No, the Manafort trial did not disappoint. It painted a portrait of an operative who blithely defrauded his own government while working for pro-Russian entities—a striking microcosm of the question at the heart of the sprawling Russia investigation.
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) August 16, 2018
Who’s betting on a particularly busy / toxic Friday News Dump?…
With the Manafort jury out, it's time for a story of the two most magnificent jury notes I've ever seen. /1
— ProveItHat (@Popehat) August 16, 2018
/3 Four days into the trial the jury sends out a note "Judge, can you please make Mr. [senior SEC attorney] stop staring at us? It's making us uncomfortable."
SEC attorney was somewhat less "confident" after that. (Partner won.)
— ProveItHat (@Popehat) August 16, 2018
/5 Jury sends out a note "Judge, can we only convict defendants on the counts in which they are charged, or can we convict them on all the other counts too?"
Somewhat less smirking after that.
Jury notes have a way of humbling you. /end
— ProveItHat (@Popehat) August 16, 2018
My favorite note from the jury as a prosecutor: "After the verdict, can we stay and watch the punishment phase?"
— Jesse McClure for Judge (@Jesse4Judge182) August 16, 2018
Major Major Major Major
The twittertubes seem to think the jury asked for some details on tax filing requirements and for the definition of ‘reasonable doubt.’
The Midnight Lurker
@Major Major Major Major: I linked to a Vox article about it in the previous thread.
My favorite jury question (we were representing the plaintiff contractor) was “can we award attorneys fees.”
Clickbaity title, AL?
randy khan
That one would seem to contain a touch of foreshadowing.
@The Midnight Lurker: IDK….some of the questions are making me a bit nervous
One of my favorite jury questions was the one asked in The Verdict, though it came after the verdict. I won’t spoil it though.
Just heard (from an only-occasionally reliable source) that T has decided to postpone his big military parade until 2019. Asked for a source, friend hasn’t replied yet. anyone here know anything about this?
@SiubhanDuinne: See prior thread. I think the Pentagon is saying next year.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: it’s all over twitter and I also got a CNN alert that it’s delayed a year.
Another Scott
@SiubhanDuinne: Downstairs one thread. :-)
Sister Golden Bear
Sentence first, verdict afterwards!
BTW, enjoying the JAL Business Class lounge here in Bangkok as I’m awaiting my first leg to Tokyo, and them back to SFO after a brief layover.
Thankfully, the surgeon gives you a letter requesting wheelchair service — the airport looks far, far bigger when you’re returning after genital reassignment surgery.
Just to clarify, I can walk short distances, and apparently there’s some stairs to navigate (since the check-in counter asked about it), but pushing a rolling bag almost a half-kilometer definitely wouldn’t have been a good idea.
The international date line is once again interesting. I leave at 9:45 a.m., and despite the 18-hour trip, I arrive in SFO at 1:30 p.m. the same day. I’ve crossed it a number of times before, but it still amuses me.
Are we obsessing just a wee bit?
And now where did the fucking formatting boxes go??!!?
BISH…may have as many as 200 tapes!!!
Alright ya’ll…what if…all this time..Omarosa was a double agent…who’s mission was to take Trump down…FROM THE INSIDE!!!
Well it wasn’t the OJ trial thank the FSM but one would think that with just what was presented by the prosecution that he has to end up guilty of several serious counts. Not sure what to make of the jury’s questions about reasonable doubt. What???? How? Did they see a different trial?
@TenguPhule: Yeah, that one made me laugh out loud.
Jerzy Russian
I once served on a jury for a case where the defense counsel offered no defense. A homeless man was arrested for “lodging” outside a local church. The prosecution produced a few witnesses who testified that the homeless man was sleeping on a piece of cardboard outside the church, and the defense counsel in her closing arguments did not argue or dispute the testimony. We (the jury) deliberated for a while, and ended up sending the homeless man up the river, where he would get three hots and a cot.
I hope things play out in a similar manner in the Manafort case, although I am flexible on the “three hots and a cot” part.
Whole bunch about that on the next floor downstairs, including (among others) a WaPo snippet.
And a Pentagon announcement, not one from orange lips/fingertips.
@kindness: I thought the defense closing arguments intended to confuse the definition of reasonable doubt.
CNN breaking:
@Sister Golden Bear: Happy jet trails, SGB. Wishing you a comfortable flight.
And lots of frequent flyer miles. What a journey.
Major Major Major Major
@kindness: based on the article Baud posted downstairs, it looks like the defense’s closing argument tried to portray “reasonable doubt” as a very very high bar to clear. The judge clarified that it means “doubt which is based in reason” or somesuch phrase.
Omnes Omnibus
@kindness: The reasonable doubt question is not uncommon. It is an odd concept, and juries want to do it right.
@efgoldman: And now the formatting boxes are back.
Alain, you needs new and better hamsters
Really, assholes? You dropped a billion apiece against the Kenyan and still thought that this known fraud is it?
Patricia Kayden
Just read that Omarosa has 200 tapes. Sounds as if she taped what was going on every dang day she was in the White House. Sister Girl wasn’t playing.
She’s still a horrible person though for even taking a job with the Trump regime.
@Another Scott:
Oh thanks, I’ve been offline for a couple of hours.
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: the formatting boxes are loaded with JavaScript towards the back of the queue. Any JavaScript malfunction further forward (which is where the ad scripts are) can stop execution of the rest of the page. So, malfunctioning ad can equal no formatting boxes or pie filter or…
The Midnight Lurker
@lamh36: Years ago, when I was a young, idealistic investigator, I had a client who got sent up on a bullshit charge. He was a good guy, but he had a record and the ASSt. DA was a real butthead. His court appointed attorney was useless, so I worked my ass off to get this guy off. I was disappointed and disillusioned when I couldn’t.
Before they sent him away, he told me, “You know that statue of justice? That’s why the bitch is holding scales. Sometimes they swing your way, sometimes the other.” Then he thanked me. I couldn’t stop the tears.
I’ve never looked at Lady Justice the same way since.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the questions this Jury is asking. There are 18 counts, and they have to consider each one. If they announce they have a verdict tomorrow it will def be guilty on most or all counts.
Thanks. Off to play catch-up now.
@Major Major Major Major:
I almost understood that!
It’s the 21st century. Nuclear-powered ferrets or bust!
@efgoldman: My translation: the fucking annoying ads are fucking up the usability of the BJ site.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: YOU DON’T SAY
The last time i had high hopes for the outcome of a jury trial was O.J. Needless to say, that did not go the way I had hoped.
The last tines I had faith in the Supreme Court to make a decision based on the law and not political party was the year 2000. Until then, I actually believed that the highest court in the land made decisions based on precedent and the rule of law. I was devastated.
Trying not to get my hopes up too much on this one.
Let’s assume he gets convicted of some fun stuff. Does Trump pull an Arpaio and pardon him before sentencing or after? It’s a given that will happen. I wonder how the part about how he can’t take the 5th on things he’s been pardoned for plays out.
Toss-up as to which is more detrimental, Mr. Cole’s choice of ads or choice of mopping techniques.
@WaterGirl: Or the fucking ferrets are dead.
@Major Major Major Major: I can’t tell whether you are mocking me for stating the obvious or if you’re offended by what I wrote. Help me out?
The millions of dollars that Paul Manafort made as a political “consultant” was drenched in human blood. He provided his slimy form of guidance to dictators like Suharto and Abacha in return for stolen money looted from that countries’ people. Here is a good summary:
Manafort is nothing more than shit wrapped in skin and deserves any and every punishment he gets. There is a very warm corner of Hell waiting for this degenerate.
Stridently disagree.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Given that the Pentagon leaked today that it will now cost $80 million, which is $70 million more than initially stated. So it wouldn’t surprise me if someone explained that this can’t happen. And the solution was pitch it as moving it to 2019 so it can be during the campaign.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: violent agreement!
@Patricia Kayden:
“Make it so.” They deserve each other. I, however, will always recall this:
If she’s going to claim it was all political theater I’m going to need some really compelling evidence.
@NotMax: I love Cole, and I hate it when people here give him a hard time. In spite of that, I feel compelled to say that I think Cole is missing the boat by sticking with the ads and he’s losing a lot of commenters because of the problems with ads on the site.
@Major Major Major Major: Oh, yay!
Adam L Silverman
@Sister Golden Bear: Travel safe. A good flight. And feel better!
Amir Khalid
I read in the last thread that the parade Dotard wants is specifically prohibited by the budget legislation — in particular, the use of certain military vehicles. Will he resort to using his imaginary authority to pick and choose which laws to enforce?
@WaterGirl: Hey been looking for you.
Scooter guys came out and measured me for a new one.
Lead time is ~3 months, because they’re all custom made to measure.
Medicare/Blue Cross picks up 90$
Ramp guys coming out next week
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Alain is down for the evening with a migraine. Keep good thoughts!
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: It’s not just the money. Reposting – GovExec:
Trying to spend money that Congress hasn’t appropriated is a very big no-no, as you know.
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: I can see how that may have been unclear, sorry!
@randy khan: and it did!
So for the people who were willing to listen to my whining earlier today about getting stuck in my decluttering process, I think I figured out the problem. All of the stuff I had boxed up so far was pre-sorted, so to speak, into various piles of books, knitting stuff, office supplies, etc.
Now I’ve worked past that point and I’m back in the Land Of Undifferentiated Piles Of Stuff. My best bet is probably to take a step back and do some more sorting-into-piles rather than trying to trying to sort each individual object by itself on the fly. ?
Well, it makes sense in my head, anyway, so that’s what I’m going to do.
The OJ trial went exactly the way it should have. The police and the prosecutors cheated. Jurors feel that deeply.
ETA I saw OJ’s Heisman trophy today at USC
Adam L Silverman
@Platonailedit: They’re also using the RNC this way. The RNC is the one paying Keith Schiller, the President’s hitter, $15,000 a month to keep him fat, happy, and quiet.
@Adam L Silverman: All the best to Alain.
He is fragile, but marvelous.
That was giving him a hard time?
A most affable ribbing, really.
The Midnight Lurker
I hate the ads too. But I love Balloon Juice. This blog is held together with little more than spit, bailing wire, and a bunch of angry people arguing with each other.
If Mr. Cole needs ads to keep this rust bucket afloat, so be it. Hell, I’ll click on the ads. I might even buy something if it helps.
Viva Balloon Juice!
@Adam L Silverman:
It seems to be the week for that — I’ve been fighting one off all week myself. Stupid asthma. ?
@kindness: He has (by his own stupid choice) another trial scheduled in September. Even if he skates, it is just a beginning….
Omnes Omnibus
@Immanentize: Yep. Both OJ trials had the right result.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: Yep. Looks like McCain’s staff wrote the authorization language to only allow the use of the Old Guard and the various Service bands and prohibited everything else. Say what you will about Senator McCain, but he knows how to work a grudge!
Major Major Major Major
@The Midnight Lurker: @WaterGirl: Cole is 110% losing money and readership due to knock-on effects from the ads.
ETA to note I haven’t actually seen the books and that’s not official site policy
@The Midnight Lurker
baling wire
As in the wire holding the biscuits of a bale of hay together.
/pedantic pet peeve
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: Migraines suck. I used to get them. Seem to have aged out of them. Prefer not to go back to getting them.
@efgoldman: A scooter! 3 months is a long time – You said “new scooter” – do you have something in the meantime?
They pick up a measly 90 bucks? How much do they cost?
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: I’m sorry. Feel better.
@Immanentize: It’s true that I had a different view of police and prosecutors then than I do now…
But justice wasn’t served. I believe he killed her, and he got off scott free. There’s no justice in that.
@Major Major Major Major
There are books?
Always pictured something more akin to Joe Franklin’s office.
The Midnight Lurker
@NotMax: Don’t sweat it. I never learned phonics so I can’t spell for shit. Everyone in my house corrects my spelling constantly, even the grandchildren. And I’m too lazy to review my post until AFTER I pressed the ‘post’ button. And spel-chek is as useless as peddles on a wheelchair.
Being from Texas, you would think I would’ve learnt to spell ‘baling wire’ by now. Sheesh.
@Adam L Silverman:
Migraines going on 5 decades. They are fun. There have been a number of things figured out to help suppress at least a percentage of them, especially for long term sufferers. So far been on a regimen for a bit over a year and my migraines per month has dropped about 80%. Not bad at all.
Doug R
@Major Major Major Major: See why we adblock?
@NotMax: Sorry, communication fail. I didn’t mean that you were giving him a hard time – naked mopping is fair game, after all.
I was trying to say that while I am not a fan of people seriously giving Cole a hard time about stuff, I was going to say out loud that I think he’s dead wrong on this ad situation and its impact of the site issues and I think he is (unintentionally) jeopardizing what he has created here at BJ.
I thought that Jeffrey Toobin’s book about the trial was really good. He explained in a really clear way how and why the LAPD and DA’s office screwed up and how the defense was able to exploit those mistakes.
Mark Fuhrman was actually a pretty good homicide detective (he found the bloody glove), but he managed to shoot himself in the foot by trying to impress a cute blonde screenwriter with his racist tough-guy stories, all of which turned out to be fake upon investigation.
Same wheelchair
No, 90 %
Felony Govt
@Sister Golden Bear: Have a good, comfortable flight home and I hope you recover quickly.
@Immanentize: When we toured USC with our daughter we remarked on how much they emphasized their sports achievements vs their academics.
@WaterGirl: That’s what I think. OJ killed Nicole and Ron. Got away with it.
No justice, but the trial event of the 90s.
@Mnemosyne: Godspeed
@efgoldman: Oh, yay! 90%. You wrote 90$. They should never have put those two right next to each other on the keyboard.
Stupid question, but does this mean that they aren’t going to be able to resolve your foot issues?
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: It takes 30 days to get the twin .50 caliber machine guns supplied and another 60 days to retrofit the scooter to mount them, then mount them, test them, and test the scooter. You can’t rush this type of thing.//
Major Major Major Major
@Doug R: I recommend ad blockers to everybody. Personally I use AdGuard and, on desktop, AdGuard and ghostery.
@Major Major Major Major: What do you recommend for an iPhone and iPad?
It’s gotten so I can’t even read BJ from my phone when I’m stuck somewhere.
I said right from the beginning that I’m not going to share details. Going to see a specialist from Brigham and Women’s on Monday
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: free AdGuard app. Turned it on here the day they got taboola.
@Adam L Silverman:
I chose the more compact laser cannons
@Adam L. Silverman
Oil slick and smokescreen generators optional.
@efgoldman: Sorry, I did not mean to pry. I hope all goes well with the specialist.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: A discerning choice.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Nuclear batteries to power! Turbines to speed!
Oh, c’mon, Sister Golden Bear is giving us the up close and personal view of her reassignment surgery and you won’t even give us the inside scoop about your lousy foot? ?
In case the emoji doesn’t come through: kidding! You don’t have to tell us a thing. I’m just teasing you.
First of all, Aretha Franklin has ONLY ever performed at Democratic Presidents Inauguration celebrations (going back to Jimmy Carter, which I did not know)
2nd of all, one of those Presidents was Bill Clinton, why is DA HELL…would she perform at Chump’s inauguration?
randy khan
I sometimes feel like I was the only white person in the U.S. who wasn’t surprised by the verdict in that case. I remember following it and thinking the prosecution was making a simple case much too complicated, and leaving lots of opportunities for the defense to punch holes in it. (There was like a week’s testimony about the driver who picked him up to go the airport.)
This case isn’t like that. It’s certainly possible that Manafort walks (although I think that’s really unlikely), but it won’t be because the prosecution did a bad job.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I love her a little more now
Knowing what we do about Ms. Franklin, it’s a good bet that her language was a lot saltier than that. ?
@Adam L. Silverman
Scene we never saw.
(splashing sound) “Holy Martinizing, Bruce, how much more would it have cost to put in a couple of cup holders?”
I have always thought there’s much too much personal medical information shared among the jackal tariat. Definitely not kidding.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: He wanted her precisely because she’d performed at both Obama’s and Clinton’s inaugurations.
randy khan
Given that Trump already has thrown Manafort under a couple of buses, it’s pretty clear he doesn’t love the guy the way he loved Arpaio (and he’s already more or less told the base that Manafort is a nobody who doesn’t matter). I don’t think it’s a given at all.
@Adam L Silverman:
7.62’s better, and cheaper. Those on a fixed budget can afford more ammo, and the recoil has a less “propulsive” effect.
The lighter weight also allows for a sharpened ram.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: They needed one of these:
Keith P
@randy khan: Plus, Manafort’s got another trial coming up, so I’m not sure he would want to show his hand on a pardon just yet.
@Adam L Silverman: Bingo.
randy khan
I hate that he wasn’t convicted. But in the big picture, justice is best served by a system that forces prosecutors to prove the defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and a jury is doing its job when it holds the prosecution to that standard.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh, I’m sure..but DA NERVE…smh
@trollhattan: Would you accept the evidence of her entire life in the public eye?
Adam L Silverman
@Jay: Ballista!
@Major Major Major Major: The judge said “The government is not required to prove guilt beyond all possible doubt.”
(From WaPo article I linked earlier.)
@WaterGirl: I use an ipad to read BJ (currently in desktop mode), and I have zero problems with ads or anything else. Why is that?
@WaterGirl: Maybe the site now costs so much to run that the ads are needed? I have no idea, but I think he used to pay for the site mostly out of his own pocket. Speculating: As the site and infrastructure demands grew, did it require a choice–ads, or fees, or tracking/collecting/selling commenter info to companies who’d pay more? I don’t know how they compare financially, but I could see how the latter two would violate more principles than the first.
It would be interesting/useful to know what a high traffic site like this costs. Does it a lot cost more to have many simultaneous readers, because of whatever you need to pay to keep the site loading fast? Would fewer posts cost less because people would check in fewer times a day? I think he’s very generous in offering space and freedom to post to so many. But in reality I got no idea.
@WaterGirl: Using a tablet. Have both crome and firefox. Son put crome on yr agò, firefox 2 months ago. Know he put ad blockers on with firefox; apparently didn’t with crome. Won’t read this site with crome because of video ads that block text.
On some sites use crome because firefox won’t access embedded images and tweets. Because of ad blockers?
Everyone has a different comfort level. FWIW, at least half the people at my day job know I have ADHD, and it’s a non-issue. However, people are usually pretty up-front about mental health in entertainment, so I doubt it would be the same level of acceptance if I worked in banking.
YetAnotherJay formerly (Jay S)
@randy khan: You were not alone, but I followed the trial closely and understood the LAPD screw ups.
Wyatt Derp
@kindness: Best of both worlds for Trump. Manafort won’t talk or make a deal because he is afraid of the Russian mob more than Mueller. That means Trump doesn’t need to pardon him and Manafort can still take the 5th.
Boris, Rasputin's Evil Twin
@Adam L Silverman: THE DELANO 2000!