From Bob from Riverview – longtime lurker. This is the Tampa rally.
From Mary G. “Attached is a photo of our protest signs for the March in Irvine, CA – we were late due to my fault and there were so many people there we couldn’t park, so I drove up and down and we waved them out the windows at the multitudes of marchers still arriving and the police.”
From Paul Wartenberg (not all the pics). “It was a drizzly afternoon, we had about 80-100 people and 7 puppies braving the weather.
“I personally only marched about half of this, one circle around downtown Lakeland (Florida) and my back started flaring up. It wasn’t as flashy or big as Tampa’s – we had a few couples who attended that one earlier in the day – but we got a good number of honking cars in support… and about three big trucks of jerkass drivers (I had to explain to some of my fellow protesters about Coal Rollers and to watch out for them)
“The fat boy in the Captain America t-shirt is me.
“There is video but my phone and computer are refusing to cooperate. I blame trump’s inhumane policies.”
From Ceci n est pas mon nym. “These are from our little Borough near Philly. I didn’t get to the big Philly rally, but attended this Interfaith Council event, led by a local rabbi. Drew quite a crowd (comparatively speaking).”
From lurker lafcolleen in Chicago. “Next to last picture is me and daughter ladder. The crowd pictures are from the edge of Daley Plaza, one looking North and one looking South. Some.good signage too!
“I remember in the heyday of the “grassroots” tea party rallies, someone pointing out the obvious mass market signage of the participants.
So now that is what I look for – and the March was PACKED with home made signs plus clothing with signs. I was wearing a shirt that simply said NO!”
From Sister Golden Bear: “I’ve been housebound with my dying mother today, but a friend shared this amazing sign from today’s downtown LA protest.”
More to come!
Thanks for these posts
Dorothy Winsor
Love seeing Juicers out there doing their part. I’m not sure I would have gone to our local demonstration without hearing from all of you ahead of time.
I knew Chicago’s would be big and I really wish I could have worked out the logistics to get there. As it was my assistant forgot she was supposed to come full In a little early so the literally was fine. But I miss being with my Chicago peeps at big events, the energy is always so great!
@satby: someday we maybe able to edit again… “so the local rally was fine”.
J R in WV
Sister Golden Bear:
I have been there with you, with my father. Best wishes. It is a good thing to have someone with you is your last days, and a good thing to be with someone in their last days.
My father took such good care of my mom with her COPD from Pall Malls that she lasted years past the doctor’s estimate of a few months. He was holding her when her heart stopped, which I think was good for both of them. I was holding my dad’s hand most all day for the weeks before he passed of his COPD, caused by the chemo that helped him beat the Leukemia.
Take care of yourself too. It’s hard. Best wishes from the green hills.
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
Agreed that these images give me hope, at a time when I desperately need hope, both for my country and my species. Please keep posting (and not just because we haven’t gotten to mine yet)!
I keep hearing that the Portland (OR) rally or some related rally went south, but I haven’t seen any links. It sounds like the local violent white supremacists showed up and were confronted by the local Black Bloc, with predictable results.
The PNW has been a hotbed of white supremacists for a long time, so it was probably predictable to some extent.
Cheryl Rofer
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion: At least one more post, possibly two!
I have loved all of the pictures. It makes me feel hopeful ✨
zhena gogolia
I’m trying not to think about how hopeful I was about the Moscow/Petersburg marches in 2012. I keep telling myself, those people were in the minority, and we’re in the majority. But still — that was crushing.
@Mnemosyne: The Portland rally was great. The fracas happened a few hours after when right wingers led by a Republican senate candidate from Washington state held a rally with a couple hundred Proud Boys and such. The were outnumbered 2 to 1 by local antifa. The two groups have gone at it before. Portland police are now stepping in when the first punches get thrown.
This Oregonian story is as good as any.
Kind of annoyed that all the local media covered the fracas more than Families marches. None of the stories bother to list all the Oregon marches.
Thank you Cheryl.
I did notice some people had custom T shirts and were obviously regular protestors. It’s something people do on a regular basis now. My mother didn’t feel well enough to do the March but was obviously pleased I was going. I think she felt she should also. So when I told her the event website said people were welcome to join at the end point for the speeches she turned up and brought dad. Worked out nice because they gave me a lift back to my car. And then, in a sort of cliche they wanted to havE dinner at whole foods which I had never tried. It was nice enough but I wasn’t that impressed.
Having been through this, no words seem good … Sending you strength. Take good care of yourself.
Deleted. Thanks, Kelly.
Ah, okay. I should have known that the MSM would conflate two separate events. And, as I said, I’m not at all surprised that a confrontation between the Proud Boys and the Black Bloc would turn violent very quickly. It’s kind of what both groups are known for.
Oregon Live seems determined to force a pop-up ad on me that my iPad won’t accept, so every story from them ends up reloading itself until it fails. Sigh. I did at least get the gist and was amused by the white supremacists’ whining that the police didn’t protect them. When you show up with shields and helmets, the cops are going to assume you’re planning to protect yourselves, crybabies.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Yay, I made the cut!
Ours was a religious event. Nice to remember what faith is REALLY all about, and Interfaith events that include Moslems are always especially meaningful these days.
We heard from one lady who does advocacy for unaccompanied minors at a center here in PA. Used to working with teenagers, she is now seeing 5- and 6-year-olds. Heartbreaking.
I wore the same Captain America T-shirt as the dude in picture #3 to the rally in Indianapolis.