This is an obscenity:
This should not be hanging in my soon-to-be-kindergartener’s classroom.
— Georgy Cohen (@radiofreegeorgy) June 6, 2018
The kindergartners are apparently to learn to sing the lock-down song to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” It’s like a goddamned horror movie.
In the upcoming election, we’ll find out if there’s enough fight left in America to beat back lawless authoritarianism. We’ll also find out if we’ll continue to privilege some neck-bearded yahoo’s yearning to hump an AR-15 or similar battlefield weapon over our children’s lives and well-being.
Let’s not keep failing this test.
Good God, this is horrific
I’m trying to think of a snarky answer.
Lots come to mind. None to keyboard.
I’ve tried to discuss this with some and it’s either absolutely or what are you on about.
Cheryl Rofer
We are supposed to accept this as NORMAL?
These people are insane.
(stating the obvious, I know)
ETA: the last line…dear lord… “now its time to have some fun”
What. The. Hell.
Jerzy Russian
I am afraid to ask, but is there also a helpful ditty with instructions on how to bum rush shooters?
Lockdown, Lockdown
it’s a game
that let’s the gun nuts
skirt the blame
I have 5 grandchildren, and my heart aches when I contemplate what they could one day face at school.
OT, but there is some good news in a new poll out today, for Dems. And if Dems don’t point out that the recent tax changes have harmed Medicare and SS, they are committing political malpractice.
Here is the petition.
Holy Jesus. Not sure if I’m swearing or praying.
I’ve actually got tears sitting here at my desk.
When I was in college people would compete for who could come up with the darkest “joke”. On our worst days none of us came up with anything like that.
Good Christ.
The NRA needs to be classified, and treated, as the terrorist organization that it is. Wayne LaPierre should be sent to Guantanamo.
We can beat the NRA. The momentum is on our side, and it is not going away. A nation of targets.
The song is kinda brilliant: pipe down and hide. The fact it’s posted in US classrooms: we have a problem.
And, if you get rid of Superdelegates, then let’s get rid of Caucuses. Period.
House Dems seethe over superdelegates plan
Can’t teach safe sex, but we can teach “sure shooting.”
The gun nuts are doubling down on insanity. To hell with all of them.
@Waldo: Please come to the mezzanine and collect your internets.
Bloodbath, Bloodbath
It’s alright
Cuz angry white guys
Got their rights
@Starfish: Are you shitting me? I can’t believe it — but of course I can because guns are never the problem, they are always the solution to these goddamn NRA stooges.
gud gawd. Insanity.
Is there a list? Because the “benefits of gun ownership” seem to be “target shooting is fun for some people”, “hunting is something people still do and some of them actually enjoy, I guess, even with all of the nitwits who don’t know how to handle a firearm around” and “if you feel insecure about yourself, you can at least fantasize about taking your gun and shooting the people you hate with it”.
It’s like saying we should teach kids the benefits of playing the lottery or of smoking. If there are real benefits, why doesn’t the NRA use some of their budget to advertise them?
@Waldo: Damn, that’s harsh. Brilliant, but harsh.
The scariest thing I saw in kindergarten was the hairy arms of the toddler sitting next to me.
Villago Delenda Est
The DeVos bitch insists that they won’t talk about firearms at this big school safety conference.
The fucking elephant will sit on you, Betsy, you worthless hack.
I’ve told this story here before, so forgive me for repeating it, but my brother (a federal agent) was a first responder at Sandy Hook Elementary. At the time, his oldest child was in 2d grade in a neighboring town. The massacre of elementary school children fundamentally changed him and his views on gun ownership — he’d take away everyone’s guns if he could.
New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots
Rachel Maddow reports on how new revelations about an executive from Cambridge Analytica, the data firm hired by the Donald Trump campaign, meeting with Julian Assange, and the firm’s use of data from a Russia-sponsored academic.
Steve in the ATL
@nonynony: and will this class distinguish between hunting for food weapons such as rifles and shotguns and paranoid/small pen!s/let’s commit a crime weapons such as handguns and assault rifles?
Rhetorical question, obviously.
Anything but the obvious here in America. “Harden” the schools to prison-levels of security…give elementary school kids metal plates to put in their backpacks…put a bucket of rocks in each classroom…arm the teachers (wait, the insurance companies won’t go for that, never mind)…make a lot of noise about ‘mental health’…but, y’know, never really figure out what makes the U.S. so different from all the other Western democracies. It’s something…I just can’t quite put my finger on it…
@rikyrah: But… they’ve got ‘Cambridge’ in their name. They’re respectable by definition.
That’s not “the party base,” that’s a bunch of whiny conspiracy-minded loons who think the something something establishment something somethinged them in the back.
And IIRC the point when these things were created was to allow more regular folks to be delegates, because before that the already-organizationally-powerful people who are now “superdelegates” used to take up the spots of regular delegates.
Seems like a solution in search of a problem.
Steve in the ATL
In light of this, perhaps some people owe reverend wright an apology for condemning the “god damn America” portion of that sermon
@Starfish: For fuck’s sake!!!!!
OT? Had to put my cat, Alice, to sleep this morning before work. She’d been in failing health for some time, and I kept checking in with the vet to make sure she wasn’t in any pain. It became clear that this morning she was ready to go. She was a good kitty!
Gin & Tonic
@nonynony: I know where you were going with that and don’t necessarily disagree, but want to point out that in many areas of the country, with the changes we have made to the ecosystem, “sport” hunting is actually a necessary part of a wildlife management strategy.
@rikyrah: oh ffs…who do they think they’re going to please by mucking around with this “ok, 1st-Tier Superdelegates can vote on the first and subsequent ballots, 2nd-Tier Supers can vote on the 2nd and subsequent…” etc etc etc. It’s just more “rigging”, right? And when have we ever made those who cry “rigged!” happy about anything?
@RedDirtGirl: So very sorry for your loss!
I have long contended that open carry is assault. Period. According to the online legal dictionary, under the common law assault is “an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful or offensive contact.” If I see some goober with a big-ass handgun on his belt or an assault rile on his shoulder, hell yes I’m apprehensive. Because brandishing firearms in public is not conducti that sane people perform, and, having concluded that the goober is fucking insane, I fear that he might decide to use his phallic substitute to blow me away because I reminded him of his junior-high gym teacher or some such.
But it’s not merely that these asswipes want the government to grant their inherently illegal behavior the imprimatur of legality, they demand those who are not as bughouse loony as they are accept their hideous actions as being virtuous. So yeah, fuck ’em and their death-dealing metal penises. And any pol who accepts the NRA’s blood money is basically declaring that he wants people like Emma and most members of the BJ community dead.
@RedDirtGirl: Heartfelt sympathies. This has been a rough year for beloved pets.
@RedDirtGirl: My condolences on your cat. You did right by her, but it’s so hard to lose them.
@RedDirtGirl: so so sorry, :(…
@RedDirtGirl: Glad that both you and she are at peace. Strength and sympathy to all who loved her.
@Steve in the ATL: How are you and your wife doing today?
Gelfling 545
@RedDirtGirl: So sorry. I hope your memories of her will be a comfort.
@RedDirtGirl: I am so sorry….. :(
@RedDirtGirl: So sorry for your loss.
@RedDirtGirl: I am so sorry about Alice. I had to put my beloved kitty 2% to sleep on May 4. Since then I keep looking for him everywhere. He was such a part of my life for 14 years that I can’t get over he is gone. I picked up his cremains yesterday and cried all day :( kitty
@Jerzy Russian:
♩ ♪ make a fist and hold your breath
then rush into certain death♩♫
Our oldest grandkid is starting kindergarten. I feel sick to my stomach. Makes our kids’ k to 12 years look so carefree and ideal in comparison. I am beyond furious and terrified for our grown kids and our grandkids futures if the degenerate monsters aren’t reined in.
@rikyrah: This segment was really good with regarding to connecting a lot of the dots between Russia, the emails, Wikileaks (Assange specifically), and the Trump pack. The segment played out like Kay had specifically written it with a lot of her questions/thought process in mind.
Edit: @RedDirtGirl: I’m so sorry for your loss.
The Moar You Know
@nonynony: It’s getting smaller. I own some. I find target practice at the range the most relaxing thing one can do (you have to put everything else out of your mind and FOCUS, because guns are dangerous!). That being said, the ranges filled up with idiots after Obama got elected and I do mean idiots. People waving around loaded guns, taking selfies with them. Like it’s a fucking party. People in full combat rig dumping mag after mag into targets four yards away. Some of these idiots are going through two hundred bucks in ammo per session. I’ve left the last two times I went because I did not feel safe and told the owner so. Her and I are friends, so she didn’t take it amiss. She doesn’t know what to do about it. They need the business and the people are legally able to use the range, but I told her damn if I’ll be back unless it’s a weekday morning – and I work then, so odds are I won’t be back very much. Been maybe five times since 2008. Will happily vote for anyone who wants to ban the fucking things. I’ll be first in line to hand ’em back.
Your logical question: why not get rid of them now? Great question.
In all honesty, the answer is because I think there’s a non-zero chance of a full on civil war (civilian on civilian, not involving the military) within the next fifteen years. Not willing to unilaterally disarm. That’s it. Mock as needed.
Steve in the ATL
@LAO: she’s unchanged; I’m worse after sleeping fitfully in a chair that didn’t fully recline. Because this is all about my discomfort rather than my wife’s acute pain!
Hopefully the pain will diminish enough in the next day or so that she can go back home with the fentanyl patch and Percocet versus the dilaudid drip. What a mess!
Jack the Second
@rikyrah: Superdelegates aren’t a guard against unelectable candidates; they are a guard against candidates who should not be elected.
Trump was electable. Shouldn’t have been.
Dorothy Winsor
@RedDirtGirl: You did a kind thing. I’m sorry for you loss.
@ellie: And your loss too. Losing a loved animal is hard.
Brinkley Paiste
You’re certainly correct that this kindergarten rhyme is an obscenity, but not for the reason you think it is
School shootings are quite rare and the emotional damage wrought by these pointless lockdown drills far outweigh the loss of life they prevent
Crime is at a 40 or 50 year low in this country but gun jumpers fear they’re besieged so they buy more guns. At the other end of the spectrum ninnies who get off hyping the threat of guns and shootings force children to live out their sick fantasies with these drills
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@rikyrah: I respectfully disagree – I’m with Perez on this one. I’d be happy with getting rid of caucuses too, but that’s a separate issue. You’re right that both distort democracy. I think this is a step in the right direction.
Patricia Kayden
@SFAW: And people need to stop voting for politicians who are beholden to the NRA. Otherwise, nothing will change.
The Moar You Know
@Steve in the ATL: Unlike most people, I listened to the whole sermon when it became an issue. I frankly agreed with him then, and even moreso now.
@Gin & Tonic: Then they can do what they do on my military base here: hire a contractor to eliminate X amount of that population. It can be written into the contract that part of the compensation package is that the contractors can keep remains to process into sausage, ground meat, etc, or whatever they agree is proper disposal. Even hunting can be further regulated to the point that “wild life management” hunters aren’t needed. Personally I don’t give two shits if that angers the “I supplement my grocery shopping with two freezers full of venison” crowd. Tough shit.
Two EPA staffers leave as Scott Pruitt scandal worsens
Rachel Maddow reports on two EPA staffers leaving the agency as the scandal of Scott Pruitt trying to use the influence of his public office to get his wife a Chick-fil-A franchise reaches a new level of corruption even for Pruitt.
Steve in the ATL
I like that. We have to get creative again. Such as back in the sixties when battery was used against a restaurant owner who snatched a plate out of the hands of a black man who dared enter the buffet line.
Under traditional law, if I punch you I have committed battery (“an offensive touching”). If I swing at you and miss I have assaulted you. Most statutes that I have seen (and defer to the many expert criminal defense attorneys who frequent this place) cover both under the title “assault and battery”.
@Steve in the ATL: Here’s hoping she gets home soon. Fingers are crossed.
The Moar You Know
@ellie: After I put my last cat down, I kept seeing her for months out of the corner of my eye.
@RedDirtGirl: Aww damn, I am sorry. I will say this for cats; they let you know, if you’re paying any attention at all, that they’re ready to check out. Which makes it easier because then you must come to terms with it.
I did not know that dogs usually don’t do this, but I know it now, the hard way.
Democrats in good shape for 2018 after California primaries
Steve Kornacki talks wit Rachel Maddow about the outcome of important California primary races and how the Democrats are set up to flip some seats in the 2018 midterms.
@The Moar You Know:
I am unable to mock, sadly.
So sorry for your loss. :(
Very sorry to hear this. Am sure Alice felt loved to the very end.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@RedDirtGirl: So sorry for your loss. It hurts so…
@RedDirtGirl: Whether they’re past their time or in their prime, losing them is so hard. My sympathies and hope for peace for you. You did right by her.
@Tokyokie: @Steve in the ATL: As long as open carry is legal, absent any other action on the part of the gunhumper, no assault.
Although I agree with you both that it’s a intimidation tactic — just not subject to prosecution. Also, I’m always weary of expanding the definition of criminal conduct and the reach of criminal statutes. Invariably, such statutes are used against the indigent and POC.
Steve in the ATL
@Gin & Tonic:
This is true. I’ve mentioned this here before (all of you remember all of my posts, right? RIGHT?), but I once represented a HOA which had hired the USDA to send sharpshooters to the development to thin the deer herd. There was no hunting allowed on the property, so the herd had grown too big for the available resources and there was rampant disease and starvation. Won that case three times, all the way to the Georgia Supreme Court.
To tie this into another recent thread, we worked the case with counsel representing co-defendant the State of Georgia. That counsel? Then-Georgia attorney general Mike Bowers of Bowers v. Hardwick infamy.
Steve in the ATL
@LAO: yeah yeah public policy discrimination blah blah blah–think of the increase in business for your practice!
@Steve in the ATL: I don’t live in an open carry state!
@Gin & Tonic:
Yeah, I know. But given the lack of training that a lot of these gun nuts seem to have, I couldn’t imaging going hunting anywhere but private property these days where I knew I was the only one out there. (Not that I’ve ever enjoyed hunting much myself, but even if I did the idjits would likely be enough to encourage me to just go camping and skip the hunting – so long as I was camping somewhere where firearms were restricted).
@The Moar You Know:
Your experience is basically what many of my friends who target shoot have experienced. Two of them have just stopped outright going and have gotten rid of their guns (admittedly one of them did because he had a kid and even though it was locked up he didn’t like having it in the house when the kid got mobile). The one who still goes actually works a job where he can go on weekday mornings and that’s basically what he does.
If I were a Colorado 4th grade teacher (those poor kids) I would do this.
“Alright class, I’m about to summarize the benefits of gun ownership. [Brief pause] Okay, recess!”
Mike R
@RedDirtGirl: Very sorry about you cat, the little fur balls mean so much.
Just when I thought my outrage meter might be growing numb from overuse, something like this turns up. Anyone who would accept this as normal is beyond redemption.
I just wish that more people were as wise as he was.
Still, a very hopeful story. Thanks.
@Waldo: You’re on a roll. It’s crazy but true that gun nuts believe that these tragedies are inevitable in a free society and that we just have to live this way.
@RedDirtGirl: So sorry, it’s a sad and difficult day for you.
@ellie: I’m sorry for you also. It’s going to be hard, take it easy.
The Moar You Know
@LAO: You are all correct. It is. I would never shoot an animal unless it was trying to eat me, but the only time I think anyone could justify carrying openly is either while hunting or in legit bear country. Open carry to your local Starbucks is literally the carrier just trying to scare the shit out of everyone in a manner they can get away with in court.
Societies should reward neither juvenile or bullying behavior, and open carry is both.
condorcet runner-up
My two preschoolers were talking about their day about 2 weeks ago and in between discussions of the playground and dinosaurs one of them casually mentioned a lockdown drill they had to do. I don’t blame the schools for being prepared, but it was galling to me that this is where we are at, and that this is what we as a society have been forced to accept. I know the solution is to keep voting our interests, but I wonder what this sort of new reality does to young psyches. We used to have fire drills and tornado drills, but the idea that these kids are living with the knowledge and possibility that another fellow human being can snap and come aiming for them, and that this is now just a thing that can happen rather than something that is very, very wrong with society and must be fixed, is very hard to process for me.
WaPost: good article on rural dentist practices. So few paying customers that you need about a 30 mile radius to bring in enough clients to stay in business. Of course the example is picturesque West Virginia.
Rural America has too few dentists — and too few patients who can pay
This, in the “wealthiest” country in the world. It’s a national disgrace.
ETA: I wonder if we could do a “guns for dentistry” buyback in some states. Get guns out of households; save some teeth and lives.
@Steve in the ATL:
Commonly where that has occurred their migration corridor has been split in pieces due to poor land development practices and they are effectively trapped within segments. There are plenty of subdivisions in California where deer are considered “pests” because they eat garden plants, while the state’s overall population is in decline.
@The Moar You Know: I couldn’t agree with you more. But the answer isn’t to criminalize “legal behavior” but to abolish open carry. We should not permit open carry in this country — unfortunately, many jurisdictions do.
condorcet runner-up
Someone should cut an ad with kids singing that song to twinkle twinkle little star, and end with something simple like, “is this the America that we want for our kids?” That is just chilling.
Betty Cracker
@The Moar You Know:
Riding a motorcycle requires a similar level of focus and is thus great for clearing the mind. Also dangerous! But mostly to the rider and any pedestrian who strays into the road rather than to schoolchildren, moviegoers, concert attendees, etc.
Betty Cracker
@RedDirtGirl: That sucks. I am sorry. :(
Mary G
@RedDirtGirl: Alice was a good girl. After I lost my 21-year-old Sophie, I would dream about her at night. It seemed so real at times. In my dreams she could talk and was very sarcastic and rude.
@ellie: My condolences on 2%, too. What a cool cat name.
MoldingWarping little minds since 2018.trollhattan
I wouldn’t wish that upon anybody. You’d be haunted the rest of your days.
Bet he’d love to have a chat with Alex Jones.
I’m fine with making open carry in public illegal. It’s an asshole thing to do anyway.
To me, it’s reminiscent of the classic flasher-in-a-raincoat, and the dude’s fellow perverts decided to make flashing legal.
@Betty Cracker:
Motorcycles offer tangible benefits of efficient transportation and taking less space to park. I’m struggling finding similar benefits for guns.
@The Moar You Know: My trusty old Ruger 10/.22 is locked in my brother’s gun safe, in NY. I live in florida.
Like you, I used to enjoy target shooting at the range. Until assholes in camo, with ARs started hanging tagets of black kids in hoodies and scary moo slim terrorists. What frightened me was how easy it is to disable the semi-auto mechanism.
I don’t miss the range or shooting in general.
People here in the degenerate south think I’m nuts when I say that never, in my entire life, have I ever felt frightened enough to cary a firearm.
BTW, I worked my entire career in NYC and frequented many neighborhoods that those frightened southern and midwest would crap themselves if they were brought there.
I’m so sorry. It’s hard to lose them even when you know it’s time to let them go. ?
A solution worse than the problem. No one should be in Guantanamo (or Florence, for that matter).
Amir Khalid
My condolences.
@trollhattan: I remember watching live coverage and seeing him on my TV/Internet which was an added layer of surreal.
Here’s a picture of him that ran on RWNJ websites — LINK. These conspiracy loons are horrible human beings.
Heidi Mom
@RedDirtGirl: So sorry for your loss. Sometimes the kindest thing is the hardest thing to do, as all pet guardians know.
Yes…we can..we need to lift up these kids and have their backs.
Why is Perez giving in to Wilmer?
West of the Rockies
To day is the last day of my daughter’s junior year in high school.
I genuinely, ludicrously, tragically find myself breathing a sigh of relief: hooray, no mass shootings at her school.
Gin & Tonic
@Elizabelle: Civilized countries recognize this as a problem and develop actual solutions. (I have an old friend who took early retirement from his private practice and went to work for this outfit.)
Steve in the ATL
@LAO: we have a serious mental illness epidemic in this country
Am peculiarly grateful to not comprehend how they think. All that therapy avoided.
Sorry for your loss too :(
Another Scott
@nonynony: I live near a creek that feeds the Potomac in Virginia. There’s a state law that duck hunting, etc., cannot be forbidden on such waterways. So, naturally, a few years ago, a guy set up a duck blind in the middle of the creek, roughly 100 feet from the back doors of people’s houses who were on the creek.
Caused quite a ruckus, it did.
I dunno, but he should tell him to go phuck himself.
The primaries are done. They should table it until AFTER the November 2018 elections.
Dr. Seuss for 2018.
@RedDirtGirl: @ellie:
So sorry about Alice and 2%.
I agree wholeheartedly with your comment. And how the hell are we supposed to tell the difference between a good guy with a gun and a bad guy with a gun? I can’t tell the difference and I certainly can’t explain the difference to a child.
Gin & Tonic
@Another Scott: Not to be *too* much of an asshole here, I hope, but if you buy property abutting a waterway called Little Hunting Creek, maybe you shouldn’t be shocked about people using it for hunting.
@Waldo: We’re just kids
but we aren’t dumb
the NRA is
fucking scum
@Steve in the ATL:
What an ordeal this has been for you both. I hope they can treat the pain but also figure out how to stop it. Keeping you both in my thoughts.
If Sanders won the nomination in 2016 despite super delegates but needed the super delegates to fend off a challenger in 2016 you KNOW he’d suddenly be all for the old “corrupt” system.
I just can’t take seriously the procedural change suggestions by a guy who argued that the south going early was unfair, but had no problem with that grouping when late sweeps were said to indicate he should be the candidate. He both wants to complain about the early clustering of the black vote and benefit from it. People who think the rules should always favor them should not get to write the rules.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@burnspbesq: That’s such a simplistic way of looking at it. Superdelegates have been an issue in 2008 and before. Wilmer doesn’t get to own this issue, just like he doesn’t own raising the minimum wage or making college affordable.
West of the Rockies
@Another Scott:
Yup. And, of course, hunter is certainly clueless as to why people might object to his firing a shotgun a few hundred feet from their backdoors. The rights and fee-fees of gun nuts must never, ever be questioned.
Yes, this! Concealed carry while you’re at it, please. I have to go to Maine in a couple of weeks so if you could do it by then that’d be great.
In all seriousness I have no idea how you change the culture. I believe “the kids will win” as David Hogg says but it will take generations. In the meantime “draconian” gun laws would be a good start.
@ellie: Condolences on the loss of your sweet kitty. But I just gotta ask where the name 2% came from? Definitely a unique moniker.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Amen. I’m ambivalent about super delegates. I’d much rather hear how they’re going to reform the nomination process and/or calendar to make the absurdly unrepresentative states of Iowa and NH less important. It’s not an easy fix– more diverse states tend to be more expensive– but it’s a much more important question to me than placating the shouty old man. Rotating calendars? Regional nominating conventions with tiered national voting? On-line voting? Vote by mail? That’s off the top of my head, but the system we have is nuts
i think a lot on the mindset of someone carrying in public. They should be absolutely alert at all times, scanning for threats of someone wanting to take their weapon, or cases where they might be compelled to use it.
I know that it is the extremely rare carrier that has this level of awareness and that’s scary. For the few who do, I also wonder what the cumulative impact of that burden has on their psyche.
@The Moar You Know: Yup, in context that line was 100% correct.
@Steve in the ATL: So sorry for both of you. Get well soon, Mrs. Steve!
Another Scott
@Gin & Tonic: The people buying homes there didn’t name it!!1 ;-)
Interestingly, it was named sometime before 1674.
J R in WV
I’m sure she was the best kitty! We all know how hard that can be, and I hope you otherwise have a nice day so you can recover without any added stress.
Sorry for your loss, Best wishes!!
And all B-J threads have room for pet updates.
@Another Scott: Jesus. What a bunch of idiocy all wrapped up in a tight package.
Did it ever get resolved? I assume that since this was a suburban neighborhood development the problem got taken care of.
Domestic short hair tabby (fka vheidi)
@RedDirtGirl: so sorry to hear this
“Why is Perez giving in to Wilmer?
Most likely trying to reset the flak he received by endorsing Andrew Cuomo at the NYS Democrat convention recently.
@BretH: For the vast majority incredibly detrimental
It’s not healthy and it catches up with you.
The Other Chuck
THIS is the phrase we should be using. “What do you need battlefield weapons for?”
You guys are the best group of jackals a girl could ask for! Heartfelt thanks to all of you for your words and thoughts! And my thoughts go to you, ellie, as well.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
The DNC can’t order Iowa to change to a primary system for Democratic nominees. The DNC just isn’t that powerful. I don’t know how people decided it was the “king maker” behind the scenes in 2016.
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon:
Obama only beat Clinton because of Superdelegates. They were the main difference that allowed him to secure the nomination.
But Hillary didn’t complain about it.
Another Scott
@nonynony: I can’t find anything specific about it in the Virginia Code, but perhaps I haven’t checked closely enough. Or maybe that site doesn’t have the relevant regulations. Dunno. I haven’t heard anything about duck hunting on the creek recently though.
@West of the Rockies:
I have a tiny bit of sympathy for the hunter — it sounds like he may not have known how close his blind would be to people’s houses. And since state law freakin’ requires him to use the blind for hunting or be fined, he’s kinda screwed.
It sounds like the local fish and game wardens are working to find him a new space so they don’t have to fine him for not hunting outside peoples’ backdoors.
This year in collaboration with the “Watching Oprah: The Oprah Winfrey Show and American Culture” exhibition, we are launching our women’s initiative as a summit meeting.
Follow our Instagram Stories & Snapchat (@nmaahc) for BTS moments! #E3Summit #WatchingOprah
— Smithsonian NMAAHC (@NMAAHC) June 7, 2018
@Mary G:
A cat? No! Am sure you all feel the same way, but we decided that if our pets could speak: our dogs would never shut up, and our cats would have perfect grammar, but would deign not to speak to us.
The Lodger
@Leto: I had to go back and check G&T’s comment before I realized you were talking about wildlife.
@Villago Delenda Est: @Villago Delenda Est:
I thought that couldn’t possibly be true, but you are dead right:
A classic example of wanting to be seen to be addressing a problem without actually doing anything.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@gene108: That’s not how I remember it going down, but no time for research right now. But regardless of the results it may have produced, it’s an unfair process.
@Villago Delenda Est: @Villago Delenda Est:
I thought that couldn’t possibly be true, but you are dead right:
A classic example of wanting to be seen to be addressing a problem without actually doing anything.
Let’s take a break from super delegates for a moment and consider the difference in how Republicans and Democrats perceive (and deal with) “in” groups and “out” groups. (Terrible choice of titles btw NYT – this is much bigger than Trumpov)
This will sound familiar to folks who’ve read some Haidt:
That’s true – we are feeling more ‘all in’ than ever before. I think that’s fair to say about (ack) both sides.
Kinda hard to argue with any of that.
So, as a possible counter to all of this…
The younger generation is moving to the Democrats, not just because we embrace diversity but also because we offer actual solutions, ideas that will help make people’s lives better. Not giveaways to the rich and large corporations. Not burning more coal or ignoring climate change. Not nursery rhymes explaining how to carry out a school lockdown. Not tariffs and not allowing in security-risk ZTE phones, either.
In addition to everything else, we need to keep reminding folks that Republicans Rob You, Democrats Deliver.
@Jerzy Russian:
Lockdown Lockdown,
There’s the shooter looming large,
Buckle up kiddies, its time to charge.
/you asked for it.
JFC, I thought we left the “Whites and Colored” separation shit to the fucking Republicans.
Audio of little kids singing that song with the right visual could be the makings of a great political ad.
Our new city council woman took her oath with a power fist and her hand on “The Autobiography of Malcom X”. Guess what the reaction is?
NRA isn’t about real responsible gun ownership since their internal coup.
NRA is about selling the fantasy of gun ownership to people who have no fucking business owning a gun.
She was arrested?
@Jack the Second: Exactly. We dont want a repeat of Jeremy Corbin here.
Unfortunately those hunters are our best friends when it comes to holding the line on environmental protections.
A blanket ban is full of unintended consequences. Strange Bedfellows all over the place.
Unfortunately they are very active value voters in critical states. So no, we can’t afford to lose them.
@TenguPhule: I know the reason they are getting rid of them is more symbolic than practical. Bernie Supporters were tired of seeing charts after each primary showing how much he was behind, especially after the race was essentially over. They are a bit arcane now, but hardly secretive. That the Bernie supporters didn’t pay attention to them before is on them and Bernie’s poorly run campaign. Making the rules more complicated though will only make them more “mysterious” and therefore sinister. That’s not going to be helpful.
@TenguPhule: Ha, not yet but the goobers are having a fucking stroke.
@raven: It looks like she did her homework. Impressive amount of detail in her campaign.
I hope she accomplishes a lot.
@germy: I don’t know her and I’m not in her district but some very good friends say she is really sharp.
Now at a monitor and off the tablet, I can see the alphabet lesson next to the gunfight instructions.
-A is for apple to throw at the gunman.
-B is for bat, to bat at the gunman.
-G is for gameboard pieces, to make the gunman walk on.
-H is for hat, to behead the gunman (see Oddjob during Friday movie day).
-N is for the nut who has the gun and the other nut who sold him the gun and the other nut who made the gun that was sold to the nutty gunman.
-T is for the top the gunman flipped before coming to our school. Also a toy to throw at the gunman.
-U is for uppercut to the gunman’s chin (see below).
-Wh is for whistle, which you can use to stop the gunplay if you’re a referee and are wearing a striped shirt.
-Ch is for the gunman’s chin, on which you use your uppercut (see above).
Teacher is prepared.
@raven: Hopefully the reaction was “Power to the People, Right On”! Because that was my reaction.
To Reddirtgirl and ellie, I’m so sorry for the loss of your boon companions. Our Timmy, gentle king of Tabbies still ghosts us. We still hear his padding about, or see a wisp of tail just around the corner…it’s a comfort and we and his dog miss him still.
@LAO: Americans have proven repeatedly that they are not responsible enough to have the right to promiscuous gun ownership.
Here’s one of her songs
Via Wapo.
Quelle Surprise.
I see that this tweet has made it onto the news page – good!
Brutal magazine cover. I wonder if #45’ll frame this one:
A friend of mine who belongs to her local Moms Demand chapter put it on Facebook, so it’s definitely gone viral.
If I were a parent I would pull my kids from these schools and keep them out until they passed some goddamned gun safety laws to where my kids would not have to memorize a goddamn nursery rhyme to avoid getting shot and killed.
@Mnemosyne: Good to hear that – I don’t do Facebook myself.
My local gun nut annoyance is the noise of several distantish neighbors shooting on their back acreage. Out here in the countryside it’s completely legal to shoot on your own land but it used to be rare. A few weeks in the fall instead of most weekends and some evenings the way it is now.
The Moar You Know
@PaulWartenberg: Which is exactly what the GOP wants. The destruction of the public schools. A lot of their policy decisions that seem to make no sense (guns uber alles) suddenly make a great deal of sense when you see the secondary effects (parents pulling kids out of public schools, police getting more money and more militarized, people afraid to talk to their neighbors, etc)
Real estate full disclosure rules could be interesting when it comes time to sell. Lead contamination is a thing.
@TenguPhule: which states? Which elections did they swing? How big is this bloc that we need to pander to them? Need actual facts/figures to back your claim up.
They can still be proactive environmentalists without the firearms. Plenty of people do it.
I’ve only seen one open carry person around here. A lady in her 20’s carrying a semi auto pistol with lavender grips and wearing snug black “tactical” pants and a brightly patterned t shirt. In our local grocery amongst the produce.
@trollhattan: If I was shopping for land, lead is something I’d insist on knowing about.
@Kelly: You never know when broccoli will get unruly and you’ll be called upon to stop the uprising. Be vigilant, citizen!
Brinkley Paiste
@TenguPhule: indeed. Without hunters and their groups, such as Ducks Unlimited, there would be a fraction of the remaining wetlands in this country.
I am out on the SC barrier islands now and just returned from Hunting Island which, as the name suggests, was preserved by hunters until it became a state park.
People who don’t realize the tremendous benefits hunters and conservationists confer are profoundly ignorant people.
@Leto: Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri. All states with rather dedicated hunters.
Also, Texas, Kansas, Georgia…but those are red states. Still, doesn’t help us.
These people like hunting and fishing. Its why they back our side when it comes to environmental protection. They’re a useful wedge when it comes to splintering GOP power bases.
You basically listed all red states, barring Illinois. Every state has their dedicated hunters. You might as well have listed all 50. Are these the same people I grew up with, still know, who are pretty much solid/reliable Republican voters, but will break on limited issues like this? Yes. Are they going to be persuaded to join team D? No. Fuck’em. They had their chance to help change the narrative and they sided team gun. Fuck’em.
Again, provide evidence that they’ve splinted the GOP power bases in the above mentioned states. That’s great they like hunting and fishing. Fish all you want. Hunting can still be further regulated like I outlined above, like what’s happening now on federal land. Worried about unintended consequences? Research it. Make limited exceptions (bear country and the like). Make necessary corrections after implementation. You can still be an environmentalist without the firearm. If they can’t deal with that, fuck’em.
@Brinkley Paiste:
Hunters as a collective group are nothing like the hunters of fifty years ago, for better and mostly for worse. I’ll leave the coda to TBogg.
Citizen Alan
I don’t know. It was the Republicans who made gitmo into the horror show it is, and it was the Republicans who demagogue the issue to the point where Democrats wouldn’t go along with closing it. As much as I wanted it shut down during the Obama era, at the moment I have quite a long list of Republican traitors who I want to grow old and die in a 10 x 10 chain link cell.
Mother Nature has plans for hunters who eat their kill.
@trollhattan: This here; I grew up in SC, not too far away from Hunting Island. Had a good number of friends/relatives who were/are hunters, so I understand the culture. Most of them support the conservation of land only so far as it allows them to hunt/fish. They’re not really concerned about the greater ecosystem as a whole, as long as they’re allowed to keep fishing/hunting. They view conservation through that lens. It’s helpful to us in that extremely narrow view/issue, but they’re still solid/reliable R voters.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say “so gullible idiots will send him money.”
@TenguPhule: I continue to be amazed that he’s so godawful at _the business part_. It’s not that hard to run a work meeting. It was the key point of A TV SHOW HE STARRED IN. Nevertheless, he has no idea how to do it. He has no skills, of any kind, at anything.
Yup, sounds similar to the other coast. We have those who can afford their private duck clubs and then there are those who pour into the mountains each fall and that’s a reality unto itself. I’ve stopped hiking and camping in the fall, and miss it.
Looked up the California numbers and will bookend it thus: 1970 total license sales was 763,671 of a total population of 20 million. 2017 total license sales was 273,794 with 2x that population.
I wonder if anyone has the rights to “Annie, Fuck Your Guns”.
Did everyone catch Meeka saying that the rumor is that twitler hates that he cannot watch porn in the WH? This explains the constant trips to Mal de Mar. It ain’t gripping his golf clubs that he misses.
He behaves the way most racists would think a black president would behave.
I’ve noticed that among racists. They embody the traits they project (falsely) onto minorities.
For example, years ago I lived across the street from a white guy (republican candidate yard signs every election season) who had loud parties in his back yard, yelling screaming, loud music into the night. He had a large dog he didn’t bother training. His property was full of garbage.
He behaved the way most racist whites would fear a black guy moving into their neighborhood would behave.
#45, with his extramarital affairs, impulsivity, shady deals, ignorance, gaffes is what racists thought they were getting with Obama.
Brinkley Paiste
@trollhattan: Nobody is like they they were 50 years ago. Then unions were a solid D vote, not because they gave a shit about women or the negroes, but because Ds promoted their interests
You take your allies where you find them
Brinkley Paiste
@trollhattan: and California wildlife programs operated by the state are funded by license sales and other fees and they are suffering greatly.
The non-hunting environmentalists have NOT stepped up to fill the gap.
@Brinkley Paiste:
Think you’re overestimating the value and utility of this cohort so here’s a pop quiz to help sift through the list:
“Do you support banning led ammunition?”
“Do you support keeping wilderness areas intact and free of motorized transportation?”
If yes to both–an ally.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Someone needs to ask the president of the NRA how happy he feels that his major life accomplishment is making children cower. I am sure the answer would be BS, but might lead to some sleepless nights.
The tweet is on CNN – they talked to the poster and her husband
@Brinkley Paiste:
2017 hunting license fees total: $25.9M
2017 sport fishing license fee total: $65.2M
CDFW 2017-18 budget: $600M ($610 proposed for this year)
Beginning to think you’ve not done your homework.
I didn’t have that horrific experience, and I’d still take everyone’s guns away.
No One of Consequence
My 0.02 that no one asked for. And I have been pied by some here for an un-tagged gun snark post.
Guns are bad.
No one should have a remote control for someone else’s life.
Hunters will bitch a bit, but many/most/all of them could deal with being limited to shotguns and muzzle-loaded rifles. I am probably not even willing to allow rifles at this point. Perhaps limited to 5 or 6 round capacities.
2nd amendment arguments as regarding defense against tyranny haven’t been operable since the army received it’s first gatling gun. Those that posit this defense do not have an appreciation for what two squads of US Marines and an APC can do.
It’s either that or limit the technology allowed to late 1700’s weapons tech: flintlock rifles.
Massive federal firearm buyback program. Prices equivalent to going rates for bulk metals.
Massive penalties for having a firearm after a certain calendar date.
Committing a violent crime with a gun, minimum of 25 years no parole.
We have got to stop this madness. We can, but it will take more than we have shown to this point. It is an allegory of our Government too. If we can regain our collective senses about firearms, then maybe we can do the same with our politics.
If not, we need to consider a amicable civil war 2, and we can be the United States of Canada, and they can be JesusLand…
The level of stress, aggression, rage and bull$hit is boiling over. Something’s gotta give.
– NOoC
@No One of Consequence:
You jib, I like its cut.
I’d be okay with off-premise storage of, say, skeet and target guns with checkin-checkout protocols. But that’s nibbling at the edges.
In the meantime we reelected our wingnut Trump-loving sheriff who’s papered the (blue, i’m told) county with concealed carry permits now totalling thousands where there were once a couple hundred. It’s a sickness.