630 women in foil blankets are being arrested in Hart Office building now as they chant “Abolish ICE” and demand an end to family detention. #WOMENDISOBEY pic.twitter.com/k3J1lmqIPA
— Women's March (@womensmarch) June 28, 2018
From a commentor:
Looks like LAO and I (RedDirtGirl) are going to meet up for the Foley Square demo and march across the Brooklyn Bridge. Any chance of including that info in a post before the weekend? It would be great to have a jackal contingent there.
Jump into the comments, if you’d like to meet up with other jackals in your area!
That’s why we ALL have to march against the brutal child separations. We must keep up the pressure for reunification. These families have to be reunited because the separation policy is an atrocity and because, if it’s not stopped, it’s only the beginning. https://t.co/xDtyvD77t8
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) June 28, 2018
Everything You Need to Know About the Families Belong Together March on June 30 https://t.co/yjUYkaQgwQ @voguemagazine
— les64 (@GreenBitch54) June 29, 2018
It looks like literally the entire country is protesting family separations on Saturday. Check out this map of planned protests. https://t.co/hy7TmLaTNU pic.twitter.com/gpt2trEUbD
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) June 28, 2018
FAMILIES BELONG TOGETHER MARCH 06/30/2018 Donald Trump and his administration are cruelly separating children from their families. Saturday, June 30 at 10 a.m. Dallas City Hall #protestdogs pic.twitter.com/P8UhSUfVFk
— CorgisAgainstTrump (@CorgisAntiTrump) June 26, 2018
Good Morning,Everyone???
Good morning! Headed to the Boston rally (march from City Hall to the Common); there is a 2nd action at South Bay Correctional later in the day.
I am. Cincinnati. Washington Park at 11am.
@rikyrah: Good morning. Looking for a march somewhere on the East Side because I don’t want to drive into Seattle on Saturday. I know there’s one in Mount Vernon.
ETA: There are a bunch of them near me; one is a silent meditation which does not appeal to me but others might like it. I think we need to make some noise.
Real headline?
From the ground reporting
@rikyrah: This is killing me. I’m going to pound some nails into the shed tomorrow to work some of this off. I’ve been painting and driving screws into wood but it’s not visceral enough. I think visceral is the word I mean.
@rikyrah: The very notion of anyone, but especially a woman, and a woman of color at that, daring to speak up in such a manner! The audacity! Tsk Tsk.
Latest from Cook Political Report
Why resist?
How they will lie about Roe
ICE grabbing Green Card Holders too?
@rikyrah: or conversely “Fuck Civility”
I was going to but the heat is going to be brutal (97 in STL) and yesterday just about killed me.
How to approach Little Susie Collins?
They better grow a pair
From a Rest of the World perspective: First Dog on the Moon, and yeah, many of us are worried.
I get First Dog from the Grauniad. First Dog is attitudinal. I like that.
This example is wordier than usual, but otherwise…
Not?enough ?coincidence?in?the?Western?World?
Morning all,
Years ago when blogging and blogs were in their hay days I wrote that the sixties were over and if you youngsters wanted to live in those times you were going to have to make your own 1960’s.
Now whether this generation can rise above the authoritarianism, hatred and politics of confrontation is up to you, and your generations. Never has it been more pertinent than it is today for one and all to be here now. These are your times, these are your issues, and you are being called on to shape not only yourselves and your futures, but to shape those things for your children and for generations to come.
Make sure of all things, hold fast to that which is true. Do not allow yourself to be shaped by the world as it is, but shape yourselves to fit the world you hope to see. Keep the faith, the assured expectations of the things hoped for, though not beheld. Encourage one another to the true and inclusive peace, for in doing so you will gain the blessings not only of God, but of your fellow human beings.
Your time is now, don’t blow it.
We’ll be at the march in Minneapolis. They are predicting high temps & pouring rain so I am not expecting much of a turn out but it will be passionate.
Not going to march this weekend, but I will be in London on the 13th to greet Il Douche along with several thousand new pals.
I wanted to go to the Chicago rally and march, but incompatible train schedules and my one market substitute being sick will prevent that, so I’m going to the one in South Bend. I wish they’d do some of these rallies in a Sunday occasionally, lots of us still work on Saturday.
And I do think the brutal heat in the Midwest will affect turnout, I hope not a lot.
Ben Cisco
@satby: Truth – I’ll be on the job myself on Saturday. Changes afoot there already had me contemplating making a move, but I’ve now decided that I’m moving back to the ancestral lands once I can land a job. It’s time to be closer to home, closer to family. Honestly, I never thought I’d ever even consider this, but after the last three years, this feels like the right move. Plus, I can add my voice to those who are fighting the good fight in a deep red state.
Today in Irony:
My daughters and I will attend the Indianapolis march.
@satby: it’s going to be over 100 in the Apple
@Ben Cisco: Honestly, the part of Indiana I live in is more purple than red, but I hate it anyway. If I had the money I would hightail it back to Chicago. Just to reduce the troglodyte factor.
Where is the ancestral homeland? There’s got to be pockets of sanity.
@Raven: ??
I will go to the rally at the White House, and dragging along my boyfriend.
Sheila in NC
Attending Chapel Hill, NC March. I thought I might type out and print up a list of all relevant dates for voting here in Orange County and bring them with me to hand out. Stuff like, when is early voting, when can you apply for an absentee ballot and what to do with it, etc.
Ben Cisco
@satby: Alabama, and yes, there are pockets (not coincidentally, those pockets are where any and all potential jobs prospects are). I had family that lived in Fort Wayne back in the day, so I understand your sentiment and don’t blame you a bit.
@Ben Cisco: my SIL is from Ft Wayne!
Nice to see that Trump’s approval rating (538) has stopped its tiny rise and is back at 41.9%.
It was once 104 degrees when I lived there. Not a pleasant environment in the least.
Cheryl Rofer
@opiejeanne: I bought five bags of bark mulch yesterday. Only $10! I hefted them into my car myself, too. I would spread them today, but got too many other things on the schedule. Tomorrow.
And Santa Fe’s demonstration will be 6:30 pm at the State Capital.
WV Blondie
There are marches and rallies closer to us, but hubby and I are heading to D.C. – driving to the nearest Metro, then taking it to within two blocks of Lafayette Park. Heading to the store now for essentials (water, peanut butter, a sun hat for me, etc.).
I’m going to the one in Toledo. I’m taking my youngest.
Betty Cracker
The protest in Tampa starts at 10 AM, which is good — the heat is mostly bearable at that hour.
I’m dealing with back issues and am not able to attend. I hope the crowds are overwhelming.
I’ll be at the local protest tomorrow. It’s at noon, but won’t be so hot here.
I’ll be at the rally in West Chester, PA. Looks like 400 people signed up on moveon alone.
@Ben Cisco: @Raven: My aunt and uncle lived in Ft Wayne up until recently. I think they were there for almost 45 years?
@Ben Cisco: Good luck!
And I know there are troglodytes everywhere, it’s just that my tolerance has dwindled to nothing.
@Leto: She’s been in LA for years but still has family there. I found a Ft Wayne history book and sent it for xmas. Somehow it got lost in the mail but I subsequently learned that she hated it there so it wasn’t all a loss!
The heat is going to be brutal, but I’m going to the Pittsburgh march in Market Square. There is one more local but I’m meeting friends in town. Three loud old ladies and a gay man will represent.
And my nym and email have disappeared again.
I love that you are taking him.
Glad to see Justin Kennedy’s connections to Trump getting some press. There was also a Politico piece about a year ago. FP has a piece up but it is pay walled.
Cleveland, 10am, with my partner & an as-yet undetermined number of teens. I think my sign may read “tent camps in Texas are hotter than this”.
@raven: My aunt moved back to SC to be closer to remaining family, but I hear it’s similar sentiment.
@satby: My tolerance for stupid was low anyways, but it’s basically gone now.
Since this is an OT thread I have a question for my read colleagues here: I have a young friend 919/20) who’s looking to read more about how the Dems/Repubs morphed into the parties they are today. I’d like to recommend to him some good books on how that happened, basically 1865 to now, but without it being just a straight US History textbook. Any recommendations? Companion reading will also be items such as Jane Meyer’s “Dark Money”. He’s a bright kid coming from a deep red family and is trying to make sense of wtf is going on around him. Thanks for any feedback :)
Just a reminder about the GOP and the Court
The Immp and I will be out of the country. We should have left yesterday, but United delayed our first flight making it impossible to get our connection. I am sorry to be missing the Boston March — always so much good energy and creativity! But I am sure looking forward to getting the hella out of here for a week.
@Leto: The series Rick Pearlstein did a few years back. All excellent. It helps to read them in order starting with the Goldwater one. All 600 plus pages each, if I recall. He’s a great writer and they read like novels.
We are doing the Foley Square one tomorrow. It’s the kid’s birthday party that afternoon so I had to warn we’ll duck out if the march runs too late, but he wants to go.
I think Jane Mayer’s Strange Justice about the GOP and Clarence Thomas might be interesting for him? And Robert Caro’s first and second LBJ books are great.
@Leto: see previous comment (I was going to edit it to include the names but site won’t let me) In chronological order they are Before the Storm, Nixonland, and The Invisible Bridge. Amazon has them used at great prices.
@Quinerly: @Immanentize: I know I’ve seen those talked about here before; added to the list. Thanks!
Edit: @Quinerly: Awesome. I’ll ask him if his local library has those, but if not a used book finding a new home is always a good thing.
@Argiope: That’s a good one. I’ve been looking for good sign slogans!
@Immanentize: loved Caro’s LBJ series.
@Quinerly: fuck lbj
@Leto: I’ve lived in Georgia for 34 years, it’s great.
@Leto: I read Nixonland first and was hooked. Actually, I think the Goldwater one is the best (Before the Storm) I think Pearlstein still writes for the New Yorker but he’s been off my radar.
@raven: And good morning to you, Sunshine! ?
@Quinerly: Before the Storm was a slog for me, I bailed.
@Leto: I just glanced at Amazon. The used ones are about $4 a piece. Good luck.
@raven: actually the last one was a slog for me. I lived the Reagan years. Was a 3 year old in 1964.?
Fuck RWR!
You and Little Imma have a great trip ??
Morning to Poco and the tribe ??
When you lose your job over sexual harassment, this WH will find a place for you. Bill Shine is going to be Communications Director: https://bit.ly/2KtNNQk
Dolt45 and the WTO?
Jay K
Cleveland, 10AM. Going to be hot here too, but we’re still expecting a good turnout.
I will be at the protest in San Antonio.
@Leto: I’d start with William Harbaugh’s 1961 “Power and Responsibility: The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt”, because IMHO Roosevelt took whatever he wished from the extant Democratic and Republican parties and made them into his own progressive policies. He’s on Mt. Rushmore for a lot more than funding of the project. Modern conservatives are trying to roll back his legacy as much as they are his cousin’s, FDR.
@rikyrah: Tail wags back to you. (yes, I’m trying to pull out of my slump, trying out new morning stuff?)
Not sure yet if I will be at the Augusta, Maine march or the Boston, Mass march. I may be visiting an elderly relative in Mass (her health permitting).
@rikyrah: my first read at 4AM…”He’s crazy, but not that crazy.” That’s the quote that stood out.
Heidi Mom
I’m going to the rally on the Capitol steps in Harrisburg.
I wrote a little section of my story about a bossy chicken named Quin. She wears a waistcoat and has a pocket watch. She is obviously very helpful to the farmer on her farm and keeps her hen house egg production on a tight schedule. I love her so much – probably one of my favorite characters so far.
@Ben Cisco:
I’ve heard Huntsville is a great city.
@EZSmirkzz: Book on T Roosevelt — Power and Responsibility — is in the public domain.
Link from the Internet Archive. You can download, PDF, whatever. Amazon has a facsimile copy for less than $7.00.
Thank you for the recommendation. I’d not heard of the book; TR is one of my heroes, flawed but unbelievably talented and dedicated as well. Another life where you wouldn’t believe it, if it hadn’t happened, but he tried to be a force for good.
Omnes Omnibus
3:00 pm State St entrance to State Capitol. Madison. I’ll be there.
He’s friendly. I think he’s pro-immigrant on general friendliness principles :)
He takes spanish at school and he’s good at it. We went to a Mexican grocery store here last weekend – I like their cornmeal for frying fish. Maybe it’s corn flour? It’s ground fine. Sticks to the fish. Anyway the owners and workers speak spanish in the store and he tried out his spanish on the old man behind the counter and the guy just lit up- HUGE smile, then a lot of rapid back and forth that I did not understand. It was cute, that they had this moment.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Off Topic – something Adam said yesterday that now makes sense – Trump has been running divorce mediation service in NYC for the rich that Trump used the information from to blackmail these rich people. Trump’s done the same thing to a lot of the Republicans and Trump never needed the Russians to do it, directly. Trump was major GOP donor, it would have been nothing for him and his spawn to get the dirt on these prominent Republicans that way and that explains why none of the Republicans candidate never seriously attacked Trump during the primary. Of course Trump got that access with Russian money.
Likely Trump has dirt on those House Republicans who are protecting him and that’s why Trump is freaking out over the Dems taking the House. The Dems are less casually venial to begin with and Trump has no insider connection to them.
@MomSense: well, well, well….what do we have here?
@MomSense:Huntsville, home of the NSS (National Speleological Society) headquarters, lots of cavers too, and some really fine caves and pits in the surrounding mountains. Also home to the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, aaaand most important of all, home to the Unclaimed Baggage Center, the only store in America that buys and sells Unclaimed Baggage from airlines.. You can’t believe the shit you can buy there and how incredibly cheap it is.
Our family will be at the San Jose march.
@satby: For some reason my local rally is at 5pm. I have been trying to find out if it’s the only one. You might check around. 5pm is still pretty hot in Florida and we have been getting dramatic thunderstorms and rain. I am not sure this time is wise.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Butbutbutbut trump was a DEM in the 70s/80s/90s somewhere along the line.
So who else thinks that Trump will appoint a woman to the SC? I’m thinking so…….
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Was watching Jon Steward’s monologue on the Tonight Show – Jon was describing the Trump doctrine as “Crush your enemies, drive them before you and hear the lamination of their women, especially the lamentations of the women”
Cheryl Rofer
@Quinerly: Aunt Lydia?
Sacramento represent!
103° tomorrow, but any discomfort or inconvenience pales in comparison to crimes against humanity.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: It was featured on Mediaite
Ben Cisco
@Raven: I spent a summer there in the 70s. My parents were quitting smoking cold turkey, and thought it would be safer for us to NOT be around.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@OzarkHillbilly: Well that was twenty years ago so lot of the Dems he was schmoozing are likely retired now. Consider the NY State AG, Trump’s minons outed the guy, the Dems dumped the AG ASAP so Trump lost his leverage. It an’t the Dems are perfect, they just won’t protect corrupt Dems to the bitter end and beyond like the Republicans do.
Ben Cisco
Can one of the FP peeps nuke comment 33 please? I kinda don’t need that out there.
Ben Cisco
@satby: I’ve been somewhat isolated from the worst of it – not looking forward to the immersion but it is necessary.
Ben Cisco
@MomSense: Been there on several occasions – you heard correctly.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
It’s alarming because the higher the stakes the more desperate and insane they’ll get to keep the majority. It just feeds on itself- the corruption inspires more corruption because they can’t have it revealed.
Look at North Carolina to see how this plays out. The methods get more extreme every 6 months. They lose that super majority they have and they are at risk for some oversight and they do not want that.
Patricia Kayden
@debbie: Can you imagine that 41% of our fellow Americans feel that Trump is doing anything at all that should be approved? Unfrickingbelievable.
@Elizabelle: You bet. Whatever one thinks of TR he was trans-formative, and we are still living with the repercussions of his Presidency. Unfortunately we live in the most ahistorical times.
I think it started on an On The Road thread.
I don’t know but I hate the media/GOP operative narrative that that would “defuse” the abortion issue.
Really? We’re still at this place where they think nominating a woman, any woman, effectively nullifies womens opinions?
“Well, she’s hard Right on all the issues I care about but I cannot oppose a fellow…female”
I thought we got past that with the relentless (failed) promotion of Sarah Palin and then Ivanka Trump. This is a Right wing caricature of liberal women, that all we care about is “identity politics”- it isn’t what our actual voters care about.
Betty Cracker
@Quinerly: That would be the smart move — appoint a rabid wingnut woman (or perhaps a nonwhite male) and then hypocritically tut-tut about opponents not supporting women or nonwhites. If Trump really cared about the SCOTUS, I think the appointment of a woman or minority would be LESS likely since he’s personally a sexist pig and racist.
But I don’t think Trump cares about SCOTUS beyond seeing an opportunity to appoint someone as a “win” for himself and a loss for his enemies. The Federalist Society will provide a lookbook, and he’ll pick someone who looks the part. Since he doesn’t really care, he might be more inclined to listen to advisers who are capable of abstract thought and thus urge a strategic move.
Clifford Engle Wirt
I am going to the rally that will be held in downtown Houston Saturday, June 30 at 10:00 am CT. 901 Bagby Street.
dr. luba
I marched during the W administration. Sadly, my sciatic nerve keeps me from marching any distance at the moment. Or walking. Or sitting comfortably.
Will be there in spirit, and will give a donation to RAICES.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Sarcasm is wasted on some people. ;-)
Scott Pruitt Personally Involved in ‘Ratf*cking’ Ex-Aides Who He Feels Betrayed Him
Pruitt Sought Revenge on Ex-Aides
June 29, 2018 at 8:54 am EDT
On May 18, a top aide to EPA chief Scott Pruitt testified to a congressional committee that she had been tasked with procuring her boss a used mattress from the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. Just days after news of that testimony broke, the aide, Pruitt’s now former director of scheduling Millan Hupp, submitted her resignation.
But even though Hupp was gone from the agency, Pruitt wasn’t done with her.
According to three sources familiar with the conversations, Pruitt was livid over Hupp’s testimony, which he felt had been particularly humiliating. And he personally reached out to allies in the conservative movement, including some at the influential legal group the Federalist Society, to insist that she had lied about, or at least misunderstood, the request for a used Trump mattress. He also stressed that Hupp could not be trusted—the implication being that she should not be hired at their institutions.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Subpoena power.
Uh huh
Uh huh
I cannot attend as I have a previously scheduled commitment. I am planning to stop by a kick off meeting for volunteers for the Congressional candidate I’m going to volunteer for this year.
@Cheryl Rofer: actually, after I typed that, a Politico piece came across my news feed. There are women out there on the bench that are aligned with him. Now, if he could find that mythical Black female judge who aligns with him that would be a coup. … “Dems In disarray” headline kinda stuff…..
In other news, I had a dream that McCain died. The governor appointed Cindy to fill his seat. After sworn in, she decides to caucus with the Dems. Like I said, a chick “can dream.”?
Patricia Kayden
Is the MSM demanding that Trump supporters display civility towards Rep Waters who has had to cancel two events due to credible threats of violence? Or is the cry for civility only directed at Democrats and people of color?
The inconsistency is staggering.
I’m planning to be at the downtown Dayton one at 11am. Anyone interested in meeting up there?
This is horrifying. They tased him for no reason. Just pure meanness. The police officer attacked him, basically.
@Betty Cracker: as I said in my comment to Cheryl, after I typed my original comment, boom….this piece…https://www.politico.com/story/2018/06/29/trump-supreme-court-female-justice-abortion-685929
I could never tell my sister about this….She would absolutely love to go there just for this store..LOL
zhena gogolia
NYT has a front-page story that has me fuming at a too-early hour of the morning. How the Trump family groomed Kennedy and flattered him to get him to retire, assuring him “his legacy would be in good hands.” His legacy is a steaming pile of dog sh–t.
@Kay: that’s the way he “thinks.”
@MomSense: I remember it well. Thank you for the compliment. This chick loves it!
@JPL: Mr. Both-sides-do-it says what? And wasn’t he the one that had the fucking stupid march for civility or bipartisanship or some other pablum, in face of the entire tea party nonsense. He should stay retired.
@zhena gogolia: TOM and GO have pieces up too.
@rikyrah: It’s a warehouse full of all the stuff you never knew you wanted to buy.
@Quinerly: oops, can we not edit anymore? Auto correct decided it didn’t like TPM. (Talking Points Memo)
@Kay: The media is run by white men. They don’t get anything about women or people of color. Of course they think nominating a woman nullifies any argument on abortion.
@Kay: I don’t think your link goes where you meant it to.
Real Press Sec that posts the pres’ tweets, don’t show updates today. That actually concerns me, because someone must have ceased it out of his little hands.
Good news, I can refresh the comments and it updates, but nym is still iffy.
Menms and I are going to the LA march, 10:30 at 1st and Hill, at the Metro station. She’s going to have her new pink parasol so we should be easy to find.
I posted some of Van’s new old stuff yesterday AM. His last two albums (Versatile and You Are Driving Me Crazy) are helping me with my dark place/mental slump. Here’s another cut: https://youtu.be/FjoIfiZAhmg
Steeplejack (phone)
“You youngsters”? You have dreadfully misjudged your audience here.
My spouse and I are going to Foley Square.
i’m not a regular BJ commenter, although I read every day. I’ll be at City Hall Plaza in Boston tomorrow at 11.
Didn’t know about the South Bay correctional thing, I will look into that as well.
Give ’em hell y’all.
Mary G
I am taking the 14-year-old housemate and his friend to march from a high school in Irvine to a detention center. I was worried they wouldn’t want to go, but they were thrilled. We made our signs yesterday.
I’m visiting my Mom here in Wisconsin and just discovered there is a march in her city. I’ll be there!
@Kay: They think the same thing about people of color. As if no one can tell the difference between Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, or that nominating candidates like Alan Keyes or Michael Steele is a good play in a dark blue jurisdiction because Blacks will vote for any African American candidate. It’s the political version of “they all look alike.”
P.S. I will be at the D.C. march but I might not stay the full three hours.
BC in Illinois
@Betty Cracker:
I would update this article from the so called “Federalist”** Magazine, 2016:
They were making an assumption at the time, but as they say, “Circumstances Alter Cases.”
**Note – When a Republican is in office, the “Federalist” Society functions as the Monarchist Society.
Everyone going to marches. Be aware of your surroundings. Keep an eye out and call out those making bad trouble.
BC in Illinois
St Louis Families Belong Together march:
Saturday, 10:30 Kiener Plaza (Near the Old Courthouse)
Speeches start at 10:30, march at 11:00
90 degrees
The Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense group gathers at 10:00 at the Citygarden, 8th & Chestnut
@BC in Illinois: I’ll be at Kiener Plaza unless threat of storms. Poco now controls that aspect of my life when we don’t have doggie daycare on the weekends.
Of course, they did
Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) Tweeted:
The Trump admin was separating migrant parents from their kids for months prior to the official introduction of zero tolerance—running a so-called “pilot program”—but apparently didn’t create a clear system for parents to track or reunite with kids. https://t.co/tvbGTqhZV6 https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1012697377411657728?s=17
A Ghost To Most
@Steeplejack (phone): I’m tempted to wop him on the head with my belt onion.
Miss Bianca
Probably going to one of the local protests – yes, there will be one in my little town.
Also, my local political FB group, TOTTS, is plotting to take back this county from the plague of extreme right-wingers currently infesting it (yeah, I went there with that word). We are a bunch of middle-aged women who are Too Old to Take This Shit, and we are *pissed*. I’ll pass along the updates in real time!
James E Powell
I will be in Los Angeles tomorrow. I will probably go down early so that I can park and get breakfast.
Hoping to meet up with other LA B-J people. We need to agree on a rendezvous, sympathize watches, etc.
Think on that..
Uh huh
Uh huh
Heading up to do trail work for the Forest service today. I’m 62, hate crowds and I’m attending my very first protest rally in Salem OR Saturday. Thinking my sign will be NO TRUMP BABY JAILS.
BC in Illinois
Great! Plan is to be there with a “Moms Demand Action” t-shirt and a USN Veteran hat.
( I try to chip away stereotypes at these things: a Vet being anti-Trump / pro-immigrant, a man with a “Moms” t-shirt. )
I’m promoting this extremely useful Twitter thread from the tail end of an overnight post. Thanks, Obdurodon!
Joy in FL
I’m going to one in Spring Hill, Florida.
zhena gogolia
Just what I needed. I was feeling guilty for having a celebratory dinner last night.
Where’s Corner Stone? Did he get sick of having to type in his nym every time he comments? As I am?
@satby: I hear you! I moved to Fl. 2 years ago.
If I could afford it, I move right back to the Big Apple or L.A. or S.F. or Boston or Philly.
The ENTIRE Phuck ?
Matthew Segal (@segalmr) Tweeted:
Actual words said by a govt employee when telling a mom that the United States would be stealing her child. https://t.co/Lg7uKhX2zf https://twitter.com/segalmr/status/1012131663294451717?s=17
@zhena gogolia:
Corner Stone? Vacation with the kid, maybe? Although usually he mentions it ahead of time.
@rikyrah: Yep. I’m guessing permanent residence status renewals are going to be awful for the next four years until someone can get someone in to revise policy. From the cases in the article and one I read about in New Jersey, it looks like the policy has been revised again disregard whether or not a LPL has children, citizen children or not, before renewing a green card when a violation has been found. I mean, it you could have been deported in the past even with LPL status if you had been convicted of crimes in this country. (Heck, I think non-immigrant visa holders just need there to be an accusation, not even a conviction, although I’m not 100% sure about that). Its just that USICS had broader discretion to consider mitigating circumstances like “has US citizen children” at home when determining whether or not to renew.
Another reform needed number 150: once a green card has been renewed, it can only be revoked after a new conviction. This whole “I did something 20 years ago, renewed my green card twice since then and now I’m going to be deported because of a change in administration” is nonsense.
Also the article mentions the two cases of naturalized citizens being swept up. I don’t think that’s supposed to happen. It sounds like in one case, after naturalization was granted three years ago, they decided that they would have deported if the rules they had now were in place, or something. In the other, the domestic violence had taken place after naturalization. I’m just not certain how US citizens should be subject to immigration court. That doesn’t make sense at all.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Betty Cracker: Except this Trump making the selection – it’s going to be which makes one makes a personal loyaty oath to Trump. The Federalist nonsense is just to make who even this asshole ends up being more palatable to the GOP in the senate.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@Steeplejack: Thank you–I truly needed that. Been feeling like I am losing my mind. Not a good place to be, or a place to be able to actually, you know, be useful.
Thank you for this.
I had been ok, until the children. Been in a consistent state of rage, and nothing got me out of it.
The children though..it’s not rage. It’s a helpless despair at the collective abuse that they are going through. It pierces my soul.
I’m trying to get back to the rage.
@James E Powell:
See Ruckus’ comment above: 10:30 am, corner of 1st and Hill outside the Metro Red Line station. Look for the pink kitty parasol, unless LAPD takes it away from me. (I’m hoping that it’s so obviously silly and non-threatening that they won’t.)
@zhena gogolia:
He’s always been awful, though. I don’t think he has any appreciation or understanding of how actual people live, or how a legal system works in the real world. He pulls his fanciful 19th century musings on people out of his ass. Justice is supposed to blind. It isn’t supposed to be clueless and living in some other world. Good fucking riddance. His replacement will be worse but that’s not a reason he should keep the job, either.
@zhena gogolia:
Never, ever, ever feel guilty for taking care of yourself. There will always be someone in the world worse off than you. That doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate important things and events happening in your life. Someone else suffering does not mean you are not allowed joy. Take care of yourself first then take care of others. Put the oxygen mask on yourself first then assist those needing assistance.
Also, folks who can’t get to a big-city peotest should check for a smaller one near them. I know lots of people around here who are sticking closer to home for their protest, and that’s okay.
Hundreds of women arrested at protest of Trump border policy
Rachel Maddow reports on nearly 600 women, including at least one member of Congress, being arrested at a single massive protest of Donald Trump’s family separation border policy at the Hart Senate Office Building, likely on a precursor to a weekend of planned events.
cynthia ackerman
Follow up test.
I love the satellite protests. That was a great idea. They’ll be in every local newspaper and every local tv station, except those owned by Sinclair, I suppose. They’ll be reciting scripts on M13 like dead-eyed ghouls in between forced Dear Leader chants.
GOP anxious to subvert Mueller as Trump Russia probe pushes on
Rachel Maddow looks at the renewed vigor with which Republicans are trying to undercut the FBI and the Trump Russia investigation, and rounds up the latest reporting on progress in the probe, including scrutiny of Russians guests at Donald Trump’s inauguration.
@zhena gogolia:
Don’t feel guilty.
A regular poster on another blog has her own mantra:
” Don’t forget your self-care.”
It was cute, at first.
Now, I see the wisdom.
Last night, I couldn’t watch any tv news. Just spent the evening trolling Youtube, in search of videos to make me smile.
Self-care is necessary.
Self-care is anything you make it to be.
Why do people watch Right wing financial commentary? Imagine if you were actually betting your life savings on these people. Good God. They just make stuff up! It’s this entire scam industry, wholly captured by propagandists. You hope no one is actually RELYING on what they say for something important like the family budget! They’re all gonna be sleeping under bridges, taking advice from these millionaires.
Democrats call out GOP for attacking Mueller, FBI for Trump
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Republicans are trying to help Donald Trump by discrediting the FBI and undercutting the Mueller investigation.
A Ghost To Most
@Kay: I’m sure Kennedy’s son being a banker at Deutsche Bank was purely coincidental.
See, I read stuff like this…and, I just…can’t..
My 5-yr-old client can’t tell me what country she is from. We prepare her case by drawing pictures with crayons of the gang members that would wait outside her school. Sometimes she wants to draw ice cream cones and hearts instead. She is in deportation proceedings alone. https://t.co/johWiKbzHh
— Laura Barrera, Esq. (@abogada_laura) June 28, 2018
I see that a digital sub to the Capital Gazette is
4 weeks for 99¢
Then $1.99 / week
Cancel anytime
(Online +Wed/Sat in print = $1.99/week, or online +7 day print = $2.99/week.
I’m assuming they mail; if so, +postage)
A Ghost To Most
@Yarrow: Make something, if you are so inclined. Your art may never be more relevant or inspired.
zhena gogolia
@Yarrow: @rikyrah:
@MomSense: If you come to Augusta, I should be there and would love to say hi if we can find each other. I’ll have aqua LLBean men’s cargo shorts on, purple and green sneakers (don’t ask!), and a Kennebec Land Trust cap.
J R in WV
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a brand new outbreak of Police Riots, where tens of thousands of peaceful demonstrators are attacked by trained officers wearing gas masks and body armor, anonymous, with gas, dogs and clubs; just as we saw in the south during civil rights work and in Chicago during the 1968 Democratic National Convention Daley Police Riot, which lasted at least a couple of days…
That would give the fascist Trumpettes an orgasm in the pants to see that kind of illegal violence against the “filthy Demoncrats.” I.E. people who believe in the rule of law and the foundational principles of Democracy.
And I’m not being a pessimist, or depressive, I’m just thinking ahead and telling people to take first aid material and be prepared, especially in big cities where Trumpettes have control. Water, Saline to wash toxins out of eyes, etc., maybe a hard hat in a backpack to protect your brain from serious abuse.
I intend to go to the close-to-home Laguna Beach (right on the beach) protest. They only have about 250 signed up, and that’s about the max I can handle in competition for restrooms.
Doug R
There’s one in Bellingham, seems appropriate to gather near the other border as well.
uh huh
uh huh
They Played Dominoes Outside Their Harlem Apartment For Decades. Then The White People Moved In (complained to police more than 1000 times in 3 years!!!) And Police Started Showing Up. 100 complaints in one day last year alone! https://t.co/jFw6tXene9
— Guillermo Mena (@GuilloMena) June 29, 2018
O. Felix Culpa
Because Santa Fe Pride Parade was already scheduled for June 30, we’re holding a Families Belong Together Vigil tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm: http://santafedemocrats.org/event/families-belong-together-vigil/?instance_id=1088.
We’re attending both events. Civil rights for all of us are under assault and we need to push back.
How nice this is! Imagine if you or your kids were members of this exclusive little club.
I especially love how they infantilize their grown children. This could be two dads discussing toddlers on a play date.
@Immanentize: Have a great trip!
Uncle Ebeneezer
@rikyrah: Yup. I’ve had the privilege of being in the room with Lindsay when some LA activists were pushing for the LA Justice Fund (to provide ALL detained undocumented people with a defense in Immigration court regardless of criminal past) for Los Angeles County. She told us about these types of scenarios that were already happening in early 2016. Heartbreaking stuff.
Fair Economist
@zhena gogolia: I don’t care how much Trump groomed him, Kennedy is not stupid. He knew the consequences.
Madison. Maybe I’ll see the esteemed Omnes.
@Sheila in NC: also you might add the whole Democratic endorsement list with a reference website address. Thanks for the good work!
Miss Bianca
LOL! I am *so* stealing this line!
The Moar You Know
@raven: After reading the Caro biographies of the man (all four of them) I can see why that’s your go-to reaction.
I was two when he left office, so no personal experience of those times, thank God.
“The Passage Of Power” also, FWIW, convinced me that RFK might have been the worst president in US history had he not been assassinated. That guy had some serious demons riding his back – long before his brother was killed.
@Steeplejack (phone): Heh. So you think we oldsters are the only ones that read this blog, or these commenter’s? I can assure that I’m well aware of my audience.
BTW all good Balloon Juicers know not to respond to my comments because I’m ambidextrous.
Cool, I’ll look for you. Not sure where I’ll be yet.
My wife and I are going to go to the event in Dayton, OH.
FYI, I’ve asked Adam to re-re-post his protest safety tips, and he said he’ll do it this afternoon. Don’t forget to hydrate, everyone!
I’m going to two of them! One in Redmond, Oregon at 11 a.m. and one in Bend, Oregon (just down the road) at 6 p.m. My singing group, the ReSistas, as handing out “Unite the Families” signs we had made. I’m really looking forward to this.
Mrs. D. Ranged in AZ
I will be at the Phoenix rally with my daughter and former in-laws. I hope these marches enrage the Great Orange Arsehole.
There’s one in Hilltop in Tacoma. I’ll be there.