It’s not a dog whistle, it’s a racist bullhorn.
— Cav, My Name is a Warsong (@CombatCavScout) June 28, 2018
— Cav, My Name is a Warsong (@CombatCavScout) June 28, 2018
And the first spokesdrone who claims the headline was totally a coincidence should be fired into the sun for being either a liar or a moron, or both.
periodic reminder that the '14 words' were coined by Neo-Nazi terrorist and convicted murderer who died locked up in the same Colorado prison complex where we keep Al Qaeda leaders.
— zeddy (@Zeddary) June 28, 2018
“Ditch the list” is kinda lame.
I think Booker has the right angle and it’s one we talked about in the BJ threads last night.
We must secure the destruction of their people and a future for nonwhite children.
As pasty white as I am, demographic winter for white people can’t come soon enough. Because until we’re outnumbered it seems we won’t have nice things.
“We’re going to use every tool available and we will possibly be creative about some new ones to block a Supreme Court Justice appointment before the midterm elections.”
– @SenBlumenthal
Dorothy Winsor
@satby: I second this and add that, old lady that I am, I want old people to get out of the way.
This was pretty much word for word included in Trump’s many campaign speeches!
@lamh36: That is a really dumb slogan, “Ditch the List.” What list? Who should ditch it? What does even mean. Gah! So frustrating. They can do a lot better than that.
@Dorothy Winsor: We always do, just not soon enough.
I’ve got 14 words for them, none fit for even quasi-polite company.
They aren’t even worried enough to try to hide it any more.
Soon it won’t be just immigrants who are the enemies. Soon it will be us too. Just like they did it in Germany years ago.
@NotMax: We are neither quasi nor polite.
@Dorothy Winsor:
I don’t. Older people are not any more racist than younger people. The percentage stays pretty constant generation to generation.
While I don’t want to minimize the dog fog-horning, I can’t help but feel this is in large part an elaborate troll. I see it as kind of a bizzaro world version of The Onion’s “Abortion Megacomplex” article. Either way it’s well serving its purpose. Chaos and mayhem rule the day. Vlad is laughing his ass off, and Bin Laden would be dishing out high-fives if he could. Until we have a clearly greater threat to our very existence that we can all agree on (good luck making it climate change or the fact a couple hundred people make all the rules and own more than half the world), the US is going to continue to unravel.
Eta: Good to see a few Dems exhibiting some spine. It is time for us to stop following the rules of decorum, the other side hasn’t done it for years now.
Much prefer giving a reader’s imagination free rein.
It’s clear that this is the white supremacist administration and that the Republican party, which is now the party of Trump, is a white supremacist party. There is nothing else to discuss or explain here. That’s what they are.
@MomSense: Old people, who let’s face it won’t be alive all that much longer, tend to prioritize their short term needs/desires over those of the generations who will have to live with the consequences. Not all old folks of course, but trump is a significant number of them reaching for a past they only think they remember.
Weren’t we talking about real estate and cost of living yesterday….WOW
@germy: You can be pretty creative with wet noodles, I bet.
@NotMax: I have often employed the same stratagem, I just never blamed it on the delicate sensibilities of a bunch of jackals.
Firmly resolved to never become one of those elderly folk whose conversation consists primarily of who died, who is in the hospital (and for what), who is out of the hospital (and for what). We each and every one of us know or have known at least one such person.
Or have created in entirety from whole cloth.
The way they shoehorned in ‘88’ is extremely egregious but I feel like this is just low-level assholes slipping stuff by management. Which is why nobody noticed this for months.
@lamh36: Of course he was.
I nominate the Republican party for that role. We can agree that they all must be uprooted and destroyed, to the last branch.
@lamh36: This live action remake of the Manchurian Candidate is unwatchable.
All Democratic negotiations with Republicans should now start off with “Fuck you. On your knees, fucker.”
@different-church-lady: A Senator was once beaten unconscious by a cane by a fellow member of Congress. Granted, the roles were reversed, but the precedent stands.
The Ancient Randonneur
For12 years!
@NotMax: These days when I meet young cavers I always ask them what they’ve been doing, got any hot leads, big going caves, new maps I’d find interesting? Inevitably somewell meaning soul brings up something I did, somewhere along the years, ballsy, funny, or just plain stupid and I can’t wait to change the subject. I’m old, those years are gone now, I have done nothing lately and soon I will be forgotten.
Now when I get together with other old cavers or carpenters, our collective aches and pains are all we want to talk about. Can’t bitch to the young about it.
@Yarrow: This is the list. Maybe some of the lawyers have an opinion or two.
Cav is good people, I’ve read his tweets for a while. He is not on board of this shit.
@satby: Random thoughts….
My one-issue-voter SIL will never bother to vote again if they manage to overturn Roe and if they also outlaw birth control, we white people may become a minority even sooner.
You can’t spell Evangelical without E-v-i-l
“First they do it for you. Then they do it to you.”
The BJ meme generator is wise and all knowing.
@lamh36: So, money laundering was on the Kennedy family menu? Fascinating …
Tell her she won’t be allowed to vote again. Her destined future role will be that of the brood mother, pumping babies out till she either can’t or dies.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Does beating the shit out of somebody ever change their minds?
@Gravenstone: Would explain Bush vs. Gore.
Roger Moore
Californians are always talking about real estate and cost of living.
Also too without n-a-g.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
If it doesn’t that simply means there were insufficient beatings. //
Sure you can. Tell them that if they’re careful enough, those aches and pains will be their future. And they’ll be damned grateful for them.
I was gonna suggest you find someone older, to bitch to.
But then I remembered Methuselah ain’t around anymore. So, I got nothing.
Fuq Chump and Melanoma…just surprised Ivanka hasnt’ made a trek yet
FOX News needs to burn.
I agree with this analysis…a disgruntled worker or persona vendetta perp would want you to know who did what they did to you in reaction to what you did to them
And to cap off an already shitty day in the week, Maxine Waters now reporting death threats, cancels speaking engagements.
@TenguPhule: Soft target owned by the same company that owns the Sun.
Actually, that was Fat Nino’s conflict of interest (something about his son, I don’t recall exactly what). Combined with Sandra Day O’Connor doing her best “moderate Republican except when someone is mean to me” schtick. She could have stopped it, and Fat Nino should have recused himself, but “Partei uber Heimat/Recht” and all that.
“I’ll retire to Bedlam.”
– E. Scrooge
Mike J
@TenguPhule: Liberals decline to serve risotto to nazis, Republicans issue death threats against Democrats. Both sides do it.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: A good friend of mine had his skull bashed in with a brick. The answer to your question is “Yes.” Not that I recommend it in most circumstances.
@Mike J: This video is telling
He was responsible.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Maybe not, but if they really deserved it, the rest of the world might be happier.
@Gravenstone: I told both my sons to not follow my path, down that road lies pain and more pain and more pain. The youngest listened to me. The oldest…. He is his father’s son.
@M4: Guessing that someone figured “fewer than 14/88 claims are sustained” was too obvious?
@TenguPhule: Meh, I did the same thing and reached the same conclusion.
Catherine D.
@SFAW: Nino’s son was arguing for Bush and the odious f*cker wouldn’t recuse himself.
The other thread, where you mentioned moving to Maine, was dead by the time I saw your comment. We have ranked choice voting now. We used it for the first time earlier this month. It took a week to get the results of the democratic primary for Governor but no complaints. We won’t have another spoiler situation like Cutler (spit).
We’ll have to get together next time you are here.
@Llelldorin: that was my thinking.
@OzarkHillbilly: But you’re not part of the Ministry of Truth.
@M4: Yup. They went off by exactly one number there, because I guess “14” would have been a little too obvious.
(Reposting because apparently our moderation is significantly better than DHS’s)
@SFAW: Methuselah’s dead now? Shit…. I remember when she was just a babe! (and yeah I know, in the Bible Methuselah is a man, of course. Christians also made Jesus white. Whadya expect?)
Colbert is going to have a field day with this tonight.
@TenguPhule: You’re right. I am a long time member in (very) good standing of THE Ministry of Truth! ;-) Ministry of Magic too.
@lamh36: I think this is the right way to do it. I mean, we can complain about the “McConnell rule” but that won’t do much.
Attaching it to Mueller is smart AND raises the stakes a bit. If they’re rushing to get a new Supreme Court Justice in order to protect Trump, then that makes both them AND Trump look seriously guilty.
All public schools in Broward County (where the Parkland massacre took place) will soon be packing heat:
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
These assholes need to get threatened right back.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Are schools responsible for vetting these people? For God’s sake, we already had a trained deputy sheriff there. It didn’t work then and it won’t work now.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Two magic words: witch hunt.
@Mandalay: Days until accident with a gun on campus…….
@Mandalay: And the state will pass a tax increase to pay for them.
10,000 unemployed comedians and here I am giving it away for free.
T-shirt idea: “I’m not one of those white people”
Would it sell a million, or ten million?
Wait…I was told that “all the violence is on the Left”? Is that possibly…not true?
Thanks for the reminder about ranked choice, and anything that effectively flips Cutler the bird ain’t all bad. Sounds like it turned out OK (in a practical sense).
I know you’ve told me (in a general sense) where you are — for some reason, Waldo or Hancock counties stick in my “mind” — but I can’t recall. We’re looking (as in “tire-kicking” phase) in Cumberland County, or Oxford/Androscoggin (basically, Thompson Lake or Pleasant Lake or similar).
Or maybe the Belgrade area.
Or somewhere else. (As you can see, Suzie Collins’s backbone is firmer than our plans.)
But getting together would be good.
Tariffs: sure would be great to see CEOs and the Chamber of Commerce throw a little weight around
Teachers w/ guns/armed guards in schools: sure would be great to see insurance companies weigh in on that nonsense.
Newspapers and media outlets under constant threat of violence/shootings, requiring police protection: sure would be nice to see the Fraternal Order of Police say something about who’s inciting the violence
US Senators who deal with Emperor Nutjob on a daily basis: sure would be nice to see at least the outgoing ones with nothing to lose gumming up the works before the insanity spreads…
You know who to beat on, people. Metaphorically, of course
The San Francisco woman being called “Permit Patty” who appeared to call police on an 8-year-old black girl selling water in front of her apartment building is losing customers of her pot extract business.
Oh, come ON! You may be old, but your memory ain’t so bad as to forget Methuselah’s passing.
Wait … who were we talking about?
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Yes they are, and the linked article discusses that.
But I don’t see how even the best vetting is going unearth the armed guards who won’t confront a killer who is firing an assault weapon. That’s exactly what happened at Parkland: the armed guard – now infamously known as the “The Coward of Broward” – stayed outside the school while kids and teachers were getting slaughtered.
The problem is that nobody, including ourselves, can know in advance how we will react in a dangerous situation. I guess we all like to think that we would do the right thing if a family member was in danger. Well maybe so, but what if the life of a complete stranger was in peril? Would we still be heroes, or would we be like the Coward of Broward?
@SFAW: Fuck, I dunno. It was your turn to keep track.
@M4: I mean, unless there’s some amazing technical reason why octacontaoctiles have long been the standard for data analysis when it comes to immigration cases…
Yeah, no, they’re just Nazis.
I hate the wall. It’s a monument to fear and ignorance. I hope they put his name on it in big letters so 50 years from now people will look at it as an embarrassing chapter in history and his descendants have to apologize and make lame excuses for it.
It’s almost too perfect a symbol to describe this fucking horrible, mean-spirited, ungenerous period in the US. Other Presidents built highways and bridges and water systems- progressive things, hopeful things, things that symbolize movement and freedom and an expansive and welcoming nature.
This small, petty asshole builds a giant, stupid blank wall.
Readfield/Maranacook is very nice. It’s beautiful countryside and just close enough to Augusta that you can access restaurants and shopping. I would move there in a heartbeat.
Somewhat OT, but not completely, since this rich-asshole-behaving-badly story oozes entitlement and white privilege:
That asshole needs to be fired.
Petty, mean-spirited and vindictive. But the tragic part is the WASTE. Wasted money, wasted energy, hanging onto a grudge and ruining your own life in the process. That’s Donald Trump’s wall. That’s his legacy.
Exactly. And past performance is no guarantee of future production.
@TenguPhule: Well the odds are lower since everyone’s on Summer vacation, but I take your point.
@Kay The Berlin Wall is what it reminds me of.
@Mandalay: National Republicans should get a clue.
A new tunnel! Now there’s a nice project. Useful, productive, forward-looking.
That’s what we used to get. Now we get a big, blank wall that screams “no! go away! we’re scared!”
Bridges are falling down all over the country and these douchebags are going to spend billions on a WALL that helps no one and serves no purpose other than to enrich 15 politically-connected contractors. What a sad, sad symbol.
Nah, efg’s still with us.
Ooh, Norway is also great and experiencing a resurgence. The artists moved in and now it’s a happening place.
It’s just so perfect. It doesn’t move anyone or anything, and a godammned idiot could build it because it doesn’t DO anything other than serve as a huge shameful symbol of fear and nastiness.
It’s a giant step backward. All the smart people and creative people in the US and our big project is a WALL.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Whew! Had me worried for a second there.
@Kay: There will be a new tunnel under the wall, and Mexico will pay for it.
@Kay: It certainly sums up their gated—community attitude.
They don’t create or accomplish anything. What is even worse is how they try to prevent anyone else from it.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: No nononooooo… Mexicans will dig it but it will be paid for with the profits from American drug deals. So really, Americans will pay for it.
But that’s too worthwhile and optimistic and productive for the United States now. Now we build a wall, and that’s ALL we build. I go kayaking in state and natural parks and you would not even believe how productive we used to be! Whole elaborate structures purely for public recreation and pleasure. Docks and walkways and managed rivers and crows nest type-things for birdwatching. Just for fun! There are thousands of people there. Whole families with campers and little kid bicycles on the back, all just enjoying these places that more generous people made decades ago. What a good investment! Pays off for years.
And I’m stuck paying for a wall.
An under-reported aspect of this story is that the federal government is going to seize land to build the wall:
Optimists might be thinking “Ha! That land grabbing shit will clog up the pipes of our legal system for decades!”, but optimists would be wrong. This is what happened when creating the existing “wall”:
So Republicans – the party of small government – will be seizing land from its citizens to build a wall that nobody except Trump wants. It will be instructive to see which Republicans speak out against the land seizure.
A. None of them.
Readfield/Maranacook: I hear Maranacook’s a nice lake, have toyed with Readfield or Winthrop (You see a lake-focused theme developing?)
I’m about 30 or so years beyond caring if somewhere is “a happening place,” but I do appreciate the tip.
@OzarkHillbilly: Jim Wright at stonekettle has this down cold.
J R in WV
I live in Waldo County, and my family’s summer ‘camp’ is in the Oxford Hills. If you have questions about either ~ ask away ;-)
The artists have moved to Norway ‘cuz Belfast has gotten too expensive….
For anyone keeping score at home ~ yeah, Maine is rather fond of reusing names.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That would be paradise to a lot of these fundies women. For all your feigned cynism you still haven’t looked into the abyss, have you Tengu?
joel hanes
I live in Silicon Valley.
A colleague is moving to Portland, and renting out his house here.
It’s a nice, modern, roomy house, but nothing special.
He’s asking $5,700 / month, and thinks that’s a bit below the market.