I’m sure the New York Times will tell us that folks at Applebee’s are all making millions off Australian biotech firms by engaging in illegal insider trading, but I think Chris Collins (NY-27) could be in real political trouble after his arrest. It’s a tough district for Dems but the Democratic candidate, Nate McMurray is solid and can give Collins a fight. I don’t think this district will attract much outside money because of its Cook PVI (R + 11), so it’s a good place to kick in a buck.
We went over 1K on our last fundraiser, so you get a Benny picture!
Baby face cheeks!!!
Exurban Mom
Ooooh, bigfooting the boss just to add insulting to injury! Me likey! (Mom’s right, BTW.) And yes, the Collins race should start getting attention….can’t believe the long list of scandals attached to Dolt45. Collins was the first rep to support Dolt45 for pres. You’re all shocked, I can tell.
I got to greet my co-worker’s little dude this morning as he was being taken to daycare, so that brightened up my morning. I like other people’s children — they’re cute and fun to play with and I can hand them back as soon as they start misbehaving.
The convict is still running?
Viva BrisVegas
Australia has biotech firms?
@Viva BrisVegas: Just the one. And it’s only product doesn’t work.
If you have a taste for dumb-crime stories, the indictment is hilarious.
He is toast. These are easy cases. And members of the Board of Directors who tip get criminally prosecuted. What a sleaze.
ActBlue has raised over $1Bn this cycle. Doug! has been busy.
@Platonailedit: Collins made the public statement that he intends to defend himself vigorously and has faith that he will be exonerated. After all, he’s a Republican, he has to like his chances.
@Shalimar: It’s like Theranos. You’d almost think that there are people who have worked out that high flying Republicans can be easily scammed with some pseudo scientific goobly gook and the prospect of big profits.
Chetan Murthy
@burnspbesq: I second that. With a link: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4639631-U-S-v-Christopher-Collins-Et-Al-Indictment-18-Cr.html
@Raoul: Wow. That’s lot of dough.
@piratedan: Rethugs – Proven innocent from get-go.
Cutie’s got teeth! (I somehow find that appropriate.)
James E Powell
Is it like Coen Bros. hilarious or Mel Brooks hilarious?
Jamie Nafus
FYI from the McMurray campaign
Thanks for the adorable baby pic. Made me smile.