Pustulent anthropomorphic anal cyst Alex Jones and his posse of choad hurling gremlins at InfoWars have FINALLY been banned from several prominent social media sites:
YouTube, Facebook and Apple have taken steps to remove content associated with InfoWars and its founder Alex Jones.
Each social media platform said Monday that it had removed content from Jones or InfoWars because it had violated their policies. The companies’ moves shut down key distribution channels that had given the controversial media figure easy access to millions of internet users.
The most dramatic action came last, from YouTube, which is owned by Google (GOOGL). It removed many top channels associated with InfoWars, including The Alex Jones Channel, which had 2.4 million subscribers and videos that were viewed over 1.5 billion times.
Spotify has also removed Jones after a large movement on the intertrons had people unsubscribing en masse.
The question is “Why now,” when it’s been pretty god damned clear for quite some time that he’s the human equivalent of ebola diarrhea in a crowded subway platform, spewing his noxious filth all over the place and infecting the public discourse with his waste and bile.
The answer, of course, is pressure. That’s all these corporate entities respond to- pressure. If you are looking to our corporate shitlords who have gleefully participated in the fleecing of America for moral guidance while occassionally having a “green week” or chucking a few coins at the muscular dystrophy or breast cancer, you’re doing it wrong. You need to get in their face, tell them that in no uncertain terms to fix themselves or get fucked. It works. Google “sleeping giants boycott.”
And no, Alex Jones’s first amendment rights have not been violated. He can build his own fucking network.
Jones’ business model monetized lying, defamation, and threats of violence. The high-tech world decided that crossed the line. And I guess I agree.
All over the Twitterz right now, Rick Gates admits he broke the law with Paul Manafort. Tick Tock Motherfuckers
Is it too much to hope that he loses every cent he’s made with his evil to his ex-wife & to the Sandy Hook parents? Or falls into a bear’s den. I’m easy to please.
Funny how the right wing crazies seem to be the worst snowflakes out there. Projection. They have it by the ton.
Mike J
So who on the left will they go after in the name of balance? I can’t think of anyone on our side who sics hordes on grieving parents.
It would have been nice to remove him before he could destroy so many lives with his bullshit. The best part of Homeland last season was the Jones character. SPOILER He was a coward.
Mike J
Ian G.
Seriously. The morherfucker and his pathetic troll cult were harassing 9/11 family members over a decade ago. That should have been more than enough before he started going after the families of murdered schoolchildren.
TICK fucking TOCK!!!
@MattF: Jones will go the way of the other Dinaousaurs, Drudge is basically a laughing stock, Glen Beck has dropped so far he is scrambling to stay above water, the only reason Hannitiy is still afloat is that Twitler keeps appearing on his program. Eventually he will go down in a ball of flames (probably because of Cohen), Rush will keep going because he is a self fulfilling prophesy where the more bullshit he spouts the more he inflates himself.
Doug R
@Litlebritdifrnt: “With”
Ha ha
mike in dc
Will Twitter bounce him is the last relevant question. Jones is also facing pretty major litigation action at the moment, related to Sandy Hook.
I’ve read there’s been an organized campaign to harass families of Sandy Hook victims. How much is Alex Jones involved in that? I think he’s being sued over it.
Wonder how much that has to do with it. More than general toxicity, maybe fear of getting involved in that toxic mess?
Maybe informed BJ legal flying wedge can inform me.
Glenn Beck is looking for business, so can always plug him in, if wingers want themselves more conspiracies. I think he hawks the same non-hybrid disaster seeds, super safe gold bar retirement retirement investments, and bomb shelter stuff.
mike in dc
@Litlebritdifrnt: Rush is near retirement age. I think his contract runs through 2020 or 2022. He’ll be 70+.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I like this typo in WaPo’s live feed:
“Manafort, seated between his lawyers in a dark suit, blue shit and purple tie, stared intently….
Hee hee, I’m a perpetual 4 year old.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I think Hannity is involved in schemes to buy up HUD financed housing, intentionally distress and then use that as an excuse to flip it to high end developers. Might up his ratings with Fox viewers.
Why do you hate the bears?
Old School
All right, I’ll be the straight man.
“What’s a dickfur?”
Major Major Major Major
@Mike J: damn just came here to post this.
A Ghost To Most
So Gates embezzled $100ks from Manafort? No honor among thieves.
@Old School: Urban Dictionary has the answer. Took me a moment to get it, truth be told.
Betty Cracker
Well said.
Hannity will go when Rupert goes. I don’t see Rupert’s kids being very impressed with the likes of Hannity and Judge Jeanne
Wonder how much is due to ex trashing him in the media? (yeah, she did marry the anal wart, but she has the right to out his abusive behavior and hopefully get her kids back into a safe environment)
and how much to people being so fed up with the grotequeries of the shitgibbon (was that a clive barker title?) that they hear Roseanne and Jones and think, “well, that’s at least one asshole I can get rid of.”
He’s suing one of the victims’ parents for his court costs.
I don’t know how he can sink any lower, but I’m sure he will.
The Moar You Know
@Litlebritdifrnt: Not so much. His MegaBucks ($400 million) contract expired in 2016 and he’s not talking about how much he’s getting paid under his new one. Answer: not much. The number of stations he’s on has dropped as well.
I’d like to see some serious pressure applied towards having his show pulled from the AFRN. Taxpayers should not be spending money to disseminate his bullshit to the troops.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Well, I guess there is a line you can’t cross after all. Wow. Even the conservatives I know loath Infowars.
Mike in NC
Alex Jones will pop up at a future Trump hate rally and the MAGAts will greet him with a standing ovation.
The Moar You Know
@Melusine: None. It got very little media traction (I had to look up what you were talking about. He sounds nice.) and God knows, the unmedicated mentally ill who form the vast majority of his audience won’t care.
@grammypat: This is from me if I was still twelve. if the NYTimes had that error. On their correction page would be while covering the Manafort trial, we inadvertently described an article of clothing as a word meaning defecating. We apologize for that error and it is now corrected to say blue shirt.
@jl: Hannity is involved with anything that will line his own pockets. I used to listen to him because it was basically the only thing I could listen to on my local radio station. It was fascinating to hear how he switched his sales pitch to suit his recent scam. “II used to have insomnia until I got a sleep number bed and now I sleep like a baby” until sleep number dropped his ass like a hot potato when he said something particularly offensive so he switched to the “pillow” guy (well known RWNJ) and began his ads “I used to have insomnia until I got my pillow and now I sleep like a baby”. I am sure that his listeners didn’t even notice that Sean seems to have an awful problem with insomnia no matter his mattress nor his pillow. I am sure once his pillow provider is found to have been molesting children or something (total speculation just joshing here) he will begin his new ads with “I used to have insomnia but since I found colidial silver I sleep like a baby”. It was obvious that he was heading down the Alex Jones road when he started advertising “emergency food supplies” voiced by no other than Ron Paul.
The Dangerman
/urbandictionary, here I coms
Mary G
@ruemara: I was envisioning a tantrum so big he drops dead of a heart attack, but a bear would be good too.
Shame it took these companies five years of him claiming Sandy Hook was a hoax to do the right thing. Go parents!
I suspect some of the issue here was timing. You don’t get all these guys moving at the same time as a coincidence. I’m sure they have some kind of working group to discuss this. It turns into a potential whack-a-mole problem – if the sites pull him at random, he just shifts to ones that hasn’t and then amps up a campaign to go after that company. If they do it simultaneously, then there are fewer ways to recover and it’s harder to single out one company. I know ‘safety in numbers’ seems stupid for companies worth a collective few trillion dollars, but we’re talking about millions of followers here. It takes far less than that to swing an election.
Alex Jones is a pretty easy target, though. Let’s see what happens next.
@John Cole
What happened is a good thing, not a bad thing. The system is working.
Would you really prefer that Google pays a handful of censors to decide what the public can view on youtube? The bar should be set pretty high before stuff that is legal gets blocked. I’m glad that the toxic swill from Jones is gone, and I’m sure these companies could have played their “terms violation” cards sooner if they chose, but it’s also good that blocking doesn’t happen too quickly or too easily.
Although I do wonder how much of Roseanne’s behavior is possibly due to the head injury she received in a car accident as a teenager. I mean, she was always nuts – sometimes that was part of her appeal – but i don’t remember her being racist, hate-filled nuts til her later years. Progressive cognitive degeneration might be a factor, though it wouldn’t excuse her behavior. Glad they’ll be carrying on the show without her. Give the a chance to be a Norman Lear-y sitcom for the times.
Hmmm..interesting question from Booman yesterday…hmm
Would you approve a deal that immunized all members of the Trump family from prosecution in return for President Trump’s voluntary resignation?
Hmm…I want all those fuq’ers to go down, including Pence…but seeing as how Chump would never fall on his sword for his children (I mean maybe Ivanka? But hasn’t he already thrown Jr under the big ole collusion bus?), this is likely a question with no need for an answer
Phew, John. Thats a lot of colon-based metaphors and descriptors there in your post. Not that I dont agree completely, especially with the “whyd it take so long?
Let us all cue up our tiny violins for when Fox News weeps over te violation of Jones free-speech rights.
@ruemara: re. loses every penny versus falls into a hungry bear’s den: porque no los dos?
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
Even if Jones is gone for good, and we should be so lucky, I fear his zombie lies will live on for the foreseeable future.
Major Major Major Major
@lamh36: I would not. I want a very public reckoning between the republicans and trump. And a fig leaf would allow the party establishment to avoid it.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Alex Jones down in flames, Bleck dead as the dodo, Hantry and Rush on death watch. I don’t know if I can handle a world without cranky stupid white guys talking nonsense that I can feel smugly superior too. I mean look at Rush, he’s the perfect rich white dude – no matter how much money, how much fame he is has, he is still an idiot, a druggie and a pedophile. And that’s something we can all happily look down upon.
Anonymous At Work
Jones was always gonna be gone due to the combination of his divorce proceedings and the defamation trials. In the former, in an effort to retain custody, he testified under Oath that he is not a journalist but an entertainer. That testimony can be used against him in the defamation cases to help show a reckless disregard for the truth as well as counter First Amendment claims.
Next up, Hannity, who does not believe in journalistic ethics.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@Mandalay: I would prefer that these sites behave consistently and predictably. It was often easy to get some minor player banned in social media sites. But never with any consistency about TOS violations. They seemed to be random.
zhena gogolia
@Mike J:
Ooh, that’s fun!!!
Live footage of Rick Gates on the stand:
@grammypat: “typo”
The Dangerman
No fucking way.
I’ll repeat something I posted a couple of weeks ago:
“Why now” is because said Utopists are finally, very belatedly, coming around to realizing that Utopia is not achieved by just leaving all the toys around unsupervised.
Speaking of Alex Jones
Never Forget
FUQ Megyn Kelly.
@lamh36: It will never happen, so what’s the point in asking?
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: I don’t know any techo-utopians who think/thought a techno-utopia would be achieved by the existence of twitter.
@lamh36: It will never happen, so why bother answering?
While helping him commit crimes, Rick Gates admits he also embezzled from his boss, something Paul Manafort’s defense attorneys have said repeatedly throughout the trial. Gates said he had authority on some of Manafort’s Cyprus accounts, which were set up by a law firm in that country.
“I added money to expense reports and created expense reports” that were not accurate, he said, to pad his salary by “several hundred thousand” dollars. He said he had embezzled from other employers as well and that he volunteered this information in his meetings with the government.
Gates said he also told prosecutors he had lied in a deposition in a civil case against Manafort involving a private equity fund. And, he said, as a favor to a friend, Steven Brown, he wrote a letter claiming Brown had income that did not exist. Brown is facing fraud prosecution in New York federal court.
As part of his plea deal, Gates said prosecutors agreed not to pursue charges on those fronts and to drop a second indictment against him in Alexandria accusing him of bank and tax fraud. Gates said he was guilty of those crimes, having wired money from Cyprus through the United Kingdom to the U.S. without paying taxes on it for himself.
Gates admitted he did lie to investigators while negotiating a plea deal, claiming a March 2013 meeting with a lobbyist and a congressman did not include a discussion of Ukraine.
He also admitted wiring money from Cyprus for Manafort that was not declared as income falsifying financial documents when Manafort was “hoping to receive” bank loans.
Asked if he got any personal benefit from Manafort’s falsified loan applications, Gates responded, “No, I did not.”
Under his plea agreement, Gates said he can go to prison for 10 years but his guidelines are 57 to 71 months and prosecutors will not stop his attorney for asking for a probationary sentence. But, he said, new charges could be brought against him if he fails to abide by the deal’s conditions, including telling the truth. Manafort has continued to stare directly at Gates, leaning forward a bit in his seat, throughout the testimony, while Gates has avoided eye contact.
Gates has repeatedly said that he committed the majority of his crimes at Manafort’s direction. Off the top of his head he named 12 overseas companies he said Manafort controlled; on prompting from prosecutors he identified three more. “Yes,” they all belonged to Manafort he said. The money in them “came from income from political consulting in Ukraine,” he said.
“Two directors from a legal firm” in Cyprus set up the majority of the accounts, he said, and he or Manafort would contact them about wiring money.
John Revolta
@Old School: @MattF: @The Dangerman:
This is obviously some Mountain Man corruption of a good English word every Jersey boy knows as Dickweed.
@Major Major Major Major: Do you know any at all? Because you seem pretty level-headed.
@Major Major Major Major:
Feeliees on the other hand….
(Another Brave New World reference.)
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: I know many. I work in tech.
@Ian G.:
True, but so did Ann Coulter. When does she get kicked out?
@Major Major Major Major: Well, maybe I’m mistaking Techno-Utopists for Sociopathic Digital Capitalists?
Or am I drawing the line too fine?
@different-church-lady: I think that line is at about $10 million in assets.
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: I think you’re nutpicking.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
There will still be Sinclair Broadcasting.
@Major Major Major Major: Am I not describing Zuckerberg’s entire public sales job? The dude honestly believes his digital cigarettes are making the world a better place.
Pray for the family because he’ll toss them aside without regret.
Wow. Goodfellas all.
Major Major Major Major
@different-church-lady: ah, but I don’t think he believes any such thing.
“Ebola diarrhea” is too nice a term for him. I don’t think there are human words for what he is.
How is tomorrow’s special election shaping up? Is a pickup possible?
@Mike J: For each new story that reconfirms T’s illegitimacy, a horrible accusation against HRC must form out of the air.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer asshole.
@schrodingers_cat: The only thing I have heard for sure is the Republicans are very nervous here. If O’Connor wins…there’s very little way the House can’t be a landslide.
And the Democrats might even get the Senate. If all goes well.
Villago Delenda Est
@Old School: Making whoopie?
@Geoboy: just make sure the events are in the correct order.
It’s supposed to be pretty even. For the first time, the Dem’s been more successful at fundraising.
The Pale Scot
Prosecution? OK. As long as the immunity is dispensed with a good flogging and sterilization of everyone but Barron.
Fuck no.
A) President Pence. Congressional wankers would be even less willing to go after him them the shitgibbon – unless they could manouever Zegs into position. A seemingly sane, less corrupt anal wart might do even more damage.
B) They deserve to go down in the history books as impeached, jailed, mailed back to Vlad the Impaler in small packages….whatever can be officially done to make it crystal clear to their fragile little egos that they are disgraced, exiled, lower than dogshit on Satan’s hoof. The only punishment they’ll understand is permanent loss of status.
And all the people they’ve fucked over, the families they’ve torn apart, the children tbey’ve damaged, deserve whatever justice they can get. They have committed monstrous acts. There has to be a reckoning.
Twitter is next for Jones. Kick his azz off?
@Major Major Major Major: Careful. As an important front pager your opinions now carry The Weight Of Cole. Are you allowed to tell people they’re wrong and/or full of shit now? :P
Okay, now with joking out of the way… how’d the interview go today?
It’s no wonder these assholes are no good at business. All they know is cheating and stealing.
@The Moar You Know:
The days when white men got their daily political (and sports) talking points via AM radio is done. Maybe they can re-purpose the band, because the ratings are dead, and advertising, even in major metro areas, are for hopeless products and services that will never turn a buck.
I continue to have problems with this judge.
Call me crazy but he sounds like he’s really prejudiced against the prosecution.
@schrodingers_cat: The early vote is something around D +13. It looks like it will probably be something like 20% of the overall vote. The district is +7 R historically. In all of the recent polling the R candidate seems to be stuck around 46% with the D creeping up on him–from late May/ early June the margin in the polls went from R +10 to currently a toss up. I think the Rs have a 2-1 margin in voter registration across the district. So it is certainly way closer than it should be but we will have to see who turns out tomorrow. The prognosticators seem to agree that even if the D loses that any loss below 5 points indicates the Ds are on track to win back the House.
zhena gogolia
It sounds to me as if he either knows nothing about post-Soviet reality or he’s corrupt too.
Roger Moore
Fuck no. Failing to nail everyone to the wall after Watergate and Iran/Contra is part of the way we’ve gotten where we are today. I might be willing to accept a deal that gave members of the Trump Crime Family reduced sentences and entry into the witness protection program if they were willing to testify for the prosecution at the RICO trial of the entire Republican Party.
Major Major Major Major
@MisterForkbeard: I feel like I kinda flubbed the system design portion but I always feel like that. ??♂️ Otherwise good
Alain the site fixer
Test comment to edit (mobile)
zhena gogolia
@Alain the site fixer:
I have to type my nym in every time, Maclaptop, Chrome.
Hmph. I got approved for an interview in Santa Clarita. I’d have to cancel an appointment I made 3 months ago to see a specialist, but hey, show up in LA for our hard & fast appointment times. Human resources has really lost the human part of the equation.
@schrodingers_cat: @Marcopolo: Marcopolo has more detailed information than I do, but everything I’m hearing is that a pickup is definitely possible and it will rest almost entirely on turnout. Dems have done very well in the early voting, but since no one knows what percentage of the total vote that will be it’s hard to make further predictions.
My own guess given the demographics and the polling is that we lose the pickup by 2-4 points, but that’s just a shot in the dark. Happy to be proven wrong.
(Also: The lack of “remember my credentials for my next post” checkbox is inconvenient. Hopefully Alain can get all the kinks worked out soon.)
@debit: I has same creeping feeling. Fortunately the testimony for the prosecution sounds extremely strong.
@zhena gogolia: I don’t know about corrupt, but he reads to me like a guy who knows what he knows and no once can tell him otherwise, even if he’s wrong. And he “knows” this case is all a bunch of bullshit and he’s gonna push it out the door as fast as he can. I could be wrong. Other people who know more than me have said that he’s hard but fair. I just don’t like him and it’s for sure making me prejudiced.
@zhena gogolia: Same here. Dell laptop, Windows 10 on Firefox.
joel hanes
Jones will go the way of the other dinosaurs
Remember when Powerline was blog of the year, and the MSM was seeking quotes from Hindrocket ?
Or when people mistook Glen Reynolds’s “Yes indeedy” on Instapundit as insightful and wry commentary ?
Free Republic is no longer a thing.
Charles Johnson took a long look at modern “conservatism”, and took his Little Green Football and went home.
God, the W years sucked.
@Major Major Major Major: Rock on, sir. Glad to hear it, and I’m crossing my fingers for you. Tech interviews are always hard to nail down after the fact.
I always do well in the design and out-of-the-box sections and frankly badly at the “how would you code this ?” questions. I tell the interviewer it’s a solved problem and the right answer is to look it up on the internet and do five minutes of research. And then warn them that I don’t study these kinds of things or have to implement them regularly, so that if they need to me to do it now in front of them I will build them a workable but subpar solution. In some cases I’ve told them that 10+ years of development and QA work has never had me actually DO the simple operation they’re talking about, and that I haven’t had to do it since my 2nd year of college so please forgive any screwups.
Some interviewers really like that answer, but most of them hate it. :)
@Shell: www
It never gets old.
@different-church-lady: I hope so. I really do.
@Betty Cracker: My first thought was “That’s Betty-grade ordnance…”
Good for LeBron…
I’m hoping Laura Ingraham is seething at LeBron for using turning her weak azz put down into some of value and giving even respect and power than he already had!.
For Alain: no edit on mobile here.
Major Major Major Major
@MisterForkbeard: the coding portion was actually refreshing here because it was grounded in practicality, so I did it quick and then talked about how the question was naive. On systems design I was like “well you would use a load balancer here” and he was like “tell me more” and I was like “ok, I would ask my friend David how to make a load balancer here”.
@Baud: They went back and “fixed” it to “white shirt.” pout
The Midnight Lurker
Like we say down here in the Great State of Texas… Adios, motherfucker!
Major Major Major Major
@grammypat: they got the color wrong too?
The Midnight Lurker
May he sell taint wipes in hell for all the pain and misery he has caused.
@The Midnight Lurker: Fleas of the fleas of an infinite number of camels. May they infest him for all eternity.
I feel like you are being unfair to anal cysts. They only spew their disgusting contents once and then go away. Alex Jones spews his constantly.
All I did was organize a community meeting at our public library after Sandy Hook and I was harassed, stalked, and threatened. The fucking Alex Jones followers, A_enda 21, and Sov Cit assholes made my life hell. It’s one thing when they threaten you but when someone emails you with your elementary school kid’s bus # and pick up and drop off times and locations, it’s domestic terrorism. Sadly, the local police basically told me that they couldn’t do anything until someone did something.
When you see giant pick up trucks with gadsen flags or stickers circle past your house in regular intervals, it’s a bit alarming.
So fuck fucking Alex Jones.
The crazy belief was that Sandy Hook was a false flag designed to scare people into accepting laws that would take their guns away. Once they were defenseless the government could seize their land and move them to FEMA camps. These idiots actually went to town meetings to oppose fixing and widening route 1. They thought road improvements were to facilitate rounding people up to transport them to the camps.
It’s terrifying when it happens to you because these people are not rational.
Rosie O’Donnell went rogue and threw an excellent rant on MSNBC.
She told Ari Melber to stop covering Trump rallies, start covering the plight of Reality Winner, and stop referring to lies on FoxNews as “mistruths”.
Steel Giants With Ties to Trump Officials Block Tariff Relief for Hundreds of Firms
FTFNYT link.
2 companies are fucking over hundreds of others. I expect them to start demand bribes for allowing anyone an exemption if they haven’t already.
Oh and our fucking governor met with Sov Cit groups. He was a guest on their radio programs.
@MomSense: How did it finally all end? Or did it?
They’ve also jacked up their prices by 30%.
No. I want their heads on fucking pikes as a fucking example to our country that the law applies to one and all and fuck civilty.
That is just awful. I can’t believe there was so much hate after 20 6-year-olds were cut to ribbons. I hate people anymore.
@TenguPhule: To quote the great dwarf Tyrion:
“Heads, spikes, walls”
@Major Major Major Major: Seems so (in a rush, fog of war, and all that). Then they dropped the descriptions of his clothing when they wrote up the separate recap. It’s just that the original made me giggle.
The Midnight Lurker
@MomSense: Son-of-a-bitch’s followers crash headquarters every other week! One of the ladies was followed home by two psychopaths that earlier were screaming outside about Hillary, Obama, fuckin’ pizza, etc.
I just had to go dark. I phone bank but I don’t do anything publicly anymore.
I talked with my neighbors and they kept an eye out. My next door neighbor is retired. He is a veteran and was a union rep. Everyone knows he carries at all times.
Ben Cisco
@ruemara: HR ain’t there for the hew-mons.
@Yutsano: Always good to have priorities.
Fighting, Drinking, Wenching.
Back in the day they used to be called Personnel.
But then CEOs saw Soylent Green and decided it was a wonderful idea.
so I guess with the testimony that Gates is offering, it would be extremely difficult to find Manafort innocent of damn near anything, I guess we have to wait and see if one of the jurors decides to place “party loyalty” over the fact that crimes were not just committed but laws essentially flaunted.
If they do come back with a guilty verdict… then I imagine sentencing will essentially be moot because there’s enough stealing go on here to be the equivalent of grand larceny…
IF this judgement goes against the Trump Crime Family, what is next on the docket? Who is the next fish in the barrel? Flynn?
@The Midnight Lurker:
There was another woman and a man who were organizers. They left the man alone for the most part but the woman was similarly harassed.
Manafort again, this time on the foreign agent charges.
He either rolls over or Putin will kill him.
This is my shocked face. : |
@Major Major Major Major: This strikes me as an entirely useful response. At that point, maybe I’d describe in broad terms how I’d design a load balancer but in terms of main objectives, but stress that I’m not an expert on the subject and before I did an *actual* design I would perform some research.
Gin & Tonic
@piratedan: Even if/when this one concludes and Manafort is sentenced, he’s got another trial, scheduled to start in September, that has a lot more to do with election-related activities. Paulie has a long few months ahead of him.
Funny. But Redd Foxx would have been funnier.
Major Major Major Major
@MisterForkbeard: the whole point of a systems question is figuring out what you don’t know, but that always makes me nervous and sometimes i flail. ??♂️ We will see
@TenguPhule: Nowadays, we call them “People operations”, which is even more ominous.
The charitable interpretation is that he has already figured out that the evidence against Manafort is overwhelming, and is bending over backwards to avoid committing reversible error.
The less charitable interpretation is that he’s an ass.
@Major Major Major Major: So in your interviews do they pay any attention to softer skills like the ability to communicate, work well with others, etc? Or is it all about tech skills “how would you code this?” Very curious about that. When I was hiring for my tech support and server management group, I had to pay attention to tech skills and people skills.
@Major Major Major Major: It’s all about finding the right – them in finding the right employee and you finding a place you can be happy working. I’m curious about whether you are being interviewed by HR people, or technical people, or by the person/people who oversee/s the technical people.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: depends entirely on the company/team. Far too many people prioritize immediate knowledge rather than taking a find-the-right-human approach. (While this is increasingly common across industries I hear it’s worse in programming, particularly at startups.)
Several times through this process people have remarked upon how gosh darn nice I am, and I mean I’m okay, so I think there must be a severe dearth of soft skills in the industry.
ETA @WaterGirl: all three and often in that order.
@Major Major Major Major: I learned early on to not necessarily hire the person who know the most or who had the most experience. I looked for people who were sharp and could learn anything they didn’t already know, with good trouble shootinbg skills, people with a service attitude, people that I would want to work with every day. I don’t care how smart you are, if someone doesn’t have the skills to work with other people, it never ends well. In my opinion. OT, I have a question for you – if you’re willing to talk with me off-line, send me an email message?
@ruemara: Both options! I vote for both.
I just want them all to get what they deserve. For once in their lives, I want the consequences to not just be for the little people.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: emailed.
I think a lot of startups are myopic about hiring because at the start they really do need right-now hyperspecialists, but then later that just means you don’t have any generalists.
@Major Major Major Major: Are you looking mostly at startups? Exciting and dangerous places to work, all at the same time.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: I am looking mostly at ‘established startups’ so 50-500 people. I have no interest in working at a real startup (as opposed to how we use the term now where Uber is a “startup”).
@Major Major Major Major: If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that cooperation, ability to communicate well, and most importantly the ability to be critical without being an asshole is something that’s pretty rare in our industry. If you can manage those things you can go pretty far, especially if you’re into program management (technical or otherwise) or into people management.
Likewise, the ability to admit that you’re wrong is incredibly helpful, though perhaps hard to show off in an interview. :)
@Major Major Major Major: Right there with you. My company was purchased by a Tech Giant, and when we started we were ~400 people. When we got bought we were ~6000 people. Even the workload for a 400-person “startup” was considerable, and I don’t think I’d ever want to work at a sub-50 employee tech operation. Don’t have the time or energy for it these days, especially given the low pay/high equity gamble you tend to take.
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
I guess “startup” means a company that’s still burning through venture capital rather than sustaining itself on revenue.
J R in WV
My dad was a small town newspaper editor, who believed that part of running a small town newspaper was calling a crooked politician (Clovis Harold Hanks, Circuit Clerk of the county) a crooked politician, and naming crimes.
First thing they did was call my mom, while I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade, so 1958 or so, and tell her they were going to throw acid on my face. All I knew was that I couldn’t walk to school any more, and I couldn’t answer the phone any more.
So, just saying, it’s an age old ploy, threaten the least powerful person. Despicable perverts on your case also!
I was never harmed, although the minions of the crooked pol sprayed brush killer on the lawn, threw paint on the house and roofing nails onto the driveway. Last thing I remember was a neighbor saw someone lurking around the house, called the cops, who found un-fused dynamite and a sawed off shotgun in the road side ditch beside the home place.
I assume none of you were actually physically harmed, although mental harm is pretty bad also too.
Joshua Norton
Actually, 2.4 million viewers on YouTube is less impressive than it sounds. Not when you consider that some emo teen who whines about how hard long division is can attract about 10 million subscribers.
@J R in WV: My friend’s father, editor of the newspaper in a small mill town, was likely murdered after he started looking into corrupt politics. 1970s or early 80s I think. (Ruled accidental drowning but he was a good swimmer, found at the water’s edge, no habit of swimming in the middle of the night.) Her mother who also worked at the paper, then took over as editor and she and kids stayed on in the town. She’s retired now and still lives there.
@TenguPhule: I believe (at least in one case I read about) US steel cos have raised their prices to match the tariffed foreign price. So if I understand, although the tariffs were put on foreign steel so the US co.s would have a price advantage, instead they choose to max their profit at the expense of the US companies that need to buy from them.
@Ian G.: I really hope someday we get to read a story about a family victimized by Sandy Hook or 9/11 “truthers” who struck back, hard. Hire a fucking private eye, get the goods on a couple of these stalker/harasser assholes and give them a heavy dose of their own medicine. Inform their neighbors of what they’ve done. Their employer. Have goons follow them around with cameras. I’m sure volunteers could be found for this.
I feel much the same about anti-woman clinic protesters and open-carry cowards. The former, harass and stalk them. The latter, have orthodox Muslims in traditional garb march through nice white suburbs open-carrying long rifles and chanting “Allah Akbar”.
The other side is not fucking around. The cure for a bully is a punch in the nose, not reasoned discussion and patience and turning the other cheek.