Both Larry Kudlow and Peter Navarro said something on this morning’s news programs that bothered me a lot. My tweet thread is going viral, so I thought I’d share it. Looks like not everyone knows the history.
This is one more example of a reporter badly missing the point.
"Oh dear, Kudlow is upset and we can't figure it out."
No. That's not the news here, @shearm
1/— Cheryl Rofer (@CherylRofer) June 10, 2018
This is the tweet I quoted. Yes, a New York Times reporter.
The thing is, I was at the @JustinTrudeau news conference, and he went out of his way to try to downplay tensions. He didn’t attack @realDonaldTrump in any way, other than restate Canada would retaliate for tariffs. Not sure what @larry_kudlow means re: “stabbed” US in the back
— Michael D. Shear (@shearm) June 10, 2018
Both Kudlow and Peter Navarro used the phrase "stab in the back" this morning. 3/
— Cheryl Rofer (@CherylRofer) June 10, 2018
Hitler used it as an excuse (one of many) for the Holocaust. Those Jews stabbed Germany in the back, so they deserved whatever. 5/
— Cheryl Rofer (@CherylRofer) June 10, 2018
There is a group of people in the United States who celebrate that history. They got the significance of two of Trump's cabinet using that phrase. 7/
— Cheryl Rofer (@CherylRofer) June 10, 2018
It's worth reading. Here's a sample. 9/
— Cheryl Rofer (@CherylRofer) June 10, 2018
Some questions coming up about how frequently "stabbed in the back" is used. I checked at Google Ngram. Big peak from 1930 to 1950, then not much and decreasing.
— Cheryl Rofer (@CherylRofer) June 10, 2018
Nah, it’s all good with ICE taking children away from parents by telling the parents that the children are just going “to bathe” and then the parents realizing hours later that their children aren’t coming back.
From Trump & Co., Sophie’s Choice was an instruction manual.
They’re upset because they know – deep down – that Canada is actually the realization of America’s promise.
Yikes. I’m seeing Stephen Miller offstage, scribbling last-minute changes to their scripts.
It will be a while before I can finish reading your thread. I can’t stop laughing at Kudlow calling anyone “amateurish.”
Hunter Gathers
The day that Trump starts advocating for black genocide will be the day that Trump truly becomes president. At least that’s what the NYT will tell us.
Whoops, Michael Miller.
Apologies to the 1.5 million Stephen Millers
Excellent tweets series, Cheryl.
Will read the Safire article about Argentina today.
And what is happening is not that spontaneous. Too bad the Fuck the Fucking New York Times either doesn’t know history, or ignores it. Who in NY Times leadership got money or treasure from Russia, or is being blackmailed? This is obtuse, even for them.
(Not so much not recognizing “stabbed in the back” immediately. It’s the way they’re normalizing him.)
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: @trollhattan: I would put money on the talking points being written by Stephen Miller. Kudlow, though now a converted Roman Catholic, was Jewish. He would never use this without being told to do so.
@Adam L Silverman:
You’re assuming Miller shares his thought processes. I doubt that.
Hunter Gathers
Neither. Their analytics must show that there are a large number of American Nazis who are toying with the idea of getting a subscription.
I always understood the Dolchstoßlegende to be the claim by the German military commanders and their right-wing allies that the German Army wasn’t defeated in World War I, rather Germany was tricked by the (left-wing) politicians into surrendering. The Versailles Treaty was a consequence of German politicians betraying the German Army. Useful for the military men who lost the war to avoid responsibility.
@debbie: You’re assuming thought processes.
Cheryl Rofer
@sp98: Yours is the more precise use of the term.
joel hanes
Back in America’s previous nightmare, the W misadministration, we in the reality-based-community often referred to the dolchstosslegende : just as the militarists tried it to wave away America’s failure in Viet Nam, they floated it again, over and over, to “explain” how opposition to the war in Iraq was unpatriotic and the equivalent of treason — “stabbing our troops in the back”.
@sp98: That was the origin of the idea, but Hitler used it and amplified it during his ride to power.
Villago Delenda Est
@sp98: The phrase was suggested to a German officer by a British officer, too.
Canada stabbing us in the back will be used to justify our going after some lebensraum.
Thanks for the Twitter thread
Trump’s advisers use Nazi terminology, occurence #177.
At this point, why is the media giving them any kind of benefit of the doubt? Either it’s on purpose and it’s awful, or they’re using these phrases publicly because they use them in private and associate with people who also use them… which is awful.
Maybe “Trump’s cabinet is always using Nazi phrases” is a worthwhile news story.
@sp98: not that they “tricked” the military, but that they undermined it. the leftists, and of course the (((Jews))).
Cheryl Rofer
@rikyrah: You’re welcome!
Kudlow and Navarro really exposed themselves as the complete incompetents they are. Having those two clowns in charge of anything is beyond me. The worse people work for the Commander of Cheese.
Depends on what you’re measuring. If it’s the “how much irrational hatred of furriners — even our (former) friends — can we generate?” then I think they’re doing OK. Not as well as Lying Littledick, but he’s a tough act to beat in that regard.
Mary G
This isn’t a coincidence. The one book the president appears to have read was a collection of Hitler’s speeches.
In a 1990 interview with Vanity Fair, Ivana claimed that Twitler kept a copy of Hitler’s speeches beside the bed.
Business Insider:
The Nation said he echoed Hitler in the speech he made withdrawing from the Paris climate accords.
@Mary G:
Trump’s record of being wrong about everything has been intact for decades, hasn’t it. Wrong book, wrong religion.
Difficult to think of anyone possessing decent human qualities that would work for such a worthless piece of shit.
@Adam L Silverman:
Someone — Richard Spencer, maybe? — should pull Miller aside and give him words of encouragement. Something along the lines of “Keep working at it, because work makes you free. Know what I mean?”
I’m sure Miller is laboring under the delusion that he’d “get a pass” because he’s “one of the good ones.”
“Parallel interpretations of national trauma after military defeat appear in other countries.[20] For example, it was used regarding the United States in the Vietnam War, without the anti-Semitic slant.[21] The song The Battle-Hymn of Lieutenant Calley claims that “While we’re fighting in the jungles they were marching in the street. / While we’re dying in the rice fields they were helping our defeat. / While we’re facing V.C. bullets they were sounding a retreat”. See also Vietnam Syndrome.”
He’s the best at being the worst. Damn he’s finally the best at something. And I’d have thought that being the best shitty human wouldn’t be something to shoot for. I guess I don’t have his mind. And it looks like no one else does either. Some are trying though.
How the fuck could anyone not figure this out. I had mild insomnia last night and followed this story from Trump backing out of the agreed upon statement, and his Twitter hissy fit. Later, I saw the news story about McCain being the only Republican to criticize Trump and side with our allies.
I didn’t realize the historical background of the “stabbed in the back” comment until Cheryl Rofer’s brilliant post here.
Again, Trump has been consistent with his monomania about Europe taking advantage of the US, but up till now, European leaders believed that Trump could be reasonable. Now, they are realizing that Trump cannot be reasoned with.
Trump’s staff are doubling down in support of Trump, and right now it appears that Fox News and the GOP leadership are going to back their Dear Leader to the bitter end.
Meanwhile, the leader of China was hosting the SCO conference, attended by Putin, the leader of Iran and others. This was a much friendlier affair, with Xi holding out his hand and telling the world, “Come with me if you want to live.”
Some people just have to get their war on. Doesn’t matter who or why or where, they just have to have a war. Most often they will never actually fight in it, that they will leave for others. But it gives them something momentous to claim as their point in life.
Mary G
And another thing that bugs: Bolton is always in these photos holding a yellow legal pad with nothing written on it.
@SFAW: From that perspective, you are correct. I did nazi that.
Jerry Lembke talks about it quite a bit in “Spitting Image”. This is a NYT article so, if you don’t like it, don’t click on it.
@Mary G: Yes. Exactly the article I was thinking of. Vanity Fair. By Marie Brenner. We will have to see what she’s been writing lately.
The Hitler speeches — so NOT an accident.
Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California)
@SFAW: Yes, it saddens me, but I’m sure that Trump’s base is haw-hawing about how Trump showed those snooty foreign folks who’s boss.
Anonymous At Work
Odds are that Shear’s response is, “I have no idea what he means BUT I am unwilling to accept that interpretation.”
Looks like the Baud! 2020! slogan will be Arsenal for Democracy!
I suspect that ‘stabbed in the back’ is a run-of-the-mill Trump metaphor. Trump always assumes that unquestioning loyalty is his due, so stabs in the back are happening all the time.
@Felony Govt (formerly Old Broad in California):
There’s a lot about how Trudeau is a punk kid that Trump is gonna slap around.
There are also right wing Canadians applauding Trump, and even digging up old grievances about Trudeau’s father.
These people really make themselves look like fools.
@Mary G: What would he write? It’s not like any actions are going to come out of a meeting with “President” Alzheimer’s. His own staff ignore him if they feel like it and wait for him to forget.
@Mary G:
Trying to look important, while being a worthless nothing?
Trying to look like he gives a shit but has nothing new to add?
Too stupid to listen and write?
James Powell
The US/Vietnam version of the Dolchstoßlegende determined the outcome of the 2004 presidential election.
Cheryl Rofer
@Mary G: See also Kim Jong Un’s aides.
Hello BJers,
Hope everyone had as nice of a weekend as Justify, Halep, and Nadal.
A few random thoughts:
I guess this means the Caps won’t be visiting the WH either—hockey is the national sport of our old foe Canada.
I’m debating making a sign that says, “I love Canada/Canadians are our friends” on one side & “Screw Trump” on the other & standing in front of Kit Bond’s (our R Sen here in MO) local office for an hour or two tomorrow.
I keep seeing Trump talk about how awesome the economy is doing & the unemployment rate being amazing, etc… Has anyone pointed out this is a result of our current trade arrangements? Maybe some enterprising WH reporter could ask Sarah about it?
Finally, to the new regional Democratic campaign headquarters today. I plan to be working there one day per week starting July 1. This has nothing to do with the office being located surprising close to Crown Candy Kitchen, the oldest soda fountain in St Louis—and they make their own ice cream & chocolate. Nothing at all to do with that.
@hellslittlestangel: See, we’ll need that land in the Yukon & Northwest Territories for farming once global climate change makes the Midwest/grainbelt too hot & dry to grow anything. So really you need to give Trump & Co credit for forward thinking & figuring out the context for annexing Canada now, right? Remember, their fetishization of fossil fuels is another piece of the plan.
@James Powell: Yup and if Kerry had fought back from the get go it might not have turned out the way it did.
Mike in NC
Just finished reading “Shattered Empires”, about the chaos in Eastern Europe after WW1. As head of the German army, Paul Von Hindenburg was an enthusiastic proponent of the ‘stabbed in the back’ fallacy even before he allied himself with Hitler.
I think this huge tantrum is probably the result of Trudeau giving Trump a picture of his daddy’s brothel. Nothing to do with trade. Just dominance school yard shit.
Brinkley Paiste
@Hunter Gathers:
I sometimes wonder at the purpose of such masturbatory hyperbole.
Does it help people not think about the fact that we democrats chose a candidate who was unable to garner more electoral votes than a monster who was the least qualified candidate on a major ticket in over a century?
Or is it more base? Just scratching away at an itch for true apocalypse?
Either way, it isn’t helpful.
@Cheryl Rofer:
The whole “on-the-spot guidance” is a very big part of the Kim family mythology.
It would be hilarious if trump did the same thing
oh wait, that’s Jared and Ivanks’s job.
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
It’s very obviously a prop, but a smarter person than Bolton would have written something on it for camouflage.
I think it’s actually lacrosse. But because of Canuck whining, Canadia made hockey the national WINTER sport a few years back.
@lgerard: When you’re a very stable genius, people want to make a record of your wisdom.
@Baud: Sounded better in the original
GermanRussian.randy khan
I was in an airport this morning, and saw Kudlow on CNN, but the TV was far enough away that I couldn’t hear what he was saying. He looked like a madman.
Amir Khalid
That slogan doesn’t do anything for me. I support Liverpool.
Mary G
@Amir Khalid: You’d think they would at least have it be an iPad or laptop or whatever.
Who’s your guess? goblue72? Reggie Mantle? NR? Bailey something-or-other?
Corner Stone
@Baud: “How do you do, fellow Democrats?”
The Dangerman
Kinda how I see it, too; Trump got pissed and dictated the phrase and his sycophants had to echo it.
Why would Trump be pissed? Could be the picture of Granpappy’s whorehouse given to him. More likely, Trump wasn’t the center of attention needed to be prior to the Summit. Where, of course, he’ll make sure he’s the center of attention.
It goes together with Todd Starnes questioning other men’s masculinity and Jeanine Pirro calling other people irrational haters.
Corner Stone
@randy khan: He looked like he was coming off a coke bender, IMO.
@Marcopolo:Kit Bond’s office? Does he still set up shop cause he hasn’t been a senator since 2011. McCaskill took his spot.
Corner Stone
@James Powell:
It’s almost as if John Kerry went high when they went low…
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
It’s a typo. They meant “wee democrats”
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
Bolton would probably hold an iPad with the screen facing away from him. His boss once managed to do that with a note written on paper.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
I wonder if the diss had to be explained to him on the way home. That would explain the delayed blow up.
@Mary G: They all most likely have blank pads because somebody, IIRC Kris Kobach, was photographed with some of his notes on voter suppression clearly visible sometime after the election. Bolton’s notes would just be mushroom clouds anyway, nothing to see there.
Thanks for this post, Cheryl. I was not aware of the history of the phrase and found it incongruous when I first saw it. Can’t say I’m surprised, however.
@Duane: Oh my. Brain fart. I could blame autocorrect in replacing Blunt with Bond but it was all me :). So much for trying to multitask.
Corner Stone
Only Jeff Goldblum can look sexy swagging up to a yooge pile of dino poo.
I’ve been in an uncommonly foul mood all day, mostly (I think) because a Berner friend of mine posted about how infuriated she was that the DNC adopted a rule that Democratic presidential candidates have to affirm that they’re Democrats. It’s somehow a slap in the face to Wilmer, despite the fact that he did exactly that in 2016.
And then went on to profess the belief that they’ll all take their marbles and go home over this, And no one will be left but old Democrats (because apparently everyone under some unspecified age is a die-hard Wilmerite.) Unsurprisingly, this voice of the young is at least in her 40s.
I think my foul mood is because I really want to scream that the rest of us are busy trying to save our democracy, so if being butthurt is more important to you, would you mind doing it quietly? But I don’t really want to deal with the response, so I won’t.
But it makes me feel better to say it here, so thanks for listening.
They do a pretty good job of making their voters look like fools, too.
Just listened to a discussion on MSNBC about twitler’s prospects at success with NK. The media’s ability to ignore every single thing that has happened to date just to be able to posit their phony narrative is amazing. Will it be a great success? Will we be able to say again how now twitler is truly our Prezzzidunt?
@raven: The shameless attacks on Kerry’s war record was a real eye-opener into the depraved methods the republicans would sink to for power. Support our troops. Lying bunch of chairborne commanders.
Brendan in NC
@Amir Khalid: YNWA!!!
A USDA study found that by 2050, climate change would make wheat growing south of 54 impossible.
Unfortunately for us humans, the Precambian Shield doesn’t plow very well.
As I said on FB in response to a post about tariffs on imported cars, my BMW will still be running long after Trump dies in prison.
And as a hater of all things having to do with handegg, it amuses me no end to think that the first casualties of Trump’s trade war will be engineering students from Bama and Clemson.
@Baud: pitch perfect reply that
Bobby Thomson
@Adam L Silverman:
You’re assuming he is aware of the baggage, which I would not. You’re also assuming he isn’t antisemitic, which I would not.
@bystander: Since reporters believe that nobody pays any attention to Trump’s past statements. The past is in the past.
Mary G
Freudian slip on Fox News:
@Jay: So much for ’54 40 or fight’, I guess.
@Corner Stone:
You apparently have some alternative-facts definition for the term “sexy.”
@Jay: Which is why we will need to haul all that topsoil (no doubt billions of pounds) a few hundred miles north—yet another huuuge business opportunity created by Trump. Elon Musk will be all over it. And…still all part of the plan. No, I am not a conspiracy theorist.
@Mary G: Talk about an offensive dic pic.
@Marcopolo: I’m old enough to remember when Bond was considered conservative. Same with Jon Danforth. The rethugs wouldn’t have them now. Bond is a stupid, evil hypocrite. Been on the government payroll since he left college. Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar Mo.
So I learned a new term today. Not sure I’m a better person for it, however.
Oh, and I learned SOME people think Jeff Goldblum is sexy.
Dorothy Winsor
@Redshift: If you can’t say that stuff on BJ, where can you say it? Not in my daily life.
Another stab in the back from some nobody! the GodKing will be displeased.
@Redshift: I feel the same. I decided to put Amy Winehouse “Back to Black” on repeat.
@Immanentize: Also, well before the tantrum and the meeting, polls in Canada during his entire rule have publicized Canadians’ very low opinion of him. That’s enough for him to have put them on his punishment list before this week. Though his trade war actually punishes the US, his angry and dementia-enraged mind doesn’t weigh that. Acc to the Guardian, he’s seized on milk, which was never going to fly.
@Duane: Tom Coleman was on the other day arguing for impeaching twitler. Danforth’s right hand man and William Jewell grad, he was actually accusing twitler of violating the Constitution. That’s how far to the kookie right Missouri has gone.
@Redshift: the Berniebots have revved up their whining Wurlitzer in the past couple of weeks. I’ve separated myself from one friend just a couple days ago on this account (though she may have never stood a chance – she’s married to a die-hard bro who thought that Berniewouldawon the primaries if his wife were African-American).
Efficient vectors for Republican ratfuckers are efficient!
Football is played with feet and a ball. It is the civilized world’s game (allegedly).
Handegg is played with hands and an egg-shaped object, by thugs in a handful of English-speaking countries.
The culmination of each handegg season, the Superb Owl, draws a global TV audience smaller than the Champions League final.
Steve in the ATL
Nice going. You just lost the vote of the Tottenham fans.
Oh, yay. Millions of pounds of milk spoiling in holding tanks all over Wisconsin. How Trump thanks his supporters.
What topsoil? The UNAC released a study a few years ago that showed that at the current rate of depletion, it’s all gone by 2070.
Meanwhile, China’s busy mining US topsoil as fast as they can and shipping it home.
@Mary G: My first thought too. Trump internalized Hitler. I am sure Merkel is fully aware of it.
@Steve in the ATL:
Both of them?
@Redshift: No surprise that Fox and conservatives have joined Berners in attacking Dems for this.
@Duane: Bond was actually an interesting character. He was the grandson of AP Green, the guy who made his millions building factories & using new industrial tech & international marketing to exploit the fire clay deposits around Mexico MO & turn out fire brick. From the 30s through the 60s they were the #1 supplier worldwide. They finally closed up shop around 2000. Kind of an emblematic story of the economic life & death of small town America.
Anyways, at least up until Bond was MO Governor he held some fairly progressive beliefs for a R. Believed the government could do things to improve the lives of the urban poor. A little like Jack Kemp. Once he got elected to the Senate though that all disappeared. And you are right about the comparison with Danforth—even to the point of being the grandson of the guy who founded Purina Mills which would become Ralston Purina.
Fecking lawyers. I dinna ask for a mansplanation. Amazingly enough, I had already managed to use Teh Google (which I’m normally too lazy to do).
Anyway, the only REAL ball sport is played with what used to be called a “crosse.”
How do they know how tall they are? And it would seem to be quasi-counterintuitive, since ‘Murican footbal players and wannabes would theoretically be larger than those other fans. [Note: The preceding assessment was based on zero data, of course]
They have to fill the time with empty prattle. I was watching BBC World news. Some of the segments were not much better.
My guess is goblue72. He hasn’t been around in a while and desperately needed a new persona.
Could also be our resident gun-hugger, who not-so-mysteriously vanished after the Parkland massacre. I can’t remember what his last nym was.
Something about Cheeseheads …
@Jay: Shhhh. Don’t ruin the con.
Hey! That’s MY job!!!!
@ninedragonspot: They revved it up as primary season went into full swing and they have bupkis to show for it, especially in the high profile states of Ohio and California.
Unless you’re Six Nations, it’s a stick. Although we all play the Medicine Game for the Creator’s pleasure.
Yeah, seemed like his schtick. But there have been so many ….
I think it was still called a crosse (by we non-Six persons) into the mid-20th Century. But outside of that, I can’t argue with your comments.
As an amusing-to-no-one-but-myself aside: I used to play in a summer league called the Baggataway League. (It was in the Boston area, not Upstate.) I may still have my jersey(s) from then, but the likelihood of fitting into one is on a par with the Mets sweeping the Yankees this weekend.
You probably should have asked a woman before declaring that Jeff Goldblum is not sexy. Many of us disagree with you, as do some gay men.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: @SFAW: I’m just impressed they went away so quickly here.
@Dorothy Winsor:
Thanks. Honestly, the main reason I don’t want to respond is that I don’t want to think about it. The self-importance of a group that is sure “the voters” agree with them as they keep not winning is bizarre, but ultimately proves it’s own irrelevance. It’s depressing that for the rest of my life, they’re going to be claiming credit for every victory the rest of us win, but that’s fairly minor in the grand scheme of things.
That’s why they’re mad: the recent primaries showed, once again, that they do a lot of trash talk but have very little actual success to show for it.
RE: Sexy Jeff Goldblum
There’s also stuff like this…
@Mnemosyne: Unfortunately, all that shows is they are being cheated out of winning and therefore they will screw it up for everybody by voting for anybody but a Democrat.
They’ve been doing that since 13 year old me shook Pierre’s hand in Montreal in 1967. I squeaked out, “Bonne chance.” He looked at me and said, “Thank you.” The man had real charisma.
The surprise is that the leader of the national Conservative party and Doug “little trump” Frod are backing Justin. As I said in an earlier thread, in Canada the dairy lobby fucks with you!
How the hell is agent orange going to negotiate denuclearization of the Korean Penninsula when he couldn’t even show up on time or stay to the end of a summit with out closest allies?
He made an ass of himself at the G7 and now some of the stupid pundits are saying about the Singapore meeting, “if this goes well…”
If this goes well? Seriously? Trump is disconnected from reality and told the whole world he doesn’t have to prepare. This can’t possibly go well.
Oh and now our executive branch talking points are Nazi dog whistling. This is just fucking fantastic.
Are we sure Trudeau knew the history of that building?
Corner Stone
@debbie: Oh, yeah. That was master level shit right there. I didn’t know DougJ had taken a spot on Trudeau’s admin but that was high class work.
@MomSense: @debbie:
Everybody in Canada knows the history of that building,
And on Faux and Fiends this am they referenced the Singapore meeting as “the meeting of two dictators”.
patrick II
My opinion of Trump has gone from Russian useful idiot to functionally a Russian agent to Fellow Traveler. Not mutually exclusive, just the emphasis has changed.
That Fox and Friends reference is being reported as a slip-up. A Freudian slip-up.
Scheer’s not,
Corner Stone
I don’t know why this is always left to me. I’m not even from new jersey.
“Stabbed in the back!
And you’re to blame!
Kudlow, you give cocaine
A bad name
Bad name”
Am I gonna have to mansplain to you what is and is not sexy?
OK, here goes:
The opposite of me
@Mnemosyne: It still sucks when they are someone you considered a friend.
@MomSense: Lord! Thank you for making me laugh and smile. I feel so damn angry and depressed today about this oh so very obvious treason taking place in front of the eyes every day, since the beginning (and before that) of this long national nightmare. What you said is spot on, and dead serious, but for whatever reason I laughed and boy oh boy oh boy did it feel good. I’ve been writing my congressguy to say, hey, when do you all get to the stage of calling this caca out for real? Surely, I’m not alone, batting of eyelashes, am I now, big boy, in perceiving clearly what’s been happening here? Time to truly press these folks to do their jobs — under the old Constitution and whatever, you know — Because, hey, 4th of July festivities just around the frakking corner. And what’s happening here has been pretty evident for quite some time. When is it time?
So, yeah, thank goodness for laughter if only of gallows variety.
Thanks, Prof. Rofer, for doing what you did. Not an easy thing to do — to point to what is front of our faces! — and I very much appreciate it and hope it gets ever more viral.
Yeah. I’m still wondering what the “stab in the back” was about what Trudeau did. I think the candidate Trump spent so much time pointing out that Mexico was cheating and should be punished and pushed out of NAFTA that they forgot that Canada didn’t have to automatically join the white people’s club and had its own interests that didn’t include NAFTA – 1. Trudeau was supposed to be begging to kick Mexico out, but they aren’t. I think that’s the betrayal. If the negotiations were anything like what happened with the Chinese, I’m sure Navarro is making an ass out of himself with lists of demands but nothing that would make anyone agree. From what I can tell, the “small” ask for Canada is to completely reorganize their agricultural policies so that they can avoid U.S. consumers paying more for imported aluminum. They might as well ask Trudeau to commit suicide or demand that he replace the Canadian healthcare system with a high cost US system.
@Marcopolo: Turning the worthless Missouri soil into profit is a nice acheivement. Southwest Missouri has so many dairy farms because this rocky red clay soil won’t support crop farming of any scale.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
some great responses to this tweet, but this one and this one, that I can’t cut and paste, are my favorites
@James Powell: yep the guy who served in combat (and had commendations for it) vs the party boy who went AWOL from an ANG unit. Rather fucking orwellian tbh.
@SFAW: A friend of mine is in the sports equipment business, he says lacrosse is the fastest growing sport in the US…another stab in the back by that evil fucking Justiin
Here is the thing. It just does not matter. The shit heads will remember that Trudeau disses Dump and the good ol USofA because they heard it from two different sources on Fox (probably reinforced on radio by a host of inflamed assholes working the rubes) so it is a FACT. History, reality, these are fungible concepts to the shit heads until they are told what to believe and then it is set in stone until they are told otherwise.
@SFAW: Show some respect. Trump is the Commander of Cheese you know.
@SFAW: Are you Jeff Goldblum?
@sp98: That’s what I learned in my German history course taught by Gordon Craig. The stabbed-in-the-back claim was used to claim the German military was not defeated militarily by enemies. They lost because socialists and other traitorous German groups worked against their own country.
Many of us remember when a similar argument was used against those who opposed the Vietnam War. US war critics were preventing US military success, it was claimed.
Corner Stone
If possible, I may hate Jeff Flake and Bob Corker as much as I do Trump.
@Schlemazel: I think hating on Canada may be a bridge too far for many. Especially the northern plank older folks.
Are you willing to bet actual money on that? I wouldn’t not even with odds
The shit heads will believe the sky is green once they are told it is
Sometimes I find myself laughing about the bleakest things and it does feel good.
I flipped through the channels and the CNN anchor was asking Rep. Swalwell what would make this meeting a success. I don’t know how he held it together. The first thing that popped into my head was that I’d settle for a habitable Seattle and Seoul at its conclusion.
After I wrote that I said, hmmm.
You may be right — it will be a huge test. From my upstate New York farmer relatives, who lean a littleTrump (I call them loyal Civil War Republicans) they think this shit with Canada is crazy.
Nope, Treason Tribble’s base will be fine with that.
A Forum I quit because of the swarm of hateraide Трамп’s trolls were spewing, started attacking Canada over Syrian refugees.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@Brinkley Paiste:
Do you know that it’s extremely likely that voter suppression likely cost her the states she needed to win by a few thousand votes, right?
Oh and your “we democrats” gives you away.
Apparently not.
@Duane: And the attack on the democratic senator from a southern state who was so badly wounded in Vietnam. (?Max Cleland?).
Not a big problem.
Now, if Lyle Thompson were granted asylum Up North, THAT would be bad.
Yes. Saxby Chambliss was the motherfucker who pulled that. Of course, his shit pales in comparison to what Shitgibbon would have said.
Corner Stone
Brought to you by one of the blog’s favorite Never Trumpers, Rick Wilson. Who, to this very day has never apologized for it and continues to push for R candidates for House, Senate and statewide races in FL.
Jeff Goldblum is a creeper.
That is all.
There’s a movement out there to see if Colin Kaepernick and the CFL eggball teams would be willing to marry.
I don’t think Lyle needs asylum. He’s mostly Mohawk, and there are communities on both sides of our silly, artificial border.
If they kidnap Tom Schreiber, that’s causus belli.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
Schrodinger’s sexy?
I learned something today that left me shocked and puzzled. Apparently Nick Cage was the first choice to play Aragorn in LOTR. Thank dog he had a scheduling conflict.
My neighbor and my husband are going berserk planting trees in the front yard. So far they have planted 3 maples and 3 oaks.
Steve in the ATL
@Corner Stone: yeah, that’s bullshit, Mr. Editor. I was here in Georgia and doing low level volunteer work for Cleland, and the disgusting republicans used the Karl Rove method of attacking his strength: he was a war hero/triple amputee being challenged by a draft dodger. It was the most vile campaign I had ever seen.
Wisconsin has more dairy cows just in the one state than Canada has in the entire country. This is not a monetarily significant tariff. Don’t know why Trump has latched on to it like a dog on a bone.
@sp98: Yes. Ludendorf stabbed the politicians in the back. He insisted all was lost militarily and they must sue for peace, and then lied about it afterwards.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne: it was established yesterday that trump is crazy and that he’s a moron. The answer to your question lies within that.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. When I saw that “stab in the back” crap the first thing that came to mind was Nazi propaganda. What’s next – comparing the North Atlantic Treaty to the Treaty of Versaille? Is President ManBaby going to revivify the Warsaw Pact and join it? I could never have imagined that any American President could so disgracefully turn his back on the most successful alliance in history, and so cravenly do the bidding of Vladimir The Terrible Putin.
Marketing Boards to regulate supply, price and demand are “evil socialism”, doncha know?
I’m sure those border town all along the northern tier will be mothballing those “Welcome Canadians” flags and signs. D! hockey schools will have to do extreme vetting of Canadian players and my Canadian buddy Jimmy will have to be very careful when he shows at the border to drive to his 2nd home in Palm Desert and Jimmy better not try to take his US born grand kids across the border for a family reunion with their Canadian cousins.
@Steve in the ATL:
Only yesterday?
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
@Corner Stone: I like that you’re keeping the receipts !
Uncle Cosmo
@Hunter Gathers: Herrenvoelkischer Beobachter, here we come!
As we all know by now, Trump Rules state that the US has to be allowed to impose tariffs on every other country while every other country has to free trade with us because anything else is unfaaaaaaaaaiiiiiirrrrrr.
Steve in the ATL
@SiubhanDuinne: we were proceeding with abundance of caution.
@Corner Stone:
It is not that they disagree it is that the do not want the shit said out loud
Frances Perkins
We have just returned from seeing the movie “Pope Francis: A Man of his Word.” In these dark times, it was especially moving and inspiring. It was not so much about religion as about how we all have a duty to care for each other. Highly recommended.
Uncle Cosmo
@sp98: True so far as it goes… but If you go farther you realize that the evil Ludendorff effectively forced the Kaiser to abdicate by telling him the Reichsheer could no longer fight & then arranged to put the responsibility for picking up the pieces into the hands of the Social Democrats in the Reichstag, who then had to sign the Versailles Diktat & were saddled with the blame for the Dolchstoss – and a significant number of the Social Democrats were Jews, QED.
One of the strange ironies of WW1 is that the commanding officer who recommended Hitler for one of his Eisenkreuzers was a. Jew. Probably why the original Nuremberg Laws exempted Jews who had served at the front during the war from most of the anti-Jewish clauses. (FTR that didn’t last long. The exemptions, I mean.)
My good BIL travels internationally selling American commodities, He has been everywhere, his passport looks like a phone book, everywhere from Europe to Kazakhstan, China, Ethiopia, name a country, he’s been there. Last year he and my sis took a driving vacation, from Glacier Nat Park, they drove to Waterton Glacier in Canada and on to Banff. They went through Canadian customs in minutes. Coming back, the US Border Patrol questioned him at length about how much he traveled and why. Searched their luggage and went through their car with a fine tooth comb. My sister was so pissed she’s still talking about it. She had traveled to Egypt and Morocco with him and they took her aside and questioned her about that trip.
James Powell
Because the press/media will repeat & amplify it uncritically and his followers will believe it and repeat it.
@Jay: Drat! I hadn’t seen that but Kenney, the Alberta PC leader, stuck up for JT. I get them confused.
@chris: Sorry, Jay, didn’t take that from today.
@Adam L Silverman: Stephen Miller is Jewish
Ohio Mom
@schrodingers_cat: They’d better have a very big yard or that is not going to end well. Those trees are not going to be little forever, and I hope they are planted the right distance from the house — foundations and roots don’t mix well.
Neighbors: an endless source of amusement.
Uncle Jeffy
@Mary G: It’ a reflection of Bolton’s state of mind….
Scheer’s two faced. This week he will be trashing Trudeau and NAFTA and supporting Трамп and Putin on Faux, like he did last time, along with (spit) Harper.
@Jay: I was horrified to see Harper on one of the US networks and the best MSNBC could manage was GAG Peter MacKay
@Aleta: Yes, I noticed a Fox concern trolling article on this. Why are the Democrats trying to stop Bernie from running a campaign? The simple answer, of course. is that Bernie is not a Democrat. Who woulda thunk it? Maybe the Democratic Party wants to have Democrats running for office? As for Fox News, I have a hard time believing that The Republican party would allow any Independent to run for any office starting with Dog Catcher, much less at the Federal level.
This will show even more of the Trump touch which is in fact the opposite of the magic touch. Deadbeat Donald’s and his cohort of swinish and criminally incompetent crackpots smearing of Trudeau will just increase Trudeau’s popularity in Canada, and probably around the world.
On behalf of most of Canada, Fuck you Donald, Larry, and Peter. Eat shit.
BTW, sorry to my fellow juicers for the profanity, eh?
J R in WV
Trees are good. My grandma was planting trees she would never see to grow up when she was in her 80s.
Do your husband and his minion know how big oak trees get? Maples too, but oaks get to be majestic! It takes a while… do you plan to move? Can’t take them with you!!
In 1990 a buddy who worked events with me drove his motorhome to WI for an event. I flew in and we worked for 5 days. Then we drove through Canada to Vermont and into New Hampshire for another event the next weekend. Going into Canada they asked us if we had any guns or cigs. He told them that he let someone else not going through Canada carry his gun and that neither of us smoked, which was all true. Took 2 minutes. Had a great time for 3 days. Then we crossed into the US in Vermont. Almost 2 hrs later after they had totally searched the motorhome and hounded us about having over $10,000 in cash which neither of us had to our names let alone in cash on us, they wanted to be our buds and discuss how he liked the motorhome. The Border Patrol only hires assholes, and trains them to be worse. ICE is way downhill from there. At some point you wonder if it’s worth living here at all. And that doesn’t take into account the current pile of shit in the WH.
Profanity is required just to even mention the shitgibbon.