BREAKING Paul Manafort charged with additional counts of witness tampering and obstruction of justice, that is intimidation or force against a witness. Earlier:
— Spencer Hsu (@hsu_spencer) June 8, 2018
This is about as surprising as finding out that North Carolina is a bit humid in the summer.
Open Thread
Great news.
Let’s hope that next week’s turn before the judge will have his bail revoked.
I’m shocked.
I mean, who could _possibly_ have expected this?
at the point right now where I wonder why isn’t this guy in a lockup somewhere? Confiscate all of his stuff, get it ready for auction post conviction.
@dmsilev: Shocked, gambling, etc.
@rikyrah: It’s really hard to see how the judge doesn’t revoke it. He deliberately did this while on his own recognizance. Judges do not like that AT ALL.
Corner Stone
@rikyrah: Supersede this, sucker!
Villago Delenda Est
Manafort had better hope the FSB can’t get to him in a supermax.
Also, The Onion a few days ago:
Treasonous bastard is treasonous. Observe my shocked face.
Keep taking pieces off the board….
Mai naem mobile
You Damm well know if Manafort was blackity black or muslin he would have been locked up already . There’s your white privilege right there .
Villago Delenda Est
@Mai naem mobile: Agreed.
@dmsilev: Unless there’s a monster sea dinosaur waiting to eat his ass, like in the new Jurassic Park trailer, then this is still getting off too easy. Also reminds me to see if PB will be on this weekend. If not, Road House and Dirty Dancing will do.
We need a Yutsano quote here, but until then: burn, motherfuckers, burn.
@Immanentize: I’m waiting for Trump to attempt this.
@Leto: I would go for execution via vegetable peeler and lemon juice, but I’d consider that a waste of good lemons. Nah, I want him to live. A good long life. In jail. With his family penniless from all their ill-gotten gains. And zero chance for parole.
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: I saw that, hilarious.
@Leto: He may, he may not. I think, in Trump’s mind, Manafort is on his own because Trump fired him, so Trump is insulated somehow. I just try to figure outr what Trump’s attorneys are telling him to keep him from going crazy.
And I love that Mueller did this (whether planned or not) when Trump is out of the country.
Gin & Tonic
Not just Manafort, but his GRU handler, Kilimnik. He’ll never be extradited, I know, but now he has to worry about traveling to lots of places that I bet he likes. And he’s two decades younger than Paulie, so this will cramp his style for a while.
It’s only a bit humid? That is a surprise.
Your winnings, sir.
@Immanentize: I know. Remind the summit leaders how tied the American tool president is to Russia. Give them something else to talk about.
Mary G
I’m already seeing RWNJs in the Twitter saying this is railroading. Manafort to get to roll on Twitler.
@Yutsano: Agreed. Why waste perfectly good limoncello on him?
@Immanentize: Agree with this too. It’s his standard m.o.: “Paul Manafort? Never met the guy. Wouldn’t know him if I saw him. He only worked for the campaign briefly. NO COLLUSION!” Idk what his attorneys are saying but I’m sure Ghouliani will let us know this Sunday.
Mr. Mueller does have impeccable timing.
Mike in DC
The nice part is that Trump probably won’t know Paulie has flipped until two months later, when Mueller files the appropriate papers. Ditto for Michael Cohen.
@Gin & Tonic: Okay the names were recognizable.
Trump is going to be really pissy at the meetings today and tomorrow. I should say his level of pissyness will rise.
I think in Trump’s mind, pardoning white supremacists is Sticking It To The Browns, pardoning celebrities is Look At How Cool I Am, and pardoning co-conspirators is Fuck You Losers Trump Looks Out For Trump.
Will it ever be possible to put together a jury that would be willing to convict Manafort? After all, it just takes one devout Trumpaholic to vote to acquit.
@Mary G: Probably accurate, except for the ‘railroad‘ part.
He’s hardly ever not pissy.
@TriassicSands: DC district. I guess in theory there could be a Trumpaholic there, but not likely.
That is the only thing that concerns me about the Mueller investigation.
Trump is truly a class act. While Putin is in Europe badmouthing the US to the Europeans, Trump is calling for Russia to be reinstated to the G-n (n = 7 now, 8 with Russia). There has never been a US president who cared less about appearances. Or his country.
How long before Trump calls for the return of Alaska to Russia?
@dmsilev: Honestly if he hasn’t flipped by now I doubt he will. If he’s got a tax charge against him that’s the one that will most likely stick. Criminal Investigation for the IRS is VERY good at making their cases airtight. And for what he’s facing that will be a hefty prison sentence and punitive fine on its own.
James Powell
It won’t even take that. All they need is one NPR-addicted totebagger who’s committed to the doctrine of “both sides!”
Trump assured us that he is Russia’s worst nightmare in the same comment where he said he wants Russia reinstated to the G-7. Even the press were like ‘Uh…’
Amir Khalid
Point Break is an underrated classic.
Prison is probably the safest place for Manafort and he should know this by now.
Please tell me you’re joking. Pretty please?
@Yutsano: I still think the theory that he’s more afraid of Putin/total familial assassination is the one that holds the most water. He’ll go to jail forever, without saying a word against Trumpov, as long as it ensures his family is safe. And with this administration, I wouldn’t trust my family to any gov agency promising that they’ll remain safe. As long as the crime cartel has it’s fingers in the machine, he and his family will never be safe.
@TenguPhule: I’m afraid the joke is on us. Also in “not a joke, at least not deliberately” is this headline on CNN:
“Trump will ask athletes who kneel during anthem to recommend people for pardoning”.
@Amir Khalid: You bring the popcorn, I’ll bring the Sex Wax.
Never get off the boat:
Manafort and Cohen could team for the shittiest buddy flick ever, wading through the D.C. and NY swamps threatening basically everybody.
Major Major Major Major
@Amir Khalid:
Trump lies about EVERY FUCKING THING.
Amir Khalid
I wonder if anyone has explained to Trump that Ali doesn’t need a pardon, because SCOTUS overturned his conviction.
The Pardon power seems like a new toy that Trump just discovered. The press are guaranteed to print Trump’s name if he pardons someone famous. And he can do it on a whim, nobody can moderate it or stop him.
He’s been charged with tax fraud in both flavors: federal and state (VA).
Zinke et al, continuously trying to kill us all off faster run into a rare roadblock.
Hard to imagine a business venture choosing solar power in Arizona, of all places. What a nutty idea.
Dollars to donuts Pruitt is Trump’s very favorite cabinet member. He totally understands and lives the Trumpian ideal.
@Amir Khalid: Ali’s (estate’s) lawyer tried to do just that according to the Deadspin article linked above.
@dmsilev: the pardons – whether Ali or NFL players – are all just more chaff, more BS, more weirdness. He’d get recommendations from NFL players on who to pardon and then tell them, “no kneeling or no pardon”. Or just not do it and laugh in their faces. Or just pardon the white folks on that list.
Jeb Bush isn’t good for much, but in calling Trumpov “the chaos candidate” he was spot-on. Chaotic evil, through and through.
@TenguPhule: Well, “worst EPA chief ever” is a record. Not a good record, but a record.
@VOR: it’s one of the few absolute powers of the presidency, right? Makes him all god-like and such? And the way he (ab)uses it, he can reward friends, punish enemies, cause chaos, keep himself in the news cycle, etc etc. No wonder he loves it even more than ‘national emergency tariffs’ (but just barely)
The bullshyt that was supposed to show up the Eagles, showed him to be a clown that didn’t know the words to God Bless America.
Then, there’s the little thing of Kaep’s attorneys saying that they want to subpoena him. ….yesssssss!!!!
@Amir Khalid:
It really is.
@Amir Khalid:
The Ali Estate already did.
@rikyrah: He’s preemptively disinviting whoever wins the NBA finals (down at the bottom of the same linked story) because apparently both LeBron James and Steph Curry have said mean things about him.
Watching this, it’s uh… something else. He never wanted the job, or expected to win. Trying to work with someone who doesn’t want to be there makes for a really shitty work environment. He’ll keep stuffing his pockets and acting out till they have to boot his ass out of town.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jeffro: and TeeVee footage of grateful families thanking him, using his name. He’ll use it as political propaganda, of course, but I suspect his personal neediness, the incense offered to his ego, is more important to him.
I gather he was babbling about wanting to help people who have been treated “unfairly” by our justice system, and why don’t those football players want to praise him for that. Seriously, WH pool reporters, how hard would it be to come up with “Was Tamir Rice treated fairly? What recourse does his family have?”
Chip Daniels
Let them give him the names of all the black men shot by cops.
@trollhattan: Totally. Pruitt is petty AF. Fits right in with the trump ethos.
Anne Laurie
Tick Tock
@Amir Khalid:
I think it’s overrated as an underrated classic.
Then again, maybe not. I guess an argument could be made that it’s right up there with Eraserhead, and maybe Glen or Glenda.
Mary G
RIP Anthony Bourdain.
@Mary G: Down below there is a post about his death, and how important he was to all of us. has an amazing tribute on how Bourdain helped him through a rough time.
While I do believe Pruitt will ultimately win the title of worst EPA head ever, I don’t think he’ll win in a rout. If you’re old enough to remember Anne Gorsuch (Burford) — Neil’s mommie — then you know who his competition is.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If I am not mistaken, MSNBC has two correspondents in Idaho so that we can all keep our fingers on the pulse of seven potato farmers (spoiler alert!) They’re confident that trump will hang tough and get them a good deal. By god trump is capable of tanking the auto industry just so he can watch tape of these guys saying he’s the greatest.
I keep reading this, and I still think it’s wrong (to put it nicely). He may not want to do the ACTUAL WORK that (theoretically) goes along with the job, but he’s plenty happy that he’s king.
@Amir Khalid: @rikyrah: Not like Die Hard or Raising Arizona are, though.
I think you may be underestimating the overrating of Point Break as an underrated classic. Or is it overestimating?
Gosh, kids, Zippy is so confused. Hey, let’s bomb N. Korea! That should settle the debate.
WOOT WOOT. Now to go read the thread.
@Anne Laurie:
Hmm…just trying to picture if Hillary’s former campaign manager had been hit with all the earlier indictments, THEN got him/herself indicted for witness tampering. Oh wait, that’s right: Hillary would have already had to resign for not holding a press conference every five days. Meanwhile we are on day 477 since Trumpov’s last one. Oh Mr. Trump? There’s a few questions we’d like to ask you about Stormy Daniels, money laundering, etc etc
It’s not a bad strategy: just tweet evil shit out all day, never hold a press conference.
Trump Talks to Vladimir Putin So Much, They’re on a Friends-and-Family Plan
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Every single time I see one of these interviews I want to jump through the tubes and just start choking these ignorant fucks to death. They all say the same contradictory thing, right there in their interview!
“Yeah, it’s going to be hard. A little unpredictable and may hurt us pretty bad. *BUT* Trump means business and now they know that so it’s all going to turn out ok.”
Yeah, after you let go 40% of your 300 workers and go into debt to stay afloat until 2020.
The really important news in this is Mueller indicting a Russian business partner by name, making the conspiracy-with-Russia links easier to prove.
One of the rotating headlines at that site talked about Muhammad Ali rolling over in his grave so that Shitgibbon could kiss his ass.
The Ancient Randonneur
Today would be a good day for Trump to release his tax returns.
@PaulWartenberg: Also dropping an indictment for obstruction on Manafort. Hear that, Trumpov? O-B-S-T-R-U-C-T-I-O-N. it’s a real thing.
Villago Delenda Est
@dmsilev: Um, that’s not what they’re looking for. They’re looking for racist white cops to go to prison for murders.
@Corner Stone:
Who, the Shitgibbonistas? Or the Shitgibbon apologists in the MSM?
I know, I know … Por que no los dos?
@SFAW: Yes, that was pure gold.
@Villago Delenda Est: You know that. I know that. The NFL players know that. Do you think Trump knows that or cares?
Corner Stone
@SFAW: The idiot farmers primarily. But just once I would like to see the media person ask them in the middle of the interview, “And on average, over the last 3 to 5 years how much has your farm received in government subsidies or in kind payments?”
@L85NJGT: Why do you think he never wanted the job? Look, he’s talked of running for years. He’s been groomed by Russia for years. At some point, we have to stop thinking it’s just a lucky coincidence and understand that there’s a plan based on exploiting weaknesses.
Villago Delenda Est
@dmsilev: Fair point.
Villago Delenda Est
@SFAW: My nym. Again and again.
Wipe them out. All of them.
I’m curious. All the water carrying the NYT does for this administration, will these recent developments change the publisher’s and executive editor’s minds?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m looking forward to lower pork and potato prices.
Think we all know the answer and it’s the expected one, not the desired one.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@germy: Here’s your answer:
That’s funny. Right after I selected “post comment” I thought of that reply.
You guys are getting predictable in your old age.
@Tilda Swintons Bald Cap:
“Both sides!!!” they screamed as they were tossed from the helicopter.
Corner Stone
@germy: The Obama admin led a serious charge against leakers/whistleblowers and reporters. That is not both sides, that’s fact.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@germy: @Tilda Swintons Bald Cap: I don’t think this one is so B&W.
Longman at WaMo has a more nuanced take.
Paul “Wentworth” Manafort
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: I’ve been thinking the same thing. There are times when the Feds do legitimately need to infringe on the press, and this might be one of them.
The problem is that THIS is why you need the government to respect the press – so that when and if this situation happens, everyone trusts that the Feds were being largely above board. Instead, our president is attacking the press as “enemies of America” and even a legitimate op looks incredibly sketchy.
@MisterForkbeard: I wish Sessions was an honorable person. I read the Wa Mo. article and appreciated the information. Yet Session’s involvement is frightening. And when put together with this JD and at this time, when this admin+fox etc. are hell bent on changing the subject… more danger for all reporters and news outlets.
North Carolina is humid in the summer? I thought it was just me.