There are elections in seven states today. I haven’t been following closely, so I defer to anyone who wants to tell us what they’re about.
My Twitter feed, however, is lighting up with the Democratic primary for the House in New York’s 14th District.
With 68.4% of precincts reporting, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez leads Joe Crowley 56.9% to 43.1% in the Democratic primary for the U.S. House seat in New York's 14th district.
— POLITICO elections bot (@politicoelex) June 27, 2018
Here’s another that some think is pretty remarkable. It’s also New York, 11th District.
So this looks… not so close at the moment, via @Politico
— Katie Glueck (@katieglueck) June 27, 2018
Besides New York, voting today is in Utah, Maryland, Colorado, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Mississippi. The New York Times has summaries of the races.
Patricia Kayden
We’ll soon see self-congratulatory tweets from Trump regarding the candidates he endorsed.
Cheryl Rofer
Via Wapo.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican. Fuck em all to death with a rusty chainsaw. And Fuck civility.
I’m assuming we won’t see results from Maryland anytime soon given the MASSIVE voter registeation fuckup there. Last I saw, it was going to affect 80,000 voters, and the number may have gotten higher since then.
Grimm, you’ll recall, was the former congressman for NY-11 who threatened to assault a reporter, then a few months later was convicted of tax fraud. I figured he’d have at least a fighting (heh) chance to win his seat back.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Who is Joe Crowley and on what planet was he going to be the next Speaker of the House?
I mean, I love to see a dudebro go down to defeat, but I suspect the only person talking about him for that job was himself.
Grimm just conceded the race. He’ll have to settle for spending more time with his other criminal buddies.
Cheryl Rofer
Omnes Omnibus
@Cheryl Rofer: That means fuck all without names.
Chyron HR
Wow, gee, it’s almost like socialists do perfectly well in Democratic primaries when they run on a better platform than “White lives are what REALLY matter! (waggles finger)”
Cheryl Rofer
@Mnemosyne: I saw a tweet earlier that polls will be staying open late in Maryland.
@Mnemosyne: I have never heard of the man until an hour or so ago. Agree it’s satisfying to see an old bald white guy lose to a young woman of color.
Cheryl Rofer
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s Ocasio-Cortez and Crowley.
Mary G
Reposting from below: Go Oklahoma:
Here in NY-10, there was no primary because nobody bothered filling out the paperwork to oppose Jerry Nadler. He’s done a good job, but all things being equal I’d prefer to be represented by someone who looks more like this district does – younger, browner, more female, and with less of a resemblance to Jabba the Hutt.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mary G: Who is going to be Dem leader how?
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Crowley is one of the Dems in the House that led the gun control legislation sit in two years ago. He was also one of the first to switch to periscope when Ryan cut the power to the chamber. Pretty decent all around. I’d not heard anything about him as a potential successor to Pelosi though. Kornacki’s commentary is the first I’ve heard of that.
Omnes Omnibus
@B.B.A.: Fuck him. Thanks for your service, right?
Cheryl Rofer
Mary G
@Omnes Omnibus: Evidently pundits have decided that Nancy Smash is too old, too shrill. too liberal, too equipped with a vagina, and her time is up. Supposedly this Crowley guy, the Dem machine boss in Queens, was going to run against her and win. Wrong.
Adam L Silverman
@B.B.A.: Congressman Nadler will be well suited to lead the House Judiciary Committee if it flips. In the current situation you want him reelected. Just like you want Schiff in place to run the Intel Committee and Cummings to run Oversight. We can both consider short and long term strategic needs at the same time. And the short term ones are that we need these three guys in place if the House flips.
Also, Nadler is very short. And yes he’s a bit round. Doesn’t matter one bit if he gets the gavel for the House Judiciary Committee.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Apparently, the old bald white guy himself is a very good progressive, standing behind Pelosi on all dem policy issues while also bringing in the money (obligatory corporate whore!!!) and one who has successfully kept the seat on the dem column for years. Be careful on what you wish for.
Did the NY State Senators have a primary today too? How did those 7 Democrats who bolted & formed their own Independent whatever party so Republicans could run the senate do?
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: Looks like Wexton hit the Comstock lode!
Omnes Omnibus
@Mary G: My understanding is that NP has the full confidence of her folks
Cheryl Rofer
@Platonailedit: I keep wondering why, if he’s so wonderful, I haven’t heard of him before.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: Actually there’s a whole group of Bernier than thoughs who think she’s a neo-liberal shill. I don’t really no what planet they live on, nor do I know how they escaped custodial care.
Omnes Omnibus
@Platonailedit: What did she wish for?
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: As I indicated in comment 17:
Cheryl Rofer
Cheryl Rofer
@Adam L Silverman: Those are good things. And it makes some sense not to overshadow Pelosi. But still…
Adam L Silverman
Lookee here!
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: Those people are not representatives.
The wonks are also going on and on about the NY 9 primary being much closer than expected. The incumbent is barely up:
Yvette Clarke* 12,312 50.6%
Adem Bunkeddeko 12,014 49.4%
She won in 2016 with 92.4% of the vote, so it must be a dark blue district. Brooklyn. FTFNYT endorsed the challenger, so I doubt he’s a full-on Bernie Bro.
@kindness: The state primary is in September. The Congressional primary was supposed to be, too, but the schedule wasn’t compliant with federal protections for military ballots, so it got moved up a few cycles ago. The state primary hasn’t been moved back to match, because Albany.
Also, the state primary is on a Thursday this year, because the scheduled Tuesday falls on September 11 and…well, you know.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I’m pretty sure Ocasio-Cortez worked on Bernie’s campaign.
@Mnemosyne: Crowley is Chairman of the Dem Caucus and 4th most powerful in the hierarchy. This is not necessarily a good thing for him to lose, but it will shake up the leadership a bit and augurs well for Pelosi remaining leader and potentially becoming Speaker again.
Hey Cheryl…did you see the retweet by David Corn of this:
Curious to see how CO-Gov shakes out.
Adam L Silverman
@Cheryl Rofer: I understand. I have no idea where the next speaker stuff came from either.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh, I’m voting for him in November. I just think the party is getting to be a gerontocracy, and that can’t be a good thing. At least the ranking Dem on Judiciary isn’t Conyers anymore.
Another Scott
LOLGOP @LOLGOP 4 minutes ago
At 28 years old, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is younger than every Republican in America who doesn’t have a job serving up old John Birch bumper stickers for Russian trolls to retweet.
Heh. :-)
Congrats to her, if she will win in the Fall.
@Adam L Silverman:
I didn’t know anything about him succeeding Nancy Smash ?
“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
@Cheryl Rofer:
What did she run on?
I am right when I say that the NY primary is closed, so she connected with Democratic voters on something
@Cheryl Rofer: Other than Pelosi, which other dem have you heard of? His name recognition matters in his district and in dem caucus.
@Quinerly: My suspicion as well. Let’s see.
Mary G
Well, she was a Bernie Sanders campaign adviser, but she’s impressive:
We’ve got people, they’ve got money. Pretty good line. Great ad.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: I’m guessing none of us got the memo…
A Ghost To Most
@M4 : Polis vs Stapleton.
@Mary G: Good background piece. she also worked for Teddy Kennedy:
@Quinerly: “she also worked for Teddy Kennedy”
But doubtless the narrative will be Bernie v. Establishment: round whatever!
@A Ghost To Most: I would have voted for Polis.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: She better win the real election.
@A Ghost To Most: @M4: oh good, and DeGette (my old rep) won.
@Mary G: I’d have voted for her & I’m just a middle-age white fart—who votes in every farking election from sewer tax to US. Prez. Outstanding ad!
I am all for elected officials who TRULY represent the makeup of their districts
Not saying a non-minority candidate shouldn’t win/run in predom minority districts, just that the default should not always be white guy, is alls I’m saying
@Omnes Omnibus: IDK for sure, but seems to me to be a solid Dem district…if Dem turnout is as high as expected (and higher than tonight), I don’t see why she wouldn’t
When are we going to hear the results of Upstate Dem primaries?
Who’s going to be running against Trump’s Loyal Ball-Licker, Tom Reed?
Mary G
@Omnes Omnibus: She will: In 2016, Clinton won this district by 57.6 points and Joe Crowley (D) won by 65.7.
keep it coming Chump
maybe he’ll campaign for the GOP opponent, then Ocasio is guaranteed a win.
Best way to energize Dem voters:
Kraux Pas
@Omnes Omnibus: Or what?
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah, sorry, but that ad was not reassuring to me. Bernie stuff.
NY-14 is a D +29 District. The primary decides the election. So congratulations to Ocasio-Cortez, although Crowley, from what I’ve seen, is a really good guy and a really good Democrat.
A Ghost To Most
@M4: I’m happy; I signed Polis’ nom petition. I’m thinking of volunteering for his campaign.
Mary G
@Quinerly: From your article, she got no respect:
That is an idiotic thing to do.
zhena gogolia
God I hate that man
zhena gogolia
@Mary G:
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@A Ghost To Most: I think I read something the other day that trumpers don’t like Walker Stapleton because he’s a Bush cousin (Yup, that’s Walker as in Walker’s Point, his mother is IIRC the old man’s first cousin) even though his record is very trumpy
Omnes Omnibus
@Kraux Pas: Or I will say bad things about you.
@zhena gogolia: I agree.
@Cheryl Rofer:
@Adam L Silverman:
It sounds like the usual Pelosi haters were floating his name as an alternative to Hoyer. Given how many times Nancy has squashed her challengers, I’m not too worried about this somehow “roiling” the House Democrats.
It sounds like Ocasio-Cortez is a good candidate and ran a great campaign. Hopefully she’ll be able to run as well against the Republican as she did against a fellow Democrat.
The Ancient Randonneur
@Omnes Omnibus: The Democratic primary is the real election in that district. The general is pretty much a formality.
@Adam L Silverman:
If it makes you feel any better, Schiff’s not going anywhere. He’ll most likely win by his usual 70 percent in November.
His Republican opponents usually leave their part affiliation off their campaign materials, which should give you an idea of how blue that district is.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Kraux Pas:
Or we get a Repuke. What else?
@Mary G: yep. Pretty much everyone attending a rimary debate is a voter. He agreed to the schedule. His district includes LaGuardia so it’s not like he needs to take three connecting flights and four busses to get home.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Lawrence O’Donnell: Does this primary victory liberate Mitt Romney to criticize Donald trump?
We’ve given up on trump’s pivot, now we’re waiting on Romney’s
Omnes Omnibus
@The Ancient Randonneur: Okay. Who am I to tell people what to think or how to act? I am sure that voting for the leftiest person will have long-term good effects.
Kraux Pas
@Omnes Omnibus: You’re going to do that no matter what. In fact, I’m beginnign to wonder if you ever have anything nice to say about anything.
You can’t on the one hand say the party needs new, fresh blood, and then bemoan it when a long time incumbent loses to a younger upstart.
I mean the only way fresh blood happens, is if the incumbent dies, gets beat, or retires.
@lamh36: Is medical marajuana winning? Saw Sen Lankford, a minister, strongly opposed on moral grounds. 1 brother was explaining to relatives visiting from IA how ‘bill is very poorly written, with many loopholes making massive misuse of marajuana inevitable.’
So in NY 19, the underdog DSA candidate, Beals, that This American Life highlighted last weekend (as being unfairly treated by the Dem est.—it was a form of Dems in disarray hit piece) is in 5th place. Can you tell I was disappointed by the way they framed it—they totally ignored the candidate polling 2nd (est. backed dude was leading and does have a small lead atm).
Perhaps the should have looked at the Crowley / Ocasio-Cortez race!
Yeah, it’s hard for me to get worked up about a white guy losing to a liberal young woman of color, even if he’s a pretty good guy objectively speaking. Her work for Ted Kennedy makes me feel better about her Sanders connections.
Alex V
@zhena gogolia: The “Bernie stuff” you whine about is broadly resonant with the rising tide of Democratic voters. It’s a winning message that smokes the tone-deaf “America is Already Great” DNC messaging out of the water every time.
dr. bloor
@Mnemosyne: Crowley was fourth or fifth in the Democratic caucus leadership, and certainly would have been in the conversation for leadership.
Pretty good record. Not a dudebro, but no longer representative of his district.
Adam Schiff is only 9 years older than me, and I’m not 50 yet, so watch it with the “gerontocracy” cracks. Neal Gorsuch is in his late 40s, so it’s not like having a young person guarantees that they’ll be liberal.
zhena gogolia
Oh, God, 2016 is flashing before my eyes.
@lamh36: So, mittbot finally found his safe space?
What’s the significance of the Republican primary race in the Katie Glueck tweet?
Bickley Paiste
Cortez over Crowly???
I’ll believe it when there is a complete count outside the margin of error
And since OT: This may be brilliant:
Mary G
Right-wing protests outside the Red Hen Restaurant have it closed until July 5 (WaPo)
Then some Westboro Baptist type religious nuts show up protesting the gay workers at the restaurant:
Kraux Pas
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Sorry, I’m sick of Omnes’s negative shtick and the chip on his shoulder. She ran a better campaign and pulled more support in the district. The subtext of that comment was some sort of warning/threatening and it was, frankly, rude.
@Omnes Omnibus: It seems like a pretty safe Democratic district, so she should do fine.
@Adam L Silverman: I’d really like to get excited about this but my gut tells me it will be tied up in appeal hell. And depending on the appeal track it winds up on….
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@zhena gogolia: yup, looks like somebody put up the Wilmerite Signal
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
She’s also a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, who from the wikipedia page:
I wouldn’t mind seeing the DSA become a major third party that the Dems could caucus with in Congress eventually. And if they want to run as Dems that’s cool too.
Brickley Paiste
This is hilarious:
it’s weird that all of these Republicans and “independents” keep insisting that Crowley was totally going to take Nancy Pelosi’s place while most Democrats have never heard of the guy. This is some weird-ass propaganda shit they’re feeding us right now.
randy khan
@Omnes Omnibus:
@Mary G:
The whole “Nancy Pelosi will be out as Democratic House leader” thing is just bizarre. The number of people who would be willing to vote against her within the caucus is pretty small, and only an idiot would vote against her in the vote on the House floor. I mean, even the teahadis voted for Ryan when the time came.
dr. bloor
@Mnemosyne: LOL 14 ain’t sending a Republican to congress anytime soon.
Mary G
@dr. bloor: Crowley accepted a lot of Wall Street donations, which she used against him very effectively.
The fact that Trump demagogued HRC on giving speeches to Wall Street and then went on to hand them the country still gets my dander up.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: “I will be treated fairly or else”…
zhena gogolia
@Adam L Silverman:
I hate him so much
Adam L Silverman
@Kraux Pas: She’ll have lost.
Alot of folks seem a bit wary/surprised of this, but let’s be clear, wanting a rep who “looks like you” or who you feel shared the the same background as you, works the same on both side of the aisle.
Also too, “working families” also includes families of color.
Mary G
@randy khan: The Republicans push it constantly, and the softer minds in the political press have internalized it.
Adam L Silverman
Looks like Crowley is handling this well:
@Mary G: That’s what I was thinking. Crowley was the “head” of the Queens Dem org—one would think that would enable getting bodies (you know live ones :)) to the polls to vote. Pols, even “decent ones” can’t rest on their laurels, and that seems to be what he did. Though you gotta believe if he was doing any “decent” polling he should have seen the tea leaves.
Brickley Paiste
Wow – Cortez is looking more and more likely.
My gob, consider it smacked.
This, alone, makes it a fantastic election night.
dr. bloor
@Mary G: The district gave up a fair amount of clout tonight. Let’s hope they don’t regret it.
@Alex V:
And by “every time” you mean “in this one specific election that happened tonight,” right? Because every previous Bernie-supporting candidate has gone down to ignominious defeat.
Frankly, it sounds like Ocasio-Cortez was a terrific candidate who won this nomination based on her own strengths, not by hanging onto anyone else’s coattails, and good for her.
randy khan
@Adam L Silverman:
Anyway, although there’s still work to be done, most northern Virginia folks have thought that Comstock was a dead woman walking since last year’s state elections – the Republicans got crushed in her district not just in the statewide races, but in all of the state legislative districts as well.
@Adam L Silverman: Well, good for him!
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: I read somewhere that she barely had a Wikipedia segment prior to this win…so I’d take any Wikipedia entries w/a grain of sat
If Pelosi gets back the gavel (God, how I wish for it to happen), she is gonna need trusted dems who are experienced in byzantine DC politics to move the dem legislation and policies and keep her caucus in check in that process. That’s the big picture after the instantaneous gratification.
Brickley Paiste
Oh, crap on it.
Cortez has tanked.
What a roller coaster. Faster than that one at Camden Park, I tell ya.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I’d take him over Hoyer every day of the week, twice on Saturday, and for a matinee on Sunday.
@Alex V:
Also shit.
Evidence free assertion that’s simply not true.
Just because the Wilmerbots are the loudest and least courteous, doesn’t translate to votes.
You are a troll; go fuck yourself.
Mary G
I know it’s O/T, but it seems like most of the media is done with the immigrant children, but Buzz Feed news is on it:
The “database” is probably something scribbled on a napkin.
zhena gogolia
What’s driving me crazy is that the number of posts isn’t reflected on the front page, and then when I go to the comments, I have to refresh again in order to get all the most recent ones. And the disappearing nyms are really annoying.
@Mary G:
I would be very curious what the gender breakdown of the Democratic primary voters was in that contest, because saying that Democratic women are hypersensitive to that kind of dismissive bullshit right now would be a charming understatement.
@The Ancient Randonneur: @The Ancient Randonneur: who knows. It’s an odd district. It really shouldn’t exist, but I’ve seen stranger ones. It’s divided between the Bronx and Queens, but not at There aren’t a lot of pockets of Secret wealth, but some nice neighborhoods. And very poor ones.bIt looks like the 2013 redistricting is what brought the Bronx into it. He should have done ok, but I bet as queens party chair he didn’t think he needed to connect with those voters across the bay.
randy khan
One additional bit of Trump idiocy is that the word was out the Crowley was in trouble. I was at a fundraiser tonight (for Sherrod Brown, who sounded pretty optimistic about the prospects for taking the Senate), and people were talking about it there, well before the polls closed.
@M4: I voted for Polis and Diane DeGette is my rep, so yay!
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I wasn’t particularly worried.
Kraux Pas
You should listen to this man, a veritable paragon of courtesy.
Actually, what we have here are two competing examples of overstating one’s case.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Mary G:
Yes. He sounds like someone to take seriously. Communism.
You fucking idiot it’s not like SHS would starve. She even got a complimentary appetizer or something. And this is more than just “politics”. This is about evil.
Wow, places change over time. What a concept! I guess that’s too much to understand for Grayson.
@lamh36: strongly agreeing w/ all your comments about this race.
Ok Maryland fam…what say you.
What is Jealous’ chances?
8m8 minutes ago
AP calls #MDGOV Dem primary for former NAACP president Ben Jealous. Will take on GOP Gov. Larry Hogan
Mary G
@Adam L Silverman: Very gracious, and prompt, unlike some people we could name. I’m still stuck on him agreeing to two primary debates, then no-showing both. For that he deserved to lose.
I think having some far left people in Congress is a good thing. We need to move the Overton window a long way, and she will be way out to the left.
@Mnemosyne: I agree. I think the polls aren’t reflecting how angry and fired up young people and women are, and every day Twitler is in office, he does something more enraging.
@Bickley Paiste:
ARGB can’t believe that a woman could beat a man in a fair and open election?
That’s certainly par for the course.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kraux Pas: we had one asshole Wilmer troll here who said if he couldn’t have Bernie, he wanted trump to win so that he could watch it all burn down. Then he said it shouldn’t be held against him because he was drunk and anyway people were mean to him. I hope that piece of shit is happy with the world he and Bernie and Susan and Cornell made. Forget his nym now.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: What if we arranged for a Peter Thiel transfusion for all the incumbents?//
@Cheryl Rofer:
Pathetic AP! They couldn’t find her name, or they couldn’t spell it?
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: “I wouldn’t mind seeing the DSA become a major third party that the Dems could caucus with in Congress eventually.”
There are about 35,000 of them.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Brickley Paiste:
What are you talking about? Is she winning or losing? I can’t find much on Google
hedgehog mobile
@M4: Excellent. I live in DeGette’s district.
Cheryl Rofer
@lamh36: Yes. I hope to write a post on it and some related stuff tomorrow.
@Kraux Pas:
The truth comes in counting votes. What has Wilmer proved? That he’s loud, and can motivate some shouty people who don’t know how to win elections.
I’m wary of her Sanders affiliation, but there’s enough other stuff about her that’s mitigating that. It sounds like she won fair and square and, based on his concession speech, it sounds like Crowley will be campaigning for her, which would be a great show of unity on his part and really smooth her path.
dr. bloor
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: WaPo has her up by 15 points with 96% reporting, and Crowley has already conceded.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: what the fuck is a come-here? Lol.
Kraux Pas
@Jim, Foolish Trump Impersonator:
Hmm; lying, broader misrepresentation, and playing to emotion. Whom does that remind me of?
Adam L Silverman
@Marcopolo: Is Pat Ryan leading? You can’t really argue with that group of candidates on the Democratic side. One West Pointer, one CIA analyst, one USAID officer, and one Rhodes Scholar. And the fifth candidate who is, apparently, going for the underachiever vote…//
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kraux Pas: Bernie Sanders?
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
There was a huge jump in membership in 2017. Before there was only about 7,000. In 2017, there was 28,811 members. Now there is 35,000. A long way, but it’s possible. Perhaps I should become a dues paying member?
@Mary G: I chuckled. LOD described Crowley’s district as “Archie Bunker’s district.” Sounds like Crowley had never had a challenger. He out spent her 18 to 1.
@lamh36: Big surprise, huh? Trump has announced that, due to his efforts, the North Korean nuke problem is ” largely solved,” so, no big deal. Their supposed destruction of the testing facility seems to have been a publicity stunt for reporters who didn’t have the knowledge to evaluate what was going on.
Let’s just hope things stay low key so that Trump doesn’t commit a catastrophe.
Brickley Paiste
As always the obvious squirts out between your fingers.
Small rant: I keep seeing folks who should know better saying Jared Polis, if elected, would be the first “openly gay” governor. Um, no that would be Jim McGreevey in NJ a few years back.
@Adam L Silverman: Hmmm…Thiel doens’t look that young and healthy to me…so IDK how well the blood tranfustions really are…but I’ll get back to ya.
In all seriousness though…if you want a younger electorate to get out and vote and you want fresh blood in the party, then that means that yes…there will be incumbent blood shed…
And as I’ve said in all my comments above…as a person of color, there is ALOT to be said for having a rep who you feel is not just a “visual” representation of your background, but who at the very least SEEMS to have the same experiences and hasn’t SO FAR taken you for granted.
She seemed to focus on getting out the younger minority voters in the district, and didn’t just depend on the old guard voters.
Her strategy worked…and I don’t see that it was “dirty” politics from either person…who I call this a win either way.
And with Crowley quickly coming out and saying we need to take back the house, no matter who is leading the charge, is a great way to react to it.
ETA: As Crowley statments suggests, The fight is with Chump and the GOP, not fellow Dems
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: Hell yeah we’re racists, but don’t lump us in with those religious bigots…//
@Another Scott: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will win that district.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: I can’t stand any of the dues-paying members I know, personally. If I had to guess I’d say they’re peaking. They’re slightly more relevant than the Green Party I guess.
@lamh36: low. Maryland has never elected a black or woman for governor, despite it being blue. And Hogan stays pretty close to center and criticises Trump frequently. I would like to be wrong.
Brickley Paiste
My God is this how it happens.
We finally have a candidate stand up and say I am a democrat. And I am a socialist.
I am a democratic socialist.
Far better that the best ideas of the democratic party be passed on to an organization doing the work, even if the name is no longer just “democrat.”
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Your guess is as good as mine.
@dr. bloor: Thanks. I have no idea what Sniffs Paiste was talking about
@lamh36: Cilliza must be trying some snark. Otherwise he is as senile as whats his name who said things were more civil during civil rights and Vietnam protests (I can’t keep the names of all these gas bags straight….
Edit: Gurgle, gargle, gibbern…. Gergen, there you go, Gergen. I think. Gergen, right?
Any five bodies in Forest Lawn are more relevant than the Greens
Cheryl Rofer
OT, but it’s MY thread.
@Adam L Silverman: Delgado, Rhodes, Ryan & Beals in that order now with 87% in. Delgado has a 4+ percent lead with 22%. Next two @ 17.7 then Beals @ 13ish.
Kraux Pas
Sorry, I can’t hear you amidst all the other shouty, old, straight, white dudes who think they have all life’s answers and who happened to support a different candidate.
@Brickley Paiste:
You should try not to be so obvious, then. It’s like I’m hitting a watermelon with a golf club — hard to miss.
Reality Noms
@Marcopolo: Polis would be the first openly-gay ELECTED governor. McGreevey came out in office, quite spectacularly and cynically to divert from his corruption.
Haven’t read all the comments so maybe Trump’s tweet about Crowley has been posted. He misses the point:
Kraux Pas
McGreevey didn’t come out willingly until he left office amidst scandal. So Polis would be the first openly gay governor *elected* to office.
Any Midwestern D who’s would base their vote for Dems on a NYC Dem was already looking for a reason, and that one aint’ even a good one!
@Kraux Pas:
Last I checked, your hero lost the primaries by three… million… [actual]… votes. He alienated the party’s core constituency. If he runs this time, it will be strictly for the grift and he will do less well. The bloom is off that frizzy grey rose.
When you Wilmerbots figure out how to count votes and actually win elections, let us know.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
At least they seem to be competent and effective, judging on their progress in the Denver Democratic Party. They seem to understand that they have to work within the current system to change it. That puts them way over purity ponies like the Greens.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: HHS has announced the total # of kids they’re currently holding. It’s only down 6 from last week. They don’t have a database. Or if they have one it is an unpopulated spreadsheet. And they aren’t really trying very hard to reunite these children with their families. This isn’t going to go away and it is going to get worse.
There’s all kinds of stupid being tweeted right now, because old white dudes can’t believe that an old white dude lost to a young woman of color.
Kraux Pas
@efgoldman: My “hero” isn’t my hero, but was someone I settled for in a weak D field. When he lost, I voted for Clinton and asked anyone who would listen to do likewise. And don’t talk to me about alienating co-constituencies. You, Omnes, and Jim can be really vicious and, worse, intellectually dishonest. You aren’t the only ones and it’s a bad look.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
The smarter ones seem to be modeling themselves on the Tea Party, which was always a revolt from inside the Republican Party. To which I say, meh, fair enough. I hope it works for them.
dr. bloor
@lamh36: Buckle yourself in. The next few months promise daily tsunamis of hot takes about D’s in disarray from dead-tree “news” rags and cable teevee freeloaders with custom earpieces.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: what have they accomplished in Denver? For the most part anything that “the DSA” has done, that I’ve seen, had been done by people like this woman, who were established D operatives before anybody had even thought of putting a ? in their twitter handle.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Hogan is, apparently, very popular. I like Ben Jealous. I think he’s a sharp guy. But he’s got a fight on his hands.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: I don’t think the outcome is bad.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Kraux Pas:
Sorry, but efgoldman’s right. Wilmer is a gadfly. He proved that in the NYDN interview. He’s also proven he’s a tone-deaf buffoon and he was terrible on the family separations and ICE. Practically every candidate he’s endorsed so far has lost.
Cheryl Rofer
@Quinerly: Here it is –
As is the case for many Trump tweets, there’s a lot to unpack. But the idea that Crowley’s being “nicer, and more respectful, to his President” would have helped him is, well, off the mark. Seems to me that Trump has been betraying his ignorance in more and more tweets lately, but I haven’t done a survey.
It purported to be. Actually it was AstroTurf from Dick Armey, directed and funded by the national RWNJs.
Don’t fall for their bullshit
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: She won. By the time his comments were posted Crowley had already conceded.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: oh god, I’d forgotten about the NYDN interview.
I think it would be excellent for all of us here to severely downplay if not outright ignore Ocasio-Cortez’s DSA connections and just highlight the fact that she appears to be an outstanding candidate in touch w/ her district running a great campaign against a guy who no longer looked like his constituents & may have taken them for granted. Hell that turnout number really sucks when compared to some other house races…and…
In CO the two DSA linked candidates for house seats, Rao & Tillemann lost badly tonight. DSA dude in NY 19 now tied for 5th with the race called for Delgado.
dr. bloor
@Cheryl Rofer: He’s probably betting that his target audience has no idea that he just lost to a representative who is going to be even harder on him, and a woman at that.
@Cheryl Rofer: It’s a fool’s errand to parse what the twit tweets.
To Alain: How about leaving the tick mark for save my name, blah, blah, on as default?
Brickley Paiste
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
It’s gone both ways, back and forth, but apparently there has been a concession.
Cheryl Rofer
Matt Stoller enumerates Crowley donors in this thread. It’s too long to put all the tweets here. I’m reading that Ocasio-Cortez had a $300,000 budget from small donors.
@Adam L Silverman: Hogan stays to the center and criticizes Trump. When he strays too far right the Maryland legislature easily overrides him. I don’t think jealous can win. Maryland is 1/3 Republican and when democrats pick women or blacks as the candidate for governor they have lost. I hope I’m wrong.
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m waiting for my pink kitty protest parasol to arrive. I think Saturday is going to be too hot for my usual pink protest hat.
And I still think that the Trumpistas deliberately did not keep track of these kids because they think it will keep them from getting prosecuted for crimes against humanity. If you can’t prove they did it on purpose, you can’t convict them, bro! ?
@lamh36: I don’t who that guy is, but there is a lot of dumbass political punditry around. But, it’s the price of living in a free country.
There are over 400 Congressional races, and every one has a unique mix of national and local issues to sort through. Crowley may have been a good fairly progressive Democrat in Congress, but there were local issues that dragged him down. His historical association with what many people thought was a local Democratic machine running everything was a problem Fair? Maybe not, but it’s his job to win his races, and life isn’t fair, and I don’t care about fairness for people who have it made compared to a lot of people (and to be clear, I think Crowley earned it).
Cortez will win and be a great addition to Congress. I followed the race and she did an impressive job.
People shouldn’t reduce all these these races to the old and outdated HRC/BS feud, or sloganeering based on scare words.
Edit: that turned into a general rant, not particularly addressed at you. I agree with you on this one.
Edit: and as to your point specifically, you make a good point, any Midwesterner overly concerned with a Congressional race half way across the country is likely to be some local GOP flunky looking for some dirt to fling.
But to hear Pasty Brickle and his buddies tell it, Wilmerbots are sweeping to victory.
They couldn’t be wrong, could they?
@lamh36</a@Adam L Silverman: Second. Hogan is very popular. Like Baker in MA. Guess we will have to see how high a blue wave crests in MD.
Ugh…THIS is not the message you want to give right now…
This “establishment” guy shoulda at least left this up to Crowley…
Crowley at LEAST seems to get it and it saying the right things for the moment.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I was kidding.
I’m considering starting a new political party: The Soylent Green Party. The platform is that everyone over the age of 78 or who lives in a community like The Villages has to report to a government processing center. A car in every garage and packs of government provided protein supplements in every pantry!//
@A Ghost To Most:
Is Polis married?
Adam L Silverman
This is a good sign:
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
More at the link. I don’t agree with Bernie Sanders getting so much credit for this shift; I think a reaction to Trump as well as younger people and POC getting involved in politics is the culprit.
It was a revolt from the inside. It’s just that the insiders who were revolting were the Kochs, Adelson, Armey, etc., not the actual voters.
And I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Putin threw a few rubles their way, too, thanks to Citizens United being decided just in time for the midterms.
I guess criminal sleazebag Michael Grimm just doesn’t have whatever the fuck criminal sleazebag Donald Trump has.
@efgoldman: I don’t even see the comments you are referencing. I suggest you enhance your BJ experience by doing the same.
@Cheryl Rofer: stoller of MyDD /OpenLeft? He is not a friend of dems.
Kraux Pas
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: That’s kind of aside from my point, which is that no candidate has a monopoly on any type of supporter; whether dedicated, hard-working, knowledgeable, shouty, dishonest, or just plain mean.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman:
That’s a great concession statement from Crowley.
Right- dumb political commentary. No one voting in a House race talks about “the caucus”.
“but what about that Democratic Socialist in NY?!” They live in another world, these people.
God almighty you’re lucky if they know it’s election day let alone who makes up the caucus.
Adam L Silverman
@Marcopolo: Rhodes Scholar it is!
Ocasio-Cortez ran very good ads. The Dems can take a few lessons from her. Mostly knowing their constituents’ needs and talking about pertinent issues that matter the most to them is key.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: am i correctly reading that they have fifteen of a thousand delegates, and their big victory is advancing something that got 90% of the vote at a city-level party convention?
This does not change my impression that they aren’t a force to be reckoned with.
@Cheryl Rofer: Someone said, he probably thinks Crowley was beat by a Republican.
@rikyrah: Yes & they have at least one kid :)! Oh, and that would be a first.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kraux Pas: Are we wrong?
Cheryl Rofer
@lamh36: OK, now I disagree. With candidates like Cortez, we can mobilize a lot more than the grass-roots left. Just aggressively advocate for good policies that most of the country agrees with, and we will mobilize a lot of folks. And some GOP-lie soccer moms and tee-ball dads will come along with them, more likely to than with too much triangulation and caution.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Marcopolo: @Marcopolo:
I agree with this. I’ve said before that candidates should be generally be given a free hand to run their campaigns as they see fit, since they should know their potential constituency better than anyone if they’re locals.
Did those DSA candidates run in the Dem primaries?
Brickley Paiste
@Adam L Silverman:
SInce its’ Brooklyn, I decided to get my news of the returns from a call in line in Brooklyn where they post the results on an answering machine as the greeting message. Then you can leave a message and everybody can listen to the message you left because everyone has the code. And anyone can delete your message. Or leave one of their own.
It’s fantastic. And analog.
Kraux Pas
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes, over and over. Like how you were wrong to take a thinly veiled swipe at a young woman who worked hard to win her race tonight and will undoubtedly put the work in to follow through this November,
@Adam L Silverman: Oh I know you were kidding Adam…
dr. bloor
@Cheryl Rofer: Stoller’s a troll. She won because she had a great platform, looks more like her district than does Crowley, and got her base out, not because Crowley is some corrupt bribe-taker who votes poorly because he’s beholden to his contributors.
hedgehog mobile
@rikyrah: Yes (sorry to step on Ghost)
@Cheryl Rofer:
This says shoe leather. She did the hard work.??
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
It was a horror show. Why did social democracy have to have such a terrible standard bearer?
Cheryl Rofer
@lamh36: That’s probably it. I have tweeted several things he doesn’t understand today. I guess we can add elections to the list.
That parasol is so cute ?
This is reminding me of the transgender woman who won that state-level legislature seat in VA by running on how terrible the local roads were while her Republican opponent attacked her for being transgender. She knew her future constituents and what they were worried about, and it sounds like Ocasio-Cortez did, too.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Or, I’m guessing, of many individual humans
but he has a real talent for fighting the real enemy: Rich people who give money in the low five figures to Democrats who support Medicare for all and gun safety legislation.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kraux Pas: Veiled swipe? How?
That is fabulous??
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Kraux Pas:
Oh quit acting butthurt. He didn’t take a swipe, he was just afraid that a seat could be lost and I don’t blame him one bit considering every seat is important for winning back control of the House. It turns out the district is safe so she should be fine.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: and he retweets Greenwald a lot so you know he’s legit.
Mary G
I’m hoping the president gets a bee in his bonnet and starts tweet-insulting Ocasio because she is a young woman of color, and therefore in his mind, uppity. Nothing could be better for Democrats all over the country.
I’ll have to decide which of my nieces will inherit it after I’m done. The two youngest are both 12, so they may decide that they’re too mature and sophisticated for such foolishness. ?
Brickley Paiste
@Cheryl Rofer:
Still stunned by this. Fantastic.
I like to throw my few pathetic dollars to people I think have a good message but just can’t get it out. Don’t really care if they lose the election just along as the message is spread. But I did not even imagine that she had a chance so I didn’t donate anything.
Just fantastic news. She is an incredible person.
Cheryl Rofer
@dr. bloor: I see I’m running into some Stoller-hate here. I neither like nor dislike the guy. But it looks like he did some work on this.
I think it’s a legitimate point. One of the things that has taken the Democratic leadership in a different direction from the base is too much dependence on money from the kind of folks Stoller lists. A number of commenters have listed why Cortez won – attention to the constituents and their problems, shoe leather, and so on. That’s what people are looking for.
@Cheryl Rofer: well, it is possible that a former intern for Ted Kennedy with a Latino last name would switch sides and try to run in a district that’s probably more than 30% latino with a message of civility and win. Maybe she isn’t a socialist in as much as she’s a tutt tutting contrarian, running on hot takes that you wouldn’t expect from a young woman. Like feminism is icky and alpha male bullies are awesome like the viscous lobsters served at Joes In City Island.
Anyway, she’s made the list of ones I’ll donate to this month.
Omnes Omnibus
@Brickley Paiste: You were never a good troll.
Steve in the STL
@Quinerly: I’m in your ‘hood this week but have no free time for petting Poco. Will likely be back week of July 16. Check your calendars, 314 Juicers!
Kraux Pas
@Omnes Omnibus: That “she better win” comment had more than just a hint of doubt and warning to it.
If you don’t believe me, consider another possible statement you might have made, “I hope she wins.”
@Omnes Omnibus:
Omnes would know, he’s a troll par excellence.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
County level, but essentially city-wide. I think the fact that it got 90% support among 1000 delegates should be impressive. They’re still far and away from being a significant force, true.
@Brickley Paiste:
And that, right there, is your problem
@Cheryl Rofer: The thread is hilarious. I didn’t see a single Trump supporter. Mostly everyone telling him he’s an idiot and the winner hates him more than Crowley. ?
Patricia Kayden
@Mary G: So I guess the message is that you better not mess with Trump folk or your business will be destroyed. Good to know.
Lizzy L
I spent part of the day demonstrating against ICD at the county detention center. Came home to the news that Oklahoma has legalized medical marijuana, and that Ocasio-Cortez beat Crowley, something I did not expect, but w00t! Happy to hear stories about increased Democratic turnout. Go Blue team!
@Cheryl Rofer: it’s certainly one of the paradoxes faced by party leadership, when they’re also House members, and revealing of a deeper conflict between how we elect people and how they then govern. But as for those people in particular—it’s a safe D seat. Money’s money went to the non-socialist in the D primary. Probably because they thought he would be more to their interests. That doesn’t exactly mean that the recipient is a wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, especially not at those donation levels. These companies plausibly weren’t even trying to curry favor, just trying to keep a socialist, who would probably be worse for them, from winning.
*And* Matt Stoller is terrible.
@Mary G: I think you’re right, something is happening in Oklahoma. I’ve just counted up vote totals for OK 2nd district and the Dem’s have a pretty nice lead in that district. Also, for Governor they are pretty close in numbers too. Though they have elected Dems for Governor in the recent past.
Brickley Paiste
When you have a solidly D district, its best to support the most progressive person running because they will certainly win the general if they win the primary. A D frontrunner is a solid D district isn’t that valuable qua a democrat.
Elections are results of public sentiment. Sometimes an election is the best way to move public sentiment.
The Sherrod lead is nice because he’s the de facto head of the Democratic Party in Ohio now and this means he can help other Democrats rather than fighting the Republican – like he usually has to do.
It’s nice to have younger people coming up. We have a state senate candidate who is in his twenties. He made this crazy map from voterfile- he has every single voter in his district identified with a partisan lean- it goes from strong Democrat to strong Republican. He showed me his map and we found me, because of course I made him show me myself :)
He did this himself! AND he has a full time job and has to go to fairs and parades and picnics and buy tshirts and things.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Brickley Paiste:
Sending a message isn’t as effective as getting your person in office.
@Cheryl Rofer: Stoller can have good data, but he always has the same ax to grind.
But you make a good point. Bringing in lots of money to spread around has been the road to influence in US politics. That may be changing. The donors may have hurt Crowley even if he was not corrupted by them. I think there is a powerful revulsion against the influence of money in US politics, and any evidence that he was influenced by it hurt Crowley.
Adam L Silverman
This is good:
This is even better given the challenger:
Lizzy L
@Lizzy L: ICE, not ICD.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: But remember: be civil!
Sounds like a good candidate, Kay ?
Mary G
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
I hope so too. Pouting and not voting is not a winning strategy. It seems some have learned this.
Cheryl Rofer
@M4: @jl: If those folks have been donating to Crowley for the right reasons, and now in opposition to a socialist, they will find others in the Democratic Party, perhaps even Ocasio-Cortez, to support. Getting in the big bucks is, unfortunately, part of the game now, but Ocasio-Cortez and some of the other newbies winning elections are showing what more is needed.
I meant “buy campaign tshirts” I imagine he also has to buy regular tshirts, just to wear, but he would have to do that running for office or not.
@Mary G: Fine with me. I think that will encourage them to adopt positions and campaign tactics that make victory in November more likely.
@Adam L Silverman:
I was pretty sure that Manning’s candidacy was going nowhere as soon as her flirtations with white supremacists got publicly revealed. That shit’s not going to fly for Democrats anywhere, and definitely not in Maryland.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: To clarify, there were 4 DSA endorsed house primary candidates in CO. One is leading. Two are losing badly. The last is losing too, just not so badly. My inference from all of this is that candidate quality and ability to run a good campaign figures a hella lot more into winning these primaries than being a BS/DSA progressive vs a Dem est. pick.
Here’s another data point from 2night: there were 3 D wealthy self-funding candidates running (Polis in CO was one of them). All are on track to win their races against “scrappy” underdogs. How does that affect the narrative?
Anyways, I expect to see a lot of dumb pundit takes on tonight’s results & we can assume a lot will be dumb “it was a GREAT night for BS/DSA candidates” on the basis of the Ocasio win alone.
Off to bed now.
Brickley Paiste
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Sometimes you have to support a moderate to conservative type that used to be known as a DLC democrat back when the Clintons were pushing that image. Think Tester in Montana. You wouldn’t want to press his message in Brooklyn. Nor would you want to push Cortez’s message in Montana.
The way you get them isn office is by moving the electorate as much as possible — which will vary and can’t just be judged on posting a W.
@Steve in the STL: Lol & I am in eastern PA.
@Adam L Silverman: It’s disgusting…and I tell ya I haven’t looked at Anderson Cooper the same way I did after reading Kathy’s account of how quickly Cooper ditched his “good friend”.
And to be quite honest, I had less than favorable reaction to Cooper since Hurricane Katrina and how ever since he became a “disaster porn” chaser
@Cheryl Rofer:
” Getting in the big bucks is, unfortunately, part of the game now, ”
A lot of people find that infuriating, though. I think it is a big factor for some of them progressives who have done well.
I’ve been concentrating on CA races for donations. Well get a test of how much money matters in November. I’d love to get Denham and Nunes out of their Central Valley seats, and they will have a ton of money. Denham couldn’t scrape together 40 percent of the vote in the primary, but he’ll have a ton of money. They person I supported lost but his opponent might have a shot.
Edit: and there is a critical mass, a minority, but sometimes critical minority of Dems in important votes who are influenced by the money. Manchin is a good example. And these are the kind of Dems that corporate media slobbers over and highlight, so it is a problem even if it doesn’t infect every Dem. But Crowley was really really hurt by ID with local Dem machine. So best not to try to read national issues into every race.
Alright, I’m off to bed!
Good night BJ.
See y’all in the flip side
I feel bad because for some reason I though he was dumb. I have no idea where I got that – just so unfair. He’s not at all dumb and I’m sorry I thought that. I was quite impressed with his algorithm or whatever that system is that he made, so I think I made up for judging him so harshly based on absolutely nothing.
@Mnemosyne: She took a major hit in the trans community for that bullshit. Some folks still consider her to be Blair White and Laci Green.
Steve in the STL
@Marcopolo: week of July 16–pencil that in!
Adam L Silverman
@B: I’d like to see him win too, but I don’t disagree with your analysis at all from what I know of MD politics.
@Mary G:
The people who start screaming about “corporate Dems” always make me nervous, because they’re usually the same kind as the ones who protested at George Clooney’s house when he held a fundraiser for the Democrats, because all rich people are bad and no rich person should ever donate money to any Democrat ever. ?
dr. bloor
@Cheryl Rofer: Ocasio-Cortez obviously ran a better campaign and most likely beat Crowley fair and square due to the things your talking about, but the degree to which you pay attention to local concerns and the source of your funding are not inextricably linked. Crowley’s voting record on stuff like guns, health care, women’s health, etc., is very, very good, but Stoller wants you to think he was corrupted by big money.
Anyways, it’ll be interesting to see what Ocasio-Cortez’s donor list looks like after she’s been in office a few terms.
@Mary G:
ETA: By a lot of peoples’ calculus, Adam Schiff is a “corporate Dem” because he takes a lot of donations from the movie studios in his district. Would we really be better off trading him in for a younger, fresher model right now?
Steve in the STL
@Mnemosyne: love that you stole the tag line from an old white dude for this comment!
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Good.
Adam L Silverman
@Brickley Paiste: How quaint…
@dr. bloor: Cortez has pledge to never take any corporate money or PAC donations. So, she’ll have to back on her pledge, and I imagine that would be noticed.
A lot of the new progressives made a splash with similar pledges. It will an interesting and high stakes experiment to see if they can sustain a political career on small donations and local organizing.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: About everything but the Soylent Green Party and platform.
@M4: opposite of a been here
@Mnemosyne: As far as I’m concerned, if it’s your district, it’s up to you folks there. I’d prefer you not do that. But it’s your district.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
I’d say that the “quality” of the candidates matters a lot. They should be familiar with the constituency and the issues that are important to them.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I would hope not.
@Steve in the STL:
Doug R
@Mary G:
I find it deliciously ironic that one of the few Bernie leftovers that won is helping to gum up the anti Nancy SMASH! train.
Adam L Silverman
Everybody’s got their own kink…//
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dr. bloor: I just caught the end of Brian Williams’ show and they said that Crowley refused to debate, and then sent a stand-in. I’m trying to think of a more inept political move and I can’t. Somewhere in a den in MA, Martha Coakely just said, that’s the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.
They also pointed out fewer than 30,000 votes were cast. Pretty bad turn out for a guy I’ve seen called the boss of the Queens Dem machine tonight.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. I am glad to hear about Dems on the lower level.
Is there a reason why that weasel Mandel didn’t run again?
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He could’ve invited the President to do a rally. That would probably been more inept.
That gets tricky, though — how does she define “corporate money”? Would she turn down my donation because I’m employed by a Giant Evil Corporation? It’s my money once I get my paycheck from them, but there are people who insist that money donated by secretaries like me who work for corporations counts as “corporate money.”
So, Ben Jealous beat a Prince George ‘s County politician for the Dem nomination?
Answered above.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Is that bad?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I remember one such person! One of his minions has reappeared here tonight!
@Adam L Silverman: okay, there would be that
Only 98 million Americans now live in a state without medical marijuana.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: I voted for the pg county (where I live) executive. He’s done a good job running a large county (2nd largest in Maryland) so has executive experience, managing budgets, etc. Jealous doesnt have that.
Mary G
One of the magazines on the cutting edge of political reporting, Vogue, has a good article put up yesterday: 28-Year-Old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Might Just Be the Future of the Democratic Party.
So a black dem president saves your sorry ass and you go flirt with racists? Classy.
@Mnemosyne: I think the way rich people and corporations can donate now has radically corrupted politics in the country, so I want it out.
I for one am not worried unless you are pulling down billionaire money as a secretary and can write a million dollar check without missing it. If a candidate says silly things about individuals who work for corporations are all corporate donors, then I won’t support them.
It might be better if we could have stayed with the old system, but some reactionaries and corporate interests wanted it all, and then we had Citizens United. So, now people are more sympathetic to more radical solutions, like a constitutional amendment to strip away most of corporate personhood. But, that’s not my problem, and if we have to it that way, fine with me. We won’t be able to undue those horrid SCOUTS decisiois any time soon.
dr. bloor
@jl: Ocasio-Cortez is in a safe district where it’s conceivable that she could get away with sticking to local donations and keep her seat, but that’s not the only reason you fundraise. Crowley kicked $450K to the DCCC this cycle, and $650K last cycle. Like it or not, if O-C can’t throw money into the team pot, her influence is going to be limited.
Brickley Paiste
An introduction to the future, for those who don’t recognize it yet:
Ocasio-Cortez represents in many ways the new face of progressive politics growing in strength on the left flank of the Democratic Party. She is a young woman of color whose campaign platform included Medicare for All, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), a universal jobs guarantee, protection for Dreamers and a “clean campaign finance” system. You couldn’t have written a more liberal platform if Bernie Sanders – for whom Ocasio-Cortez worked as an organizer in 2016 – had written it himself. Late Tuesday night, Sanders said in a statement: “She took on the entire local Democratic establishment in her district and won a very strong victory. She demonstrated once again what progressive grassroots politics can do.”
Ben Cardin beat Chelsea Manning 450,373 to 32,163.
The top Republican senate candidate got 49,000.
@dr. bloor: Yup. People who think that dems can win majority without ‘corporate money’ while the other side is flooded with hundreds of millions of such money are living in a fool’s paradise.
@M31: I doubt think anyone in Maryland thought cardin’s seat was at risk.
@Achrachno: to clarify further:
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: If you look at the returns from the other NY Congressional Districts (, Democratic turnout is around that figure, or lower, in most of the districts, with District 12, which had over 40,000 voters (and includes most of the east side of Manhattan, Greenpoint, and western Queens), being an exception.
It doesn’t help that the Congressional primaries are held months before the state primaries (in September).
Oh, geez, do you guys also have one of those dumb systems with a million primaries? I swear that I had to vote FOUR TIMES IN ONE YEAR in California one time because the primaries were staggered in a really stupid way. They’ve mostly fixed that now and we only have to vote twice a year.
Uncle Cosmo
@lamh36: Slim and none. Hogan is going to make history as the second two-term GOP governor of MD & the first since Theodore R. McKeldin (1951-59).
At least 10% of registered Democrats in MD are DINOs who would crawl over their dying grandmothers to vote against a n****r.
In the 10 MD gubernatorial elections between 1978 and 2014, the Democrats nominated 4 white males, 1 white female, and 1 African-American. All 4 white males won two consecutive terms as Governor. The woman and the AA both lost.
Uncle Cosmo
@Kraux Pas: Didn’t your nym used to end in “Dope”? Truth in advertising, I say…
Greetings from Germany–a country that has universal but not single-payer healthcare. I can’t say I’m thrilled about Ben Jealous’ victory in the Democratic primary for governor in Maryland. I voted for Rushern Baker because he had the most experience and the most detailed plans on things I care about (education, universal health care, public transportation, the environment, etc.) but it looks like the non-DSA vote was split among 5 candidates. What a pity.
@jl: Mnemo’s not in Schiff’s district anymore.
@Mnemosyne: They were originally together but were forced to move the federal primaries back, something to do with military voting (not sure if there was a lawsuit or it came from Congress), but NYS Republicans blocked moving the state primaries back to the same date, so we are stuck with this system that wastes millions of dollars and ensures lower voter turnout (which, no doubt, was the Republican intention.) If you are not in a district being contested, you would never know an election was taking place elsewhere in the state if it didn’t catch your eye in the news.
ETA: The NYC elections are a year after the state and federal ones, which also wastes money and means lower turnout for them.
@Uncle Cosmo: Wait, is that who Kraus is? Huh.
@Patricia Kayden: Just ordered a gift certificate from them. Hell, I’m sure I’ll be on the opposite side of the country one of these days…
Citizen Alan
For what it’s worth, David Baria one of the Democratic Senate runoff in Mississippi and will challenge the repulsive Roger Wicker in November. He decisively beat the Californian venture capitalist who was running as a Democrat despite being a registered Republican for over 10 years and whose sole claim to fame is that he’s married to Sela Ward.
Yep, same commenter. In his defense, he changed his nym over a year ago and never denied being the same person, so he didn’t change it for trollish purposes, even if he does get huffy sometimes.
J R in WV
@Kraux Pas:
So, brand new “person” has posted 90 odd comments, is irritated with poster who practically was here at the founding of the site years ago. How long have you been a Russian bot, brother?
Or did you just need to change your Nym in these tempestuous days? For some reason unknown to anyone else?
So, how long have you been a Bot? Is it profitable?? Do the paychecks some from St Petersburg? Or from Mr Mercer or Mr Koch?
David ??Merry Christmas?? Koch
@Brickley Paiste: Why hasn’t Sanders endorsed Cynthia Nixon?
Doesn’t the 77 year old recognize the future?
J R in WV
@Kraux Pas:
Was this your 90th post here or what?
Imma gonna say you should shut the fuck up and pay more attention to your betters, which is everyone who has been posting at BJ for years now, as opposed to your brand new blessed presence here.
Fuck ’em indeed!!!
zhena gogolia
Breathtaking civility.
@M4: You’re either a from-here or a come-here. If you don’t share a last name with some local geographic feature, you’re a come-here.
@Mnemosyne: Danica Roem. And her response to defeating the odious Bob Marshall: “I don’t attack my constituents. Bob is my constituent now.” Awesome.
J R in WV
@Brickley Paiste:
OK, this [“even if the name is no longer just “democrat.”] is the last piece of tripe from you I will ever read. The name is the Democratic Party, with a capital “D” and ending in “tic” — the abbreviated form you use was devised as a derogatory nickname by the current fascists attempting to run our government.
Pie filter for you, boy.