network got its ass kicked.
We have no norms. Just tribal loyalty
Maybe the Trump admin will issue a challenge coin for it. Then you will know they are getting serious.
@the Conster: *considers her own beloved toxic man* Yeah & if they’re lefty, it’s fucking harder than adamantium & more than bonded to their bones.
@jonas: Being directly affected does tend to enhance one’s focus. How long they continue to act as if it’s important to try and have an open press (or at least open access for themselves) will be the more telling point.
Amir Khalid
Just had to share this. A glorious sporting moment from the Scottish Youth Football Association’s under-14 Scottish Cup final.
But her emails!!!! Also, IOKIYR apparently.
However, I have concluded the dark secret of the Trump administration is that the MSM, as much as Right-Wing Infotainment Complex vilifies it, is like the Right Wing Infotainment Complex, owned by major corporations, from iHeartMedia (formerly Clear Channel), Sinclair, Murdoch – Fox, ABC News Disney, Comcast NBC, CBS-Viacom, CNN-Time Warner, to Bloomberg. And these corporations, and the suits that run them (mostly white men and a few white women and even fewer minorities) are not that unhappy with Trump administration that cuts their taxes, frees them from the regulations that limit their ability to loot consumers and otherwise make money, appoints conservative judges that will give business and corporation priority over individuals under the slogans of “freedom to contract” and “rights of property.” What is a little foreign interference when we are talking of billions of dollars a years, or trillions of dollars over decades.
Amir Khalid
The daily media briefing should be the assignment you give the newbiest newbie on your reporting staff. Your more experienced reporters should be out working their contacts for the real stories.
Everything will be just fine as long as they agree to wear those prominent Stars of David on their sleeves for easy identification by federal authorities. //
@Amir Khalid:
Holy crap, that’s a Carly Lloyd moment right there.
U14? Heck of a leg for a U14.
No matter how horrible this administration gets, there’s always low-level people willing to be its muscle.
@Amir Khalid:
Nice! Speaking of footy, are you all ready for Saturday night/Sunday morning?
@Amir Khalid:
There are too many perks that go along with being a member of the White House Press Corps — it’s an easy gig with regular hours, travel arrangements made for you by the White House, guaranteed bylines and TV appearances, and more. They even get their own televised (on CSPAN) awards dinner.
Was Lewandowski unavailable? Too busy pulling wings off flies?
Fissure 6 reactivates, sends lava closer to Puna geothermal plant
Meanwhile, our Big Island is experiencing interesting times.
Linked to our local paper for latest developments in the eruption.
@Jay: ” we should have to go through five metal detectors to get into our children’s school ”
I sense that the market for absurd solutions to mass shooting will surge. I want to get a jump on sad sacks like North and TX Lt governator who can’t think big.
NO doors! NO windows! Every school is completely walled in. 20 or 40 foot walls, That will tie in school security with the Trump Mexico wall (economies of scale). After undergoing a full body X-ray scan, each student will be individually lifted over the school wall and through a secured access shaft on the ceiling. SCUBA breathing apparatus, headlamps, and full body armor will be donned under supervision of ICE personnel (again, economies of scale). My idea is a winner. I think big.
Five minutes after school beings, the ceiling access door is welded shut and the whole school is levitated 100 feet above ground with an antigravity machine.
@the Conster:
I managed to find one with a fairly low level of white dude poisoning, but it was a long search, and the cloven hoof still occasionally pops out (like when he was Kucinich-curious).
@TenguPhule: Thanks, Amazing clip. You need to put a line on every comment that you live on another island, since commenters are worrying about you.
I see that racist lawyer guy posted an apology on twitter today. I offer it without comment:
@jl: The vog has blown over to my island. Its… not pleasant on my sinuses.
mai naem mobile
That security guard who shoved the AP reporter should be arrested for assault and battery and sitting in jail. Fuck these people. If the Dems get back in power they should ado two seats to the Supreme Court. MConnell showed that no norms néed to be followed so fuck them.
Amir Khalid
Of course.
? Martin
@the Conster:
Probably not.
But the real key to winning elections isn’t convincing the other group of voters – it’s convincing the non-voters. That’s where victory comes from.
@LAO: That apology is certainly a load of bullshit.
Eural Joiner
This x1000000000 :)
? Martin
@LAO: Actually, that was exactly the person he was.
John Cornyn (R-TX), re-Tweets sympathetic profile of high school shooting suspect, calling him a “good boy” who was “mistreated at school”.
These people are Just. Plain. Evil.
Ruckelshaus, a Republican appointed by Nixon was first EPA administrator. He hit the ground running, overruling a judge who had found the pesticide DDT not carcinogenic and banned it anyway. He later resigned as DAG rather than participate in the Saturday Night Massacre, as the president’s administration crumbled. A thoughtful, ethical, patriotic Republican.
That was then. Today, Scott Pruitt is a run-of-the-mill Republican making his boss very, very happy. If a few laws are broken along the way, if our lives are shortened by a few years and if a few thousand more species meet extinction, so be it.
Yup, but through his long ratfucking career North always managed to blow it and get the dirty exposed, front page.
When you are an evil, foreign funded terrorist Organization, you should be hiring the guy who never get’s caught, they guy that there are no photo’s of, the guy with 17 different alias’s and 12 different backstories to the point that nobody knows where he was really born,
You don’t want to be hiring the guy who always get’s caught and is too dumb to hide the money trail.
You want Kaiser Sauze, not Ollie Obvious.
School security will be the new Right wing grift. They’re already lining up. Prominently placed at DeVos’ phony “safety commission” was a school security consultant. I would actually bet money that DeVos’ brother, Eric Prince, is already pitching school security guard contractors.
Gun regulation doesn’t throw off any public dollars to grifters. “Hardening schools” does. They can repurpose all the “preventing terrorism” grifters on the Right and jam them into schools. Big pots of new public money to steal.
@germy: @? Martin: Well, if I were to offer a comment, like you both, I find his apology to be insincere — really, really insincere. And, generally unworthy of belief.
@Cacti: Cornyn is a horrible facade of a human being.
randy khan
@Amir Khalid:
That was something.
lurker dean
dog lovers need to read this short writing exercise. it’s dusty in here….
The “school shooters are victims of bullies” trope was discredited after Columbine. We lose so much time catching up the slow learners on the Right. Always behind the rest of the class.
Frank McCormick
@the Conster: No. To Fox News/Limbaugh listeners WE are the fascists, fact be damned.
This leaves playgrounds and parking lots, sporting events (especially football games in the South) available for the committed.
Mary G
CNN has breaking news alert of an active shooting at an apartment complex in Panama, Florida.
Day ending in WHY?!!!
@? Martin: An awful lot of non-voters are white. & white men to boot. We need that demographic to wake up too. The rest are often actively prevented from voting.
@lurker dean: THAT STORY KILLED ME! I love it.
Bad Tux the Snarky Penguin’s ahead of you.
Students show up at school, which has no doors, no windows, then are transported in naked, with out anything via a transporter. They get crayons and paper, a hospital gown and soft slippers, ( no pens, no pencils, those are stabby, no books, books are dangerous). At the end of the day, they are transported out, back into their clothes.
People sacrifice their careers to do the right thing. Not everybody can or will do so. These Trumpistas are not good people; they’re not sending their best.
How many people have you and I represented who had their eyes opened once they saw themselves on video — usually security tapes. ?
When the Trump admin issues a challenge coin on ending mass shootings, we’ll know that they are getting serious.
BTW, Trumpsters seem to be issuing a number of idiot challenge coins. Anyone know how to get them? I’m thinking of getting back into collecting political memorabilia. And might be useful to carry around. If I’m near the Canadian border and say ‘taco’ or ‘salsa’ and a border control thug decides to ID and harass me for a few hours, I could show it maybe get out of it.
Mike J
I hope people are mirroring it.
@Immanentize: Such a valid observation. (I’m often glad I never see any video of me driving, cause I’m sure I look like a crazy person. )
@Cacti: In Cornyn’s case, the correct first answer is “stupid,” not venial. I have mentioned that I used to teach at the lawschool that graduated him to the surprise of many professors. I really suspect he was trying to be sensitive rather than mean-spirited. But these things need not be binary.
” Bad Tux the Snarky Penguin”
Bet they don’t have antigravity machines to suspend the schools in air. Do they? No, they do not.
Edit: and I’m submitting the patent application today.
Remember that douche from CNN as head of WH press corp allowed Fox, the largest propaganda network since Goebles, to sit in the front row during the Obama admin. He then got a Cush job at Fox shortly after. Now, we see CNN being delegitimized by the White House and legitimizing a bunch of shame outlets.
Trump and these fascist republicans can’t be out of power quick enough.
In this case, he was also the bully rather than the bullied. He was a creeper, obsessed with a female classmate to the point of stalking her four months, before finally murdering her at school.
Whoa, geothermal vs. geoTHERMAL. Big Island powerplant may lose this battle with the lava flow.
Just One More Canuck
@Amir Khalid: @trollhattan: That was awesome. My daughter’s outdoor league starts tonight (U13), and I will be showing her this – she and a couple of her teammates have the leg to try this
@MikeifromArlington: Yeah. But the question is if we do manage to get rid of Trump and return the Democrats to power, do we want to religitimize CNN. Or bring back “Blue Slips” and other Senator prerogatives. Or an actual Special Counsel Law that will be used to hound Democrats from office? Or have an FBI where the IG never investigates anything at the request of a President and therefore is beyond review? I don’t know if I want to really save CNN. I don’t see rallying around these reporters when their bosses were part of the slimeballs that circled around the pussy grabber to begin with.
Yup X 10,000,000
@LAO: Did you see this and pay attention to the first one..
What McConnell wouldn’t answer at presser:
Whether he agrees with IC assessment that Putin favored Trump
Whether Senate will cancel August recess
Whether Kelly should invite Ds to take part in meeting about confidential source
Whether he’s OK w Trump effort to get info on source
@Cacti: The shooter’s history at school may be complicated, and the father may sincerely believe it, or maybe just saying shit.
One thing is clear, focusing on that issue, just like focusing on whether it is a good idea for there to be doors (Edit: and windows, and ventilation shafts, and playgrounds, or fire alarms) in this country, is a distraction from main issue: immediate access to guns everywhere all the time by everyone is a very bad policy.
I’m for focus on the main issue.
We’re far past the point where gun fetishists get any benefit of the doubt from me about good intentions.
I just got off the phone with my boyhood hockey pal who lives in Wisconsin, towards the end of the conversation he said, “I wouldn’t live in California if you paid me. It’s so fucked up I don’t know how you can tolerate living there, of course you lived in Boston before so you’re used to that kind of bullshit.” I mentioned we have an 8.8 billion dollar budget surplus. He said, “The way your state spends money, I don’t believe it.” My answer, “We don’t have any republicans holding state wide office, that’s how and we have a governor, unlike Wisconsin, who knows how to run a state for the benefit of it’s citizens.” He said, “I’m not going to talk politics with you” and hung up.” We’re cool because in a day or two we’ll be talking about the Stanley Cup.
@Cacti: I don’t know about the shooter’s father, and have no idea what the shooter’s history was at that school. But Cronyn’s effort certainly deserves no benefit of the doubt. He is trying to distract from the main issue (guns for all, all the time) with secondary issues. Stupid, or evil, or both, only thing he wants do with that BS is to cover for gun lobby.
I’d say his history at school fits foursquare with the main issue.
It’s the tale of a stalker with easy access to firearms, which ended in tragedy.
Few parents want to admit their kid may be rotten, far fewer a murderer. Plus there are liability issues so, whevs folks but the politicians trying to tidy things up need to shut the hell up. Video games and abortion, eh Mr. lieutenant governor?
No thugs in our house
Are there dear?
We made it clear
We made little Graham promise us
He’d be a good boy
@Jager: As a CA native, and long time resident, I get that comment a lot from kin who live in other states. I’d like to find a way to bill them for all the tax money we send to other states.
@Cacti: @trollhattan: The main issue is gun control policy, not the specifics of this particular shooter. So, we disagree.
We’re disagreeing? Not sure how, but okay.
There were other news agencies present. Somebody just wanted to be an asshole.
It’s a little weird that Pruitt is trying to outdo his boss Trump when it comes to being obnoxious. On the other hand, we have Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who is evil and incredibly stupid. Love this story about her testifying before Congress.
See the link for more hilarity.
@Kay: I’m sure the good Senator will now jump aboard that anti-bullying school initiative that his party’s pundits have roundly mocked for the past decade because it protects sissy boys and emasculates manly men who naturally should be enforcing norms and stigmatizing the right people. I mean, it was never supposed to prevent school shootings. It was meant to kind of take the edge off the constant hazing. I’m sure he’s going to be right on the phone with Betsy DeVoss to see what can be done to decrease impact of bullying in Texas Schools.
Shootings do not happen in a vacuum, and easy access to firearms by abusers goes hand in hand with violence against women nationally.
So, yes, we disagree.
Yes, they are.
It got revived by well-meaning adults after the MSD shooting, unfortunately, so it’s still swirling around out there.
(The person pushing it was the father of one of the victims, which is why I said “well-meaning.” The people who latched onto his meme were not nearly as naïve and well-meaning.)
Yes, how dare the young woman decide for herself, who she wants to date. The nerve.
Can someone explain these photos to me? Not the gag, the actual facial expressions. Is there a reason they do this?
Has anyone seen my Trade War?
This is just fine. //
CNN has it on front page now.
Colin Kaepernick’s Collusion Case Just Proved NFL Teams Believed He Was Good Enough to Start, so Why Doesn’t He Have a Job?
Stephen A. Crockett Jr.
Yesterday 2:48pm
Colin Kaepernick filed a grievance claiming that NFL owners colluded to keep him out of the NFL. Team owners and several sports pundits who aren’t fans of the Movement for Black Lives claimed that Kaepernick’s days as a starting quarterback were behind him.
Well, it turns out that Kaepernick’s collusion grievance against the league has already revealed some interesting information about the owners.
According to Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio, the collusion case uncovered that back when Kaepernick became a free agent in March 2017, several teams viewed him as a starting quarterback. Yet Kaepernick, who had the audacity to protest during the national anthem against the killing of unarmed black men, women and children by police, is still unemployed. Remember how people claimed that Kaepernick wasn’t being whiteballed from the NFL but was rightfully without a job because of his inability to play the position? Well, according to Florio, Kaepernick’s legal team has found evidence otherwise.
From Florio:
The MSD shooting happened on Valentine’s Day. I still suspect there was a domestic violence component to that one as well.
Mike Pompeo claims Iran carrying out ‘assassination operations’ in Europe
Apparently old Mike got his Russian and Iranian cue cards mixed up.
Connect Rudy Giuliani to the opioid crisis with this one weird trick.
Florida city warns of ‘extreme zombie activity’ during power outage
Today’s news from, FLORIDUH!!!
Central Planning
@Jager: A while ago I was involved in an online discussion at work. One guy (California native) eventually started complaining about how awful it was to live there. I pointed out that it must not be that awful since he still lived there. He got angry at me for that comment. Discussion stopped after that.
If you take a video feed from say, a TV interview, you can with the right software, scroll through frame by frame looking for an ” unflattering” frame to use, other than with the Obama’s.
It’s a means, via social media to put “out there”, realities the MSM won’t touch with a 29 1/2 foot pole, with out trying to bothsiderist the hell out of it.
Captain C
@hellslittlestangel: The
Chekistsgrifters work forStalinTrump.Cacti
The Great Mills High School shooting in Maryland was also a domestic violence murder.
Shooter came with specific intent to kill his ex-girlfriend and succeeded.
“It’s clear as day that this a deliberate strategy by the Trump team, and unfortunately reporters are complicit”
— POLITICO (@politico) May 22, 2018
“If the standard journalists set for themselves is that anything Republicans claim to be outraged about must be treated as a live controversy, then journalists … become conduits for propaganda.”
Via @brianbeutler:
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) May 22, 2018
Alarming to see that the Secretary charged with protecting the 2018 elections claims not to have read the intelligence on the 2016 elections.
If she had, she would have seen the specific evidence the Russians sought to help Trump, a finding now affirmed on a bipartisan basis.
— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) May 22, 2018
Doug R
Something like this?
Yes, I’ve seen that on RawStory, where they pick a frame with the interviewee’s eyes half closed (mid blink) and mouth open. They can make anyone look like an idiot. (The RW sites did the same thing with Obama; every photo they used of him was a frown).
But these photos, with their tongues stuck out and to the side. Surely that isn’t just an unflattering screen grab. I was wondering if there was a story behind it.
@germy: It’s fucking stupid to try to score points with a still of someone.
@raven: It is, which is one of the reasons I really don’t respect RawStory.
And someone on twitter (I don’t remember who) said he wished Obama was as badass as the RW media tried to portray him in their “evil Obama” photos.
@TenguPhule: But a ‘city spokesperson’ said:
Note the hedging.
Another Schiff shiv. Well played, congressman.
LGM’s Campos will be on MSNBC tonight discussing his (all too believable) theory Trump knocked up Shera Bechard, not that Jabba-looking rich guy.
Is he referring to actual contamination, or to CNN/AP?
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: My son said he was glad to get out of Kyiv today as it’s starting to be overrun with obnoxious fans. He didn’t specify of which team, though.
Apparently hotels there have gotten into the extortion business.
@Jager: You shouldn’t be cool with an idiot.
The Twitter story was in the text of the tweet:
“If he’s guilty, send a sign.”
It’s snark, but also a summation of Rudi speak.
Felanius Kootea
@Amir Khalid: Wow – that was an amazing goal!
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@germy: Perhaps they were doing a Miley Cyrus impression?
seriously it was probably a something like the Trump disabled reporter dis. Their vision of someone with mental disabilities.
ETA or a dog slobbering.
@Amir Khalid: Could you educate the generally unaware US folks on 1MDB? I saw it in the article that mentioned Broidy getting a $75M payoff for stopping an investigation. wow! Nice work and all that.
Captain C
@Amir Khalid: Reminds me of this.
@jl: Seriously. By focusing on him being a “good boy” it seems to me that they’re just saying that the problem is guns, not the characteristics of the person with access to them. I mean, good guy with a gun is supposed to be the answer. Now they’re trying to say that the bad guy was a good guy with a gun.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@Gex: It strikes me more as “blame the victim”. If they had treated him better he wouldn’t have had to kill them. What’s a poor boy to do?
Nah. They’re saying, If that stuck-up bitch had dated him, this never would have happened.
Note that “bullying” now means refusing to go out with a guy who won’t leave you alone.
@ruemara: hey. I think you embody the best principles of committed citizenship. We’d be honored to have you join us…yet I’m so fearful for you in the current climate. Can we wrest control from the moron mafia? Dunno, but we citizens have to give it everything we’ve got. In the meantime, I think you should lie low, sister.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S): I found the segment for the Kellyanne expression from the timestamp. It looks like she did it unconsciously, not as an attempt to make a face. OTOH it might be evidence of lizard people catching insects. The Giuliani segment runs about 20 minutes with few visual clues as to the time of capture. I couldn’t take watching all of it but didn’t see any obvious point where he made a face. Apparently unlike the Mccain post debate goofy face that was deliberate.
Super late to a dead thread, but if the first reply to that idiot’s crisis-response-team-scripted-apology wasn’t “¿Qué?”, I will be disappointed in the twitterverse.
J R in WV
“Not sending their very best!”
I disagree. The Trumpetts are sending their very best, that’s just not very good because of the pool they draw from. When your pool of employees is all deplorables, you won’t be getting the best candidates overall.
Darkness at Noon
@sherparick: You are exactly correct. Media management and ownership as individuals profit bigly from Trump bread-and-circuses and the GOP wrt tax and labor policy.
It’s just that simple.
@mai naem mobile: Scorched earth with these motherfuckers. That is the message- restore American democracy and put the gop ptb in prison