This part of the Vulture Billy Joel interview was pretty fire:
Wearing the Star of David wasn’t about politics. To me, what happened in Charlottesville was like war. When Trump said there were good people on both sides — there are no good Nazis. There are no good Ku Klux Klan people. Don’t equivocate that shit. I think about my old man:Most of his family was murdered in Auschwitz.The story of the Joel family’s experience with Nazi Germany is told in full in the 2001 German documentary The Joel Files. He was able to get out but then got drafted and went in the U.S. Army. He risked his life in Europe to defeat Nazism. A lot of men from his generation did the same thing. So when those guys see punks walking around with swastikas, how do they keep from taking a baseball bat and bashing those crypto-Nazis over the head? Those creeps are going to march through the streets of my country? Uh-uh. I was personally offended. That’s why I wore that yellow star. I had to do something, and I didn’t think speaking about it was going to be as impactful.
The whole interview is interesting because he discusses the people who hate them and he seems pretty grounded and at peace with things. Sounds like an interesting guy, actually.
Still he doesn’t apologize for “Cold Spring Harbor”.
Billy Joel grew up in the same communities I did on Long Island. It was impossible to NOT know Holocaust survivors. One of my first girlfriends was from a survivor family.
So, yeah–bashing Nazis with baseball bats is the least thing we owe to history. And ourselves.
Vulture Billly Joel sounds uncivil.
@Baud: I spent a minute thinking, “What the hell is Vulture Billy Joel?”
When we were first married there was an old couple that shopped at the same grocery as we did. I noticed on summer that they both had numbers tattooed on their forearms. It was a chilling reminder that we were not that far away from those times. It was good of Joel to remind people of why there are not good people on both sides. Fuck Nazis
A Ghost To Most
“Don’t let the bastards beat ya down”.
How Billy Joel closed his show in Omaha, the night before I left the service.
Fuck civility with fascists.
@different-church-lady: I thought a hedge fund had bought out Billy Joel and was selling him out at cut rate.
And who hates Billy Joel? His music drives me crazy after two songs, and need a year or so to refresh my ears before another one. But I never hated the guy.
When I watched the march and the klan and neo nazi’s shout the jews will not replace us, I cried. The next day I saw my neighbor and was telling him about it, and I cried again. Trump needs to be voted out, unless he is forced out before then. VOTE in the midterms and convince all that you know to VOTE. …
@Baud: If you keep up with this attitude, Baud; you’ll be forced to listen to ‘Piano Man’ for 3 hours.
@Schlemazel: When I was in college, my roommate and I when to Farmers Market for dinner. He said, did you see what’s on that woman’s arm? Tattooed numbers.
I cannot read anything about Billy Joel without automatically thinking of this:
A Ghost To Most
@?BillinGlendaleCA: But I could listen to ” Summer, Highland Falls” for days.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: True story: I was in a coffee shop a few years ago, and somehow their Pandora got stuck on “Say Goodbye to Hollywood” — just that one song, on a loop, over and over again. it was really crowded in there and the staff was so busy they weren’t really paying attention to the music.
I was sitting at a big communal table, and after about the sixth time in a row, everyone was looking at each other, like, “They’re gonna do something about this, right?” After the ninth time everyone was looking at each other like, “Okay, one of us is going to get up and say something about this, right?”
Omnes Omnibus
@jl: He knows what he did.
Another lurker
I had a next door neighbor with the tattoo. Commenter is correct, you could not grow up on L.I. and not know a holocaust survivor.
When I see Nazi imagery, displayed on jacked up pickups, I see red. I needed to be restrained on occasions, when I spotted a double, verticle lightning bolts, symbolizing S.S., on a truck in a local parking lot. I saw the symbol in a train station parking lot, on Long Island and I have seen it multiple times, here in Fla.
I am sickened and the last thing I need to hear is athat I need to civil to these mooks, Schmucks, low lives, redneck untermenchen etc. They do not deserve civility.
trump symbolism, bumper stickers, window decals etc., is rapidly approaching the classification of hate symbolism, IMHO.
A Ghost To Most
@Another lurker:
I grew up with these racist fucking Nazis. I share your hate.
Grew up in the northern suburbs of NYC. Most my Jewish peeps had family lost in the war. A couple had parents who survived the camps. All of them had it impressed upon their very being how horrible what happened in WWII was. We all did back then really. My Dad & uncle fought in it. If they were alive today I bet neither of them would be voting Republicans any longer. No love lost for Nazis. Not from them & their generation. That’s why back in my youth people who were sympathetic to it kept their mouth shut most of the time. Kind of their own closet, eh? Sadly they don’t seem to feel the need to stay closeted any more. That’s the Trump Effect right there.
Pretty much this. Hate “Uptown Girl” with the heat of a thousand suns but the man himself lives admirably, so far as I know. This raises his stock considerably and has me recalling his past as a Golden Gloves boxer. Nazis take note.
A running buddy and I used to load up the jukebox with repeated playings of a random unpopular song just prior to leaving. Proto-technology hijinks.
@Another lurker:
We had survivors here in Columbus, Ohio too. In fact, a classmate’s mother survived Dauchau and father was one of the soldiers who liberated it.
I was glad my parents and grandparents weren’t alive to witness Charlottesville. It would have broken their hearts.
A Ghost To Most
Sometimes, this song carries me.
OMG I assumed that crazy gun nut would beat Cagle, and possibly by ten, but as of now, he will exceed that margin. When Kemp was secretary of state, he dissed Obama’s call to tighten the election process because of possible interference. Now because of his malfeasance, the state is paying for my credit monitoring.
ugh. I might have to move to bama,
Kind of ironic that the guys who risked life and limb to fight the Nazis don’t seem to be able to recognize one. See story below.
A Ghost To Most
Conor Lamb up by 12 in house race.
Kyle Griffin has this up on his twitter feed with a link to the NYTimes..
Patricia Kayden
27% crazification factor strikes again.
It never fails.
Mike in NC
One of Trump’s early advisors was Sebastian Gorka, son of a member of the Arrow Cross, the WW2 Hungarian version of the Nazis. Then there are Bannon and Miller, who are ardent white supremacists.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
I found an FTFNYT article on that.
Remember, nothing really matters except the horse race, so sayeth the NYT. Don’t bother with the wider context of who’s actually worse, just make false equivalences to appear “objective”.
@A Ghost To Most: l am not a big Billy Joel fan, and I get why some people don’t like his music. It has a bit too poppy feel for me. But, I think he is a very good lyricist and a fine musician. Piano Man is a very great song and it isn’t really Billy Joel’s fault that radio stations played it on continuous loop for 20 years making us rip out our ear drums when we hear it now. Also, too…this song is still very relavent
@Mike in NC:
Didn’t one of Trump’s earlier wives claim he kept a volume of Hitler speeches on his nightstand? “Say what you will about national socialism Dude, at least they had an ethos.”
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Patricia Kayden:
What are the origins of the 27%? I know who identified it but how long has it been a “thing” in American politics? And does it exist in other democracies?
@Schlemazel: One of my German teachers was a Holocaust survivor. She always wore long sleeves and once someone asked her about it and she showed them her tattoo and started weeping. As for Billy Joel, I am sure he has had NFLTG for a long time.
Please kill yourself, Paul Ryan.
Major Major Major Major
testing 1234
edit: ?
Patricia Kayden
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: I think it originated from a former BJ commenter. I believe that there may be a BJ post explaining its origin.
@Patricia Kayden: I’m afraid that number is higher, but they now realize their vote counts.
It’s horrifying to me.
Patricia Kayden
@TenguPhule: You’re being so uncivil!!
Beware of what you wish for, especially from a clueless thug admin.
69-30%. That is fucking scary. Frankly, either of them winning is distressing enough, but that kind of margin is downright terrifying.
In the 7th CD Dem runoff, my gal Carolyn Bourdeaux lost to David Kim. I’ll cheerfully work for and vote for him, but I was really wishing for a woman candidate to take on the SAD LOW-ENERGY Rob Woodall.
So much for State’s Rights.
Via Wapo.
@TenguPhule: I know it’s wrong to hope for another soul’s demise…but Paul Ryan is just another name on a long list of people whose departure from this mortal realm will make the Earth a better place.
@TenguPhule: When does he start a trade war with California?
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
John Rogers was writing of the 2004 Senate election in Illinois:
“”Obama vs. Alan Keyes. Keyes was from out of state, so you can eliminate any established political base; both candidates were black, so you can factor out racism; and Keyes was plainly, obviously, completely crazy. Batshit crazy. Head-trauma crazy. But 27% of the population of Illinois voted for him.[4] They put party identification, personal prejudice, whatever ahead of rational judgement. Hell, even like 5% of Democrats voted for him. That’s crazy behaviour. I think you have to assume a 27% crazification factor in any population
No clue if it really is universal
Because a so called president trolling people is so funny? What a fucking cowardly asshole.
At this rate? Next week.
@SiubhanDuinne: When I texted my son at 8:06 he laughed. He thinks Kemp is easier to beat, but unfortunately he could be the next governor. ugh. I’m a big Abel fan, but Mc Bath is holding her own. Definitely to close to call.
CNN has the Trump/Cohen tape and Trump clearly wants to pay cash.
@Patricia Kayden:
I think it originated elsewhere, but I can’t remember from whom. If memory serves, it was deduced/developed as a result of the Senatorial contest between Barack Obama and Alan Keyes, so that puts it around 2004 or 2005, I think?
If I decide to be un-lazy, I’ll look up the “27 percent Crazification Factor”
ETA: John Rogers at Kung Fu Monkey, but I see Schlemazel has already noted it.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
So Ryan thinks “trolling” people by screwing with the security clearance process in a partisan, dictatorial way is acceptable behavior? Unacceptable.
I agree. Ryan should kill himself for shitting all over the oath he took when he assumed office.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
I meant if it there was any evidence of the 27% existing earlier than 2004.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: I’m even willing to allow him the traditional glass of whiskey in the library first.
Patricia Kayden
@Schlemazel: Thanks for that. Hilarious!! And yet so true.
@Schlemazel: It’s universal. There was some election in some other country where a candidate was clearly batshit crazy and guess what percentage of the vote he got? That’s right…27%.
@TenguPhule: California will sue his ass to the gates of hell.
Patricia Kayden
@TenguPhule: California will sue. Republicans are supposedly pro state rights so we’ll see how things go.
@SiubhanDuinne: @JPL: I thought crazy-eyed Cagle would be easier to beat, but the gun nuts have spoken. Kemp needs to have a hammer and sickle hung around his neck for the election shennanigans. I’ve been sharing the Politico article on GA hacking with leaners (aka dipshits) around here and they are universally appalled.
Via the FTFNYT
We are so fucked.
The idiots running businesses are full of confidence. The Titanic is unsinkable.
New Jersey?
@Urlhix: My son thought Kemp would be easier, because he is just crazy, but being GA it probably doesn’t matter. The one thing with Abrams, is she can get out the vote and maybe flip some state seats. We need help in the house races also.
@TenguPhule: If we banned states from requiring mufflers and seat bells, we could sell more hearing aids and drive a lot more business the emergency rooms. GDP would soar.. Good for business. MAGA!
Also, CA earthquake building codes drive up construction costs, and reduce reconstruction business enterprise after quakes. Should ban those too.
Hope someone asks Kavanaugh about it.
Edit: patchwork of state fire and electrical construction codes also hamper business. And remember way back in the day, fire marshals were vanguard of the deep state, trying to break up Trump rallies. Food for thought. Outlaw them and pass a bill of attainder on their issue.
Billy Joel is the man. Have loved his music since my late middle school / early high school days, even though he had already stopped recording new music at that point. I’ve been to 2 of his concerts at MSG, and I should probably make it to another one of them before he decides to lay on a couch in a Plexiglass box.
For those playing at home, UPS hath arrived! With 5 hours to spare.
@JPL: I agree Abrams should have a long tail statewide. And I doubt she has any major skeletons, or we would have heard about them already. Kemp, otoh, is relatively unknown and is neck-deep in the election scandals of the last few years.
@Urlhix: Nathan Deal was also pretty scandal-plagued when he ran against Jason Carter…much good that did us.
I am highly skeptical we will win in Georgia, but if Abrams manages to pull it off, that will be a very positive sign.
Earnings. Thats all they see.
@jl: Much of the business ownership community seems to no longer care.
They’ve decided that nothing can stop them now. They’re invincible. Politics will not affect them at all.
Yep, the lagging indicator. When earnings are crashing, its already too late. The dumbass fucks.
@TenguPhule: I wonder if there is a betting line on it over at Paddy Power? Melania is a robot is still at 500 to 1
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Sirius has a station that was kind of folky/singer-songwritery and is now devoted to rotating big names going on Their Really Absolutely This Time We Mean It Final Tour (Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Billy Joel, now U2), songs, interviews, some covers, etc. I mostly flip through it but when it was devoted to Billy Joel a few of the interviews made clear that he has a big complex about Springsteen.
@Urlhix: She owed back taxes, and if you can’t manage your own finances, yadda, yadda, yadda. She needs to get out quickly with an ad explaining that. Since I have an antenna, I already saw a Hillary, Nancy Pelosi ad, but that seems old to me. If I could advise her, rather than sandblasting Stone Mountain’s racists figures, I’d suggest
she would put up a plaque explaining when the monument was built.
a reminder, the Sinclair assholes were behaving so badly that Ajit Pai of all people was unable to approve of them.
@NotMax: Good news! Are you going to set up the Kindle before you leave?
@PsiFighter37: lol In fact I mentioned that to a big Deal supporter. Of course, I added that hypocrisy is going to do us in.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He could have been a contender!
Lordy, there’s a tape.
What is he trying to hide?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Timurid: Obligatory
In progress. Software updates downloading as we type. Also got her a pretty case for it to make it easy to prop up when reading at the dining table or in bed. Figured a monochrome case, when shut, might be too easy to blend in under certain instances and effectively become invisible.
@JPL: I forgot about the Stone Mountain thing. That’s an own goal, for sure. Of course I’d just advocate putting Outkast up there too and not mention sandblasting ever again.
@PsiFighter37: It is always an uphill fight in the deep south, but Abrams is a much smarter pol than Jason Carter ever was.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No kidding.
Mary G
@Timurid: Lanny Davis released it, as welk as waiving privilege. Odd strategy though IANAL.
@Mary G: It’s not up to the lawyer to waive privilege. Not sure what is going on here. If Trump could have asserted ACP, it was his privilege to waive. The penalty for Cohen for releasing the information would be some kind of professional sanction. It’s not clear to me whether or not the information could be excluded from being used as evidence, but if it could, my guess would be that it would only be excluded from a proceeding against Trump himself.
Fuckin’ Nazis. Good for nothing. I grew up in Baltimore. My next door neighbor, Mr. G, showed me his tattoo one day after I cut his grass. We sat on his front porch drinking Cokes, talking. My first girlfriend’s mother, 1966, showed me her tattoo. Educational moments for a kid raised and educated Catholic. Fuck trump.
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
I assume you really need wingnut radio and Fox but it is interesting to note that when he left office Nixon had a 25% approval rating.
This is uninformed speculation, but my take on the tape is that Cohen leaked it in an effort to show people on all sides that a tape like this one only makes sense if he’s explaining it. [The reference to “David” seems to be, as people on the Maddow show speculated, “David Dennison” so that it’s about the payoff.]
He’s obviously still angling for a pardon because if the hypothetical deal offered by Mueller were good enough, he’d have already taken it.
@TenguPhule: Yeah, so when did the rethug congress outlaw recessions? I missed that.
@Barbara: Crime-fraud exception, maybe.
Omnes Omnibus
@PsiFighter37: You are an odd duck. Always have been.
@hueyplong: But that’s not the attorney’s call either.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Nah, the figures at Stone Moutain should be destroyed. Here’s a compromise: the state of Georgia hires a world-renowned realist painter and they paint a picture of the monument and hang that in a museum. Acceptable?
@Barbara: I thought that Rudy already waved privilege.
That may be the answer — Cohen may still be trying to protect Trump, and is willing to do so even at his own expense.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Joel wouldn’t have been as successful as he was if he wasn’t talented
Omnes Omnibus
@Barbara: Just because Cohen is a lawyer does not mean that every Trump-Cohen decision is privileged. I have been a corporate counsel and have been asked for my opinion about a business decision. I always prefaced my answer with a “this is not legal advice” and followed up with a memo saying the same.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
Huh. Interesting. Thanks!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That could be. These guys are so sloppy.
@Mnemosyne: It couldn’t be used in any event.
@Omnes Omnibus: Well of course not every conversation is privileged but this sounds pretty straightforward. Who knows, like I said above, these guys are so sloppy.
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Are you trying to start fights?
A Ghost To Most
Oh, yeah. Listened to “Turnstiles” a bit ago.
“Miami 2017 (The Night the Lights …) has proven stubbornly prophetic.
Amir Khalid
And not a momenr too soon!
Omnes Omnibus
@Barbara: I assume that they waived it all the time. They aren’t good at doing things that should be done.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nope. I just disagree with you.
A Ghost To Most
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Google “Kung Fu Monkey” “crazification factor”.
Also, “Keyes Constant”.
A Ghost To Most
The origin of the crazification factor
“Piano Man”, really? Possibly the most disgustingly self-adoring song ever written.
Also, he deserves to burn in hell for “Just the Way You Are”.
That said, I do agree he’s a talented musician, and there are some songs of his I like. I also respect what he did here. More generally, however, he has a smug, assholish persona.
Amir Khalid
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
In music, talent is not a guarantee of success, and success is not proof of talent.
Gin & Tonic
I had to re-read this comment to see who’d posted it.
Gin & Tonic
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Our man in KL speaks much truth. You should listen.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: I give you The ‘Mats.
Keith P.
Billy Joel was my first concert ever (Houston, 1992 or 1993). Just a real, real fun show, where everyone sings along with all the songs. I’d never been to a concert before, so the whole time I was asking “When is he going to play ‘Piano Man’? He’s going to play it, right?” Then he ends the show…no “Piano Man”. But there’s an encore…except it’s something like “We Didn’t Start the Fire”. I’m in shock that he doesn’t play “Piano Man”. Then, he does a *double* encore with “Piano Main” (I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a double encore), and it brought the house down.
Omnes Omnibus
@Keith P.: I cannot even. Really.
? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?
@Amir Khalid: @Gin & Tonic:
True. But I like a lot of Joel’s songs. Preferences are preferences.
Omnes Omnibus
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Sad!
@Gin & Tonic:
You are inferior to your cousin V&T.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?: Here is the original post that was the start of the 27% crazification factor. -Link-
There was a tiny little corner market around the corner from my mom’s parents house, the grocer, Mr. Rosenberg had a concentration camp number.
Bobby Thomson
@trollhattan: but if you leave you miss the fun.
Bill Arnold
@? ?? Goku (aka Amerikan Baka) ? ?:
Sure. It is after all a fundamental constant of human nature [0][1]. Something about scale-invariance mumble mumble perhaps. :-)
[0] Also, curiously, it’s almost exactly 37 (one of my favorite prime numbers) times the fine-structure constant :-)
[1] I have not seen a reference prior to 2005 either. Pretty sure it’s entirely from here:
ETA @Hkedi [Kang T. Q.] linked it above I see
Irony Abounds
Billy Joel’s biggest sin is that his music is too popular. It drives music snobs absolutely crazy. They can handle critically panned artists who don’t last all that long, but when someone the critics hate sells over 100 million albums, they get deranged. He has produced a solid body of work that millions of people enjoy and he puts on a helluva concert. Haters can go pound sand as far as I’m concerned.
Darrin Ziliak (formerly glocksman)
I like Billy Joel’s older stuff.
Uptown Girl can DIAF, but Say Goodbye to Hollywood and Captain Jack are great.
No reference to Kung Fu Monkey is complete without his devastating synopsis of Atlas Shrugged.
“unexplainable”, right.