Tim Make has an amazing piece in NPR with a boatload of audio of Trump’s favorite legal goon, Michael Cohen. Lot of good stuff in there.
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Tim Make has an amazing piece in NPR with a boatload of audio of Trump’s favorite legal goon, Michael Cohen. Lot of good stuff in there.
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Corner Stone
Every single time I hear Cohen say “Mr. Trump” out loud I start laughing. He sounds like such a fucking ball less goon who is the dog on Saturday morning cartoons.
“I will love him and pet him and squeeze him”
You got a problem with that
I posted this downstairs, but it is worth posting again. Trump does not like Angela. He wants to ban all German made luxury cars. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/390009-trump-to-impose-total-ban-on-luxury-german-cars-report
Corner Stone
“Everyone who works for Mr. Trump sees him as more than an employer. He’s a sage and a father figure. He’s family. If you have a problem, Mr. Trump will say ‘Let me lay hands on you my child’, and it will all go away.”
Corner Stone
“Mistuh TRUmp”
Just sounds dumb as all fucking get out.
BMW, Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz should padlock their American factories beginning tomorrow. Let his MAGA voters feel all that winning.
@Corner Stone:
That is incredibly disturbing. It must be five o clock somewhere.
@rikyrah: The AIC went to Mercedes Benz Stadium for the college playoff. He is vindictive because Angela didn’t kiss his butt. I agree with you, that you have to fight back.
just a reminder that AIC is asshole in chief. I don’t want to get the Samantha Bee treatment. lol
Mike J
@JPL: Good reason for me to wear my COtA Mercedes cap. Red, white, and blue under the brim with white merc logo on white cap. Mercedes pisses off Trump and employs the only black driver in F1.
Omnes Omnibus
I’ll just leave this here.
Corner Stone
@TenguPhule: Today was the last day of school at our ISD. So it’s past the yardarm here for the next two months.
@rikyrah: BMW in SC, Mercedes in AL, yep. Don’t know about BMW, but a friend I used to work with, a CPA, said he regretted not following through with plans to interview with Mercedes. He was originally from AL, and he said some factory jobs there paid $100k, which goes far in AL.
@JPL: I’ve never owned a Benz or BMW, and two of the VWs I’ve owned were probably the worst cars I’ve ever had. And don’t get me started on the horribly designed (by BMW) Mini I used to drive. And although such a ban will likely never affect me directly — I’ll never own another German car — such a move profoundly offends me. Setting foreign policy based entirely on pique is absolutely disastrous.
“Says who?”
Bobby Thomson
As lawyers behaving badly stuff goes, this is pretty weak fuckin’ tea.
@Corner Stone: Is that a parody or did someone actually say that.
So in theory that shouldn’t hurt American workers in local factories since the tariff wouldn’t apply to their products … unless BMW, Mercedes, and VW decide to make it hurt. ?
Corner Stone
@Tokyokie: Why didn’t you get a Honda like 4 cars ago?
@JPL: Yet another swipe from the Spite Administration… no basis for this move other than sheer toddler temper tantrum .
Just remember Republicans, your economic interests could be next .
@Jeffro: The correct nomenclature is ‘Sezzhoo!?’
@Tokyokie: My last VW lasted 31 years.
Just emailed CVS to say that I’ll be boycotting them over their support for America First Policies, a goon PAC run by Trump supporters.
@JPL: Thank you for the definition, where I used to work AIC stood for Annual Incentive Comp. I prefer POS for him, I think everyone knows what that means.
OK, read the link the The Hill on the Mercedes thingy. I can see Trump saying such things but I think the people he actually wants to be seen as a peer would murder him for us if he did. It’s so preposterous that it’s just more Trump chaos smokescreen to keep us all off what they are really doing.
Like the EPA move to gut emissions standards and California’s ability to write their own. That is today’s biggie.
Corner Stone
@schrodingers_cat: Cohen is on record as saying Trump is a sage and “like family” and that everyone who ever worked for him thought of him as more than an employer and would go to him with their problems. But I took a slight dramatic license with the Jesus touching absolution part.
Dude, their economic interests got gutted yesterday and today.
@kindness: He’s a vindictive asshole, and if you think someone can stop him ask Trudeau how that is working out for him and is country.
Steve in the ATL
@eclare: of course—point of sale
When they go low, we go high doesn’t work.
Its simple. He really is that stupid and crazy. Nothing is too preposterous for him. NOTHING.
Canada just declared WAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH on American Products.
@TenguPhule: That is what my son said. Ryan will say it is disappointing.
@Corner Stone: So he is Don Crookleone.
@Omnes Omnibus: And I thank you for the memories.
Another Scott
In other news, Josh Eidelson on Twitter:
Hehe. One of the reasons Boeing went to South Carolina in the first place was to get away from their Seattle unions.
Bloomberg has more.
Good, good. More, please.
@Corner Stone: The last VW I owned was about 25 years ago. Since then, it’s been a Subaru (totaled by a friend), a Toyota (totaled by a semi-trailer rig), three Hondas, and the current Kia, as well as the accursed Mini. But if I could, I’d get a Fiat 500 (2-door, manual transmission).
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: I knew what that link was before clicking on it. :-)
Yeah, I know I don’t get a prize…
Ben Cisco
@Corner Stone: :”I will stroke his bill and rub his pretty feathers… Hey, wait a minute! Bunny rabbits don’t have feathers and bills.”
@Tokyokie: I owned Volvo’s and now a Honda, but son and DIL have Audi’s. She was hoping to get a new SUV, but it appears she better do so soon.
That would be the head of the US Chamber of Commerce an organisation I despise for reasons but still…
@eclare: How about TIC, for traitor in chief.
@JPL: TIC, I like it…TIC, tock, mf’ers.
@chris: The chamber of commerce is not as strong as Nativism. Senator Perdue won with the latter in GA.
@JPL: I like ‘traitor in chief.” Fits perfectly.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes…yes…
@eclare: VW is in Tennessee.
That phone call was really something else. What a wannabe mobster.
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: @?BillinGlendaleCA: @Yarrow: Travel Information Center?
Not just foreign cars. With steel tariffs, the price of every car will be going up.
@Omnes Omnibus: lol You convinced me to just continue calling him the asshole in chief, but if I get the Samantha Bee treatment I blame you. No acronyms for me.
Mai naem mobile
I bet Trumpov is so stupid he doesn’t realize his base states are where the German cars are made in the US. Also I doubt Jared, Vanki and most of his cabinet would be ha00y. They all come across as Beemer and Benz consumers. For the cachet ofcourse .
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: So fixing my a/c is a good investment?
Omnes Omnibus
@JPL: Just call him Trump. I can’t think of a worse insult.
@chris: Hey assholes, you put these venal & traitorous thugs in charge. Time to pay now.
@debbie: yup I do wish they would strike first though. Britain could come out and say he is not welcome this summer in their country. At the G7 summit , they could turn their backs, or better yet take a knee.
wishful thinking
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yes, post haste.
@JPL: Um, OK… not sure I get your point. My problem with the Chamber is their climate change denialism. It should be everybody’s problem but it gives them a lot of wingnut cred.
ETA: And supporting the orange POS of course. Til now anyway.
john fremont
@Another Scott: As an aircraft technician, good for them.
I want them all to start making deals with each other, locking out the U.S. I am that vindictive. ?
@chris: In GA the chamber didn’t support Perdue. He ran against them, although they came back during the general election. .
Senator Perdue, not the former governor.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: Can’t get it into the shop until a week from today. Luckily, temps should be in the 70s until then.
@debbie: That will happen naturally, because what is the point in making a deal with someone who doesn’t keep their word?
@debbie: As am I. I do think they have to act first at some point.
Omnes Omnibus
@Another Scott: It should have been in everyone’s top three guesses.
I took a look at the comments in a couple of conservative news sites. Trump supporters don’t care about jobs. They just want to see Trump punish designated enemies. His anger is their anger.
@JPL: Ah, gotcha.
At Trudeau’s press conference one reporter asked him about the G7 meeting in June In Quebec. Reporter corrected himself and said G6+1. It’s gonna be… interesting.
@chris: lol They need to start punching first, because the asshole in chief will fold. He’s a bully and coward.
The one in Spartanburg, SC- a City Councilman said that there were 34,000 jobs attached to the car plant, with ancillary businesses . Phuck all of them. They wanted to MAGA. Let them feel it.??
@Brachiator: How many of those are sock puppets and bots? How many unique T supporters.
What ticks me off the most is that he’s turned his back on the countries that stood behind America after 9/11. Regardless of the wrongness of the invasion of Iraq, those countries showed the kind of heart and humanity Trump will never be able to grasp. This is not making us great again.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You are lucky. It’s been August here since mid-May.
Well, it won’t be their jobs, right? Right? Shitgibbon may be smarter than his base but that ain’t sayin’ much.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: I left C-bus for a reason.
Maybe Cohen needs to decamp to Kentucky.
Maybe this business about the German cars will go over as well as threatening Delta, as that asshat Georgia legislator did a few months back. Over losing the NRA discount. Because too many schools were getting shot up.
It’s disheartening to live through, but a lot of this might be motivating people to vote Republicans out.
In fact, I am so vindictive, I want Martha Stewart to tell Trump to shove his pardon up his ass.
@Brachiator: You are wasting time trying to rationalize what trumpaloons think and do, when everyone here already knows that.
Matt McIrvin
If Trump really starts going nuts with the pardon power, it could make Washington, DC a very dangerous place to be, since basically everything there is under federal jurisdiction.
Click to see one short paragraph. Spot the typo!
With the unbelievable, greatest ever in history windfall* from the ‘tax cuts,’ people won’t bat an eye
*Not intended to be or resemble truth.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: A highly exercised daddy with a double barrel shotgun full of rock salt?
Good question. Of course, conservative sites would have no reason to try to filter out bots that support their cause.
CorporationsBots are people too, my friend.”Baud
@debbie: I’d buy one of her centerpieces if she did that.
@Baud: Is there something besides the centerpiece? Maybe a crockpot or something. .
I’m curious to see how far they will go. It’s like studying rats in a maze.
@JPL: I don’t think there’s anything she doesn’t sell.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: That wasn’t the reason for that particular location. Thank you very much.
i heard that on the radio on the way to pick up the kids. jesus cohen sounds like such a schmuck. like he’s trying real hard to be a wise guy or something. like there’s a voice in his head all what would joe pesci do?
Have a ceramic frying pan I like from her brand.
Didn’t realize it was her brand until got it home. Purely an impulse buy as it was on a clearance table at Macy’s at 80% off..
@Baud: Cool! That means she doesn’t need my money.
@debbie: Ya don’t fuck with Martha.
@JPL: All rich people need your money.
And Angela does not like Trump. From Ben Rhodes’ new book, via the NYT:
Trump is pissing off world leaders in Europe, Asia, and North America, at least. If he hasn’t already, it’s only a matter of time before he also alienates leaders, friend and foe alike, in South America (aka MS-13), Africa (aka shithole countries), and Oz/NZ.
Fixed it for ya, Baud.
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s all good news for Russia though.
Indeed. In fact, the whole notion of “your” money is nothing more than communist propaganda.
Trump really has this mania about someone taking advantage, and fair deals. I wonder what happened to him as a kid, what his “rosebud” moment might be. Also, I’m tired of the country having to suffer because of his psychological issues.
Another Scott
@Omnes Omnibus: For people of a certain age, anyway. ;-)
Zooks, she would have been 75 this year!
Oh yeah.
@Brachiator: It’s more like having rats in our plumbing.
@SiubhanDuinne: I don’t know, but I’d imagine Merkel would have enjoyed working collaboratively with Hillary as the most powerful two women in the world.
@Brachiator: Dale remarked that Trump seems to have taken Justin’s speech personally. I’m sure JT tried to avoid that but he was visibly holding in his anger. Like his father, he does not suffer fools well at all.
Corner Stone
“Wonder Twin powers activate! In the form of: Ass Kicking Badasses who kick everyone’s ass!”
Ha! I like that she’s willing to make fun of herself.
Not a typo. Only OK would support this.
@Corner Stone:
Absolutely Fabulous: Superpowers
El Caganer
@rikyrah: Let them eat MAGA? I thought it was “let them eat covfefe.”
@debbie: I had seen the whole commercial, the cut version is airing here. I guess it ran during the superb owl broadcast.
Hence the “I AM YOUR VOICE!!1! ARGLEBARGLEGAHHH!!” speech at the RNC convention. At the time it seemed laughable…
Trump and the other goons in his administration can dish it out, but can’t take any push back.
I also vaguely recall Trump in the past bragging that he deliberately lied to JT about some issue.
Ah, CNN story from March.
So, Trump claiming that Canada is taking advantage is pure bullshit meant to keep idiot supporters excited. Meanwhile, the GOP leadership stands by while Trump alienates an ally just for shits and giggles.
This is exactly it – it’s what he learned from his dad, Fred Trump. There are no deals where both sides come out ahead. It’s take or be taken. It’s I win, you lose. He (Fred) was horrendous and his abuse is a direct cause of DJT’s abusive impulses (because he never dealt with any of it in a healthy way…hell, he never had to).
I’m surprised more anti-trumpers of all stripes – comedians, activists, the more brazen Dem candidates – don’t throw it in Trumpov’s face. Want him to stroke out? Remind him that no matter how many brown families he shatters at the border or however many p____s he grabs or however much grifter $$$ he rakes in from Rosneft or whatever, it’ll never be good enough. See what the reaction is then…
Against my better judgement we took both pups down to the beach at sunset. The coppers pulled in to entrance to the beach and sat there for almost an hour. I told my wife that the dogs were screened by mu fishing chart and we had to just wait them out. After an hour the dude pulled down to within 30 yards of us, checked a bunch of permits for people having a luaua and waved at us and split! We got lucky. Anyway I thought ya’ll would like this shot of this lady walking the beach with an enormous cat on her shoulder!
@debbie: LOL
Jack the Second
I really want to make the joke, “Those c**** can go fuck themselves”, but I also really don’t like that word, so I’ll leave it meta.
(While I understand the argument that some people use offensive words in a way devoid of the original misogynistic, etc, content, like the Brits/Aussies claim to, I think that for some words and phrases the original discriminatory intent is still close enough to the surface that we should respect the people who say they are hurt by the words, and refrain from using derogatory idioms revolving around genitalia, disability, or sexual practices.)
BMW is in North Carolina, they have 5 Series Highway patrol cars and cops ride BMW motorcycles. They have been building BMWs in Spartanburg since ’94. They build 1900 cars a day at that plant. MB has been in Alabama since the late 90’s. trump is fucking nuts. last year he was bitching about Toyota and Honda, both have been building cars here forever. I was listening to “The World” when I was driving today. The had the Dutch woman who heads up the European Union’s trade organization…she said something to the effect, the US hasn’t been negotiating with them at all (like Ross said we have) they’ve just shown up and made demands. She jammed trump a bit, He said, “winning a trade war is easy” she said, I suppose you can look at it like that, but it it’s not easy because what happens here has a ripple effect all over the world,
Amazing what washes up on shore, innit?
Speaking of only the best (barf) people…here’s the kind of thing that Trumpism is dragging out into the open: Congressional Candidate in Virginia Admits He’s a Pedophile
He ain’t running as a Dem, is all I’m saying:
This guy is about one hair away from being Dave Brat, so let’s be sure to focus our fire on…Dave Brat and the like. The ones who slip by with just enough normalcy to get elected.
This pathetic worm will get what’s coming to him sooner or later. Brat…he’ll have to be run out of office first.
Ack – help, Moderators! I think it was the p-word that did it.
@Jager: I know you know Spartanburg isn’t in NC.
Bobby Thomson
Not that complicated. He was raised by a slumlord Klansman, spoiled, and shipped off to military school because he was such an asshole even Fred didn’t want him around.
Dude probably should have paid better attention to what happens to the Joe Pesci character at the end of every one of Scorsese’s mob movies.
Mary G
@raven: That is one pampered purrbot. Glad you got away with the puppers on the beach and hope you’re catching enough fish!
Sally Field
I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt.
Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.
2:05 PM – May 31, 2018
@Mary G: The two really nice pompano were great for our mid afternoon dinner. I’m about to hit it and gets up@4:30 to get to the boat for the red snapper run. I’m happy as a hog rootin in manure!
Some people just want to see the world burn. Trump is the global arsonist they have been waiting for.
Amir Khalid
An idle question: would the VW-owned Italian Sportwagenmacher Lamborghini S.p.A. be subject to this ban?
Nice take on what might have been.
The prospect of sharp claws on bare skin? Yikes!
Mary G
@Baud: So sad we are denied that. Much would have been accomplished.
@Jager: yep. They are living in this imaginary world where everyone is poor and will ship us commodotites for next to nothing because they need our food. And will buy our manufactured goods and no one else’s because we say so. where all the leaders have command economies and can just order their businesses and consumers to buy fewer products from other countries and favor ours.
@raven: I spent 5 hours at the DMV today, I’m confused…sorry
WTO doing pre-flexing warm-up stretching exercises in the wings.
Matt McIrvin
@Bobby Thomson: I’m guessing his dad was pretty abusive, because he is to his own kids, spouses, etc. He likely learned it from somewhere.
I have often thought that! The would have been a Formidable Femme Force!
To these morons that is negotiating.
They don’t understand that the world is not the same as conservatives have perceived it for the last 75 yrs, that is that the USA! is so far out ahead that it owns every thing and everyone else. The morons aren’t negotiating in the understood sense of the word, they are, in an over privileged completely irrational way.
Glad I got that German brand food processor now rather than later.
Amir Khalid
@Jack the Second:
There are foulmouthed Britons and Aussies who use “cunt” very freely, more so than most foulmouthed Americans. But the notion that that means the word is less offensive in those countries than in America strikes me as simply wrong.
Just FYI. FemForce:
N.B.: Ought to be several [sic]s in there.
@Amir Khalid
It’s (to the best of my knowledge) not bleeped on British TV.
@raven: @raven: While you were fishing here was my god damned day. http://youvegotalottolearn.blogspot.com/2018/05/never-again.html
Another Scott
@Jager: Ouch. :-(
I wonder if it was fear of spending hours at the DMV after he missed the expiration date was the reason why that guy in Ohio who was running for governor – Ed FitzGerald – didn’t have a drivers license for 10 years…
Condolences. Another example of the hidden cost of low taxes in action.
@NotMax: fyi, Austrian TV does not bleep. At all.
We just don’t understand the American sensibilities regarding foul language. And nudity.