Fox & Friends host refers to Trump and Kim Jong Un as "two dictators" – Anthony Scaramucci doesn't bat an eye and keeps on talking. It's all coming together…. pic.twitter.com/p5Lj4IybOr
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) June 10, 2018
Is Scaramucci capable of batting an eye, even if he noticed a Fox bot calling his liege lord a dictator? He has the lifeless, seemingly lidless eyes of a shark.
Anyhoo, we made it home from our motorcycle trip unscathed. Only two cars nearly ran us off the road, and coincidentally, both had Massachusetts plates. I draw no conclusions from that.
Open thread!
Tom Levenson is probably trying to take out the BJ competition.
Reminds me of Quint’s chilling description in ‘Jaws’- “Y’know, the thing about a shark, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes…”
Its what the Fox deplorables and the Republican business elite have really wanted for 60 years, a dictator.
It’s called “diving like Massholes”. But they’re seriously out of season; they’re supposed to be north of the Manson-Nixon line by Memorial Day…
It could be worse, Betty. You could have to drive with these morons every single fucking day, year ’round. Ahem.
@Baud: Isn’t Anne Laurie also from Mass? Hmm, two almosts, both Mass plates.
@japa21: Yes, but no one would believe she is a murderer. Tom has a lot of students who need good grades.
Betty Cracker
@FlyingToaster: I lived in MA for a few years ages ago. The most aggressive assholes on the road, IMO. At least in the Americas. I’ve driven extensively in NYC, and they weren’t half as bad.
Saint Hound
So glad you enjoyed the road trip. I rode my bike from key west to dc “taking the long way around” and it was glorious’
Which is why she would be perfect and could get away with it.
Corner Stone
Sheryl Sandberg needs to be in jail and all her assets confiscated.
So tired of watching her rolling lies where every press avail she does she lies about what they knew and when. Then more truth comes out and she just lies some more the next time she is asked. Then more truth comes out. Then she just lies…
Jim, Foolish Literalist
as troubling as this story is
I kinda think this is what journalists call “burying the lede”.
This is by my quick count the 23rd paragraph
Corner Stone
@Betty Cracker:
And the most passive aggressive drivers are in Louisiana.
@Baud: Tom got a big shout out in the acknowledgements of The Songs of Trees by local author David George Haskell. It’s worth a read. Way to go, Tom.
When I drive in Mass I have to turn into a Masshole. Otherwise you can’t go anywhere in your car. I don’t know how one could yield onto a highway or turn left without being a Masshole.
@Betty Cracker: I once worked with a doctor whose dad was a NYC cab driver. When he went to Boston for the medical school graduation, after about 24 hours he told his son that he couldn’t take the stress of driving in Boston and his son henceforth drove him for the duration of his stay.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@Betty Cracker: And here I was told that was just a Baastin thing.
@Corner Stone:
Louisiana drivers don’t know how to use a turn signal, that’s for sure.
@MomSense: That’s true!
zhena gogolia
Trump really has me down. I don’t see how we recover from this. But everyone around me is oblivious.
LOL from ex-Belgian PM. Which is what every msm minion should be asking the traitorous thug.
zhena gogolia
@YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S):
It’s at its worst in Boston, and kind of fades out as you move outward, but it’s still bad all over Mass. Connecticut isn’t hugely better, but noticeably so.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@zhena gogolia:
We lock the right-wing out of power for the next 20 years is what we do.
zhena gogolia
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
But who’s “we”? And how do “we” do it?
Mainers know how to use the turn signal, they just don’t know how to turn it off.
Dorothy Winsor
@Platonailedit: That’s priceless! I love these prominent international figures treat Trump with the scorn he deserves.
Ohio Dad
Massachusetts safety inspection stickers used to have a catchy quote on them: my favorites were “A little courtesy won’t kill you” and “Staying alive is no accident.” If only those quotes had faced inward towards the driver.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@zhena gogolia:
The Democratic Party and it’s allies. How we do it is to continuously turn out our base at all levels in every election like the GOP does. Make voting easier for everyone. Automatic voter registration and mail-in voting are great starts, which will help increase turnout. Find ways around Voter ID, by helping people attain IDs to either register or vote.
@zhena gogolia: When I feel especially down, I stream something on netflix, and sometimes I put on subtitles just to stay focused.
@zhena gogolia:
Inorite? I can’t understand why everybody isn’t screaming non-stop. I know I am inside my head.
@FlyingToaster: Here it’s said that the classic eastern Mass driver enters traffic by pulling part way out into it and stopping. The on-comer has to stop or else hit them. Still I feel completely inferior to, or in awe of, Boston drivers. Amazing to ride with them on their personal routes to get places.
West of the Rockies
You ever look into a Scaramucci’s eyes, chief? Like lookin’ into a doll’s eyes, all black and lifeless.
Darn it! Someone beat me to it. Apologies.
@Corner Stone: She is practicing to run for political office.
Corner Stone
Watching this Revolution episode on MSNBC hosted by ReCode. It’s pretty obvious that all of these CEOs and C-Level execs are just fucking frauds. They are all extracting wealth from the commonweal and are just new age hucksters.
@JPL: I watch either Star Trek, or Hindi movies or shows or British gardening shows on Netflix.
Betty Cracker
Florida drivers are terrible too — the youngs text, and too many of the olds should have surrendered their licenses during the Bush admin. But most aren’t aggressive, just inattentive.
@Corner Stone: I grew up near them, and that is true, but I found it mostly harmless. In Louisiana, if you pass someone in the left lane while they are in the right lane, that person will get annoyed by your lack of courtesy and speed up to pass you again just to slow down to whatever speed they were going at when they get back in front of you.
@Betty Cracker:
Which Bush admin?
@Aleta: Since the crosswalk puts the stop sign behind the sight line to see oncoming traffic, it’s not like we have a fucking choice…
It freaks out-of-towners out when we take convoluted routes to get places, and get there ahead of those taking the “direct” route. Knowing the local traffic pattern means that under no circumstances do I take Main or Pleasant eastbound into Watertown Square between 7:55 and 9:15am. They do, and sit in a traffic jam for 20 minutes. Heh.
That’s what everyone said about Jessica Fletcher, and look how that turned out.
Corner Stone
@Starfish: Oh, fuck yeah. If they think you are going to try and pass them in the left lane on a two lane road they will drift across the mid-line, they will speed up, they will slow down, they will put on hazards or a blinker just to fuck with you.
It’s harmless in that if you know it’s coming you don’t get shoved off the road. But it’s really an asshole move for just no damn reason. You’re hauling a tractor full of hay, you fuck! You can’t even do the freakin speed limit!
@schrodingers_cat: This movie is playing near me Kaala. The only reason that I know that we have a theatre showing films from India is because it is near the post office.
Corner Stone
Isn’t her only contemporary rival at this point HRC?
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
@zhena gogolia:
Plus, as others have mentioned, it’s important to take care of yourself as well. Take a few days away from the news if you need to.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
We lock the right-wing out of power
for the next 20 yearsforever is what we do.Fixed.
Corner Stone
@Corner Stone: AirBnB CEO making excuses now for stealing from the commonweal. What an asshole.
some guy
Learned to drive in Boston, now only drive there during summers, but have driven professionally in both BeanTown and here in North Florida. FL drivers are WORSE by a country mile.
@Corner Stone: I hope “commonweal” comes back into fashion. I appreciate your efforts.
@FlyingToaster: Agnes (the GPS) gets terribly upset whenever we oppose her in Boston. And refusing to go through the old big dig drives her bananas.
Tomorrow I have to announce to my boss that I’m quitting my Silicon Valley job because I can’t afford it here anymore and I’m moving to Maryland. Tell me it’s the right call, and feel free to lie if you have to.
@Corner Stone:
Sometimes, when Mrs. SFAW is riding with me, I comment along the lines of “watch that guy do XXX” where “XXX” is one of those typical Masshole moves. The first few times I noted stuff like that, she told me I was being paranoid. Eventually, she realized I had most of that shit pegged.
I used to joke that the quickest way to discern a native Masshole from a transplant was the use of the turn signal. (If someone used it properly, he/she was an obvious transplant.) The gap has decreased over the years, but not by a lot.
Corner Stone
@Baud: It’s a kind of important concept.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
That would work too :)
Mike J
@Betty Cracker: I still prefer Boston drivers to Seattle. People here will stop in the middle of a street, no light, no stop sign, to let somebody out of a driveway. It’s nuts. Seattle drivers are afraid to pull up to the stop line at lights, often leaving a full car length and not triggering the detector loop (I’ve seen this more than once.)
@zhena gogolia:
That is my situation….the obliviousness of the folks around me.
I seem to inhabit a different world. It’s a wee bit disorienting, being surrounded by the “don’t know – don’t care” tribe 10 hours a day.
John Revolta
@Starfish: @Corner Stone: It’s Republican style driving. It’s zero-sum.
If you get ahead of them, then they must be behind.
I think I now have a plan in place for our trip to the Happiest Place On Earth next weekend. I got half off on a room at the Grand Californian so we’re planning to spend big chunks of time lounging around the hotel since my stupid knee is still not up for HPOE levels of walking. I was just there in February, so I don’t feel compelled to try and hit every ride, for which G is very grateful.
Corner Stone
@RandomMonster: Tried hot bunking? It’s what they did during the ’49ers Gold Rush.
Do you have a job waiting for you in Maryland? If so, it’s the right move, and good luck.
Charlie Rose has apparently resurfaced. Sadly, not in a snuff film.
Regnad Kcin
@Betty Cracker: Fla drivers have two speeds: cough syrup and angel dust. NYC drivers are just lawless — chaotic evil. Up here in Boston, we are aggressive but it’s a lawful evil.
@RandomMonster: Maryland’s a great place to live, especially if you’re into boating (power, sail, sea kayak, or whitewater). I can’t wait to get back south of the M-D line.
It’s the right call. Maryland is nice. And cheaper than Silicon Valley. Welcome.
@RandomMonster: Having a money bomb dropped on it, combined with nostalgia for SF of the 50s and 60s when it had probably less than 1/3 the population it does now, has made it too hard for too many people. Whereabouts in MD? Lots of nice places in MD.
Corner Stone
No, Philip Rucker. It’s not even close that “no previous US President has *been able* to personally size up KJU.”
It’s because they refused to fucking do so, you simp.
@Regnad Kcin: Uh, only if by lawful you mean turning the usual rules on their head, like cutting off pedestrians except when they are jaywalking.
it depends. You probably will be overpaid in MD because businesses base salary . on previous salary not on job value. OTOH, I would rather live in CA than ND
@Baud: Hmmm, it sounds kinda “European”.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I remember going to Walt Disney Park two years ago with my father while in LA. It was a ton of fun. It’s too bad the Hollywood Tower of Terror closed last year or else I’d recommend it. But with your surgery, that probably wouldn’t be possible anyway. Visit California Adventure if at all possible.
@JPL: Raazi,the spy thriller with woman director at the helm with a female lead is doing great business and has got some great reviews too. It was a relatively small budget movie that has become very successful. I would like to see it, when it is available for streaming. I live too far from theaters showing Hindi movies.
Corner Stone
Probably about 42M people would agree with you.
Ohio Mom
@Mnemosyne: Doesn’t the HPOE have wheelchairs you could borrow or rent?
@RandomMonster: Ohio Dad and I lived in Maryland, a little north of Silver Spring, when we were first married, and still keep up with a few friends from those days; we were there last June.
There are lots of nice things in the DC suburbs (if that is where you are going), especially all the museums and sights to see in DC. It’s not as cheap as it used to be to live there but it is certainly more affordable in comparison to California. You will have winter to deal with.
I can’t think of any Balloon Juicers who live in Maryland off the top of my head but once you unpack, you might want to contact Anne Laurie for help in setting up a meet-up so you can make some friends. ETA: you can meet khead, for one.
@SFAW: I’ve learned the luxury automobiles(Benz’s, BMW’s…) do not come equipped with either turn signals or Bluetooth, I find this puzzling.
@RandomMonster: It’s the right call to move out of Silicon Valley, but I wouldn’t recommend Maryland.
First, there is something called itsa where they charge your water bill not on actual water usage but on square footage of the place you are renting which is really stupid.
If you don’t know anyone there, it is hard to get to know people because everyone claims a billion family obligations if you try to do anything with anyone.
If you do manage to make friends, they can potentially be dependable friends.
The politics are really messed up. The whole state is gerrymandered, and a lot of the candidates for everything are lazy and terrible and must try stupid lefty ideas that did not work for other places.
There is a lot of segregation going on so there are huge inequities.
Gin & Tonic
@Betty Cracker: Long time ago when I was in Boston a friend/fellow student drove a cab to make some money; he’d lived in NY previously, as had I. The conclusion was that NYC drivers are aggressive but completely predictable. Boston drivers are aggressive and completely unpredictable.
Why not?
zhena gogolia
@Regnad Kcin:
Oh, come on.
@germy: I expanded on the topic.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I think she’s been there, just a hunch.
ETA: OTOH, I haven’t. The last time I was a guest at THPoE was the day they started construction on CA Adventure.
@RandomMonster: You made the right call. Tell us where in MD you’re headed. For such a small state it’s really diverse, between waterfront and mountains, urban and very rural, and posh vs, uhhhhhh, not so posh.
Despite Ohio Mom’s inability to name Marylnders here, I can think of 6-10 fairly easily. Even down here in SoMD we have me, Elmo, Patricia Kaden, and I think lowtechcyclist, and probably more. There are more, obviously closer to DC.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Have you considered moving to somewhere cheaper, but still within commuting distance? And do you have a job in Maryland waiting for you?
zhena gogolia
I’d also rather live in CA than ND, but I’d rather live in MD than in CA.
Ohio Mom
My gosh, what reading comprehension fails. Random Monster specifically asked people to lie if necessary (full disclosure: I stand by what I said).
zhena gogolia
@Gin & Tonic:
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’m sure she has been as well. She works for Disney, right? I was trying to recommend things I did there.
@zhena gogolia: hey. *We* are legion. Legion. We are in Alabama, we are in Virginia, we are in California, we are in New Mexico…we are every fucking where. We are volunteering, we are registering voters, and we are donating money. A lot of money. We are going to kick those halfwitted sellout whores (no offense to actual sex workers) out of office in November. We. Can. Do. It.
@zhena gogolia:
Dad typing. NOBODY in their right mind would want to live in ND. My Western neighbor makes shitholes look good. But honestly MD is not that much of an improvement. Better, but in the way gonorrhea is better than AIDS
@zhena gogolia:
Then you are doing great! COngrats
zhena gogolia
There are some very nice areas in MD, Eastern Shore for one.
zhena gogolia
Good for you. I just keep feeling he’s doing so much damage that November is not coming soon enough. And I worry that Vladimir Vladimirovich is going to screw with us again.
@Ohio Mom: Why lie? SV is no paradise and neither is MD, but if s/he stays out of the really high-rent areas, there’s a grand opportunity to bank a bunch of money that would have been spent in SV just to live there. And the economy is nearly recession-proof, though I have no desire to test that hypothesis.
Dorothy Winsor
@RandomMonster: My experience is that with a move like that, you sometimes think you made a mistake, but you’d also think that if you stayed. Frankly, I don’t know how anyone affords to live in some parts of CA. And Maryland is nice.
@Corner Stone:
When this diplomacy schtick fails, I wonder how Trump will blame it on Obama.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
I’d prefer to live in SoCal because I loved being near the beach and enjoyed the city’s culture (resturants and other attractions) I’ve always liked city living anyway. Catalina Island was my favorite part of my trip.
@zhena gogolia:
I think that’s a good bet.
Re the dreaded summit meeting, has anyone else thought that Kim could offer to let the Trump organization take over the management of the infamous Ryugyong ‘Hotel of Doom’ in Pyongyang? Care to lay odds that Trump wouldn’t bite? They could put a McDonalds or a Chik-fil-a on the ground floor and kill two birds with one stone. Maybe Mrs Pruitt could be sent as manager. For those unfamiliar with the hotel, here’s a link
While I’m on a roll, who do people think Trump will pardon first, Spiro Agnew or Jared’s Dad.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Have you tried living in Ohio?
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: I’ve always thought of going to Catalina as going to another country without leaving the county. I need to do a day trip there for pics.
I was in Wikipedia, typed in “Lonesome Rhodes” and the first suggestion (above “A Face In The Crowd”) was Glenn Beck.
I’m not joking. Try it and see if it happens for you.
Ohio Mom
@RandomMonster: Oh, and the cherry blossoms! They are gorgeous and the park is full of happy people enjoying themselves, it is a giddy, if extremely temporary, experience. But then there is always the next year.
I’d like to live on Mackinac Island
@RandomMonster: Hey, I moved to Maryland this January. Still settling in bu it is nice, certainly cheaper than NJ. Just wish wed get out of this weather pattern of nearly daily rain and thunderstorms. We already had a massive flood thru Ellicott City two weeks ago.
Anybody watching the Tonys tonight?
The first choice was “Lonesome Rhodes Beck” which went to Glenn Beck.
@debbie: Wikipedia must have caught Beck off-mic.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
That’s a very good description of it. Cars are on the island but most people in Avalon either get around by walking or driving golf carts. If you good pictures, I’d recommend taking the East End Adventure Humvee tour for spectacular views.
@debbie: That’s what KO used to call him.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
I constantly defend DCA — it was a little dull when it first opened, but now with Cars Land, it’s a destination in itself. Two of my three must-rides are there — Radiator Springs Racers and Soarin’ Around the World.
The Guardians of the Galaxy ride that replaced Tower of Terror is supposed to be really great, but my knee is definitely not up for it. I may have G try it and report back.
@Ohio Mom:
I am unwilling to be pushed around in a wheelchair. I can go pretty much anytime I want and was just there a couple of months ago, so I don’t feel compelled to hit all the rides. G doesn’t like crowds or waiting in line, so his tolerance for HPOE is pretty low.
You would like DCA now that they’re re-done the entrance plaza to mimic 1920s Los Angeles and added a scale model of the Carthay Circle theater. They also have some fun “mountain” landscaping and a tiny vineyard.
zhena gogolia
I’m watching even though I have no interest in any of the shows. I like Sara Bareilles, and I guess the Boss is going to perform.
Check out Politico’s story on the poor civil servants who had the job of taping Trump’s presidential papers back together after he rips them up. Un-bleeping-believeable! BUT HER EMAAAIIILZZZZZZ!
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Up to the Airport(pilots tell me it’s a horrible airport to land at)? Did that in ’94 or ’95.
Steve in the ATL
@germy: summers only, I hope!
@Mnemosyne: At the prices they’re charging? Maybe I can get the kid to take me there for my b-day next year.
@Mike J: Ugh. Excessive politeness on the road can be almost as hazardous as excessive aggression. People just need to follow the rules of the road.
Sandia Blanca
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes, Catalina is like traveling back in time to the glamorous Hollywood days, but with lots of low-key activities (like riding your bike all around). Love that place!
Big Jim Slade
Driving in Boston can be fun – once you learn which lane you need to be in (for everywhere you go), it turns into a video game. The people who mess everything up are those who hesitate, you know, start to cut you off, then stop right there blocking 2 lanes waiting for a written invitation. No one can actually go that fast on Boston roads, so just pick your spot and hit it. You eventually learn where people are mostly likely to mess things up and you can prepare for it a bit, though it doesn’t always work…
@RandomMonster: I used to live in Baltimore, which I liked but which has had some acute problems more recently. So much depends on where you work. I love the town of Frederick. For our 26th wedding anniversary my husband and I hiked Sugarloaf and then had dinner at a boffo restaurant in Frederick called Volt. I have been all over Northern California and love it a lot but could never see living there.
@germy: I dunno, to me Mackinac seems like a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there. Part of it is that it sounds like a HOA on steroids, and backed with the police force.
But it also gives me that Harvest Home / Stepford Wives vibe. You know – outsiders move in because the community looks so nice, then they find out what really happens in the Elks Club meeting hall every full moon.
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
DCA, particularly Cars Land and Paradise Pier, was favorite park there. I hate that the California Screamin’ roller coaster was closed. Now it’s going to be made into an Incredibles-themed coaster. Not that I don’t like the Incredibles, but I liked the coaster as it was. It was a steel coaster with a wooden coaster feel.
normal liberal
@zhena gogolia:
I have family who’ve retired to the Eastern Shore; they carry on like it’s Xanadu with bonus crab cakes.
Ohio Mom
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Ain’t that the truth?
We’ve built a nice life here in southwest Ohio but that is in spite of the fact it is Ohio. Though the other side of the river — Kentucky — or the next county west — Indiana — would certainly be worse.
@Mnemosyne: Fair enough.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: Have you ever even visited SV? It’s the most expensive place in the country, and unless you want to spend 4 hours on the road each day, you’re not going to find anything “affordable”.
[I used to go out to the CGDC/GDC every year, and ask people how much it cost to live in the hovel they lived in an hour commute from work. If you think Boston or Manhattan are too expensive, you really should go look at real estate in SV/SF/Oakland/Berkley. ]
[And yes, I’ve lived in Greater Boston (Somerville and now Watertown) for 31 years; it’s merely expensive here.]
@RandomMonster: We did this, except we moved to the North Bay and I telecommute a few times a week. Its way cheaper up here.
We did, however, consider moving to Denver or Colorado Springs, and to Portland. All lovely places with a good tech sector.
The only people I knew in Maryland all had to leave for financial reasons. And then weirdly moved to Sacramento.
zhena gogolia
Tonys are starting well.
@dmsilev: wait, what?
Eyeball update: both present and accounted for. Very minor PVD (posterior vitreous tear) that doesn’t appear to be pulling on the retina at all. So everything’s fine, and we had a nice visit to boot.
But, lesson for going early when symptoms start,and telling the doctor ALL of them: she just had a 17 yo patient who was there to get contacts,exam seemed normal, kid had no complaints that she voiced. The doctor reviewed her retinal photos (done them every year as part of the exam) and asked her if she had been having headaches. Why, yes doctor, now that you mention it.
She was referred out to an ophthalmologist, though she and mom wanted to wait because graduation was coming up, but the doctor convinced them they really shouldn’t wait.
Which was lucky, because the brain tumor they removed was golf ball sized. She did miss her graduation, but she’s going to get to be around for a while lot longer.
I love Balloon-Juicers, you’re all so generous with your thoughts and encouragement. I would reply to each comment but I don’t want to turn the thread into displaced-Californian-sob-story, but thank you each and every one of you.
The upshot is that I do have a job lined up with a former employer, only it’s a virtual company (hooray work at home) so there’s a lot of latitude about where Mrs. Random and I and the petting zoo shack up. We’re still figuring that part out. Fortunately much of my wife’s family have all ended up in Maryland, so we won’t be walking into it with no connections at all. (A major reason for choosing MD is so she can be closer to her parents, after years of living out west. This is actually the best reason for the move.)
As far as the politics, well, I hope to just add to the infection of alien godless liberalism wherever we end up!
Thank you BJ commentariat again…
??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??
Nope, but I have visted SoCal before.
Chris T.
Silicon Valley is very different from SoCal, though both are largely Strip Mall Hell.
I really like living in the Bay Area but the cost is absurd.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??: How do we have successful mailin voting with GOP’s constant attack on the US Postal Service?
@danielx: and we seize all their media assets and put their followers in re-education camps- I mean they expect us to anyway
@satby: You didn’t know? Vicious serial killer who delighted in framing other people for her kills.
I love the Tony”s ..
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
Hey guys, it’s already too late. We’re officially Nazis now:
Regnad Kcin
@zhena gogolia: yup. Drove in NYC for 10 years. Way happier/safer driving in Boston.
@??? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ??:
Oh gawd no! But still North Dakota would be worse.
Interesting. Google tells me Lonesome Rhodes was a character in the movie “A Face in the Crowd” with parallels to the rise of Trump. Scratch that off my to-see list.
@RandomMonster: I did the same thing 17 years ago (tho’ moved to MA rather than MD). You are doing the right thing.
Steeplejack (phone)
PBS pledge week. MPT is rerunning a couple of Grantchester episodes tonight. Let’s see which ones. “Sidney is conflicted about his feelings.” Okay, that narrows it down. At least “poisoning at a cricket match” gets us somewhere in the ball park for the second one.
Couple of good Jean-Paul Belmondo comedies on TCM overnight: Up to His Ears (1965) at 2:00 a.m. EDT and That Man from Rio (1964) at 4:00. Both directed by Philippe de Broca. Have somehow never seen the first, but the second is a marvelous little gem: French New Wave meets screwball comedy. Plus Françoise Dorléac.
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack (phone):
“Sidney and Geordie are at odds over how to handle an investigation.”
@debbie: The movie is actually very well done.
zhena gogolia
It’s a great film but I’d hold off on seeing it until we get rid of DJT.
Steeplejack (phone)
@zhena gogolia:
That was a great one! ?
Cheryl from Maryland
@RandomMonster:Lived in Montgomery County, MD for 28 years. Love it. Good schools, libraries, parks, public transportation, recreation (county parks include tennis courts, pools, ice rinks, archery stands, etc. etc.). Best of luck to you.
Keep an eye out for the special So Cal Resident prices. They do them a few times a year. They do card everyone, so everyone in the group with a So Cal Resident ticket has to be able to prove that they live in zipcode 93000 or below.
Ohio Dad
@Big Jim Slade: But people drive really well in Lincoln, and Lincoln is the capital of Nebraska.
J R in WV
If you have a job in Maryland, you are doing the right thing. It has to be half the cost to live on the East Coast compared to the West Coast.
You may need a snow shovel, though.
Although Climate Change is working on that problem…
OK, you said that first, but I didn’t quote you, we just agree totally on his move.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@debbie: I thought the ending for “A face in the crowd” was unrealistic. DJT seems to be proving me right, but then Lonesome never got to be president let alone start a real campaign. I’m still not sure what DJT could have been caught saying that would have stopped him, given all the crap he did say before and during the campaign. Still a disturbing picture and a good study of the difference between the person and their public persona.
J R in WV
“…..infamous Ryugyong ‘Hotel of Doom’ in Pyongyang….”
Needs a Giant TRUMP sign on every exterior wall. With dripping sludge running down those walls right below the sign.
@debbie: worth it just to see Andy Griffith play a bad guy, and he’s amazing in it. Patricia Neal in one of her best roles too.
@Betty Cracker:
That’s the first Bush administration right?
Added to my list. Thanks!
@RandomMonster: I loved living in Baltimore. Very walkable. But I don’t mind talking to odd people on the street, so YMMV. It does get a bit pungent in the summer. I’m serious, though – I think it’s a wonderful place.
@Mike J: You know, you don’t want to be too close to that stop light if you are going to stare at it for half a minute after it turns green.
@Corner Stone: or, they sized him up and decided it was in our best interests to not elevate him to “equal status” until he stopped being a dic.