Here are some purslane plants hubby is growing in what is charitably called the “pallet garden:”
Hope y’all are having a pleasant evening. I am not. Maybe more on that later.
Anyhoo. Open thread!
by Betty Cracker| 100 Comments
This post is in: Domestic Politics, Open Threads
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Sun is out after two days of overcast and the wind has died. Gonna be a good evening for beer on the front stoop. I just have to remember not to read the national headlines before I leave work.
Beautiful and I have always loved purslane. I have a black pot similar to yours, but it’s filled with weeds, since I decided not to do flowers this year. I just don’t have the heart for it. Can I borrow your hubby for a few days?
We had a storm move through and my front yard is filled with branches and pine cones. I told my son and he said mom you don’t have pines in your front. Oh well. There’s a lot of power outages in the area, but at least I was spared that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: not a dime’s worth of difference, eh, Suze?
Is her head really so far up her own ass she has no idea of the kind of apology she owes the world?/rhetorical
Mary G
David Hogg and a bunch of the Parkland kids are outside one of Paul Ryan’s offices not being let in and it’s great. Some poor staffer offered to take a message through the window and David Hogg is just dictating and dictating and dictating.
Nice steady winds, mostly temperate. Waiting on UPS for a delivery.
Direct action.
She forgot to mention how the contradictions have been heightened by all this.
And how Hitlary would have been worse — she would have had ICE kidnap the children, then turn them over to the DoD for conscription, or perhaps turn them over to HHS for “Project Soylent.”
Mary G
When you’ve lost the freaking American Legion:
Mai naem mobile
George Will is telling people to vote against the GOP. I have a lot i want to say about this but I am trying to leave it at ‘hey, if it gets several thousand GOPrs to vote Dem and we win some tough races then I need to STFU for right now.’
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Fingers crossed it’s not to do with granny.
Goddamn, that fucking bitch. She should be wearing sackcloth and ashes and be on her knees crawling to every home in America begging for forgiveness. Fuck her with a rusty chainsaw.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I didn’t remember this, it’s from February of ’17
let’s not waste our time arguing about ‘oo killed ‘oo
I don’t have WashPo access…can anyone tell me what this article says, and how well it is sourced?
Steve in the ATL
Keep us posted!
Republican corruption via Wapo. Doesn’t even make headlines these days.
Major Major Major Major
How very… post- something. Industrial? Apocalyptic?
I studied dynamic programming all day and now it’s time to… not do that. Probably play video games.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Is “go back in time and vote for HRC” on the list? No? Then she can STFU.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Not your doing, it’s the ultra-dim transcript writer..
) populace/pedant
Someone put this up as comment on George Will’s Vote against the GOP this November:
works for me. Truth.
@trollhattan: Now let’s see what the media says.
Maybe we’ll be pleasantly surprised.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
if it ensures that the Sarandons of the world shut up and never venture out from under their rocks ever again, Yes?
@Steve in the ATL: If you are truly in ATL, did you get the storm with strong winds? My yard is trashed, and the a section of the neighbors fence came down. It overturned another neighbors gas grill. That’s why you need to use charcoal.
I have power but the surrounding neighbors don’t.
I posted this morning but I’d like to repeat it for afternoon/evening folks.
Thank you all so much for the kind words about Gav. He was a good dog.
frosty fred
Learn something new every day. I knew the weedy/edible purslane was in the Portulacaceae, but I’d never known this “moss rose” kind of Portulaca (which I’ve known and loved from my earliest memories) referred to as “purslane.” Is the kind in the picture edible as well? Well, palatable, as opposed to not poisonous?
@lamh36: Here you go. This morning’s WaPost story, reporters are Samantha Schmidt and Kristine Phillips:
The crying Honduran girl on the cover of Time was not separated from her mother
@delk: We are so sad he’s gone, but know he had such a good life with you. Beautiful dog.
U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley yesterday:
Haley picked a really bad week to make an argument about other governments knowingly abusing human rights, and causing pain and suffering. I can just about understand her saying that if she had a brain fart and the stupid gushed out. But as UN Ambassador she wrote it – she actually thought about the situation and wrote that.
Haley is at a Sarah Palin level of stupidity (and will probably run for president in 2020).
@Elizabelle: Actually according to CNN he said she was not separated at that time. He has no idea now, although border control said yesterday they kept them together. The father only spoke about that time frame. Yeah right. They are probably frantically trying to find the girl so they can be reunited.
@lamh36: Probably doesn’t matter to the people most likely to wave it about. Difference between signifier and the signified, it’s all too comperlicated and a slippery slope (but only for certain messages). If this one image can be proven incorrect in any way, then there is no problem at all, hey presto! If Time had used a line drawing of a crying child instead, well then all crying infants everywhere would have been proven to actually from the comics and thus necessarily happy! But then beware, stock photos of minorities prove that the Republicans are a big tent party and using images from 2016 as though they are from 2018 is unproblematic so long as the proper message is conveyed. It’s all the same blah blah chaos shiny-object confetti.
After she attacked others’ statements? I don’t think so, chick.
Tilda Swintons Bald Cap
The @eclecticbrotha brings a 2×4 to Bernie Sanders and his bullshit. Tweet
Someone break out the world’s second smallest violins!
No clue at all. Indeed.
Clap your hands louder, Republicans. Or Tinkerbell dies!
@Elizabelle: So the woman left her husband to go to another country without telling him, taking her daughter with him. This reeks of domestic abuse.
I don’t recall anyone ever saying they had been separated. From the beginning, the mother was nursing the child, put her down while she was searched, and then picked her back up. Irrelevant, anyway, the child was clearly traumatized, probably picking up stuff from the tones of the voices around her.
It didn’t last all that long, but it was a wicked pissah in Cumming/John’s Creek/Duluth while it lasted. I was in traffic. Not fun.
@SiubhanDuinne: My son was going to visit, and I told him to hold off. Good call on my part. It’s interesting because I checked GA Power outages and pretty much it was around me, but not me. Yeah!
zhena gogolia
AND SO WHAT, IF THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN CRYING? Who cares whether it was this specific kid or not? And what’s so great about being detained with her mother?
Sorry you are having a crappy evening, Ms. Cracker. Wish I could send you just some of the cheer I get from reading your delightfully disgusting descriptions of the orange shitgibbon.
Well if anyone else wants some relief from the awfulness that is the current situation I cannot recommend James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke with Sir Paul McCartney highly enough. It is simply joyous, and touching, and out and out fun.
@zhena gogolia: I agree, but all I was trying to point out was that I don’t believe the administration on this one. They are flat out liars.
Major Major Major Major
And the girl’s father? ETA I guess his knowledge would be coming from them too.
I love you Betty.
@Major Major Major Major: According to CNN the father new that the mom was able to pick up the child after being searched, but doesn’t know what happened after that.
Step 1: Go back in time and do not listen to Susan Sarandon.
Step 2: As time moves forward, do not listen to Susan Sarandon.
P.S. lamh, I second your fuck you.
edit: I see that Omnes at #19 also suggested going back in time.
@Steve in the ATL
Only because you asked, just arrived.
@JPL: Also the picture showed real pain that happens when you arrive at the border.
Tinkerbell dies anyway, and Peter Pan doesn’t care. What an unbelievably fucked up book, and a perfect metaphor for Republicanism.
Major Major Major Major
@JPL: I mean, that linked & quoted article says, “This week, Varela received a phone call from an official with Honduras’s foreign ministry, letting him know his wife and daughter were detained together. While he doesn’t know anything about the conditions of the facility or what is next for Sanchez and Yanela, he was relieved to hear they were in the same place.”
But we’re falling into the trap of caring about these details instead of what really matters…
@NotMax: Woohoo!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Let’s not waste our time deliberating fault unless it’s something we can blame on Hillary.
But really, all I really want to know is how Badger fared today at the vet.
I love that crazy planting, Betty.
Doug R
I believe it’s pronounced “palais gar-DEN”
zhena gogolia
I wasn’t yelling at you, just at all the people who think there is some kind of meaningful “discovery” here. She was a symbol.
Trust me, she is off the chart more stupid than Palin.
@delk: I was thinking of you today, and how much it sucks that you’re without your sweet Gav right at a time when we really need our furbabies for comfort.
I hope knowing you gave him a great life full of love and happiness comforts you in time.
Leopards and faces.
I feel badly for their employees (although a goodly number of them probably voted for Weasel Face, too) but….
Steeplejack (phone)
Agreed. I don’t remember the initial coverage saying that this little girl had been separated. But the picture was a hard-hitting symbol of the whole clusterfuck and went viral because of that.
Steve in the ATL
@JPL: got a lot of rain, but the wind wasn’t too bad. Never lost power, except politically a few years ago when the state flipped to red. Have had many branches down in the last few weeks, though. Wife and I have been puzzled by the amount of rain we’ve had this month. It’s almost as if the climate has been changing….
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If Strozk wants to fuck them right back, he should hire Avenanti, at least as his ‘public spokesman’ or some such
The Dangerman
Almost impossible (though there was that rumor that she and Trump were dancing in the sheets, which would be incontrovertible evidence).
My eternal 11-year old is time-wasting with Battlebots.
Hey, it’s more realistic than wrasslin’
Mary G
Betty is credited by someone who’s getting noticed more and more:
@Litlebritdifrnt: I second this endorsement. I love Carpool Kareoke, and McCartney is super cool surprising people in Liverpool.
Major Major Major Major
Here is Samwise, nature’s perfect killing machine, playing with string.
Now I’m wondering if they were not separated because ICE knew a photo had been taken. ?
Meanwhile the lying gestapo says they’ve reunited 500 kids and families, and the rest will be together by the weekend.
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah, we have a third-hand report saying that they were not separated as of a few days ago and that’s “proof” that the photo is a lie?
During Friday afternoon rush hour, no less! Good call indeed.
@zhena gogolia: She still is.
@SiubhanDuinne: He brings over his pup, and I was concerned about her safety. I don’t think he appreciated that part.
Not sure if this will make Lady Cracker’s crummy day better or worse, but here goes:
The GOP, and Ryan, just cannot help themselves. I guess they figure if they get it through committee, the next theft will be ready to roll that much sooner if they retain the House after November.
But, I have a feeling it won’t go unnoticed.
Stealing money people need to live, just sitting there, waiting to be taken… so tempting.. Well, gosh let’s just dip our toes in the water before the election and get ready to make a grab for it.
House GOP plan would cut Medicare, Social Security to balance budget
The budget would transform Medicaid, the federal-state health-care program for the poor, by limiting per-capita payments or allowing states to turn it into a block-grant program
Heh. Priorities.
@Steeplejack (phone):
I listened To Glenn Beck this morning discredit the entire protest just with the dispute over whether the child and mother were separated or not.
It’s a helluva lot more real than the phony TIME cover the tangerine tsar had hanging at his golf club(s).
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
@Litlebritdifrnt: Saw it this morning, and I’m watching it with my husband now. Absolutely joyous.
(It helps that I visited Liverpool a few years ago and did the whole Beatle tourist thing, including Penny Lane and the National Trust tours of Lennon’s and McCartney’s childhood homes. Photographs aren’t allowed in the houses, so I loved seeing the inside of his former home again. It brought back my own happy memories.)
Shafting the poor and needy is Ryan’s VIagra.
He’s as credible as the rest of them, from Weasel Face on down. Why did you bother?
Meanwhile, aww those poor staffers
@Elizabelle: just because she wasn’t separated from her mom doesn’t mean she hasn’t been traumatized. It also does NOT negate the fact that THOUSANDS of children have been separated from their parents, or the fact that DHS has admitted they have almost 12,000 children incarcerated.
Mary G
Kamala brought the fire today. Not many protesters in view because they keep parking very limited. She said “I’m a career prosecutor, so I’ve spent a lot of time visiting jails, and that place behind us is a jail.” Inmates who work are paid $1 per day. The administration of the place told Kamala the unaccompanied kids are given free phone calls to their parents. She found out that’s not true. They have to pay 85 cents a minute, so a day’s work gets you a 1 minute, 20 second call.
Yeah, poor staffers. Before long, they won’t even be able to go out on dates either. ?
M. Bouffant
What’s wrong w/ these people?
Omnes Omnibus
@M. Bouffant: They are assholes. Or was that question rhetorical?
@Mary G:
Next time, they need a rendezvous point and carpools.
Steve in the ATL
@M. Bouffant: what bullshit phrasing. To be an angel family, you have to do something that helps people in a huge way. You don’t get called that for being a crime victim.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I am not an undying fan of Sir Paul, but this is definitely worth the time.
Brickley Paiste
Pretty well. Apparently the photographer said that he made some assumptions …
@Steve in the ATL: I can feel some sympathy for the families. They have gone through great pain and suffering and people in those situations ask the question “why?”. And Trump is giving them a answer. It’s a bad answer, but for them it is something.
The thing is, Trump doesn’t give a rat’s ass about them except as a means to gin up more fear on the part of the populace at large.
Trump complains about football players not respecting the flag or the anthem. He doesn’t even know what they stand for and he, and just about every other Republican apparently thinks the last words of the anthem are “the home of the yellow-bellied, afraid of their own shadows, cowards>”
@Brickley Paiste:
The father says that he got a call from the Honduran consulate saying they were together, but he hasn’t actually talked to his wife and confirmed that.
Which goes to show that the photo is totally fake and the kid is at Chuck E Cheese with her mom right now, amirite?
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Steve in the ATL:
I for one am not comfortable using the word “angel” to describe anyone because no one is an angel. We all have darker sides and this term ignores this and deifies these people.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Brickley Paiste:
But it doesn’t matter. We don’t know what happened afterwards and the kid was clearly traumatized. There are thousands of children suffering right now and we know for a fact one has already died.
Brickley Paiste
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Agree with the bigger picture.
I was answering a question someone asked upthread.
Auntie Beak
@frosty fred: Right? I had the same question when I saw this. Edible purslane has more rounded, fleshier leaves.
Mai naem mobile
@Phylllis: Paley can’t be more stupid than Palin. Palin was not just not the brightest bulb on the christmas tree she is that one light that faintly flickers very intermittently. .
@Major Major Major Major: ooh, scary. :-)
@Mary G:
Child involuntary slave labor.
@Major Major Major Major: oh please not string as a toy nothing makes a vet’s or, for that matter, a cat’s gut clench more than a “linear foreign body.” Please trust me on this one.
@Major Major Major Major: I should have noticed that. A vet friend of mine put the fear of god into me about ribbon, particularly the kind you can curl with scissors.
Purslane, as Ive known it, is a weed that makes its appearance in the garden around July. Low ground cover, fleshly leaves and prolific as, well, as a weed. Its edible, the leaves added to salads, the stems pickled, Ive even read that it can be added to gumbo in place of okra.
J R in WV
Susan Sarandon… Her family ran a nice place in my hometown, The Eat Well Cafe.
I will never see Ms Sarandon again in my entire life, ever. If she is on a TV show, I will turn it off or change the channel. If she is in a movie, I will not pay a bleeding nickel to see it. She is dead to me because of her extreme lack of common sense.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Likely not, as she is so convinced that she was right to say what she did, that tsking ANY responsibility fir the awfulness we are experiencing now would not occur to her. Ever hear of Ralph Nader? Aa much good as he has accomplished, I will never forgive him for Florida, 2000, period! Susan will get no quarter from me as well. Wonder if they care. NOT!