I don’t much feel like celebrating, seeing as how a malignant narcissist who was sleazed into office by a murderous foreign autocrat is running the country into the ground.
Let’s talk about this gecko instead:
It showed up in my sink at 4 AM yesterday. Geckos eat bugs, so they are welcome in our home.
But it soon became clear the critter was stuck in the sink. I’ve seen them crawl across ceilings, but the sides of my deep sink were too much for this one.
I propped a spatula in the sink to make a bridge for the creature, but it did not use it. After an hour or so, I trapped it in a glass and released it outside.
What are y’all up to today?
Staying inside and scanning hundreds of old family photos before my 16-year-old Mac finally gives up the ghost.
Writing. Camp NaNo time and I keep kicking myself to get a novel done.
Mustang Bobby
Your gecko’s kin was in my shower the other day. I relocated him/her gently to the great outdoors because I was afraid of starvation or dehydration.
Hey! Just pick it up …they aren’t venomous or anything ..just don’t squeeze them, cup them.
Geckos and all kinds of creepy crawlies freak me out.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Geckos are the best. I love geckos. They’re everywhere in Honduras. And they even chirp! Sadly, we don’t have them here in Virginia.
Patricia Kayden
Betty, you’re so much smarter than me. When I saw a lizard in my kitchen sink, I panicked and called a wild life guy who charged me $150 to remove it for me. Hubby laughed and said that the guy probably kept it as a pet. Oh well.
I was going to convert my attic fan to solar power but discovered I didn’t have the correct inverter (need a 24 vDC to 120 vAC.) So, ordered one and hopefully it arrives Friday so I can install the solar panels then on the roof and use that instead of more CO2 gas methods. Also, I’ll add a wall outlet to it (the 120) so I have an emergency power source to charge a phone when power is out long term .
I guess I’ll just replace some bike cables, then repair its tires and see if the bike still works. Finally, set up a work desk for my daughter so she can study for the Physics GRE’s; I remember them and ugh, they were difficult and no fun.
My other daughter has a Gecko as a pet! Rather cute animals to say the least.
Not a lot. Too hot. Rereading ‘Uprooted’. I bought the ebook (cheap, for some reason, at the Apple ebook store), and can read it on both my computer and my phone. Considering getting a Kindle account, once I’ve figured out how to transfer from Kindle format to epub. Gives me an additional reason to want an iPad.
Will go on a grocery run, tomorrow.
Please don’t tell me saving this gecko
took you 15 minutes or less.
It’s my birthday. The big 6-0. Having a hard time wrapping my mind around that simple fact.
Home from a morning walk with friends through the local state park. My town has a fireworks display I can see from the deck. I enjoy the light show, even though I’ll have my hands full keeping Gaby calm. Other than that, since it’s going to be another hot, humid Midwest summer day, I will be staying home in the cool.
I’m staining a fence. It’s a long fence, it’s hot as hell, and I worked too long on it yesterday, got horribly dehydrated so couldn’t bring myself to go the fireworks last night. I don’t have that much left to do though.
I’m breaking in Firefox after my laptop fell from the table and Chrome decided to go AWOL. Happy Fourth to all.
@Kristine: Happy Birthday, Kristine!
O. Felix Culpa
Watering my thirsty plants (we’re in serious drought) and trying to remember to hydrate myself. Repotting rampant tomatoes. Maybe even reading a book when afternoon heat strikes. Or taking a nap. Or both.
Catherine D.
My dog died during the night, so it’s a pretty sucky day. At least I’m crying at home and not at work.
@dp: I tried Chome and it worked pretty well– until I discovered that it wanted to take over my password management. No sirree, sir, not going to happen.
Gonna lay in my sister’s pool with a bunch of my DFH family. We’re grilling with an all American menu based around the humble hotdog and every fixing for them you can imagine, along with potato salad and corn on the cob. Various chips and dips from my cousin and her wife. And my blackberry custard pie and blueberry and blackberry galette. We consider ourselves the true patriots and will drink toasts to the Declaration and gear up for the big fight this fall. Every one of us will be hitting the streets then.
Amir Khalid
@Catherine D.:
I’m very sorry to hear that. My condolences on your loss.
I think they’re getting nervous:
@Catherine D.:
Oh, I’m so sorry! Peace to you and your pup.
@Catherine D.: Condolences, Catherine D. Not much I can say, except remember the good days.
You can tell it not to. I do hope you use some password manager though.
@Catherine D.:
Ugh, what a crappy way to start the holiday.
Remember the good times
Mean spirited and nasty, like every day. Trump has the magical ability to make everyone worse then they otherwise would have been. When people go to work for him you can watch it in real time. I didn’t think it was possible to make Alan Dershowitz worse but he somehow managed it.
Major Major Major Major
Cute gecko. Happy 4th everyone!
No gecko rescues in the offing, just trying to stay cool.
@Catherine D.: I am so sorry.
@Schlemazel: I have 1password, but mostly I use the OS X keychain, since that’s got all my certs as well. My main problem is with fetching financial data from a dozen different accounts inside the financial program I use without really being clear how the various account passwords are managed inside the program. Seems to work, though, so I’m not complaing very much.
@Humdog: Thanks!
Viva BrisVegas
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
You must of had the quiet type of gecko. The ones around here make horrible noises on summer nights. Something like a series of loud clucks or clicks. I don’t know if they are mating or fighting or both, but it’s enough to wake you up in the middle of the night.
@Catherine D.: So sorry for your loss!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Susan Collins on MSNBC jabbering about her independent credentials, named the least partisan senator five years in a row by something called the Lugar Center at Georgetown University! It’s at once infuriating and hilarious and pathetic, and confirms to me how much of her silly dithering is about polishing her reputation among people who give a fuck about things like the Lugar Center.
Though she may be getting several ears-full at Fourth parades around Maine today. I will still bet all my quatloos that she will vote however The Sneering Turtle tells her to.
Breaking in a new infared grill. I have not used beer when pre cooking bratwurst, does anyone have any suggestions on what beer to cook to add flavor?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Collins not obeying McConnell’s orders would mean delaying a confirmation vote until after the midterms. I can’t see her doing that.
Major Major Major Major
@Catherine D.: ugh! So sorry to hear.
Braving the heat to go to Smithsonian folklife festival. We went kayaking earlier this week on Antietam Creek and visited parts of the battlefield, which, if you didn’t know, resulted in the highest loss of American soldiers on a single day in our entire history before or since.
I will be binge watching Shakesperian sit-com, “Upstart Crow”.
Since I have been seriously under the weather for a month now and July 4th is one of my least favorite holidays, I feel the need to indulge in a smart, well executed television series.
Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) Tweeted:
MSNBC’s Chris Hayes was stunned as he listened to EPA whistleblower, Kevin Chmielewski, detail how EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is robbing the taxpayers blind. https://t.co/aG3jkUFAm1 https://t.co/6fPT8hbokS https://twitter.com/PoliticusSarah/status/1014311921204584448?s=17
mad citizen
RIchard Lugar was our longtime senator who was primaried out by a ridiculous Tea Partier, who lost to Sen. Joe Donnelly, who is running for the seat this year. Anyway, Lugar had this reputation as this bipartisan, thinking Republican, foreign policy expert, etc. Yet what I thought about all during the W years was, is Lugar ever going to say anything publicly about how badly this dude is screwing up our country? The answer was No, party before country every day. Thanks for that Dick!
Sorry for the political injection–back to the second civil war!
@Catherine D.:
So sorry for your loss ? ?
The Glorious Fourth!
Who wouldn’t celebrate the fall of Vicksburg and Lee’s humiliating defeat at Gettysburg?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MattF: also kinda weird how Murkowskii is always mentioned as something of an afterthought, but she’s not the preening spotlight hunter Collins is. Everyone kind of accepts that she’d vote to burn flags and outlaw ice cream if it meant authorizing the scraping of the last natural resource out of the Alaskan soil. Also weird that no one is talking about Dean Heller in NV, Blue-ishly purple state where IIRC the R Gov Sandoval is one of the last of the pro-choice Republicans.
@germy: @germy: Happy Independence Day my fellow Americans! I hope you all have a good 4th. And remember….a Hilary supporter celebrating the 4th of July is like an atheist celebrating Christmas!
Is this a Trump tweet? Because if it is, even considering the source, its more classless than possible.
@Catherine D.: sorry to hear of your loss.
It’s like cooking with wine – the cheap stuff will do fine.
@Catherine D.: I’m sorry about your dog. Sounds like it might have been a surprise. Or not. Either way, sad to lose a good friend.
@Catherine D.: Oh my god, Catherine, Im so sorry. Thats horrible.
@MattF: I am hoping we can bring enough pressure onto the “moderates” that they do indeed delay any hearings until after the midterms.
We should not capitulate at the outset. These are not the usual times, so we should not go by the usual precedents.
Shunning the heat and working on my Christopher Robin rug again.
Has to be finished before August!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I think it’s possible she might vote against, as long as it doesn’t prevent the nominee being approved. Heitkampf, Donnelly, and Manchin will probably provide her cover.
The Moar You Know
I have flown a flag outside my home on all the major flag days since I first bought a home, but not since the end of 2016, and I flat out refuse to until that fucking debauched traitorous animal is removed from the White House. Preferably in chains. Don’t really care how, but he goes before I’m willing to consider acting like a “proud American” again. Because I am not.
I might add that I had no problem doing this under Bush. My stance is not about party.
@schrodingers_cat: There are some things I will not touch but I used to pick up lizards and horned lizards, aka horny toads, when I was a kid. We’d keep them for a few hours and let them go. They were a standard backyard creature in the 1950s in Southern California but they’ve pretty much disappeared as more and more houses ate up the open land. I don’t think my kids have ever seen one.
Horned Lizard
Yet another Civil War story I’d never heard or read…and yes, it is heartbreaking.
The Times at Gettysburg, July 1863: A Reporter’s Civil War Heartbreak
@opiejeanne: Kinda cute and scary. I wouldn’t touch it though.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @Elizabelle: I had dinner with an old friend, a middle-of-the-road Democrat. She worked at a high-level staff position in the House during the Clinton years. The subject ot McConnell came up, and I bobbled a bit, saying he was evil, but not irrational– and she just waved that away. “He’s a snake”, she said. And then suggested that McConnell is merely waiting to put the knife into Trump.
@L85NJGT: I like to cook with wine too but thought brats need beer.
If you can get it, Yuengling is a nice compromise between cheap and good.
@The Moar You Know: If I had a flagpole my flag would have flown at half mast on November 9th, 2016 and on the day the EC finished its vote. Today I’d be flying it upside down, but all I have is a flag-themed wreath and I intend to drape it in black ribbons.
Happy 4th of July, everyone. I don’t feel like celebrating either. Did help rescue some wildlife yesterday so that was nice.
“How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?” – Samuel Johnson, 1775
I’m on team America Was Never Great and this July 4th my hope is that someday we’ll tear down the statues of the vile slaver and rapist who wrote the Declaration of Independence, so that only his words may remain. Rededicate the memorial to the south of the Tidal Basin to “the memory of a great man.” Or to Sally Hemings.
I know these views aren’t popular but I have never courted popularity.
Another blistering day here too, so not much outside exertion planned. After all the crazy-ass rain weve had here in Maryland, it feels weird to be hoping for a thunderstorm.
And, sigh, its the first 4th of July when I dont have to worry about comforting my critter, Katie.
We’ve got more lizards of all kinds this year, most we’ve seen since we moved into this house 3 years ago. Anze the Dog pays no attention to them anymore. Squirrels on the other hand enrage him.
@L85NJGT: thanks but my daughter was doing the shopping and called to tell me she had found a mixed flavor six pack of Shiner Bock.
My daughter won the office lottery for a BBQ and fireworks viewing on the roof of her office on I St NW, so that’s where my kids will be.
Me? Hunkered down in my a/c cave. There are displays all around us (last nite, too) fairly close, but getting outside to watch them isn’t worth the hassle.
We got no geckos.
@germy: The celebration of Christmas is about 10% religious and 90% pagan/secular. No reason for an atheist not to participate.
Now if that “Christian” had used Easter, the actual most important day in the Church calendar, they might have had a point.
@danielx: I’m not trying to sound like a troll, but Yungling is a rabidly anti-union company. The CEO, a Yungling family member, is an asssucking trump toady.
For Brats, I’d suggest using Michelobe Amber Bock. It is a very drinkable, union made brew, which should complement the links nicely.
@Kristine: Happy birthday!
By Anusha Priyadarshani (23 sec)
Felony Govt
Taking my kid to the airport for her vacation trip to Sweden and Norway. Otherwise mourning the America I thought I knew, and trying to relax.
@Catherine D.: Oh, I’m so sorry
@schrodingers_cat: I won’t pick up lizards now but I’d probably still pick up a horned lizard. They have tiny scales on their soft stomachs that feel smooth, like tiny beads packed together. They are gentle except when dispatching crickets.We kids were all fascinated that they would “cry” blood sometimes when caught, only a tiny dot next to their eyes. I only saw it once and never had it explained. The lizards in our yard were “fence lizards” which are still abundant in SoCal and eat mosquitoes, and one called a blue belly that was as fast as lightning. Blue bellies put me off handling lizards forever because of the way they feel, almost oily, although there was a time at summer camp that I caught a big beautiful alligator lizard. I put him in a coffee can to show my counselor and when I took him out he bit me. It didn’t hurt but I was so surprised I dropped him and he ran out the door of the cabin.
Alligator Lizard
Western Fence Lizard
Got back a little while ago from dropping off the Sighthound Hall mob at National (DCA) for a three-week trip to Brazil. Mostly in Fortaleza, the BIL’s hometown (northern coast), with a side trip or two, I think. Bro’ Man, the BIL, two toddlers, nanny (who is being released into the wild upon arrival in Brazil for her own vacation with family in a different part of the country)—and ten 50-pound checked bags!
It is a cherished tradition for Brazilian ex-pats to bring the prized U.S. consumer goods when returning home. I think two of those bags are stuff the travelers actually need; the rest are filled with swag to be distributed among the huge extended family: clothes to be handed down, recently superseded iPhones, iPads, etc., oddball specific requests—Centrum vitamins, WTF—and other flotsam and jetsam. Even a couple of roasting pans, I think. The rich tapestry of international trade, undisturbed by pesky tariffs and duties.
To be fair, there are a lot of weird price differences between the countries, so odd things—like, say, a good-quality T-shirt with a prestige logo (e.g., Adidas)—are hotly desired by the young relatives, who never seem to wear that T-shirt but totally did not sell it to someone else at a big markup.
I got to drive the recently acquired Suburban prairie schooner back to Sighthound Hall—bit of an adventure, but the traffic wasn’t bad at all. It was horrible going into D.C.; all the bridges were backed up.
So it’s just the housecat and me for a low-key Fourth. “Only” going up to 92° today, with “only” 72% humidity, so that’s a bit of a silver lining. Might hit the deli if I get energized, but I’ve got victuals here if I decide to stay in.
I am celebrating my first anniversary of becoming a citizen. Happy 4th.
TaMara (HFG)
@Catherine D.: You have my deepest sympathies. [[[hugs]]]
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@waratah: I would use the hoppiest beer, but that’s what I like to drink. If it’s a mixed pack, the one I liked least, but I’d stay away from most fruity flavors, though some of them– cherry or apricot?– might make for an interesting flavor. The Germans do like to put a lot of sweet in their savory, don’t they?
You probably know this, but the first time I pre-cooked brats in beer I didn’t poke holes in the casings and those things turned into some ugly shapes
Any lager or golden ale will do – I just meant cook with cheap wine, and cook with cheap beer. You won’t taste the difference.
@schrodingers_cat: @Patricia Kayden: I live in a high rise and I’ve heard that quite a few units have entertained unwelcome visitors of the rodent persuasion (mice). I’ve not seen any on my floor or in my unit but I’m still feeling unsettled. My point (and there is one!) is that I’m generally terrified of nature and am ruing the impending Apocalypse. I’m with you, Patricia! I would pay $150 to remove a mouse!
@Aleta: ???
Happy anniversary, Cat.
@Kristine: Happy Birthday, Youngster! When I reached 60 my tolerance for BS plummeted immediately.
A friend of mine who lives in Port Charlotte and was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer last year just had to have the talk with the doctor no wants to have to have, especially at age 48. The end isn’t immediately imminent, but it’s on the horizon. His wife let us all know Monday, but it’s finally really kicked in for me today. Ugh. His son is 11, just a little older than I was when my mom died from cancer. I’m trying to track down resources for kids dealing with grief in their area, but it’s a frustrating google search from 1000 miles away.
I’ll say this though, at least there are resources for kids now. Very different from when I went through it.
@Jager: squirrels enrage one of our cats. She has conniption fits if they’re on the deck, right under her nose on the other side of the French doors. Freedom doors? No lizards here just outside Seattle, but we have a very large garter snake. I didn’t know they got very big but this one was over 3 feet long at the last sighting. He lives beside our driveway and made his first appearance two years ago in mid-July as we were setting up for our youngest’s wedding. My niece was placing solar garden lights (Dollar Store!) and set one down beside his hole and up he came for a look. She shrieked and we all came running. There are no poisonous snakes in Western Washington unless someone has one in a terrarium, but she’s from SoCal where we have rattlers, and doesn’t know much about the wildlife.
My sister has a large contingent of fence lizards that sun themselves on her patio, and she has imagined a whole soap opera about their lives, but I can’t tell one from another because they all look about the same size when I see multiples.
@Catherine D.: I am so sorry! {{{{{Catherine D}}}}}}
NPR tweeted this out.
Apparently they flying monkeys are even dumber than we thought; I can’t see the tweet/replies, but apparently they were in full stupid mode and didn’t recognize the source
The negative comments about lizards suggest that some people have never been to New Orleans. And probably shouldn’t go there.
@Kathleen: Get a kitteh and give it some gooshie foods. No rodents and you gain purrs and headbutts.
@Catherine D.: I’m sorry.
@Kristine: Happy birthday.
TaMara (HFG)
@waratah: Please do not use cheap liquor when cooking. Also, cider (hard or regular) is great with brats
@Baud: Thanks Baud. Good to have you back. We missed you.
@schrodingers_cat: Way to go, Ms. Cat. We are most lucky to have you. What a patriotic anniversary.
@Catherine D.: So very sorry.
Hoping for the same. I’ve been way too patient for way too long.
@rikyrah: I guess Bernie hadn’t told him about it. (Indulging in gratuitous snark though I appreciate Chris’ reporting on refugees).
@Catherine D.: I’m so sorry for your loss.
Put some nice thick rings of onion in the beer with the brats, put them on the rolls and enjoy.
@donnah: You are amazing. I admire your talent and commitment to children.
@schrodingers_cat: Congratulations! Happy Anniversary. I am so glad you are here (in the US and BJ).
@Catherine D.: I’m so sorry! I hope you can spend the day remembering the good times, even as you cry.
Quiet day here. Will probably do some work on the glass art project, with the timing depending on how hot the day is. I’m like Detritus, the troll cop in Pratchett’s Discworld series: the hotter it gets, the less well my mind works.
@Nicole: I am so sorry for your friend, her family and friends like you.
@Calouste: So is Easter, to the point that some of the fundies/evangelicals have tried to reclaim it from the goddess it’s named for by calling it Resurrection Sunday. The Easter bunny, decorated eggs, all of that is pagan; not sure where releasing balloons or fancy new clothes for church on Easter fit in. All of which I’m guilty. I’m a Methodist and don’t much care what you call the day or do to celebrate it, and I haven’t been to church in several years because the local one is full of tea partiers and the minister is afraid of his shadow; never heard such a bland sermon in my life, based on a forgettably bland Bible verse and signifying nothing of importance to anyone. This church is not in the liberal intellectual tradition I’ve been used to all my life, and it annoyed me that they sang the bland new praise hymns and not a single one of the older ones. It was like Wesley who?
@schrodingers_cat: Ha! I can barely take care of myself much less another sentient being (I won’t even get into plants hating me).
@schrodingers_cat: Happy Anniversary, glad you are here.
@Kristine: Oh, turning 60 and tolerating Trump are guaranteed to fix your patience issue!
@schrodingers_cat: Happy 4th to you too. Glad you liked us enough to join us and happy to have you here on this forum.
@danielx: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: @L85NJGT: we plan to do a lot of grilling this summer so I will try all your recommendations and let you know our favorite.
Felony Govt
@schrodingers_cat: Happy anniversary!
@TaMara (HFG): thank you I will add cider to my list
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): When I was living in Indonesia, the gecko house lizard (there are many, many species of gecko lizards) were in most houses and even office buildings. They are completely harmless and relatively easy to pick up if you need to move them. However, be careful if you find one on the ceiling directly above your head. I had one poop on my head (small dry pellets) and then laugh at me in that distinctive gecko way. I had to laugh too.
We also had the much larger Tokay lizard, which may only be found in Indonesia. Though also harmless and scarier looking it is easy to catch because it ahs an extremely long tail that you can grab to lift them up at which point they go passive. They are called Tokay geckos because their call sounds exactly like that word.
Happy anniversary, citizen!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: She’s an animatronic hoax at this point.
Cheryl Rofer
WaPost. Max Boot: I left the Republican Party. Now I want Democrats to take over.
Unlike George Will, he does not feel the need to denigrate the Democratic party. He says not one unkind thing about them. (Actually, they are not mentioned at all, until the penultimate sentence.) Take it away, Max.
@schrodingers_cat: Happy 1st. That’s a beautiful piece. (My cat came in purring madly just as I finished reading.)
@Steeplejack: we really tried to cut back on our bags for our trip to Italy and Greek islands but still managed to have two checked plus carry on.
I had lightweight cases so coming back every one used my second one to put bought stuff as I did not fill it.
I always get an extra bag when I come back for visiting Australia
@Nicole: So very sorry that your friend and his family are facing this nightmare, and also sorry that you are facing the loss of your friend. It really does kick up the ghosts of one’s childhood when something hits so close to the heart and to past experience.
Thank you for helping to look out for your friend’s little one. You are so right – there wasn’t a damned thing done support-wise for kids with a seriously or terminally ill parent a few decades ago. Walked that path over 40 years ago as a six year old, and spent over three months not even being allowed to see my mother, as doctors thought it would “be upsetting for a child” to see a very sick parent in the hospital.
You’re a good friend and a good human being, and your kindness and love will mean the world to your friend and his family.
@Aleta: Aww thanks, I am glad you liked it.
@Elizabelle: @Felony Govt:@Steeplejack:@eclare: Thanks.
@opiejeanne: Thank you. No one else wanted me because I am cantankerous. Kidding, not kidding.
Gelfling 545
Had the sprinkler going on the back garden as things were looking a bit depleted. I went out to shut iit off just now but my yard was full of reveling birds cooling off in the spray, so I left it on for a bit.
smedley the uncertain
@waratah: Shiner Bock is a pretty good beer at the right price. Save a little bit to baste the cook…
@waratah: The cheapest, nastiest you can find. Add a yellow onion cut in half, skins on. For adventure, maybe a tablespoon of dry mustard. Boil. Keep in juice until you grill ’em.
@Kathleen: @Elizabelle: Thanks much. One person doesn’t define all of us. This is a great country with wonderful people and I am glad to be a part of it.
@schrodingers_cat: I don’t know what other country would want me so I feel lucky to be here.
@TaMara (HFG): I must, as a Wisconsinite of proud standing, repsectfully disagree: cheap beer is of the quintessence for brats.
I’m sorry you lost your mom and were denied access to her for so long. It was how people handled things. You all have made some good comments about how the orphaned child feels abandoned.
@waratah: I use Shiner Bock and it’s delicious. Also good for drinking the rest of the six-pack.
ETA: smedley beat me to it.
Sam Levine @srl 3 Jul 2018
Statement by Dept Commerce spokesperson:
“We are disappointed that the court in New York did not defer fact discovery until after a ruling on a motion to dismiss. We are confident that plaintiffs’ case is without merit, that any allegations of bad faith are specious, and that we will prevail in court.”
Statement by NYS AG:
“Today marked a major win in our lawsuit to protect the Census, with a federal judge ordering the Trump administration to provide vital information on how the decision to demand citizenship status was made. …
The federal government has a solemn obligation to ensure a fair and accurate count of all people in this country. By demanding the citizenship status of each resident, the Trump administration is breaking with decades of policy and potentially causing a major undercount that would threaten billions in federal funds and New York’s fair representation in Congress and the Electoral College.”
Fuck that guy. He said I would save 15% on my car insurance. Then–nothing!
J R in WV
@Catherine D.:
Sorry for your loss. We’ve had so many great pups and kitties over the many years (47+ together) and still losing one hurts so much. So we know how you feel, and we regret it with you.
Take care today, stay frosty as Adam says. And hydrated!!
Best wishes for the rest of your summer too.
An anniversary present! (The symbol of a 1st anniversary is paper.)
When a Cat Co-Authored a Paper in a Leading Physics Journal (1975)
@Aleta: More parts of the story here.
J R in WV
I agree that Yuengling is a pretty good beer, especially their darker brew. BUT Mr. Yuengling the– heir of the family and manager of the company — is an anti-union RWNJ, and when I learned that he spends millions of dollars to break America’s best protection for workers, well, I have had my last taste of that beer. Ever. Tap water first.
We are a union family here in the hollow!!
When I see a guy looking at Yuengling who looks like a construction trades kind of guy, I tell him that Mr. Yuengling is even more anti union than Mr. Coors. Sometimes it makes a difference.
Scamp Dog
@Catherine D.: Sorry to hear that! It’s always tough.