I’m a little late to this, and the two world leaders are in their meeting.
#Putin in #Helsinki & en route to meet @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/XFjvB3MNAC
— Maxim A. Suchkov (@MSuchkov_ALM) July 16, 2018
8.The stage is set. The Gothic Hall in the Finnish Presidential Palace is where #Putin, @realDonaldTrump will spend at least 3 hours face-to-face as scheduled. pic.twitter.com/Drw1SW01JZ
— Maxim A. Suchkov (@MSuchkov_ALM) July 16, 2018
Here they are pic.twitter.com/xHRJplMR6E
— Maxim A. Suchkov (@MSuchkov_ALM) July 16, 2018
Trump told the Finnish President Just now he enjoyed spending time with him at the NATO summit. Finland is not part of NATO. #awkward @jaketapper @camanpour
— Josh Rogin (@joshrogin) July 16, 2018
We agree https://t.co/7l087Qwmj3
— MFA Russia ?? (@mfa_russia) July 16, 2018
At start of meeting with Putin, Trump says they will talk about trade, nuclear weapons, missiles and China, makes no mention of Ukraine, Syria, poisoning in the UK or election intervention.
— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) July 16, 2018
Don’t forget – This is the man who didn’t know what the nuclear triad was during his campaign. The New START treaty, which limits nuclear warheads on both sides, is coming up for renewal, but I’ll bet he has no idea what it is. Besides, it is one of Obama’s treaties, negotiated by a team that was led by a woman and staffed by a team about equally men and women. But I doubt he knows that last part either. My guess is he’ll go for something like what the Reagan-Gorbachev summit in Reykjavik failed to achieve – a plan for total nuclear disarmament. If he can avoid giving away America’s nuclear arsenal for a promise that he can build a Trump Tower in Moscow.
Anyhoo, I’ll post interesting tweets as they come in.
Cheryl Rofer
An odd feature of this meeting is that the US government, people in high positions who have been appointed by Trump, are taking positions quite different from his on Russia.
Sigh. If I make it to my lunch break without learning that we’re now at war with Russia, I guess it will be a good day. The worst part is, if that happens it will be down to Vlad’s sense of decency and restraint and not our putative leader.
Cheryl Rofer
Betty Cracker
Radical lefty has advice for Trump staffers:
Oh wait, Ruth MARCUS? Wow.
Cheryl Rofer
The editor of Helsinki’s main newspaper
@Cheryl Rofer:
Big words from Coates given who he is reporting to and which party stands fully behind him.
Thanks for the separate thread, Cheryl.
Cheryl Rofer
Michael McFaul, American Ambassador to Russia under Obama, has some observations about Putin.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Trump looks awful in that clip.
I mean, he always looks awful, but here he looks close to death’s door. I really think he is very ill, medically ill.
Cheryl Rofer
Cheryl Rofer
@SiubhanDuinne: I agree he’s been looking particularly bad lately. Could just be that he doesn’t deal with jet lag well, although he’s been in Europe for almost a week now.
Three hours, huh?
I hope the Finns are serving refreshments … and I hope the servers are all members of Finnish intelligence agencies.
Cheryl Rofer
I’m gonna go get some breakfast while they are deciding exactly where to draw their Molotov-Ribbentrop line.
Cheryl Rofer
@JGabriel: It will be 90 minutes, not three hours. Then there will be meetings with aides included.
Fox News via Cheryl Rofer:
And I just got the visual in my head. Brain Scrub to Aisle 3, please, Brain Scrub to Aisle 3!
@Cheryl Rofer: Ah, thank you, Cheryl.
Trump’s pre summit morning tweet
Doesn’t he always look medically ill?
Maybe Putin slipped some Novichok in Trump’s drink.
@Cheryl Rofer:
His face is puffy and lumpy, his eyes are baggy, and his colour is alarmingly florid (although in fairness some of that may be the tanning spray).
Gin & Tonic
Haven’t had any news sources on. Has Trump surrendered Ukraine yet?
@Cheryl Rofer: What if he dropped dead in a private meeting with Putin? aaaawkward …..
@Gin & Tonic: News reports are that the leaders have agreed that it’s now called “THE Ukraine”.
Betty Cracker
@Quinerly: He’s not going to do shit to protect and defend this country. That’s been clear to us since the beginning. We can only hope the obviousness of it knocks the scales off other people’s eyes.
Here’s another thing I hope: that the people who briefed Trump on the Mueller indictment of the Russians protected their sources / info-gathering techniques very carefully during that briefing. Because if not, Trump will blab it out in the first 30 seconds of his alone time with Putin.
Another thought: it would be great if the briefers included fake top secret info as a sting so they can prove that Trump improperly shared it with Putin.
@JGabriel: My money’s on the Queen. “Have you enjoyed your tea, Mr. Trump?” Use something with a three-day delay, and everyone will blame Putin.
Oh, for the good old days when that plot would have been too ridiculous for any publisher to touch.
zhena gogolia
I just can’t. This is so enraging. And I feel so damn helpless.
@Cheryl Rofer
As good a moment as any to wish a Happy Prime Day.
(well cushioned here against incoming brickbats)
Actually a reason for mentioning it, as have an OT question. As the sale price is so inviting for it, do y’all think 90-year-old Mom would (a) appreciate and (b) learn to use a Kindle? She’s staunchly in the “I like to hold and feel a book” camp and, although she has used her laptop for years, still frets that she’ll press the wrong button and smoke will come out of it.
Reason for asking is mostly because she goes to the library a couple of times a week. Which is fine – it’s about 5 blocks away, albeit long blocks, but I worry about her doing that in winter time with the snow and ice. Being able to electronically take out books from the library would seem a plus, if she could readily learn to use it (don’t have one myself so unfamiliar with the learning curve).
Thank you, Cheryl, for getting up at the crack of dawn in your neck of the woods to report on this!
Yes to all: The Turd’s skin has noticeably worsened. It’s puffy, wrinkled, splotchy, and uneven. Maybe his diet of burgers, fries, and diet coke is catching up with him??
#TreasonSummit is already trending.
@Spanky: That’s exactly what I have been thinking for the last few days. Wonder is Putin has thought of it?
It’s one thing to order a killing, and get a reputation. It’s another to be blamed when you didn’t do it, but nobody believes you. I think if Trump does die in office at any times, the nutter theories about it will spin out of control in unpredictable ways for decades. I’d really prefer impeachment.
@Gin & Tonic:
They agreed to make everyone say “the Ukraine.”
Damn it!
Betty Cracker
@NotMax: I find that most people who are in the “I like to hold and feel a book” camp cannot be converted to Kindle, iPad, etc., even if technologically capable. Maybe a book delivery service?
zhena gogolia
It’s no joke, I’m afraid.
A Ghost To Most
@NotMax: My wife is not tech savvy, but she loves her Kindle. They are not difficult to learn.
P.S. I hope Shitler hangs for his crimes.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: She can take books out of the library on her laptop. I do that, but I find the software clumsy to use. Someone at the library would probably sit with her there and teach her to do it. Then it would depend on how motivated she is. One advantage is that she can adjust the font size with control-plus.
@Betty Cracker: But they won’t Ruth. They, like McConnell and Ryan, see Trump, and for that matter the Russian interference, see as the heaven sent opportunity to turn the U.S. into “Galt’s Gulch,” but with an Evangelical and Conservative Roman Catholic justification for the social order of selfishness and assholery. They and the Republican Business Elite envision, with Kavanaugh on the bench the “end of the 40 hour week and the return of the 12 hour day,” no more social security and medicare, and just oodles of more money and power for the lucky 100,000 at the top of American society, just as God intended, they claim, while the rest keep their noses to grind stone until they drop.. So they will put up with the destruction of the international order and Trump’s naked corruption to achieve the Conservative Movement’s Nirvana.
@NotMax: not sure about a Kindle (I have one, love it but I know it would have been a disaster for my own mom at 90…she was in excellent shape but she would have never taken to it). Have you thought about an Echo? I love mine… I use it mostly like a portable jukebox, telling Alexa what songs/artists I want to hear. I was late to the Alexa game… pretty cool and convenient. My mom would have loved it.
@Betty Cracker:
Sadly, as President it is entirely legal for him to share anything he wants with Putin, just as he did in the infamous Oval Office meetup with Lavrov and Kislyak.
Betty Cracker
@Ken: Now that would be a compelling finale for “The Crown” series!
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: Darn. Yet another circumstance in which we used to rely on even terrible presidents’ patriotism and discretion to enforce customs that will now have to be codified into law. So many!
Still, stone-cold proof that Trump blabbed US secrets would be damaging politically (outside the MAGAsphere) if not legally.
@NotMax: My 91 year old mom has had a Kindle for some years now (it’s one of the older models) and she adores it. Gets ebooks from the library and is a happy, happy girl. Initially, she was pretty sceptical, somewhat like your mom. Mom’s pretty tech savvy, however: desktop, tablet, and Kindle.
In summation: maybe? How game is your mom to try new things?
@NotMax: and I realize I changed the actual subject but the price is really down. I wish my mom was around so I could send her one. Personally, I’m a book person. I’m a complete failure when it comes to trying to read one on a tablet/Kindle.
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack: Fuck you guys.
TS (the original)
@NotMax: I’m some years younger than your Mom & was also in the “Hold a book” class – but I now adore my kindle. Not having to go out to get a new book, having any number of books with me when I go out and being able to change the font size – big plus. But what I like best are the previews. Instead of standing in the book shop or library & scrolling through the pages, I can get the first few chapters – read them & then decide to buy/or not.
Maybe you can buy a kindle, download a few books or previews and see if she will start reading them or not. Can always give the kindle to someone else if she really doesn’t like it.
Betty Cracker
In case y’all missed this from last night:
Cheryl Rofer
@SiubhanDuinne: Here’s what you’re talking about.
@Betty Cracker: Ha!
Re Kindle for mom:
It’s hard to say. The Kindle (and the Barnes & Noble Nook) is pretty easy to use for reading, but there are some ancillary skills that Mom may not have or find easy to acquire, such as browsing Amazon to look for and order books, or browsing her library’s selection. Does you mom have a computer?
One solution would be for you to set up the Kindle on your account and order the books for her (from Amazon or the library). Then they would either show up automatically on her Kindle (assigned to your account) or she would only have to say, “I want to start reading this.” (Can’t remember exactly how it works.)
One thing I learned at B&N is that e-readers are great for older readers—if you can get them to use them—because they can increase a book’s font size to make books more readable. I used to get geezers complaining all the time about the slim pickings in the “large print” section—valid complaint, but it’s an industry trend, not just B&N—and a surprising number of them seemed open to the idea of an e-reader when they saw how they could fiddle with the font and formatting.
But a lot of old people have the attitude that “I missed the boat on technology and I’m not starting now.” You can identify them by their ancient flip phones with two buttons. Which they never have turned on, anyway.
@Betty Cracker:
The people who benefitted from this are pouring money into his re-elect. Some of the most powerful private sector people in the country are endorsing all of this. The whole Trump Administration could quit en masse and it wouldn’t even cause a ripple in Trump’s institutional support among the (large) business sector.
When this as all said and done that needs to be talked about- how huge private sector actors supported all of this because they got personal tax cuts and the eradication of any regulation. They’re certainly part of our “institutions”, hugely respected and listened to, and they support him. They’re validating and approving all of this.
Cheryl Rofer
Betty Cracker
They couldn’t be more obvious:
@NotMax: Kindle seems to me very easy to use. Make sure it’s bright with large type. Also, I don’t know about your library, but ours has a service that mails books to people who because of various issues have difficulty getting to the library. Books are also returned by mail as well.
Putin is going to do whatever Putin wants, regardless of what Trump says. Even if Trump said nothing and just sat around, Putin has already decided what to do and how.
@Gin & Tonic: You’re welcome! We love you too.
@Gin & Tonic:
Hey, I’m with you, but you gotta laugh.
I wish we could go back to using “the Argentine.”
@tobie: How much blow and pills did Orange Cheeto inhale during his “Vietnam” days? That stuff catches up with you, which is why more than a few 70’s rockers have bought it earlier than you might think. A side effect is heart damage. Putin probably knows about this and knows that a sick Trump is no match, and that he needs to hurry things up before it’s too late.
Pence has no such relationship with Putin.
@TS (the original): The option to enlarge the font as what sold my 76 yr old mom on it. She still loves paper books (as do I), but I got her the kindle fire, so she can also watch video, look at pictures of the kids that I post in shared albums, listen to music, and/or play sudoku and crossword puzzles on the device. Well worth the sale price from last Christmas.
Cheryl Rofer
Now that breakfast is over, the cats are demanding their morning walks. Will be back and forth for the next hour or so. Probably not gonna hear much anyway.
@Betty Cracker:
Russia is going to pull out all the stops to keep the GOP in power.
They are joined by certain elements of the Left like The Nation.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: True, but that could change. Trump is so flailing and incompetent, I wonder if he’ll screw the pooch on the economy so badly that his corporate patrons abandon him. Hard to predict. Corporations have done a cost-benefit analysis and determined that an admin that guts regulations, signs giant tax cuts, appoints corporate-owned judges, etc., balances out the possibility of economic instability caused by half-assed trade wars, etc. That calculation may change with the circumstances.
Gin & Tonic
Somehow I don’t think you’re old enough to have used it the first time. But you get reminded of the British influence there if you take the subway in Buenos Aires – it comes from the wrong side, because the Brits built the system.
Found at CNN and not, surprisingly, The Onion:
There’s video at the CNN site, but I ain’t gonna.
Cheryl Rofer
This is just silly. Putin is making a point about note-taking. Of course he won’t be taking notes. Nobody serious about a conversation like this would. He’s trolling, and the journos are eating it up. Not a good sign for the 2018 elections.
Gin & Tonic
@Baud: Cohen has been a fellow-traveler since the Brezhnev era.
Good point on the other, non-reading apps. Maybe NotMax’s mom would like those. On the other hand, if she is a hard-core “paper books” person, she will like a black-and-white Kindle model with the E Ink technology. Very readable.
@Gin & Tonic:
I will console myself with the Gambia.
@Betty Cracker: In truth, patriotism and discretion hasn’t been all that reliable either. Remember Valerie Plame? Scooter Libby didn’t get convicted for leaking top secret information (the identity of a CIA undercover agent) because Bush had declassified it so it could be used in the smear campaign against her husband. Libby was convicted for lying to the FBI about it.
Don’t think she’s necessarily scared of trying new stuff, but electronic things are kind of hit and miss. Tried to give her an electric hot pot thingie and she refused entirely (it’s now in my own kitchen). Was worried about her using her teakettle on the gas range and forgetting about it. On the other hand, last year I installed a rear view camera and viewer in her car and she took to it like a duck to water.
@Dorothy A. Winsor
Good idea, except in her case she’d be tied to that one room and that one chair. The laptop may as well be bolted down for all the movement it has ever seen, and once she unplugged the modem, printer, external speakers, etc. I know in my heart of hearts she’d never get everything plugged back in properly again.
Gin & Tonic
Tomorrow will be four years since Russian-backed paramilitaries using Russian-supplied equipment and supervised by active-duty Russian military officers shot down a civilian airliner. What are the odds Trump mentions that?
Van Buren
@Platonailedit: It would be uncivil to point out that he is a traitor.
@Baud: Both things you say are true. And the new punching bag for the left and the right is Nancy Pelosi. It’s funny how women of a certain age are vilified, but men of a certain age (Trump, Sanders) get a pass. Actually, it’s not funny; it’s infuriating.
@A Ghost To Most:
If there really is karma, then one would expect Trump to be sentenced to electrocution, so he could spend his dying moments reliving his spasmodic mockery of the disabled.
@Cheryl Rofer: I’m gonna go get some breakfast while they are deciding exactly where to draw their Molotov-Ribbentrop line.
At the Mason-Dixon line. Trump gets south- his base.
@Gin & Tonic: Zero.
Cheryl Rofer
@Gin & Tonic:
FTFY. I’m sure no one in the WH is aware of the anniversary.
(Edited for strike fail)
Will Saletan via Cheryl Rofer:
That lines up with the theory that Trump wants to meet Putin alone so he can discuss Russian aid to the GOP for the 2018 mid-terms.
There’s a good thought – keying it to my account. When I’m there later this month could maybe go with her to the library. They must have someone on staff who could walk her through the basic how tos of accessing their selections.
@Cheryl Rofer: This is so perverse. Trump is more afraid of the US government than he is of the Russian state. He wants to hide info from his own country, so he can share electoral strategy, banter, and concessions with an adversary. If the press doesn’t point out just how perverse this is, then they are guilty of malpractice. How many other signs do you need to know that he is a Manchurian candidate, now President?
@Cheryl Rofer: Let’s hope that America’s…is it SIGINT?…listening capabilities are stretched to the limit, both while they are talking and afterwards as Putin’s relaying the
instructionsorders he gave to The Puppet.rikyrah
The case for treason
The Ancient Randonneur
In a word, no.
Gin & Tonic
@Jeffro: I’ll bet the farm that the Finns will have everything recorded.
Has anyone been reading Michael Tracey’s twitter feed? It’s quite amazing. He’s either the stupidest man on the planet or, like Greenwald, is getting paid to defend Trump and Russia (or both).
Obvious Russian Troll
@Betty Cracker: I’m not convinced that most companies or their management actually do cost-benefit analysis of this stuff–or look at it if they do. They see that their guy supports lower taxes and that’s all they need to see. If they need to, they can always apply a little pressure, right?
A lot of companies are also run by geniuses like John Schnatter. He’s a billionaire (or at least in that range), yet do you think he does any more of an analysis than looking at the R after a candidate’s name?
@rp: Who is Michael Tracey, and why should we care?
Daniel Dale (@ddale8) Tweeted:
Two security experts from the Department of Energy left plutonium and radioactive cesium in the back seat of their rental car at a hotel in a high-crime neighbourhood. Someone smashed the window and stole it. https://t.co/3Agctiu6CF https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1018836963317690368?s=17
@Gin & Tonic: And the Russians too. Trump thinks by not having a note-taker his words aren’t recorded. The “MAOA” (Make America Old Again) guy has no grasp of the fact that electronic recording is so good that it’s more accurate than note-taking anyway. These days paper pads are just for show and personal observations alone. Putin is willing to go along with the charade because he has Trump by the balls anyway, and it costs him nothing to agree.
@Elizabelle: He’s a “progressive” “journalist” who claimed he was assaulted by Maxine Waters last year when she brushed his mike aside. He and Greenwald are constantly retweeting each other.
I read him and Greenwald occasionally to get a sense of what the Berniebros are saying and what talking points are being pushed.
@rikyrah: Irony of ironies: the so-called DOE “specialists from Idaho” were actually tasked with securing nuclear material from a non-profit lab in Texas and bringing it back to the DOE facility in Idaho:
What kind of non-profit keeps trace amounts of weapons-grade plutonium and cesium on hand?
CNN (@CNN) Tweeted:
Parents waiting to be reunited with their children: “To the people of the United States, please help us. We are desperate parents… The United States government kidnapped our children with tricks and didn’t give us the opportunity to say goodbye” https://t.co/W2WliQNB6f https://t.co/lgceBxbLv5 https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1018806838320599041?s=17
@Gin & Tonic: Jesus let’s hope so.
Btw folks Charles Blow is pulling no punches and good on him for doing so: Trumpov, Treasonous Traitor (yes that really is the headline of his op-ed in today’s NYT)
I have been asking myself, is there a dead body underneath it all? The pee-pee tape has been out for months, making Trump the butt of jokes, but it hasn’t really made much of a body blow. True, nobody has seen it (seeing is believing), but if it did come out, it would be merely humiliating and embarassing, not a matter of legal jeopardy. But a dead body is blackmail material. especially if Putin has proof of the murder.
Betty Cracker
@Obvious Russian Troll: I don’t think people like Schnatter are all that bright or that fat cats like, say, Sheldon Adelson look beyond their one issue when making donations. But I do think the shift from a stakeholder to shareholder business model and the multinationalization of corporations untethered large companies from their allegiance to a particular country and refocused it on distributing sovereign piles of cash.
I’m just an old English major, so I don’t claim a deep understanding of the business world. But I did think it was funny when Trump was upbraiding the Harley Davidson c-suite for moving some operations offshore, appealing to their patriotism. I literally laughed out loud when I read that. What patriotism? They don’t give a fuck. Bean counting is all that matters.
That’s why I believe if Trump really fucks up the economy — and that is entirely possible since he’s done nothing but coast on President Obama’s eight-year project and is full of ill-informed, belligerent opinions and misplaced confidence in his own sagacity — that business leaders could decide it’s time to cut him lose. Pence would enact the same pro-corporate policies and take orders better. We’ll see.
Definitions in advance for the terms which are likeliest to be rolled out about the meeting.
wide-ranging: We couldn’t reach agreement so kept changing the subject.
promising: No one physically struck anybody, nor outright said “this means war.”
robust: The coffee was extra strong.
Glad to see people finally recognizing this. It’s been obvious since before the 2016 election and certainly his actions since have only solidified it.
@NotMax: Kindles have dropped so much in price it’s worth a try, especially if you have a prime membership to download books for her. Keep it simple and just get a reader only, not a Fire with the browser, and it’s an easier learning curve. My anti-tech sister with MS learned to use her Kindle, a benefit is that the print can be zoomed for those with vision problems. She wasn’t able to read without a magnifying glass but on the Kindle with print at about 200% she can.
Mike in NC
Observe Trump’s awful body language: he’s always perched on the end of a chair, leaning forward, touching his fingertips. Looks exactly like a guy taking a shit (in this case on America).
BJ is generally ahead of the curve. Plus, we didn’t dismiss truth simply because it came from Hillary Clinton’s mouth.
Gin & Tonic
@Betty Cracker:
In a public company that’s the way it’s supposed to be. Management’s duty is to maximize shareholder value.
The Paperwhite, with e-ink tech, is 80 bucks on the Prime Day special.
@Baud: It’s been so obvious for so long. That many in our media are also complicit must be one of the explanations for why they refused to investigate and report on it.
@OzarkHillbilly: Thanks for pointing this out. I didn’t read carefully enough.
@Gin & Tonic:
And in a nutshell that is the entirety what is wrong with corporate structure.
@Betty Cracker: “Our relationship has never been worse since you caught us stabbing you in the back.”
It’s sad that Trump doesn’t see that and only sees Russia agreeing with the “obvious” statement that Democrats are awful people and ruin everyone.
Between now and Winter, you will have plenty of time to get her acclimated to the Kindle Fire. You can also do audiobooks on the KindleFire. Tell her it’s a Winter backup plan, and explain how concerned you are about her safety during the winter.
Does your local library have the app that will check out books electronically?
Dr. Jakyll and Miss Deride
Didn’t that country conspicuously stop cooperating with Mueller? Maybe they’ll reconsider that decision now.
@Gin & Tonic: That’s just wrong, though.
It’s why the FIRE segment (finance, insurance, real estate) underpins our economy. It’s mostly paper, and pricing things out of reach for the middle class and below. We’ve undermined ourselves, with offshoring, “rightsizing” — because who wants those pesky employees, making enough to afford a middle class life. What used to be called “the good life.”
A nation of MBA Adolph Eichmanns. It’s wrong. Morally, and in the long term too.
Needs reform, or bring out the guillotines.
@Betty Cracker:
I was staunchly in the ‘ I love the hold and feel of a book’ camp, and I have gotten used to reading books on the Kindle Fire. There are certain books that I buy today that I want in hardcover, so I will buy them that way. But, I have gotten used to it.
“We’ll be fine once all the boomers die out.”
@rikyrah: Well, THAT’s going to work out well for everyone involved.
Already checked that for her local library, and it’s an affirmative.
Awwwwww, Pobrecito:
We are tolerant of many things but abject stupidity and outright assholery are not among them. And with that laugh, I bid you all adieu.
No love for the Levant?
I love how GG, on the one hand, tweets about NY governor Cuomo: “All his cronies have been indicted! Indicted!!!” And then in the same paragraph brushes off the recent indictments of the Russians: “Indictments don’t mean anything. An indictment doesn’t mean the person is guilty…”
@rikyrah: I love a physical book, and own too many, but notice all the kindle readers when I travel. Because it’s a library on a smallish device, and many don’t have to worry about their reading glasses. Just remember your charger …
Have bought a few ebooks for my iPad, but still don’t enjoy reading them as much as paper ….
Ah, yes. Hashtag Walkaway, which is totally a real grassroots thing, and not complete nonsense.
So true, Kay.
So true.
Hard to believe it has been over two years now since most of us were openly discussing Trumpov being in Putin’s pocket. Two years.
Gin & Tonic
@Elizabelle: I enjoy paper (and own way too much of it) too, but when traveling, something like Robert Caro’s The Passage of Power is, how shall I say, not an ideal companion. And the Paperwhite, at least, is eminently readable and will hold its charge for a very long time.
@NotMax: I haven’t read through so I don’t know if others have weighed in, but my MIL uses a Paperwhite Kindle and really likes it. There aren’t a lot of buttons, it’s really complicated to delete anything, it automatically syncs to your last reading position, you can change the size of the font (my MIL is practically blind and has it on the biggest size which works for her. I recommend getting one of the covers with a magnetic closure where the Kindle automatically turns on when you open it.
ETA: she’s 90
He’s the azz who said that Maxine Waters attacked him.
Bitchazz muthaphucka.
@rikyrah: Recently another young wingnut tried that. She ambushed Ms. Waters in a hallway with a camera, started aggressively questioning and insulting her.
Ms. Waters waved some papers in front of her camera, and the young lady immediately went online with the footage and called it assault. She said she was calling the police and would press charges.
Oddly enough, it went nowhere.
His parents dont like his politics and policy positions so he went whining to Fox?
Theyre not allowed to vote for or support anyone but him because theyre his MOM and DAD?
TS (the original)
Alternatively just load down the previews for her. One click at the end of the preview will buy the book (or not if it isn’t liked). Only had one book that I liked the preview and hated the book. The RW religious racism started in the next chapter after the preview. First time I got around to leaving a review on amazon.
So many thanks to @notmax for his off topic book discussion. Much better than reading about what trump is doing to the US & the world
I haven’t had my coffee yet, but I half have the impression that the entire poor relationship history between destined BFFs Russia & Mecka (the whole world wants it!) is somehow the fault of that baseless Deep State Witch Hunt! out to hurt the more popular than Lincoln entirely not a blimp Trump majesty? The entire cold war is proof of time travel?
Whining to Fox?
His parents are like, NOPE.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I think I get what Putin’s up to, just look the picture of the two of them; Trump is ill, defensive and nervous, while Putin is rexaled, attentive and confident. As for international political theater that’s a master stroke. Basically a message to the Ukraine “Who do you want to bet your future on?”
zhena gogolia
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
I don’t know, I think Putin looks just as weird as Trump, with all that Botox.
Cheryl Rofer
@Betty Cracker:
It would be except that 1) Trump doesn’t care about briefings and 2) as far as he’s concerned, if he shares it it’s not improper.
I’m not convinced he even recognizes ‘improper’ as a concept.
Patricia Kayden
@OzarkHillbilly: His parents sound like wonderful people. This is a case of the apple falling very far from the tree and turning into a different fruit.
A Ghost To Most
“It doesn’t make sense”
“It doesn’t add up”
“I don’t understand”
Hey media, stop dancing around. You understand full well; you just won’t admit it yet.
He’s never been away from the loving arms of Sean Hannity this long before, so little Donny is feeling homesick.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Oh, that’s good.
@NotMax: I prefer real books but use the kindle app on my iPad a lot. First sometimes I can’t find a book when I get the late night urge to retread a certain book or find a new one. My nearest branch is really close but they aren’t open all the time and don’t have every book I get the urge to read. I can download a book in minutes at 1am. I buy some too because there have been times when I was on the road and wanted it fast.
I don’t like Amazon sending me ads for certain books though and haven’t figured out how to unsubscribe from that. That is from buying not library borrowing though.
I got my nephew one because he is dyslexic and a lot of books have audible options where it can read aloud and show the printed word being said, highlighted. It helped get him past the learning curve though trained therapists did more. It has occurred to me with my eyesight issues, that I might want this feature in the future. My aunt likes hers to read aloud to her when on long drives. People think of their own uses. Does she know anyone who uses them and talks about it?
@rikyrah: You can clearly see that Congresswoman Waters jumped on him from on top of the cage then slammed his head into the unpadded turnbuckle all while the ref was looking at the crowd.
A Ghost To Most
@trollhattan: I would have expected Shitler to be facing the tree.
@Gvg: Emphacising that it’s not a replacement for physical books, but an addition to physical books — with its own set of capabilities, including being an emergency I need a new book now! and don’t want to leave my chair! platform — might help with the mental resistence.
@Cheryl Rofer: I guess we’re the rabbit?
Quite a good drawing.
David Evans
I love the fact that with a Kindle I don’t have to allocate one thumb to just keeping the pages of a fat book far enough apart to read. I can even put it down without losing my place. Also, flipping between text and endnotes is pretty cool once you get used to it.
Amir Khalid
@Cheryl Rofer:
GAAAAAAH!! Brain bleach! Brain bleach!
@Betty Cracker: I spent 25 years working in southern Indiana and met a lot of people who knew Schnatter, almost every single one including relatives of his told me that he was a prick and an asshole.
And the clueless asshole doesn’t know why his own parents said fuck off to his face?
Possess no info about that one way or the other.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@OzarkHillbilly: So we can assume this MAGA dear owns a “f your feelings” T-shirt?
@SiubhanDuinne: Oscar? Felix?
Felony Govt
Another thing I like about reading books on a device (although I still prefer paper) is being able to search back for a name or phrase.
@MagdainBlack: Yeah, Mr. True Tolerant could have started with tolerating his parents’ opinions but he had to go whine on Faux News. The gall of these people.
Tenar Arha
Lots of people go to the library as a place & for human interaction, not just to borrow books. But I completely understand about winter & icy sidewalks. Falls are no joke for anyone, but in the sick or elderly…both my parents towards their ends had falls. Anyway, your idea for a tablet for books would be ideal. Here’s some things to consider.
Aesthetically people who like real books prefer an eInk display. But there’s advantages to having the multi-purpose tablet.
Most libraries have ePub & audio books & even music & movies that you can borrow through an app: Overdrive, Hoopla, & Libby seem to be commonly used in Massachusetts. The process of browsing, borrowing & downloading the books is semi-streamlined through these apps. It’s much much easier to do this if you have a Kindle Fire or a nook tablet or an iPad which allows you to download apps, rather than an eInk reader w/o those apps.
You Mom could still borrow books from the library with an eInk reader though. Anyone can crossload an ebook onto an eInk tablet from their local library.
First you have to borrow & download the book from their online website, then plug your reader into your computer, then you usually either drag & drop the file onto the tablet or a folder on your computer which syncs with your tablet. This isn’t something particularly hard for some, but it’s not a widespread skill anymore since everything transitioned mostly wireless & app to app syncing. I recently tried to walk both my little cousins & their mom how to crossload kindle format books onto the kid’s kindle, & ended up having to do it myself.
TL;DR If your Mom has previously used a USB cable to transfer files to another device via her computer, an eInk tablet would probably work great. Otherwise, a multipurpose tablet might be easier for her. I hope this helps.
Tenar Arha
@NotMax: I got curious & did some research.
Addendum: According to the following instructions, it looks like Kindle has simplified the library book borrowing process so that crossloading isn’t always necessary on the paperwhite(?). See these instructions: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=hp_515724_library?nodeId=200747550
john b
@Tenar Arha: you can also link those accounts on the e-ink kindle, and it will show up in her library and download over wifi. I can’t remember, but it may require an Amazon account.
Steeplejack (phone)
Oscar Levant is okay.
Steeplejack (phone)
The headline (now) says “Trump,” not “Trumpov.” Did they change it or did you?
@NotMax: Can you get somebody to go with her? Going to the library is such a nice outing, and the exercise is good too.
@OzarkHillbilly: “So, your parents, the ones who know you better than anyone, don’t think you should be in public office? Huh.”