On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Good Morning All,
This weekday feature is for Juicers who are are on the road, traveling, or just want to share a little bit of their world via stories and pictures. So many of us rise each morning, eager for something beautiful, inspiring, amazing, subtle, of note, and our community delivers – a view into their world, whether they’re far away or close to home – pictures with a story, with context, with meaning, sometimes just beauty. By concentrating travel updates and tips here, it’s easier for all of us to keep up or find them later.
So please, speak up and share some of your adventures and travel news here, and submit your pictures using our speedy, secure form. You can submit up to 7 pictures at a time, with an overall description and one for each picture.
You can, of course, send an email with pictures if the form gives you trouble, or if you are trying to submit something special, like a zipped archive or a movie. If your pictures are already hosted online, then please email the links with your descriptions.
For each picture, it’s best to provide your commenter screenname, description, where it was taken, and date. It’s tough to keep everyone’s email address and screenname straight, so don’t assume that I remember it “from last time”. More and more, the first photo before the fold will be from a commenter, so making it easy to locate the screenname when I’ve found a compelling photo is crucial.
Have a wonderful weekend folks, and enjoy the pictures!
If it’s Friday and it’s not the World Cup, it must. be. otmar! Wahoo!
Today, pictures from valued commenter otmar.
At the end of May, I spent a few days in Oslo. It was a business trip, but I managed to walk quite a bit around the city and visit some of the sights. Scandinavia experienced a very unusual warm May with temperatures up to 30°C in Oslo. This made for excellent sight-seeing conditions.
Here is the first batch of pictures: some impressions from the city.
Oslo domkirke
This is the main church of Oslo, located close to central station.
This is the parliament in evening light. Btw light: Oslo is quite far north, thus the sun went down very late and thus this 9 pm picture still includes sunshine.
City Hall
Oslo city hall is built right on the harbor front. Its unique design made it one of the landmarks here.
Close by is the building of the Nobel Peace foundation.
This is a view long the main axis of Oslo center: One end is the train station / cathedral and the other one is the King’s palace (pictured here).
Along that axis, there is also the national theater.
But not all of Oslo is old. This picture is taken from the roof of the very modern Opera House towards new office buildings close to the main train station.
Thank you so much otmar, do send us more when you can.
Travel safely everybody, and do share some stories in the comments, even if you’re joining the conversation late. Many folks confide that they go back and read old threads, one reason these are available on the Quick Links menu.
One again, to submit pictures: Use the Form or Send an Email
a few years back, i moved to germany for family reasons, or so i thought. it wasn’t my goal nor my desire. i was very happily living in the US with my children and my then-wife. shortly after arriving, my ex-wife split with the kids, moving them far away, and that was how i began to find out how terrible german family law is. my ex-wife has neglected my kids health, worked on alienating me against them, emotionally abuses me and them (in retrospect, she has always been abusive). i hate it here. i fucking hate it. but i’m stuck here for another decade.
the new problem, though, is now i feel completely homeless. completely. i don’t recognize the US. well, sort of i do, but the situation there is bad beyond my worse fears, and it will only worsen. i talk to friends back home, and they say there’s just outrage fatigue and people are giving up. so when my kids are old enough and out on there own, what am i going to do? i don’t like europe. i don’t like what the US is becoming. i feel completely lost and rudderless.
it is depressing.
What do you all think about Andrew Yang for president?
Lovely pictures ?
Delurking to say thanks for the Oslo pictures. I was there briefly many years ago, but had a massive headcold, and so didn’t do much walking around. I’ll get back one of these days.
Another Scott
@amorphous: I’m sorry you’re going through all of that. Try to find something you enjoy with like-minded people. Germany and the EU are both amazingly diverse and you have a great transportation system available. There should be large ex-pat populations nearby as well. Hop on a bus or jump in your car or take a train and look around.
Hang in there.
(Great pictures as always, otmar. Thanks again for sharing.)
I just read that Harlan Ellison is dead. Hope Balloon-juice does a post on that rather over-the-top and larger than life SF writer. He was annoying at times and certainly opinionated but certainly, a top tier SF writer that put SF on the larger stage through some of his actions.
@amorphous: Sorry to hear; the issue with your children is really disheartening. Maybe try to get some counseling and maybe medical intervention if you are suffering from justifiable depression. I wish you the best in such a bad situation.
Amir Khalid
Older buildings and structures and streetscapes give a city its own character and look, as Otmar’s beautiful pictures never fail to remind us. Newer ones, from about the 1950s onward, somehow look like they could have been put in any city on the planet — even the ones that have become iconic to their city. I wonder why.
Great pictures, thanks for sharing with us Otmar.
@debbie: Thirded! Otmar, you make me want to travel more.
Do you see a therapist? If not, please do. You have been through trauma and abuse and need some support. You may want to think about finding your tribe. Do you have a hobby or interest? Have you always wanted to try something? There may be a club you can join – like an outing club or a bonsai class – anything. Find some people with whom you share an interest. And keep checking in with us. We are all experiencing a similar kind of horror at what our country is becoming.
Otmar, these photos have me missing Oslo so much. Were you able to go to Vigeland Park?
@MomSense: yes, I managed to go there. I’ve already submitted my pics from that trip. Stay tuned.